Intro, Scientific Method, Measurement, and Density

8th Grade Physical Science – Course Pacing Guide
Pace and/or sequence may vary. (141 days)
Instructor: Greg Corder
School: Thomas Harrison Middle School
Team: Aviator
Phone: 540 434 1949 ext.123
Introduction to Physical Science and the Scientific Method
1. Brainstorm for success this year; fill out note cards about yourself; class rules
2. Branches of Science: Draw Your Interpretation of Science; short lecture on branches
of science
3. Observations and Predictions in Science: Happy/Sad ball demo, slinky man; balloons
and valve; other counter-intuitive demos; 10 min of Scientific Method (Cambridge
Ed.) Video; plan Penny Pincher activity
4. QUIZ on Branches of Science; Penny Pincher (build structure of pennies)
5. Scientific Method: finish Sci Mthd (Cambridge Ed.) Video
6. Scientific Method/Problem Solving: Finish Sci Mthd Video; book-tower of the
scientific method
7. Scientific Method: File Folder Game; (Scientific Method)
8. Scientific Method: Goofy research questions on note card activity
9. Scientific Method: Mrs. Ritchie’s Sample Problem research problem; explain/assign
project - “Independent Research Method - Applying the Scientific Method” (HW)
10. TEST
Class Research Project
Brainstorm research ideas for the Cola War; Assign independent research project
Computer lab: gather info on the Cola War; research skills w/ internet
Computer lab: gather info on the Cola War; free and guided search
Forming hypothesis review and setup the Cola War experiment; QUIZ
The Cola War experiment (perform and analyze data)
Graphing data with Excel: graph class and team results; QUIZ
Stating conclusion; model a conclusion w/ team wide Cola War results;
notes on components of a good conclusion; when given a hypothesis, state a
conclusion for the sample graphs on p. 61 "choosing the right graph" worksheet;
Measurement (mass, length, volume)
1. collect project and first science notebook; Intro Importance of Measurements:
Modern Marvels: Engineering Disasters (tower, salt mine, Exxon Valdez, etc.); show
first half
2. Powers of Ten Web page; Modern Marvels: Engineering Disasters; show second half;
assign textbooks
3. “Powers of 10” Video; Read text pp (pre-read, read, post-read)
4. brainpop (measurement, measuring mass); Modern Marvels (Mars Climate
Orbiter); begin Unit Conversion Worksheet 1
5. Continue Unit Conversion Worksheet; Begin Length Lab
6. QUIZ on metric system; Length, Mass, Volume: Finish length lab;
(Mass Vol. Density); short lecture on Mass vs. Volume; (HW: calculating volume
7. Mass lab;
8. Regular Solids volume lab
9. Mass of water and Volume of Irregular solids labs
10. more time needed on one of the labs?
11. TEST
Density lecture and demos; lead vs foam ball, fish tank (water, lead, foam), density
pile (corn syrup, glycerin, water, corn oil); regular and diet sodas in water; Dry Ice;
(HW: density worksheet 1)
Model and practice-Density of a liquid, regular, solid, and irregular solid); (HW:
density worksheet 2)
go over worksheets; begin Density of unknown cylinder samples lab
Finish Density of unknown cylinder samples lab and go over answers
Penny density v. Year
Layering liquids in test tube Lab
Density Review, Intro Phys and Chem Properties Reading assignment
Physical Properties v. Chemical Change
1. Notes; Demos chemical versus physical change
2. “White before your eyes” lab
Physical Changes (Phases) of Matter and Heat
Sub Plan: Physical Science in Action: Heat and Chemical Energy Video
1. States of Matter/Physical Properties: “Physical Property of Matter”, give as notes
from Overhead (lecture); viscosity tube demo; happy/sad ball demo (heat and cool
balls); (States of Matter)
2. Physical Change: BP and FP of water via ice to water to gas demo; superheated fluid
demo (steam); cappuccino
3. Physical Change: (pressure demos) nail bed, air bed, pressure water bottle; Cartesian
Diver; Boyle’s Law demo; Pressure fire device; Vacuum Pump (balloon expansion,
boil water, marshmallow, shaving cream); (heat/pressure demos) steam engine; can
crush (sublimation) Dry Ice (in hot water, in fish tank)
4. Physical Change: Expansion and contraction of matter: Liquid Nitrogen Demos
(marshmallow/tube/penny freeze, balloon freeze, balloon pop, ball/hoop, bimetallic
strip, bottle explosion)
5. Physical Change: (heat; temperature); Expansion and contraction of
liquids and gases: love meter (pulse glass); balloon over beaker heat/cool demo; build
thermometer lab; water is a weirdo; intro absolute zero and the Kelvin scale
6. Physical Change: (refrigeration); Refrigeration cycle; ice cold drink
soda; (water cycle); Heat Note skeleton
7. Exploring Heat video with note skeleton; Heat Transfer worksheet
(convection/conduction/radiation); hot and cold water food color; chapter 10 pictures
tour; (water cycle adv.)
8. Heat Transfer (radiation): radiation-can lab; shine light on skin, (EM
9. Heat Transfer (conduction): butter on metal rod, Hot chocolate (plastic vs. Styrofoam
cup; plastic vs. metal spoon); (wind)
10. Heat Transfer (convection): “Heat” note skeleton; convection swirl; Convection box,
Glass Convection Ring, water volcano
11. TEST
Classification of Matter
Sub Plan: Physical Science in Action: Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Video
Optional activity: Solution and crystallization: Rock Candy Saturation Lab; matter video
(solutions and saturation)
1. Video: Modern Marvels: Salt Mines
2. Classification of Matter: mixtures lecture w/ classification of matter; show suspension
(muddy water); make emulsion (salad dressing) demo; station activity to identify that
substance’s classification (heterogeneous mix, homogeneous mix, or pure substance?) (comp. & mixtures)
3. Separating mixtures (physical separation): Distillation Apparatus demo, filtration
demo; make coffee w/ presspot;
4. Homogeneous Mixtures: brainpop (temperature); classification of rocks activity
5. (3/4 class) Homogeneous Mixtures: measure the Freeze point of water and saltwater
6. Homogeneous Mixtures: Oobleck Lab
7. Solutions: demo (what will/won’t dissolve); explain solution (lemonade/tea)
8. Video Engineering Disasters 5
Atomic Model and the Periodic Table
Sub Plans: Physical Science in Action: Atoms and Molecules Video
Sub Plans: Physical Science in Action: Periodic Table Video
1. Indirect Evidence: Mystery Shoeboxes; History of the atom timeline worksheet (use
chapter 11); (atoms)
2. Subatomic Particles/Quarks: PBS Atom Builder website; (isotopes;
nuclear energy)
3. Ion Worksheet; “the model of the atom” worksheet pp 111-118; go over atom
4. Atomic Model: Webquest (HW: build atom)
5. Periodic Table: (Periodic Table); Lecture on periodic table; construct
the periodic table with note cards activity
6. Periodic Table: “Using the Table of Elements” worksheet; determining electron
orbital worksheet
7. Periodic Table: “Navigating the Periodic Table” web search
8. Periodic Table: PowerPoint review
9. TEST on Atoms and the Periodic Table
Compounds and Chemical Reactions
Sub Plans: Bill Nye: Chemical Reaction video
Optional activity: Test for Chlorine Lab
Optional activity: Types of chemical reaction using blocks (e.g., synthesis,
decomposition, etc)
1. Compounds and Chemical Change: burn a $1; Alcohol flame Bottle and chem eqn
intro; “Convince me that chemical reactions are important/interesting” activity;
“Counting Atoms” worksheet; use blocks to build/count molecules (HW: finish
worksheet and “Common Elements and Compounds That You Should Know” wksht)
2. Chemical Change: Brainpop (photosynthesis); Demos: H+ balloon; Na+ in water
3. Evidence for a Chemical Change: Demos: Separate/recombine water; alcohol/water
$1; NaOH & Vinegar balloon; film can rockets; “Balancing Chemical Equations”
worksheet (HW: Identifying Balanced Chemical Equations worksheet)
4. Nova: Fireworks video or Nova: Kaboom video
5. Flame test kit; gun powder; Chemical Reaction Note Skeleton; bonding and electron
dot notation
6. Rate of Reaction Lab (alkaseltzer, vinegar and baking soda)
7. Acid/Base: Acid/Base Lab; (pH Scale)
8. Identify the Spill Lab; hazardous material placards
9. TEST on Compounds and Chemical Reactions
Static Electricity
1. Static Electricity: Demos: Van de Graff, Electroscope; read: charge by friction,
conduction, induction; Conductor/Insulator Lab
2. Lightning: Lighting video Electric Skies; lightening demo: Faraday cage; draw
cartoon of steps of lighting strike on back of sheet (HW: finish cartoon)
3. Lightning: Lightning video Electric Skies continued; Discuss lighting safety; HW
make a 8.5X11 lightning safety sign (HW: finish sign)
4. QUIZ on Static Electricity
Current and Circuits
Sub Plans: Physical Science in Action: Electricity video
Sub Plans: Bill Nye: Electricity
1. Introduce Current Electricity: Lecture on circuit parts, AC/DC, Voltage, Current, and
Resistance, Batteries; (electricity, batteries)
2. Power Sources: Demo: Dissect a battery; Lab: Make a battery (Zn/Cu/Voltmeter/
3. Electrical Loads: Lab: Make a light bulb
4. Ohm’s Law: Worksheet and lecture: Ohm’s Law (HW: finish worksheet)
5. Electrical Power: lecture on Work and Power; Worksheet “Watt’s a kW” (HW:
finish worksheet)
6. Current Electricity: Fuses and circuit breakers
7. Circuits: Lecture on series vs. parallel circuits; explain circuit lab pt A if time
8. Circuits: Circuit lab Part A; explain pt B
9. Circuits: Circuit Lab Part B
10. Electrical Safety: Electricity Safety Webquest
11. TEST on Electricity
Sub Plans: Physical Science in Action: Magnetism video
1. Magnetic Material: (magnetism) “Is it magnetic?” Lab
2. Magnetic Field: Make compass; hang magnets; read HO 9-12
3. Electromagnetism: Make electromagnet; Electromagnet demos
4. Magnetism: Magnetism worksheet; read HO 15-18
5. QUIZ; TWTW (The Way Things Work software for motor); Bill Nye magnetism if
6. Electromagnetism: cheap motor lab; motor vs. generator
7. TEST on Magnetism
Sub Plans: Sound Video (real science); book work
Sub Plans: Bill Nye: Waves
Sub Plans: Physical Science in Action: Sound Video
Sub Plans: Physical Science in Action: Waves video
1. Raging Planet Video: Tidal Waves video
2. Wave Types: (wave); spring/types of waves; applets
3. Wave Behaviors: reflection, refraction, defraction, interference; applets
4. Wave Behaviors: strobe light; standing waves; Sound needs a medium;
5. Wave Behaviors: resonance, doppler effect, beating frequency
6. Sound: V of sound; metal bar; worksheet; v sound; (sound)
7. Sound: TWTW (The Way Things Work software); musical Instrument
8. Sound: The Human Ear (lecture); the Human Voice (Rubber bands);
(voice, hearing)
9. Review: mechanical waves vs. EM waves notes; review concept map; redo springs
and standing wave demos
10. TEST
Electromagnetic Spectrum/Color
Sub Plans: Energy in Action: Electromagnetic Spectrum video
1. Types of EM waves: group activity (research and present a type of EM radiation)
2. Types of EM waves: finish presentations; review Doppler effect and speed of
3. Radar: Demonstration by police department/resource officer
4. Short class: EM Spectrum: build solar motors
5. Video: Color; dispersion/prism demo; colored light demo
6. Color Addition: TWTW (The Way Things Work software); applets;
(rainbows, sun protection, EM spectrum)
7. Color Subtraction/Reflection: burning holes in colored paper (Which colors will
burn?); Painting
Lens/Mirror/Nature of Light
Video: Lens and Mirror
Behavior of Light: Reflection “eye/hand cord”; Laser mirror; draw law refl’n
Behavior of Light: Curved mirrors demos
Behavior of Light: Curved mirrors demos; fiber optics; (light)
Modern Theory of Light: Light timeline particle vs. wave
Vision: Eyeball; eyeglasses; corrective surgery; (vision)
QUIZ; informal student eye/vision exams; optical Illusions
Solar Oven Design Project
Sub Plans: Physical Science in Action: Balance and Motion video
1. Motion: Read text 300-312 (speed, velocity, acceleration with demos)
2. Speed/Velocity: Calculate velocity H.O. (half-class) (HW: finish worksheet)
3. Speed/Velocity: Paper Airplanes
4. Speed/Velocity: Track Lab (x vs. t)
5. Acceleration: Read 335-336 (terminal velocity, air fraction, gravity, acceleration
with demos)
6. Momentum: Momentum (Bill Nye) and demos (gravity)
7. Friction: Friction Lab
8. QUIZ; (Newton’s Laws)
9. Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion: Newton and 3 Laws (demos)
10. Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion: Newton “N” Action cartoon (HW: finish cartoon)
11. QUIZ
Machines (May be omitted or abbreviated)
1. Simple Machines: Students Plan presentation on an assigned simple machine
2. Simple Machines: Last minute planning; Student Presentation
3. Simple Machines: Student Presentation
4. Simple Machines: Pulley
5. Simple Machines: Lever
6. Simple Machines: Inclined Plane
7. Compound Machines: Intro/explain compound machines; explain project
8. Compound Machines: Bicycle; begin ID group work/planners
9. Compound Machines: Team/Group work time
10. Compound Machines: Team/Group work time
Summary of the Year via Energy Overview
Sub Plans: Energy in Action: Energy Video
Sub Plans: Energy in Action: Energy Resources and Conservation Video
1. Energy: PE/KE intro/rubber band activity
2. Energy: Types of Energy Student Groups plan and Present
3. Energy: Energy Conversion Stations
4. Energy: Make Energy Conservation Signs (HW: finish sign); (energy
sources, fossil fuels)
5. QUIZ on Energy and Energy Conversions
Other Topics Addressed (TBA)
Nuclear Energy and Weapons
Yearly Review for the SOL TEST
SOL Testing and Team Unit
Our Solar System
Stars and the Sun
Einstein and Relativity