2016 年悉尼工商学院推荐本科毕业生免试攻读硕士学位研究生 各专业面试备选文献清单 一、工商管理 文献 1:Effectiveness of corporate responses to brand crises: The role of crisis type and response strategies 文献 2:Government, company, and dyadic factors affecting key account management performance in China: Propositions to provoke research 文献 3:Institutional constraints of product innovation in China: Evidence from international joint ventures 文献 4:Operating autonomy in Chinese-foreign joint ventures 文献 5:A step-by-step process for transforming contentious disagreements into creative collaboration 文献 6:How Prevalent Is the Negativity Effect in Consumer Environments? 文献 7:BenchmarkingandMonitoringInternational Warehouse Operations in Europe 文献 8:Finding disseminators via electronic word of mouth message for effective marketing communications 文献 9:Examining WeChat users’ motivations, trust, attitudes, and positive word-of-mouth: Evidence from China 文献 10:Front-line Service Employees' Job Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry: The Influence of Job Demand Variability and the Moderating Roles of Job Content and Job Context Factors 文献 11:The Importance of Ethical Leadership in Employees’ Value Congruence and Turnover 文献 12:Cultural Differences in Brand Extension Evaluation: The Influence of Analytic versus Holistic Thinking 文献 13:DIVERGENT STAKEHOLDER THEORY 文献 14:Information and two-sided platform profits 文献 15:Job Design and the Employee Innovation Process: The Mediating Role of Learning Strategies 文献 16:Adopting Employees' Ideas: Moderators of the Idea Generation–Idea Implementation Link 文献 18:Research on Demand-driven Leagile Supply Chain Operation Model: a Simulation Based on AnyLogic in System 文献 19:The role of demand management in achieving supply chain agility 文献20:Information asymmetry, corporatedisclosure, and the capital markets:A review of he empirical disclosure literature$ 文献21:Inside the “Black Box” of Sell-Side Financial Analysts 文献22Managers’ Green Investment Disclosures and Investors’ Reaction 文献23:The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance 文献24:Financial accounting information and corporate governance$ 具体文献见附件。 二、国际经济与贸易 1. Domestic value added and employment generated by chinese exports: a quantitative estimation 2. Input-occupancy-output models of the non-competitive type and their application – an examination of the China-US trade surplus 3. The Impact of Trade on Intra Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity 4. Trading Tasks A Simple Theory of Offshoring 5. Estimating Trade Flows Trading Partners and Trading Volumes 6. Population growth and human capital investments 7. Gender, Agricultural production, and the theory of the household 8. Endogenous technological change 9. Economic growth and the environment 10. A contribution to the theory of economic growth 11. Economic growth in a cross section of countries 12. Conceptualizing smart city with dimensions of technology, people, and institutions 13. A contribution to the empirics of economic growth 14. Urban property taxation, revenue generation and redistribution in a frontier oil city 15. Embodied energy use in China’s industrial sectors 16. Information asymmetry, corporatedisclosure, and the capital markets:A review of he empirical disclosure literature$ 17. Inside the “Black Box” of Sell-Side Financial Analysts 18. Managers’ Green Investment Disclosures and Investors’ Reaction 19. The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance 20. Financial accounting information and corporate governance$ 具体文献见附件。 三、信息管理与信息系统 1、Chen H, Chiang R H L, Storey V C. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE AND ANALYTICS: FROM BIG DATA TO BIG IMPACT[J]. Mis Quarterly, 2012, 36(4):1165-1188. 2、Motamedi A, Hammad A, Asen Y. Knowledge-assisted BIM-based visual analytics for failure root cause detection in facilities management[J]. Automation in Construction, 2014, 43(7):73–83. 具体文献见附件。 上海大学悉尼工商学院 2015 年 9 月 14 日