hunt hill audubon sanctuary's terms of use

Facility Use Policies
Kitchen/Dining Hall (Appropriate for reception)
- Maximum of 100 people may be seated at one time.
- Cement floor; no heat available
- Before leaving tables should be wiped off, floor swept in both rooms, and trash taken to the dumpster.
- Hunt Hill food will be in the kitchen, back shelves, coolers and freezers. This food is NOT to be used.
- Dishwasher should be turned off, water emptied, trap cleaned and sinks rinsed out.
- Kitchen restroom is for kitchen staff only!
Barn Loft (Appropriate for additional reception space, wedding and/or dance)
- Maximum of 100 people.
- Heavy wooden floor; no heat available.
- Exit door from Loft out to the back stairway must remain unlocked for easy exit.
- Barn Loft door should not be raised or lowered without Hunt Hill staff assistance – to protect bats
roosting between Loft door and outside of Barn wall.
- Antique items on shelves around sides of Loft are not to be tampered with.
- Long rectangular folding tables and folding chairs are available on request.
- This space is not handicapped accessible.
Program Learning Center ( PLC ) (Appropriate for dance)
- Maximum of 150 people.
- Cement floors; wood furnace available – replacing firewood from outside stacks is encouraged.
- Please, to avoid plugging the toilet, patrons must hold handle down for a complete flush.
- Nature displays are off limits to guests and will be blocked from entry – arrangements can be made to
open displays if scheduled.
Library (Appropriate for wedding ceremony)
- Maximum of 70 people
- Soft wood floors are susceptible to scratching, so Hunt Hill staff set up of chairs and couches is required.
- Fragile and valuable materials within – guests are not to remove anything from the shelves.
- Fireplace available - spark screen must be in place in front of fireplace opening any time there is a fire
burning; otherwise no heat is available.
- Due to the value of the materials within and to prevent infestation of insects or rodents, no food or drink
is allowed in this building.
- Wheelchair ramp available upon request.
- Maximum of 83 people
- Soft wood floors are very susceptible to scratching, so furniture is not to be moved in the dorms.
- Long Dorm offers twin beds with 15 double-occupancy and 2 quadruple-occupancy rooms.
- Cross Dorm offers twin beds with 3 double-occupancy rooms and 4 open wings with 6-12 beds in each
wing. The main entrance is used for entering Cross Dorm, as each wing’s doors serve only as fire exits.
- All dorm rooms can be requested as single-occupancy, except for the wings in Cross Dorm.
- To prevent infestation of insects or rodents, no food or drink is allowed in the dorms.
- Wheelchair ramp available upon request.
- No linens (pillows, blankets, towels) are provided.
- Dorms are not heated.
- Due to limited electrical capacity, we ask that no appliances (heaters, fans, coffee pots) be used in the
dorm rooms. Outlets are available in the shower house for hair dryers and curling irons.
All dorm rooms are kept locked unless reserved and rooms are assigned by the wedding party 7 days in
advance. (A $20 additional fee will be charged if room assignments are not received 7 days in advance.)
- This building is not heated. Showers and faucets do have hot water.
- 4 showers and toilets are available for women and 2 showers and toilets are available for men.
- A handicapped accessible bathroom with shower is available upon request.
Other Equipment and Facilities
- Tent sites are available and should be reserved 7 days in advance.
- A total of 4 rectangular tables (seat 6 comfortably) and 1 square table (seat 4) are available for use in the
- A total of 4 rectangular tables (seat 6 comfortably) and 2 square tables (seat 4) are available for use in
the PLC.
- A total of 75 chairs & 16 tables are available for dining arrangements (add. folding chairs available).
- A total of 4 rectangular folding tables (seat 6 comfortably) can be used in the barn loft or PLC.
- A total of 30 metal folding chairs without white rubber tips on chair legs are available for outdoor
seating (no white-tipped chairs are allowed outside of the buildings). In addition, we have six of the 2-3
seat benches, and twelve outdoor lounge chairs.
General Facility Requests
No tape is to be used to attach things to our facilities. Tacks are acceptable to use on wood surfaces.
Plastic tie straps can also be used to attach items to various surfaces.
No candles, sparklers, bottle rockets, firecrackers or any other fireworks are allowed.
Absolutely no firearms are allowed on Hunt Hill property.
This is a smoke-free facility. No smoking allowed in any building. Guests may smoke by the upper or
lower campfire pits or in the parking areas. All cigarette butts are to be put into the upper fire pit or put
out and thrown into the garbage.
Our facilities host children who may be barefoot at times. To protect them, we ask that no glass
containers, bottles or cups be brought outside.
If renting the library, or requesting that our staff set up other buildings for your wedding, a floor plan
must be received at least 7 days before the event. Hunt Hill reserves the right to adjust your floor plan,
as needed, to allow for adequate seating and to comply with fire safety standards.
Keep doors closed. Please remember to keep doors closed on all buildings – including bathrooms! This
will prevent animals from moving into these areas.
As a nature sanctuary, we encourage recycling, composting, and minimal wastes - including food and
energy efficiency (shutting off lights after use in a building).
Rental Timing
One-day rental begins at 10am and ends at 10am the next morning. No equipment may be brought in
before this time and all equipment must be removed by check out time or the party will be charged a
second day’s rental. Arrangements can be pre-made to change the rental times.
Advanced setup, 24 hours prior to the event may be scheduled; however, advanced set up may not be
allowed if another program is taking place at Hunt Hill.
A check-in time must be pre-arranged with a Hunt Hill staff member. All guests scheduled to help with
your event should be present to review Hunt Hill’s procedures.
Likewise, a checkout time must be pre-arranged before your event. At checkout, the Hunt Hill staff
member will walk the facility with renters to check for damages and to confirm departure.
Early arrivals or late departures are discouraged, because they will require additional work scheduling
for Hunt Hill’s staff or cause conflicts with other pre-arranged programming. In addition, this will be
considered a breach of contract and the party may be charged a second day’s fee.
Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco
Drugs: No illegal substances are allowed on Hunt Hill’s property.
Alcohol: By law, no one under 21 may possess or consume alcoholic beverages. Hunt Hill assumes no
responsibility or liability for underage drinkers.
Tobacco: Hunt Hill is a smoke-free facility. There is NO smoking allowed in any of the buildings. We
encourage smokers to congregate near the campfire pit area or parking lots only. Cigarette butts should
be placed in the upper fire pit or garbage, after they are put out.
Parking is limited to designated areas and NO cars are allowed on the grass of the main camp.
A parking attendant must be assigned (hiring of Hunt Hill staff is available).
If overflow parking is needed, vehicles may be parked on outbound side of Hunt Hill Rd. only.
D.J.’s may not use a bubble machine or fog machine.
Children must be supervised.
Please place used gum only in the garbage.
Hunt Hill staff will be on the property until the last person leaves.
To prevent misunderstandings or a breach of contract, please provide a copy of this contract to those
who are helping to plan and run your event.
Hunt Hill personnel have the authority to contact law enforcement officials, if necessary, to protect Hunt
Hill property and personnel.
Contact Hunt Hill 7 days prior to your event to confirm total number of guests, rooms needed, food, etc.
Damage Deposit and Breach of Contract
A damage/breach of contract deposit in the amount of $300.00 is DUE WITH YOUR CONTRACT AND 50%
DEPOSIT of your facility use fee. If your damage deposit is paid by check, your deposit (less any charges) will be
returned within 10 business days of the rental, provided there is no damage to the facilities or grounds. Based on
damage or other unforeseen expenses caused by the actions of renter’s guests, a partial deposit may be returned at
the sole discretion of Hunt Hill Audubon Sanctuary’s Executive Director. You are liable for any damage done to
Hunt Hill’s property. An appeal of these charges may be made to the Hunt Hill Board of Directors. A breach of
contract occurs if renter, or any affiliated guest, disregards the guidelines listed in this contract.
A breach of contract fee will be incurred if any of the following occur:
 Your event begins prior to the agreed-upon time.
 All materials are not removed from rented spaces by the time of checkout.
 Copies of the dorm assignments, floor plans, and food arrangements have not been received by Hunt Hill 7 days
prior to the event.
 Any actions or lack thereof that would require Hunt Hill to hire additional staff or outside contractors to return the
facilities to their original conditions (does not include general cleanup, restocking of paper materials, etc.)
• Substantial damage has occurred to the property and/or the facility has been left in an unacceptable condition.
Cancellation Policy
The full down payment is non-refundable, unless notice is given 30 days prior. If notice is given within 10 days of
the scheduled event, 50% of the deposit will be returned. If notice is given less than 10 days prior to the event, no
refund will be issued. Full damage deposit will be returned in any cancellation.
Before your Event:
1. Rooms - Be sure to have guests RSVP rooms or tent spaces well in advance of your event. Next, use the
dorm floor plans to assign your guests’ rooms. The rooms requested will be the only spaces available
during your event.
2. Assigning Jobs – To avoid confusion during your event, and to prevent a breach of contract by your
guests, it is a good idea to assign individuals to the following jobs.
- Parking: There is NO parking allowed on the grass or in the fire lane. Assigning someone to
parking will avoid traffic congestion and prevent people from parking where they are not allowed.
- Dorms: Assigning a person to dorm and tent duty ensures that your guests easily find their rooms
and understand the simple rules of the dorms. Tents should be placed with guest safety in mind.
- Food: If you choose to cater your own event, anyone working in the kitchen will need to receive
short kitchen training with a Hunt Hill staff member. The training covers sanitary issues,
equipment use and appropriate cleanup.
- Decorating: Individuals in charge of decorating should be aware of our policies. Decorations that
leave any kind of residue are not allowed, which includes the following: tape, silly string, glitter,
and other similar items, either inside or outside our facilities. We encourage the use of tacks, zip
ties, plastic ties, paper weights or tacky clay.
- Cleanup: To ensure the facilities are returned to their original state by the end of the rental
agreement, a cleanup crew should be assembled. This crew should be in charge of checking the
grounds for litter, beverage containers, cigarette butts, etc. They should also be in charge of
checking over the buildings to make sure any messes are picked up, sweeping out each building,
making sure no decorations or personal items are left behind and to double check for damage to the
3. Send in your floor plans, room assignments, food orders (if applicable), and any special requests so that
Hunt Hill receives it no later than 7 days prior to your event, or a late fee may be assessed.
4. Before the event, schedule a check-in time to review policies (See On your Event below) with a Hunt
Hill staff member and your event helpers. A checkout time will also need to be scheduled.
On your Event:
1. Gather group of event helpers to meet with a Hunt Hill staff member at your scheduled time. The Hunt
Hill staff member will answer any questions, review the contract and collect final payment.
2. Have your event helpers manage their areas and assist guests in understanding the expectations of Hunt
Hill as found on the Terms of Use Sheet.
After your Event:
1. As a Sanctuary and Nature Center since 1955, we ask our guests to be stewards of the property. In this
context, we expect the facilities to be left in the condition they were found. Litter and cigarette butts
should be placed in the garbage, garbage from the kitchen should be placed in the dumpster, all left over
food and decorations must be removed from the buildings by check out time and facilities should be
void of messes.
2. Renters will meet with Hunt Hill staff, at the pre-arranged check out time, to walk through all facilities.
3. If there was no breach of contract or damages, Hunt Hill will return the full damage deposit to the
renters within 10 business days. If a breach of contract or damage is discovered, money withheld will be
up to the discretion of the Executive Director and Board of Directors.