Lesson plan - Light Bulb Languages

Topic: Seasonal colours
Lesson: 64
Lesson aims: By the end of this lesson children should be able to describe
the seasons using colours and antonyms.
Starter: Ask children what is an adjective and what is a noun. Read out a
selection of known nouns and adjectives . When children hear an adjective,
they clap their hands; when they hear a noun, they pat their head.
Revise seasons using mimes.
1. Hand out mini flashcards of the seasons(res 64.1) .Play
extracts from Vivaldi’s “Four seasons”(res 64.2) and ask the
children to identify which season matches each extract
putting the cards in order. Children listen again and in pairs
pick out colour cards that they can associate with each
2. Put the seasonal headings on the board and ask the children
to say which colours go under which headings. Write their
suggestions on the board.(or use colour flashcards and stick
these up)
3. Introduce some antonyms (see vocab)(res 64.3)Picture
flashcards) Ask children to come out and match the pairs. Use
the pairs to introduce the pronunciation of the new words.
4. Practise using mime, Jacques a dit, morpion.
5. Play Ping pong with the antonyms. Bat chaud to the children
and they bat back froid
5. Children work in pairs to decide which of the antonyms go
with each season.
Resources required:
Res 64.1 mini seasons flashcards
Res 64.2 Vivaldi’s 4 seasons extracts
Res 64.3 antonyms flashcards
Res 64.4 p.p
To understand
and express
To integrate new
language into
previously learnt
To use actions
and rhymes to aid
Language Required:
©MFL Sunderland 2010 RM http://www.sunderlandschools.org/mfl-sunderland
Follow on activities:
Play the ping pong game
Children illustrate descriptions of the seasons for the display.
Use software packages to create calligrams for antonyms. wordles
All stand in a circle and no. Children 1-4. Say a no. And an antonym and
children with that no. swap places moving in the manner of the word.
©MFL Sunderland 2010 RM http://www.sunderlandschools.org/mfl-sunderland