Hello, If this is the first time you are receiving this request from the

If this is the first time you are receiving this request from the Mustard Seed Project to send a
letter asking a corporation to stop funding Planned Parenthood, it doesn't take long. You can use
one of the form letters below or write your own letter, using points from the letters below. Save
your letter to use again next month, then just change the addressee and date. EVERY SINGLE
LETTER MAKES A DIFFERENCE. To date, over 180 corporations have agreed to stop funding
Planned Parenthood. Please continue your magnificent work!
Good news!! Color Me Mine, the paint your own pottery studio, has been removed from the
boycott list.
Planned Parenthood (PP) has received billions from the federal government over the years. This
year they received over $335 million from the federal government alone. Those dollars would
do a lot to help people who are losing their jobs because of the economic downturn.
In addition to being the world's largest abortion provider, PP does many other evil things:
PP was caught violating the Born Alive Infant Protection Act which requires that infants who
survive abortions must be provided medical care. PP routinely commits infanticide. See
PP does not always follow the law on reporting statutory rape. See
http://www.all.org/stopp/wsr070530.htm and scroll down. See PP of AZ's violation of the
statutory rape law at http://www.liveaction.org/monalisa/tucson
PP supports partial-birth abortion and rejects safety regulations at abortion facilities. PP sued the
state of Missouri to prevent a law requiring abortion facilities to ensure the safety of women,
saying it would cost $600,000 and they can't afford it. We are happy to report that PP lost the
Another offensive web site from PP: www.takecaredownthere.org
Again PP sent a 13-year-old for an abortion across state lines, hiding the abortion from her
parents and sending her back to the statutory rapist:
PP is also charged with causing the defeat of the California referendum requiring parents be
notified before their minor daughter can obtain an abortion.
On a lighter note, you can see sonograms of preborn babies at
http://www.yourdevelopingbaby.com/sampleChapters/7.htm , including a dancing fetus.
The letter recipient for March 2009 is: DUPONT.
agriculture (Pioneer Hi-Bred; pest control: Advion, Ecomite, Jaguar, TOMCAT),
animal/pet care, apparel (protective: Acturel, ProShield, Softesse, Tychem, Tyvek),
chemicals (cleaning: Biofoam, Biosolve, DSC1000, Neutrafoam, Vertrel; disinfectants:
Ambicide, Hyperox, Virkon),
electronics (components),
home products (air filters, alarms: carbon monoxide, smoke; carpet/flooring: Real Touch;
cookware: Autograph; countertops/surfaces: Corian, Granite Simplicity, Zodiaq;
gardening/landscaping products (Greenvista); glass laminating: Butacite, SentryGlas,
Spallshield; pool/spa care; water filters),
lodging (Hotel DuPont),
lubricants (machinery),
motor vehicle care/operation (cleaning: Hydrology, Teflon).
Please write to:
Mr. Charles O. Holliday, Jr.
Chairman & CEO
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
1007 Market St.
Wilmington, DE 19898
WWW Address: www.dupont.com
DuPont has been on The Boycott List since July 2007.
March 11, 2009
Mr. Charles O. Holliday, Jr.
Chairman & CEO
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
1007 Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19898
Dear Mr. Holliday:
Life Decisions International has placed the du Pont Company on a pro-life boycott list because
of your support of Planned Parenthood. You may wish to reconsider contributing to Planned
Parenthood because they do not always report the statutory rape of young girls who visit their
facilities. Below are examples.
Arizona: A 12-year-old girl was raped and then aborted. PP did NOT report the crime. The same
girl was taken to PP six months later for another abortion and that time PP did report. The rapist
was arrested and convicted. The girl sued Planned Parenthood, and a judge ruled that PP
was negligent for not initially reporting the rape.
California: An 11-year-old girl told PP she was raped, but asked PP not to tell anyone. The law
requires, regardless of the girl’s desires, that
when an 11-year-old is raped, it must be reported. PP featured a letter from the girl on its web
site praising PP for keeping the rape secret.
Ohio: A 16-year-old-girl was forced to have an abortion at PP. She told PP that her father was
abusing her. PP did not report the abuse and the
father continued to rape the girl for 18 months. The girl filed a lawsuit against PP for refusing to
report the rapes. The same Planned Parenthood
affiliate is being sued for not reporting the rape of a 14-year-old girl by her soccer coach.
See http://hotair.com/archives/2008/04/14/hannity-planned-parenthood-covered-up-statutoryrape/.
Connecticut: A 22-year-old man was arrested for impregnating and having a 14-year-old aborted
three times in six months. Newspaper reports say it was the girl’s mother who alerted authorities,
not the abortion facility.
California: In San Francisco a 13-year-old was aborted, but Planned Parenthood did not report
the sexual abuse and it continued for another 7 months until her mother found out.
North Carolina: The PP cover-up of statutory rape can be seen at:
Indiana: PP received a reprimand from the state (August 2008) for failing to provide information
required on reports. The PP coverup of statutory rape can be seen at:
Arizona: PP has been caught again failing to report statutory rape:
Life Dynamics of Denton, Texas did a telephone survey of PP abortion facilities and found that
90% of them would cover up and not report the
sexual abuse of statutory rape. They found that when a child predator takes a young girl he has
impregnated to PP for an abortion, it will not
be reported and the predator will be free to continue abusing the minor. See
http://www.childpredators.com/ for recordings of the survey calls.
Please consider donating to organizations which always observe the law with regard to sexual
It is noteworthy that Planned Parenthood promotes degrading instructions for teens. See
www.takecaredownthere.org for their approach. Do you want your company to have the
reputation of contributing to an organization that endorses child pornography?
South Dakota passed a law that requires abortionists to tell women the truth that an abortion will
"terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being". See sonograms of preborn
babies at http://www.yourdevelopingbaby.com/sampleChapters/7.htm including a dancing fetus.
Planned Parenthood said the law was "unconstitutional". Unconstitutional to tell women the
March 11, 2009
Mr. Charles O. Holliday, Jr.
Chairman & CEO
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
1007 Market St.
Wilmington, DE 19898
Dear Mr. Holliday:
Life Decisions International has placed the du Pont Company on a pro-life boycott list because
of your support of Planned Parenthood.
Newly released data reveals that for the 2006-2007 fiscal year, Planned Parenthood committed
289,650 surgical abortions, had over a billion
dollars of revenue, $112 million profit and received $336 million in federal funds. Planned
Parenthood has received $4.2 billion (yes, that’s
billion) in taxpayer funds since 1987.
Planned Parenthood spends $48 million a year on sex education programs in an effort to entice
children into sexual activity (e.g. www.teenwire.com and a book, "It's Perfectly Normal", for
children as young as ten) without parental guidance or any idea of the morality of the sexual
activity. The book has been called pornographic. See:
PP has introduced another offensive website www.takecaredownthere.org that degrades teens.
Over four million babies have died in Planned Parenthood facilities. Planned Parenthood has
located almost 80% of their abortion facilities in
black neighborhoods, and black women have 35% of the abortions in the US. So Planned
Parenthood has killed over 1.3 million black babies.
Planned Parenthood is a very successful business, but it is a disaster for America. It contributes
to the spread of debilitating diseases, has
killed more people than currently live in many of our states, and has done it all under the guise of
a "charitable" organization with 39
percent of its funding coming from our taxes.
Do you want your company to have the reputation of contributing to an organization that
endorses child pornography? Please stop supporting
Planned Parenthood.
South Dakota passed a law that requires abortionists to tell women the truth that an abortion will
"terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being". See the sonograms of
preborn babies at http://www.yourdevelopingbaby.com/sampleChapters/7.htm including a
dancing fetus. Planned Parenthood said the law was "unconstitutional". Unconstitutional to tell
women the truth?
(Your name and address)
PS Please see more on Planned Parenthood's activities in the enclosed report by Matt Barber.
Teen Sex? Please Do! - Planned Parenthood
by Matt Barber
September 1, 2008
Planned Parenthood, the billion dollar corporate abortion mill, has taken indecency to a whole
new level and is using your taxpayer dollars to do so. The organization, which is responsible for
the abortion deaths of tens of millions of people, was founded in 1916 by admitted whitesupremacist Margaret Sanger, with the lofty goal of, as Sanger put it, eliminating "the ever
increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at
all." Lest there be any doubt as to whom, exactly, Sanger was referring to, she also wrote: "We
do not want the word to go out that we (Planned Parenthood) want to exterminate the Negro
Sorry, Maggie. Word’s out.
Although Planned Parenthood’s primary mission is detestable beyond words and remains
unchanged still today, its secondary goal, if left in a vacuum, is not so sinister. That is, of course,
to make lots and lots of money.
But here’s what is sinister. In order to make lots and lots of money, Planned Parenthood, just like
any other "service provider," needs lots and lots of customers, and the best way to get those
customers is to promote the very behaviors which create them. Specifically, to manipulate kids –
under the guise of so-called "comprehensive sex education" – to engage in promiscuous, casual
sex as soon and as often as possible. It’s simple supply and demand. Planned Parenthood
encourages the behaviors which create the demand and then dutifully offers its deadly supply.
To that end, Planned Parenthood has created a new promotional Web site that targets youth. It’s
called "Take Care Down There" (www.takecaredownthere.org). It features short, near
pornographic "public service" video vignettes which, among other things, promote casual sex,
immodesty, homosexuality and even group sex.
For example, in perfect keeping with its demonstrably racist, loosey-goosey sexual tradition, one
of the Planned Parenthood videos depicts what appears to be a teenage African-American male
relegated to performing oral sex – in public – on a white teenage male. Another white male (a
creepy adult authority figure who seems just a little too interested) walks up and begins giving
instructions. The white teenager then says, "I didn’t even spew."
In another vignette, a teenage girl appears to drop her pants – again in public – exposing her
privates in front of two other girls and the same African-American male. She then asks them,
"Do you see anything down there?" referencing potential evidence of sexually transmitted
disease. Of course, based on her cavalier sexual attitude and tart immodesty (or is that immodest
tart?) the odds strongly favor the likelihood that she does, in fact, have something "down there."
So why does Planned Parenthood’s latest vulgar foray into the corruption of America’s youth
concern you? Simple – you're paying for it. Consider the following information compiled by
Liberty Counsel:
Planned Parenthood has been receiving federal funding under the Title X Family Planning
Program, enacted in 1970 as Title X of the Public Health Services Act. Section 1008 of the Act,
as amended, stipulates that "None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in
programs where abortion is a method of family planning," yet Planned Parenthood is
nevertheless receiving funds under this federal program.
During the 2006-2007 fiscal year, Planned Parenthood received a total of $336.7 million from
government grants and contracts (that’s your taxpayer dollars). In 2008, $300 million was given
to family planning clinics, under the Title X program. These funds were used to service over five
million people, a third of which received "care" from a Planned Parenthood clinic.
On October 27, 2007, a coalition of leaders from dozens of conservative groups, including
Liberty Counsel, Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, the American Family
Association and more, signed a joint letter calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood, after
revelations of the abortion giant’s alleged systematic violation of Kansas state law came to light.
Senator David Vitter (R-LA) and Representative Mike Pence (R-IN) have both introduced
legislation that would prevent Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from receiving
taxpayer dollars in the future.
While commenting on Planned Parenthood’s latest abuse of taxpayer dollars, Attorney Mathew
Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, stated, "Planned Parenthood has now given the
federal government yet another reason to stop funding this racist, eugenic, and immoral
"Why should hardworking Americans pay to support Planned Parenthood’s profiteering sex
agenda, that encourages teenage sex on the one hand and then profits by aborting the
consequences of such promiscuity on the other hand?
Planned Parenthood’s Web site is offensive and, frankly, shocks the conscience. It is insane that
we allow our tax dollars to fund such an irresponsible and destructive organization. We must
stop funding Planned Parenthood and we must stop now!"
True, indeed. Beyond its stated mission to cleanse the world of "human beings who never should
have been born at all," Planned Parenthood’s primary purpose is to promote promiscuity among
youth in order to line its pockets, plain and simple. There’s a clear conflict of interest here. When
kids engage in risky sexual behaviors, Planned Parenthood wins. Why else would it be
promoting casual sex, homosexuality and group sex?
It’s like the tobacco industry showing kids how fun and exciting it is to smoke cigarettes, and
then telling them, with a wink, "But always smoke safely." We wouldn't allow Joe Camel access
to our kids on the taxpayer dime; neither should we give Margaret "The Reaper" Sanger and her
Planned Parenthood brood such taxpayer-funded access.
There are two types of stem cells: those that treat and cure people (adult) and those that help only
politicians and researchers (embryonic).