Lab Exercise - St. Catherine University

BIOL2450 Applied Microbiology Lab
Summer 2011
M51 Tuesday & Wednesday 10:00-11:50PM
M52 Tuesday & Wednesday 4:00-5:50PM
M53 Tue 8:00-9:50PM & Wed 6:00-7:50PM
CRN 40103
Vu, Cuc Kim
Vu, Cuc Kim
Golden, Mangan
Lab Description and Objectives:
The students will have hands on activities that involve microscopic work and growing microbes for
testing/observation. At the end of this lab, students should be able to explain major objectives such as:
General Microscopy and aseptic technique, Microbial morphology and differential stains, and Microbial
control and biochemistry
Mangan Golden
Office: Old Main 427, Tel: 651-690-7786, and Email:
Office Hours:
Cuc Kim Vu
Office: Old Main 425, Tel: 651-690-7835, and E-mail:
Office Hours:
 Microbiology Lab Manual (Required)
 Microbiology: A Photographic Atlas For the Laboratory by Alexander and Strete
Attendance Policy:
* Regular class attendance is expected of all students. Attendance is defined by the format of the course.
For online courses, attendance means following the communication requirements and due dates on the
syllabus. For in-class learning, attendance means that 1-students are expected to arrive at class on time
and stay for the duration of the class; and 2- students, whether present or not, are responsible for in-class
assignments. For hybrid courses, students must follow both the online and in-class attendance
requirements. Failure to attend, for any reason, may be taken into account in the evaluation of the
student's work. Each instructor will include the attendance/participation policy in the course syllabus.
First day attendance (for in-class) or first week online communication (for online learning) is required.
Instructors may drop a student who does not attend the first day (in-class) or communicate online (online
learning) the first week and approve the registration of another student seeking to enroll in the class. The
instructor will notify the Registrar's Office which students should be dropped for first day/week
First day/first week withdrawals are the only circumstances in which the faculty and Registrar's Office
may impose a withdrawal. Under all other circumstances, including absences later in the term, the student
must initiate withdrawal from a course. Even if a student does not attend class meetings, the student
remains financially responsible for paying tuition for the course, up to the date of formal withdrawal.
Consult the academic calendars on the University's website for the add, drop and withdrawal deadlines. *
Attendance is crucial to successfully completing this lab. Labs are hands on and provide a vital learning
environment that is difficult to replicate elsewhere. Attendance will be taken at the end of each lab.
Students who are absent for five or more labs will receive an F for the lab component.
Total lab score will make up 30% of your final microbiology grade. Student lab score will be determined
by two exams, ten quizzes, and ten lab reports. All materials will be graded within one week.
Exams will consist of multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, short essay questions, and a practical
component. Due to the practical component, exams must be taken on the specified date.
There will be a total of ten pre-lab quizzes, to be taken online the day before the first day of lab (for
example, if you have a Tuesday and Wednesday lab – you would take the quiz on Monday). See syllabus
for specified dates. Quizzes will cover materials on the current week’s lab exercise(s) from the lab
manual and review questions. Students will have 10 minutes to complete the quiz. Students are allowed
to make-up one quiz, otherwise there are no make-up quizzes – no exception. Make up quiz must be
completed within one week after original quiz date.
Lab reports are to be completed and submitted to the instructor at the beginning of lab by the assigned
date. Students who miss a lab will not be given credit for that portion of the lab report. Late lab reports
will not be accepted. See handout for directions on format and content.
The breakdown of lab scores are shown below:
Exam I & II
100 points
Lab Reports (10)
150 points (15 points/lab report)
Quizzes (10)
100 points (10 points/quiz)
The St. Catherine University Mission Statement:
The St. Catherine University educates women to lead and influence. Founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph
of Carondelet in 1905, the University integrates liberal arts and professional education within the Catholic
traditions of intellectual inquiry and social teaching. Committed to excellence and opportunity, the
University engages students from diverse backgrounds in a learning environment uniquely suited to
women. Education at the St. Catherine University prepares graduates to demonstrate ethical leadership
grounded in social responsibility.
The Minneapolis Campus
The Minneapolis campus provides educational opportunities in health-care and human-services fields to a
diverse coeducational student body. The campus atmosphere and educational philosophy stress student
development: frequent opportunities for success and individualized academic, personal and financial
support. Its special mission is to educate competent, technical-level health and human-services workers,
with a regard for the whole person. Associate degree programs include technical programs and a liberal
arts transfer program that combine general education with the basic knowledge, skills and values of
specific health-care and human-services fields. Certificate programs emphasize specialized knowledge
and skills necessary to meet additional educational needs in these fields. Innovative programming and
quick response to the changing demands of health-care and human-services delivery systems characterize
the programs offered on the Minneapolis campus.
BIOL2450 Applied Microbiology
Lab Schedule
Week One:
May 30-Jun 3
Week Two:
Jun 6-Jun 10
Week Three:
Jun 13-Jun 17
Week Four:
Jun 20-Jun 24
Lab Exercise
Lab Exercise 1: Orientation to the Microbiology Laboratory
Lab Exercise 2: Use and Care of the Microscope
Lab Exercise 3: Microscopic Observation of Microorganisms
Week Five:
Jun 27-Jul 1
Lab Exercise 7: Collection and Inoculation of Clinical Culture
Week Six:
Jul 4-Jul 8
Week Seven:
Jul 11-Jul 15
Week Eight:
Jul 18-Jul 22
Open Lab
Exam I
Lab Exercise 8: A Review of Common Staphylococcus
Lab Exercise 9: A Review of Streptococcus
Lab Exercise 10 & 11
Week Nine:
Jul 25-Jul 29
Lab Exercise 12: Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
Lab Exercise 13: Physical and Chemical Agents
Week Ten:
Aug 1-Aug 5
Open Lab
Exam II
Lab Exercise 4: Introduction to Gram Staining and other stains
Lab Exercise 5:
Lab Exercise 6
Assignments Due
Quiz #1(Lab Ex 3)
Lab Report 1: Lab Ex 2
Quiz #2(Lab Ex: 4)
Lab Report 2: Lab Ex 3
Quiz #3(Lab Ex: 5)
Quiz #4(Lab Ex: 6)
Lab Report 3: Lab Ex 4
Quiz #5(Lab Ex: 7)
Lab Report 4: Lab Ex 5
Lab Report 5: Lab Ex 6
Lab Report 6: Lab Ex 7
Quiz #6(Lab Ex: 8)
Quiz #7(Lab Ex: 9)
Quiz #8(Lab Ex: 10)
Lab Report 7: Lab Ex 8
Lab Report 8: Lab Ex 9
Quiz #9(Lab Ex: 12)
Quiz #10(Lab Ex: 13)
Lab Report 9: Lab Ex 10
Lab Report 10: Lab Ex 12