youth mentoring - Social Science Research Center

Resource Guide
Services for
Nueces County
A Youth Opportunities United Publication
Funded by
The Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice
With a grant from
The Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency
United States Department of Justice
This Resource Guide is a product of the Resource Assessment
Work Group for Youth Opportunities United, a comprehensive
strategy process uniting the community to meet the needs of
our youth. It is divided into five sections.
 Section I provides some background on Youth
Opportunities United, also known as YOU, along with an
executive summary of the Data Collection Work Group
which describes the state of Nueces County Youth.
 Section II is a Social Service Resource Guide providing
information on agencies that assist youth in meeting their
basic human needs and a brief index of those resources.
Examples of some of the resources included here are
health, counseling, recreation, child abuse services, and
educational and work opportunities. United Way of the
Coastal Bend INFO*Line has been the key resource in
developing this section.
 Section III is a listing of Faith Based organizations, such as
churches and synagogues, which provide a variety of
services to young people, followed by an index. This
listing was developed from a 2001 survey of faith
organizations in Nueces County by the YOU Data Analysis
Office as part of a grant from The Office of Juvenile Justice
Delinquency Prevention, United States Department of
Justice, through The Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice.
 Section IV is a section on mentoring with a listing of
websites that are useful to teachers, counselors, and
 Section V is a listing of 800 numbers for youth services in
the county, region and state.
Many individuals have worked on developing this county wide
resource listing. It was originally compiled by Dr. Cecilia
In 2001, funding for the directory was provided through the
Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice with a grant from the
Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
United States Department of Justice. The United Way of the
Coastal Bend served as fiscal agent for this grant.
In 2004, the Social Science Research Center has continued the
expansion of the resource guide by adding numerous new
agencies, establishing new contacts, and as well as deleting a
few that are no longer in existence. In addition to this, the
index on volunteer opportunities has also been greatly
expanded, since volunteerism plays an invaluable role with
many of the agencies that are listed.
A word about Resource Directories: The information
contained in each section was current as of the end of
January 2004. In the mobile society of the United States, this
means that many agencies move or close down fairly rapidly.
Please use the phone numbers presented to verify that the
agency, faith organization, or business is still operating before
writing or faxing.
If you have questions about resources in Nueces County,
call the YOU Data Collection & Analysis Office at Texas
A&M University – Corpus Christi Social Science Research
Center at 825.3206
Welcome …………………………………………
Table of Contents ………………………………
YOU Background Information ………………
Nueces County Juvenile Delinquency Risk
Factors Executive Summary
Social Services for Nueces County Youth ……
Index of Social Service Organizations ………..
Faith Resources for Nueces County Youth …
Index of Faith Organizations …………………
Mentoring Resources for Youth …………….
Websites ………………………………………
800 Numbers ………………………………….
Overview of Comprehensive Strategy
Problem  Noncriminal  Delinquency Serious, Violent
Behavior Misbehavior
and Chronic Offending
Youth Opportunities United
A Comprehensive Strategy Uniting the Community to meet
the needs of our youth
Graduated Sanctions
Target Population:
At-Risk Youth
Target Population:
Delinquent Youth
Programs Programs
for all
for youth
at greatest
Corpus Christi has a long history of community initiatives
focusing on youth issues. However, far too often solutions attempted
seem to only “band-aid” problems. It became apparent that without
addressing the reasons why youth were involved in inappropriate,
unhealthy, and risky behaviors, we were fighting a losing battle. The
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
developed a framework that gets at the root of juvenile delinquency.
OJJDP’s plan, the Comprehensive Strategy, is based on five
1. Strengthen the family.
2. Support core social institutions.
3. Promote delinquency prevention.
4. Intervene immediately and effectively.
5. Identify and control the small groups of serious, violent and
chronic offenders.
The Comprehensive Strategy framework is based on the
establishment of a continuum of juvenile delinquency prevention,
early intervention, and graduated sanction programs that are built on
research, driven by data and focused on outcomes. The Continuum
starts with prenatal prevention and includes community based
prevention services based on a risk and resource assessment,
institutional care and aftercare services.
In Nueces County, the Comprehensive Strategy structure brought
together the city, county and United Way leaders to focus on youth
development. From 1999 through 2004 – using the YOU
Immediate Intermediate Community Training
ConfineSchools Aftercare
Youth Development Goals:
 Healthy and nurturing families
 Safe communities.
 School attachment
 Prosocial peer relations
 Personal development and life
 Healthy lifestyle choices
Youth Habilitation Goals:
 Healthy family participation
 Community reintegration
 Educational success and skills
Healthy peer network
Prosocial values development
Healthy lifestyle choices
approximately $7 million dollars in private and public funds. Funds
Comprehensive Strategic Plan as a base – agencies, organizations
and school districts across Nueces County received approximately
$15 million dollars in private and public funds. Funds are being used
to develop youth services based on current data and research and
focusing on effective programming.
The continuing mission of the Data Collection and Analysis
Workgroup is to provideYouth Opportunities United (YOU)
Committees and the community as a whole a data based image
of the community’s juvenile delinquency risk factors. The
Data Workgroup, supported by the Data Collection and
Analysis Office, Social Science Research Center, Texas A&M
University—Corpus Christi, has collected and analyzed data
for 135 indicators relating to 18 risk factors. Added to that
data are the results from the YOU Middle School/Junior High
Student Survey—2000. The present analysis supports the
retention of the Priority Risk Factors adopted by YOU in its
June 26, 1999 Comprehensive Strategic Plan.
1. Family Management Problems and Family Conflict are
confirmed by higher County rates of family violence, higher
rates of child abuse victimization, and higher divorce rates in
comparison to the State.
For 2002, the rate of
Child Abuse Confirmed Victims
confirmed victims of child
Per 1,000 Children
abuse is 72.2% higher in
Nueces County compared
to the State. The number
of children in foster care
and domestic violence
victims being served by
local agencies have
Sta te
N ue c e s
increased, with only a
slight decrease in domestic violence in 2002. From 1996 to
2002 the number of domestic violence victims served in the
County increased 10.0%.
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
An integrated cluster of four risk factor sets was
identified as the group of Priority Risk Factors for the
They are related to each other by cause and effect and
contribute to all five problem behaviors: delinquency, violence,
drug use, teen pregnancy, and dropout. The Priority Risk
Factors are reported in their order of seriousness for the
The Y.O.U. survey data indicated that child abuse is highly
under reported in Nueces County. According to the Y.O.U.
survey data the rates of abusive physical discipline are much
higher than the officially
Parental Behavior When Angry
reported rates of child abuse
for Nueces County. These
risk factors interfere with
bonding and the
development of healthy
beliefs and clear standards.
They damage children’s
Hit w/Object
potential for development.
M ale P arent
F emale P arent
Family Conflict
Early Onset
Of Problem
1997 to 2000 but slightly decreased 2.5% from 2000 to 2001.
In Nueces County, from 1997 to 2000, drug abuse violations
increased 9.7%. From 2000 to 2001 in Nueces County, a
decrease of 12.6% occurred. But from 2001 to 2002 in Nueces
County, a slight increase of 4.9% occurred.
The long-term effects of alcohol abuse can be seen by the
startling figures on the number of deaths due to liver disease
and cirrhosis. Since 1997 the rate
Deaths Due to Liver Disease
and Cirrhosis
for the State has been decreasing,
but the rate for the Nueces County
has been increasing at an alarming
The behaviors of drug and
alcohol abuse are strikingly clear.
It is likely that these adult behaviors are sending a powerful
message to the children of Nueces County.
Extreme Economic Deprivation
is confirmed by
Per Capita Income
significantly lower per
capita income and a
higher rate of
unemployment for the
County when
compared to the State.
Nueces County per
capita income is approximately $3,600 lower than the State
figure. Also, the County has higher proportions of families in
poverty and students from economically disadvantaged
families than the state.
In 2002, the
Per cent of F am ili es in Poverty
proportion of
Nueces County
families in poverty
rose to 18.0 percent.
The community has
not experienced the
same level of economic growth as in comparison to that of
the State. This leaves families under economic stress and
unable to provide adequate support to children. Children grow
up in environments conducive to the production of problem
$5,180 GAP
PER 100,000
Incr ease
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
1 1 .2
N ev er
1 1 .5
1 0 .5
C o un t y
Adult Arrests for Drug
10-14 Year Olds: Arrests
4. Early Initiation of Problem
Drug Offenses
Behavior is confirmed by
higher rates of delinquency for
the 10 to 14 age range than the
State and nation, increasing
drug arrests for this same age
group, frequent higher dropout
rates than the State, and higher teen
pregnancy rate than the State. The
Age at First Use of Alcohol or Drugs
Nueces County Students
YOU survey data showed that
Nueces County students are
carrying guns and knives to school.
The survey data also indicated that
Nueces County students begin their
participation in the problem
behaviors of alcohol and drug use at an early age.
Abuse Violations
3. Parental Involvement in
Problem Behavior is
demonstrated through statistics
showing that alcohol and drug
use are problems among the
adult population in Nueces County. Adult arrests for drug
abuse violations appear to have increased in the State from
1 9 93 1 9 94 1 9 95 1 9 96 1 9 97 1 9 98 1 9 99 2 0 00 2 0 01 2 0 02
S ta t e
Na t io n al
7 .6
The data creates the conclusion that the six factors described
below are also present and contribute to delinquency and
problem behaviors in the community.
pregnancy rates for the community when compared to
Availability of drugs is confirmed by state student surveys
and the
% of Drug Use Among 8th
the readily
of alcohol
marijuana and by the county sales figures for alcoholic
 Community laws and norms favorable toward drug use
and crime is confirmed by significant increases in
juvenile drug offense arrests, an increase in school
discipline for behavior problems, and juvenile arrests for
violence, curfew, and vandalism. The YOU survey data
confirms that alcohol and drug use is a serious problem
among 8th graders in Nueces County. The YOU survey
data also indicates that bullying is a problem among
 Family history of high-risk behavior is confirmed by the
number of adults in drug treatment, higher levels of
deaths due to liver disease and cirrhosis than the State,
and poorer performance on literacy tests than the State.
Inadequate data or data indicators that point in
opposite directions were found for six risk factors. These
factors may have an effect in the community, but
additional data is needed to make that determination.
Rebelliousness is confirmed by reported gang
involvement, gang related crimes, reported vandalism and
graffiti damage, and children assessed or processed by the
Corpus Christi Juvenile Assessment Center. According
to the Y.O.U. Middle School/Junior High Survey, 44.8%
of the students indicated gangs existed in their school.
Favorable attitudes toward the problem behavior is
confirmed by state student surveys and the local YOU
student survey assessing adolescent’s perception of the
harmfulness of alcohol and marijuana use. Of those
students participating in the local YOU survey only
17.8% viewed drugs as a serious or very serious problem
and even less 14.7% viewed drinking as a problem.
Friends who engage in the problem behavior is
confirmed by
Percent of Births to Mothers
state student
Under 18
surveys and the
local YOU
student survey.
According to the
YOU survey
data, 15.6%
reported that
their friends
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
have carried a
weapon to
school. The problem behavior is also confirmed by drug
treatment data, health data for diagnosed cases of
sexually transmitted diseases and higher teenage
Rohypnol Cocaine
H eroin
E cstasy
H al'gens
Data collection continues to be limited by the level of
government for which data are tabulated, the absence of data
for some indicators, and the presence of multiple school
districts in the County. The Data Collection and Analysis
Office are attempting to collect data for at least five-year
periods for data indicators. It is adding data indicators to the
set and is expanding the collection effort to systemic variables,
adult issues, and victim data. The Data Collection and
Analysis Office is attempting to develop the capacity to collect
neighborhood data, engage in mapping data, and provide
program evaluation data.
In support of strategic planning and grant writing, the
Data Collection and Analysis Office have distributed
approximately over 825 CD’s since February of 2001. In
addition to the CD’s, over 200 paper copies of the Risk Factor
and Analysis report have been dispersed in various editions. In
December 2003, the 4th edition CD was distributed which
contained over seventeen items varying from YOU risk factors,
YOU Middle School Survey Reports, the Comprehensive Plan,
and a PowerPoint presentation. This CD has been useful and
beneficial to a variety of agencies such as the Boys and Girls
Club, the Juvenile Assessment Center, and Communities in
Schools. Such agencies use the data to assist in grant writing in
order to justify the criteria needed for the application process.
The CD is available by calling the Data Collection and
Analysis Office at (361) 825-3206.
For more information or copies/full text reports contact:
YOU Data Collection & Analysis Office
Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
Social Science Research Center
6300 Ocean Drive, Suite 2005
Corpus Christi, Texas 78412
Philip Rhoades, Ph.D.
Kristina M. Zambrano, B.S., M.P.A.
Fax: 361.825.3784
Social Services
For Nueces
County Youth
Adult Learning Center
Address: 3902 Morgan, Corpus Christi, TX 78405-3123
Phone: 886.9385 or 886.9386
TTY/Fax: 886.9387
Hours: M-F, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., TWTR 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Free Adult Education class: M-F 8:30 - 11:30 p.m. and
12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. GED preparation class, English as a second language (ESL) learn to speak English, reading and math development class. I.D., car, social
security and other documents needed to help us place the person at a learning
level. Call for registration details.
Eligibility: All adults (16 years with court order; 17 years or older who have
not completed high school and are not enrolled in a public school).
Fees: None.
Address: PO Box 6466, Corpus Christi, TX 78466
Phone: 887.8556
Fax: 980.8638
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Learning to communicate anger, deal with rage, family
violence issues, individual support groups for Men and Women. Women's
group meets at 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. and the men's group meets at 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday 6701 South Staples room 103. Teens are welcome to
come if sponsored by a parent or guardian.
Eligibility: open to everyone
Fees: Donations.
American Red Cross Coastal Bend, Texas
Address: 12960 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
Phone: 241.6566
Fax: 241.5279
Contact: Delma Trejo
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days
Services Provided: The Ark Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter for
Youth provides services to troubled youth, both male and female, between the
ages of 0 through 17. The initial length of stay at the emergency shelter is 96hrs
for infants, 5 days for infants to 5yrs. and 30 days for 6 and over and their
siblings (state regulations). When deemed necessary by the assessment
services, the stay can be extended an additional 60 days. During the evaluation
and assessment time (45 days determined by the judge), the needs of the
individual will be identified and a plan will be developed for re-entry into
society as a productive individual. The Ark accepts children placed by the
parents and/or managing conservator, TDPRS, law enforcement and walk-ins.
Eligibility: Abused and neglect.
Fees: None.
The Ark Assessment Center and Emergency
Shelter for Youth
Location: 1721 South Brownlee, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3429, Corpus Christi, TX 78463-3429
Phone: 887.9991 or 1.800.656.9991
Fax: 888.7558
Contact: Betty Weber
Health and Safety Services
Training in first aid, CPR, water safety, life guarding, HIV/AIDS, preventing
disease transmission and babysitting. Community first aid stations and
information booths at health fairs. Safety presentations and demonstrations.
Eligibility: Adult and youth courses.
Fees: Grants available. Prices subject to change.
Disaster Services
Emergency assistance to victims of disasters including fires, floods, tornadoes,
explosions, transportation wrecks and hurricanes. Disaster preparedness
information and presentations to business and general community.
Eligibility: Verified disaster.
Fees: None.
The Arrow Project
Address: 555 N. Carancahua, Suite 800, Corpus Christi, TX 78478
Phone: 888.8883 or 1.800.782-2580
Fax: 888.8827
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: A therapeutic foster care, non profit, social service agency
that serves communities by promoting and enhancing the positive growth of
children and families through preventative, supportive and therapeutic services.
Eligibility: Abused or neglected children in TDPRS or Juvenile Probation
custody ages 0-17.
Fees: None.
Volunteer Administration- Recruitment/Placement
Recruits, interviews and places volunteers within the thirteen county service
delivery area of the Chapter. Training is provided for registered volunteers in
all lines of service.
Eligibility: Teenager to senior citizens willing to make a short or long term
commitment. Minimum age of volunteers is 15.
Fees: Some apply to instructorships.
Avance Center Inc.
Bokenkamp Children’s Center
Program Address: 1509 Tarlton Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 855.5437
Fax: 884.7662
Contact: Yvonne Guerra or Peggy Banales
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m
Services Provided: Family support and education program; parenting classes;
transportation and child care provided. Volunteers needed, minimum age 17.
Eligibility: Anyone with child 0-3 years.
Fees: None.
Address: 5517 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 994.1214
Fax: 994.0555
Contact: Joe Miller
Hours: Residential program 24 hrs a day
Business Office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Licensed, non-profit residential treatment center for
emotionally disturbed boys and girls, ages 12-17. A multi-disciplinary,
professional staff cares for residents. Provides a secure environment and
structured program for youth. Individual, group and family therapy.
Eligibility: Ages 12 – 17, level of care 5 or 6.
Fees: Fees are based on level of care system.
Birthright of Corpus Christi
Address: 1422 Baldwin, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 884.2662 National Office Hotline: 1.800.550.4900
Contact: Mildred Hoffer
Hours: M-F 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Pregnancy counseling and referral for any woman who is
or thinks she could be pregnant, starting by a free lab pregnancy test. Provides
maternity and baby clothes, baby food, proof of pregnancy for Medicaid and
WIC, referrals for legal assistance, employment assistance, help in locating
housing, adoption information and referrals to licensed agencies.
Eligibility: Anyone pregnant or who thinks she may be pregnant. No
appointment necessary.
Fees: None.
Boy Scouts of America – South Texas Council
Location: 700 Everhart Terrace, Bldg. A, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 814.4300
Fax: 814.5798
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Opportunity for children and youth to develop individual
and group initiative and responsibility, to build character, citizenship training
and fitness through participation in a wide range of organized recreational,
educational and civic activities under the leadership of qualified adult
volunteers. Activities are scheduled throughout the day and evening and on
weekends as determined by group leaders and participants.
Eligibility: Boys between the ages of 7 years or 1st grade up to 18 years.
Fees: $20.00 per year.
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Address: 3114 Saratoga Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 851.0853
Contact: Principal Rosaro Dazila
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth 11 –
14; academic support for youth 9 – 14; job training and parenting classes for
those over 18 years of age; no fees for services. Personal safety courses for
youth 7 – 12 for fee; and home safety courses for youth 13 – 18 for fee.
Eligibility: Limited to members. Fees: Call for fee information.
Exploring Program
Phone: 814.4300 ext. 34
A co-educational program designed to give young adults insight into various
careers or hobbies. Some careers highlighted are in the areas: law enforcement,
health, fire fighting, aviation, and etc. Students meet 2 times a month to get
directions on overall programs.
Eligibility: Males and females 14-21 years old.
Fees: Annual fees are $7.85 for regular enrollment: then varies according to
individual programs.
Boys and Girls Club of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Camp Fire USA – Coastal Bend Council
Address: 3902 Greenwood Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78416-1998
Main branch: 3902 Greenwood Drive, Corpus Christi
Robstown branch: 429 E. Avenue F, Robstown, Tx 78380
Phone: Main branch: 853.2505 or 853.2586
Fax: 853.1943
Robstown Branch: 361-387-2983
Contact: Lisa Saenz or Efrain Gomez
Hours: Summer: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Main Branch Office)
School year: M-TR 3:00pm to 8:00pm, F 3:00 to 6:00, Sat. 10:00am to
Services Provided: Youth Development Strategy- The Boys and Girls Club of
Corpus Christi is a youth-development organization dedicated to promoting the
health, social, vocational, and character development of boys and girls between
the ages of 6 and 18. It aims at giving boys and girls a sense of competence,
usefulness, belonging, and a sense of power or influence. CALL for program
hours. Volunteers needed, minimum age males18 and females 21 ;( no sex
offenders except court ordered and regular volunteers.
Eligibility: Boys and girls between the ages 6-18.
Fees: $20 for whole year except for summer months; membership application
Address: 1601 N. Chaparral, Corpus Christi, TX 78401-1107
Phone: 887.1601
Fax: 887.1602
Contact: Edna Elizondo
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Co-educational club, camping and self-reliance programs
for boys and girls, designed to provide informal, fun activities helping children
to develop self esteem, good citizenship, appreciation for the world around
them, and the ability to handle negative peer pressure in a positive manner.
Volunteers needed, minimum age 16.
Eligibility: Open to all, 5-19 year olds.
CASA of Coastal Bend
Location: 413 N. Tancahua, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4, Corpus Christi, TX 78403
Phone: 884.2272
Fax: 884.2279
Hours: M-Th 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; F 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Court Appointed Special Advocates of Coastal Bend is a
non-profit organization of trained, court appointed volunteers who evaluate the
lives of abused and neglected children. These volunteers serve as advocates in
the courts to ensure that each child has a safe and permanent home.
Eligibility: The case must be appointed to CASA by the Judge in order for a
volunteer to represent the child/children.
Fees: None.
Boys Town National Hotline
Address: 13940 Gutowski Rd, Boys Town, NB 68010
Phone: 1.800.448.3000 1.800.842.1488 Fax: 402.498.1875
TTY: 1.800.448.1833
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days
Services Provided: The Boys Town National Hotline provides short-term
crisis counseling, referral to local resources, and emergency intervention as
needed. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week with highly trained,
skilled and professional counselors. Problems routinely dealt with include, but
are not limited to, family conflicts, suicide, pregnancy, abuse, running away and
alcohol/drug addictions. We have counselors who speak Spanish, and we can
communicate with hearing-impaired callers via a TTY machine. Our resource
referral file includes over 50,000 local agencies and services throughout the
country; we can help our callers get help close to home.
Eligibility: No requirements.
Fees: No charge.
Childhelp USA
Address: 15757 N. 78th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone: 1.800.422.4453 480.922.8212
Fax: 480.922.7061
Hours: 24 hours/7 days
Services Provided: Childhelp USA is one of the oldest national organizations
dedicated to the prevention, treatment and research of child abuse. Childhelp
USA's National Child Abuse Hotline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a
week, and is accessible from all fifty states, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and
the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Hotline provides crisis intervention, information
and referral to agencies and services which range from adult survivor treatment
to domestic violence shelters, child abuse evaluations to substance abuse
rehabilitation programs, local health services to national prevention resources.
Eligibility: Victims of child abuse.
Fees: None.
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit
Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation
Address: 400 Mann St., Suite 800., Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 814.2001
Fax: 814.6502
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Support services for people living with AIDS and Human
Immunodeficiency virus infections and for their families.
Volunteers needed, minimum age 18; contact Valerie Liserio.
Address: 8181 Professional Place, Suite 201, Landover, MD 20785
Phone: 1.800.233.4050 Fax: 301.306.7090
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders
(C.H.A.D.D.) provides education and information for persons or family
members on how to deal with attention deficit disorder. We also offer support
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: Contact website.
Case Management/Needs Assessment
Case managers link clients with appropriate and prescribed services in the
Coastal Bend and act as liaisons with local medical professionals. Home visits
provided to insure client is receiving needed support.
Children’s Defense Fund
Education in Substance Abuse/HIV Prevention
Age-appropriate and culturally sensitive education is provided within the
community through schools, colleges, universities, business, social service
agencies, drug programs, jails and street outreach specifically targeting
Phone: 1.202.628.8787 Website:
Services Provided: National advocacy organization whose mission is to leave
no child behind and to insure that every child has a head start, a safe start, a fair
start, a moral start, and healthy start in life. Texas offices in Austin, Houston
and Laredo.
Free HIV Testing and Counseling
Free HIV testing, including “pre and post” test counseling is provided to the
public. Call for times and locations.
Children’s Wish Foundation
Phone: 1.800.323.9474 Fax: 770.393.0683
Hours: 7 days, 24 hours
Services Provided: Seeks to fulfill the wishes of terminally ill children under
age 18.
Coastal Bend School for the Arts - CBSA
Address: 3446 S. Alameda St., Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 854.7969
Fax: 814.8960
Hours: M-Th 9:00 to 3:00
Services Provided: Provides performing arts classes to children ages 3 years
through 8th grade; call for class schedules and times.
Eligibility: Children 3 through 14 years old.
Fees: Based on class.
Coastal Bend Alliance for Youth
Address: PO Box 9277, Corpus Christi, TX 78469-9277
Phone: 880.3484
Fax: 880.3806
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: The Coastal Bend Alliance for Youth is an alliance of
concerned agencies, which strives to raise public awareness about the problems
facing at-risk youth in the Coastal Bend Area.
Coastal Bend Tattoo Removal Program
Address: 321 John Sartain, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 886.2778
Fax: 886.2779
Hours: 24 hour messages
Services Provided: Provides free tattoo removal to people who have made a
commitment to leave gang life, by removing the identifying gang signs. Also
includes the removal of obscene or offensive tattoos that would negatively
impact employability or educational opportunities.
Eligibility: Call for details.
Fees: None.
Need Other Types of Resources? In Other Texas Cities?
Coastal Bend Youth City (Cont.)
Coastal Bend Youth City
Location: US Hwy. 77 South at Driscoll
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 268, Driscoll, TX 78351
Phone: 387.4513
Fax: 387.0995
Contact: Debbie Crites
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Since 1946 Youth City has been helping abused,
neglected, and emotionally troubled children to success by providing residential
and community based education and counseling services in a nurturing
environment. Youth City’s continuum of care includes the following programs:
Residential Treatment, Independent Living Preparation, Therapeutic Foster
Care, Therapeutic Substance Abuse, Day Treatment, Charter School,
Community Counseling Centers, and Coastal Bend STAR (Services To At-Risk
Youth). Youth City is licensed by the Texas Department of Protective and
Regulatory Services, Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, and is
accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and
Fees: Varies by service
Therapeutic Substance Abuse
Residential and community based treatment program for the child experiencing
substance abuse or chemical dependency problems. Residential care, case
management, intensive group, individual and family therapies.
Eligibility: Axis I diagnosis of substance dependency or addiction on
psychological evaluation, ages 13-17 years old, full scale IQ of 70 or above.
Therapeutic Foster Care Program
Basic and therapeutic foster care for children age birth-17 years old who can
reside in a foster home or foster group home. Individual and family counseling,
psychological and psychiatric services, and education and medical services.
Eligibility: Birth–17 years old, full scale IQ of 70 or above, level of Care I-IV.
Communities in Schools, Corpus Christi, Inc.
Address: 3502 1/2 Greenwood, Corpus Christi, TX
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 331203, Corpus Christi, TX 78463-1203
Phone: 878.2304
Fax: 878.1410
Contact: Gloria Taylor
Hours: M - F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Services Provided:
Dropout prevention program located on school campuses to coordinate
educational and community social services to keep youth in school and also
provide services to the family unit. CIS provides services to 4 counties (Nueces,
Kleberg, San Patricio & Brooks) and 4 school districts. (Miller, Sinton, Ray,
Driscoll, Martin, George Evans, South Park, Baker, Sam Houston, Gillett
Intermediate, Memorial/ Kingsville, FB Alternative School).
Parent Education is offered once per semester to the parents of students
with behavioral problems or those parents whose children attend that particular
school site where a CIS program is in place. Parent meetings are held once a
month or more often depending on the needs of the parents. Topics such as
support groups, parenting skills, and other activities of interest.
Eligibility: Parents of children w/academic or behavioral problems/referred
courts and councilors.
Fees: None.
Charter School
On campus school for grades 5-12. Year round calendar providing a learning
environment that enhances academic and emotional growth, while working
hand-in-hand with Youth City’s clinical treatment team in order to accomplish
treatment goals for children in residence at Youth City.
Eligibility: Open enrollment grades 5-12.
Community Counseling Centers
24-hour crisis intervention, family therapeutic services and Services to At-Risk
Youth, which include: referral assistance, crisis stabilization, family and
individual counseling, supportive aftercare, substances abuse counseling. STAR
services are at no fee.
Independent Living Preparation
Supervised apartment living for the development of independent living and selfsufficiency skills. Case management, vocational modules, behavior
management, and specialized therapies.
Eligibility: Level of Care II-IV, full scale IQ of 70 or above.
Residential Treatment Center
Focuses on the treatment of children age 10-17 years old. Individual, group,
and family therapies that treat the whole child. Comprehensive case
management, behavior management utilizing Encouragement Model
curriculum, and specialized therapies.
Eligibility: Level of Care IV-V, full scale IQ of 70 or above.
Community Outreach at Texas A&M
University – Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi Council of Parent Teacher
Address: 6300 Ocean Drive, NRC 2200 78412
Phone: 825.2778
Contact: Linda Avila
Hours: M-Th 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.; F 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Environmental education, technical assistance, and
activities for all ages and groups. Youth programs for children from ages 6-18
to enhance leadership, academic, athletics, and other skills.
Fees: None
Address: 6017 McAlpin, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: 853-5228
Contact: April Church
Hours: Days and evenings
Website: or
Services Provided: Child advocacy training for units in PTA, leadership,
Operation Graduation Party, parent involvement and parent education.
Eligibility: Any member of PTA.
Fees: Local membership dues.
Corpus Christi Crimestoppers, Inc.
Corpus Christi Area Council for the Deaf
Address: 321 John Sartain, Corpus Christi, TX 78401-1729
Phone: 888.8477
Fax: 361.886.2785
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Hotline, which accepts anonymous tips on felony crimes.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 5151 McArdle, Corpus Christi, TX 78411-3911
Phone: 993.1154
Fax: 993.4271
TTY: 993.1154
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 12:00p.m; 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: C.C. Area Council for the Deaf is the connecting link
between deaf and hearing people providing interpreters, telephone relay,
advocacy, classes and recreation activities.
Eligibility: Deaf people or hearing impaired.
Fees: None.
Corpus Christi Hope House & The Gabriel
HIV/AIDS Counseling for the Deaf
Hours: contact appointment only
Provide HIV counseling and testing services for deaf clients by certified
interpreters for the deaf who is an LPC.
Address: 658 Robinson, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 852.2273
Fax: 852.8211
Contact: Evelyn Abbadusky
Hours: M-F 10:00 – 4:00 pm
Services Provided: Different types of shelter are available, ranging from a
room in someone's home, to a room at the supervised Faith Home, to a very rare
case, unsupervised housing. Emergency housing can be immediate. Long-term
housing is provided when the mother is supported emotionally and spiritually
by a church or group. Referrals are available through the Gabriel Project. 24
hours emergency calls accepted. See The Gabriel Project.
Eligibility: Any female in a crisis pregnancy situation.
Fees: None.
Interpreter Registries
Provides interpreters that are sent with any deaf person for appointments in
legal, medical, economic and government situations. There is no cost involved
for the deaf client. Appointments for interpreters are scheduled through the
interpreter coordinator at the office. Emergency interpreter services are
available after hours and on holidays.
Mental Health Counseling
Mental health counseling including personal, family, addiction, self-esteem, etc.
The Gabriel Project
Summer Programs
Services Provided: The Gabriel Project is a group of over 60 churches, which
offer help to women faced with a crisis pregnancy. Help is available for
housing, financial assistance, food, clothing and transportation. See Corpus
Christi Hope House.
Eligibility: Females with a crisis pregnancy.
Fees: None.
Two weeks in July for any hearing impaired person, age 6 through high school
graduation from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Bowling, skating, swimming, field
trips and lots of fun activities.
Corpus Christi Literacy Council
Corpus Christi Medical Center Doctors
Regional Bay Area
Address: 4044 Greenwood, Corpus Christi, TX 78416-1906
Phone: 857.5896
Fax: 857.5898
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Teach adults 17 years of age and older to speak, read and
write English.
Eligibility: 17 years+ and not attending high school. Fees: $20 per semester.
Volunteer Services
Services Provided: Provides opportunities for volunteer service in various
hospital departments. Volunteers are needed at all Corpus Christi Medical
Center sites, minimum age is 14; contact Julia White Herst, Director of
Volunteer Services at 993.4288.
Eligibility: Application and by interview process.
Fees: None.
Corpus Christi Independent School District
Location: 801 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78403
Mailing Address: P.O. Drawer 110, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0110
Phone: 886.9200
Fax: 886.9825
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Corpus Christi - Metro Ministries
Address: 1919 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 887.0151
Fax: 887.7900
Contact: Ann Walters-Cox
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Citizens Leading All Students to Success (CLASS)
Phone: 886.9277
Fax: 886.9209
A mentor program matching community adult volunteers with CCISD students.
Adults willing to work with students on campus during school hours in tutoring,
skills building, academic review and social skill development activities.
Criminal background checks will be required. Orientation required on entry
into program.
Eligibility: Adults willing to work with students during school hours in
tutoring, skills building, academic review and social skills.
Fees: None.
Loaves and Fishes Free Cafeteria
Address: 1906 Leopard Street
Phone: 888.7239
Services Provided: Breakfast
M-F 6:30-7:30am
M-Sat 12:00-1:00pm
Sun. 2:00-3:00pm
M-Sat 5:00-6:00pm
Dine in only. Seating for families and disabled. ADA compliant restrooms.
Member Texas Restaurant Association and CBRA.
Parent Involvement Office and Education Program
Phone: 886.9146
Fax: 886.9209
Provides resources to schools in CCISD that foster, encourage and support
parent involvement and parent education. Also provided are similar resources
to community parent organizations. (PTA, etc.)
Eligibility: CCISD affiliates receive priority.
Fees: None.
Rainbow House Transitional and Emergency Shelter
Address: 1906 Leopard Street
Phone: 887.0670
Services Provided: Structured, case-managed residence for women seeking to
achieve their independence. Emergency admission for evaluation and goalsetting.
Pregnancy Education and Parenting Program (PEPP)
Address: 3109 Carver, Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Phone: 886.9862
Fax: 886.9377
The PEP program provides each parent or pregnant student with a case manager
to assist her/him in educational and career planning. The students are provided
instruction in skills for employment, parenting, child development, family
living, economics and nutrition. Childcare may be provided in a campus facility
for students who are attending a regular school program and/or working.
Transportation assistance is provided.
Eligibility: Enrolled in CCISD school.
Fees: None.
Rustic House Transitional and Emergency Shelter
Address: 1919 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 888-4446
Services Provided: Structured, case-managed residence for homeless mentally
ill, physically disabled and aged men working toward greater self-sufficiency.
Emergency admission for evaluation and goal-setting.
Corpus Christi - Metro Ministries (Cont.)
Corpus Christi - Nueces County Health
Vineyard Services
Location: 1702 Horne Road
Mailing Address: P.O. Drawer 9727, Corpus Christi, TX 78469-9727
Phone: 851.7200
Fax: 851.7295
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Address: 1919 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 884-3835
Services Provided: Screening and intake center. Emergency distribution of
shoes, clothing and hygiene products. Winter jackets and blankets when
available. Knowledgeable referrals to hundreds of community resources.
7:00am-3:30am weekdays.
AIDS Surveillance
Phone: 851.7237
Eligibility: Anyone wishing to report AIDS cases or HIV reactor.
Fees: Donations
Vineyard Employment
Address: 1919 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 888-5161
Services Provided: Places the working poor back into the job market. Labor
pool. Guidance toward job-readiness, literacy training, skill assessment, drug
and alcohol recovery and high school equivalency classes (GED). Issues
personal ID cards. 7:00am-3:30pm weekdays.
Family Planning
Phone: 851.7265
Hours: Call for hours.
Provides physical assessment, screening, counseling, referral and birth control
for women of childbearing age. Branch offices include: Williams Drive. Clinic;
5805 Williams, contact 992.3411; Flour Bluff Clinic; 1456 Waldron Rd.,
contact project office at 851.7265; Robstown Clinic, 710 E. Main, contact
Eligibility: Any women needing services. Fees: Sliding scale.
Dr. James Gabbard Memorial Health Room
Address: 1919 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 888-3835
Services Provided: Weekly Primary Care Medical Clinic Thursday 5:00pm
Monthly Eye Clinic
(Telephone first for Information)
Health Education
Phone: 851.7220 or 851.7292
Fax: 851.7295
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Free community educational programs, statistical information, health
information, and materials.
Volunteer Program
Address: 1919 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 888-8900
Services Provided: Recruitment and orientation for hundreds of community
volunteers, who are assigned to all aspects of Metro Ministries’ extensive
program. Opportunities for both individuals and groups. One-time opportunities
are limited, since the majority of our volunteers are committed to long-term
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: None.
Phone: 851.7238
Fax: 851.7212
Hours: Call for days and hours. Provides immunizations for children and
adults against vaccine preventable diseases.
Eligibility: Anyone needing services.
Fees: Sliding scale.
Phone: 851.7275
Fax: 851.7266
Hours: Call for appointment.
Provides counseling and monitoring of a normal pregnancy to promote a
healthy pregnancy outcome.
Branch offices: Williams Clinic, 5805 Williams, contact 992.3411; Robstown
Clinic, 710 E. Main, contact 767.5241.
Eligibility: Any pregnant women needing prenatal care, especially low-income
women, with no private physician.
Fees: Sliding scale.
Want to Make a Difference in a Child’s Life?
Join YOU – Youth Opportunities United
Call 881.1835 for information
Parks and Recreation – City of Corpus Christi (Cont.)
Corpus Christi – Nueces County Health Department (Cont.)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Juvenile Assessment Center
Phone: 851.7237
Fax: 850.1330
Hours: Walk in accepted, call for hours.
Provides screening, treatment, and counseling for persons with sexually
transmitted disease.
Eligibility: Anyone needing services. Fees: Donation fee of $5, no one turned
Address: 266 Enterprise Pkwy, Ste. 104, Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Phone: 299.1402
Fax: 299.1410
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Open to take daytime violators and truants from law
reinforcements between 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on school days, following the
CCISD Calendar. Open to take nighttime curfew violators and truants from law
reinforcements between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., everyday. Children held
until released or they are released to La Raza if parents fail to pick them up.
Children and family under assessment receive counseling and are offered case
Well Child Clinic
Phone: 851.7254
Fax: 851.7266
Hours: Call for appointment.
Provides assessment, screening, referral and parent education for well child
supervision. Branch agencies include low cost day care physicals; 5805
Williams Drive; 992.3411.
Eligibility: Infants-18 years. Fees: Sliding scale, day care physicals $25.00.
Operation Weed and Seed
Address: 1201 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78469-9277
Phone: 880.3489
Services Provided: A comprehensive, multi-agency approach to combating
violent crime, drug use, and gang activity in high-crime neighborhoods. Youth
programs include Seedtech, DEFY (Drug Education for Youth), and SAFE
Seedtech is a fully equipped, state-of-the art computer center for
community center located at The Joe Garza Recreation Center, 3204 Highland.
It was created to better prepare community residents with technological skills
needed for the 21st Century.
DEFY focuses on 9 – 12 year old youth with a one-week leadership
summer camp followed by a 10 month mentoring program designed to reduce
substance abuse, school failure, delinquency and violence.
Safe Haven is a multi-service center where youth and families can
access needed services in an accessible facility that is secure against crime and
illegal drug activity. A Safe Haven provides an environment for residents and
service providers to revitalize their neighborhood.
WIC Program
Phone: 855.0531
Fax: 855.0792
Hours: Call for appointment.
Provides education and food vouchers to pregnant/breast feeding women, and
their children ages 5 and under. Qualifications are done on income basis,
nutritional need and immunizations.
Fees: None.
Eligibility: Meet income and nutritional guidelines, call for appointment.
Corpus Christi -Parks and Recreation
Location: 1201 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 1 st and 2nd Floor, City
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9277, Corpus Christi, TX 78469-9277
Phone: 880.3479
Fax: 880.3864
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Manages, operates and maintains all city parks and
recreation facilities, programs, latchkey sites, and senior centers.
The Texas I&R Network’s website for health and human
Services in Texas
Corpus Christi – Parks and Recreation (Cont.)
Corpus Christi Police Department
Family Violence Unit –Victim Advocacy Section
Recreation Centers and Gyms
Address: 321 John Sartain, Corpus Christi, TX 78469-9016
Phone: 826.2952 826.2951
Fax: 886.2773
Services Provided: Assists victims of crimes with filing charges; referrals to
local social service agencies; safety planning; crisis intervention; victim followup; information and assistance with completing paperwork for protective orders,
crime victim compensation, and victim impact statements; criminal justice
support and case information; advocacy on victim’s behalf with other agencies
and within the criminal justice system; and community education on the nature
of family violence and other violent crimes.
Eligibility: Victims of crimes.
Fees: None.
Location: 1201 Leopard, 1 Floor, Parks and Recreation Dept., City Hall
Phone: 880.3479
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (for info)
City recreation centers offer a variety of classes for all ages and interests. If you
would like to register, call or visit the location offering the classes. Programs:
Gymnastics, tennis, weight lifting, aerobics, jazzercise, exercise, volleyball,
karate, judo, taekwondo, aikido, dancing, guitar, arts and crafts, paintings,
cooking, clubs, workshops and sports information. Variety of sports camps,
(twirling, volleyball, basketball and gymnastics).
Recreational sites include:
Corpus Christi Gym, 3202 Cabaniss Pkwy. 851.1612
Ben Garza Gym, 1815 Howard, 884.2194
Ethel Eyerly, 654 Graham, 937.6316
Garden Center, 5325 Greely, 991.8614
Joe Garza, 3204 Highland, 882.1408
Lindale, 3133 Swantner, 855.0392
Oso, 111 Bernice, 991.3700
Oak Park, 842 Erwin, 883.3912
T.C. Ayers, 1722 Winnebago, 884.9552.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: Varies (Scholarships available for most youth programs).
The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse –
Coastal Bend
Address: 4646 Corona, Suite 160, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 854.9199 1.800.364.3976
Fax: 854.9147
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse - Coastal Bend is
an alcohol/drug education agency, which offers help and hope to those affected
by alcohol and substance abuse. The Council serves as a vital community
agency in identifying and interrupting the substance abuse process in the family
prior to the need for hospitalization. The Council has the largest adolescent
prevention and intervention program and the only adolescent outpatient
treatment program in the Coastal Bend. The outpatient treatment program is
pharmaceutical free.
Corpus Christi Pregnancy Center
Address: 4730 Everhart, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 991.2008
Fax: 992.7205
Contact: Gloria Orona
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Urine based pregnancy tests, abstinence education against
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: None.
ALPHA Project - Licensed Adolescent Outpatient Treatment
The ALPHA Project-Licensed Adolescent Outpatient Treatment Program (nonpharmaceutical) is for youth 12-17. A structured 22-week program providing
individual and group counseling designed to achieve abstinence from alcohol
and other drugs.
Eligibility: Youths 12-17 who are chemically dependent and medically
indigent. Referrals accepted from schools, civic groups, agencies, courts and
law enforcement officials. Fees: None.
Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse – Coastal Bend (Cont.)
Families and Schools Together (FAST)
Del Mar College (Cont.)
Contact: Emma Garcia
An 8-week family oriented program, which trains parents in successful
interaction with their elementary age child (ren). Each 2 ½ hour session
includes a family meal and family games allowing families to enjoy each
other’s company. A parent’s support group is available. Contact FAST for
schools participating in the program.
Eligibility: Child is nominated by teacher/school for FAST program.
High School Equivalency Program
Phone: 698.1860
1.877.260.6740 Fax: 698.1864
Hours: M-Th 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; F 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
High School equivalency program for migrant, seasonal and fishing or
shrimping workers and their children. Twelve to fourteen weeks in length,
emphasizing strong human development, work, computer and GED skills and
instruction. Eligibility: Must have a parent or guardian that works in the
agriculture work setting or fishing and shrimping industry or livestock and
ranching 75 days of two years.
Fees: Call for fees.
Del Mar College
Address: 101 Baldwin, Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3897
Phone: 698.9123
Hours: M-Th 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.; F 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Services Provided: Del Mar is a two-year, comprehensive community college
with its two campuses located in Corpus Christi, Nueces County. East Campus101 Baldwin, West Campus-4101 Old Brownsville Rd. and offers programs to
assist students in seeking funding to pay for a college education.
Eligibility: Application procedure.
Fees: Varies.
Dispute Resolution Services
Address: 901 Leopard St., Suite 4012, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 888-0650
Contact: Melissa Garcia
Hours: M-Th 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; F 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; closed M-F 12:00
p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Provide the people of the Coastal Bend the opportunity to
resolve their disputes peacefully.
Eligibility: Anyone
Fees: Based on situation, call for more information.
Center for Business and Community Education
Address: 3313 Ayers, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Mailing Address: 101 Baldwin, Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3897
Phone: 698.1328
Dean- 698.1702
Programs span the range of needs throughout the community and include
apprenticeships, business development, College for Kids, computer software
training, customized training requested by employers, economic development,
Elderhostel, General Education Development (GED) and English for Speakers
of Other Languages (ESOL) training, health care, job preparation and career
advancement, off-campus credit courses, personal enrichment and workforce
Eligibility: Admission to most programs is open to anyone 17 years of age or
older, regardless of educational background. Completion of registration forms
and payment of tuition and lab fees are required for admission.
Fees: Tuition and fees.
Dress For SuccessSouth Texas
Location: 1608 S. Brownlee, Corpus Christi, 78404
Phone: 882.4770
Fax: 882.6504
Contact: Annette Zacharias-Piper
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed -12pm to 1:00pm
Services Provided: Local, non-profit agency assisting low-income individuals
to obtain employment by providing appropriate attire for job interviews and
employment for women only.
Eligibility: Low income females of the age to work.
Fees: None.
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Financial Aid
Address: 3533 Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6530, Corpus Christi, TX 78466-6530
Phone: 694.4730
Fax: 694.4096
Hours: 7 days, 24 hours; Administration Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00pm
Services Provided: Full-service hospital serving all of South Texas
specializing in children’s health. Volunteers work in various departments;
minimum age 14, contact: Burma Barnett. Other services include:
Address: Harvin Center (East Campus), Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3897
Phone: 698-1293
Hours: M-Th 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.; F 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Colmen Center: MWF- 7:30- 12pm TTh-2:30-5:00
Counseling on financial aid availability. Financial aid programs available
include grants, employment, loans and scholarships. Free application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) available upon request.
Eligibility: Open with some qualification requirements.
Fees: No fees.
Driscoll Children's Hospital (Cont.)
Driscoll Children’s Hospital (Cont.)
Injury Prevention Program
Eligibility: Child or adolescent with confirmed or suspected physical abuse,
sexual abuse or neglect.
Fees: Sliding fee schedule; No one turned away.
Address: 3455 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 694.6700 1.866.886.5957
Fax: 851.6880
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Services Provided: Promotes the health and safety of children through a variety
of ways, including community outreach, presentations, use of media, and public
events. Topics covered include child passenger safety, babysitting, fire safety
and teenage alcohol awareness and prevention. Educational materials and
brochures are available in a variety of safety topics. Most materials are available
in English and Spanish. Available for presentation.
WIC Program - Corpus Christi
Address: 3455 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 694.6768
Hours: M, Th, F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Tu, W 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
WIC serves pregnant women, infants and children under five years of age.
Services provided include: health screening and referrals to area physicians,
dentists and health agencies, nutritional assessments and counseling, health and
nutrition classes, immunizations, breastfeeding assistance, a target package of
nutrients designed to promote best growth during pregnancy and early
Eligibility: Based on moderate-income level and nutritional concern.
Fees: None.
Safe Sitter Course
Address: 3315 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78411-1883
Hours: Administration M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
This educational program is designed to reduce accidental and preventable
deaths among children, especially while under the care of a babysitter. It will
provide adolescents with improved childcare skills and improved parenting
skills when they become adults. Features: rescue breathing and choking class
taught by the American Heart Association. Two-day session gives hands-on
training and testing of student's knowledge. Accident management.
Eligibility: Adolescents ages 11-13 years. Enrollment is limited to 6 students
per instructor.
Fees: $25.00, which covers materials and supplies.
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)
And Kids and Cops
Location: 321 John Sartain St., Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9016, Corpus Christi, TX 78469-9016
Phone: 886.2765
Fax: 886.2779
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Drug abuse prevention and awareness program through the
Corpus Christi Police Department set up to go into the schools in CCISD to
teach children the harm of getting involved with drugs and alcohol. Trained
officers, Provides speakers to anyone or any organization on the topic of drug
abuse awareness and prevention.
Eligibility: Anyone, schools, agencies, civic groups or concerned citizens.
Fees: None.
Child Abuse, Resources and Evaluation Team
Address: 3533 South Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6530, Corpus Christi, TX 78468-6530
Phone: 694.4240
Fax: 694.4096
Hours: 7 days, 24 hours; Administration Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Services Provided: An Inpatient Consultation Service to assist in the
management of hospitalized patients with confirmed or suspected physical
abuse, sexual abuse or neglect. Liaison with multidisciplinary agencies such as
the Children’s Advocacy Center, law enforcement, child protective services,
and district and county attorneys. An outreach component, which provides:
expert witness testimony; professional education; and community awareness.
The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program provides forensic examination of
child and adolescent sexual assault victims; forensic colposcopic examination of
child and adolescent sexual assault victims 24 hrs/day, 7 days a week. It
provides photo documentation; and follow-up of victims of sexual and physical
Eating Disorders
Family Counseling Service (Cont.)
Family Counseling Service
Address: 3833 S. Staples #34, Corpus Christi, TX 78411-2347
Phone: 852.9665
Fax: 852.2794
Contact: Mary Jackson
Hours: M-Th 8:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.; F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Counseling for most issues, advocacy and assistance to
crime victims and education (both intervention and prevention).
Eligibility: Anyone requesting services.
Fees: Sliding fee.
Seminar for Divorcing Parents
Hours: 1st Wed. and 3rd Sat.
Four-hour educational program focused on the needs of children during such
times of stress. Required by the District Court of Nueces County. Topics
include: how families experience divorce, typical reactions of children,
developmental needs of children, skills that help children cope, pitfalls to avoid,
custody/mediation video. Attendance is required of both parties in divorce,
separate maintenance, litigation etc.
Eligibility: Anyone needing or required to take classes.
Fees: $35.00 per participant fee to Family Counseling Service.
Educational Services
Preventive and educational programs for parents, high schools, PTA's, church
groups and civic groups. Children Cope with Divorce seminar (mandated by
District Courts) offered four times monthly.
Crime Victims’ Services
Phone: 852.7540
Assistance in completing paperwork for crime victims’ compensation,
information to victims about the criminal justice processes. Group therapy for
victims/family members. Individual and family counseling sessions,
community education, seminars and speaking engagements, trauma intervention
in the workplace, expert witness testimony. Referrals to other agencies with
specific medical or mental health services.
Eligibility: Victims of a crime.
Fees: None.
Group Therapy/Counseling
Divorce adjustment, parent-adolescent, couples communication, adolescents
and general parenting class. Sex offender treatment, group for batterers,
Survivors after Suicide group.
Eligibility: Anyone needing services.
Fees: Sliding scale fee.
Homicide and Needless Death Survivors (HAND)
Phone: 852.7540
Group meets as requested/based on client needs.
Eligibility: Anyone needing services.
Fees: None.
Provides a professional counseling service for personal and family problems,
designed to help strengthen the individual and family stress management.
Family Outreach of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Address: 1444 Baldwin Blvd., Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 888.6041
Fax: 883.1182
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Mental Health Care and Counseling
Family Outreach, Corpus Christi, Inc. works to prevent child abuse and neglect
by offering direct services to families experiencing child related problems.
Services at Family Outreach are provided free of charge so that families can get
the help they need regardless of their income. Trained volunteers mentor
families and teach parents about child development and positive discipline
techniques. Assists families to evaluate and seek other community resources
they need in order to provide adequately for the physical and emotional needs of
their children. Parenting classes are provided at the office and on Cable TV
with Del Mar College and through the Parenting Connection TV Show on TCI
Cable. A support group for parents of children diagnosed with attention deficit
– hyperactive disorder (ADD-ADHD) also is available.
Phone: 852.9665
Fees: Sliding scale basis, Medicaid, insurance, some EAP's. Call for
Family Forward (x 207)
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Family Forward offers parenting classes designed to strengthen families and
prevent child abuse. Volunteers needed; minimum age 11. Contact Bell
Dudley or Irma Marquez.
Eligibility: A desire to strengthen the families.
Fees: None.
Family Outreach of Corpus Christi, Inc. (Cont.)
Family Violence and Sexual Assault
Prevention Center of South Texas, The
Women’s Shelter, Inc.
Mothers Offer Mutual Support (M.O.M.S)
M.O.M.S. is a structured self-help group for mothers of all age children. Free
childcare is provided. Program offers: resolution of individual's self-esteem
issues, integration of parent's self esteem needs with the child's self-esteem
needs, coping techniques and improved parenting skills, social time for isolated
mothers. This group is also offered in Spanish. Call for current meeting time.
Eligibility: Mothers needing support.
Fees: None.
Location: 813 Buford, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3368, Corpus Christi, TX 78463-3368
Phone: 881.8888
1.800.580.4878 Fax: 881.9674
Hours: 24 hour, 7 days facility for crisis and residential services.
Services Provided: The Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women's Shelter, Inc. is a private, non-profit
agency that offers a variety of choices for victims of domestic violence and
sexual assault. Services are offered in an atmosphere that permits an individual's
free choice to design a violence-free future for him/herself. Fees: None.
One-on-One Counseling
Free counseling is offered to parents for parent/child relationship problems.
The child must be 17 or younger and in the custody of that parent. First Step:
Parent talks with a trained volunteer about concerns; either in person or by
telephone. An intake is done at this time. Second: A visit is scheduled with the
Casework Manager on staff. Office visits or home visits are offered to parents
who live in city. Out of area must go to office. Third Step: If Caseworker
Manager and client agree that Family Outreach is the agency best suited for
their needs, a trained volunteer caseworker is assigned to that family for regular
home visits.
Eligibility: Parents with children.
Fees: none.
Volunteer Program
Phone: 884.2900
Fax: 884.2006
Recruitment, training and supervision of a volunteer program within the
Women's Shelter.
Eligibility: Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer to work with battered
women, children, and sexual assault victims. Minimum age 16.
Confidential Services Provided:
Warm Line
A 24 hrs telephone "Warm Line" is staffed by trained volunteers from 9:00 a.m.
– 5:00 p.m. M- F, to aid in a parent/child crisis or to help with community
Eligibility: Anyone in need of parent/child relationship counseling or
community referral.
Fees: None.
24 Hour Crisis Telephone (1.800.580.HURT (4878))
24 hour crisis telephone toll-free, emotional support for victims, advocacy,
outreach to 12 counties, referrals.
Eligibility: Victims of family violence and/or sexual assault.
Parenting Classes
Emergency Shelter (1.800.580.HURT (4878))
Three classes targeting early childhood (birth – 6), school age (7-12) and teens
Safe and protected housing. 24 hour crisis telephone, collect calls accepted.
Emotional support for victims, individual residential and non-residential
counseling, self-help groups, children's counseling, assistance with parenting
skills, volunteer training, community education, advocacy and referrals.
Eligibility: Victims of family violence and/or sexual assault.
Young Parents Group
The purpose of this meeting is to offer a support for young parents. Free
childcare is provided for children 12 and under. A light meal will be provided.
Transportation can be arranged if needed. The group meets on Monday
evenings from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Eligibility: Young parents - 25 and younger. Children - 12 and younger.
Fees: None.
Sexual Assault Services (1.800.580.HURT (4878))
Provides a staffed 24-hour crisis hotline, responds immediately to calls from the
crime scene or rape trauma center to meet the victim, intervene with law
enforcement and to ensure the victim’s rights are protected and evidence
collected and recorded properly. Victim accompaniment for hospital visits and
for law enforcement procedures and court procedures. Individual counseling
sessions with victims. Group therapy for adult rape survivors.
Eligibility: Victims of sexual assault (adults and children).
Fighting to Rid Gangs in America Foundation
Goodwill Industries of South Texas
Address: 2121 Mary St., Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Phone: 888.4223
Contact: Elissa Milfelt
Hours: M-F 8:00a.m. – 5:00p.m.
Services Provided: HIV awareness. Tobacco and anti-smoking awareness.
Parenting classes, life skills, self-esteem, goal setting taught. A gym is available
for use as well as a computer lab.
Fees: None.
Eligibility: 5 and older.
Address: 2961 South Port, Corpus Christi, TX 78405-2098
Phone: 884.4068
Fax: 884.4090
Contact: Alma Duldulao
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Services Provided: Job Training Programs such as vocational evaluation, work
adjustment/personal-social adjustment training, job readiness/disabilities or
other special needs.
Eligibility: Must be 14 years of age or older and must be disabled or
Fees: None.
Foster Grandparents Program
Address: 902 Airport Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9297, Corpus Christi, TX 78469
Phone: 884-7701 or 884-7625
Contact: Servando R. Dimas
Services Provided: Senior citizens provide daily one-to-one interaction with
children with special needs, at-risk, tutoring, and mentoring.
Eligibility: 21 and under. Fees: None.
Graffiti Wipe Out
Address: Junior League, 123 N. Carrizo, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 947.3688 (Hotline to report graffiti)
Services Provided: A program of the Junior League of Corpus Christi, Inc.,
Graffiti Wipe Out intends to eradicate graffiti throughout Corpus Christi,
promote volunteerism to city youth, empower people to take back their
neighborhoods and let gangs know that Corpus Christi will not accept their
behavior any longer. Days of operation: Sept. 14, Oct. 12 and Nov. 9
Foster Youth Life Investment Partners
Greenwood Molina Children’s Center
Address: 4201 Greenwood Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78416
Phone: 878.7487
Contact: Josie L. Martinez
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Transition services for youth leaving foster care.
Eligibility: 18-year olds leaving foster care.
Fees: None.
Address: 954 National Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78416
Phone: 854.2251
Contact: Edna Jackson
Hours: Daytime care from 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.; Evening care from
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Services Provided: Day and night care, after-school and summer school
program for children, year-round school age program, transportation, meals
provided, tuition assistance, developmentally appropriate curriculum.
Provisions include children needing services to prevent or remedy child abuse
or neglect.
Eligibility: Children age 12 months to 12 years whose parents are employed or
are participating in employment-related training.
Fees: Based on family’s need.
Girl Scouts of the USA - Paisano Council
Address: 1620 South Brownlee, Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3182
Phone: 883.3611
1.800.929.5229 Fax: 883.5038
Contact: Jennifer Grimes
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Purpose of the Girl Scouts is to serve the unique needs and
interests of girls. The objective is to give girls caring, informed support along
with a wide variety of activities that encourage self-esteem, development of
decision making skills and instill a sense of service as they grow into confident,
responsible citizens. Serving 23 counties in South Texas. Volunteers needed,
minimum age 16.
Eligibility: Girls between the ages of 5-17. Fees: $10 annual membership.
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza (Cont.)
Address: 4129 Greenwood, Corpus Christi, TX 78416
Phone: 881.9988
Fax: 881.9994
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Provides group, individual, family counseling and
recreational activities for high risk and incipient drug experimenters. It
sponsors “La Raza Youth in Action Club” and also utilizes McGruff, The Crime
Dog, along with the GCCLR clowns, educating youngsters from Headstart to
2nd grade teaching them alcohol and drug abuse prevention.
Eligibility: Youth at risk.
Fees: None.
Address: 721 Omaha, Corpus Christi, TX 78408-2839
Program that offers individual and family counseling for family members of the
youth just returning home from the shelter. These services may last up to six
months. A parent’s group session is also held monthly.
Eligibility: Parents of child (ren) who have just returned home from the
runaway shelter.
Fees: None.
Family Counseling Program
Young Mothers Program
Provides supportive services to pregnant adolescents up to the age of 19.
Services are also provided to females at risk of pregnancy and young mothers of
infant children. Services include: alcohol abuse prevention education, group,
individual and family counseling stress coping techniques. Child development,
family budgeting, education classes in prenatal care, postnatal care, family
planning, nutrition, immunization and etc.
Eligibility: Pregnant adolescents up to age 19/and females at risk of pregnancy
and young mothers of infant children.
Fees: None.
Academy of Transitional Studies
A center for school dropouts to study for their G.E.D. Certified teachers and
volunteers, as well as computerized curriculum (Plato Network Systems) and
(Computer Curriculum Cooperative), work together with the individualized
instruction as well as group studies. Also serves the students in grades 6th
through 12th.
Eligibility: Anyone who wants to attend school here.
Fees: None.
Harbor Playhouse
Drug Abuse Prevention Program
Provides group, individual, family counseling and recreational activities for
high risk and incipient drug experimenters. It sponsors "La Raza Youth in
Action Club" and also utilizes McGruff, The Crime Dog along with the GCCLR
clowns, educating youngsters from Headstart to 2nd grade teaching them
alcohol and drug abuse prevention.
Eligibility: Youth at risk.
Fees: None.
Address: #1 Bayfront Park, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 882.5500 888.7469 Fax: 888.4779
Hours: T-Sat. 11:00am- 6:00pm
Services Provided: A non-profit community theatre utilizing volunteer casts
and crews with a School of Theatre, providing classes and acting opportunities
to young people ages five to eighteen.
Eligibility: Volunteer for backstage, audition for production.
Fees: School of Theatre tuition; scholarships are available.
La Raza Emergency Shelter/Assessment Center
Address: 721 Omaha, Corpus Christi, TX 78408-2839
Phone: 887.7766
Hours: 24-hour hotline
Facility licensed by the TDPRS providing residential services for runaway
youth ages 6-17. Youth can stay in the shelter for a maximum of 30 days.
Once reconciliation takes place, the youth is discharged to go home and then
join the non-residential program. Students attending the shelter schools perform
chores and participate in scheduled activities. (CO-ED shelter).
Eligibility: The Shelter Assessment Center is a site for the Charter School.
Homeless, abused, and neglected children, ages 6-17.
Fees: None.
Hope Faith And Dreams
Address: 819 Oak Park, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 944.2744
Contact: Mando Camina
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: To build self-esteem and confidence in all children through
writing, reading, music, and art.
Eligibility: All Children ages 6-18.
Fees: None.
Lutheran Social Services of the South, Inc. (Cont.)
Jewish Community Council
Address: 750 Everhart, Corpus Christi, TX 78411-1906
Phone: 855.6239
Fax: 853.9040
Contact: Ex Director- Nina Train
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: parenting classes and job training classes are available for
people over 18. Fosters and develops community life with preschool, day
camp, athletic, social, cultural, educational, recreational, family and social
service programs for all ages and all members of the community. The programs
offered are nondenominational. Multipurpose center used for a variety of
functions some of which include: political forums, movies, private parties,
Jewish celebrations, and recreational. Summer Camps are held in June and July
2 to 12 older teen work camp 13-16 training (Jr. and Sr.).
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: Vary according to use.
Preparation for Adult Living (PAL)
Preparation for children who have lived in foster care and are turning 18 years.
Eligibility: Be turning 18 years and have lived in foster care. Fees: None.
Foster Care and Adoption Services
Address: 4646 Corona Dr, Suite 280, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 814.7625
Address: 337 W. Avenue J, Robstown, TX 78380
Phone: 767.3182
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Unplanned pregnancy counseling - free of charge
adoption services.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: Sliding Fee.
Job Corps
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Address: 520 N. Staples, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 1.800.795.4759
Fax: 852.7769
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Job training and placement for young people ages 16-24.
Free room, board, health and dental while in training. Also provides GED and
driver education.
Eligibility: Ages 16-24; no outstanding fines or pending court appearances.
Drug-free. Low-Income.
Fees: None.
Address: 4455 SPID, Suite 114, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 855.4215
Fax: 855.1475
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Provides information for the prevention of infant mortality
birth defects. Offers referral information regarding other agency services for
those affected by birth defects. Provides educational materials and audiovisuals
to community agencies, schools, hospitals, etc. For use in healthy prenatal care
instructions. Professional health educational materials available for continuing
education for health professionals. Volunteers needed; minimum age 14.
Eligibility: Any person/organization wanting information on birth defects.
Fees: None, with some exceptions in regards to purchasing materials.
LULAC National Educational Service Center
Address: 400 Mann Ste. 513
Phone: 883-5134
Fax: 883-8749
Hours: M-F 9:00a.m. – 5:00p.m.
Services Provided: Increase educational opportunities for minority and lowincome participants who wish to enter or continue their education at the postsecondary level through the development and implementation of comprehensive
programs within the community.
Eligibility: 6th -12th graders, depending on program entered.
Fees: None.
Mary McLeod Bethune Day Nursery, Inc.
Address: 900 Kinney, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 882-7326
Contact: Jimmie McCurn
Hours: M-F 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Services Provided: To provide a quality childcare development program for
children of working and/or in-school parents
Eligibility: Child care up to 12 years old.
Fees: Based on situation, call for more information.
Lutheran Social Services of the South, Inc.
Address: 5517 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78412-3160
Phone: 994.1213
Fax: 994.5250
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Meld Young Dads (Mutual Enrichment
Through Learning & Discovery)
National Conference for Community and
Address: 878 Oak Park, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 880-6773
Contact: Ray Ramos
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Parenting classes, support groups and information for
fathers of all ages who wish to enhance their parenting skills.
Eligibility: Fathers of all ages.
Fees: None.
Address: 719 S. Shoreline Blvd., Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 814.1329
Fax: 814.4049 Website:
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Services Provided: The NCCJ promotes understanding and respect among all
races, religions and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolution and
education. Year round programs for elementary, middle and high school
students; diversity training for the workplace; an annual interfaith tour of four
houses of worship. Educational programs to reduce prejudice and
discrimination; youth council, poster contest, essay contest,
brotherhood/sisterhood week, youth working together, youth leadership
conference, Anytown Texas, police human relations manual, calendar of
religious and ethnic holidays, how prejudice and discrimination affect our lives.
Eligibility: Any school age child.
Fees: Tuition for weeklong camp for high school students and fees vary for
weekly programs.
Mission 911
Address: 911 Park Ave. Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 882.0911
Cell: 361.549.6633
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Faith-based entity that serves the community by providing
apartments, spiritual support, and hope for the homeless. Also provides meals,
food supplies, transportation, opportunities to learn and use a skill and a place to
worship and learn more about God’s grace.
Eligibility: Anyone over the age of 18. Fees: None.
New Life Fellowship - Victory Outreach
Location: 1217 S. Brownlee, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5190, Corpus Christi, TX 78465
Phone: 882.5555 or 882.3279
Fax: 881.9900
Hours: 7 days, 24 hours; Administration Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Victory outreach is a safebase oriented drug and alcohol
center. Participant must have a problem with drugs or alcohol and want change
in his/her life. Drug information, counseling, spiritual therapy, referral guidance
and assistance, rehabilitation, follow-up and drug prevention rallies. Meeting
every Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Anyone over the age of 18 on alcohol/drugs wanting to change
their lifestyle.
Fees: none
Muscular Dystrophy Association-Coastal Bend
Phone: 806.2317
Fax: 806.2340
Address: 2820 S Padre Island Suite 107, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: The Muscular Dystrophy Association offers a
comprehensive list of initial and diagnostic services for individuals diagnosed or
suspected of having a neuromuscular disease. Support groups and summer
camp programs are part of the community outreach.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: None.
Neighborhood Centers
Address: 614 Horne Road, Corpus Christi, TX 78416
Phone: 853-8881
Contact: Norma Hernandez
Hours: M-F 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Child care and youth recreation.
Eligibility: 6 months to school age.
Fees: Sliding scale fee
Youth Opportunities United
A Comprehensive Strategy uniting the community to meet the
needs of our youth.
Nueces Child Welfare Foundation, Inc.
Nueces County Juvenile Department (Cont.)
"Hopeline” - 855.4673
Address: P.O. Box 271247, Corpus Christi, 78427
Phone: 808-9119
Contact: Stephanie Duncan (878-7593)
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Provide for the needs of neglect and abused children,
specifically the foster children of Nueces County.
Eligibility: 0-18 years of age
Fees: None
24 hour "Hopeline" for benefit of youth and families at risk to discuss issues
and concerns; re: Parent/ child conflicts, substance abuse, gangs, runaways,
truancy, school drop-outs, unmanageable children, etc. Caring listeners provide
assistance through linkage to appropriate community resources.
JJAEP – 888.7007
Students are assigned to the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program by
their local school district after being expelled for certain offenses. A Juvenile
Probation Officer located at the school provides prevention services. Contact
Penny Grochow.
Nueces County -Children’s Advocacy Center
Address: 502 McClendon Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 855.9058
Fax: 854.2594
Contact: Kim French
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Services Provided: Children’s Advocacy Center is a service agency for child
victims and non-offending family members, who have been a victim of child
sexual abuse or physical abuse, working in cooperation with law enforcement
and Child Protective Services. Services offered include forensic interviewing,
therapy referral, crisis counseling and victim’s services. Volunteers needed. .
Eligibility: Everyone.
Fees: None.
Matches youth with positive adult role models who involve them in positive
activities individually and in groups.
Officer of the Day
A counselor is available from 8 am to 8 pm Monday through Thursday, and
from 8 am to 5 pm on Fridays to counsel parents and/or youth calling Hopeline,
the Department, or who come to the office.
ROK – Reclaiming Our Kids
Nueces County Juvenile Department
Provides carefully screened adult parolees to speak in our Detention Center and
Boot Camp about actual prison life and the consequences the parolees face
when they re-entered the community.
Address: 2310 Gollihar, Corpus Christi, TX 78415-5334
Phone: 561.6066
Contact: Penny Grochow
Fax: 561.6076
Hours: M-Th 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.; F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Prevention counseling to parents and supervision for
children between the ages of 10-17. Department consists of court services,
probation services and detention services of juvenile offenders. Holding
juveniles accountable for providing restitution to victims. Drug testing has a
$10 fee. Free services include:
SAVE Program
Delinquency Prevention Specialists conduct this program in elementary schools
teaching the students how to say no to drugs, gangs, and violence.
SOS Program
Trained college interns and practicum students work with runaway and truancy
cases to prevent further delinquent behavior.
Bridge Program
Provides speakers for groups who would like to learn more about juvenile
delinquency, department programs, and the consequences of youth breaking the
Teen Court - 561.6079
Teen Court is an alternative sentencing program using a real court setting to
dispose of the court ordered referrals. All functions and duties of the court are
performed by the teen volunteers and returning defendants. Sentences include
(but not limited to) jury duty, community service, essays, letters of apology, etc.
Our mission is to introduce the young adult to responsibility and accountability
for one’s actions. Application can be picked up at 2310 Gollihar or at a court
session- Nueces Co. Courthouse 4th floor courtroom, Mondays 5:30 p.m.
Eligibility: Volunteers need parental approval and must be passing all subjects
in school. Defendants are real cases referred from Municipal and J.P. courts –
(Class C Misdemeanor).
Common Sense Parenting
A six weeks skills class for parents recommended for parents of first time
offenders or youth active with the Prevention Unit. The child of the parent will
participate in group activities such as gardening, folk art, pets, foods, or an
intergenerational project. Works with Texas Agricultural Extension Service.
Nueces County MHMR Community Center
Pathways Youth & Family Services
Address: 1630 S. Brownlee, Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3178
Phone: 886.6900
Fax: 886.6917
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Our mission is to ensure the delivery of quality services
and direct resources to those in need in Nueces County who have mental
retardation or serious and persistent mental illness and children under the age of
four with developmental disabilities. Volunteers needed, minimum age 18.
Address: 2820 S.P.I.D. #170, Corpus Christi, TX 78415-1820
Phone: 851.8682
Fax: 851.8687
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Pathways Youth Home is a private, non-profit agency that
provides therapeutic and basic foster homes for children and adolescents. Our
mission and ministry are focused on children and serve to develop the foster
family’s ability to deliver a safe and nurturing environment in which children
can be raised.
Eligibility: Abuse or neglected children in TDPRS custody, ages 0-17.
Fees: None.
Office of the Attorney General
Paternity and Parenthood Program (PAPA)
Planned Parenthood of South Texas, Inc.
Address: 2820 S.P.I.D., Suite 185, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: 851.7573
Fax: 852.4467 Contact: Al Morin
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Provides curriculum to area schools to teach students the
financial responsibility of being a teen parent. Public presentations on request.
See website for information about Texas Fragile Families and Non-Custodial
Parent Program for programs assisting young fathers.
Eligibility: Students.
Fees: None.
Address: 3536 Holly Road, Corpus Christi, TX 78415-3214
Phone: 855.9107
Fax: 855.6822
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Family planning counseling and medical services, birth
control, testing for sexually transmitted diseases including HIV, pregnancy
testing and counseling, pap smears and annual check-ups. Baby Think It Over
Program also available. Volunteers needed, minimum age 12. Contact Cinda
Operation Paintbrush, Community Projects
Family Planning
Address: 622 Power St, Corpus Christi, TX 78403
Phone: 888.5907
Contact: Joe McComb
Services Provided: Enthusiastic community-oriented individuals of all ages
volunteer to paint homes for low-income, elderly and disabled persons.
Painting is generally done in June.
Address: 4410 Dillon Lane, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 857.0101
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Family planning counseling and medical services, birth control, testing for
sexually transmitted diseases including HIV, pregnancy testing and counseling,
pap smears and annual check-ups.
Eligibility: Females and males of all ages and males HIV testing.
Fees: Low cost, Medicaid, sliding fee scale.
Padre Behavioral Hospital
Address: 6629 Wooldridge Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Phone: 986.9444 Fax: 986.1810
Hours: 24 hours.
Services Provided: 68 bed critical care hospital offering inpatient, partial and
intensive outpatient services to children, adolescents, and adults. Mobile
assessment and referral services for mental health and chemical dependency.
Eligibility: Four years or older.
Fees: Medicaid for children, Medicare, private pay, private insurance.
Young Men United
Classes held at three local high schools for single high school age males without
children. Mentoring program focuses on building self-esteem and personal
responsibility to reduce teen fatherhood.
Sexuality Education and Counseling
Sexuality education and counseling, including abstinence, birth control
methods, sexually transmitted diseases, date rape, teen moms panel, and teen
advisory boards.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: None.
Public Libraries – City of Corpus Christi (Cont.)
Parkdale Branch Library
Presbyterian Children’s Homes
Address: 3703 Santa Fe Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 852.7386
Services Provided: Child and family outreach services: in-home family
assessment; plans of service to meet mutually agreed upon goals; family and
individual counseling; teaching life skills and parenting skills; referral to other
local agencies, child placement in our homes or other facilities. Confidential
Eligibility: Families in crisis.
Fees: None.
Address: 12310 Carmel Parkway, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 853.9961
The Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
Address: 521 Josephine Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 884.9497
Fax: 884.7522
Contact: Major Les Wheeler
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Headquarters for volunteer and service programs such as:
welfare referrals, emergency shelter care, emergency funding, housing
referrals, emergency disaster relief, red kettle distribution, toy distribution,
mobile canteen program, youth, men's and women's fellowship groups, angel
tree, the doll/bear dressing program and Homeless VA program.
Public Libraries - City of Corpus Christi
Address: 805 Comanche, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 880.7000
Administration: 880.7070
Fax: 880.7046
Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.; F Sa 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.;
Su 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Services Provided: The Central Library oversees all the branch libraries. It
has the largest reference section. Provides a wide variety of information
resources including books, manuscripts, journals, musical scores and other
literary and sometimes artistic materials, which are made available to the
community on a loan basis or as special collections that are available for
Eligibility: No eligibility criteria. Fees: Free to Corpus Christi residents.
Corps Community Center and Chapel
Address: 1802 Buford, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 883.1210
Hours: M-F 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
*Chapel Hours: Sunday, 9:45 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Adult men and women
fellowship groups. Youth group activities. Church services on Sunday, 11:00
a.m. Recreation activities for the community, basketball, soccer, baseball,
volleyball and etc.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: $3.00 a month.
Janet F. Harte Public Library
Address: 2629 Waldron Road, Corpus Christi, TX 78418
Phone: 937.6569 (Flour Bluff)
South Texas Family Planning and Health
Greenwood Branch Library
Address: 4044 Greenwood, Corpus Christi, TX 78416
Phone: 854.2356
Hours: M 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.; TWTh 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.;
FSa 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Services Provided: GED program maintains a multi-format collection of GED
materials to help adults with less than a twelfth grade education prepare for their
GED examination. The Library also provides volunteer tutors to assist
participants. A service of the Greenwood Branch Library.
Eligibility: Persons must be of age to take GED test.
Fees: Free to Corpus Christi residents.
Address: 4455 SPID Suite 29, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 855.7333 or 855.7334
Fax: 851.2067
Contact: Cynthia L. Bunton
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Provides full range of family planning services,
counseling, family planning education, health screening, follow-up and referral.
All services provided at different clinic sites. The Natural Family Planning
Clinic is located at this address Suite 28. Provides comprehensive family
planning services to area residents upon request; health screening, birth control
methods, community education regarding family planning, and family planning
services; physical examinations, counseling, contraceptive supplies, information
and referral; for pre-natal care, adoption, WIC programs, employment, and
public health services. Volunteers needed.
Eligibility: Anyone. Fees: Free to full pay, depending on family size/income.
Northwest Branch Library
Address: 3202 McKinzie, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
Phone: 241.9329
South Texas Family Planning and Health Corporation (Cont.)
through Memorial Medical Center. 7 day, 24 hour emergency shelter is also
available for homeless at 201 George (767.0682).
Eligibility: Needy families or persons with no other source of income or low
income. Must have ID, TDL, proof income or public assistance. Fees: None.
Family Planning Clinic
Address: 4455 SPID Suite 30, Corpus Christi, TX 78405-1806
Phone: 883.0619
Hours: M-W, F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital/ ALSAC
Phone: 1.800.531.5174
Founded by Danny Thomas, St. Jude treats children with cancer at no cost to
their families. Research findings benefit hospitals in Texas and worldwide.
Family Planning Clinic/Robstown
Address: 515 Pat Shutter #121, Robstown, TX 78380
Phone: 387.6996
Hours: M 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m., T-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Starlight Children’s Foundation
Phone: 323.634.0080
Hours: 24 hours; recording directs calls
Services Provided: Serves to enhance the lives of seriously ill children through
wish granting, entertainment, and recreational activities for pediatric patients.
Spaulding for Children
Address: 2820 SPID Suite #170, Corpus Christi, TX 78415-1820
Phone: 850-8200
Fax: 850-8202
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Recruits, educates and develops adoptive parents who will
open their homes to special needs children who are in the custody of the state.
Eligibility: Must be physically and mentally able to care for a child.
Fees: None.
Still Water Christian Ministries Sports Camps
Phone: 361.443.9768
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 72206, Corpus Christi, TX 78472
Services Provided: A christian-based summer sports camp targeting
underprivileged 7th and 8th grade students. The three separate 1-week events are
to instruct and enhance their God-given talents and abilities. Teaches leadership
skills and how to overcome fears and leaps of faith.
Eligibility: 7th and 8th grade students.
Fees: $300 per student for each session. Many are funded through scholarships
and corporate and individual sponsorships.
Special Olympics Texas, Area 2 South Texas
Address: 5858 S.P.I.D. #89, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 994.4884
Fax: 994.4887
Contact: Alice Fulton-Garza
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: The organization provides year-round sports training and
athletic competition for children and adults with mental retardation, building
self-esteem and training for life.
Eligibility: 8 years of age and older, with mental retardation. Fees: None.
Teenage Mothers School
Address: 3109 Carver, Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Phone: 886.9372
Fax: 886.9841
Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Services Provided: T.A.M.S. is an accredited school of the Corpus Christi
Independent School District. We serve grades 6-12 and have regular classes, as
well as Home and Family Living classes to prepare the girls for their child's
birth. All students take a parenting class. Also provided is nursery care for
newborn infants after delivery up to six months no older. Services provided
while in school.
Eligibility: Any student that is pregnant and under the age of 20. Must live in
Fees: None.
St. Anthony’s Social Services and Emergency
Address: 203 Dunne Avenue, Robstown, TX 78380
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 792, Robstown, TX 78380
Phone: 387.3467
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Services Provided: St. Anthony's Social Services is a program to serve the
community's needy families. Assistance is given to persons in need of food,
clothing, furniture, utilities, (partial payment) and some medical aid is available
Texas Department of Human Services –
Coastal Bend Region
Texas Cooperative Extension Service
Address: 710 East Main, Suite 1, Robstown, TX 78380
Phone: 767.5216
Fax: 767.5248
Contact: Karen Vaughan
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 12:00pm and 1:00 pm -5:00 p.m.
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Determine eligibility for temporary cash assistance and
Medicaid for families with dependent children, food stamps, home care and
Medicaid for elderly and nursing home care for elderly. Provides case
management, provider agency in-home and out of home care services, intake
and referrals for aged and disabled.
Location: 5155 Flynn Parkway, Corpus Christi, TX
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7622, Corpus Christi, TX 78467-7622
Phone: 855.9924
Fax: 878.3548
Serves clients whose last names begin with letter "J" through "Z.”
4-H Clubs
Youth development programs focusing on real-life learning experiences with
projects ranging from nutrition, child care, consumer education, and sewing to
community and home improvement, engineering programs, alcohol and drug
abuse prevention, school drop-out prevention, backyard gardening, scientific
study of growing embryos, electronics, and how to seek, prepare and apply for
jobs. 4-H teaches young people and eventually involves the total family in the
learning process.
Teen Leadership
Location: 4410 Dillon Lane #28
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7622, Corpus Christi, TX 78467-7622
Phone: 857.0878
Serves clients whose last names begin with letter "A" through "I.”
Eligibility: Must meet income guidelines and have identification.
Fees: None.
Yearlong class in developing leadership skills.
Texas Commission for the Blind
Address: 410 South S.P.I.D., Suite 103, Corpus Christi, TX 78405-4122
Phone: 289.1128
Fax: 289.0754 Website:
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Independent living services, employment assistance,
counseling and guidance, adaptive technology, restoration, and training
services. The Blind/Visually Impaired Children’s Program coordinates
and/or provides medical services for restoration of vision and prevention of
blindness; advocacy and representation within the school systems; counseling
and guidance for parents, to promote awareness of educational and training
opportunities. Blind/deaf services provided too.
Eligibility: Must be a Texas resident, must be income eligible, must have a
suspected visual problem or eye condition. Fees: None.
Texas Department of Protective and
Regulatory Services
Location: 4201 Greenwood, Corpus Christi, TX 78416
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7769, Corpus Christi, TX 78467-7769
Phone: (abuse hotline) 854.2011 1.800.252.5400
Fax: 878.7496
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; 24 Hour Line
Child Protective Services
Fax: 808.6216 (APS)
To protect children and to act in the child's best interest, investigate reports of
abuse and neglect. Provide in-home services, provide services for children substitute care, arrange adoptive placement.
Administers the Foster Care Program - Administers the Adoption Program.
Eligibility: Any child being abused or neglected. Application process for
becoming foster parents or adoptive parents.
Fees: None.
Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Address: P.O. Box 80529, Austin, TX 78708-0529
Phone: 1.800.832.9623
Fax: 512.837.4058
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Provides information on chemical dependency, treatment
facilities: licensed, chemical dependency counselors; funding for client
services; offender education programs; abuse/neglect of children and elders;
community education; investigation of complaints alleging violation of
Commission statutes or rules; mediation services; ombudsman; and general
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: Some fee for publications only.
Texas Elks Children’s Services Summer Camp
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Address: Rt. 5 Box 185, Gonzales, TX 78629-9613
Phone: 830.672.7561
Fax: 830.672.7563
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Services Provided: Dedicated to the belief that all children, regardless of
handicapping condition are entitled to receive services which will help them
achieve their maximum potential and enable them to lead satisfying, productive
lives. Summer camp.
Eligibility: Disabled children.
Fees: None.
Address: 2222 Welborn, Dallas, TX 75129
Phone: 214.559.7679
1.800.421.1121 x7679
Fax: 214.559.7612
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Treats pediatric, orthopedic related, neurological and
learning disabilities without charge. Its medical breakthroughs and technologies
have impacted more than 100,000 children's lives throughout the world.
Eligibility: Orthopedic need, newborn - 18 years, residents of the State of
Fees: Call for more information.
Texas Parent Heartline
Texas Youth Commission
Phone: 1.800.554.2323
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. -12:00 midnight, 24 hrs on weekends.
Heartline is a crisis telephone line to provide child abuse prevention counseling
and referral to appropriate support groups. The hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
midnight on weekdays and 24 hours a day on weekends.
Eligibility: Anyone, in crisis with his or her family, who is in a parenting role.
Fees: No Charge
Address: 3649 Leopard, Suite 514, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 692.1282 (Parole Office)
Fax: 883.0588
Hours: M-F 8:00am –5:00pm
Parole officers supervise the youth released on parole status. Referrals to other
service agencies provided.
York House
Address: 422 S Enterprize Parkway, Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Fax: 299.6319
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: A Juvenile Correction Facility halfway house.
Eligibility: Juveniles through 21 years of age must be referred by State.
Fees: None.
Texas Runaway Hotline
Address: P.O. Box 149030, Austin, TX 78714-9030
Phone: 1.800.580.4357 512.833.3477
Hours: 24 hours, 7days
Services Provided: The hotline's telephone counselors are dedicated to helping
youth and family members in need of assistance. After assessing caller's
problems, peer counselors help them consider options, explore the facts and
their feelings, and develop sensible plans of action. The hotline also provides:
comprehensive information and referrals to counseling; medical assistance, and
related services; conference calls to parents; conference calls to shelters and
agencies; in the caller's area, to confirm appropriate and available services; a
message relay service that helps runaways contact families on their own terms,
which not only helps give parents peace of mind, but promotes communication
and assistance to runaways who wish to access Operation Home Free, a service
that provides them with free transportation home.
Eligibility: Runaways.
Fees: None.
Texas Youth Hotline
Address: P.O. Box 149030, Austin, TX 78714-9030
Phone: 1.800.210.2278 512.833.3477
Hours: 24 hours/7days
Services Provided: The hotline's telephone counselors are dedicated to helping
youth and family members in need of assistance. After assessing caller's
problems, peer counselors help them consider options, explore the facts and
their feelings, and develop sensible plans of action. Through the STAR
(Services to At-Risk Youth and Families) Program in each county, the
following services are provided: 24-hour crisis intervention; short-term
emergency residential care for youth; individual, group, and family counseling;
skills-based training for youth and parents; and follow-up care.
Eligibility: At-risk youth and their families.
Fees: None.
TEXCARE Partnership (Children’s Health
Insurance Program)
United Way of the Coastal Bend
Address: 2902 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 882.2529 1.800.421.4636
Fax: 888.6882
Contact: Steve Miller
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Non-profit organization, which funds 58 local health and
human service agencies in the counties of Bee, Live Oak, Jim Wells, Kleberg,
Nueces and San Patricio. These agencies provide services such as substance
abuse services, counseling, day care, etc.
Phone: 1.800.647.6558 Website:
Contact: Jose Gonzalez 883.7201, ext. 43 in Corpus Christi;
Services Provided: A new children’s health insurance campaign developed
especially for Texas families to provide health insurance for children newborn
through age 18. All applicants are evaluated to determine if they meet the
qualifications of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, Medicaid or Texas
Healthy Kids. Families who qualify for CHIP will pay no more than $18.00 per
month to insure all of their children.
Eligibility: Call for application.
Fees: No fee to apply.
Phone: 882.4636 or 1.800.421.4636
Provides information and referral services to the Coastal Bend areas of Nueces,
San Patricio, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Beeville, Live Oak and Aransas.
Top Soccer
Mailing Address: 510 Williamson, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 853.3239 992.8299
Services Provided: A community-based training and team placement program
for young athletes with special needs. Our goal is to enable the thousands of
young athletes with disabilities to develop their physical fitness, technical skills,
courage and self-esteem, through the joy and excitement of playing soccer.
Eligibility: Registration form. Fees: $30 (for uniform and insurance fees);
scholarships available.
Success by 6
A community-wide initiative to help all children succeed for life. It focuses on
the early childhood period, pre-natal through age 6, to give every child the
healthy start they need to prevent health and social problems later in life. To this
end, leaders from United Way of the Coastal Bend, business, government,
health and human services agencies, education and neighborhoods join forces
through Success By 6 strategies include improving access to services, building
community awareness and impacting public policies- all to improve the lives of
children and families.
Turning Point Counseling Services, Inc.
Youth United
Address: 6625 Wooldridge, Suite 101, Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Phone: 888.5924
Fax: 906.0718
Contact: Amber Carter
Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.; F 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Services Provided: TriCounty Outreach At-Risk Youth Program - Counseling
services delivered by Master’s level interns and practicum students from Texas
A&M University-Corpus Christi, who are supervised by the licensed
professionals at our center.
Eligibility: Juvenile offenders from the ages 5-18.
Fees: Medicare and sliding fee
A mentoring program, which assists young people in raising money for social
services, and which allows them to allocate the monies raised.
University Outreach Texas A&M - UT Austin
Address: 410 SPID, Suite 102, Corpus Christi, TX 78405-4122
Phone: 289.7905
Fax: 289.7947
Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Services Provided: University Outreach assists selected students to enter
college. We offer informational services about college to the community.
Eligibility: Students entering college.
Fees: None.
Counseling for Victims of Crime
This program is to service victims of crime. Sexually/physically abused
children and teens, adult survivors of childhood sexual/physical abuse, parents
struggling with children who have been abused, neglected victims of domestic
Eligibility: Victims of crime. Fees: Free to victims of crime and their families.
Volunteer Center of the Coastal Bend
YMCA of Corpus Christi
Address: 400 Mann St., Suite 402, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 887.8282
Fax: 887.8286
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Address: 417 S. Upper Broadway, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 882.1741
Fax: 882.1427
Contact: Gloria Jackson
Hours: M-F 5:30am - 10:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00am- 6:00pm Sun. 12:00pm- 6:00pm
Services Provided: Health, fitness, and wellness programs for the entire
family. Character building, recreational, and after-school childcare for youth.
Youth outreach on school campuses: swim lessons and water safety for all
ages. Volunteers needed, minimum age 12.
Alternative Community Service
Takes referrals from U.S. Probation Department and Corpus Christi Municipal
Court. Places, monitors and reports on clients performing community service
under court order. Service areas include Nueces, Jim Wells, Bee, San Patricio,
and Kleberg counties.
Eligibility: Anyone referred by Federal or Corpus Christi Municipal Court to
perform community service.
Fees: None.
Day Camps
Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Youth Outreach Program on school campuses.
Eligibility: Children, from 5 years to 18 years. Fees: According to services.
America's Promise
America's Promise: Coastal Bend Connection Volunteer Center serves as the
convenor for America's Promise for Youth, which began with the President’s
summit in April 1997. Coalition includes local non-profits, business,
government agencies and civic organizations.
Eligibility: Anyone can help.
Fees: None.
YWCA – Young Women’s Christian
Teens in Community Service
Address: 4601 Corona Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78411-4307
Phone: 857.5661
Fax: 857.0254
Contact: Thelma Lopez
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Volunteers needed, minimum age 15. Contact Nancy Wesson-Dodd
Provides opportunities to individuals and groups of youth, ages 12-18. Helps
non-profit agencies work effectively with teen volunteers. Get Connected is a
CITGO Guide to Youth Volunteer Opportunities. Service areas include Nueces,
Jim Wells, Bee, San Patricio and Kleberg counties.
Contact Robin Cohea.
Eligibility: Youth ages 12-18 years.
Fees: None.
Cara y Corazon
Volunteer Clearinghouse
Eight week, family-strengthening program. Curriculum helps families refocus
their lives into positive family identity, rituals, customs and traditions through
weekly discussions on children, cultural values, respect, discipline, and
community skills.
Eligibility: Parents recovering from physical and/or substance abuse.
Fees: None.
Volunteer Clearinghouse recruits and places volunteers, individuals and groups
from the general community in 258 non-profit, agencies.
Eligibility: Anyone.
Fees: None.
Wetip Hotline
Phone: 1.800.762.4636 1.800.862.4110 202.835.3400
Services Provided: Takes anonymous tips and leads concerning crimes, pays
rewards, up to $1,000 anonymously using code names and case numbers.
Y-Teen Club
Y-Teen Clubs promote socialization focusing on decision-making skills, goal
setting and self-esteem. Groups meet in the community.
Eligibility: Any interested girls between the 5th - 8th grades. Fees: None.
YWCA – Young Women’s Christian Association (Cont.)
Youth Opportunities United – YOU
Young Parents
Address: 1201 N. Shoreline Boulevard, Corpus Christi, TX 78403
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 640, Corpus Christi, TX 78403
Phone: 361. 881.1835
Fax: 361. 881.1836
Provides an educational program and support group for teen parents.
Curriculum covers prenatal nutritional needs of mother, child development,
child guidance and related topics through the child's second birthday and
education for young parents about meeting their own developmental needs.
Sessions held in various community settings.
Eligibility: Parents, 10-23 years of age.
Fees: None.
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: This is a comprehensive strategy planning collaborative
focusing on youth concerns, particularly to reduce juvenile delinquency. The
City of Corpus Christi, Nueces County Sheriff’s Department, the United Way of
the Coastal Bend, and the Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce are the
primary organizations working in collaboration with local school districts,
advocacy groups, governmental agencies and youth to develop and implement
youth related programming in Nueces County. A Youth Council has been
organized and a youth directed Youth Summit is scheduled annually. The
contact address is the Corpus Christi Chamber of Congress.
Eligibility: None.
Fees: None.
Youth Odyssey
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 260762, Corpus Christi, TX 78426
Phone: 851-0051 or 361.767.7691
Contact: Jon Worbets
Hours: Varies, according to program.
Services Provided: Youth Odyssey Inc. promotes the development of core life
skills in at-risk youth through hands-on adventure challenge programming.
Activities include Ropes Challenge courses and adventure wilderness trips.
Eligibility: At-risk youth, 12 – 17 years, who are referred to the program and
meet the qualifications of the granting agency.
Fees: None.
Adult Learning Center
Avance Center Inc.
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Boys and Girls Club of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation
Coastal Bend Alliance for Youth
Coastal Bend School for the Arts – CBSA
Coastal Bend Youth City
Communities in Schools
Community Outreach at Texas A&M
University - Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi Area Council for the Deaf
Corpus Chirsti Council of Parent Teacher
Corpus Christi Literacy Council
Corpus Christi Independent School District
Corpus Christi Medical Center Bay Area
Corpus Christi - Nueces County Health Department
Corpus Christi Pregnancy Center
The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse -- Coastal
Del Mar College
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) and Kids
and Cops
Family Counseling Service
Family Outreach of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women’s Shelter,
Girl Scouts of the USA - Paisano Council
Graffiti Wipe Out
Greenwood Molina Children’s Center
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
Harbor Playhouse
Hope Faith and Dreams
Jewish Community Council
Job Corps
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Mary McLeod Bethune Day Nursery, Inc.
National Conference for Community and Justice
Neighborhood Centers
Nueces County Juvenile Department
Office of the Attorney General
Parks and Recreation - City of Corpus Christi
Planned Parenthood of South Texas, Inc.
Public Libraries - City of Corpus Christi
South Texas Family Planning and Health Corporation
Special Olympics Texas
Teenage Mothers School
Texas Cooperative Extension Service
Texas Commission for the Blind
Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Texas Parent Heartline
Texas Youth Hotline
YMCA of Corpus Christi
YWCA – Young Women’s Christian
Youth Opportunities United – YOU
Child Abuse/neglect
Boys Town National Hotline
CASA of Coastal Bend
Childhelp USA
Coastal Bend Youth City
Corpus Christi Police Department
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Family Counseling Service
Family Outreach of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women’s Shelter,
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
Nueces County-Children’s Advocacy Center
Nueces Child Welfare Foundation, Inc.
Presbyterian Children’s Homes
Teenage Mothers School
Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory
Services – Coastal Bend Region -- Corpus
Texas Parent Heartline
Texas Runaway Hotline
Texas Youth Hotline
United Way of the Coastal Bend
Counseling/Support Groups
Birthright of Corpus Christi
Bokenkamp Children’s Center
Boys Town National Hotline
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit
Children’s Defense Fund
Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation
Coastal Bend Youth City
Corpus Christi Area Council for the Deaf
Corpus Christi Pregnancy Center
The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse -- Coastal
Dispute Resolution Services
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Family Counseling Service
Family Outreach of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women’s Shelter,
Girl Scouts of the USA - Paisano Council
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
Lutheran Social Services of the South, Inc.
Muscular Dystrophy Association
National Conference for Community and Justice
New Life Fellowship - Victory Outreach
Nueces County-Children’s Advocacy Center
Nueces County Juvenile Department
Parks and Recreation - City of Corpus Christi
Planned Parenthood of South Texas, Inc.
Presbyterian Children’s Homes
South Texas Family Planning and Health Corporation
Spiritual Way Addiction Counseling Services
St. Anthony’s Social Services and Emergency Shelter
Teenage Mothers School
Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug
Texas Runaway Hotline
Texas Youth Hotline
Turning Point Counseling Services, Inc
Criminal Justice/Delinquency
CASA of Coastal Bend
Children’s Advocacy Center
Coastal Bend Tattoo Removal Program
Coastal Bend Youth City
Corpus Christi Police Department
The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse -- Coastal
Dispute Resolution Services
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) and Kids
and Cops
Family Counseling Service
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women’s Shelter,
Graffiti Wipe Out
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
Nueces County Juvenile Department
Parks and Recreation - City of Corpus Christi
Pathways Youth Home Inc.
Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory
Services – Coastal Bend Region -- Corpus
Texas Youth Commission
Turning Point Counseling Services, Inc.
Volunteer Center of the Coastal Bend
Wetip Hotline
Youth Odyssey
Drugs and Alcohol
Coastal Bend Youth City
Corpus Christi - Nueces County Health Department
The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse -- Coastal
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) and Kids
and Cops
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
New Life Fellowship - Victory Outreach
Nueces County Juvenile Department
Padre Behavioral Hospital
Parks and Recreation - City of Corpus Christi
Spiritual Way Addiction Counseling Services
Emergency Services
American Red Cross Coastal Bend, Texas
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Family Counseling Service
Boys Town National Hotline
Communities in Schools
Corpus Christi Area Council for the Deaf
Corpus Christi Hope House and The Gabriel Project
Corpus Christi Metro Ministries
Corpus Christi - Nueces County Health Department
Corpus Christi Police Department
Family Outreach of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women’s Shelter,
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
Nueces County MHMR Community Center
Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
St. Anthony’s Social Services and Emergency Shelter
Texas Department of Human Services – Coastal Bend
Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory
Services – Coastal Bend Region -- Corpus
Texas Runaway Hotline
Texas Youth Hotline
United Way of the Coastal Bend
Emergency Shelters
The Ark Assessment Center and Emergency
Corpus Christi Hope House and The Gabriel Project
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women’s Shelter,
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
Corpus Christi Metro Ministries
Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
St. Anthony’s Social Services and Emergency Shelter
Financial Assistance
Children with Special Health Care Needs
Children’s Wish Foundation
Communities in Schools
Corpus Christi Hope House and The Gabriel Project
Corpus Christi - Nueces County Health
Del Mar College
Dress For Success
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women’s
Shelter, Inc.
Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
Texas Department of Human Services – Coastal Bend
Texas Runaway Hotline
United Way of the Coastal Bend
Foster Care/Adoption
The Arrow Project
Coastal Bend Youth City
Lutheran Social Services of the South, Inc.
Pathways Youth Home Inc.
Presbyterian Children’s Homes
Foster Grandparents Program
Health and Safety
American Red Cross Coastal Bend, Texas
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Boy Scouts of America – South Texas Council
Boys and Girls Club of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit
Children with Special Health Care Needs
Children’s Defense Fund
Children’s Wish Foundation
Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation
Coastal Bend Tattoo Removal Program
Corpus Christi Area Council for the Deaf
Corpus Christi Metro Ministries
Corpus Christi - Nueces County Health Department
Nueces County MHMR Community Center
The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse -- Coastal
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Eating Disorders
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women’s Shelter,
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
Jewish Community Council
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Nueces County Juvenile Department
Padre Behavioral Hospital
Parks and Recreation - City of Corpus Christi
Planned Parenthood of South Texas, Inc.
Presbyterian Children’s Homes
Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
South Texas Family Planning and Health Corporation
Special Olympics Texas
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital/
Starlight Children’s Foundation
Texas Commission for the Blind
Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory
Services – Coastal Bend Region -- Corpus
Texas Elks Children’s Services Summer Camp
Texas Runaway Hotline
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
TEXCARE Partnership (Children’s Health Insurance
YMCA of Corpus Christi
YWCA – Young Women’s Christian Association
Job Training
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Del Mar College
Dress For Success
Goodwill Industries of South Texas
Jewish Community Council
Job Corps
Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
Texas Cooperative Extension Service
Texas Department of Human Services – Coastal Bend
Avance Selena Center
Birthright of Corpus Christi
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Communities in Schools
Corpus Christi Hope House and Gabriel Project
Corpus Christi Independent School District
Corpus Christi - Nueces County Health
Corpus Christi Pregnancy Center
The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse -Coastal Bend
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Family Counseling Service
Family Outreach of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center of South Texas, The Women’s
Shelter, Inc.
Gulf Coast Council of La Raza
Jewish Community Council
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
Meld Young Dads (Mutual Enrichment Through
Learning & Discovery)
Nueces County Juvenile Department
Office of the Attorney General
Planned Parenthood of South Texas, Inc.
Presbyterian Children’s Homes
South Texas Family Planning and Health
Teenage Mothers School
Texas Parent Heartline
United Way of the Coastal Bend
YWCA – Young Women’s Christian
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Boy Scouts of America – Gulf Coast Council
Boys and Girls Club of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Camp Fire Inc - Corpus Christi Council
Community Outreach at Texas A&M
University - Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi Area Council for the Deaf
Girl Scouts of the USA - Paisano Council
Greenwood Molina Children’s Center
Harbor Playhouse
Hope Faith and Dreams
Jewish Community Council
Mary McLeod Bethune Day Nursery, Inc.
Parks and Recreation - City of Corpus Christi
Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
Special Olympics Texas
Texas Cooperative Extension Service
Texas Elks Children’s Services Summer Camp
Top Soccer
YMCA of Corpus Christi
YWCA – Young Women’s Christian Association
Youth Odyssey
Residential Treatment Facilities
Bokenkamp Children’s Center
Coastal Bend Youth City
Texas Youth Commission
Volunteer Opportunities
American Red Cross Coastal Bend, Texas
Avance Center Inc.
Ark Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter For
Birthright of Corpus Christi
Boy Scouts of America – Gulf Coast Council
Boys and Girls Club of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Camp Fire Inc - Corpus Christi Council
Children’s Advocacy Center
Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation
Coastal Bend Youth City
Communities In Schools, Corpus Christi, Inc.
Community Outreach at Texas A&M
University – Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi Area Council for the Deaf
Corpus Christi Hope House
Corpus Christi Medical Center Doctors Regional
Corpus Christi Metro Ministries
Corpus Christi Pregnancy Center
Dispute Resolution Services
Dress For Success South Texas
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Family Counseling Service
Family Outreach of Corpus Christi
Foster Grandparents Program
Girl Scouts of the USA - Paisano Council
Goodwill Industries of South Texas
Graffiti Wipe Out
Greenwood Molina Children’s Center
Harbor Playhouse
Hope Faith and Dreams
Lutheran Social Services
Mary McCleod Bethune Day Nursery, Inc.
Meld Young Dads
Mission 911
Neighborhood Centers
Nueces Child Welfare Foundation, Inc.
Nueces County MHMR Community Center
Operation Paintbrush, Community Projects
Parks and Recreation - City of Corpus Christi
Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
Special Olympics Texas
Texas Cooperative Extension Service
Turning Point Counseling Services
United Way of the Coastal Bend
Volunteer Center of the Coastal Bend
YMCA of Corpus Christi
Youth Odyssey
YWCA – Young Women’s Christian Association
Youth Development
Boy Scouts of America – Gulf Coast Council
Boys and Girls Club of Corpus Christi, Inc.
Camp Fire Inc - Corpus Christi Council
Children’s Defense Fund
Coastal Bend School for the Arts – CBSA
Community Outreach at Texas A&M
University – Corpus Christi
Coastal Bend Youth City
Girl Scouts of the USA - Paisano Council
Harbor Playhouse
Hope Faith and Dreams
Jewish Community Council
Operation Paintbrush, Community Projects
Parks and Recreation - City of Corpus Christi
Special Olympics Texas
Texas Cooperative Extension Service
YMCA of Corpus Christi
YWCA – Young Women’s Christian Association
Youth Odyssey
Faith Resources
County Youth
All Saints Episcopal Church
Bay Area Fellowship
Address: 3026 S. Staples, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 855.6294
Services Provided: Youth Mentoring for youth from 6–18.
Eligibility: Anyone
Fees: None.
Address: 8001 SPID, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 993.5900
Services Provided: Mentoring and recreational activities available to all.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Annaville Baptist Church
Bayshore Bible Church
Address: 4025 Violet Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
Phone: 241.9557
Fax: 241.9559
Services Provided: Youth mentoring programs for 11-18 years;
recreational activities for youth 11 –18; family counseling services for all
ages; and parenting classes for parents over 18 years of age.
Eligibility: Open to anyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 901 Brawner Parkway, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 852.0722
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18; recreational
activities for youth 11-18; parenting classes for parents 18 and older;
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Arlington Heights Community Church
Bethany Christian Church (Iglesia Cristiana
Address: 9550 Leopard, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
Phone: 241.4460
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for ages 15-18.
Eligibility: Open to anyone. Fees: Call for charges.
Address: 2821 Gollihar Road, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Services Provided: Family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Asbury United Methodist Church
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Address: 7501 S. Staples, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: 992.7501
Contact: Joe Boyd
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
11 – 18; academic support for youth 9 – 18; family counseling for all ages;
parenting classes for parents 18 or older.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 3114 Saratoga Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 851.0853
Contact: Roseno Danila
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
11 – 14; academic support for youth 9 – 14; job training and parenting
classes for those over 18 years of age; no fees for services.
Eligibility: Limited to members.
Fees: Call for fee information.
Bahai Faith
Bluntzer Renewal Center – Incarnate Word
Address: P.O. Box 81301, Corpus Christi, TX 78468
Phone: 851.2611
Services Provided: Parenting classes available for parents 18 or older;
counseling available to all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 2930 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 883.2433
Services Provided: Recreational activities available days and weekends.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: Call for charges.
B’Nai Israel Synagogue
Christ the King Catholic Church
Address: PO Box 6036, Corpus Christi, TX 78466
Phone: 855.7308
Fax: 855.7309
Services Provided: Jewish Sunday school and family counseling for all
ages according to Jewish customs.
Eligibility: Members only.
Fees: None.
Address: 3423 Rojo St, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 883.2821 Fax: 883.3448 Contact: Amerette Garza
Services Provided: Children’s immunizations for kinder through 5 th
grade; Family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Brighton Park Baptist School
Christian Revival Center United
Pentecostal Church
Address: 3418 Airline Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Phone: 991.2445
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth 6
– 18; academic support for people of all ages; and parenting classes for
parents 18 or older.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: Charge for academic support classes.
Address: 4202 Violet Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
Phone: 242.1171
Services provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
6-18; parenting classes for parents over 18; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Christian Triumph Church of God
Cathedral of the Palms
Address: 905 So. Bluntzer, Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Phone: 884.6924
Contact: Pastor Israel Hernandez
Services Provided: Family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Address: 3401 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 853.0126
Services Provided: Recreational activities for youth 11 – 18 at no charge.
Fee services include: youth mentoring for youth 11 – 18; child
immunizations for children 4 –12; personal and home safety courses for
children 4-18; academic support for all ages; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: Call for specific fees.
Church of Christ Ebony Acres
Address: 5674 Hampshire Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 289.0383 Contact: Clayton Soleyn
Services Provided: Recreational activities for youth 6-18; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone
Fees: None.
Church of Christ -Weber Road
Address: 5253 Weber Road, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 853.7701
Contact: Mark Hammilt
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-18; recreational activities
for youth birth through 18; parenting classes for parents 18 and over with
appropriate professional referrals; family counseling for all ages with
professional referrals.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Church of Christ-Norton St.
Address: 3001 Norton St, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 855.1195 Fax: 851.2939
Contact: Israel
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18; recreational
activities for youth 4-12; personal safety courses for youth 13-18; job
training courses for youth 14-18; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone
Fees: None.
Church of the King
Galilean Lutheran Church
Address: 1012 Annapolis Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 852.1810
Service Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
15-18; parenting classes and family counseling.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 3321 Cimarron Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 991.4593
Contact: Paster Robert Lim
Services Provided: Recreational activities for youth 6-18
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Glory Full Gospel Church
Address: 6262 Greenwood, Corpus Christi, TX 78417
Phone: 855.3436
Fax: 855.1522
Services Provided: Youth mentoring; recreational activities for youth 1118; academic support for youth 5-18.
Eligibility: Limited to church members.
Fees: None.
Corpus Christi Christian Fellowship
Address: 6602 S. Staples, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: 993.2223
Services Provided: Recreational activities for youth 11-18; youth
mentoring for youth of all ages; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Greater Shiloh Church of God in Christ
Covenant Baptist Church
Address: 1901 Cliff Maus Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78416
Phone: 855.9886 or 816.9979
Address: 7001 Williams Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 985.2244
Contact: Tyler Brownlee
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Services Provided: Mentoring for youth 6-18; recreational activities for
youth 0-18; academic support for youth 5-18; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Flour Bluff Church of Christ
Holy Cross Parish Church
Address: 3745 Waldron Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78418
Phone: 937.5758 Contact: Charles Wilson
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-18.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 1109 N. Staples St., Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 888.4012
Contact: Ms Gurhado.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-18; recreational activities
for youth 11-18; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Iglesia Cristiana Maranatha
Address: PO Box 6810, Corpus Christi, TX 78466
Phone: 854.3044
Contact: Don Tuttle
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-10; parenting classes on
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 3101 McArdle, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 854.2522 or 857.8595
Contact: Magda Cabrera.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-14; recreational activities
for youth 6-14; academic support for youth 9-14; family counseling for all
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Island Presbyterian Church
Morgan Ave Baptist Church
Address: 14030 Fortuna Bay Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78418
Phone: 949.8770
Fax: 949.9887
Contact: Gale Masinda.
Services Provided: Recreational activities for youth birth-18; family
counseling services for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 1525 Morgan Ave, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 884.4086
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-14; academic support
for youth 9-14; parenting classes for parents 18 and older; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Jackson Woods Presbyterian
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church and School
Address: 10500 Stonewall, Corpus Christi, TX 78410
Phone: 241.3205 Fax: 242.1829
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18; recreational
activities for youth 11-18; academic support for youth 12-18; parenting
classes for youth 13 and older; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 5101 Saratoga Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: 991.3416 Fax: 991.8851
Services Provided: Recreational activities for youth 11-18; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Jewish Community Council
Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church
Address: 750 Everhart, Corpus Christi, TX 78411-1906
Phone: 855.6239
Fax: 853.9040
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: parenting classes and job training classes are available
for people over 18. Fosters and develops community life with preschool,
day camp, athletic, social, cultural, educational, recreational, family and
social service programs for all ages and all members of the community.
The programs offered are nondenominational. Multipurpose center used for
a variety of functions some of which include: political forums, movies,
private parties, Jewish celebrations, and recreational. Summer Camps are
held in June and July.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: Vary according to use.
Address: 1913 Mestina, Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 884.7576
Services Provided: Youth mentoring all ages; recreational activities for
youth 6-18; parenting classes on weekends; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
New Life Fellowship
Address: 1207 Craig St., Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 882.3279
Contact: Tony.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-18; recreational activities
for youth 6-18; parenting classes for parents 13 and older; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church
Address: 1610 Comanche, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 882.9533
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
New Life Fellowship - Victory Outreach
Parkway Presbyterian Church
Location: 1217 S. Brownlee, Corpus Christi, TX 78468
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5190, Corpus Christi, TX 78465
Phone: 882.5555 or 888.6460
Fax: 881.9900
Hours: 7 days, 24 hours; Administration Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Victory outreach is a non-denominational religious
oriented drug and alcohol center. Participant must have a problem with
drugs or alcohol and want change in his/her life. Drug information,
counseling, spiritual therapy, referral guidance and assistance,
rehabilitation, follow-up and drug prevention rallies. Meeting every
Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
Eligibility: Anyone over the age of 18 on alcohol/drugs wanting to change
their lifestyle.
Fees: None at start of program/then willing to contribute.
Address: 3707 Santa Fe Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 852.7386
Services Provided: Family and individual counseling; parenting skills.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Primera Iglesia Bautista
Address: 1509 Tarlton, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 884.3582
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Rising Star Baptist Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Address: 3502 Holly Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 852.3292
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-18; recreational activities
for youth birth-18; personal safety training for youth 13-18; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Address: 540 Hiawatha St., Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Phone: 882.1951 Fax: 888.5813 Contact: Sister Guadalupe.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 15-18 and job training for
youth 16-18.
Eligibility: Member of church.
Fees: None.
River Hills Baptist Church
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Address: FM Rd 624, PO Box 260200, Corpus Christi, TX 78426
Phone: 387.7584
Contact: Tim Thornton.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18; recreational
activities for youth 6-14; parenting classes for parents 18 and older; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: Fee for recreation and parenting.
Address: 3110 E. Causeway Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 883.4507
Contact: Deacon Peter Horseman.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Member of church. Fees: Fee for family counseling.
Our Savior Hispanic Lutheran Church
Sacred Heart Rectory
Address: 6102 Greenwood Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78417
Phone: 857.5673
Contact: Pastor Alan.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring; recreational activities for youth 1118; job training for youth; parenting classes; family counseling.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 1217 Lipan, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 883.6082
Contact: Gloria.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
11-18; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
Southside Community Church
Address: P.O. Box 2507, Corpus Christi, TX 78403
Phone: 884.9497
Fax: 884.7522
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Headquarters for volunteer and service programs such
as: welfare referrals, emergency shelter care, emergency funding, housing
referrals, emergency disaster relief, red kettle distribution, toy distribution,
mobile canteen program, youth, men's and women's fellowship groups,
angel tree, the doll/bear dressing program and Homeless VA program.
Address: 3346 Airline Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Phone: 992.4977
Contact: Michael Grozes.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
12-18 (5th to 12th grade)
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
St. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church
Address: 3210 SPID, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 852.7541
Contact: Gilbert Juarez, Jr.
Services Provided: Life Teen Office offers youth mentoring and
recreational activities for youth 15-18.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Corps Community Center and Chapel
Address: 1802 Buford, Corpus Christi, TX
Phone: 883.1210
Hours: M-F 4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
*Chapel Hours: Sunday, 9:45 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Adult men and women
fellowship groups. Youth group activities. Church services on Sunday,
11:00 a.m. Recreation activities for the community, basketball, soccer,
baseball, volleyball and etc.
Eligibility: Anyone, from the community, who wishes to participate in the
activities offered.
Fees: $3.00 a month.
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
Address: 204 Dunne Ave, Robstown, TX 78380
Phone: 387.9874
Contact: Father Gerry.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for all ages; recreational activities for
youth 15-18; personal safety training for youth 4-18; home safety classes
for youth 4-12; parenting classes for parents 18 and older; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: Fee for mentoring.
Segunda Iglesia Bautista
Address: PO Box 7028, Corpus Christi, TX 78467
Phone: 852.0919
Fax: 852.0910 Contact: Eleasar Jaime.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18; recreational
activities for youth 6-18; academic support for youth 12-18; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
St. John Lutheran Church
Address: 3316 County Rd 48, Robstown, TX 78380
Phone: 387.9481
Contact: Pastor Jeff Thompson.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18.
Eligibility: Member of church.
Fees: None.
South Church of Christ
St. John’s United Methodist Church
Address: 3202 Rodd Field Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Phone: 992.4567
Contact: James Peel
Service Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-18; recreational activities,
academic support and family counseling services for all ages; parenting
classes for parents over 18.
Eligibility: Open to everyone
Fees: None.
Address: 5300 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 991.4342
Contact: Kathryn Albert
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18; recreational
activities for youth 11-18; personal safety training for youth 7-18; parenting
classes for parents 18 and older; family counseling services for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
St. Paul United Church of Christ
Address: 710 19 St., Corpus Christi, TX 78405
Phone: 882.7912
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-14; recreational
activities for youth from birth-18; academic support for youth 5-11;
parenting class for parents 18 and older; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 5525 Lipes Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: 994.8899
Fax: 994.8912
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-10 and 15-18;
recreational activities for youth 6-18; personal safety courses for youth 1318; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
St. Peter’s By the Sea United Methodist
Address: 2727 Airline, Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Phone: 994.0285
Contact: Michael Porter.
Services Provided: Recreational activities for youth 11-18; parenting
classes for parents 18 and older.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 1541 Waldron Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78418
Phone: 937.1456
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-14; recreational
activities for youth 11-18.
Eligibility: Member of church.
Fees: None.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Address: 4620 S. Alameda, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 992.5973
Fax: 992.5974 Contact: Rebecca Krogness.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-14; recreational
activities for youth of all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
St. Philip the Apostle Church
Address: 3513 Cimarron, Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Phone: 991.5146
Contact: Danny Kollaia.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18; recreational
activities for youth 6-14; academic support for youth 15-18.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Address: 502 S. Chaparral St., Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: 883.0950
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
11-18; family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
St. Pius X Catholic Church
Address: 5620 Gollihar Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 993.4053
Contact: Linda.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
6-18; parenting classes for parents 18 and older; family counseling for all
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Address: 801 E. Main, Bishop, TX 78343
Phone: 584.2778
Services Provided: Parenting classes for parents 18 and older; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: Fee for parenting classes.
St. Theresa Church
Address: 1302 Lantana St., Corpus Christi, TX 78407
Phone: 289.2759
Contact: Father Richard Libby.
Services Provided: Mentoring and recreational activities for youth 11-18.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Tabernacle of Praise Church
Trinity Church of the Nazarene
Address: 5902 Kostoryz, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 225.0907
Fax: 814.5221
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 6-18; recreational activities
for youth 6-18; academic support for youth 5-18; job training for youth 1418; GED classes for youth 15 and older.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 6225 Weber Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: 853.1234
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth of all ages; recreational
activities for youth 11-18.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Templo Elim Assembly of God
Address: 808 Louisiana Parkway, Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Phone: 884.4041
Contact: Pastor Kirk.
Services Provided: Family counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Address: 2625 Gollihar Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 853.7639
Contact: Sam Pena
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18; recreational
activities for youth 6-18; parenting classes for parents 18 and older; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Member of church. Fees: None.
Trinity Worship Center
Address: 7010 Holly Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 991.4444
Contact: Paster Jerry Weiss
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-14; recreational
activities for youth 11-18; parenting classes for parents 18 and older; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Timmons Ministries
Address: 10501 S. Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78418
Phone: 939-9533
Contact: Kae Berry or Ed Grove
Hours: M-F 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Services Provide: Serve hot meals to needy men, women, and children,
lunch six days a week, Monday – Saturday, breakfast, food pantry, crisis
assistance for shelter and employment, medical bills, prescription drugs,
birth certificates and Ids, clothes closet, back-to-school items.
Eligibility: Anyone in the Four Bluff and Padre Island areas needing
Fees: None.
United Campus Ministry of Corpus Christi
Address: 3510 Gollihar, Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Phone: 852.8268
Services Provided: Recreational activities for youth.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Travis Baptist Church
Victory Outreach
Address: 5802 Weber Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: 853.9967
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth 11-18; recreational
activities for youth 6-18; parenting classes for parents 18 and older; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone.
Fees: None.
Address: 624 Old Robstown Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78408
Phone: 881.9560
Services Provided: Youth mentoring, recreational activities and academic
support for youth 15-18; parenting classes and family counseling for all
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
Windsor Park Baptist Church
Need Information on Social Services
Address: 517 Sheridan, Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Phone: 992.5788
Contact: Ross Light.
Services Provided: Youth mentoring and recreational activities for youth
11-18; academic support for youth 9-14; job training for youth 14-18;
personal safety training and home safety training for youth 7-18.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: Fee for personal safety course.
in the Coastal Bend?
United Way INFO*LINE
Windsor Park Church of Christ
Address: 4420 S. Staples, Corpus Christi, TX 78411
Phone: 992.8251
Contact: Brain Kelten
Services Provided: Youth mentoring for youth of all ages; recreational
activities for youth 11-18; parenting classes for parents 18 and older; family
counseling for all ages.
Eligibility: Open to everyone. Fees: None.
For Resources in Other Texas Cities
If you would like to add your faith organization
Young Life of Corpus Christi
Location: 5934 Embassy Dr., Suite 216, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Phone: 992.5152
Fax: 772.5196
Hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Services Provided: Non-denominational outreach to high school kids of
Corpus Christi.
Eligibility: High school age.
Fees: None.
if the information on your faith organization changes,
Please contact Kristina Zambrano
825.3206 or
YOU Data Collection & Analysis Office
Asbury United Methodist Church
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Brighton Park Baptist School
CATCH – Corpus Area Teen Coalition of
Cathedral of the Palms
Church of Christi South
Glory Full Gospel Church
Greater Shiloh Youth Ministry
Iglesia Cristiana Maranatha
Jackson Woods Presbyterian
Jewish Community Council
Morgan Ave Baptist Church
Segunda Iglesia Bautista
Solid Rock United Pentecostal Church
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
St. Philip the Apostle Church
Tabernacle of Praise Church
Victory Outreach
Windsor Park Baptist Church
Annaville Baptist Church
Asbury United Methodist Church
Bahai Faith
Bayshore Bible Church
Bethany Christian Church (Iglesia Cristiana Betanía)
B’Nai Israel Synagogue
CATCH – Corpus Area Teen Coalition of
Cathedral of the Palms
Church of Christ Weber Road
Christ the King Catholic Church
Christian Revival Center United Pentecostal Church
Christian Triumph Church of God
The Church of Acts
Church of Christ Ebony Acres
Church of Christ Norton St.
Church of Christi South
Church of the King
Corpus Christi Christian Fellowship
Greater Shiloh Youth Ministry
Holy Cross Parish Church
Iglesia Cristiana Maranatha
Island Presbyterian Church
Jackson Woods Presbyterian
Morgan Ave Baptist Church
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church
Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church
New Life Fellowship
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Parkway Presbyterian Church
Rising Star Baptist Church
River Hills Baptist Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Cathedral of the Palms
Christ the King Catholic Church
Segunda Iglesia Bautista
Solid Rock United Pentecostal Church
Spirit of the Lord Ministry, Refuge for the Saints
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
St. John’s United Methodist Church
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
St. Paul Lutheran Church
St. Paul United Church of Christ
St. Pius X Catholic Church
Templo Elim Assembly of God
Travis Baptist Church
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Worship Center
Victory Outreach
Windsor Park Church of Christ
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Church of Christ Norton St.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Solid Rock United Pentecostal Church
Spirit of the Lord Ministry, Refuge for the Saints
Tabernacle of Praise Church
Windsor Park Baptist Church
Annaville Baptist Church
Asbury United Methodist Church
Bahai Faith
Bayshore Bible Church
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Brighton Park Baptist School
Church of Christ Weber Road
Christian Revival Center United Pentecostal Church
Church of Christi South
Church of the King
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Galilean Lutheran Church
Jackson Woods Presbyterian
Morgan Ave Baptist Church
Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church
New Life Fellowship
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Parkway Presbyterian Church
River Hills Baptist Church
Solid Rock United Pentecostal Church
Spirit of the Lord Ministry, Refuge for the Saints
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
St. John’s United Methodist Church
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
St. Paul Lutheran Church
St. Pius X Catholic Church
Templo Elim Assembly of God
Travis Baptist Church
Trinity Worship Center
Victory Outreach
Windsor Park Church of Christ
Bishop Garriga Middle School
CATCH – Corpus Area Teen Coalition of
Cathedral of the Palms
Church of Christ Norton St.
Jewish Community Council
Rising Star Baptist Church
Spirit of the Lord Ministry, Refuge for the Saints
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
St. John’s United Methodist Church
St. Paul United Church of Christ
Windsor Park Baptist Church
Annaville Baptist Church
Asbury United Methodist Church
Bay Area Fellowship
Bayshore Bible Church
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Bluntzer Renewal Center
Brighton Park Baptist School
CATCH–Corpus Area Teen Coalition of
Cathedral of the Palms
Church of Christ Weber Road
Christian Revival Center United Pentecostal Church
The Church of Acts
Church of Christ Ebony Acres
Church of Christ Norton St.
Church of Christi South
Church of the King
Corpus Christi Christian Fellowship
Galilean Lutheran Church
Glory Full Gospel Church
Greater Shiloh Youth Ministry
Holy Cross Parish Church
Iglesia Cristiana Maranatha
Jackson Woods Presbyterian
Jewish Community Council
Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church
Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church
New Life Fellowship
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Primera Iglesia Bautista
Rising Star Baptist Church
River Hills Baptist Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Salvation Army – Corpus Christi
Segunda Iglesia Bautista
Solid Rock United Pentecostal Church
Southcrest Baptist Church
Southside Community Church
SS. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
St. John’s United Methodist Church
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
St. Paul United Church of Christ
St. Peter’s By the Sea United Methodist Church
St. Phillip the Apostle Church
St. Pius X Catholic Church
St. Theresa Church Tabernacle of Praise Church
Templo Elim Assembly of God
Travis Baptist Church
Trinity Church of the Nazarene
Trinity Worship Center
United Campus Ministry of Corpus Christi
Victory Outreach
Windsor Park Baptist Church
Windsor Park Church of Christ
All Saints Episcopal Church
Annaville Baptist Church
Arlington Heights Church of Christ
Asbury United Methodist Church
Bay Area Fellowship
Bayshore Bible Church
Bishop Garriga Middle School
Brighton Park Baptist School
CATCH – Corpus Area Teen Coalition of
Cathedral of the Palms
Church of Christ Weber Road
Christian Revival Center United Pentecostal Church
The Church of Acts
Church of Christ Flour Bluff
Church of Christ Norton St.
Church of Christi South
Church of the King
Corpus Christi Christian Fellowship
Covenant Baptist Church
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
G-Boyz & G-Girlz
Glory Full Gospel Church
Greater Shiloh Youth Ministry
Holy Cross Parish Church
Iglesia Cristiana Maranatha
Island Presbyterian Church
Jackson Woods Presbyterian
Jewish Community Council
Kelsey Memorial United Methodist Church
Morgan Ave Baptist Church
Mt. Pilgrim Baptist Church
New Life Fellowship
New Life Fellowship - Victory Outreach
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Our Lady Star of the Sea
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Primera Iglesia Bautista
Rising Star Baptist Church
River Hills Baptist Church
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Salvation Army - Corpus Christi
Segunda Iglesia Bautista
Solid Rock United Pentecostal Church
Southcrest Baptist Church
Southside Community Church
Spirit of the Lord Ministry, Refuge for the Saints
SS. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church
St. John Lutheran Church
St. John’s United Methodist Church
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
St. Paul United Church of Christ
St. Peter’s By the Sea United Methodist Church
St. Philip the Apostle Church
St. Pius X Catholic Church
St. Theresa Church
Tabernacle of Praise Church
Templo Elim Assembly of God
Travis Baptist Church
Trinity Church of the Nazarene
Trinity Worship Center
Victory Outreach
Windsor Park Baptist Church
Young Life of Corpus Christi
Windsor Park Church of Christ
TxCVCS Governor's Mentoring Initiative
The Governor's Mentoring Initiative, headquartered at the
Commission, provides central coordination of information
regarding mentoring in Texas and resources for the Texas
mentoring field.
Mentor TEXAS! - providing free training and technical assistance to
mentoring programs in Texas to promote, develop and support high quality
January is National Mentoring Month
GMI Overview (pdf)
Point a Kid in the Right Direction: Be a Mentor - by General Colin L. Powell
USA (Ret)
Mentoring Matters at USAA
The Case for Mentoring (pdf) - benefits of mentoring, why mentor
What is a Mentor? - including tips and how to’s
What Does a Mentor Do? - activities for mentors
GMI Quality Assurance Standards for Mentoring Programs (pdf)
Quality Assured Mentoring Programs
Quality Assurance Survey (Word Doc)
Texas Mentoring Partnerships
GMI Mentor Guidelines (pdf)
Links to Other Mentoring Resources
December 3, 2001
What is the Governor’s Mentoring Initiative?*
Former Governor George W. Bush set mentoring as one of his
top five priority strategies for serving youth in Texas and named
the Texas Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service
as headquarters for the newly developed Governor's Mentoring
Initiative to promote, develop and support high quality
mentoring programs in Texas - arguably the most important
form of volunteerism for our citizens. According to America's
Promise: "The number one indicator of success for a child is a
good relationship with a caring adult."
A trusted and faithful friend, who listens, supports and guides
young people on a consistent basis over a specified period of
Encouraging young people to reach their potential through
supportive relationships with one or more caring individuals
over a specified period of time.
The Governor's Mentoring Initiative carries out its mission
through a series of strategies developed in collaboration with the
Texas mentoring community. These strategies are intended to
attract more mentors for Texas children, and provide support to
organizations serving mentors.
The Governor's Mentoring Initiative is committed to working
with the Texas mentoring community to create direction, goals
and resources that best serve the young people of our state.
a friend
a foster parent
a listener
a therapist
a coach
a parole officer
a responsive adult
a cool peer
To children, mentoring means having a trusted friend who cares
about them and listens to them, a role model they can look up to,
who will help them achieve their dreams. In small towns and
urban cities throughout Texas, young people are waiting to be
matched with mentors, while a relatively small industry of
mentoring organizations works tirelessly to expand mentoring
and recruit responsible adult volunteers with whom to pair
young people.
All Texas young people reach their potential through supportive
mentoring relationships.
Promote, support and develop high quality mentoring programs
in Texas.
What a Mentor isn’t:
a savior
What a Mentor is:
 a guide
Characteristics of a Mentor
2. It is important to be realistic about the responsibilities
involved with mentoring a young person. If you are not sure about
mentoring a young person for at least six months, consider trying
a shorter-term volunteer opportunity. Keep in mind, however,
what one mentor once said:
Provides a vision, broad view
Willingness to listen
Leadership experience
Shows a genuine interest in others
Holds a belief in others' capabilities
Exhibits patience and kindness
Sensitive to the needs and circumstances of others
Willingness to motivate youth to learn and grow
Sense of humor
Strong personal commitment to the relationship
Able and willing to sustain close personal relationship
Ability to accept different points of view
"You don't know in advance how rewarding it is going
to be, so you are worried about the responsibility of
giving your time consistently. The irony is that once I
starting doing it, I didn't want to miss a session."
3. Think about organizations in your community that might
have or know about mentoring opportunities.
[Characteristics of a Mentor taken from Robertson, S. C. (1992). Find a
Mentor or Be One. The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.,
USA, p. 5. ]
How to get started mentoring:
1. Think about how you want to work with a young person.
This will help determine what kind of program will best meet
your expectations. Consider:
The types of activities that interest you.
The age and number of youth you want to work with.
The amount of time you have for a youth. Mentors can choose
a program with short-term or long-term mentoring
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boys and Girls Clubs
Campfire Boys and Girls
Junior Achievement
Communities in Schools
Volunteer Centers or Mentoring Partnerships
United Way
Civic Organizations (Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis)
Places of worship
4. Call at least three organizations. Ask to speak with the
Volunteer Coordinator. Discuss what you are looking for in a
volunteer opportunity and what the organization has to offer.
(Information in the "What is a Mentor?" section was taken from The National
Mentoring Partnership Website
Be persistent and patient. It may take a while to be matched
with a child. If a program does not meet your expectations, ask
if they can refer you to another program.
Mentoring Activities
Many programs match mentors and youth according to common
interests and hobbies. Regardless of how you spend your time
together, what is important is that the mentee be involved in the
planning and decision making. Here are some ideas of things
you and your mentee can do together:
Read a book together. Let the mentee select the book.
Take pictures with a disposable camera and then make a
scrapbook together.
Talk about different careers or attend a local job fair.
Fly a kite.
Make a card - perhaps for Valentine's Day or Mother's Day.
Go bike riding together. Be sure to wear helmets and talk
about bicycle safety.
Talk about life after high school. Help your mentee explore
various options.
Bake cookies and then share them with friends.
Go to the park and have a picnic lunch.
Complete summer job applications together.
Play a board game.
Volunteer together - perhaps at a local food bank.
Play "20 questions" to learn more about each other.
Discuss finances - help your mentee create a budget and learn
to use a checkbook.
Visit a local museum.
Go to the library and check out a few books.
Give a tour of your current job.
Go to the movies and talk about it later.
Tour a local community college or university.
Explore other cultures by attending a concert, a fair, or eating
dinner at an ethnic restaurant.
Hang out and talk.
Contact the following members of the
Coastal Bend Mentor Alliance
For more information on mentoring opportunities:
Corpus Christi Independent School District
Communities In Schools
Nueces County Juvenile Justice Center
Foster Grandparents Program
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
America’s Promise
American Society for
Engineering Education
American Youth Policy Forum
Association for Career and
Technical Education
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Building Linkages among
Academic and Sill Standards for
Manufacturing Occupations
Business Coalition for Education
Camp Fire Boys & Girls
Center for Occupational
Research and Development
Center for Research on
Education and Work
Center for the Child Care
Center on Education and Work
Center for Public Policy
Coastal Bend Work Force
Development Board
Communities in Schools
Connect for Kids
Cornell Youth and Work
The Educational Resources
Information Center
Governor’s office
I Am Your Child
The Institute for Women in
Trades, Technology, and Science
The Institute for Educational
Leadership, Inc.
Institute on Education and the
International Telementor
Internship Programs
Jobs for the Future
Mentoring USA
National Alliance of Business
National Association of
Manufacturers: The Center for
Workforce Success
National Center for Construction
Education and Research
National Center for Education
National Center for Research in
Vocational Education
National Center for Workplace
National Employer Leadership
National Internships
National Mentoring Partnership
National Skill Standards Board
National Society for Experiential
NW Regional Educational
Partners in Education
Public/Private Ventures
SkillsUSA: Vocational Industrial
Clubs of America
State Information
Texas Commission on
Volunteerism and Community
Texas Education Agency
Texas Legislature
Texas Informatin and Referral
Texas Online
US Department of Labor
Employment and Training
United Way of the Coastal Bend
Youth Odyssey
Youth Hotlines and Information Lines
Youth Hotlines and Information Lines
General Government
Career Information Hotline (Texas Workforce Commission)
Consumer Complaints (Office of the Attorney General)
Consumer Helpline
Freedom of Information-Foundation of Texas
Governor’s Office Citizen’s Hotline
Labor Law Information (Texas Workforce Commission)
Lawyer Referral Service (State Bar of Texas)
State Bar of Texas: Public Information
Health and Human Services (Cont.)
Texas Runaway Hotline
Texas Tobacco Information Hotline
(Department of Health)
Texas Youth Hotline
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
Parent’s Special Education Hotline
(Texas Education Agency)
Health and Human Services
AIDS Information (Department of Health)
Boys Town National Hotline
Chemical Dependency Problems Information/Help
(Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse)
Child/Elderly Abuse Hotline (Department of Protective
and Regulatory Services)
Childhelp USA
Children’s Defense Fund
Children’s Wish Foundation
Developmental Disabilities Information (Texas
Planning Council)
Family Violence/Abuse Hotline
Food Stamp/TANF Program Information (Department
of Human Services)
Maternal and Child Health Information (Department
of Health)
Mental Health and Mental Retardation (Department
of Consumer Services)
Parents Anonymous/Texas Parent Heartline
RADER Institute for Adolescent and Adult
Treatment of Eating Disorders
Runaway Hotline
Starlight Children’s Foundation
TexCare Partnership (Children’s Health Insurance)
Texas Department of Human Services
Texas Healthy Kids
Public Safety and Criminal Justice
Child Find/Missing Children
Crime Stopper’s Hotline
Heidi Search Center for Missing Children
Missing Person’s Clearinghouse
Motorcycle Safety Bureau (Department of Public Safety)
National Domestic Violence
National Organization for Victim Assistance
Pardons and Paroles: Victim Services Hotline
(Department of Criminal Justice)
Safe Rider Program
Texas Crime Victim Clearinghouse
WETIP Hotline
Corpus Christi Hotlines
American Red Cross – Texas Coastal Bend Chapter
The Ark Assessment Center and Emergency Shelter
The Arrow Project
Birthright of Corpus Christi
Bokenkamp Children’s Center
Coastal Plains Community MHMR Center
The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Center, The Women’s Shelter, Inc.
La Raza Emergency Shelter/Assessment Center
Corpus Christi Will Be a community committed,
philosophically and financially, to the well-being,
education and success of children. Governments,
school, and individuals will work together diligently,
interacting and sharing ideas and concerns in order
to improve the quality of life for all citizens.
Everyone will be an active participant in promoting
a safer and healthier community.
Vision 2000
Commission for Children and Youth
Youth Opportunities United