Categories - City of Toronto

Workplace Inspection
(Checklist Template)
June 2002
Human Resources
Occupational Health, Safety and Workers’ Compensation Unit
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JHSC Workplace Inspection Checklist Template
Attached is a Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) Workplace Inspection Checklist template. This
checklist is provided to support JHSC in the development of their specific workplace inspection checklist.
It is up to individual committees to determine the level of detail that is necessary for their respective
workplaces (for assistance contact your local Health & Safety Consultant).
This template can be saved as a Word document and sections can be added or deleted as applicable for the
specific workplace. Links to related Resources are provided in the live document posted on the Health &
Safety Intranet site. If you require assistance with accessing or manipulating this document contact the
Occupational Health, Safety and Workers’ Compensation Unit at 2-5497.
Checklist Content
AIR SAMPLING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
GENERAL VENTILATION (I.E. HEATING VENTILATION AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM) ........................................................................................ 4
AISLES & PASSAGEWAYS, ACCESS & EGRESS, FLOORS & STAIRWAYS ...................................................................................... 4
AISLES AND PASSAGEWAYS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
ACCESS AND EGRESS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
FLOOR AND STAIRWAYS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
CONFINED SPACE (AS DEFINED BY THE OHSA AND WORK PRACTICE)........................................................................................... 4
ELECTRICAL .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
ELEVATING DEVICES (FOR MOVEMENT OF PERSONS) ..................................................................................................................... 5
EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................................................... 5
FIRST AID KITS/STATIONS/EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
EYE WASH/BATH & DELUGE SHOWERS ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
FIRE PREVENTION AND FIRE PROTECTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
EMERGENCY LIGHTING ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
EXCAVATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
FALL PROTECTION ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
HAZARDOUS / DESIGNATED SUBSTANCES............................................................................................................................................. 6
BATTERY ROOMS............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
CHEMICALS/SOLVENTS/CLEANERS.................................................................................................................................................................... 6
FUELS/FLAMMABLES/COMBUSTIBLES ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
COMPRESSED GASES (CONSIDER ALL PRESSURE CYLINDERS: SCBA, O2, WELDING, SPRAY CANS, ETC.) .......................................................... 7
TANK STORAGE SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
DESIGNATED SUBSTANCES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
ASBESTOS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
EMPLOYEE FACILITIES (KITCHENS/WASHROOMS/SHOWER/ CHANGE ROOMS) .................................................................................................. 7
LADDERS & SCAFFOLDS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
LADDERS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
SCAFFOLD & PLATFORMS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
LIGHTING .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL LIGHTING........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
OFFICE LIGHTING .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
LOCKOUT/BARRICADES ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8
MACHINERY AND MACHINE GUARDING ................................................................................................................................................ 8
CONVEYORS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS........................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
GRINDING WHEELS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
MATERIAL HANDLING & STORAGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
MATERIAL HANDLING (MECHANICAL) ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
STACKING AND STORAGE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
LABELLING ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
PORTABLE CONTAINERS OF FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES................................................................................................................................... 10
MOULD MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
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NOISE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
OFFICE AREAS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
PHOTOCOPIERS ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
MANUAL MATERIAL HANDLING ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
POWER SYSTEMS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
PNEUMATIC POWER SYSTEM, AIR COMPRESSORS, COMPRESSED AIR HOSES AND HOSE ATTACHMENTS........................................................ 12
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) ....................................................................................................................................... 12
SAFETY NOTICE BOARDS .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
SPRAY PAINTING OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
TOOLS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
TRAINING ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
VEHICLE INSPECTIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
TIRE CAGE (AS USED IN SELECTED GARAGES) .................................................................................................................................................. 13
WORK BENCH ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
HOUSEKEEPING................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
CONTAINERIZED PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
WARNING SYSTEMS, COLOUR CODING ................................................................................................................................................ 13
WELDING ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
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JHSC Workplace Inspection Checklist Template
Categories / Contents
Air Sampling System
Are supply and exhaust vents and ductwork cleaned regularly? Is there a log of cleaning
 Are air filters changed on a routine schedule?
 Are humidifiers, cooling coils and drain pans kept free of stagnant water and inspected for
mould, and other bio-contaminants?
 Is a copy of the ventilation inspection report provided to the JHSC?
 Are mechanical ventilation systems inspected on a regular basis and are there records of
inspections and performed maintenance?
General Ventilation (i.e. Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning System)
 Are the supply vents and exhaust vents clean?
 Is air movement coming from the supply vents and being drawn out through the exhaust vents?
 Are the thermostats working?
 Are thermostats set at appropriate levels? [Summer: 23-26 C (73-79F), Winter: 20-24C (68-75 F)]
 Are odours, dusts or fumes absent at the time of inspection?
Local Exhaust Ventilation (e.g. fumehoods, paint booths, hoods, dust collection equipment, etc.)
 Is the type of local exhaust appropriate for the chemicals or operation that is to be controlled?
 Do exhaust hoods draw contaminants away from a person’s breathing zone?
 Is hood placement close to the contaminant emission source?
 Are odours, dusts or fumes absent at the time of inspection?
Industry IAQ standards:
-Health Canada, Ministry
of Labour guidelines,
Canadian Standards
Association, American
Society of Heating
Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineers
Building Code
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Health Care Reg. 67/93
Aisles & Passageways, Access & Egress, Floors & Stairways
Aisles and Passageways
 Are aisles and passageways clear and unobstructed?
 Are aisles and passageways adequately lighted?
 Are aisles and passageways wide enough for intended movement?
Access and Egress
 Are there adequate exits for prompt escape?
 Are the exits un-locked from the inside (opened from inside without the use of keys)?
 Are routes and exits clearly marked and unobstructed?
 Do exits open in the direction of travel when exiting building?
 Are doors provided with a self-closing mechanism?
 Are exits and exit routes equipped with emergency lighting?
 Is a security system in place where it is considered to be necessary?
 Are appropriate measures in place to control for potential workplace violence?
 Are flammables kept away from exit areas?
 Are exit areas cleared of snow and ice/refuse?
Floor and Stairways
 Are floor and stairways free from loose material, debris, cords or cables?
 Are floors and stairways free from slip hazards (oily, wet, or badly worn)?
 Are stairway treads in good shape?
 Is railing in stairway mounted and secure?
Building Code
Ontario Fire Code (O.Reg
Also refer to Emergency
Lighting under
Emergency Equipment &
Procedures (this checklist)
City of Toronto
Workplace Violence
Policy and Guidelines
City of Toronto Policy for
Working Alone Safely
Confined Space (as defined by the OHSA and work practice)
Are workers entering confined space trained on its dangers and proper procedures?
Is safe egress provided for evacuation from confined spaces?
Are there entry procedures in place and followed?
Is the calibration of gas testing equipment current?
Is there a permanent record of air test prior to entry?
Is air tested, continuously monitored and regularly recorded while work is in progress?
If welding, are low explosive limit (LEL) and oxygen levels checked and monitored?
Is confined space ventilated where necessary?
Is fall arrest / retrieval equipment worn as applicable to the job demands?
Is there a 2nd competent worker stationed immediately outside the confined space?
Is a worker trained in artificial respiration/CPR conveniently available?
Is smoking prohibited within the immediate vicinity?
Is mechanical equipment locked & tagged out?
Is mechanical equipment disconnected from power source?
Are pipes blanked off (capped)?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Construction Reg. 213/91
Health Care Reg. 67/93
City of Toronto policy on
Confined Space Entry
(available on the intranet)
Are electrical cords in good condition?
Are ground pins in place?
Are receptacle faceplates in place?
Are electrical cords located so that they are not a tripping hazard?
Is electrical equipment approved (CSA, ESA)?
Is electrical equipment that is being worked on, locked & tagged out?
Are outer casings on tools in good condition (having no cracks, dents or visible damage)?
Are electrical rooms clearly identified?
If exposed live electrical parts are present, are warning signs present prohibiting unauthorised
 Are receptacles properly loaded (i.e., not overloaded: number of appliances plugged-in do not
exceed current rating)?
Electrical Power Systems
 Are high voltage control panels identified, closed, and secured?
 Is a current electrical system schematic diagram posted in switch gear rooms?
 Are electrical system circuits identified?
Canadian Standards
Electrical Safety
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Construction Reg. 213/91
Health Care Reg. 67/93
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Categories / Contents
Are tie-breakers clearly identified?
Are control panels identified and accessible?
Are isolation switches and controls identified?
Are there proper fixtures and power points for the types of hazard in the area?
Are lock out provisions available and identified?
Are ground fault circuit interrupters provided?
Are ground fault circuit interrupters in good working order?
Are there proper cable connections for portable tools and lighting?
Are ground fault interrupters used where moisture is a concern?
Are electrical switches accessible and unobstructed?
Are electrical switches labelled (i.e., circuit breaker panel, control panel)?
Elevating Devices (for movement of persons)
Are elevating devices used only within capacity?
Are capacities posted on equipment?
Is the device regularly, tested, maintained and inspected (inspection up-to-date)?
Are controls of the “dead-man type”?
Are operators trained and competent?
Is proper fall protection available?
Is fall protection properly used?
Construction Reg.
213/91Elevating Work
Platforms, s 143-149, Fall
Protection, s 26,
Access/Egress, s 70-72
Industrial Reg. 851 Fall
Protection, s 85
Canadian Standards Assoc.
TSSA Technical Standards
and Safety Authority
Emergency Equipment and Procedures
First Aid Kits/Stations/Equipment
 Are first aid kits/stations/equipment properly located as prescribed by legislation and any
divisional standards?
 Are first aid kits/stations/equipment readily available and accessible
 Is there a notice board with the following:
- the WSIB poster (form 82) “In All Cases of Injury at Work”
- valid first aid certificates of qualification of the trained workers on duty
- an inspection card with spaces for recording the date of the most recent inspection of
the first aid box and the signature of the person making the inspection
 Are first aid kits/stations/equipment inspected at least quarterly and restocked in compliance
with WSIB regulations (an inspection card should be in the box)?
 Is the first aid station in the charge of someone who works in the vicinity and who is qualified in
first aid?
 Are first aid kits/stations/equipment clean?
Eye Wash/bath & Deluge Showers
Are stations readily available where required (i.e., where there is potential exposure to hazardous
 Are pathways to the eye wash/bath and deluge shower stations clear & unobstructed?
Are units clean and sanitary?
 Are eye wash station supplies in order (stocked, clean, accessible)?
Is the eye wash solution up to date?
Are stations labelled and instructions present?
Are units in functioning order (operate to verify functionality where feasible)
Are units flushed frequently to eliminate contaminants?
If the station is portable, is water regularly changed?
Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
 Are flammable substances properly stored?
 Are explosion proof and intrinsically safe electrical systems installed in areas where flammable
substances are stored, dispensed or used?
 Are grounding and bonding cables or devices provided for flammable liquid dispensing?
 Is grounding continuity maintained (grounding cable not cut off, not disconnected)?
 Is proper signage posted where flammable substances are stored, dispensed or used?
 Are proper containers used for transporting flammable substances?
 Are suitable types of fire extinguishers available?
 Is fire-fighting equipment properly mounted, accessible and maintained?
 Are signs showing fire fighting equipment storage locations visible?
 Are fire extinguishers and fire hoses stored in their designated locations?
 Are fire extinguishers properly charged? (check pressure gauge needle in green zone fro “ABC”
type fire extinguishers)
 Are records of periodic testing and reviews of fire equipment kept on site?
 Are fire extinguisher handles, safety pins, discharge nozzles or horns and inspection tags in
 Are fire extinguishers checked monthly?
 Are fire hoses inspected and re-hung at least once every year?
 Are emergency exits identified, illuminated and unobstructed?
 Are fire doors, lids and shutters in good repairs and unobstructed?
 Are emergency alarms (e.g. pull stations) available, identified and operational?
 Do sprinkler heads have a minimum of 0.5 metre clearance between its deflector and the top of
any stack of material below it?
 Are sprinkler master control valves accessible and locked open?
 Are fire/emergency evacuation and escape plans posted?
 Is a written fire plan available and are there regular fire drills?
Emergency Lighting
 Is emergency lighting provided where required?
WSIB First Aid
Requirements (Regulation
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Ontario Fire Code (O.Reg
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Categories / Contents
Do emergency lights come on when the test button is pressed?
Is the emergency lighting system tested every month?
Are emergency lighting testing procedures and records maintained?
Are stakeouts obtained?
Is adequate shoring in place or progressively installed as depth increases?
Are utilities protected/supported?
Are soil & equipment & materials at least 3 feet away from the excavation??
Is there adequate fencing or cover if left unattended?
Is the excavation barricaded to prevent unauthorized access?
Is excavation reasonably free of water?
Are walls stripped of loose material?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Construction Reg.
Section 222-242
Fall Protection
Are floor openings covered or protected with guardrails?
Are floor edges protected with guardrails?
Are guardrails between 91 cm and 101 cm?
Do guardrail supports span less than 2.4 metres?
Are wire rope guardrails properly designed by an engineer and installed following the design?
Are fall arrest, fall restraint or travel restrain systems attached to a proper anchor? (e.g., not a
guard rail)
Are anchorage points for attachment of fall arrest system installed, identified and used?
Are safe work practices in place to ensure that no person rides or is lifted by any part of a crane
or lifting device.
Are only devices designed for raising and lowering personnel used for this purpose? (i.e.,
material handling devices are not used to move personnel)
Are devices for raising and lowering personnel equipped with adequate guardrails?
Are loose objects kept away from floor edges and openings, and points of access and egress?
Where an individual may fall into a liquid, are lifejackets and other applicable equipment
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Construction Reg. 213/91
Health Care Reg. 67/93
Hazardous / Designated Substances
Are hazardous substances identified for chemical, biological, physical properties?
Are hazardous substances identified for adverse health effects?
Are worker exposure concerns regarding hazardous substances investigated?
Is medical testing monitored as prescribed for the specific hazard in concern?
Are correct handling methods identified?
Do competent, qualified persons carry out industrial hygiene testing?
Is the JHSC notified of industrial hygiene testing results?
Are hazardous substances appropriately and legibly labelled?
Are substitutes for hazardous substances sought/requested (refer to site supervisor)?
Are MSDS available, accessible, and current (within 3 years)?
Are employees properly trained to handle hazardous substances?
Are storage, spill and cleanup procedures posted?
Are adequate spill/leak containment systems in place and readily available?
Is proper drainage provided?
Is container corrosion protection provided and are containers kept away from moisture or matters
that would cause rust corrosion?
Is the storage of hazardous substances climate controlled as required for the specific hazard in
Are approved portable safety containers available?
Are materials separated to avoid incompatibility reactions?
Are the means of exit/egress as prescribed for the hazardous substance in concern and posted?
Are containers properly placed, stacked and supported?
Are hazard warnings, directional and informational signs and tags used where there are
immediate dangers, potential hazards, or where there is a need for general instructions?
Are signs and tags used consistently throughout the facility?
Battery Rooms
Are workers trained in material handling precautions and clean-up procedures?
Is an absorbent material available to contain a spill (e.g., sand, clay, diatomaceous earth)?
Is lime or soda ash available for dilution and neutralization of a spill/leak?
Is a fresh water supply and hose available for spill dilution?
Is room equipped with floor drains?
Are ventilation fans running while batteries are being recharged?
Is proper ventilation used in storage and usage areas?
Are personal protective equipment requirements posted, provided and used?
Are flammables correctly stored?
Are bonding/grounding means provided and readily available for dispensation of flammables/
Are flammable compressed gasses and liquids stored in areas serviced by non-sparking, nonarcing sources, fans, etc.?
Are there adequate fire resistant and vented flammable storage cabinets?
Is the storage of Class I liquids (flammable liquids with a flash point below 22.8c) limited to 60
Is the storage of Class II liquids (combustible liquids with a flash point between 37.8c to 60c)
limited to 60 gals.
Is the storage of Class IIIA liquids (combustible liquids with a flash point between 60c to
93.3c) limited to 120 gals.?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Health Care Reg. 67/93
WHMIS Reg. 860
Designated Substances
City of Toronto policy
on Designated
City of Toronto policy
on Hazardous Waste
City of Toronto policy
Ontario Fire Code
(O.Reg 388/97) Part 4
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Categories / Contents
Are storage areas for flammable/combustible liquids separated from storage areas for
flammable/combustible-compressed gasses?
Are flammable and combustible materials stored in buildings approved for their Class or outside
of buildings?
Are fire-rated metal containers available for disposal of oily or flammable contaminated
Compressed Gases (consider all pressure cylinders: SCBA, O2, welding, spray cans, etc.)
Are compressed gases stored in a secured, upright position?
Are compressed gases segregated by contents and legibly marked as prescribed (WHMIS,
Are valve caps secured in place?
Are gases stored away from ignition, heat/spark sources, stairs, elevators, access/egress routes,
and vehicular and pedestrian traffic?
Are empty cylinders segregated from full supplies?
Are cylinders in use properly connected, i.e. propane or welding operations?
Are proper cylinder transport carriages and cradles/carts readily available?
Are cylinders free of dents, corrosion, rust, and are test records readily available or accessible?
Is adequate ventilation, as prescribed, available in storage areas?
Are gauges clearly visible and in good condition?
Are welding hoses neatly coiled and stored off of the floor?
Is stamped tank date visible and un-expired?
Are hoses and torch tip in good working condition?
Tank Storage systems
Are tanks/drums fabricated of steel or other appropriate material?
Is tank storage capacity limited to 2500 gals., or prescribed levels, if above ground?
Is adequate ventilation available and functional?
Are tanks equipped with pressure release valves?
Are tanks and drums adequately supported?
Are grounding and bonding provisions made when dispensing form tank/drum?
Are gauges clearly visible and in good condition?
Is the stamped tank date visible and un-expired?
Designated Substances
Is there a written control program for the applicable designated substance(s)?
Are asbestos containing materials appropriately and legibly identified?
Is asbestos inventory current and available?
Is asbestos in good condition and properly encapsulated (i.e., no water damage, rips, tears, dents,
cracks or other indications of damage)?
Are workers, (including inspectors) free from exposure to asbestos?
Acrylonitrile, Arsenic, Benzene, Coke Oven Emissions, Isocyanates, Lead, Mercury, Silica, Vinyl
Are applicable substances appropriately labelled?
Are workers potentially exposed to designated substances trained?
Is medical testing monitored as prescribed for the specific substance of concern?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Designated Substances
WHMIS Reg. 860
City of Toronto policies:
Designated Substances
Asbestos Management
Hazardous Waste
General Housekeeping
Are facilities generally clean and neat, and in good repair?
Are refuse containers adequate, suitable and regularly emptied?
Are objects leaning against walls prevented from unintentional movement that may result in an
 Are containers sealed when not in use?
 Are floor surfaces free from slip hazards? If wet or slippery, is warning sign in place?
 Are floors absent of cracks and chips?
 Are floor coverings secured in place?
 Are there any musty or mouldy odours or are there any signs of water stains or mould?
Employee Facilities (Kitchens/Washrooms/Shower/ Change rooms)
 Is drinking water readily available?
 Are facilities clean and sanitary?
 Are facilities in good repair?
 Is hot and cold water available for washing up?
 Do washroom doors, walls, partitions afford reasonable privacy?
 Is ventilation provided?
 Are reasonable person hygiene materials supplied?
 Are there adequate and suitable waste containers?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
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Categories / Contents
Ladders & Scaffolds
 Are metal ladders not used on electrical work?
 Are there no missing or broken rungs and side rails?
 Are non-slip feet used, and in good working condition?
 Is the ladder set up on firm and even footing?
 When ladder is placed in front of a door, is the door blocked open, locked, or guarded?
 Do both side rails rest on firm support?
 Is ladder tied off to prevent all lateral movement?
 Is ladder set up at an appropriate incline where it is not tied-off?
 Does ladder extend above landing by at least three rungs?
 Are the braces for folding stepladders in good working condition and fully extended when in use?
 Is there clear and unobstructed landing?
 Is there only one person working on a ladder at a time?
 Are wooden ladders unpainted?
 Are rungs free from oil, grease and dirt?
 Are ladders placed on their rails when not in use?
 Are defective ladders tagged out of service?
 Do permanent access ladders greater than 5m have a safety cage?
 Where a worker is performing work while on
Scaffold & Platforms
 Are scaffolds and platforms constructed with sound frames, boards, and hardware (appropriate
size planks, overhang, tightly planked, toe boards where necessary, etc.)?
 Are scaffolds and platforms erected on firm and even footing?
 Do scaffolds and platforms appear plumb/vertical?
 Are scaffolds and platforms adequately braced and secured to the frame with safety catches?
 Are scaffolds and platforms tied off against lateral movements or proper and adequate outriggers
or guy wires are used?
 Are brakes on castors in good working order?
 Are brakes on all castors on rolling scaffolds fully applied?
 Are no scaffolds supported on inflatable tires?
 Did a Professional Engineer design drawings and are certificates for scaffold over 10m available
on site?
 Is a record of pre-use inspection for scaffold over 10 M available on site?
 Are guard rails installed (height between 900 mm to 1100 mm)?
 Is safe and secure access to the platform provided and maintained?
 Does platform provide adequate clearance from overhead electrical wiring?
 Are loose objects, parts, tools and equipment on platforms kept in secured containers or removed?
 Are fall arrest systems properly used when erecting, dismantling or moving scaffolds?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Construction Reg.
213/91Scaffolding and
Work Platforms, s125142
Electrical & Utility Safety
Association (EUSA) rule
General Lighting
 Are walking and working areas adequately illuminated during periods of occupancy?
 Are bright light sources positioned or shielded to avoid glare?
 Are light fixtures/reflectors clean?
Office Lighting
 Are illumination levels adequate to support paper-based tasks?
 Is direct or indirect glare prevented from being within the worker’s viewing area (direct from
source or reflected)?
Are lockout bars, tags, chains, cables and locks provided?
Are lockout bars and tags made of non-conductive materials?
Are positive lockouts provided for all power systems and individual power equipment?
Are tags used to inform others the equipment is being serviced, by whom, and time it is
Are equipment locked out and tagged as prescribed?
Is lockout log kept current?
Are measures in place to ensure that residual energy stored in a system has been eliminated
before work is started?
Is work area isolated with barricade tapes or other effective means for restricting unauthorised
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Machinery and Machine Guarding
Are dangerous parts guarded?
Are guards properly adjusted and secured?
Are shields for deflecting flying particles in proper position and adjustment?
Are fixed guards secured in position?
Are interlocking guards operative?
Are trip-guards properly set and adjusted?
Is adequate local lighting provided for the task?
Is work area kept tidy and free of small objects?
Is emergency “STOP” clearly identified and accessible to the operator?
Is emergency “STOP” operational?
Are machinery and guards in good repair? (i.e., no visible signs of damage)
Are machinery and guards maintained, cleaned and lubricated?
Are defective machine, tools and guards tagged and put out of service?
Are valves and mechanical controls properly identified?
Are valves and controls operational (request demonstration from a knowledgeable operator – do not
operate it yourself)?
Are valves and controls accessible to machine operator?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Machine Guarding s24-44
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Categories / Contents
Are valves and controls protected from inadvertent actuation?
Are isolation and lock out points provided and identified?
Are push stick, push blocks provided and used as needed?
Are loose clothing and objects that may get entangled with machine tucked-in or removed when
operating machine?
 Where required, is machine in operation under the full attention of the operator?
 Are trainee-operators under the constant supervision of a skilled operator when learning to
operate the machine?
 Are gears, shafts, pulleys and nip points guarded?
 Are drop guards installed to catch falling materials?
 Are emergency stop controls installed and identified clearly?
 Are emergency stop controls in good working order (testing should be conducted in consultation
with the operation supervisor)?
 Is adequate access provided for maintenance and repair?
 Are adequate crossover facilities available?
 Is an automatic start up alarm available and set properly?
 Are emergency shut off procedures posted?
 Are emergency shut off devices clearly identified and easily accessible?
 Is there a remote shut off to pump?
 Are hose connections secured with restraining clips?
Hydraulic Systems
 Are meters and control switches located on the operating floors?
 Are overpressure-warning systems available?
 Are pipes, fittings, connections and vessels free of dents, notches and major scratches?
 Are control switches marked and easily accessible?
 Is the master control switch marked?
 Can control switches be locked out?
 Are dangerous parts (pulleys, belts, shafts, etc.) guarded?
 Are operation instructions posted?
 Are valves marked and in proper working order?
 Are oil filters changed as required?
 Is water drained from the compressor tank?
 Is inspection record kept up-to-date?
Grinding Wheels
 Is machinery securely mounted in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications (no vibration
when in operation)?
 Is the maximum speed clearly marked on the wheel, spindle and motor?
 Is the condition of the grinding stone checked regularly?
 Are protective hoods/shields in place and properly maintained to allow the operator to see
through it?
 Are guards kept in their proper position?
 Is work rest in a position at the centre line of the grinding wheel (not more than 3mm from the
 Are control switches easily accessible by the operator?
 Is eye protection readily available and eye shields in place?
 Is a sign posted indicating eye protection is mandatory?
 Is the grinding wheel the proper size as per manufacturer’s specifications?
 Are flanges the proper type?
 Flanges are of equal diameter and are not less than one-third the original diameter of the wheels
and their surfaces are free from burs?
 Is grindstone properly dressed?
 Is ventilation (where required) connected to the grinding wheel switch?
 Are grinding wheel procedures posted?
 Are grinding wheels stored in a cool dry place, separate from other objects and secured against
 Are measures in place to prevent spillage of any chemical onto the grinding wheels when in
 Are grinding wheels kept in an upright position to avoid stacking (with the exception of cup,
dish and cutting off wheels?)
 Are individuals using, replacing or maintaining the grinding wheel properly trained?
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Categories / Contents
Material Handling & Storage
Material Handling (Mechanical)
 Is a serviceable fire extinguisher is easily accessible in the area of material handling equipment?
 Are only trained/licensed operators allowed to operate lifting devices and forklift trucks?
 Are forklift and pallet trucks parked in their designated storage areas?
 Are electric forklift and pallet trucks parked and recharged in designated areas?
 Are there adequate devices to ensure safe lifting and storage of materials?
 Are lifting device load capabilities thoroughly examined at least yearly & a permanent record kept?
 Are lifting appliance and lifting gear load capacities clearly labelled?
 Are chain hoists, ropes and slings operated only within their load limit?
 Is a proper sling angle maintained (no more than 90 at the attachment to the hook)?
 Are chain hoists, ropes and slings in good repair and inspected by a competent worker at least
 Are dock boards (bridge plates) available and used when loading or unloading from dock to truck?
 Are vehicle wheels chocked to prevent the vehicle from rolling forward?
 Are shelving, rack, floor and platform load limits posted and observed?
 Is the safety catch on hooks in place and used on all lifting appliances (cranes, hoists, etc.)?
 Are pallets the correct type and inspected before use?
 Are elevators, hoists, conveyors, balers, etc. operated safely and used with appropriate signals
and directional warning signs?
 Are dock platforms, bumpers, stairs and steps in good condition?
 Are light fixtures in good condition and adequate for the purpose?
 Are there metal containers for oily rags?
 Are floors free of oil spillage or leakage?
 Is absorbent material available for immediate clean up of spills and leaks?
 Are all flammable products stored in approved buildings or locations?
Manual Material Handling (refer to resources for thorough checklist on manual material
 Are personnel trained in proper manual material handling techniques?
 Are loads minimized when possible?
 Is assistance available for loads that are considered heavy?
 Can loads be held close to the body?
 Are frequently handled loads stored between waist and chest level?
 Are bending and reaching minimized during the load-handling task?
 Are load-handling tasks free of twisting?
 Are measures implemented to reduce potential injuries associated with manual material
Stacking and Storage
 Are aisle and access paths clear and unobstructed?
 Is there safe clearance for all equipment through aisles and doors?
 Are all stacks stable and secure to prevent sliding and collapsing?
 Are small or irregular-shaped items properly blocked?
 Are heavy objects stacked close to floor level?
 Is the storage area clean and cleared of foreign objects/materials?
 Is there proper drainage in storage area?
 Are shelving, rack, floor and platform load limits posted and observed?
 Are containers stored with lids securely closed?
 Are incompatible materials stored separately?
 Do sprinkler heads have a minimum of 0.5 metre clearance between its deflector and the top of
any stack of material below it?
 Are containers clearly marked as to contents?
 Are WHMIS controlled products properly labelled?
 Are labels visible and legible?
 Are there up-to-date MSDS for WHMIS controlled products?
 Are vehicles transporting hazardous materials affixed with proper signage that meets legislated
Portable Containers of Flammable Substances
 Are containers stored in metal ventilated and grounded lockers?
 Are containers clearly marked as to contents?
 Is the container generally in good condition?
 Are portable containers approved for the Class of goods it contains?
 Is the spring-loaded cap in good working condition?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Material Handling s51 (1)
Material Handling
guidelines to Avoid Injury
(Ergonomics Unit – City
of Toronto 2-5049)
Dangerous Goods
Transportation Act
Mould Management
Is the area free from musty odours?
Are all surfaces clean and dry with no evidence of mould, mildew or staining? (look at ceiling
tiles, carpets, paper and cardboard supplies, drapes, indoor plant soils, furniture, etc)
 Are wallpaper and painted surfaces in good condition (not wrinkled, peeling, blistering or
 Is the soil of indoor plants in good condition (no signs of mould)?
 Are basements and sub-grades dry and finished with no areas of exposed soil?
 Is the air comfortably dry (no areas of high humidity or signs of condensation)?
 Where portable humidifiers are used, are they maintained?
 Are walls, windows and/or doorframes in good condition, not deteriorated, cracked or soft?
(Note: Drying needs to be initiated within 24-48 hours of materials becoming wet to prevent mould growth)
Are excessive noise areas identified and posted?
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Categories / Contents
Are engineering controls implemented to reduce noise where feasible?
Is hearing protection provided and used in areas where required?
Is medical testing/monitoring carried out as prescribed?
Office Areas
Minimal Workstation Requirements
 Are task chairs in good condition? Consider condition of upholstery, cushion, height mechanism,
rolling ability of casters.
 Do task chairs have a 5 caster base?
 Do chairs have visible lumbar support?
 Are keyboards on a height adjustable surface or positioned at the proper typing height for the
individual worker using it? (refer to Office Ergonomics keyboarding guidelines)
 Where used by several workers, are keyboard platforms height adjustable?
 Are keyboard platforms on a flat or negative tilt?
 Are keyboard platforms installed on a flat edge at "L" configured workstations and NOT in the
corner of the workstation? (corner cut-outs are an exception)
 Are keyboards close to an adjacent surface at "L" configured workstations? (Approximately 1"
gap to the right and ~7" to the left of the platform)
 Are mouse input devices directly beside the keyboard?
 Are mouse areas free of any wrist rests or other obstructions?
 Are both the monitor and keyboard centered directly in front of the worker? (when computer
work is performed)
 Are viewed and manipulated documents supported on a raised vertical angle between the
keyboard and monitor?
 Are documents that are handled frequently positioned within easy reach?
 Is a telephone headset is available for jobs involving frequent telephone use?
 Is there at least 27" of knee well width at the desk work surface?
 Is there at least 42" of chair roll back space at the desk or computer workstation?
 Is space provided for both computer and paper based tasks independent of each other?
 Does workstation design allow for neutral body postures when seated or standing (i.e., minimal
twisting, bending, reaching or any other awkward posture)?
General Office Area
 Are carpets, floors and gratings in good repair?
 Are plugs and cords in good working order and used properly?
 Are extension cords used only as a temporary measure?
 Are receptacles covered with faceplates that are not cracked or burnt?
 Where an office appliance has a three-prong plug is the ground pin used?
 Is equipment and furniture smooth with no sharp edges, protrusions or catch areas that may
result in injury?
 Are wall and ceiling fixtures securely fastened?
 Are desk and file drawers closed when not in use?
 Are file units secured and prevented from falling?
 Is furniture in good repair?
Office Ergonomics
(Ergonomics Team – City of
Toronto 2-5049)
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
General Housekeeping
 Are walking surfaces free from slip, trip and fall hazards?
 Are aisles and passageways clear and unobstructed? (i.e., is cable management employed)
 Are papers and waste properly disposed of?
 Are refuse/recycling containers adequate?
 Are areas free of musty odours, water stains and mould?
 Ventilation is adequate in terms of heating/cooling
 Are air vents along windows free from blockage of air flow?
Manual Material Handling
 Are awkward postures such as twisting, reaching & bending avoided during load handling tasks?
 Are frequently handled loads stored between waist and chest level?
 Is a stable stool or platform available for safe access to high shelves?
 Are loads held close to the body?
 Are loads minimized when possible to avoid heavy lifting?
 Is assistance available for loads that are considered heavy?
 Is a cart/trolley or other device available to assist with the movement of loads?
 Are personnel trained in proper manual material handling techniques?
 Are measures implemented to reduce potential injuries associated with manual material handling?
Stacking and Storage
 Are aisle and access paths clear and unobstructed?
 Is there safe clearance for all equipment through aisles and doors?
 Are all stacks stable and secure to prevent sliding and collapsing?
 Are small or irregular-shaped items properly blocked?
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Categories / Contents
Are copiers adequately maintained?
Are copiers located in a well-ventilated area?
Office Lighting
 Are illumination levels adequate to support paper-based tasks?
 Is direct or indirect glare prevented from being within the worker’s viewing area (direct from
source or reflected)?
 Are excessive noise areas identified and posted?
 Are engineering controls implemented to reduce noise where feasible?
Power Systems
Pneumatic Power System, Air Compressors, Compressed Air Hoses and Hose Attachments
 Are meters and control switches located on the operating floors?
 Is an overpressure warning system available?
 Are pipes, connections and vessels free of dents, notches and major scratches?
 Are control switches marked and easily accessible?
 Is master control switch marked?
 Can control switches be locked out?
 Are dangerous parts (pulleys, belts, shafts, etc.) guarded?
 Are operation instructions posted?
 Are valves marked and in proper order?
 Are air filters changed or cleaned?
 Are pressure gauges visible and in good working order?
 Is pressure regulated within the manufacturer’s specified limit as indicated on the pressure
 Is water drained from the compressor tank?
 Is the inspection record kept up-to-date?
 Are air hoses and tools in good working condition?
 Are air hoses and tools rated for pressure?
 Are air hoses and tools properly and securely connected?
 Are emergency shut off procedures posted?
 Are emergency shut off devices clearly identified and easily accessible?
 Is there a remote shut off to the pump?
 Are hose connections secured with restraining clips?
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Is required PPE available, maintained, and used? (i.e., head protection, hearing protection, eye
protection, respiratory protection, safety belts/harness, hand/foot protection, body protection, ear
protection, fall protection, and other workplace specific PPE as applicable)
Are appropriate storage and cleaning facilities provided for PPE?
Are personnel properly trained in the use and care of PPE they use?
Does the PPE meet the requirements for the type of work performed?
Does the PPE fit properly?
Is the PPE utilised only when it is not reasonable or practicable to eliminate or control the
hazardous substance at the source?
Are warning signs prominently displayed, warning of all hazards and stating protection required
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
Construction Reg. 213/91
Departmental Policies as
Safety Notice Boards
Are emergency / evacuation procedures posted?
Are posted articles clean and legible?
Is a copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act posted?
Are the names of the JHSC members posted?
Is a copy of the City Health and Safety Policy posted?
Is the WSIB poster “In all cases of injury at work” posted?
Are the minutes of the JHSC posted?
Is the Occupational Health and Safety Notice Board labelled?
Where one exists, is the divisional safety manual readily available to committee members?
Are emergency telephone numbers posted (i.e., 911, MOL, MOE, etc) ?
Spray Painting Operations
Are booths/rooms clean and in good condition?
Are records available that indicate booth filters are operational and regularly maintained?
Are operator instructions posted?
Are PPE requirements posted and easily available?
Where spray painting is not carried out in booths or rooms, is ventilation adequate (determined
by no lingering odours/particulates)
Are fire extinguishers immediately available?
Are personnel trained in proper use of hand tools?
Are manufacturer’s safety /operator’s procedures available?
Are safe use procedure’s posted?
Are there written procedures for replacement of defective tools?
Do tools conform to CSA standards?
Does the tool conform to manufacturer’s standards?
Are electrical cords and three prong plugs in good condition?
Are electrical tools grounded or double insulated?
Are GFCI used when outdoors or indoors in wet conditions?
Are tools appropriately used to avoid electrical hazards?
Are guards and safety devices in good repairand being used?
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Categories / Contents
Do all air lines and hose connections fit securely in air powered tools?
Are retainers installed on air-powered tools?
Are tools and machinery properly stored?
Are defective tools tagged and removed from service as part of a regular maintenance program?
Is appropriate training provided for employees newly assigned to a job?
Is training provided on the use of personal protective equipment?
Are employees properly trained in equipment use, including emergency equipment as applicable
to potential job hazards?
Vehicle Inspections
Does the vehicle appear to be in good condition ( consider the following: unusual tire size, worn
treads, uneven wear, fluid leakage, condition of windows, external lights, mirrors, seat belts, any
other visible signs of damage)?
 Where applicable, are fire extinguishers available, easily accessible and regularly inspected?
 Where loads are transported are securing devices available and in good condition?
 Is there ease of access/egress to/from the vehicle (i.e., step heights, hand holds, etc.)
 Where required, does the vehicle have a functioning reverse notification alarm?
Tire Cage (as used in selected garages)
 Are personnel properly trained in use of the tire cage?
 Are all required safety chains in good condition?
 Is the cage in good condition?
Highway Traffic Act
City of Toronto FLEET
Services Website:
Daily pre-trip inspection
Safety Bulletins
Work Bench
 Is work surface and area clean and free of clutter?
 Is workbench stable and in good condition?
 If workbench is metal, is it properly grounded?
Containerized Products
 Are containers clearly identified and properly labelled (e.g., WHMIS, TDG, etc.)?
 Are containers sealed when not in use?
 Are containers not used as a work platform?
Warning Systems, Colour Coding
Is a consistent colour coding system used for warning systems in the workplace?
Are pipes properly labelled ?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Industrial Reg. 851
WHMIS Reg. 860
Is hot work permit used as required?
Are welding tanks properly secured from tipping?
Are gauges and tanks visibly in good condition?
Are hoses and cables neatly coiled and protected?
Are hoses, torch tip, and cables in good condition?
Are welding tanks stored in an upright position?
Is valve protection cap in good condition?
Is flashback prevention check-valve in use?
Is welding curtain or screen set up?
Are fire prevention measures in place (i.e., fire extinguisher immediately available
Are flashback arresters used?
Are combustibles removed or covered?
Are smoke and fume extractors effective?
Is a spark lighter used?
Occupational Health &
Safety Act
Construction Reg. 213/91
Welding and Cutting,
Section 122-124
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Workplace Inspection Report
To (name/title):
Inspection Site (Name, Address):
Inspection Date:
Inspection Team (all participants):
Inspection Team Report
Management Response
(Inspection Team use ONLY)
Hazard Concern
(Include specific location, interim actions taken if any, suggestions, comments etc.)
Signature ________________________________________ Phone # ____________
Inspection Team Representative
Corrective Action Taken
Signature ______________________________ Phone # ____________
Management responsible for corrective action
Priority Rating
1 > Hazard is likely to cause permanent disability, loss of body parts, loss of life and/or extensive loss of or damage to property. When encountered the inspection team
shall immediately advise the workers and report findings to the workplace supervisor on duty.
2 > Hazard is likely to cause serious injury or illness resulting in temporary disability, and/or property damage that are disruptive to the work.
3 > Hazard is likely to cause a non-disabling/no loss time injury, or non-disruptive property damage.
(For Management Response ONLY)
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Distribution of Report:
Worksite Safety Notice Board
Management responsible for corrective actions
Workplace Joint Health & Safety Committee
Human Resources Occupational Health & Safety Consultant
Joint Health & Safety Committee Recommendation Form
Date Submitted: __________ Submitted to: ______________________ Tel. #
# _________
Health and Safety Concern/Hazard
(Clearly identify the concern/hazard and provide an item number or other identifier from JHSC minutes where
Supporting Background Information
(Include injury reports, work refusals, MoL intervention, related legislation, City policy, industry best practices, etc)
Recommended Solutions (Clearly outline the proposed solution and indicate the urgency)
This recommendation by the ______________________________ Joint Health & Safety Committee has been reached
through consensus of all committee members. Signed on behalf of the committee
Co-Chair, Labour
Co-Chair, Management
Recommendation Resolution (Management)
Action Taken
Date Resolved:____________________
Verified as resolved on behalf of the Committee
Co-chair, Management
Co-chair, Labour
(Refer to the Guidelines on JHSC Recommendation Form Completion for assistance) Page 1 of ____
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Guidelines on Safety Recommendation Form Completion
Date of Recommendation:
Reference Number:
If applicable provide a reference number from the committee minutes
Health & Safety Concern/Hazard
Clearly identify what the concern or hazard is
Be clear to address the “root cause” and not just the “immediate cause”
Supporting Background Information
Previous injuries or illnesses including their severity and/or associated costs
Number of employees potentially at risk
Previous work refusals, work stoppages or grievances
Ministry of Labour orders
Related legislation including:
 Statutes
 Regulations
 Standards
 Codes
 Guidelines
 City policies or procedures
 Collective agreement provisions
 Accepted industry standards
Was the recommendation initiated by or endorsed by City staff including:
 Safety Consultants
 Ergonomists
 Hygienists
 WSIB Consultants
 Employee Health and Rehabilitation
 Public Health
 Emergency Services (EMS/Fire)
 Life Safety
 Security
 Legal
Copies of documents that provide technical data such as:
Technical manuals
Maintenance schedules/logs
Manufacturers’ specifications
Material Safety Data Sheets
Comments or recommendations of workers or supervisors in the affected area which provide testimonial data.
Recommended Solutions
How urgent is it that the problem be addressed?
The potential seriousness of any injury/illness that could result if the problem is left unattended
How practical the solution is that is being recommended
Provide resources that may be able to assist in implementing the solution (If the recommendation is to provide training, who can
provide the training, when are the dates of upcoming courses, how long is the course, where is it, how much is it. If the
recommendation is to purchase something, provide the name of prospective suppliers including product specifications and costs)
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Target Dates
For each specific solution or action, set a proposed target date for completion
Indicate that the recommendation was reached through consensus of all committee members including union and management.
Provide names of the committee members including their positions.
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