The Nativity of our Lord - Church of the Holy Trinity (GUILDWOOD, ON)

The Nativity of our Lord
Christmas Eve
December 24, 2011 – 11:00 p.m.
Church of the Holy Trinity, Guildwood
85 Livingston Road
Scarborough, Ontario
M1E 1K7
Find us on Facebook: Church of the Holy Trinity (Guildwood)
416 261 9503
The Rev. Stephen Kirkegaard, Incumbent
Welcome to Holy Trinity, Guildwood
At Holy Trinity, Guildwood, we welcome all who come to worship with us.
Though we are people of diverse background, lifestyle, and opinion, we are
one in our desire to follow Jesus Christ. We seek to live as diversity in
unity, offering a community in which we can all grow together as one Body:
God’s Church. We hope the order of service will help you find your way,
but feel free to ask your neighbour for help. Hymns can be found in the blue hymnal
“Common Praise”. We are truly pleased that you have chosen to worship with us.
Holy Communion: All are welcome in this church and at this altar. All baptized
persons, including children, are invited to receive the bread and wine at Christ’s table.
Those not receiving communion may wish to receive a blessing. Simply
cross your hands over your chest to indicate you are not receiving
communion. The Anglican Church supports the ancient use of the
common cup. Those receiving the chalice are asked to assist the chalice
bearer by grasping the cup at the base and guiding the cup to their lips.
For health purposes the practice of intinction, dipping the bread into
the wine, is discouraged. If you do not wish to drink from the common
cup, please feel free to receive the bread only. Simply cross your hands over your chest
when the chalice bearer passes by to indicate you do not wish the wine. The ancient
teaching is that the whole Christ is received whether one receives only the consecrated
bread or both bread and wine.
Children are always welcome. They may want to stay upstairs in the church for worship
or go into the lobby/Narthex area with a parent/caregiver. On
Sundays, children are welcome to take part in the Sunday School
program available downstairs during the 10:30 service. Parents are
always invited to join us for some or all of the time downstairs. There
will be no Sunday School on Sunday, December 25 or January 1. For
more information contact Patricia Eastman, Sunday School
Co-ordinator (416) 261-7300, The Greeters or
Sidespeople will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
Christmas Midnight
The Nativity of Christ
December 24, 2011
11:00 p.m.
Holy Eucharist
Almighty God,
to you all hearts are open,
all desires known,
and from you no secrets are hidden.
Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit,
that we may perfectly love you,
and worthily magnify your holy name;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Gathering of the Community
Processional Hymn #118  O Come, all Ye Faithful
Greeting and Lighting of the Christ Candle
We meet to celebrate the coming of Christ into the world.
The word was made flesh and dwelt among us:
And we beheld his glory.
The Christ candle is lit.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
A light no darkness can extinguish.
The shepherds kept watch by night,
and your glory shone round about them.
The darkness is not dark to you,
the night is as bright as the day.
Let your light scatter the darkness
and illumine your Church with your glory.
Adeste Fidelis
Glory to God #702
Let us pray in the peace of this Christmas celebration
that our joy in the birth of Christ will last forever.
(The congregation, while standing, prays in silence)
Eternal God,
this holy night is radiant
with the brilliance of your one true light.
As we have known the revelation of that light on earth,
bring us to see the splendor of your heavenly glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.
Proclamation of the Word
please be seated
First Reading
Psalm 96
Isaiah 9:2-7
Second Reading
Titus 2:11-14
Gospel Hallelujah #324 please stand while the congregation’s candles are lit
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
The Holy Gospel
Luke 2:1-20
Please extinguish candles once the sermon begins.
The Rev. Stephen Kirkegaard
Silence for reflection
Our Response to the Word
Nicene Creed
Prayers of the People – Litany #13
Confession and Absolution
The Peace
p. 188
p. 120
p. 191
p. 192
The Celebration of the Eucharist
The Preparation of the Gifts
All stand. During the hymn, offerings of the people are received and presented,
and the bread and wine are brought forward.
Offertory Hymn #139  The First Nowell
Prayer over the Gifts
please remain standing
The Great Thanksgiving
Eucharistic Prayer #3
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord #732
The Lord’s Prayer
The Breaking of the Bread #6
The Communion
Lamb of God #745
Communion Hymns: #122 – In the Bleak Midwinter
#119  Silent Night
#146 – ‘Twas in the Moon of Wintertime
Anthem: Is There Room at the Manger for Me?
The First Nowell
p. 198
Community Mass
p. 211
p. 213
Stille Nacht
Une Jeune Pucelle
Mary Kay Beall
Sending Forth the Community
Prayer after Communion
please stand
p. 214
Recessional Hymn #143 – Angels from the Realms of Glory
Regent Square
The Blessing
May the eagerness of the shepherds
the joy of the angels,
The love of Joseph and Mary,
and the peace of the Christ-child
Be yours this Christmas.
And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen.
The Dismissal
Go in the peace of the Christ-child.
Thanks be to God.
Memorial Flowers for Christmas
Given By:
Luciene Bailey
Penny Case
The Henley Family
Diane Hickman
The Knautz Family
In Loving Memory of:
Parents and Nephew
Trent Case
Nadia Yakimowich
Robert Hickman
Frank Knautz, Joseph & Josephine
Knautz and Canon & Gladys James
Martin Lee
Their Parents, Arlene & Howard Clarke
Loved Ones of the Galbraith, Clarke,
Judge and Mills Families
John & Irene Price
Gloria Lee
Nancy Mills & Sisters Maureen & Marilyn
Nancy Mills
Peter & Karen Price
In Memory of Loved Ones
Gerard & Judy Baribeau
Brenda & Don Cooper
Chris Cooper
Robin & Peggy Denman
Glenis Emmett
Dave & Judy Hardy
Shirley Hodgins
Nancy & Warren Lees
Esther Tilley
And also by:
Patricia Eastman in thanks for the blessings of family & friends
Chris, Daphne & Julia Hamill in celebration of the
lives that have touched ours
And in Loving Memory of Una Mawson from all her friends
at Holy Trinity Guildwood
Thank you to all who have contributed so much to the beauty and richness of our
celebration of the Christmas season: Peggy Wong and the choir, the altar guild, lay
assistants, communion ministers and readers, Rachael Boles and DramaWorks,
St. Nicholas, Patricia Eastman and the Church School, Sharon Trivers and Outreach,
hospitality and fellowship leaders, and greeters.
The Gift of a Christmas Offering
We would be pleased to issue you a tax receipt for any offering of $10 or more. For your
convenience a Christmas offering envelope has been included with this bulletin. Please
be sure your name and address are on the envelope or cheque so that we can mail your
receipt to you. It is your support that allows Holy Trinity’s ministry to continue to grow.
The office will be closed December 26-January 4.
Stephen will be away December 26-January 7.
Assisting in Worship are:
Presider ................................................................................. The Rev. Stephen Kirkegaard
Lay Assistants ........................................................................... Peter Harris, Chris Cooper
Chalice ............................................................. Vivien Harris, Mary Beth Moffatt-Sinclair
Readers .................................................................................. Robbie Rhodes, Bev Rhodes
Altar Guild ...................................................................................... Penny Case, Pat Every
Marie Gilbart, Daphne Hamill, Janet Tangness
Sidespersons ................................................................................. Barrie and Freda Morgan
Welcome .................................................... Donna Cressman, Mary Beth Moffatt-Sinclair
Organist ........................................................................................................... Peggy Wong
Please join us for
Christmas Day Worship – December 25, 10:00 a.m.
How to contact us
The Reverend Stephen Kirkegaard
416 261 9503 – church; (416 266 8386 – home)
Honourary Assistant The Rev. Dr. Harold E. Shepherd
Parish Administrator Judy Baribeau – 416 261 9503 – church
Parish Nurse
Vivien Harris (416 703 5433)
Linda Epping (416 267 3635); Karen Price (416 281 1268)
Flo Schwerdtner (416 284 6269)