Abortion “Abortion is the human rights issue of the 21st century. When does the right to life begin under our Constitution?” – Roger Thoney. “A rose by any other name will smell the same.” Whether we use the term unborn child, baby in the womb, or the less emotional term fetus, we still are talking about a living human organism. Organism growth is a sign of life as is cell division at the molecular level. Cellular division begins at conception, so life begins at conception in the biological sense. The abortion debate, therefore, is a debate over when do we recognize that one’s “right to life” begins under our Constitution. It is the human rights issue of the 21st century. The hallmark of a civilized society is a respect for the life and rights of others. If elected, I will push for the passage of the 27th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, specifically stating that the right to life and due process begins at conception. Proposed 27th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States The Right to Life Amendment Section 1. Unborn children, from the moment of conception, are hereby expressly granted the inalienable right to life and right to due process of law, as enjoyed by all persons under Amendment V to this Constitution of the United States. Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. The New Republicans “If we make the structural changes in our economy to help those struggling to make ends meet, then we will help everyone else, too. This I call ‘trickle-up’ economics.” – Roger Thoney. Our campaign will start a new faction within the Republican Party, called the New Republicans, which will lead the Republican Party into the heavily-Democratic-voting communities of working men and women and those without jobs. A New Republican will, above all else, put the people first, ahead of self and party, with a particular concern for those who are struggling to make ends meet. A New Republican will stand up for individual liberty and economic freedom and will live up to the Constitution of the United States. “Putting the People First” includes supporting economic policies that will work to reduce the cost of living and create more jobs to provide more opportunity to improve one’s situation in life. Inflation is Public Enemy #1 to working men and women and those without jobs. Economic Recovery Plan “If you don’t know what you’re doing, then leave your hands off!” – Roger Thoney. Good engineers follow the maxim, “Do not make a change to a system unless you understand how that change will propagate throughout the system.” This is to prevent one change from creating additional problems somewhere else in the system (unintended consequences). In order to follow this maxim, one must understand how the system works. Politicians whose view of economics is grounded in the writings of Karl Marx have a radicalized view of the economy. Marx’ objective in his writings was to destroy, not build. The implementation of Marx-inspired economic policies makes the economy more inefficient, resulting in higher prices and unemployment. Both work to increase the burden on those struggling to make ends meet. Marx-inspired politicians carry a bias that blinds them to the operation of a real-world economy. They really have no clue. Their bias toward destruction prevents them from seeing positive solutions; and their solutions usually make things worse because their bias is to destroy. An economic troubleshooter’s bias is to help those who are struggling to make ends meet improve their situation in life. This will be accomplished by reducing the cost of living and creating more jobs. This “orientation to improve,” rather than destroy, will lead to economic solution plans that will improve the lives of many. The economic recovery plan in the box below is designed to achieve robust economic growth with little inflation. Compare this to President Obama’s plan that will fuel inflation and mortgage our children’s future. This is the difference between a plan with a bias to improve and a plan with a bias to destroy. See my position paper for more details. An Economic Troubleshooter’s Economic Recovery Plan 1. Provide low-cost capital to private-sector businesses by eliminating the taxes on business profit and capital gain. 2. Reduce the cost of doing business in the United States by reducing the cost of healthcare, the price of oil, and the cost impact of government taxation, regulation, and litigation on the economy. 3. Provide low-cost loans to help those who are struggling to make ends meet pay their bills until they find new, or better, jobs. 4. Temporarily relax mark-to-market valuation requirements and minimum capital requirements to keep banks from failing.