2235 Encinitas Blvd., #107b Encinitas, CA 92024 www.angelfaces.com info@angelfaces.com LEVEL 2 RETREAT APPLICATION RETREAT DATE: June 20 - 26, 2016 LOCATION OF RETREAT: Wolfeboro, New Hampshire APPLICATION DUE DATE: March 15, 2016 RETREAT COST: No cost to participant. The retreat cost of $4,500 per girl is paid by Angel Faces donors. APPLICATION FEE: TRANSPORTATION: $150 Application fee (should be raised by applicant herself) A limited number of airfare scholarships are available. We encourage applicants to seek a sponsor (hospital, burn foundation, firefighter association) or to hold a fundraiser. Angel Faces offers the only week-long retreat in the United States for young women, ages 10-29, with facial differences or large body surface scarring due to burn or trauma-related injuries. Since 2003, Angel Faces has offered these holistic retreats that focus on the psychosocial needs of the attendees. Angel Faces was the first organization to offer this kind of healing retreat, which differs significantly from burn camps. Applications are prioritized based on demonstrated commitment to healing and giving back to the community. Attendees are allowed to attend more than once, but no more than three times. The deadline for submitting applications is March 15, 2016. Angel Faces’ Level II retreat is open only to young women who have participated in the Angel Faces Level I retreat. Level II provides leadership and mentorship training with emphasis on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Attendees engage in interactive experiences, learning sessions, group discussions and physical activity. Young women learn skills that build upon and sustain the foundational lessons learned in Level I experiences, and prepare them to mentor and lead in future retreats and in the community. Attending the Level II retreat is a privilege that comes with responsibilities. Level II participants are required to serve as mentors for a year following the Level II retreat. This year-long mentorship will require weekly emails and social media interaction with possibly two Level I participants. Level II participants are also required to be active participants in the Angels in Flight program, sharing posts regularly, commenting on others’ posts, and participating in at least quarterly Skype sessions with the group. We will provide training and guidelines for the year-round mentorship. To be accepted to the Level II retreat, you must: Have completed at least one Level I retreat. Be at least 18 years of age. Be interested in becoming a leader in Angels in Flight and elsewhere in their community. The Angel Faces nonprofit organization is led by Lesia Cartelli, who endured a serious burn injury as a child. It is supported by two staff members, two part-time licensed psychologists and a dedicated volunteer team of professionals. Pre- and post-test results show that attendees to Angel Faces retreats experience favorable psychosocial adjustments: Increase in hope; decrease in depressive symptoms; and increase in quality of life. A poster summarizing the 2010 research findings won awards at the American Burn Association conference. 1 Applications are available for download at www.angelfaces.com. Applications must include a close-up photo of the applicant (which the corrective cosmetics team will use to determine individual needs for the private consult). Applications also must include a fee of $150. The per-girl cost of the week-long retreat is $4,500 (not including airfare) and that is covered by Angel Faces donors. Attendees are encouraged to reach out to their local community groups, church, burn foundation, medical professionals, and firefighter associations for financial assistance for the airfare. Development director Sharon Jones at 760-230-1276 or sharon@angelfaces.com will provide guidance, if needed. Angel Faces is a nonprofit that receives donations from individuals, foundations and corporations. Our tax ID number is 20-5718594. Send the completed application, a headshot, and application fee of $150 to: Angel Faces 2235 Encinitas Blvd. #107b Encinitas, CA 92024 Or email: terry@angelfaces.com If you have any questions, please contact us at terry@angelfaces.com or (760) 487-1720. We look forward to receiving your application! Sincerely, The Angel Faces Team LESIA CARTELLI FOUNDER/CEO 2 TERRY HEWITT PROGRAM COORDINATOR SHARON JONES DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 2235 Encinitas Blvd., #107b Encinitas, CA 92024 www.angelfaces.com info@angelfaces.com June 20-26, 2016 LEVEL II Participant Application You can fill this form out electronically in MS Word; move to the different fields by hitting the “tab” key on your keyboard. USE AS MUCH SPACE AS YOU NEED FOR YOUR ANSWERS. The field will adjust. Participant’s name: Participant’s age (at the time of the retreat): Submitted by: Relationship to participant: Name of referring health care provider: Participant Phone: Participant Email: How many times have you attended an Angel Faces retreat? What years did you attend? How many Angels In Flight Skype sessions have you attended? How has attending helped you? If you have not attended, please explain why. Going forward, Angels in Flight participation is required of retreat participants. Application Checklist Completed and signed application $150 Application Fee Current close up facial photo MUST BE ATTACHED Complete the form in word and email back to Terry Hewitt: terry@angelfaces.com Be sure to attach a CLOSE UP PHOTOGRAPH (without Makeup) Or maile to Angel Faces, Attn: Terry Hewitt, 2235 Encinitas Blvd. Suite 107b, Encinitas, California 92024 3 2235 Encinitas Blvd., #107b Encinitas, CA 92024 www.angelfaces.com info@angelfaces.com Level II Participant Application Part One: COMPLETE this form out electronically in MS Word; move to the different fields by hitting the “tab” key on your keyboard. Participant UPDATED Information Participant’s Name: Participant’s Cell Phone: Participant lives with: Participant’s Date of Birth: Participant’s Age during the 2016 retreat: Participant’s Email Address: Home Address: City, State, Zip Name of your Employer: Position/Title: Employer’s Address: Employer’s Phone Number: Does this employer match employee donations to nonprofits? Participant’s marital status? Emergency Contact Information Name of Emergency Contact: Home Phone Number: Relationship: Cell Phone: Health/Mental Status Current Medications 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 Dose Allergies? (food, medication or other): Are you in bandages? Where? If so, please explain/describe. Are you wearing pressure garments or splints? Do you have hearing or vision problems? Please explain. Have you received any psychological counseling since the last retreat? If so, when? Current therapist name and contact information. Have you attended any support groups or camps in the past 30 days? Burn Camp and Role you played No Yes: No Yes No No Yes No Location How old were you when you attended an Angel Faces retreat(s)? How many years (or months) after your accident did you attend? What did you gain from the last retreat? How did it help you? Have you noticed a difference in how you handle your facial/body difference socially since you’ve attended an Angel Faces retreat? Please explain: Have you received reconstructive surgery in the past 6 months? If so, when was the most recent? What 5 If yes, how recent: Wearing schedule: Date surgery was done? Is there currently legal action pending regarding this injury, trauma, or abuse? Are there any depositions pending? Please explain if necessary. Signature Date: Signature of Witness: Date: Part Two: Please take the time to sit quietly and share with us “who you really are”. Your answers are confidential. So let go, let loose and write away! 1. Give specific reasons why you feel you would be a good Candidate for the leadership program, Level II. 2. What tools, skills have you learned in the past from Angel Faces? 3. What changes have you made in your life since attending Angel Faces? 4. How would attending Level II this summer contribute to your own personal and professional growth? What do you hope to gain from the retreat? 5. What to you are the qualities that define a leader and a role model? 6. Have you stayed in contact with any girls you met at the retreat? If yes, how do you communicate? How often do you communicate? 6 7. What areas in your life do you need more help with? Make-up Teasing Stares Family Talking to Boys Dating (or lack of) Making Conversations Socializing Other: Give examples of your answers (from above): 8. How do you spend now your free time now? Hobbies? Interests? Sports? 7. I avoid social situations when: (check all that apply) There will be new people around When boys are present When children are around Other: If I need to change clothes 8. Living situation: With whom do you live? 9. Please give 3 examples of situations where someone stared at you and how you handled it. 10. What is your biggest concern for your future? 11. What does mentorship mean to you? 12. Who is your mentor? Why? 13. Name three regrets? 7 14. Are you attending college now? If so, where and which school, what level are you in? If not, explain why, 8 15. Describe the strongest relationship in your life right now. Could be your mother, father, sister, brother, boyfriend, grandparents, friend. Describe your most challenging situation. 16. How do you handle media and interviews? Are you comfortable with them? Additional Comments: Use this space for other information you would like to share. 9 2235 Encinitas Blvd., #107b Encinitas, CA 92024 www.angelfaces.com info@angelfaces.com Media Release Form (To be read and signed by participant) Dear Participant, The continued success of Angel Faces relies heavily upon the ability to sustain funding. In order to continue and expand the program, maintain and seek new supporters, we must share our vision in a variety of ways. This includes but is not limited to; video presentations slide shows, newspaper or magazine articles, descriptive brochures, television or radio programs, and photographs. You are not required to give permission for publicity release. We do, however request that you sign for the possibility to involve yourself in publicity opportunities should the occasion present itself during the retreat or while representing Angel Faces. Angel Faces facilitators will monitor media and printed materials to the best of our ability to encourage appropriate representation of the retreat participants. Angel Faces is known for its harmonious, tranquil and healing environment. We reserve the right to send home immediately any participant from the retreat that is troublesome, violent, threatening or disruptive to the program, other participants, volunteers or the facility. The travel home will be at the expense of the parent/guardian. This includes a zero tolerance policy for smoking, alcohol, and non prescription drugs. Sincerely, Angel Faces Facilitators I hereby give permission for my child to be videotaped, photographed, or recorded for use in publicity as described in the above paragraph. Signature of Participant: Name Printed: 10 Date: 2235 Encinitas Blvd., #107b Encinitas, CA 92024 www.angelfaces.com info@angelfaces.com Consent and Waiver (To be read and signed by participant) 1. Medical Services: I hereby give permission to Angel Faces to follow routine treatment or to select qualified personnel to care for me as directed by written instruction from my doctor or caregiver. 2. General Services: I hereby give permission to the Angel Faces facilitators or someone directed by him/her, to provide me with emergency medical services, transportation, housing, and meals associated with my registration as a participant. Additionally, I hereby agree that in the event that services or medical treatment is needed other than provided at the workshop, I accept full and complete responsibility. 3. Personal Property: I understand that the Angel Faces facilitators will make reasonable efforts to assist the participants in caring for their personal belongings. I hereby agree that Angel Faces will not be held responsible for the participant’s lost or damaged personal property. 4. Risk of Serious Injury: I hereby understand that some activities may take place away from the workshop location and release all places/resorts that Angel Faces® attends from any and all liabilities due to serious injury, including paralysis and death due to participation at these locations. I voluntarily and knowingly acknowledge, accept and assume the risk, except that which is result of gross negligence or wanton willful misconduct. 5. Authorization of Treatment: I, the participant, authorize Angel Faces to act if I am a victim of accident, injury or illness when immediate medical or surgical care is needed. Signature of Participant Name Printed: 11 Date: Angels in Flight Agreement ***By signing this form the participant affirms having read it*** By submitting this Level II Retreat application, you are seeking to engage more deeply in your participation in the Angel Faces community, helping adolescent girls who have been through trauma achieve full healing and reach their optimum potential. Your acceptance to participate at Level II is a privilege that comes with responsibilities. All women who participated in the Level II retreat are expected to participate in Angels in Flight, an online support group that reinforces skills and tools learned at the retreat. We believe that the Angels in Flight support community is very important to the healing process. All Level II participants are also required to mentor at least two Level I participants for one year. In submitting this application, ____________________ (print applicant’s name) agrees to do the following if __________________ (print applicant’s name) is accepted to participate at a Level II retreat: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Attend at least four Angels in Flight video conference sessions during the year following the retreat. Read the e-newsletter issued each month, for a year following the retreat. Respond to any evaluation or survey requests from Angel Faces (at most twice a year). Participate in Angels in Flight social media groups for 12 months following the retreat. Communicate monthly with your assigned Angel Faces mentoree for a year following the retreat. Signature of Participant If you enter your name electronically, you are legally signing this Consent and Waiver. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Consent and Waiver. Participant’s Name Printed: 12 Date: