Commission internationale DES GRANDS BARRAGES VINGT TROISIEME CONGRES Brasilia, juin, 2009 A STUDY ON THE WEAK ZONE TRACING SURVEY OF FILL DAM HYEK KEE KWON1, HAE SANG JEONG2, DONG HEE CHOI3, HYUNG JOON PARK4 P.E., Manager, Korea Infrastructure Safety and Technology Cooperation, / Ph. D, Candidate, University of Incheon, Korea1 Manager, Korea Infrastructure Safety and Technology Cooperation, Korea2 Manager, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Korea3 Assistant Manager, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Korea4 1. INTRODUCTION The major defects in embankment dams are the leakage, clacks, unbalanced displacement, settlement, internal erosion. These major defects need to be investigated and characterized during the site investigation, and then the proper measures including rehabilitation are to be suggested based on the analysis results of the site investigation and characterization. The site investigation methods include the detailed eye-watching, underwater inspection, displacement survey, three dimensional laser scanning, soil investigation, seepage measurement, geo-physical investigation. The choice of the site investigation methods are based on the current status of the embankment dam, scope and purpose of the study, and analysis method because the each investigation method has their own characteristics. In this study, at first, the characteristics of the investigation methods were analysed, and then proper investigation methods to detect the weak zone in embankment dams were studied. 2. SITE INVESTIGATION The frequently used site investigation methods are shown in the Table 1. 1 Table 1 Feature of site investigation methods Type Merit Detailed appearance examination Demerit ․Investigation net using and data management possibility ․Appearance investigation of dams ․Detailed survey possibility ․Evaluation by displacement point criteria ․Investigation possibility about underwater ․Under turbidity influence of water 3-D Scanning ․Total displacement grasp ․External displacement grasp Seepage measurement ․Channel formation judgment inside dams ․Distinction difficulty with surface water ․Grasp possibility of weak zone ․Uncertainty in representation of investigation location ․Total weak zone grasp ․Quantitative reliability deterioration of result Displacement survey Underwater inspection Borehole test Geo-Physical investigation As shown in the Table 1, many of the site investigation methods are to obtain the information for the out-surface defects, and this causes the difficulties to characterize the internal issues of the embankment dams. In case, no out-standing surface defects are investigated, there is a doubt that the safety of the dam is clearly confirmed. This study tried to present and verify the effectiveness of the geo-physical investigation methods concurrently used with borehole tests in order to characterize the weak zone in embankment dam. This approach is effective to evaluate the overall qualitative stability and helpful for the quantitative analysis for the specific part of the embankment. 3. 3.1. INVESTIGATION METHODS FOR THE WEAK ZONE STUDY CASE OF THE EMBANKMENT DAM The study case shows the properties as shown in the Table 2 and Fig. 1. This case presents no out-standing defects during the surface inspection. During the borehole test, the SPT N-value showed weak zone in the part of the central core. There was a need to introduce more detailed and overall methods to investigate these weak zone inside of the central core zone. 2 Table 2 Dimension of the case study Division Facility Status Total reservoir water quantity 47,100,000 Ton Effect reservoir water quantity 46,070,000 Ton Flood water level EL. 22.50m Operation water level in flood EL. 21.50m Type Fill dam of zone type Length × Level 314.5m × 13.3m Remark Fig. 1 Typical Cross Section 3.2. OVERVIEW OF THE SITE INVESTIGATION In order to inspect the overall status of the embankment, the specific resistivity test were conducted at the center line of the embankment and the downstream berm. Based on the results of the specific resistivity test, the three borehole (BH-1, 2, 3) tests were decided to compare with the specific resistivity results. The location and the survey lines are presented in Fig. 2 and Table 3. 3 Fig. 2 Site Investigation Status drawing Table 3 Site Investigation Status Division Section (Sta.No.) Contents Dam crest centerline 1+02~15+10 (288m) Dam crest Up,down stream 1+14~7+14, 9+00~15+00 (120m, 120m) Down stream berm 2+00~15+10 (270m) MASW Dam crest centerline 10+00~13+00 (60m) Seismic tomography Dam crest centerline BH2~BH3 Borehole image processing system Dam crest centerline BH-2,3 Borehole test Dam crest BH-1,2,3 Specific resistivity 4 - 2-D Image processing investigation - Dipole arrangement - Electrode space(a) : Dam crest up․down stream 3m : Dam crest centerline 4m : Down stream berm 5m - Electrode number(N) : 8 - Geophone space 1m - 2.5 Hz geophone - Borehole space : 12m - Seismic start : Spaker - 1m space 18ch. Hydrophone - Depth BH-2 : 22.50m BH-3 : 18.50m - 360° Rotation photography - Photography space 2mm - SPT - Sampling - Site test 3.2.1 Specific resistivity The results of the specific resistivity conducted on the centerline and the downstream berm were presented in the Fig. 3, 4, 5 individually. The Fig. 5 shows the semi-three dimensional results combining the all survey lines. The overall specific resistivity values are about 100 ohm-m and the right abutment of the embankment showed the lower specific resistivity values than the other areas. For the right abutment area, the specific resistivity values are about 60 ohm-m in 3 survey line at the center line of the embankment as shown in the Fig. 3. The results of survey line at downstream berm also showed about 60 ohm-m in right abutment as shown in the Fig. 4. Therefore, the area of the lower resistivity zone can be considered to be connected from the upstream to downstream at the right abutment area. This lower resistivity zone is tentatively considered as high water content area. In case of left abutment, relatively low specific resistivity area was locally detected from the nearby BH-1 to Sta. 11-13, but this low specific resistivity area did not connected to upstream and downstream area. This low specific resistivity area is considered as a small scale localized minor defect base on the connectivity. The specific resistivity of core material sturdied in this case presented lower values than the average of the water supply dams in Korea. This lower specific resistivity values is considered to be related with the high water contents of the core zone and this is predominant at the right abutment area. Fig. 3 Specific Resistivity Values (Dam Crest) 5 Fig. 4 Specific Resistivity Values (Down stream Berm) Fig. 5 Specific Resistivity Values (semi-three dimension) 3.2.2 Borehole test The borehole test was introduced to support the specific resistivity test results. The SPT values in BH-1 is 4 at 7.5m depth and 4-19 throughout the depth variation. The lower specific resistivity area presented the lower SPT N-values and the overall N-values also showed normal to small values. Therefore, to precisely evaluate this area two more boreholes were scheduled and tested. The location of the BH-2 and BH-3 was selected at Sta. 11+18 to directly compare the result with BH-1 and at 12+10 to evaluate the left abutment for the low specific resistivity area respectively. The schemes and results are shown in the Table 4 and 5. 6 Table 4 Borehole Test Status Division BH-1 BH-2 BH-3 Sta. No 12+0 No. 11+18 No. 12+10 Bole hole Depth (m) 15.0 22.2 18.8 S.P.T (N) 9 14 12 Table 5 S.P.T Result Depth (m) BH-1 BH-2 BH-3 Average 1.5 6 3 8 5.7 3.0 16 4 4 8.0 4.5 9 5 5 6.3 6.0 18 11 8 12.3 7.5 4 4 1 3.0 9.0 - 9 10 9.5 10.5 15 12 7 11.3 12.0 19 12 10 13.7 13.5 14 7 9 10.0 15.0 18 17 9 14.7 16.5 - 10 12 11.0 18.0 - 17 10 13.5 19.5 - 27 - 27.0 Average 13.2 10.6 7.8 10.5 As shown in the Table 5, the average N-values at BH-1, 2, 3 are 13.2, 10.6, 7.8 and these values are relatively smaller than the average of the water supply dams in Korea. The average N-values at each depth 1.5m, 4.5m, 7.5m showed 5.7, 6.3, 3.0 respectively, and the depth at 7.5m showed the lowest values. The overall variation of the N-values presented that the area above 9m depth showed smaller values than others. This variation is considered to be related to the possible poor compaction in the upper area of the core zone. 7 Fig. 6 Comparision between Specific and Sampling The soil material at 5m depth in BH-2 presenting relatively higher specific resistivity (Area A in Fig. 3) and the soil material at 8m depth in BH-3 presenting relatively lower specific resistivity (Area B in Fig. 3) showed no big differences in soil properties except the soil color. However, the Fig. 6 shows the differences in soil properties in density and water content when the samples are compared in different areas. The SPT-samples in 7.5m depth presented lower density than 4.5m depth at BH-2, 3 and this results coincide with the specific resistivity results. The analysis presented that the area in depth 10m at BH-2, 3 is considered as weak zone in this particular dam 3.2.3 Borehole Image Processing System : BIPS As indicated in borehole test and specific resistivity test, the area at depth 10m was considered as a weak zone showing low density and high water content. This weak zone was then directly inspected using the BIPS (Borehole Image Processing System). The BH-2, 3 were used to inspect the condition of the borehole wall, and the results were shown in the Fig. 7 as a 360° unfolded images. 8 Fig. 7 BIPS Result The Fig. 7 indicated that the core materials showed loose, less homeogenous and presenting unfilled empty space in soil conditions. The upper part of the core zone such as the area at depth 3.2~8.6m in BH-2 and 3.3~13.2m in BH-3 presented weak zone showing the less density and more water contents coincided with the results of the borehole test and the specific resistivity test. 3.2.4 Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves : MASW Fig. 8 shows the distribution of the shear wave velocity including the area of the BH-1, 2, 3 and the higher velocity implies the higher density and the opposite means the lower density. The shear wave velocity increased with the increase of the depth and almost constant at the same depth. This is considered as the density increase with the overburden loading. The lowest shear wave velocity at this survey was 100150m/sec at 34-m depth, and 150-300m/sec at the depth of 4-7. This results also presented the same tendency showing the lower density in upper part of the core zone such as the other test. Whilst, Japanese researcher Sawada and Takahashi(1975) reported that the shear wave velocity was 210m/sec at the depth of 0-5m, and 240-306m/sec at the depth of 5-10m after studying four embankment dam cases having the height from 64.5 to 107m. The embankment dam at the current study presented relatively smaller range of the shear wave velocity than the Sawada's study. 9 The previous studies conducted by the KISTEC (Korea Infrastructure Safety and Technology Corporation) also presented average 264m/sec at the depth of 0-5m, and 325m/sec at the depth of 6-10m based on the 11 cases of the embankment dams. The KISTEC's study also showed the distribution of the higher shear velocity than the current study. Fig. 8 Distribution of Shear Wave Velocity with Dam Crest Centerline Fig. 9 presented the dispersion curve of the surface wave at BH-1 from the 31 dispersion curve obtained with 2m interval. In overall frequencies 12.5, 30, 50, 60Hz, the velocity layer changed. The frequency 12.5Hz can be converted to wave length (λ) 21.6m base on the 270m/sec velocity, and as same way the frequencies 50, 60Hz can be converted to 4.1 and 3.3m respectively. Fig. 9 Dispersion Curve of The Surface Wave with BH-1(Sta. 12+0) In case of the Sta. 12+0, the soil density characteristics varied at the depth of 3.3m, 4.1m, 7.0m, 21.6m and this results agreed to the changes of the SPT-N values at the depth of 1.5m, 4.5m, and 7.5m. The analysis results of 31 surface wave 10 dispersion curve presented that the upper part of the embankment is weaker than the lower part because the stiffness characteristics varied in 7-10m and the S-wave velocity calculated from the dispersion curve was lower than the normal values presented in the previous researches. The tendency which SPT N-values in upper part of the embankment is smaller coincides with the results of the BIPS. 3.2.5 Seismic Tomography In order to survey the soil properties between the two borehole, seismic tomography test were conducted and presented in Fig. 10. Fig. 10 shows the tomography of the P-wave velocity between BH-2 and 3. The normal P-wave velocity is considered as 1,000~2,500 m/sec in the clay layer(John M. Reynolds, 1997). The upper part of the embankment in the current study presented 500-1500m/sec and this indicates that the density of the upper part of the embankment is not enough. Especially, the P-wave velocity shows smaller than other layer to the depth 10m which presented more empty space by BIPS. This tendencyis well explained comparing with the specific resistivity, MASW, and SPT V-values. Fig. 10 Distribution of P-Wave Velocity (BH-2~3) 11 4. CONCLUSION In order to detect and evaluate the weak zone in embankment dam, the various investigation methods were introduced such as borehole test and geo-physical survey. The analysis results are shortly described hereafter. 1) The specific resistivity test detected that the specific resistivity of the upper part of the embankment presented lower than 60 ohm-m, and is considered loose, high water content. The SPT (Standard Penetration Test) results presented that the average N-values is 3-12 up to the depth 9m, and so the upper part of the core zone is weaker than the lower part. 2) The BIPS (Borehole Image Processing System) detected more empty spaces in the upper part of the embankment, and this coincide with the results of the specific resistivity test and the SPT. 3) The MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves) test presented relatively low range of the shear wave velocity in overall area, and the sudden change of the shear wave velocity was detected in 4-7m depth. The measured shear wave velocity is lower than the normal values reported by the other researchers and is considered as weak zone. 4) The seismic tomography presented lower P-wave velocity than the normal core material, this tendency is predominant up to 10m depth. The results coincide with the results of MASW. The introduction of the various geo-physical survey was presented to be effective to characterize the weak zone in the embankment dam, and this weak zone was investigated with more direct methods such as the borehole teat and BIPS images. The results were reasonably well matched and this presented that the introduction of the geo-physical survey is quite useful to characterize the weak zone of the embankment dam which does not shows any defect in eye-watching inspection. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] KWRA, Design Criteria of Dam, 2005 MILLER, R.D., XIA, J., PARK, C.B., and IVANOV. Multichannel analysis of surface waves to map bedrock, The Leading Edge, 1999 JOHN M. 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