3GPP Funding and Finance Group Meeting #17 7 June 2005 Quebec, Canada Source: MCC Title: Status Report for Q1 2005 Agenda item: 4 Document for: Decision Discussion Information 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 3 June 2005 page 1 of 25 X This report provides detailed information on 3GPP income and expenditure for Q1 2005, and is based on figures available at 3 June 2005. 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 2 of 25 Table of Contents 1 Year 2004 MCC Expenditure ...............................................................................................................3 1.1 MCC Staff Expenditure (Officers and Assistants) ..........................................................................3 1.1.1 Additional Staff 3 1.2 MCC Contracted Support Experts Expenditure..............................................................................4 1.2.1 MCC Contracted Support Experts Expenditure including non remunerated experts ................4 1.2.2 MCC Contracted Support Experts Expenditure excluding non remunerated experts ...............6 1.2.3 MCC Contracted Experts Expenditure Detailed Breakdown by Activity ....................................8 1.3 MCC Travel and Subsistence.......................................................................................................18 2 2.1 2.2 Year 2004 Expenditure for 3GPP Task Forces .................................................................................19 MCC Task Force 160 - 3GPP ATSs and PIXIT for UE R99 ........................................................19 MCC Task Force 272 - Test GERAN / UTRAN ..........................................................................20 3 3.1 MCC Subcontracts ............................................................................................................................21 S23 AMR Narrow-Band and the AMR Wide-Band packed switched conversation test ......... Error! Bookmark not defined. S21 Default Codec Evaluation for Speech Enabled Services ......................................................21 3.2 Contact Person ............................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3 S24 Audio Codec........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4 Sub-contracts S26 on Phase 2 of Packed Switched Conversation TestsError! Bookmark not defined. 4 Contingency .......................................................................................................................................21 32,50 KEUR Error! Bookmark not defined. 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Year 2004 Partner Contributions .......................................................................................................21 ARIB (20 Members)......................................................................................................................21 CCSA (6 Members) ......................................................................................................................21 ETSI (141 Members) ....................................................................................................................22 ATIS (14 Members) ......................................................................................................................22 TTA (8 Members) .........................................................................................................................23 TTC (7 Members) .........................................................................................................................23 Total income expected from Partners ..........................................................................................23 6 Invoices and credit notes issued 2004 ..............................................................................................23 7 Payments received in year 2004 from 3GPP Partners ......................................................................24 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 3 of 25 1 Year 2005 MCC Expenditure 1.1 MCC Staff Expenditure (Officers and Assistants) MCC Staff Expenditure 2005 (Budget = 975 kEUR) 1200,00 975,00 1000,00 k E U R 800,00 717,34 600,00 400,00 200,00 0,00 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Months Cumulative Spend Monthly Spend Linear Spend to Budget Projection This budget line is for those permanently employed ETSI Secretariat Staff employed within the Mobile Competence Centre. The staff complement during 2004 was 4 Support Officers, 4 Assistants, and 0,5 Department Head as follows: David BOSWARTHICK, John MEREDITH, Maurice POPE, Adrian ZOICAS, Karen HUGHES, Susanna KOOISTRA, Florence RAVOIRE, Emmanuelle WURFFEL, Adrian SCRASE (0,5) It can be seen that expenditure for the year is well below the budget that was set. The reason for this underspend is that after the budget was set for 2004 the staff complement was reduced by one Assistant and 0,5 Department Head. These reductions reflect the maturity of the Project Support activity and the desire to reduce the overall 3GPP budget. The year end expenditure for this budget line is 880,95 kEUR against a budget of 1050 kEUR. (It should be noted that this figure includes staff expenditure for all MCC activities including those not directly related to 3GPP). 1.1.1 Additional Staff An additional budget line was included in the 2004 budget entitled “Additional Staff” to represent the full time employment of Shicheng Hu for the management of TTCN development within MCC. (Shicheng Hu is part of another ETSI Secretariat Department but currently works full time on MCC matters). A budget of 150kEUR was set for this item and expenditure for the year was 150 kEUR. 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 4 of 25 1.2 1.2.1 MCC Contracted Support Experts Expenditure MCC Contracted Support Experts Expenditure including non remunerated experts The table and chart given below show the expenditure incurred for MCC Support Experts, including the value of those experts which are provided on a nonremunerated basis. In each case, the number of days worked by each expert can be seen and the total value of that work given. It can be seen that the total value of the days worked by MCC contracted experts (including non remunerated experts) in 2005 is 1677 kEUR. MCC C. Arzelier S. Baev J. Caldenhoven M. Clayton C. Gutierrez S. Han Y. Ishii A. Jurisic K. Kymalainen A. Sultan G. Thomasen Jan. 21,00 0,00 19,00 22,50 13,50 21,00 20,00 20,00 16,50 13,00 19,00 Feb. 20,00 12,00 21,00 19,00 17,00 19,00 19,00 21,50 17,50 14,50 19,00 March 25,00 23,00 22,00 21,00 19,50 21,00 18,00 22,00 24,00 11,00 22,00 P. Usaï 16,00 20,00 20,00 Total 201,50 219,50 248,50 April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total days 66,00 35,00 62,00 62,50 50,00 61,00 57,00 63,50 58,00 38,50 60,00 Total kEUR 56,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 669,50 401,70 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 5 of 25 MCC Contracted Experts Expenditure 2005 including non remunerated experts (Budget = 1634 kEUR) 1800,00 1634,00 1600,00 1606,80 1400,00 k E U R 1200,00 1000,00 800,00 600,00 400,00 200,00 0,00 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Months Cumulative Spend Monthly Spend Projection Linear Spend to Budget This chart includes the equivalent monetary value of the experts provided by ARIB and TTA Dec. 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 6 of 25 1.2.2 MCC Contracted Support Experts Expenditure excluding non remunerated experts The table and chart given below show the expenditure incurred for MCC Support Experts, excluding the value of those experts which are provided on a nonremunerated basis. In each case, the number of days worked by each expert can be seen. It can be seen that the total value of the days worked by MCC contracted experts in 2005 (excluding non-remunerated experts) is 1367,40 kEUR. MCC C. Arzelier S. Baev J. Caldenhoven M. Clayton C. Gutierrez A. Jurisic K. Kymalainen A. Sultan G. Thomasen Jan. 21,00 0,00 19,00 22,50 13,50 20,00 16,50 13,00 19,00 Feb. 20,00 12,00 21,00 19,00 17,00 21,50 17,50 14,50 19,00 March 25,00 23,00 22,00 21,00 19,50 22,00 24,00 11,00 22,00 P. Usaï 16,00 20,00 20,00 Total 160,50 181,50 209,50 April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total days 66,00 35,00 62,00 62,50 50,00 63,50 58,00 38,50 60,00 Total kEUR 56,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 551,50 330,90 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 7 of 25 MCC Contracted Experts Expenditure 2005 excluding non remunerated experts (Budget = 1361,60 kEUR) 2000,00 1800,00 1600,00 1361,60 1400,00 k E U R 1323,60 1200,00 1000,00 800,00 600,00 400,00 200,00 0,00 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Months Cumulative Spend Monthly Spend Projection Linear Spend to Budget This chart excludes the equivalent monetary value of the experts provided by ARIB and TTA Dec. 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 8 of 25 1.2.3 MCC Contracted Experts Expenditure Detailed Breakdown by Activity 3GPP Including Non Remunerated Experts This budget line shows the expenditure incurred by MCC experts in support of 3GPP TSGs, including non remunerated experts. In previous years, the cost of supporting TSG GERAN had been separated out but this is no longer necessary due to the simplification of the Funding Formula. It can be seen that the total value of the days worked by MCC contracted experts in support of 3GPP TSGs (including non remunerated experts) in 2005 is 1634,70 kEUR. MCC C. Arzelier S. Baev J. Caldenhoven M. Clayton C. Gutierrez S. Han Y. Ishii A. Jurisic K. Kymalainen A. Sultan G. Thomasen Jan. 21,00 0,00 19,00 22,50 8,50 21,00 20,00 20,00 7,00 13,00 19,00 Feb. 20,00 12,00 21,00 19,00 17,00 19,00 19,00 21,50 12,50 14,50 19,00 March 25,00 23,00 22,00 21,00 19,50 21,00 18,00 22,00 18,00 11,00 22,00 P. Usaï 16,00 20,00 20,00 Total 187,00 214,50 242,50 April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total days 66,00 35,00 62,00 62,50 45,00 61,00 57,00 63,50 37,50 38,50 60,00 Total kEUR 56,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 644,00 386,40 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 9 of 25 MCC Contracted Experts 3GPP Expenditure 2005 Including Non Remunerated Experts (Budget = 1559 kEUR) 1800,00 k E U R 1600,00 1559,00 1400,00 1545,60 1200,00 1000,00 800,00 600,00 400,00 200,00 0,00 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Months Cumulative Spend Monthly Spend Projection Linear Spend to Budget This chart shows the use of Contractor resources for the support of 3GPP TSGs and includes non remunerated experts 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 10 of 25 3GPP Excluding Non Remunerated Experts This budget line shows the expenditure incurred by MCC experts in support of 3GPP TSGs, excluding non remunerated experts. It can be seen that the total value of the days worked by MCC contracted experts in support of 3GPP TSGs (excluding non remunerated experts) in 2005 is 1325,10 kEUR. MCC C. Arzelier S. Baev J. Caldenhoven M. Clayton C. Gutierrez A. Jurisic K. Kymalainen A. Sultan G. Thomasen Jan. 21,00 0,00 19,00 22,50 8,50 20,00 7,00 13,00 19,00 Feb. 20,00 12,00 21,00 19,00 17,00 21,50 12,50 14,50 19,00 March 25,00 23,00 22,00 21,00 19,50 22,00 18,00 11,00 22,00 P. Usaï 16,00 20,00 20,00 Total 146,00 176,50 203,50 April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total days 66,00 35,00 62,00 62,50 45,00 63,50 37,50 38,50 60,00 Total kEUR 56,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 526,00 315,60 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 11 of 25 MCC Contracted Experts 3GPP Expenditure 2005 Excluding Non Remunerated Experts (Budget = 1286,60 kEUR) 1400,00 1286,60 1200,00 1262,40 1000,00 k E U R 800,00 600,00 400,00 200,00 0,00 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Months Cumulative Spend Monthly Spend Projection Linear Spend to Budget This chart shows the use of Contractor resources for the support of 3GPP TSGs and excludes non remunerated experts 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 12 of 25 ETSI EP SCP This budget line shows the expenditure incurred in support of the ETSI Smart Card Platform activity which is closely related to the work of 3GPP. The activity is 100% funded by ETSI so it is necessary to accurately track the true cost such that it may be deducted from the 3GPP accounts. MCC C. Arzelier S. Baev J. Caldenhoven M. Clayton C. Gutierrez S. Han Y. Ishii A. Jurisic K. Kymalainen A. Sultan G. Thomasen Jan. Feb. March 9,50 5,00 6,00 April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. P. Usaï Total Total days 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 20,50 0,00 0,00 Total kEUR 0,00 9,50 5,00 6,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 20,50 12,30 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 13 of 25 MCC Contracted Experts SCP Expenditure 2005 (Budget = 50 kEUR) 60,00 50,00 50,00 49,20 k E U R 40,00 30,00 20,00 10,00 0,00 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Months Cumulative Spend Monthly Spend Projection Linear Spend to Budget This chart shows the resources used for the support of ETSI SCP (Smart Card Platform). Dec. 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 14 of 25 ETSI TC MSG This budget line shows the expenditure incurred in support of the ETSI Mobile Standards Group activity which is closely aligned with the work of 3GPP. The activity is 100% funded by ETSI so it is necessary to accurately track the true cost such that it may be deducted from the 3GPP accounts. MCC C. Arzelier S. Baev J. Caldenhoven M. Clayton C. Gutierrez S. Han Y. Ishii A. Jurisic K. Kymalainen A. Sultan G. Thomasen Jan. 2,00 Feb. 0,00 March April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total kEUR 0,00 0,00 2,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 P. Usaï Total Total days 0,00 0,00 0,00 2,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2,00 1,20 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 15 of 25 MCC Contracted Experts MSG Expenditure 2005 (Budget = 15 kEUR) 20,00 18,00 15,00 16,00 14,00 k E U R 12,00 10,00 8,00 6,00 4,00 4,80 2,00 0,00 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Months Cumulative Spend Monthly Spend Projection Linear Spend to Budget Dec. 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 16 of 25 ETSI RT This budget line shows the expenditure incurred in support of the ETSI Railway Telecommunications activity which performs the adaptation of 3GPP’s work for deployment in high speed trains. The activity is 100% funded by ETSI so it is necessary to accurately track the true cost such that it may be deducted from the 3GPP accounts. MCC C. Arzelier S. Baev J. Caldenhoven M. Clayton C. Gutierrez S. Han Y. Ishii A. Jurisic K. Kymalainen A. Sultan G. Thomasen Jan. 3,00 Feb. 0,00 March April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total kEUR 0,00 0,00 3,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 P. Usaï Total Total days 0,00 0,00 0,00 3,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 3,00 1,80 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 17 of 25 MCC Contracted Experts RT Expenditure 2005 (Budget = 10 kEUR) 20,00 18,00 16,00 14,00 k E U R 12,00 10,00 10,00 7,20 8,00 6,00 4,00 2,00 0,00 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Months Cumulative Spend Monthly Spend Projection Linear Spend to Budget Dec. 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 18 of 25 1.3 MCC Travel and Subsistence MCC Travels Expenditure 2005 (Budget = 620 kEUR) 700,00 620,00 600,00 579,06 500,00 k E 400,00 U R 300,00 200,00 100,00 0,00 Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Months Cumulative Spend Monthly Spend Linear Spend to Budget Projection This chart shows the travel and subsistence expenditure for MCC to March 2004. It can be seen that expenditure is 532,01 kEUR against a budget of 600 kEUR. (It should be noted that this figure is for 3GPP related travels only). 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 19 of 25 2 2.1 Year 2005 Expenditure for 3GPP Task Forces MCC Task Force 160 - 3GPP ATSs and PIXIT for UE R99 The budget for this activity in 2005 is comprised of: 754 000 EUR – 2005 3GPP funding allocation 78 000 EUR – GSMA funding allocation (paid) 39 000 EUR – GCF funding allocation (paid) 13 000 EUR – Cingular/Lucent funding allocation (pending) 13 000 EUR – Cingular/Ericsson funding allocation (pending) 13 000 EUR – Cingular/Siemens funding allocation (pending) Total 2005 budget therefore = 910 000 EUR. The table given below shows the total value of the paid resources used for the development of TTCN tests for 3GPP. PAID EXPERTS STF 160 V. Bardaux O. Genoud H. Griffiths M. Abdul T. Wacker N. Wang E. Weber H. Zischler Total Jan. 15,00 8,00 6,00 21,00 2,50 9,00 4,00 14,00 79,50 Feb. 12,50 12,00 11,00 20,00 16,00 0,00 12,50 19,00 103,00 March 14,50 10,00 0,00 14,50 6,00 0,00 9,00 17,00 71,00 April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Resources as free of charge in man months: 17 man months – TDIA contribution 4 man months – R&S contribution 4 man months – Qualcomm contribution Total days 42,00 30,00 17,00 55,50 24,50 9,00 25,50 50,00 253,50 Total kEUR 152,10 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 20 of 25 Total 2005 voluntary contributions = 25 man months. The table given below shows the total value of the voluntary resources used for the development of TTCN tests for 3GPP. VOLUNTARY EXPERTS STF 160 X. Chen R. Thiruvathirai L. Salmeron H. Zhang Jan. 0,00 3,50 0,00 0,00 J. Zhao 0,00 0,00 3,00 Total 3,50 25,00 32,25 2.2 Feb. 0,00 9,00 16,00 0,00 March 3,00 2,25 21,00 3,00 Total days 3,00 14,75 37,00 3,00 April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 60,75 Dec. Total days Total kEUR 3,00 36,45 MCC Task Force 272 - Test GERAN / UTRAN 39 000 EUR is allocated to this activity by 3GPP. STF 272 Jan. Feb. March H. Griffiths 5,00 3,50 10,00 Total 5,00 3,50 10,00 April May June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Total kEUR 18,50 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 18,50 11,10 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 21 of 25 3 3.1 MCC Subcontracts SAGE (STF 278) 8 man months from SAGE members. Development of alternative algorithm to Kasumi to be used if Kasumi is compromised. Work being performed by SAGE. 50% funded by GSMA and 50% voluntary work. Experts and Companies involved: Expert Babbage Bone Christoffersson Gelbord Gilbert Handschuh Martin Matsui Nilsen Nyberg Schneider 4 E-mail steve.babbage@vodafone.com nick.bone@vodafone.com per.christoffersson@teliasonera.com B.S.Gelbord@telecom.tno.nl henri.gilbert@francetelecom.com helena.handschuh@gemplus.com tobias.martin@t-systems.com matsui@iss.isl.melco.co.jp leif.nilsen@no.thalesgroup.com kaisa.nyberg@nokia.com Tim.Schneider@t-systems.com Companies VODAFONE VODAFONE COMSEC TNO TELECOM France TELECOM GEMPLUS SA T-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL GmbH MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORP. THALES NORWAY AS NOKIA CORPORATION T-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL GmbH Contingency Contingency Contingency Allocated 200 5 Year 2005 Partner Contributions The following tables give the contributions expected from the Organizational Partners in year 2005. These tables do not take into account the credit notes that may be issued in respect of the year 2004 surplus. 5.1 ARIB (22 Members) Budget category Amount (k€) Equal division of Support budget Proportional division of Support budget 193 414 Total 606 Deduction for provision of human resources 136,20 Amount due 469,80 5.2 CCSA (6 Members) Budget category Equal division of Support budget Proportional division of Support budget Amount (k€) 193 113 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 22 of 25 Amount due 5.3 306,00 ETSI (190 Members) Budget category Equal division of Support budget Proportional division of Support budget Amount due 5.4 Amount (k€) 193 3573 3765,00 ATIS (15 Members) Budget category Equal division of Support budget Proportional division of Support budget Amount due Amount (k€) 193 282 475,00 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 23 of 25 5.5 TTA (6 Members) Amount (k€) Budget category Equal division of Support budget Proportional division of Support budget 193 113 Total 306 Deduction for provision of human resources 136,20 Amount due 169,80 5.6 TTC (7 Members) Amount (k€) Budget category Equal division of Support budget Proportional division of Support budget 193 132 Amount due 5.7 324,00 Total income expected from Partners Total Financial Payment expected from Partners = Value of voluntary resources from Partners = Total = 6 5509,60 kEUR 272,40 kEUR 5782,00 kEUR Invoices and credit notes issued 2005 The following credit notes and invoices were addressed to 3GPP Partners for 2005. ARIB (Japan) 2004 CREDIT NOTE 2005 INVOICE dated 31/03/2005 dated 31/03/2005 Dated 19/04/2005 50 740 EUR 469 800 EUR 419 060 EUR AMOUNT DUE dated 31/03/2005 dated 31/03/2005 Dated 19/04/2005 25 550 EUR 306 000 EUR 280 450 EUR ETSI (France) 2004 CREDIT NOTE 2005 INVOICE dated 31/03/2005 dated 31/03/2005 268 790 EUR 3 765 000 EUR 3 496 210 EUR dated 31/03/2005 dated 31/03/2005 Dated 19/04/2005 39 900 EUR 475 000 EUR 435 100 EUR AMOUNT DUE CCSA (China) 2004 CREDIT NOTE 2005 INVOICE AMOUNT DUE ATIS (United States) 2004 CREDIT NOTE 2005 INVOICE AMOUNT DUE 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 24 of 25 TTA (Korea) 2004 CREDIT NOTE 2005 INVOICE AMOUNT DUE TTC (Japan) 2004 CREDIT NOTE 2005 INVOICE AMOUNT DUE dated 31/03/2005 dated 31/03/2005 Dated 19/04/2005 29 140 EUR 169 800 EUR 140 660 EUR dated 31/03/2005 dated 31/03/2005 Dated 19/04/2005 27 310 EUR 324 000 EUR 296 690 EUR TOTAL PAYMENTS DUE = 5 509 600 EUR 7 Payments received in year 2005 from 3GPP Partners The following payments have been received from 3GPP Organizational Partners during year 2005. ARIB (Japan) Amount due 419 060 EUR Amount Paid: none CCSA (China) Amount due 280 450 EUR Amount Paid: none ETSI (France) Amount due 3 496 210 EUR Amount Paid 3 496 210 EUR 31.03.05 ATIS (USA) Amount due 435 100 EUR Amount Paid: none TTA (Korea) Amount due 140 660 EUR Amount Paid: none TTC (Japan) Amount due 296 690 EUR Amount Paid: none TOTAL PAYMENTS RECEIVED FROM ORGANIZATIONAL PARTNERS = 5 068 170 EUR Additional contributions: GSMA Amount due Amount Paid 78 000 EUR 78 000 EUR 05.04.05 GCF Amount due Amount Paid 39 000 EUR 39 000 EUR 15.04.05 Cingular/ Lucent Amount due 13 000 EUR 3GPP/FFG#17(05)02 Page 25 of 25 Cingular/ Ericsson Amount due 13 000 EUR Cingular/ Siemens Amount due 13 000 EUR