Fernando J. Landaeta R. Petroleum Engineer. O Obbjjeeccttiivvee Seeking a position as a Petroleum Engineer, in the field of oil well planning or drilling operations where my experience, personal skills, knowledge and creativity, can be employed and developed. P Peerrssoonnaall D Daattaa & &C Coonnttaaccttss Place & Date of Birth: Porlamar - Nva. Esparta, December 01st, 1979. Nationality ID document: V-14.940.304 Nationality: Venezuelan Passport Number: 051927222 Mobiles: +584249590784 // +584169874421 Phone: +582916415642 Phone (Calgary): +14039227347 *Recommended until April 17th Email: landaetafj@gmail.com // flandaeta@spemail.org W Woorrkk E Exxppeerriieennccee W Weelll PPllaannnneerr EEnnggiinneeeerr st D Deecceem mbbeerr 3311sstt,, 22001111–– PPrreesseenntt D Drriillliinngg & &W Woorrkkoovveerr EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg D Deeppaarrttm meenntt-- PPD DVVSSA AM Moorriicchhaall //PPeettrrooddeellttaa Responsible for designing of directional oil wells, according production requirements. Casing design, drill string and bit selection, rig selection according to well construction requirements, preparing well plans, anti-collision analysis, bit and string hydraulics, surveys interpretations. Core recovery operations, mud type selection and cementing process. D Drriillliinngg O Oppeerraattiioonnss EEnnggiinneeeerr st FFeebbrruuaarryy 0022nnnddd,, 22000066 –– D Deecceem mbbeerr 3311sstt,, 22001111 PPD DVVSSA AO Oiill SSeerrvviicceess ((D Drriillliinngg O Oppeerraattiioonnss)) -- PPD DVVSSA AM Moorriicchhaall B Baassee Responsible for develop, plans, costs, schedules and supervises the operations necessary in the process of drilling deviated oil wells. I was involved from initial well design to testing, completion and abandonment, in several well types as vertical; short and extended radius horizontal wells, S and special S types, slant types, multilateral wells. I have experience in Core Recovery Wells, logging and well testing. Contractor processes is covered in DO Engineer activities, crew management, and time vs cost issues. H HSSEE SSuuppeerrvviissoorr--D Drriilllliinngg rriiggss nd th A Apprriill 0022nndd,, 22000055 –– D Deecceem mbbeerr 1122tthh,, 22000055 C CN NPPC C SSeerrvviicceess VVeenneezzuueellaa LLttdd.. –– A Annaaccoo // O Orrooccuuaall –– VVeenneezzuueellaa.. Responsible to supporting the safe procedures in the drilling rigs. Involved in checking permissions according the current normative. Watching all procedure to preserve the safety during the operations. A Accaaddeem miiccss D Daattaa JJuunnee,, 22000055 Bsc, Engineer Petroleum Universidad de Oriente (UDO) Monagas-Venezuela Degree Project: “Design of Surface Facilities to SAGD wells in Morichal” P Prreesseenntt EF3 ESL Mount Royal University - Calgary Alberta Canada S Skkiillllss & &C Coom mppeetteenncceess Strong performance in MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access) Strong performance in Compass (Landmark Suite) Medium performance in Wellplan (Landmark Suite) Strong numeracy and analytical, strong performance in Rig Math Spanish (Native), English (Upper Intermediate) Technological skills Excellent communication skills, excellent interpersonal, Leadership attitude, pro-activity, efficiency and commitment. O Otthheerrss Thesis Assessor. “Evaluación de la perforación de los pozos horizontales en macolla con el taladro modular GW-182. Dic. 2007” (Evaluation of horizontal oil wells in cluster using GW-182 Modular Rig) Participation in IV Petroleum Knowledge Congress UDO Monagas. Modular Rigs Performance. Chess player, UDO Chess Team. Maturín-Monagas Keyboardist Musician. Leader of Kumbayá Band. Maturín-Monagas Microsoft Office Facilitator PDVSA. SPE Active Member R Reeffeerreenncceess Rincon, Sandra Yakoubian, Jose Phoenix Optimization Drilling Engineer Phone: 0014034834733 PDVSA-Planning Engineer Phone: 00584166858818