UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN / FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE ME – Y1T1 January 2011 – May 2011 8.00-9.00 Monday Tuesday 9.00-10.00 (L) UEME1233 Aravin (pt) DK1 11.00-12.00 (L) UECM1653 Pek Law Heong DK4B 12.00-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 (T1) UECM1653 PekLH S001A 4.00-5.00 5.00-6.00 LAB (L) MPW2153 Nor Azlili DK2A (L) MPW2143 Mohd. Syuja SB015 LAB (L) UECM1653 PekLH DK4B Wednesday Thursday 10.00-11.00 LAB (L) UEME1143 TanYC DK3 LAB (T1) odd UEME1233 Aravin (pt) SB013 (T2) even UEME1233 Aravin (pt) SB013 (T2) UECM1653 PekLH S001A (L) MPW2133 Nazirah SE109 (L) UEME1143 Tan Yong Chai DK4A Friday Saturday (T1) odd UEME1143 LeeSS SA226 (T2) even UEME1143 LeeSS SA226 (L) UALJ2013 LoyCL (pt) SE107 (L) UALF1003 (T) UALJ2013 LoyCL (pt) SE107 (T) UALF1003 (L) UEME1233 Aravin (pt) DK1 YeohBC (pt) SD201 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 UEME1233 UEME1143 UECM1653 MPW2113 UALJ2013 UALF1003 MPW2143 MPW2153 Manufacturing Technology I Dynamics Mathematics for Engineering I Bahasa Kebangsaan A Introduction to Japanese Introduction to French Pengajian Islam Pendidian Moral YeohBC (pt) SD201 Choose 1 out of 3 Choose 1 out of 3 Choose 1 out of 3 Choose 1 out of 2 Choose 1 out of 2 Student No. : 40 Tutorial grps : 2 UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN / FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE ME – Y1T2 January 2011 – May 2011 8.00-9.00 Monday Tuesday 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 (T1) odd (T2) even UEME1233 Aravin (pt) (L) UEME1233 Aravin (pt) DK1 1.00-2.00 (L) UEME1263 LamFS DK2A (T) UECM1663 LeeSY SA228 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 (L) UECM1663 OngKW DK2A LAB (T) UECM1663 LeeSY SA228 4.00-5.00 (L) UEME1143 Tan Yong Chai DK3 (L) UALJ2013 LoyCL (pt) SE107 (L) UALF1003 YeohBC (pt) SD201 (T) UALF1003 YeohBC (pt) SD201 (T) UALF1003 SimYC (pt) SE103 (T1) odd (T2) even UEME1263 LamFS SE103 LAB (L) MPW2133 Nazirah SE109 (T) UECM1663 LimWX SB014 L) UEME1263 LamFS DK4A (T1) odd UEME1143 LeeSS SA226 (T2) even UEME1143 LeeSS SA226 (T) UALJ2013 LoyCL (pt) SE107 5.00-6.00 LAB (L) UECM1663 OngKW DK2A (L) UEME1143 Tan Yong Chai DK4A Friday Saturday 12.00-1.00 (L) UALF1003 SimYC (pt) SE106 Wednesday Thursday 11.00-12.00 (L) UEME1233 Aravin (pt) DK1 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 UEME1233 UEME1143 UEME1263 UECM1663 MPW2113 UALJ2013 UALF1003 MPW2143 MPW2153 Manufacturing Technology I Dynamics Solid Mechanics I Mathematics for Engineering II Bahasa Kebangsaan A Introduction to Japanese Introduction to French Pengajian Islam Pendidian Moral Choose 1 out of 3 Choose 1 out of 2 Student No. : 58 Tutorial grps : 2 UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN / FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE ME – Y2T1 January 2011 – May 2011 8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 12.00-1.00 Monday (L) USCC1042 ChanSF SE107 (L) USCC1042 ChanSF SE107 Tuesday (L) USCC1012 Sherry Tang SE107 (L) USCC1012 Sherry Tang SE107 Wednesday (L1) UEME1263 LamFS DK4B (T2) odd UEME1263 LamFS S101A Thursday LAB Friday LAB Saturday (L) UEME3223 NgCC DK1 1 2 3 4 5 6 UEME1263 UEME2253 UEME2132 UEEA1253 UEME3223 USCC10x2 1.00-2.00 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 4.00-5.00 (L) USCC1062 ChanSF SE107 LAB (L) USCC1082 Sherry Tang SE107 (T) odd UEEA1253 LimEH (pt) SE107 LAB (L2) UEME1263 LamFS DK2A (L) UEEA1253 LimEH DK4A (L) YeohWH DK4B Solid Mechanics I Engineering Thermodynamics II Mechanical Engineering Design I Signal, Circuits and Systems Computer Aided Design and Manufacture Co- curricular (T1) odd UEME1263 LamFS SE103 (L1) UEME1263 LamFS DK4A (T1) odd (T2) even UEEA1253 Florance SE105 (L2) YeoWH DK4B (T) odd YeoWH SA228 (L2) UEME1263 LamFS DK3 (L) UEEA1253 LimEH DK2B (T) UEME3223 NgCC SE203 (T) UEME3223 NgCC SE202 Choose 1 out of 2 5.00-6.00 Student No. : Tutorial grps : 31 UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN / FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE ME – Y2T2 January 2011 – May 2011 8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 11.00-12.00 12.00-1.00 (L) USCC1042 ChanSF SE107 (L) USCC1042 ChanSF SE107 (L) USCC1012 Sherry Tang SE107 (L) USCC1012 Sherry Tang SE107 (L2) WongHM DK4B Monday 10.00-11.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 4.00-5.00 (L) USCC1062 ChanSF SE107 LAB (L) MPW2153 Nor Azlili DK2A (L) UEMM3243 LimYP DK2A (L) MPW2143 Syuja SB014 (L1) UEME1263 LamFS DK4B (T2) odd UEME1263 LamFS S101A (T1) odd (T2) even UEME1263 LamFS S101A (T3) even WongHM SA229 (L3) YeohWH DK4B (L3) WongKM DK4B (T3) even UEME1263 LamFS SB014 (L) UEEA1253 LimEH DK4A (T1) odd (T2) even Vincent S101A (T1) odd (T2) even UEEA1253 Florance SE105 (L) UEMM3243 LimYP DK1 (L3) YeoWH DK4B (T1) odd (T2) even WongHM SA229 (T1) odd (T2) even YeohWH SA228 (T3) even YeohWH SA228 (L1) UEME1263 LamFS DK3 (L) UEEA1253 LimEH DK2B Friday LAB LAB Saturday 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 UEME2252 UEME2163 UEME2132 UEEA1253 UEMM3243 MPW2153 MPW2143 USCC10x2 Engineering Thermodyanamic Solid Mechanics II Mechanical Engineering Design I Signal, Circuits and Systems Engineering Analysis Pengajian Islam Pendidikan Moral Co- curricular 5.00-6.00 Choose 1 only Student No. : 71 Tutorial grps : 3 UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN / FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE ME – Y3T1 January 2011 – May 2011 Monday 8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 (L1) WongHM DK4B (L) UEME3233 HuangFJ DK4B 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 12.00-1.00 Tuesday (L) UEEA3413 ChuaKH DK2B (T1) odd (T2) even UEMM3243 (T1) odd (T2) even UEME3233 HuangFJ SA228 Friday 3.00-4.00 (L) UEMM3243 LimYP DK2A (L) UEME3213 Rajkumar S213 Wednesday (L1) WongKM DK4B 2.00-3.00 4.00-5.00 (T1) odd (T2) even WongHM SA229 MPW2143 Syuja SB014 (T1) odd (T2) even UEEA2413 (T1) odd (T2) even UEME3213 Rajkumar SD202 (L) UEMM3243 LimYP DK1 MPW2153 Nor Azlili DK2A (L) UEME3233 HuangFJ DK4B Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 UEME2163 UEMM3243 UEME3213 UEME3233 UEEA2413 MPW2153 MPW2143 5.00-6.00 (L) UEEA2143 ChuaKH DK2B (L) UEME3213 Rajkumar S213 Thursday 1.00-2.00 Solid Mechanics II Engineering Analysis Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanical Vibrations Process Control and Instrumentation Pengajian Islam Pendidikan Moral Student No. : 44 Tutorial grps : 2 UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN / FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE ME – Y3T2 January 2011 – May 2011 8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 (L) UEME3233 HuangFJ DK4B Monday 11.00-12.00 12.00-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 (L) UEEA2143 Niranjan DK2B (L) UEEA2143 Niranjan DK2B (T) SE202 (L) UEME3213 Rajkumar S213 (L) UEME3213 Rajkumar S213 Wednesday 5.00-6.00 (T1) odd (T2) even UEEA2413 ChinFS SE103 (T) SE202 Tuesday 4.00-5.00 (T1) odd (T2) even UEME3213 Rajkumar S102B Thursday (T1) odd (T2) even UEME3233 HuangFJ SA228 Friday Saturday (L) UEME3223 NgCC DK1 1 2 3 4 5 UEME3213 UEME3223 UEME3233 UEEA2413 UEME4243 (T) UEME3223 NgCC SE203 Heat and Mass Transfer Computer Aided Design and Manufacture Mechanical Vibration Process Control and Instrumentation Engineer in Society (L) UEME3233 HuangFJ DK4B (L) UEME4243 OnnCK DK2A (4-7pm) (T) UEME3223 NgCC SE202 Student No. : 50 Tutorial grps : 2 UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN / FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE ME – Y4T1 ME – Y4T2 January 2011 – May 2011 8.00-9.00 9.00-10.00 10.00-11.00 11.00-12.00 12.00-1.00 1.00-2.00 (L) UEME4213 ThanCF SE108 Tuesday Tuesday Friday (L) Lee VJ DK4A LAB (T) UBMM1013 Kalai SA225 LAB (T1) odd (T2) even UEME4363 GohSY SA228 (T1) odd (T2) even UEME4213 ThanCF SA229 (L) UEME4363 GohSY SE108 (T) Lee VJ SB014 (T1) odd UEME4213 ThanCF SA229 (T) Lee VJ SB014 Saturday LAB (L) UEEG2113 LaiSC Dk4B 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 UEME4113 UEME4363 UEME4213 UEMH4133 UBMM1013 UBTE2013 UEEG2113 Project Internal Combustion Engine Computational Fluid Dynamic Automation and Robotics Management Principles Entrepreneurship Law for Engineer Choose 1 out of 2 Choose 1 out of 2 5.00-6.00 (L) UEME4363 GohSY SE108 (T) UBTE2013 LaiFS SA225 (L) Lee VJ DK1 (L) UBMM1013 Junainah SA226 Thursday 4.00-5.00 (L) UBMM1013 Junainah DK3 (L) UBTE2013 Lai FS SA228 (L) UEME4213 ThanCF SE108 3.00-4.00 (L) UBTE2013 YeongWM LAB Wednesday 2.00-3.00 Student No. : 101 Tutorial grps : 3 (T3) odd UEME4363 GohSY SA228