Bachelor of Nursing - University of New Brunswick

2013-2014 Calendar Proof
Bachelor of Nursing
Department of Nursing & Health Sciences
General Office:
K.C. Irving Hall, Room 329
Mailing Address:
UNBSJ Department of Nursing & Health Sciences
100 Tucker Park Road,
P.O. Box 5050,
Saint John, N.B.,
Canada, E2L 4L5
(506) 648-5542
(506) 648-5784
Chair: Dr. Linda Yetman
Carr, Tracy, BN (UNB), MSc (Tor), PhD (UNB), Prof - 1995
Clark, C. Roberta, RN Dip (Miramichi), BN (UNB), MN (Dal), Assoc Prof - 1992
Doucet, Shelley, BN (UNB), MScN (UWO), PhD (UNB), Asst Prof - 2010
Furlong, Karen, RN Dip (SJSN), BN (UNB), MN (UNB), Diploma University Teaching (UNB),
CNA Certification Neuroscience Nursing, Sr Teaching Assoc - 2000
Keeping-Burke, Lisa, BN (MUN), MN (MUN), PhD (McG), Asst Prof - 2012
Logue, Nancy, BN (UNB), MN (Dal), PhD (c), Diploma in University Teaching, Sr Teach
Assoc - 1995
Mawhinney, Kathleen BN (UNB), MN (UNB), Diploma in University Teaching (UNB),
Instructor - 2010
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McCloskey, Rose, BSc (Acad.), RN Dip (Hfx.Inf.SN), BN (UNB), Diploma in Adult Ed. (St
FX), MN (UNB), PhD (UNB), CNA Certification Gerontology Diploma University Teaching
(UNB), Prof - 2000
McCormack, Dianne, BN (MUN), MSc (McG.), PhD (McG) Prof -1998
O’Brien-Larivee, Catherine, BN (UNB), MSc Applied Nursing (McG), Sr Teaching Assoc 2004
Pastirik, Pam, BN (UNB), MSN (UBC), Sr. Teaching Assoc -2002
Roy, Sandra, MN (UNB), BN (UNBSJ), Instructor - 2013
Wilson, Karen, BN (UNB), RN, MN, Diploma in University Teaching (UNB), Instructor 2001
Yetman, Linda, RN Dip (SJGH, St. John's, NL), BN (U of Leth), MEd (OISE), ACNP Dip (U of
T), PhD (U of C) - Assoc Prof & Chair - 2011
Program Goal
The goal of the Nursing Programs at UNBSJ is to educate caring professional nurses. Faculty
believe that professional nursing encompasses three interrelated areas of competency:
utilization of knowledge (knowing); accountable actions (doing); and attitudes and ethics
expected of a nurse beginning to practice (being).
Basic BN Program
In 1989, the membership of the Nurses' Association of New Brunswick (NANB) voted to
establish a baccalaureate degree in Nursing as the entry level to the profession by the year
2000. On December 15th, 1994, the Minister of Advanced Education and Labor announced the
government's support of this goal by transferring the total responsibility for nursing education
in New Brunswick to the universities. In the Fall of 1995, the Basic Nursing Program at the Saint
John campus of UNB admitted its first students.
The basic degree program spans four years of general and professional education. On
completion of the program, graduates are eligible to write the Canadian Registered Nurse
Examination to procure registration in the Province of New Brunswick. Those who are
successful are eligible to obtain registration across Canada and in other countries through
reciprocal agreements.
UNBSJ's four-year Baccalaureate Program in Nursing includes a majority of course work in
nursing, and courses from the liberal arts and sciences. Many nursing courses provide
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
opportunities for clinical practice. Students work with individuals, families, groups and
communities, and with persons at various stages of the life cycle and in a variety of settings.
There are costs in addition to those listed in Section C of this Calendar. For example, costs
associated with intersession, preceptorship and room and board for off-campus placements
may be incurred. Uniforms, equipment, nursing pin, registration examination fees, CPR
Certifications, and travel costs to and from practice areas are expenses unique to the Nursing
University Regulations
It is advisable to read carefully Section B of this Calendar, General University Regulations, and in
particular the subsection headed Grading and Classification.
Transfer and mature students are particularly advised to consult Section B. Students applying
for a second undergraduate degree will take Nursing courses and the required Arts and Science
courses in the program, if they have not already taken them. Questions concerning the
application of regulations must be made to the Registrar in writing.
Any point not covered in the following regulations will be governed by the General University
Admission Policy on English Language Proficiency
The language of our program is English and prospective students whose mother tongue is not
English may prove English language proficiency in one of the following ways:
i. Minimum TOEFL score on a paper-based test of 600.
ii. Minimum CanTEST scores of 5.0 on reading and listening, and 4.5 on writing.
iii. A minimum of 4 years full-time study in the English language in Canada.
Notwithstanding the above, students must demonstrate competence in speaking, listening,
reading and writing English to meet course requirements.
General Regulations
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
University regulations state that a student whose assessment grade point average
(GPA.) falls below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation (UNB Calendar: Standing and
Promotion Requirements). In addition to this regulation, a Nursing student whose
assessment GPA. falls below 1.7 may be required to withdraw from the program.
The following grades are required in the Nursing program:
at least a “C” grade in all required Nursing classroom courses
a “credit” in all required Nursing clinical courses
at least a “C” grade in all required non-nursing courses
at least a “D” grade in all electives, both Nursing and non-nursing
A student must receive a passing grade in all required nursing and non-nursing courses
in each year of the program before proceeding to the next year of the program.
A student who fails a clinical course may normally be allowed to repeat the course; a
student who twice fails to achieve a passing grade in any Nursing clinical course will be
required to withdraw from the Nursing program.
Student actions that compromise patient safety and serious breaches of conduct by the
student will be reviewed within the Department; the student may be required to withdraw
from the program.
A student must receive a “credit” in Nursing clinical course and at least a “C” in its corequisite Nursing classroom course before proceeding to subsequent clinical courses. In
instances where a Nursing classroom course and Nursing clinical course are co-requisites, a
failure in one results in a requirement to repeat and pass both courses.
A student who has been absent from Nursing clinical courses for 1 year or longer may be
required to repeat and pass relevant Nursing courses as determined by the Department.
A student who fails to receive a “credit” in NURS 4152 Concentrated Clinical Practice III
will be required to repeat and pass relevant clinical and classroom courses under the
supervision of Nursing faculty before being permitted to repeat the Concentration.
Basic degree students must complete the program within 6 years of enrolment.
Curriculum for BN (Basic) Students
Credit hour requirements for Nursing program
Basic Degree program Minimum 133 ch.
(See Section F of the Calendar for course descriptions)
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Year I
Term 1: NURS 1011 (3 ch); NURS 1032 (3 ch); BIOL 1441 (4 ch); PSYC 1003 (3 ch); Open Elective
(3 ch).
Term 2: NURS 1225 (3 ch); NURS 1235 (3 ch); BIOL 1442 (4 ch); PSYC 1273 (3 ch); Open Elective
(3 ch).
Year II
Term 1: NURS 2041 (4 ch); NURS 2157 (4 ch); NURS 2135 (3 ch); BIOL 2831 (3 ch); STAT 2263 (3
Term 2: NURS 2063 (3 ch); NURS 2132 (3 ch); NURS 2177 (3 ch); NURS 2145 (3 ch); NURS 2189
(4 ch); BIOL 2852 (3 ch).
Year III
Term 1: NURS 3033 (3 ch); NURS 3071 (3 ch); NURS 3073 (6 ch); NURS 3092 (3 ch).
Term 2: NURS 3112 (3 ch); NURS 3122 (3 ch); NURS 3123 (6 ch); BIOL 3251 (3 ch); NURS 3703 (5
Year IV
Term 1: Open Elective* (3 ch); Open Elective* (3 ch); NURS 4061 (3 ch); NURS 4063 (4 ch); NURS
4144 (3 ch).
Term 2: NURS 4132 (3 ch); NURS 4133 (2 ch); NURS 4142 (3 ch); NURS 4152 (7 ch).
* Only 3 of the 4 electives may be chosen from the same discipline.
Bachelor of Nursing Degree for Licensed Practical Nurses
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) will be able to gain access to an LPN Bridge, a cluster of
required university courses that, upon successful completion, qualify them to apply for
admission to the Bachelor of Nursing (BN) degree if they (1) hold current memberships in the
Association of New Brunswick Practical Licensed Nurses (ANBLPN) in good standing, and (2) are
a graduate of either the 18 month or two year NBCC Practical Nurse program. If an 18 month
graduate, the applicant must provide proof of successful completion of both the Adult Physical
Assessment (NCSI 1038) and the Introduction to Pharmacology (PHMC 1018) courses. Students
must have achieved a minimum grade of 75% in every course in the program and in each of the
additional courses identified, if applicable. Finally, students require successful completion of
High School MATH 112 (a) with a minimum grade of 60%. Since there are non academic
requirements associated with the next step in the admission process, namely being admitted to
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the BN program, students are advised to familiarize themselves with all admission
requirements before applying to the Bridge.
The following required courses compromise the LPN Bridge:
NURS 2011 (3ch) - Concepts for Professional Nursing Practice
NURS 1021 (3ch) - Effective Writing I
STAT 2263 (3ch) - Statistics for Health Sciences
BIOL 2831 (3ch) - Pathophysiology I
NURS 2052 (3ch) - Clinical Decision Making
PSYC 1003 (3ch) - Introductory Psychology I
To subsequently be admitted to the BN Program, LPN Bridge applicants must meet the
following requirements: (1) a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 on the six courses
that compromise the Bridge with no grade less than C in any one course, (2) current registrant
with the Association of New Brunswick Practical Licensed Nurses (ANBPLN) in good standing (3)
review of criminal record check, (4) record of current CPR certification, and (5) current
immunization status as per the policy of the Department of Nursing & Health Sciences, and (6)
completion of a medical as per the policy of the Department of Nursing & Health Sciences.
When admitted, these students will join an existing BN (Basic) class for the third and fourth year
of the BN (Basic) program studies.
BN/LPN Requirements: A minimum of 84 ch compromised of 18 ch from the Bridge plus 66ch
from years 3 & 4 of the BN (Basic) curriculum.
Bachelor of Nursing Degree for Registered Nurses
This BN/RN program is for graduates of two- and three-year diploma nursing programs.
Requirements for admission include proof of successfully completion of a diploma program in
nursing and eligibility for active registration with the Nurses Association of New Brunswick.
Many students choose to pursue this degree on a part-time basis.Full time BN/RN students
complete the Program within 6 years of enrollment. Part-time BN/RN students must complete
the Program within 10 years of enrolling in the first nursing courses.
Credit hour requirements for BN/RN Program
2013-2014 Calendar Proof
BN/RN Program Minimum 56 ch
Required Non-Nursing Courses (6 ch)
PHIL 3133 ; STAT 2263 or equivalent (3 ch)
Electives (18 ch)
Students take a minimum of 18 ch of open electives.
Students may be granted 3 ch or one open elective for one current CNA certification.
No restrictions are placed on the level at which elective courses are taken; students
are advised to take upper-level electives where and when possible.
Required Nursing Courses (32 ch)
(See Section F of the Calendar for course descriptions)
NURS 2011 (3 ch); NURS 3032 (3 ch); NURS 3092 (3 ch); NURS 3211 (3 ch); NURS 3215 (3 ch);
NURS 4061 (3 ch); NURS 4062 (3 ch); NURS 4132 (3 ch); NURS 4133 (2 ch); NURS 4142 (3 ch);
NURS 4144 (3 ch).