2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof Bachelor of Nursing Faculty of Nursing General Office: MacLaggan Hall, Room 106 Mailing Address: Faculty of Nursing, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N.B., Canada, E3B 5A3 Phone: (506) 453-4642 Fax: (506) 447-3057/453- 4519 Email: nursing@unb.ca Website: http://www.unbf.ca/nursing/ Faculty Dean: Gail Storr, BN, MEd, MN, PhD Associate Dean: Karen Tamlyn, BN, MN Assistant Dean Research/Faculty Development: Judith McIntosh, BN, MScN, PhD Assistant Dean Humber College: Patricia Seaman, BN, MN, PhD Assistant Dean Graduate/Advanced RN Studies: Kathryn Wilson, BN, MN, PhD Interim BN Program Director: Fredericton Debbi Amirault, RN, BN, MN BN Program Director: Moncton Catherine Aquino-Russell, BScN, MN, PhD BN Program Director: Bathurst Joan Williamson, BN, BA, MN Amirault, Debra, BN (UNB), MN (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc - 1999 Antworth-Underhill, Andrea, BN (UNB), Nurse Clinician III- 2003 Aquino-Russell, Catherine, BScN (LU), MN (UofM), PhD (Curtin, Australia), Prof- Moncton 2002 Batty, Mary-Lou, BN(UNB), BA(Dal), MN(UNB), Nurse Clinician III - 2010 Beckwith, Deidre, BN (UNB), Nurse Clinician I-2011 2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof Barclay, Katherine, BSc (UNB), MSc (Wat.), PhD (Guelph), Sr Teaching Assoc (Joint Biology and Kinesiology) - 2001 Bulman, Donna, BN (DAL), Med (SFX), PhD (U of Nottingham), Asst Prof-2008 Burke, Dawn, BN (UNB), MN (Dal), Sr Teaching Assoc - 2010 Burton, Pamela, BN (UNB), MN (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc -1990 Cameron, Elaine, BN(Dal), Nurse Clinician I - 2003 Deitch, Patty, BN/RN (UNB), MN (UNB), Sr Inst, – Bathurst - 2007 Didyk, Andy, BA(UNB), PhD (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc, Moncton/Bathurst (Joint Biology) - 1999 Doiron-Maillet, Nancy, BN (UNB), MN (Dal), Sr Teaching Assoc – 1991 Doucet-Clark, Celia, BN (UNB), Nurse Clinician I - Bathurst- 2003 Furlong, Dolores, BN (MUN), MScN (UWO), PhD (UofT), Prof - 1997 Gallibois, Gisele, BA (STU), BN (UNB), MEd (UNB), Nurse Clinician II - 2010 Gaudet, Bev, BN (UNB), MN (Athabasca), Sr Inst-2003 Hamilton, Sharon, BScN (SHU), MSc (Yale), Sr Teaching Assoc-2011 Hodgins, Marilyn, BSN (UWO), MN (U of A), PhD (Alta), Assoc Prof - 1998 MacDonald, Heather, BN (UNB), MScN (UofT), PhD (Manchester), Assoc Prof 1990 Mallet-Boucher, Monique, BScN (UdeM), BEd (UdeM), MEd (UdeM), MN (UNB), PhD (c), Sr Teaching Assoc, Moncton - 1995 McCloskey, Claudia, BN (Dal), BEd (UdeM), MEd (UNB), Nurse Clinician II– Moncton-1997 O'Blenis, Brenda, BN/RN (UNB), MN (UNB), Sr Inst - Moncton - 2010 Pelletier-Hibbert, Maryse, BN (UNB), MN (Dal), PhD Prof - 1985 Savoie, Daniel, BScN (UdeM), MSc(A) (McG), Sr Inst - Moncton 1997 Seaman, Patricia, BN (UNB), MN (Dal), PhD (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc and Asst Dean – 2001 Secco, Loretta, BScN (SFX), MN (U of M), PhD (U of M), Professor- 2008 Seymour, Fran, BN (UNB), MN (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc-2007 Scott, Juanita, BN (UNB), Nurse Clinician I - 2004 Scott-Storey, Kelly, BN (UNB), MN (UNB), PhD , Asst Prof- 2011 Rickards, Tracey, BN (UNB), MN (UNB), PhD , Asst Prof- 2011 Storr, Gail, BN (UNB), MEd (UNB), MN (Dal), PhD (Edinburgh), Prof - 1982 Tamlyn, Karen, BN (UNB), MN (Dal), Prof and Assoc Dean - 1987 Thompson, Janice, BSC (Nursing)(Iowa), PhD (Utah), Prof-2006 VanSlyke, Stephen, BN (UNB), MN (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc - 2003 Weaver, Kathy, BN (Dal), MN (UNB), PhD (Alta), Assoc Prof - 1991 Webster, Jessica, BN, MN (UNB), Nurse Clinician III - 2007 Williamson, Joan, BN (UNB), BA (UNB), MN (UNB), Sr Teaching Assoc, Bathurst 1999 2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof Wilkins, Krista, BSc, BScN (Dal), MN (U of M), PhD (U of M) Asst Prof - 2008 Wilson, Kathryn, BN (UNB), MN (Dal), PhD (UNB), Assoc Prof and Asst Dean – 1990 HONORARY RESEARCH PROFESSOR Merrit-Grey, Marilyn, BN (UNB), MSN (UW), Prof - 1987 Wuest, Judith, BScN (U of T), MN (Dal), PhD (Wayne State), Prof Emerita-1987 Mission Statement The Faculty of Nursing promotes leadership in nursing education, research and practice in New Brunswick. The Faculty achieves this goal through commitment to: Questioning, developing, applying and sharing nursing knowledge Creating a climate for the advancement of excellence in nursing practice Implementing a curriculum grounded in the principles of primary health care, social justice, and caring Engaging diverse communities as full participants in inquiry, caring and decisionmaking related to health. The Faculty of Nursing contributes to enhancing people’s health and the advancement of the profession and discipline of nursing. General Information The Faculty of Nursing was established in 1958 through the financial generosity of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the provincial government. It was the result of the recognized need for better education for professional nurses by this University and individuals and organizations in the health fields. This program has built a solid reputation across Canada and internationally over the years. The Nurses' Association of New Brunswick established a Task Force which led in 1989 to the endorsement of the Baccalaureate degree in Nursing as the entry level to the profession by the year 2000. In Dec., 1994 the total responsibility for nursing education in N.B. was transferred to the universities. In the fall of 1995, UNB admitted first year students to the four year program on 4 campuses: Fredericton, Saint John, Moncton and Bathurst. In fall of 2000, the Faculty began a collaborative relationship to offer the basic baccalaureate program at the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. 2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof The Faculty of Nursing offers three programs leading to a baccalaureate degree. The basic degree program covers four years of general and professional education. The Advanced Standing degree program is two calendar years in length and begins in January of each year. On completion of either program, graduates are eligible to write the Canadian Nurses Association registration examinations in the Province of New Brunswick. Those who are successful are eligible to apply for registration across Canada and in other countries by reciprocity. The third program is designed for registered nurses seeking baccalaureate education. As of September 2007, no new students will be accepted to the program. Nursing students practice in a variety of clinical facilities and health agencies. All students will be expected to travel out of town for some clinical experiences. In some instances, accommodation will be required. Students may also be expected to complete clinical experiences during evenings, nights, and Saturdays to accommodate availability of clinical facilities and/or instructors. Normally Intersession clinical courses are completed by the end of May (BN program). However, depending on the availability of clinical facilities and/or instructors, these time frames may need to be extended. Students will be provided with notice of clinical scheduling as soon as it is feasible. All BN and BN ASP students must provide proof of required immunizations. Clinical agencies may not permit students who are not fully immunized to access facilities and may ask students at any time to provide proof of the following mandatory immunizations: Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Haemophilus Influenza type B, Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Varicella; appropriate Diptheria and Tetanus boosters; and the series of Hepatitis B immunizations and titre status. Students also must have an initial 2-step Mantoux test for Tuberculosis. Further details are contained in the relevant Faculty policy. Additionally, in order to participate in nursing Clinical courses, students must have current CPR Certification Basic Rescuer (Level C) and must have completed a suicide intervention course. In order to access clinical agencies, students must submit a yearly Criminal Record check. In addition, some clinical agencies require students to have a Social Development Reference Check as described in the Family Services Act of New Brunswick, prior to the clinical practice experience. Costs 2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof Costs in addition to those listed in Section C of this Calendar are: room and board for off-campus and off-site placements/course requirements, uniforms, books, photocopying, equipment, CPR Certification, lab kits, and Criminal Record check, RN Examination, nursing pin, professional meetings, immunizations, Suicide Intervention program and travel costs to and from the practice areas. University Regulations It is advisable to read carefully Section B of this Calendar, General University Regulations, and in particular the subsection headed Examinations, Standing and Promotion. Any point not covered in the following regulations will be governed by the General University Regulations. Transfer and mature students are particularly advised to consult Section B. Transfer students and students applying for Nursing as a second undergraduate degree will take Nursing courses and in addition, those Arts and Science courses required by the Faculty if they have not already taken them. Questions concerning the application of regulations should be directed to the BN Program Director at each campus. Admission Policy on English Language Proficiency The language of instruction within our program is English and prospective students whose native language is not English will be required to demonstrate competence in the English language prior to admission. Prospective students may prove English language proficiency in one of the following ways: Minimum TOEFL (paper based) score of 600 Minimum TOEFL (IBT) score of 100 Minimum IELTS score of 7.0 Equivalent results of a UNB approved standardized proficiency test. In all cases, the Faculty reserves the right to require further proof of language proficiency before permission will be granted to register in academic courses. General Regulations 1. A student whose assessment grade point average (the May/April period; for definition, see Standing and Promotion Requirements in Section B of this Calendar) falls: a. below 2.0 but above 1.6 will be placed on academic probation; if 2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof in any subsequent period the grade point average falls below 2.0 the student will be required to withdraw from the program. b. below 1.7 will, subject to review by the Nursing Faculty, be required to withdraw from the program. 2. A student who twice fails to achieve at least a "C" or "CR" grade in any Nursing course will be required to withdraw from the Nursing program. 3. A student must receive at least a "C" or clinical "CR" a. in each Nursing course before proceeding to ensuing Nursing courses and b. in all additional required non-nursing courses before proceeding to the next year of Nursing courses. c. in nursing electives 4. A "D" grade is accepted only in non-nursing open electives (a nursing elective taken as an open elective requires a "C" grade for credit). 5. Normally, students must complete all courses in a given year before proceeding to the next year of the program. 6. A student repeating a Nursing course may, at the discretion of the Nursing Faculty, also be required to repeat and pass the Nursing course that immediately preceded it. a. Basic degree students and full-time BN/RN students must complete the program within 6 years of enrolment in the Faculty of Nursing. b. Advanced Standing Degree Program students must complete the program within 5 years of enrollment in the first term of the program (January - April). c. Part-time BN/RN students must complete the program within 10 years of enrolling in the first Nursing course. 6.d) Guideline for Students Returning to BN Program Following an Absence of Less Than One Year Students who have been out of regularly sequenced nursing courses for less than one year, for any reason, are required to notify the campus BN Director by email of their intentions for future studies by July 31st. This will facilitate planning for the upcoming academic year. Failure to notify the BN 2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof Director of the intention to return to the program by this deadline may result in lack of availability of a clinical placement in a required clinical course(s). 7. Students enrolled in the BN program must complete 95 credit hours in Nursing and 35 credit hours in other faculties. Students enrolled in the Advanced Standing Degree Program must complete 84 credit hours in Nursing and 3 credit hours in Biology. For the BN/RN Program 39 ch in Nursing and 18 ch in other courses are required. A protocol is in place for eligible students to complete their degree with the ASP class at the end of Winter term in the 3rd year of their program. The number of available seats will vary annually dependent on various factors including the number of enrolled ASP students, availability of clinical faculty and clinical placements. Students interested in pursuing this option are encouraged to consult with the BN Director Fredericton. 8. All students in the BN and BNASP program are required to complete one online Student Assessment of Abilities Year (SAAY) survey at the end of each year in the program. These surveys are administered electronically and are linked to a particular course at the end of each year in the program. All students must complete the SAAY survey in order to receive credit for the related course. Curriculum for BN Students Basic Program YEAR I Term 1: NURS 1011 (3ch), NURS 1032 (3ch), BIOL 1711 (4ch), Open Elective (3 ch), Writing elective (English or Writing designated Course) (3 ch). Term 2: NURS 1225 (3ch), NURS 1235 (3ch), BIOL 1782 (4ch ), Open Elective (3 ch), restricted elective (Psychology)(3 ch). YEAR II Term 1: NURS 2132 (3 ch), NURS 2135 (3 ch), NURS 2145 (3 ch), NURS 2155 (4 ch), BIOL 2501 (3 ch). Term 2: NURS 2041 (4 ch), NURS 2177 (3 ch), NURS 2187 (3 ch), BIOL 2513 (3 ch), STAT 2263 (3 ch). Extended Winter Session: NURS 2063 (3 ch). 2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof YEAR III Term 1: NURS 3052 (3 ch), NURS 3065 (4 ch), NURS 3066 (4 ch), NURS 3092 (3 ch), BIOL 2251 (3 ch). Term 2: NURS 3031 (3 ch), NURS 3072 (3 ch), NURS 3073 (5 ch), 3082 (3 ch). Extended Winter Session: NURS 3103 (4 ch). YEAR IV Term 1: NURS 4111 (3 ch), NURS 4121 (3 ch), NURS 4123 (5 ch), open or Nursing elective (3 ch). Term 2: NURS 4165 (2 ch), NURS 4175 (3 ch), NURS 4185 (3 ch), NURS 4152 (6 ch). Curriculum for BN Students in the Advanced Standing Degree The Advanced Standing degree Program in Nursing is intended for applicants with a university degree (or 60 credit hours or more of courses) who wish to become professional nurses. To be eligible for the Advanced Standing BN program, applicants must have a minimum grade of 60% on each of the following high school courses (or the equivalent) with an overall average of 70% on the four: Biology 120, Chemistry 122, English 122, and PreCalculus 11 or Foundations 12. In addition to these high school courses an applicant must have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours of university courses with an admission average of 3.0 ("B" or 70% average) or higher. For applicants who have completed more than 60 credit hours, the admission average will be calculated on the most recent 60 credit hours of course work. The grades for all courses taken within an academic term will be included in this calculation, even if this results in exceeding the 60 credit hour requirement. Preference is given to those with a background in the human sciences and/or human behaviour. Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA (“B” average or 70%) in their prerequisite courses in order to be admitted into the Advanced Standing BN Program. Program Prerequisites Are: 1. BIOL 1711 : Human Anatomy I (4 ch) 2. BIOL 2251 or equivalent: Microbiology (3 ch) 3. STAT 2263 or equivalent: (3 ch) 4. A restricted elective (Psychology) (3 ch) 5. BIOL 2501 : (Pathophysiology I (3 ch) YEAR I Sep - Dec: Is not a Nursing semester, however, it may be used to complete 2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof prerequisite courses. Jan-April: NURS 1121 (3 ch), NURS 1136 (4 ch), NURS 1135 (4 ch), NURS 1142 (4 ch). May-Aug: NURS 2171 (2 ch), NURS 2172 (7 ch), NURS 2133 (3 ch), NURS 3052 (3ch). YEAR II Sep-Dec: NURS 3065 (4 ch), NURS 3066 (4 ch), NURS 3092 (3 ch), BIOL 2513 (3 ch). Jan - April: NURS 3031 (3ch), NURS 3072 (3ch), NURS 3073 (5ch), NURS 3082 (3ch). May- August: NURS 3103 (4ch), NURS 4111 (3ch), NURS 4121 (3ch), NURS 4123 (5 ch). YEAR III Sept – Dec: NURS 4152 (6ch), NURS 4165 (2ch), NURS 4175 (3ch), NURS 4185 (3ch). Curriculum for BN Students who are Registered Nurses (BN/RN) [BN/RN Program Suspended Indefinitley] This program is for graduates of diploma nursing programs. The following program requirements apply to students currently active in the BN/RN program only: Nursing Courses NURS 3134 (3 ch), 3144 (3 ch), 3164 (3 ch), 3174 (3 ch), 3211 (3 ch), 3212 (3 ch), 3215 (3 ch), 3222 (3 ch), 3225 (3 ch), 3234 (3 ch), 3244 (3 ch). NURS 4002 ** (3 ch), 4012 ** (3 ch). ** Prerequisites for NURS4002 and NURS4012 include: NURS 3212 , 3134 , 3164 , 3234 , 3222 , & 3225 . Pre or Co-requisite: NURS 3211 & 3215 . In NURS 4012 , clinical practice will be selected by students in consultation with faculty members teaching the course. Non-Nursing Courses Ethics Elective (3 ch) English (3 ch) Non-Nursing Electives (9 ch) STAT 2263 (or equivalent) must be completed prior to enrollment in NURS 3244 (Research). 2014 – 2015 Calendar Proof Credit Hours Requirements for Nursing Programs Basic Degree Program Minimum 130 ch Advanced Standing Degree Program Minimum 87 ch BN/RN Program Minimum 57 ch Nursing Electives Nursing electives may not be available to each academic year. NURS 1232 Cultural Encounters in Nursing (3 ch) NURS 1324 Aboriginal Health Issues (3 ch) NURS 4234 Independent Study (3 ch)