Exercise 2


MIST 5600 Exercise 2 – Basic Order

Name _____________

Exercise 2

Entering Transactions: Sales Order Processing and Subsequent Functions

Business transactions in Sales and Distribution are recorded in the SAP R/3 System with sales documents.

The sales order is the central document in Sales and Distribution. A sales order can be based on preceding inquiries and quotations. During order entry, information on the customer and products or services is recorded in the document. Various checks are carried out, such as the availability check and the credit limit check. The information entered in the sales order is transferred to subsequent documents, which are used to process the business transaction further. The delivery document is the basis for all shipping activities. At the end of this process, the delivered goods and/or services rendered are invoiced during billing. The billing data is then automatically forwarded to Financial

Accounting and to Profitability Analysis.

Process Chain


Creating a Sales Order


Delivering a Sales Order


Billing a Sales Order


Displaying the Document Flow

Creating a Sales Order

1. Select Logistics

Sales and distribution





On the Create Sales Order: Initial Screen , enter the following data:

Field Name

Order type OR

Data Item

On this screen, the specification of the sales area (Sales organization, Distribution channel and

Division) is optional . As soon as you enter the sold-to-party on the Create Standard Order:

Overview screen, the R/3 System automatically determines the corresponding sales area. If the sold-to-party is managed in more than one sales area, a selection screen appears in which you can choose the appropriate sales area.


MIST 5600 Exercise 2 – Basic Order

3. Select Enter . (Hint: Use the check mark icon to enter items)


On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen, enter the following data:

Field Name Data Item

Sold-to party

Purch. Order no.


C-BU" Your User Number"

PO date

Req. deliv. date

Pricing date


Order quantity

Current date (mm/dd/yyyy)


Current date + 3 working days

Current date


The purchase order number refers to the customer's purchase order. It can used later (e.g. if the customer calls in with question about their order) to search for documents in SAP that pertain that particular customer purchase order. (SAP refers to this searching process as Matchcode ).

5. Select Enter .

6. The dialog box Sales area for customer appears requesting that you select a sales area since the sold-to-party is managed in more than one sales area. Select

3000/10/00 (USA Philadelphia/Final customer sales/Cross-division) with a doubleclick.

7. The dialog box Partner selection appears requesting that you select a ship-to party.

Accept the proposed 3000 (Thomas Bush Inc.) by pressing Enter.

You may see a screen notifying you of a change in the invoice date, if you did not accept the initially proposed “Req. Deliv. Date”. If the goods ordered by the customer are not available on the requested delivery date, the R/3 System branches automatically to an availability check screen. Here you can choose one of the delivery options (for example, Delivery proposal ). The R/3 System then branches back to the overview screen.

Before we save the document, we want to “look around a bit”. In particular, we want to see what date the SAP says the material needs to be “available” in the warehouse, because we will use that date when we start the shipping process. We’ll also look at some pricing information, and some of the output that might be produced from this order processing.


MIST 5600 Exercise 2 – Basic Order


On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen, select the item you entered

(click on the square to the left of the line) and then select Schedule lines for item

(bottom, about 9 th

icon from left)


On the Create Standard Order: Item Data screen, select the schedule item with confirmed order quantity and select Sched. line-detail . (bottom of screen, on left side)


Select the shipping tab.

The R/3 System automatically schedules when to start the most important shipping activities, such as picking, loading and transportation. The shipping details screen displays the dates needed for shipping.

Write down the material availability date since you need this date as a selection criterion to create a delivery . If the transportation scheduling date is earlier than the former date, the delivery can be created on the transportation scheduling date.

This screen also shows the shipping point responsible for the shipment of this order.

Material Availability Date:


On the Create Standard Order: Schedule Line Data screen, select Goto 

Overview from the main menu to return to the overview screen.


On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen select the item you entered and select Item conditions . (bottom of screen, about the 10 icon from left.)

The R/3 System branches to the pricing screen Standard Order Create: Item Data for the selected item. All of the elements that are relevant for the pricing of an order item (for example, prices, surcharges, discounts, freight charges and taxes) are represented by condition types in the SAP system. This screen shows the different pricing elements that the R/3 System determined for the item. You may need to page down (bottom left of table) to see the lower rows of the table.


Select Back (the green left arrow below the main menu), to return to the overview screen.


On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen, select Extras  Output 

Header  Print Preview from the main menu.

On this screen, the R/3 System displays the output to be produced for this transaction (for example, an order confirmation) and the partner (for example, shipto party) for whom the output is meant.


Back out to the Create Standard Order: Overview screen with the green left arrow. Select Save.

(Hint: to save entries click on the Floppy Disk Icon. At the bottom of the screen the R/3 System will confirms that the standard order has been saved. Write down the Order Number given at the bottom of the screen.

Order Number:


MIST 5600 Exercise 2 – Basic Order

Suppose the business practice was to always send a confirmation of the order through the regular mail. We can see what that would look like below.


On the Create Standard Order: Overview screen select Sales document 

Change from the main menu.

The R/3 System proposes the last order you created for further processing.


On the Change Sales Order: Initial Screen , select Sales document  Issue output to from the main menu.

A dialog box displays the output type that is valid for this sales document (BA00 = order confirmation).


Select the Print Preview icon .

The print preview of the order confirmation is displayed.


Return to the main SAP R/3 screen, using a combination of the green left arrow, and the green check mark, as appropriate.

Delivering a Sales Order

As soon as the material availability date or the transportation scheduling date for a schedule line has arrived, the material on the schedule line becomes due for shipping. When you create a delivery document, you initiate shipping activities such as picking and transportation scheduling. In this case, you will create an individual delivery.

Creating an individual delivery document


Select Logistics  Sales and distribution  Shipping and Transportation 

Outbound delivery  Create  Single Document  With Reference to Sales Order


On the Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference screen, enter the following data:

Field Name

Shipping point

Selection date


Data Item


Material availability date ( that you recorded earlier ), or transportation scheduling date

Sales order number from the first transaction

From item Leave blank


MIST 5600 Exercise 2 – Basic Order

To item Leave blank

If you don’t remember the sales order number, you can search for it with a matchcode.

Select this underlined text, Matchcode with a double-click if you want an explanation.


Select Enter.

(green check mark)

The R/3 System branches to the overview screen of the delivery document.


On the Delivery Create: Overview screen having the tab Item overview selected, select the delivery item (click on the square to the left of the item, line will turn yellow) and then select Item details . (bottom of the screen)


The R/3 System displays a screen with detailed item information . Please note the content of the following fields:

CODE Field Name Data Item

Picking status The picking status of the delivery item

WM activ.status Status of warehouse management activities


Select Outbound delivery  Save from the main menu. The delivery document is saved.

Record the deliver #: ____________________


The delivery should now be picked. In “Lean” warehouse management (i.e. a shortened, faster process), the transfer orders are used as the picking list, the instructions to the warehouse staff for amounts and locations of all material to be selected from the warehouse.

The transfer order can only be created after the delivery document is created, but is a separate step.


On the Create Outbound Delivery with Order Reference screen, select Outbound delivery  Change. The system displays the number of the delivery document.


Select subsequent functions  Create t ransfer order from the main menu.


On the Create Transfer Order for Delivery Note: Initial Screen , enter 300 for the Warehouse number. Enter the number for the delivery document in case it is not defaulted by the system. Press Enter . (green check mark)


MIST 5600 Exercise 2 – Basic Order


The active worklist shows two pumps to pick. Select to create the transfer order. Data is transferred from the active worklist to processed items.


Select Post to save the transfer order.


The R/3 System creates a transfer order for picking the corresponding delivery item.

Write down the Transfer Order Number provided at the bottom of the screen.

Transfer Order Number:


Return to the main SAP R/3 screen. (use the yellow up arrow)

Now display the transfer order. Select Logistics  Sales and Distribution 

Shipping and Transportation  Picking  Display Transfer Order  Single document.

Click on the “From Data” tab and see what information is there. In particular, what is the Type? Click on the type field, and then click on the icon there and enter the meaning of the type code. What storage bin is the pump in?

Meaning of Type code: _________________

Storage Bin: _________

Now click on the “To Data” tab. What is the meaning of the type code there?

Meaning of Type code: _________________

What is the transfer order telling the warehouse staff to do?


Posting Goods Issue

As soon as picking is completed, you can post the goods issue for the delivery. The goods issue document for a delivery is a Materials Management (MM) and

Financial Accounting (FI) document, which is used to update stock quantities and stock values. In addition, a document used for Profitability Analysis is updated. The goods issue completes the business transaction from the point of view of shipping.


Select Logistics  Sales and Distribution  Shipping and Transportation 

Outbound delivery  Change  Single document


On the Change Outbound Delivery screen select

The R/3 System confirms that the delivery has been saved.


Return to the main SAP R/3 screen.



MIST 5600 Exercise 2 – Basic Order

Billing a Sales Order

Billing is the final activity in Sales and Distribution. When you create a billing document, always refer to a reference document, the delivery in this case.


Select Logistics  Sales and distribution  Billing .


On the Billing screen, select Billing document  Create.

If the R/3 System does not automatically propose the delivery document number, enter the shipping document number of the previously created delivery.


On the Create Billing Document screen, select Enter.

The R/3 System branches to the billing document overview screen.


On the Invoice (F2) Create: Overview of Billing Items screen, put the cursor on the billing item and select Display item details . (bottom left)

The R/3 System displays detailed billing, price, accounting and sales order data for this item. Notice the document numbers displayed on the screen.


On the Invoice (F2) Create: Item Data screen, select Item partners.

The R/3 System displays the different partners involved in this business transaction.

Note that the partner responsible for payment (= payer) differs from the soldto/ship-to/bill-to party (scroll down to see all the partners)

Who is the Payer?

Who is the Ship-To Party?


Return to the Invoice (F2) Create: Overview of Billing Items screen. (green left arrow)


Select Save.

(Hint: Use the floppy disk icon to save items)

The R/3 System confirms that the billing document has been saved. This means not only that the billing document has been saved from a Sales and distribution viewpoint, but also that the billing document data has been forwarded automatically to Financial Accounting and Profitability Analysis.

Write down the Sales Invoice Number provided at the bottom of the screen:

Invoice number:


MIST 5600 Exercise 2 – Basic Order


To display these documents, select Billing document  Display on the Create

Billing Document screen. Enter the document number created in the previous step.


On the Display Billing Document screen, select .

The dialog box List of Documents in Accounting appears from which you can choose the document type you wish to access.


Select the Accounting document with a double-click.

The R/3 System branches to the overview screen of the Financial Accounting document. On this screen, you can see the different line items and the corresponding accounts and amounts that have been posted in Financial Accounting (scroll to the right to see the remaining columns)

Select line item 001. What Ledger Account Number is this line item assigned?

Line Item 001 Ledger Account Number:

Return to the previous screen and determine the ledger account assigned to line item


Line Item 002 Ledger Account Number:

Back out to the Display Billing Document screen. Select the line item, then select

Display Item Details


On the Invoice Display Item Data , select Item Details.

Look for the Sales Order data.

Write down the Sales District (SlsDist.Order) assigned to the sale.

Sales District:


Return to the main SAP R/3 screen.


Displaying the Document Flow

To integrate all the information in the logistics chain, the individual Sales and Distribution documents build on each other and form a network of interrelated documents. You can access the document flow from any of the Sales and Distribution documents involved in the entire business transaction. In the case below, the document flow is accessed from the sales order.


Select Logistics  Sales and distribution  Sales  Order  Display.

If the R/3 System does not automatically propose it, enter the sales order number from the first transaction or search for the order using a matchcode.


MIST 5600 Exercise 2 – Basic Order


On the Display Sales Order: Initial Screen , select Display document flow .

The R/3 System displays the different documents involved in the business transaction and their overall processing status. From this list, you can branch to any of the documents shown by placing the cursor on the corresponding line and pressing .


Return to the main SAP R/3 screen.

