PWT:pwt.wirelessminutes - Department of Management Services

Meeting Dates:
Wireless 911 Board Meeting
September 10-11, 2003
Key West, Florida
Wyndham Casa Marina Resort
Meeting Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Meeting Attendees:
Board Members:
Mary B. Anderson, Director of Security, AT&T Wireless
Deborah “Debbie” Caruthers, 911 Coordinator, Orange County
Nelson Green, 911 Coordinator, Bradford County
Gerald “Norm” Leggett, 911 Coordinator, Monroe County
Winston E. Pierce, Chair, Chief, STO
Board Members not in meeting attendance due to other
Rodney B. Bent, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, TOA Systems
James “Jim” Smith, Manager, Government Affairs, Sprint
Jeffrey Jones, Board Counsel, Attorney General Office
Jim Martin, Statewide 911 Coordinator, STO
Penney Taylor, Administrative Support, STO
Other Attendees:
Steve O’Conor, 911 Coordinator, Brevard County
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Wednesday, September 10, 2003
The Wireless Meeting was called to order at approximately 9:00 a.m.
Mr. Pierce started the meeting by announcing Board Members, Staff and Other Meeting
Mr. Pierce reviewed the agenda items for this meeting.
Board Member Appointments
Ms. Anderson and Dr. Bent’s terms expire October 31, 2003.
Ms. Anderson has filed for reappointment and Dr. Bent will not seek reappointment.
Mr. Pierce advised that the Governor’s Appointment Office is working on appointments
and Mr. Pierce has agreed to contact the industry to make sure that they receive notice.
October Board Meeting
October’s Board Meeting is scheduled in conjunction with the Florida 911 Coordinator’s
meeting in Navarre Beach, Florida. The 911 Coordinator’s Meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday, October 7th through Wednesday, October 8th and the Wireless Meeting is
scheduled for Thursday, October 9th and Friday, October 10th.
Approve Minutes for August 13-14, 2003 Meeting
Minutes from the August 13-14, 2003 meetings were reviewed with some updates.
Mr. Green made a motion that the August 13-14, 2003 meeting minutes be adopted. Ms.
Anderson seconded the motion that carried unanimously (5-0).
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Steve O’Conor’s Letter regarding Tuition Cost
Steve O’Conor, Brevard County 911 Coordinator and NENA Vice-President CEFA
presented to the Board a proposal for support of Wireless Training. This training would
be regionally scheduled with approximate cost per session of $3,000.
Board Concerns:
 Is training outside of Board’s scope by extending training to dispatchers, call
takers, coordinator’s assistants, etc.?
 Limitations
 Participation
The Board advised that if within Board’s scope these sessions would possibly be
provided on a train the trainer basis.
Present schedule for Wireless Training
Training Date
October 13, 2003
Brevard County
October 21, 2003
Orange County
October 22-23, 2003
Sarasota County
October 29-30, 2003
Palm Beach County
Mr. O’Conor advised the Board that the Counties were committed to providing training,
therefore, if no support provided, these sessions would still be held. However, the
counties would accept Board’s support as counties could use these funds for other
Mr. Leggett made a motion that the Board seek an opinion from the Attorney Generals’
Office and if the Attorney Generals’ opinion is that the Board can provide financial
support for training, this issue would then be brought back to the Board for discussions of
reimbursement of cost and establishment of limitations. Ms. Caruthers seconded the
motion that carried unanimously (5-0).
Mr. Pierce agreed to seek an opinion from the Auditor Generals’ Office and bring back to
the Board.
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Approve 2003/2004 Administrative Assessment Fee
Ms. Anderson made a motion to accept the 2003/04 DMS Administrative Assessment
Fee in the amount of $20,859.00. Mr. Green seconded the motion that carried
unanimously (5-0).
Approve 2003/04 Allotments for Wireless Service Providers
Mr. Pierce gave an overview of allotment assignment and some adjustments were made
due to pending invoices.
Mr. Pierce explained the STO, Legislative Budget Request (LBR) process and advised
that if needed, funds could be adjusted further depending on incoming invoices.
Mr. Pierce briefly discussed the Board’s position on the Sprint Class Action Case.
Mr. Leggett recommended that the Board reserve funding in case the Board has a need
for additional legal support due to the Sprint Class Action Case.
Mr. Green made a motion that the Wireless Service Provider Allotments be adopted with
noted adjustments. Ms. Anderson filed Form 8A. Mr. Leggett seconded the motion that
carried unanimously (5-0).
Discuss confidential data related to provider revenues by county,
discrepancies, disbursements and provider invoices.
All Confidential Information discussed in a manner as not to disclose any
confidential information.
Ms. Gandy presented confidential information related to monthly disbursements to
Counties via telephone conference.
Board discussed confidential information related to monthly disbursement to counties and
problems are still encountered with some remittance reports.
Mr. Leggett requested that Ms. Gandy identify all Wireless Service Providers on the
point sheet, even if problems are not encountered.
The Board discussed pending issues with T-Mobile Wireless.
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Discuss the recommendation(s) and vote on items from confidential Wireless
Service Provider data
Mr. Green made a motion that $2,059,531.78 be processed for disbursement to the
appropriate counties as specified in the Schedule of Subscribers and Allocations to
County Report for the Month ended June 30, 2003. Ms. Anderson seconded the motion
that carried unanimously (5-0).
Mr. Pierce advised the Board that he received notification that the Florida League of
Cities had submitted a letter regarding Reports submitted by The Florida
Telecommunications Industry.
Ms. Taylor presented copies of faxed letter for Board’s review.
Mr. Jones agreed to review before the scheduled September 29, 2003 conference call to
establish the Wireless 911 Subcommittee and advise if submissions sufficient as Reports.
Discuss Wireless Legislation - Subcommittee
(Conference Bridge #850-413-9245 or SUNCOM 293-9245 scheduled
9/10,1:00 - 1:45 p.m.)
Conference Participants
Susan Langston, Florida Telecommunications Industry Association (FTIA)
Bob McKee, Florida Association of Counties (FAC)
Treavor Mass, Florida Association of Counties (FAC)
Kraig Konn, Florida League of Cities (FLC)
Mr. Pierce started the conference by introducing conference participants participating via
telephone and meeting member attendees.
Mr. Pierce gave an overview of the last conference call.
Issues discussed:
 Florida Sunshine Law Requirements
 Subcommittee Member Establishment
 Voting Rules
 Florida League of Cities Letter
 Board Counsel Support
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Mr. Leggett made a motion that the Wireless 911 Subcommittee establishment includes
two (2) members (one technical position and one policy position) from each Association
(FAC, FTIA and FLC). Ms. Caruthers seconded the motion that carried unanimously (50).
Each Association should submit subcommittee member names before the September 29th
conference or at least by September 22nd.
Each Subcommittee Member will have voting rights. Meeting schedules to be discussed
in the September 29th conference call.
The Board discussed Reports submitted by FTIA and is of the opinion that Reports are
broad and should be more generalized or location specific.
Reports will be submitted to the Subcommittee for recommendations that should be
included in the Wireless 911 Board Annual Report.
Mr. Pierce agreed to email Reports to each 911 Coordinator where area is impacted.
Other Issues Discussed
 State Travel/Expense Reimbursement
 Administrative Support to Subcommittee
 Subcommittee Chair (to serve as facilitator only)
 Handling of Resolutions
Mr. Green suggested that other issues be sent out to the Board and Associations for input.
The issues should be tabled until the scheduled Wireless 911 Board/Subcommittee
Mr. Pierce agreed to send email of issues to be discussed at the September 29th
Other Business
 2004/05 Legislative Budget Request (LBR)
The official LBR has been submitted to STO for approval and presented to the Board for
review of previously recommended changes.
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 Board Counsel
Mr. Pierce has provided justification to STO for board counsel outside of state
 Rural County Grant Application Modifications
Ms. Caruthers gave Board overview of Rural County Grant Rule Committee
modifications to the Rural County Grant Program Application.
 Rural County Grant Program Rule Adoption
Ms. Taylor to provide a copy of the Rural County Grant Program Application to Mr.
Jones to continue the process of promulgation.
Mr. Leggett made a motion to adopt recommendations from the Rural County Grant
Program Rule Subcommittee and that a copy be provided to the Attorney Generals’
Office to continue process of promulgation. Mr. Green seconded the motion that carried
unanimously (5-0).
Mr. O’Conor agreed to send final version with Ms. Anderson’s recommended changes to
Ms. Taylor for distribution to Mr. Jones.
Gulf County E911 Status
Marshall Nelson, Gulf County 911 Coordinator submitted a letter to the Board advising
that due to the GTComm issue, Gulf County could lose it’s E911 service for the citizens.
Mr. Green made a motion that Gulf County be sent a response to his request for support,
instructing Mr. Nelson to submit an emergency grant request to Board for review. Ms.
Caruthers seconded the motion that carried unanimously (5-0).
Walton County Grant
Harold Bigham, Walton County 911 Coordinator submitted an email to Mr. Pierce
advising that the full grant award for 2003 was not required. Mr. Bigham asked if Walton
County would be required to return the unused funds or could the funds be used for other
Mr. Pierce instructed Mr. Bigham to submit a change form to the Board for review and
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Invoices for Wireless Service Provider Cost Reimbursement
Ms. Taylor presented agendas that included confidential information related to wireless
service provider cost recovery reimbursement.
Wireless 911 Board Consent Agenda
Mr. Green made a motion that items as listed on the Consent Agenda be accepted for
payment authorization as recommended by Staff. Ms. Anderson seconded the motion
that carried unanimously (5-0).
Wireless 911 Board NRC Cost Recovery Agenda
Mr. Green made a motion that items as listed on the NRC Cost Recovery Agenda be
accepted for payment authorized as presented. Mr. Leggett seconded the motion that
carried unanimously (5-0).
Wireless 911 Board Engineering Position/Staffing
Mr. Pierce advised the Board that advertisement was still pending for this position within
Mr. Pierce received a proposal from the Wireless Section, formerly known as, Local
Government Engineering Section to provide assistance for Phase II deployment at a cost
of $53.90 per hour, plus travel. This would include 4 engineering positions for project
management support.
The Board agreed to contract the Wireless Section for special projects in the 2003/04 and
2004/05 fiscal years.
Other Business Discussed:
 T-Mobile Wireless
 AT&T Wireless External Survey
 Wireless Service Provider Letter
 Cingular Wireless request for Model Agreement Modification for Phase II
 DMS Facilities Management Generic Lease Agreement
 Wireless 911 Board & Subcommittee for Phase II Wireless E911 09/29/03
Conference Call
 STO Legislative Agenda
 County Audits
 STO Letter to the Department of Transportation
 Wireless 911 Board write up for NENA Newsletter
 Missouri Attorney General Article regarding Sprint/Nextel Class Action Case
 US News Cellphone Article
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FCC Chairman Powell APCO Challenge to Government to be more active in
Phase II Deployment
Research & Market E911 Status Report
Wireless 911 Board Member Meeting participation via telephone conference
Meeting Adjourn
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Meeting cancelled as all required business discussed and handled during the first meeting
Next Scheduled Board Meeting:
October 9-10,2003
PLACE: Holiday Inn
Navarre Beach, Florida