Pre-AP Vocabulary – A Separate Peace Chapters 1-4 Tacit - Adj - understood or implied without being stated openly Cupola – noun- architecture a roof or ceiling in the form of a dome Foyer – noun - the lobby in a public building such as a hotel or theater Specters – noun - a ghostly presence or apparition Salient – adj - particularly noticeable, striking, or relevant Mire – noun - an area of very marshy ground or deep slushy mud Demotion – noun - a reduction in the rank, status, or position of somebody or something Prodigious – adj - great in amount, size, or extent Regimen – noun - a prescribed or recommended program of medication, diet, exercise, or other measures intended to improve health or fitness, or stabilize a medical condition Consternation – noun – a feeling of alarm, confusion, or dismay, often caused by something unexpected Reverberate – verb - intransitive verb to echo repeatedly Collaborator – noun - to work with another person or group in order to achieve something Conniver – noun – to plan secretly to do something, usually something wrong or illegal Catacombs – noun - an underground cemetery consisting of passages or tunnels with rooms and recesses used as burial chambers leading off them. In ancient Rome, Christians used catacombs for burial. Inured – verb - to make somebody used to something unpleasant over a period of time, so that he or she no longer is bothered or upset by it. Anarchy – noun - a situation in which there is a total lack of organization or control. Anguish – noun - extreme anxiety or emotional torment. Insidious – adj – slowly and subtly harmful or destructive. Encroaching – verb – to intrude gradually or stealthily, often taking away somebody’s authority, rights, or property. Mordantly – adj - sharply sarcastic or scathingly critical. Obliterated – verb – to destroy something so that nothing remains. Solace – noun – comfort at a time of sadness, grief, or disappointment Effulgence – adj - brightness or a brilliant light radiating from something. Paganism – noun – an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody who does not acknowledge the God of the Bible, Torah, or Koran. Undulation – verb - to move in waves or in a movement resembling waves, or cause something to move in this way Chapters 5-7 Denounce – verb - to criticize or condemn something publicly and harshly Diminished – adj - describes a musical interval or chord reduced by one semitone Ludicrous – adj - utterly ridiculous because of being absurd, incongruous, impractical, or unsuitable Reverie - noun - a state of idle and pleasant contemplation Imply – verb – to make something understood without expressing it directly Vindicated – verb - to clear somebody or something of blame, guilt, suspicion, or doubt Idiosyncratic – adj - a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is peculiar to an individual or group, especially an odd or unusual one Emissaries – noun – an agent or representative sent on a particular mission Motes – noun – a tiny speck or particle Immersions – noun - involvement in something that completely occupies all the time, energy, or concentration available Transcended – verb – to go beyond a limit or range, e.g. of thought or belief Infinitesimal – adj – very small in number, amount, or degree Turbid – adj – opaque and muddy as when particles and sediment are stirred up Sinecure – noun – a job or position that provides a regular income, but requires little or no work Nonentity – noun - somebody regarded as unimportant, powerless, or insignificant Goaded – verb - to provoke or incite somebody into action Skirmish – noun - an incident where fighting breaks out briefly between two small groups, sometimes as part of a larger battle Pre-empted – verb - to do something that makes it pointless or impossible for somebody else to do what he or she intended Impinge – verb - to affect the limits of something, especially a right or law, often causing some kind of restriction Insinuating – adj – hinting at or implying something unpleasant Fratricide – noun – the crime of killing a brother Galvanized – adj - to stimulate somebody or something into great activity Implausibility – adj – hardly likely to be true Solicited – verb - to try to get something by making insistent requests or pleas Virtuoso – noun - a musician who shows exceptional ability, technique, or artistry Chapters 8-10 Sanctity – noun - the condition of being considered sacred or holy, and therefore entitled to respect and reverence Discern – verb – to see or notice something that is not very clear or obvious Gaunt – adj – extremely thin and bony in appearance Opulent – adj - characterized by an obvious or lavish display of wealth or affluence Reticent – adj - unwilling to communicate very much, talk freely, or reveal all the facts about something Sentinel - noun – a guard or lookout Whimsical - adj – imaginative and impulsive Pungent - adj – strong smelling or strong tasting Poignant – adj – causing sadness or pity Grotesque – adj – misshapen, especially in a strange or disturbing way Sustenance – noun – something, especially food, that supports life. Exhorted – verb – to urge somebody strongly and earnestly to do something Buoyed – verb – to keep something from falling or sinking Gibe – noun – a comment that is intended to hurt or provoke somebody or to show derision or contempt Abashed – verb – to make somebody feel ashamed, embarrassed, or uncomfortable Desolation – noun – solitary, joyless, and without hope Cacophony – noun – an unpleasant combination of loud, often jarring sounds Accolade – noun – a sign or expression of high praise and esteem for somebody Droll – adj – oddly amusing in a wry or odd way Concocted – verb – to create something by mixing or combining various ingredients in a new way, especially in cooking Presaged – noun – a sign or warning of a future event Austerity – noun – severity of discipline, regime, expression, or design Fervently – adverb – showing ardent or extremely passionate enthusiasm Querulous – adj – inclined to complain or find fault Rejoinder – noun – a reply to something said, especially one that is sharp, critical, angry, defensive, or clever Chapters 11-13 Inveigled – verb – to charm or entice somebody into doing something that he or she would not otherwise have done Pantomime – noun – somebody who acts without speaking, using gesture and expression Latent – adj – present or existing, but in an underdeveloped or unexpressed form Vestibule – noun – a small room or hall between an outer door and the main part of a building Bane – noun – something that continually causes problems or misery Culminating – verb – to reach a climax or point of highest development, or make something do this Masquerade – noun – a party at which masks and costumes are worn, whether an informal gathering of friends Torpidly – adverb – lacking physical or mental energy Opaque – adj – not transparent or translucent; obscure and unintelligible in meaning Balustrade – noun – decorative railing Timbre – noun – the quality of a speech sound that comes from its tone rather than its pitch or volume Incarnate – adj – having a bodily form, especially a human form; being the epitome of something Tumult – noun – a violent or noisy commotion Incongruity – noun – the fact of being incongruous; something that doesn’t fit well Decrepit – adj – in poor condition, especially as a result of being old, overused, or not working efficiently Impervious – adj – not allowing passage into or through something Rite – noun – a solemn ceremony or procedure customary to a community, especially a religious group Languid – adj – lacking vigor and energy Precariously – adverb – dangerously unstable, unsteady, uncertain, or insecure Bellicose – adj - ready or inclined to quarrel, fight, or go to war Cogitation – verb – to think deeply and carefully about something Vigor – noun – great physical or mental strength and energy Chaos – noun – a state of complete disorder and confusion Forlornly – adverb – lonely and miserable, as though deserted or abandoned Parry – verb – to block or deflect the damaging effect of a blow or weapon