Animal Science Pathway Level 4
Course: Animal Science 4
Teacher: Ms. Karen Wiener Feel free to email me with any questions or
Contact information:
Appoquinimink High School
1080 Bunker Hill Road, Middletown, DE 19709
Phone Number: (302) 449-3840 EXT 4127
Fax Number: (302) 449-3840
Class location: A204
Time: Marking Period: _______ Block: __________
Course Description:
This course is the college level course of the Animal Science Pathway. This is a
hands-on course that will cover the proficient levels and beyond of animal science
which will include; Introduction to medical terminology, proper positional
terminology, Skeletal and muscular systems, basic anatomy, Digestion,
Reproduction, Urinary System, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Integumentary,
Endocrine, Nervous system, Senses (sight, smell, hearing), Immunity, Basic physical
examinations. Animal discussed include: dogs, cats, swine, ruminants, equine, poultry
and small mammals. Students will be expected to continue and expand their FFA
experiences. Students will also expand their Supervised Agricultural Experience.
Course Objectives:
Upon the successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Identify and recognize the parts
digestion, absorption and
of a medical term and how to
define them.
6. Describe the major functions of
2. Identify and recognize body
the urinary system.
planes, positional terms,
7. Describe the parts and
directional terms and body
functions of the cardiovascular
3. Identify major structures and
8. Recognize, define, spell, and
define their function in the
pronounce parts, functions and
musculoskeletal system.
diseases of the respiratory
4. Identify and describe the body
parts of various species.
9. Describe the parts and
5.Describe the processes and
functions of the integumentary
functions associated with
10. Understand the major
processes in the endocrine
11. Explain the reproductive
process and the anatomical parts
12. Identify the processes of the
nervous system.
13. Understand the functions and
anatomy of sight and hearing.
14. Describe the purpose and
processes of the hematologic,
lymphatic and immune systems.
15. Outline terms and equipment
for basic animal examinations.
16. Define surgical terminology.
Course Outcomes:
Students will engage in the learning process through applying mathematics, science,
communication, business, technology, and the arts to solve real life problems and
make sound decisions for their future. They will also develop higher order thinking
skills and develop a knowledge base that will enable them to understand and process
new information in the future. Students will be better educated about the Animal
Science Industry. They will also be educated consumers upon graduation. Students
completing this pathway will be prepared for a career in the Animal Science
Industry or Post-Secondary education.
Materials to be brought to class daily:
Textbook(provided in the
Three ring binder or spiral
notebook with dividers( will
keep them on bookshelf in the
Loose-leaf paper
Composition book
 $10 one time only
payment for FFA
membership and
related supplies
Course Outline and
Subject to change due to available
resources and weather
Class Introduction and SAE
Medical Terms and Positional Terms
Muscoskeletal and Basic Anatomy
Digestion and Reproduction
Urinary and Caridovasuclar
Respiratory and Integumentary
Endocrine and Nervous
Senses and Immunity
Basic Physical Exams
Text: Romich, Janet. Veterinary Medical Terminology: 3rd Edition
What is FFA?
Agricultural Science education program is
built on the three core areas of classroom/
laboratory instruction, supervised
agricultural experience (SAE) programs
FFA student organization
activities/opportunities. FFA holds a
federal charter and
two of the top three FFA executives are
employed by the U.S. Department of
Education. FFA represents the relevancy
to the core areas offering students
opportunities that changes lives and prepares students for premier leadership,
personal growth and career success. Founded nationally in 1928, the FFA
organization represents a large diversity of over 300 careers in the food, fiber
and natural resources industry. The Delaware FFA was chartered in 1930 and is
an integral part of a school system. FFA uses agricultural education to create
real-world success. Agriculture teachers become advisors to local FFA chapters,
which students join. More than 7,000 FFA chapters are currently in existence
nationally; their programs are managed on a local, state and national level.
Delaware has 26 secondary chapters throughout the state and 3 post-secondary
chapters. Each chapter’s Program of Activities is designed with the needs of the
students in mind. Activities vary greatly from school to school, but are based in a
well-integrated curriculum. Chapter activities and FFA programs concentrate on
three areas of our mission: premier leadership, personal growth and career
success. Student organization (FFA) elements are embedded in all career
pathway areas.
From DOE Website: Agriscience Teaching Standards
Student Expectations:
Students are expected to abide by the Appoquinimink School District Code
of Conduct at all times.
Be respectful-respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and
Be responsible-attend class every day, be punctual, complete assignments
a. A 3 strike consequence system in place in the classroom. 1 general
warning, 2 specific warning, 3 referral to administration and parent
contact. Parent conference, email, or phone call.
Be responsible-attend class every day, be punctual, complete assignments
a. Lateness will be enforced through the student code of conduct.
Be ready to learn-be prepared, be attentive, participate in class
Expectations for Teacher:
I will be prepared every period
I will provide engaging lessons
I will give my best effort every period
I will provide students with differentiated instruction to provide multiple
opportunities for learning.
I will treat each student fair and without bias
I will provide a safe and interactive learning environment
I will always be available for parent contact
Each day students will begin their class time with a warm-up. Essential daily
questions based on the upcoming lesson will also be given, followed by notes and
practice activities. Each class will end with a closure exit question and vocabulary
activity. Review sessions will be planned for in class time for each test
Readings, assignments, projects, assessments:
General readings will be given weekly in class. Students will be responsible for
taking notes and completing comprehension assignments. Tests will be given on each
chapter covered. Students may periodically be expected to compose their own
lessons on chapters to present to their peers to help increase understanding.
Grading Policy:
Students’ grades will be based on their performance on tests, quizzes,
homework, class work, projects, journal assignments, plant pottings etc.
Marking period and semester grades will be calculated according to the
Appoquinimink School District Grading Policy. “Product” grades are weighted
at 70%, and “Process” grades are weighted at 30%. In an Advanced
Placement Course, the weighting is 90% Product, 10% Process. This policy is
available on the website, and hard copies are available in the
main office.
Extra Help Availability:
Extra help is available upon request pending scheduling. Extra help sessions will last
until 5:15pm when the activity bus picks up students unless other transportation
arrangements are made. “Other” transportation arrangements must be made in
writing upon scheduling of extra help hours.
Animal Science Level 4 Vet Tech
Terms of Agreement
As a teacher of this course, I am committed to abiding by this syllabus. The
dates and timelines are subject to change based on students’ assimilation of the
material. Any changes will be communicated to the class by the teacher. By
signing this “Terms of Agreement,” you are affirming that you have read and
agree to abide by the guidelines, policies, and agreements stated in this syllabus.
As a student of this course, I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines,
policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.
_____________________________________ _____________________
Student Signature
As the parent/guardian, I have read and agree to support this student in an effort
to follow the guidelines, policies and agreements stated in this syllabus.
_____________________________________ _____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature
This document should be signed by the student and parent and
returned to the teacher by the end of class on :