01-06-2011 Tel.: +27 (0) 11 839-1793 Faks: +27 (0) 11 837

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Redakteur: Susan van Wyk
'n Gratis tweemaandelikse publikasie van Blind SA
BRAILLORETTE is beskikbaar in braille en drukskrif, op band, via e-pos en op die
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Redakteursbrief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Gesondheid - Verstaan dit beter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Verhoudings - As jou KIND jou MISHANDEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Treffersparade - Die 10 Beste Rugbyliedjies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Artikels en inligting uit Braillorette mag gepubliseer word slegs op voorwaarde dat die
bron erken word. Die menings wat in Braillorette uitgespreek word is nie noodwendig
dié van die redaksie of van Blind SA nie.
Die redaksie behou homself die reg voor om materiaal wat in die tydskrif gepubliseer
word, te verkort en/of redaksioneel te versorg.
ContentsAvoid Sharks - Surf Safe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
15 Secrets About your Hormones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Victims of the Virtual World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Mind News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Body News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Articles and information from Braillorette may be reproduced solely on condition that the
source is acknowledged. The opinions expressed in Braillorette are not necessarily
those of the editorial team or of Blind SA.
The editorial team reserves the right to abridge and/or edit all material published in this
Goeiedag Lesers
Ons is nou in die winter van 2011. Ek vertrou dat julle almal goeie voorbereidings
daarvoor getref het.
Ek het nog nie die beloofde artikel oor kinderontwikkeling gekry nie, maar hoop om dit in
die volgende uitgawe te begin.
Julle is almal maar stil, en ek is dus nie baie seker wat julle in die tydskrif wil sien nie.
Ek wil baie graag bydrae van julle ontvang wat ons met die ander lesers kan deel.
Sterkte met die res van die jaar en onthou julle voornemens wat aan die begin gemaak
is. Hou ook altyd die blink kant bo en pak probleme met 'n positiewe houding aan.
Die redakteur
Geneem uit Vrouekeur 15 Oktober 2010
Met die klem vandeesmaand op geestesgesondheid word dit weer beklemtoon
dat dit tot alle betrokkenes se voordeel strek as die probleem so gou moontlik
geïdentifiseer en die lyer gehelp word
Ons leef in 'n gesondheidsbewuste samelewing. Goeie gesondheid beteken ook goeie
geestesgesondheid. Laasgenoemde het met die gehalte van ons lewe en hoe ons met
ander klaarkom - familie, werk en sosiaal - te doen.
Probleme met geestesgesondheid kom wêreldwyd voor. Trouens, elke familie word een
of ander tyd daardeur geraak, hetsy geestes- of neurologiese afwykings, erge stres of
alkohol- en dwelmverwante probleme. Dit lei tot verlies aan produktiwiteit, individuele
lyding en die omvergooi van die gesinslewe.
Hoe vroeër 'n probleem geïdentifiseer word en die lyer gehelp word, hoe beter is dit vir
alle betrokkenes. Dis baie beter om te erken daar is of kan 'n probleem wees as om te
ontken dat dit bestaan.
Geestesiekte/psigiatriese ongeskiktheid (disability)
Psigiatriese ongeskiktheid is geestes- en emosionele afwykings soos erge depressie,
skisofrenie en bipolêre gemoedsversteuring, wat die lyer se vermoë inperk om sy
gevoelens en die eise van die wêreld te hanteer.
Dit word gekenmerk aan grade van onvanpaste gedrag, kommunikasie en begrip en om
houvas op die werklikheid te verloor. Dit kan enigiemand raak en begin gewoonlik in
adolessensie of die volwasse lewe. Dit kan skielik of geleidelik posvat en die siekte kan
akuut, chronies of afwisselend voorkom.
Daar is 'n goeie kans dat jy van geestesiekte kan herstel met die regte behandeling en
ondersteuning van dagsorgsentrums, hospitale en rehabilitasiegroepe. Tog gebeur dit
dat lyers ondanks medikasie, onaangename simptome ervaar en verder agteruitgaan.
Intellektuele ongeskiktheid/geestesgebrek
Intellektuele ongeskiktheid verwys na 'n gebrek in 'n lyer se kognitiewe of intellektuele
funksionering en 'n onvermoë om vaardighede te bekom om in die samelewing te
funksioneer. In die verlede is mense met intellektuele gestremdheid geïnstitusionaliseer,
maar gemeenskapsorg is deesdae die norm.
Hierdie is 'n permanente afwyking wat ongeveer vier mense uit 1 000 tot 'n sekere mate
raak. Dit kan veroorsaak word deur breinbesering of as die brein nie ten volle ontwikkel
het nie. Dit kan nie genees word nie, maar met gespesialiseerde opleiding kan mense
met so 'n afwyking gehelp word om die lewe en sy daaglikse eise te hanteer.
Sommige lyers kan ongeskoolde of gedeeltelik geskoolde arbeid verrig of self geleer
word om geskoolde handearbeid te verrig en in die openbare sektor te werk.
Geneem uit Vrouekeur 15 Oktober 2010
Jy het hom met die grootste liefde grootgemaak, maar nou is hy volwasse en
maak van jou 'n slagoffer. Carla van der Spuy het by kenners vir raad gaan
Min ouers voorsien dat hul baba of kleuter 15 of 20 jaar later hul hart kan breek of dit nou weens onbeskofte of misdadige gedrag, dwelmmisbruik, wilde vriende
of losbandigheid is
Koerantopskrifte het dit byna wreed uitgebasuin: "Skoubaba word maslaner." Dit was ná
'n opspraakwekkende aanrandingsaak in die jare tagtig aan die Oos-Rand. Die
beskuldigde was 'n fris geboude blonde jongman en die klaer sy bejaarde ma.
Selde tevore het hofverslaggewers 'n saak bygewoon waar die trane so gevloei en wat
só aan die hart geruk het. Joernaliste het die ouers ná die tyd by hul huis gaan besoek
waar die hartseer ma deur die gesin se fotoalbums geblaai het. Sy het aan ons gewys
watter pragtige blouoogbulletjie haar seun meer as twee dekades tevore was toe hy 'n
babakompetisie gewen het. Dit was byna ironies dat sy steeds trots op hom was.
Wie sou kon dink dat sy haar hart se punt later van aanranding sou laat aankla en dat
hulle in 'n kil hofsaal teen mekaar sou getuig?
Min ouers voorsien dat hul baba of kleuter 15 of 20 jaar later hul hart kan breek - of dit
nou weens onbeskofte of misdadige gedrag, dwelmmisbruik, wilde vriende of
losbandigheid is.
Jy onthou nog so duidelik soos daglig hoe jy selfs voor jou kind se geboorte drome vir
hom gehad het. Jy het al sy mylpale gedurende sy grootwordjare beleef en jy het sy vuil
doeke, vloermoere en spinnekopversamelings verduur.
Jy voel dat jy alles in jou vermoë gedoen het om 'n goeie ouer te wees. Jy het
skoolopvoerings bygewoon, jou kind na karate- en musiekklasse karwei en met die
eerste liefdesteleurstelling snesies uitgedeel. Jy het baie tyd en geld aan jou kind
bestee met die gedagte om hom vlerke te gee om uiteindelik van jou af weg te vlieg.
Nou is hy volwasse en jy vrees jou eie kind.
Mishandeling van ouers deur hul kinders is 'n stil en ondenkbare probleem. Dit word
omskryf as enige optrede deur 'n kind waarmee sy ouers fisieke, sielkundige of
finansiële skade ly waardeur die kind dan mag en beheer oor die ouer verkry, sê Henk
Swanepoel, 'n sielkundige van Pretoria.
"Hierdie soort optrede sluit aanranding met of sonder 'n wapen, emosionele
manipulasie, verbale geweld en diefstal in."
Dit kan vernietigend wees
Ouers wat verbaal en emosioneel deur hul kinders mishandel word, kom meer voor as
wat mense dink, maar dit is nogtans 'n probleem wat dikwels geïgnoreer of
geringgeskat word.
"Woorde kan pyn meebring en letsels laat, maar as 'n kind die ouers emosionele pyn
besorg, word dit dikwels verswyg. Soos wat die geval met verbale geweld tussen
huweliksmaats is, kan verbale en emosionele geweld van kinders teenoor ouers
vernietigend wees," sê Henk.
Hy wys daarop dat mishandeling van ouers wyd voorkom en nie tot sekere sosioekonomiese groepe, klasse, etniese groepe of seksuele oriëntasie beperk is nie.
Die vraag word ook gevra watter soort beskerming aan ma's verleen word wat aan die
ontvangkant hiervan is. Hoewel pa's ook slagoffers kan wees, is ma's meer gereeld die
teiken van ouermishandeling. 'n Moontlike rede hiervoor is dat ma's gewoonlik die
primêre versorgers is. Hulle bestee meer tyd saam met hul kinders as wat die geval met
pa's is en het dikwels hegter emosionele bande met hul kinders.
Die mishandeling van ouers, hetsy fisiek, verbaal of finansieel of deur manipulasie,
word dikwels verswyg. Ouers skaam hulle hieroor, want hulle voel dat hulle ondanks
groot opofferings en onvoorwaardelike liefde in hul opvoeding misluk het.
Hul skuldgevoelens en gevoelens van wanhoop meng met hul vermoë in om leiding in
hul gesinne te neem. Hulle is ook dikwels huiwerig om beheer oor die situasie te neem
omdat hulle bang is dat dit hul kinders se woede net nog meer sal aanvuur. Gevolglik
gee die ouers net toenemend aan die kind se eise toe en ly die ouers nie net op
emosionele vlak nie, maar dikwels ook finansieel. Dan verswyg hulle dit of hulle huil na
binne. Ander kry so skaam dat hulle hul harte naamloos op webwerwe uitstort ... en dan
besef dat hulle nie alleen is nie.
Só stort 'n vrou op 'n webwerf haar hart uit: "Ek het 'n vierdubbele hartomleiding
ondergaan waarop my 24-jarige dogter en haar man my as 'n psigiatriese geval
bestempel het. Ek is nou 47 en rol voortdurend vir hulle klippe uit die pad. Ons koop ook
vir hulle goed omdat hulle finansieel sukkel, maar my skoonseun weier om te werk en
lewer geen geldelike bydrae tot die huishouding nie.
"Dít terwyl ek en my man oortyd werk om hulle te help onderhou. Ons het die afgelope
naweek na hul baba gekyk terwyl hulle inkopies gaan doen het en nou sê my dogter sy
kan nie 'n ma-dogter-verhouding met my hê nie omdat ek kwansuis haar kind se lewe in
gevaar gestel het. Dit is omdat ek die baba gevoed het voor haar vieruurlikse
voedingskedule verstryk het. Dit terwyl ek twee gesonde kinders grootgemaak het!"
Die ongelukkige besoeker vertel dat hulle altyd 'n gelukkige gesin was totdat die
skoonseun in hul lewe opgedaag het.
"Wat doen 'n ma as 'n kind haar hart breek? Dis vir my net verdere sout in my wonde
omdat my hart reeds fisiek gebreek is," skryf sy.
Die gebroke ma is oorval met raad van ander ma's wat soortgelyke ervarings beleef het.
Dit wissel van "Ruk jouself reg en laat jou kinders toe om hul eie foute te maak" tot
"Staan op jou regte en weier om met jou dogter te kommunikeer as sy só met jou praat.
Sê vir haar as sy soos 'n volwassene behandel wil word, moet sy ophou om soos 'n kind
vloermoere te gooi. As jy jouself toelaat om in 'n emosionele maalkolk te beland sal jy
ellendig voel, maar as jy weier om by misplaaste woede ingesleep te word, sal jy
bemagtig voel."
Hoekom gebeur dit?
Volgens Henk is een van die oorsake van hierdie soort gedrag wanneer 'n ouer nie
vroeg in 'n kind se lewe volgehoue dissipline toepas nie en die kind die boodskap kry
dat hy kan maak wat hy wil.
"Kyk maar na jeugdiges wat gereeld met die gereg bots - hulle is nie gewoond aan
dissipline nie en dink hulle kan met enigiets wegkom. Dus sal die volwasse kind sy
ouers ook mishandel en dissipline ignoreer, want hy kon van jongs af doen wat hy wil."
Volgens prof Paul Dean, 'n predikant, berader, rubriekskrywer en aanbieder van 'n
geselsprogram, is dit belangrik om jou kind onvoorwaardelik lief te hê. "Jou kind moet
weet dat jy ondanks alles steeds vir hom omgee. Dit beteken nie dat jy sy gedrag
goedkeur nie, maar dat jou liefde vir jou kind nie deur sy optrede of prestasies bepaal
word nie," sê hy.
Keer die stres
Ander kenners wys daarop dat ouers wie se kinders hulle slapelose nagte besorg, moet
leer om hul gedagtes te herlei. Selfs al misbruik jou kind dwelms of al toon hy
selfvernietigende gedrag, sal jy moet leer om jouself van angs en depressie te bevry.
Kenners gee die volgende raad:
• Moenie hierdie gebeure persoonlik opneem nie. Selfs al blameer jou kind jou vir die
feit dat hy die pad byster geraak het, gaan dit nogtans nie oor jou nie, maar oor jou kind
se keuses.
• Verbind jou opnuut tot jou geloofs- of spirituele oortuigings. Beweeg nader aan die
natuur of raak by liefdadigheid betrokke.
• Onthou dat jou gevoelens van woede, frustrasie, hartseer, depressie en skuld normaal
is. Jy beleef dieselfde stadiums as iemand wat 'n rouproses ervaar. Henk se raad is dat
'n ouer emosies soos gevoelens van wrewel en mislukking opsy skuif en daarvoor veg
om gedurende stresvolle tye in beheer van hierdie emosies van ontnugtering en
wanhoop te wees.
• Bevry jouself ook van jou drome en verwagtinge vir jou kind, al is dit hoe pynlik, en
fokus daarop om met jou eie lewe voort te gaan. Dit beteken nie dat jy nie vir jou kind
omgee nie.
• Vind daagliks uit wat vir jou vrede en geluk bring.
• Konsentreer op die positiewe en moet nooit die waarde van terapie onderskat nie.
• Wat volwasse kinders betref, sê Henk, moet 'n mens jouself afvra wat jy jou volwasse
kinders skuld. Waarskynlik niks. "Jy het jou kinders grootgemaak en hulle is nou vir hul
eie besluite verantwoordelik. Om daarop aanspraak te maak dat hul ouers vir hul
probleme verantwoordelik is, sal net hul vordering na onafhanklikheid belemmer," sê
"Stel beperkings wat byvoorbeeld geldelike bydraes en hulp met die kleinkinders betref,
maar kom jou deel van die ooreenkoms na.
"Dit mag wees dat jou volwasse kind grootword en 'n stabiele lewe lei, maar dit kan ook
gebeur dat hy weer uithaak.
"Jy sal egter op jou insette as ouer moet staatmaak en jou kind moet toelaat om 'n
volwassene te wees."
Geneem uit www.huisgenoot.com Februarie 2011
Die Super 15 is hier en rugbykoors loop hoog. HG-Tempo het die be/e liedjies gekies
wat nog geskryf is om rugby te besing - en ons vertel die storie agter elkeen
1 Hie' Kommie bokke - Leon Schuster
Dis sekerlik die grootste rugbytreffer ooit. Die grapkas Leon Schuster is in 1994 deur
Irving Schlosberg, toe nog baas van die Gallow-platemaatskappy in Suid-Afrika,
genader om 'n liedjie te skryf vir die Wêreldbekerrugbytoernooi van 1995. Hulle het
vergader met wyle Roy Bulking, 'n bekende in Suid-Afrikaanse musiekkringe, en Irving
het vir Leon 'n disko-weergawe van die gewilde La Cucaracha gespeel. Toe spring Roy
begeesterd op en begin sing: "Hie' kommie Bokke, hie' kommie Bokke!"
Leon het van die idee gehou en verder gaan skryf, en die album Hie' Kommie Bokke is
net voor Paasnaweek in 1995 uitgereik. Meer as 250 000 eenhede is verkoop en dit het
daardie jaar die Sama-prys vir beste verkoper gewen. Die liedjie weerklink vandag nog
by rugbytoernooie.
"My liedjies is vir die mense geskryf," sê Leon. "Hie' Kommie Bokke sal altyd in die harte
van die mense bly."
2 - The Bats
Die jaar 1968 was 'n groot jaar vir Springbokrugby met die Britse Leeus wat na SuidAfrika getoer het. Die Springbokke se kaptein was Dawie de Villiers en ysters soos Frik
du Preez, Tiny Naudé, Syd Nomis en Jannie Engelbrecht was in die span. In die Leeus
se span was daar legendariese spelers soos Willie John McBride en Gareth Edwards.
Die Springbokke het skoonskip gemaak. Hulle het vier toetse gespeel, waarvan hulle
drie gewen en in een gelykop gespeel het.
Dalk was dit juis te danke aan die liedjie Groen en Goud wat in 1968 deur die manne
van The Bats - Eddie Eckstein, Barry Jarman, Jimmy Dunning en Paul Ditchfield geskryf is.
"Ons is deur ons platemaatskappy gevra om 'n Afrikaanse popliedjie te skryf," vertel
Eddie. "Ons was die dag in die ateljee en middagete het die base kom luister wat ons
opgeneem het. Hulle wou toe weet wat op die B-kant sou wees. Ons het beplan om 'n
instrumentele liedjie daarvoor op te neem, maar hulle het dit afgekeur. Ons is toe
aangesê om 'n nuwe liedjie te skryf.
"Barry Jarman het 'n meisie gehad wat ons almal Fluffy genoem het, en ons het altyd
gespot: `Vat hom, Fluffy`.
"Dit het toe Vat hom Dawie geword. Die liedjie is binne 'n uur geskryf en binne nog 'n
uur opgeneem. Dit het die A-kant van die enkelspeler geword en is tot vandag The Bats
se grootste treffer. Ek kan nie eens meer onthou wat die ander liedjie was nie!"
3 - Steve Hofmeyr
Is hy nie 'n bielie nie, dié song? Nes 'n Blou Bul ...
Toe Barend van Graan, grootbaas van die Blou Bulle-rugbyunie, in 1996 vir Steve
Hofmeyr nader om 'n liedjie oor die Bulle te skryf, was die sanger vuur en vlam. "Ek het
dit dadelik in my kar geskryf," vertel Steve. Die opname is binne 'n paar uur voltooi en
Steve en die musiekregisseur, wyle Kevin Kruger, was verantwoordelik vir al die
stemme en instrumente. Die enkelsnit-CD, waarop die liedjies Sweet Caroline en
Suspicious Minds ook is, is aan die einde van 1997 uitgereik. Die liedjie is ook later op
Grootste Treffers Vol. 2 en Grootste Platinum Treffers opgeneem. Dit word vandag nog
by elke Blou Bul-wedstryd op Loftus in Pretoria gespeel.
4 - David Kramer
David se eerste album, Bakgat - met liedjies soos Botteltjie Blou, Krisjan Swart, en
Biscuits en Biltong - is in 1980 in sy geheel deur die destydse SAUK verbied. Die
politieke strekking was glo te kwaai, David het sy tale gemeng en ook gekruide taal
Die platemaatskappy EMI het egter besef hulle het 'n wenkunstenaar beet en vir David
gevra of hy nie dalk 'n liedjie het wat meer radiovriendelik is nie.
David het laat weet ja, hy het 'n liedjie oor 'n fiktiewe Springbokrugbyspeler met die
naam Blokkies Joubert. Die enkelspelerplaat Blokkies Joubert (met Boggom en
Voertsek op die B-kant) was 'n reuse treffer en die langspeelalbum Die Verhaal van
Blokkies Joubert is in 1981 uitgereik. Daardie jaar het dit liedjies soos Queen of Hearts
van Juice Newton en You Drive Me Crazy van Shakin' Stevens uitgestof om die
nommereen-posisie op die treffersparade van die destydse Radio 5 te beklee.
5 Shosholoza
Hoendervleis sonder weerga - selfs al hou jy nie van rugby nie. Dié tradisionele liedjie is
net so deel van Suid-Afrikaanse rugby as die Groen en Goud. Nie almal ken
noodwendig al die woorde nie, en vir party is dit dalk meer van 'n kreet, maar trek weg
met Shosholoza en om jou sing almal saam.
Die lied is oorspronklik deur Ndebele-mynwerkers uit Zimbabwe gesing. Die lirieke
beteken in 'n neutedop: Gaan vorentoe, gaan vorentoe, op hierdie berge, trein uit SuidAfrika. Niemand weet wie die liedjie geskryf het en wanneer dit geskryf is nie, maar
volgens sommige bronne dateer dit van die 1800's. In 1995 was dit SA se nie-amptelike
"volkslied" tydens die Wêreldbeker-rugbytoernooi en tot vandag word dit in
sportstadions regoor die land gespeel. Shosholoza is al deur verskeie bekendes
opgeneem - van internasionale sterre soos Helmut Lotti en Peter Gabriel tot die Soweto
Gospel Choir en natuurlik Overtone vir die klankbaan van die rugbyfliek Invictus.
6 Liefling
Eers het Gé Korsten dit bekend gemaak, en later Steve Hofmeyr. Maar toe Derick
Hougaard daardie dag met die Curriebeker-eindstryd in 2002 tussen die Blou Bulle en
die Leeus 26 punte met sy skopskoen aanteken, is hy terstond "Die Liefling van Loftus"
gedoop - en elke keer daarna dat hy op Loftus punte aangeteken het, is die
koorgedeelte van die liedjie gespeel. Intussen het Derick Engeland toe getrek waar hy
sedert 2008 vir Saracens rugby speel, maar deesdae bulder Steve se weergawe van
Liefling steeds oor die luidspreker by elke Blou Bul-wedstryd wanneer daar punte
aangeteken word.
Steve het Liefling die eerste keer in 2003 opgeneem vir sy album Toeka, waarop hy
hulde gebring het aan legendes soos Al Debbo, Gé Korsten en Bles Bridges. In 2009
het Steve en die Italiaanse sanger Patrizio Buanne dit as 'n duet opgeneem wat die
liedjie wéér 'n treffer gemaak het.
7 World in Union
Dit en Shosholoza is die enigste liedjies op ons top-10-lys wat nie Afrikaans is nie. Maar
dis so deel van ons rugbygeskiedenis - juis vanweë die legendariese Wêreldbekeroorwinning in 1995 - dat dit net op die lys moet wees.
Die Internasionale Rugbyraad het in 1991 al gevra dat 'n liedjie vir die vierjaarlikse
toernooi geskryf word. Die Britse musiekskrywer en -regisseur Charlie Skarbek het 'n
deel uit The Planets van die Britse komponis Gustav Holst gekies en lirieke daarvoor
World in Union is in 1991 die eerste keer deur die beroemde sopraan Kiri Te Kanawa
gesing toe die toernooi in Engeland gespeel is, in 1995 deur PJ Powers en Ladysmith
Black Mambazo in Suid-Afrika en in 1999 deur Shirley Bassey en Bryn Terfel vir die
toernooi in Wallis. In 2003 is dit deur United Colours of Sound gesing vir die toernooi in
Australië en in 2007 is daar vir die toernooi in Frankryk 'n "all stars"-weergawe van die
liedjie opgeneem met stemme soos Hayley Westenra, Katerine Jenkins en The Ten
"Nelson Mandela het gevra dat ek dit saam met Ladysmith Black Mambazo sing," vertel
PJ. "Ek word nog steeds gevra om dit te sing."
8 - Bok van Blerk en Robbie Wessels
Dit was die groot treffer van 2007 toe die Springbokke in Frankryk die Wêreldbeker
gewen het. Die musiek is deur Johan Vorster geskryf en die lirieke deur Sean Else,
Adolf Vorster en Arnold Coleske.
"Dit was 'n reuse liedjie," onthou Bok. "Ek word nog gereeld gevra om dit te sing." Met
die pragtige lirieke "Gee nie om wie voor ons staan/Soos 'n rots staan 'n nasie
saam/Ons vir jou Suid-Afrika" het die liedjie tot alle rugbyliefhebbers gespreek.
"Dit was seker die moeilikste liedjie wat ek nog geskryf het," sê Johan. "Arnold het met
die titel gekom en Adolf met die idee dat ons die vier windrigtings moet gebruik. Ek en
Sean is vir 'n paar dae weg om aan die liedjie te werk en ek het nog nooit so gesukkel
9 Pale toe - Leon Schuster
Dis nog 'n Schuster-juweel. "Groep Twee het 'n soortgelyke liedjie gehad en my liedjie
is gedeeltelik daarop gebaseer," vertel Leon. "Pale Toe was ook op my eerste album,
Leon Schuster, en niemand het gedink dit gaan werk nie. Ek het toe nog net twee
treffers gehad en dit was Gerrie Seerhandjies Coetzee en Morné. Die album is deur die
SAUK verbied weens die woord `gat` in een liedjie, Die Rugbyfabriek, en toe verkoop dit
natuurlik soos soetkoek."
Hy dink die liedjie is so gewild omdat dit eenvoudig is. "Van die grootste treffers in die
wêreld is liedjies waarvan die koorgedeelte maklik is en iets is wat jy vinnig in jou kop
kan herhaal. Jy kan amper nie anders as om op en af te hop en saam te sing nie.
Liedjies soos Pale Toe gaan sit in mense se groove!"
10 - Leon Schuster
"Prooovince, Prooovince, die Currie Cup kom weer ..." het vir nog 'n Leon Schustertreffer gesorg. "Ek is nog al die jare 'n groot Cheetah-ondersteuner en boonop 'n bietjie
van 'n Shark daarby, maar ek het nog altyd groot waardering vir Province gehad," sê
"Een van my eerste groot treffers was Morné, 'n liedjie wat ek vir Morné du Plessis, die
WP- en Springbokkaptein, geskryf het op die wysie van Harry Belafonte se Day-O. In
1988 het ek Province op amper dieselfde wysie geskryf. Ek het baie navorsing gedoen
voor ek Province geskryf het. Ek was toe al so baie op Nuweland en het die mense
geken en die vibe gelees. Jy kan net skryf waarvan jy kennis dra. Ek is bly die liedjie is
nog deel van ons rugbykultuur."
Stuur Groete aan Mannetjies Roux - Laurika Rauch
Dit is nie regtig 'n rugbyliedjie nie, maar die legende na wie die Laurika Rauch-treffer
genoem is, het ons op die ou einde oortuig om dit 'n ereplek in ons toplys te gee.
Die liedjie kom uit die pen van Laurika se man, Chris Torr, wat geskryf het oor 'n boer
se stryd teen die droogte.
Dis danksy die treffende liriek "My oom drink koffie en my tannie tee/Ek vra oor die reën
en hy sê ja-nee/En hy drink soet koffie met sy een oog toe/En hy praat weer oor die drie
van Mannetjies Roux" dat ons dit vir ons lys gekies het.
Mannetjies Roux het 27 keer vir die Springbokke uitgedraf, as senter en as vleuel, en
die drie in die liedjie is die drie wat Mannetjies teen die Britse Leeus op 25 Augustus
1962 in Bloemfontein gedruk het. 'n Joernalis het dit later so beskryf: "Roux het ... met
verstommende vaartversnelling die verdedigers in hul voetspore agtergelaat. Sy
langafstand-drie was inderdaad so briljant dat dit slegs in die verbeelding van skrywers
van seunsverhale tuishoort."
Mannetjies, wat op 12 April 1939 gebore is, woon op sy geboortedorp, Victoria-Wes.
- Surf Safe
Taken from People Magazine October 2010
Every day there are new media reports about another `almost kidnapping`, or worse the
actual taking of a child or teenager. Unfortunately, even in the safe confines of home,
your child is at risk from online predators. According to Childline South Africa, there are
simple ways to ensure your home computer is safe.
Tips For Parents
• Set your default search engine as www.google.co.za and click `Search Preferences`
on the right side of the search bar. Select `Use strict filtering` under the Safe Search
heading and click on `Save Preferences`. This will filter out any adult content that may,
under normal circumstances, accidentally appear when a child searches for something.
• Discuss and demonstrate the difference between advertising and educational or
entertaining content and make sure your child can recognise it. Following an advertising
link can sometimes lead to undesirable websites.
• If your child wishes to join `chat rooms`, find a kid-friendly one and accompany them
on their first few sessions. Make sure they never give out any personal information or
have a one-on-one chat with anyone they don't know. The more you find out and
understand as a parent, the more equipped you are to educate and respond
• Check the Internet browsing history often. If you find undesirable pages have been
visited, discuss them with your child in an open and understanding way so they don't
feel guilty - yet understand that you are able to see what they've viewed. Make sure
they know how to click the `Back` button if they ever see content which makes them
• Install a product such as McAfee Family Protection and set up all of the features to
match your child's age and the restrictions you think are appropriate.
Tips For Children And Teens
Remember that you cannot actually see people who you talk to through chat rooms even when they post up photographs, you cannot be sure that these photographs are
actually of themselves.
• Rule number one is never agree to meet someone who you've met in cyberspace in
the real world, even if you think they're your soulmate.
• Rule number two, if you break rule number one, make sure you tell your parents where
you're going, take lots of friends with you and go to a public area. If the person you met
in cyberspace exists in the real world and is who they claimed to be, still don't share any
of your personal information with them until you have developed a `real life` relationship
with them.
• Never give anyone you meet through a chat room or Internet site your personal
information, such as telephone number, address, school and information about your
• Don't open an attachment or downloaded file unless you know and trust the person
who has sent it.
• If you find something that upsets or disturbs you, save it and talk to an adult about it.
• Remember that taking pictures of persons under the age of 18 that are sexual and
pornographic is illegal and that sending sexual pictures of someone of any age to a
person under 18 years is also a criminal offence.
Tips When Using Facebook
Facebook is not only the most popular social networking site, but one of the most
popular websites on the Internet today. When using the site, always follow these safety
• Don't give out your password to anyone, including your family and friends.
• Customise your privacy settings on the Privacy Settings page if you are uncomfortable
being found in searches or having your profile viewed by people from your school or
work networks.
• Notify Facebook of any inappropriate people or content by clicking on the `Report` link
located throughout the site. Users under the age of 18 are also encouraged to talk to a
parent or a responsible adult immediately if someone online says or does something to
make them feel uncomfortable or threatened in any way.
• Understand your privacy settings.
• Block anyone that might be sending unwanted content.
Help, I'm Being Cyberbullied
Cyberbyllying is when one young person uses digital technology to hurt another young
person. A bully may create a fake profile about the victim, find photos (some real, while
others could be doctored), take over their accounts and change a victim's password so
they can't access their profile. Seventy percent of cyber bullies are people known to the
victim and in their circle of friends. If you are cyberbullied, `stop, block and tell`. Walk
away from the computer (or cellphone, or game device). If a friend comes out with a
hateful message remember that it may not necessarily even be from your friend, it could
be someone else who has gained access onto your friend's account. If it doesn't seem
right, take it offline. Call your friend, meet them in real life, and discuss it. Taking
conflicting issues offline allows you to know whether it's real or not. Block the person
sending the hurtful message.
One of the biggest reasons why cyberbullying leads to depression (and even
contributes to teen suicide) is because the abuse never goes away. When someone
creates a bashing site about you, you're always tempted to go back and look at it over
again and are constantly revictimising yourself.
If you block the sender, you stop the victimisation. Most importantly, tell a trusted adult
about what is happening.
A recent survey revealed that only five percent out of 45 000 teenagers would tell their
parents they were being cyberbullied. If you feel your parent won't understand, give
them this article to read, or tell them to log onto www.cyberbullying.org for more
information on what to do.
They're critical for our survival and can have a massive impact on our health, but how
much do you really know about your hormones?
DR GORDANA PRELEVIC is a consultant endocrinologist. She specialises in
reproductive endocrinology and is a spokesperson for the Society of Endocrinology.
Here she tells us more about our hormones.
1. They're Everywhere
The medical term for the hormone network is the endocrine system, which runs
throughout our bodies. It's made up of glands that secrete different hormones, which are
then carried in our blood to reach specific parts of the body. Once there, they help to
control bodily functions. The classic endocrine organs include the pituitary gland - found
beneath the brain and known as the `master` of the endocrine system - while others
include the adrenal, thyroid, testes and ovary glands.
2. We're Still Learning ...
As well as the classic endocrine glands, it's now widely recognised that other tissues
can produce hormones. Adipose tissue (body fat) is an important endocrine organ in the
production and secretion of leptin and resistin, which are known to control hunger and
fight infection respectively. Recent research suggest there are also hormones made
from fatty acids, so studies are ongoing.
3. They Boost Our Health From Birth
The pituitary gland actually secretes growth hormone (GH) into our bodies while we're
still in the womb. GH is crucial for healthy growth and development through infancy and
childhood, as well as helping us to maintain healthy muscle and bone throughout
4. Don't Underestimate Their Power
They say behind every powerful man you'll find a strong woman, and the relationship
between your body and the hormone system within it is similar. A healthy body relies on
the endocrine system to be in perfect working order, as just slight changes in hormone
levels can make a significant impact on the way it runs. Hormones such as cortisol,
insulin and thyroxine are essential for survival and without them your body would simply
shut down.
5. Hormone Imbalance Is An Umbrella Term
This phrase is a favourite for people explaining away mood swings and low energy, but
it actually refers to various specific disorders. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid
gland produces too many hormones, namely triiodothyronine and thyroxine, which
causes the body's metabolism to rocket. Conversely, hypothyroidism is when too few
are produced by the thyroid gland and the body's metabolic rate slows. Cushing's
syndrome is a disorder caused by high levels of the `stress hormone` cortisol, which
can be caused by a tumour in the pituitary glands. Plus, the risk of osteoporosis is
increased by extra cortisol, excessive thyroxine or low oestrogen levels.
6. They're Behind Diabetes ...
Most people know this condition involves the levels of sugar in our blood, but in fact it
hinges on the production and use of the hormone insulin in the body. If the pancreas
doesn't produce enough insulin, glucose can't be converted into energy, which means
our blood glucose levels get too high and the body doesn't store as much energy as
normal. Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to heart disease, kidney problems and even
blindness. See your GP if you show signs including increased thirst, weight loss and
7. ... And Pcos, Too
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hormone disorder in women of
reproductive age, and is generally caused by the production of too many male
hormones, including testosterone, in the ovaries. This can prevent the eggs in the ovary
developing fully, leading to an irregular menstrual cycle. The higher levels of male
hormones can also result in increased body hair and acne, so if you're showing
symptoms, see your GP. Treatments include anti androgens which inhibit the binding of
the male hormones to body tissue.
8. Some Symptoms Show On Your Face ...
There are external signs of an imbalance. A hyperactive thyroid can cause slightly
bulging eyes, whereas the skin of under active thyroid sufferers often becomes puffy
and dry. A visit to your GP for a definite diagnosis is important though, and usually a
simple blood test to confirm hormone levels will do the job.
9. ... But Others Stay Hidden For Years
Some hormonal problems are very subtle and their effects and symptoms can take
months - even years - to develop. Cushing's syndrome often has slow-developing
symptoms like changes in body shape, insomnia and menstrual irregularity, which many
people may pass off as stress. Usually, and once the problem is diagnosed, patients
look back and realise they've had the symptoms for some time.
10. They Change Throughout Life
As most women approach their late 40s/early 50s, their production of oestrogen and
progesterone, which regulate the menstrual cycle, begins to decrease. The common
menopausal symptoms of hot flushes and night sweats are actually symptoms of
oestrogen deficiency.
Hormone Replacement Therapy is effective in replenishing the oestrogen levels of
menopausal women to curb these often distressing symptoms. Unfortunately for some,
this natural hormone process can often occur earlier in life after a trauma such as
chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, making it impossible for these women to conceive
11. Natural Alternatives May Help
Following bad press from HRT in the past, companies have tried to find alternative
replacement therapies to ease hormonal imbalances and have discovered natural plantbased hormones as a result. Soy contains isoflavones whose chemical structure is
similar to oestrogen, meaning they can act in a similar way to the hormone when utilised
by the body. Red clover is another natural source of isoflavones. Some studies suggest
black cohosh extracts may ease certain symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes.
An effective way to deal with uncomfortable symptoms of hormone imbalances is to
learn what triggers them - alcohol, hot drinks and spicy foods can exacerbate excessive
sweating - so avoid them where you can.
12. Stress Can Play Havoc
Ask a group of women if they feel stressed on a daily basis and you'll probably hear a
resounding yes - but this can have a surprising impact on hormone levels. While a little
stress is necessary for living, too much will cause problems. When our body is in a state
of chronic stress, it stimulates the excessive production of cortisol, which can actually
suppress our immune system and leave us more susceptible to illness. We also go into
survival mode, where our body redirects hormones towards glands, which are essential
for survival and away from others like the reproductive system, causing menstrual
irregularity and infertility. Yoga and meditation are both fantastic ways to encourage
13. They Affect Your sex Drive
Psychological stress can obviously cause a drop in your libido, but in an otherwise
healthy person, it's down to the balance of androgens (mainly testosterone and DHEA)
and oestrogen in the body. Our production of these hormones naturally decreases as
we age - the production of testosterone in the ovaries diminishes by at least a third from
our 20s to our early 40s. The decreasing oestrogen levels can cause vaginal dryness,
so you may find it helpful to try a vaginal lubricant. The important thing is not to pass low
libido off as a fact of life or ageing, as your GP should be able to help you rebalance
these hormones so you can enjoy sex again.
14. Stick To Low-Intensity Exercise
Health experts tend to recommend as much exercise as possible - but low-intensity
exercise, like Pilates or toning using small weights, can be better than high-intensity
sports like running if you want to control your hormone levels. This is particularly true if
you have irregular periods - at least 20 percent of a woman's body mass should be
stored as fat to enable the production of the hormones that help regulate your
reproductive organs.
15. A Balanced Diet Helps
High carbohydrate levels can cause a sharp increase in insulin, which in turn can affect
the production of GH, so make sure carbs, like potatoes, only make up half of your food
intake and stick to fruit, vegetables and low-GI choices like couscous and brown rice.
The other half of your diet should be made up of lean protein such as chicken or tofu.
Visit www.endocrinology.org for more info.
Social networking services are riddled with security gaps. Whether you are a teen or a
parent, learn about the dangers and be well informed.
In the virtual world, you can be whoever you want to be and that is exactly what Peter
Chapman decided to do. Posing as a charming 17-year-old named Pete Cartwright, his
Facebook profile captured the hearts of thousands of young girls from across the globe
who were looking for friendship and searching for love. But the bare-chested photo of a
tall, blonde, blue-eyed and well-built teen was a far stretch from what Chapman really
was. Behind the alias lurked an unemployed 32-year-old convict who had committed a
string of sex offences, including at least three rapes and two sexual assaults. Had they
met face-to-face in the real world, 17-year-old Ashleigh Hall would not have given the
shaven head, bespectacled and toothless Chapman the time of day - but the two never
met in the real world, not until it was too late.
Last year September, Chapman set up a fake Facebook profile. Within a few months it
had attracted interest from 14 600 visitors. Almost 3 000 females aged between 13 and
31 became his online `friends`, one of whom was Ashleigh. As soon as she had
accepted Chapman's friend request, he redirected her to a private chatroom where the
two got to know each other better before communicating on MSN. At the same time,
Chapman was also chatting with hundreds of other young girls on various other profiles
he had set up on different social service networks.
On the night of October 23, 2009, Ashleigh lied to her mother about her plans for the
evening and arranged a secret rendezvous with Pete - the blonde teen she believed
was the man of her dreams. According to her mom, Andrea, 39, Ashleigh was in a good
mood and had spent the Sunday evening on the computer `chatting` on the internet
through MSN. At about 19h30 she asked Andrea if she could sleep over at a friend. "It
was a bit last-minute but I agreed," said Andrea. "Ash threw some clothes in a bag and
went downstairs. She shouted `see you tomorrow mom`, and I shouted to her to make
sure she was home by 10h30. I never saw her again." When Ashleigh never came
home the following morning, Andrea tried to call her on her cellphone at least 30 times
throughout the day but no one answered. "One of her friends told me she had been
talking to a boy. I went on to my Facebook account and looked at Ashleigh's page and
saw a boy who said he was 17 and who was not linked to any of her other friends. That
made me suspicious straight away. I asked her friends about him but nobody knew if
she had been talking to him or texting him. Finally, after continually calling her phone, a
man's voice answered."
During his court case held in Britain in March this year, where Chapman was sentenced
to life behind bars, he explained how he had used Facebook as a platform to lure
Ashleigh. On the night of her death, he smsed her pretending to be Pete's father, and
said he would be fetching her. Instead of spending the night with her Prince Charming,
Chapman drove Ashleigh to an isolated location, gagged her mouth with duct tape,
bound her arms and raped her. He then forced her to perform oral sex on him before
taking her life. Chapman could still have been a free man able to ensnare more
unsuspecting victims had he not confessed to the killing after being arrested for minor
traffic offences.
Another similar case is set for court next month. Christopher James Dannevig, 20, will
hear his fate in an Australian courtroom as he faces charges of luring 18-year-old Nona
Bolemesoff on Facebook, before murdering the teen. Dannevig set up a fake Facebook
profile, posing as the boss of a well known wildlife organisation, and offered Nona a job.
He invited her to join another animal carer on an overnight camping trip to look for
injured animals. Her body was found three days later.
Despite attempts by social network sites to safeguard their users from sexual predators,
tens of thousands of registered sex offenders just like Chapman and Dannevig have
been able to slip through the cracks in security. While some may argue that Ashleigh
and Nona never practiced the one major Facebook safety precaution - never accept a
stranger as a friend - one only needs to go through some of their own list of friends with
a fine-tooth comb to realise that they've likely done the exact same thing without even
knowing it.
"One of the biggest problems is that youngsters confuse the number of friends they
have on Facebook with popularity and friends in real life," said Parry Aftab, a lawyer
specialising in internet privacy and security law. Aftab is also one of the five safety
advisory board members of Facebook and a member of Wired Kids and the
WiredSafety Group, Internet safety organisations dedicated to protecting all Internet
users, especially children, from cybercrime and abuse. "Of your say 500 friends, it is
likely there is a percentage of people you don't really know and you are sharing a lot of
information with them. You need to be selective with your friends online and recognise
that there are different levels of friends."
Aftab said when using social service networks, you need to understand your security
settings. "Every profile on Facebook for example, can be set separately so some things
don't have to be made public to everyone. Read the privacy process of the applications
such as games and quizzes and you'll see that all applications run on a permissionbased agreement. Many users simply click and agree to the terms and conditions
because they are too lazy to read through the fine print. While the most popular game
on Facebook (Farmville) is careful about the privacy of their users, countless other
games aren't. Never set your profile so friends of friends can view your details as you
don't know who they've accepted as their friends."
Of Facebook's 400 million users, 40 percent of all profiles are fake and have been set
up by scammers, some of whom create fictional back stories specifically tailored to the
victims they are trying to exploit. A recent case out of Canada illustrates the power
Facebook has as a tool for human traffickers, where a user lured aspiring models with
the promise of a career and instead forced them into the sex trade. On November 20,
2009, a 38-year-old man named Codie Toby Cardinal was arrested on charges of
human trafficking. Cardinal set up a fake profile for himself on a number of social
networking sites, posing as a modelling agent. Through the sites, he befriended young
girls from mostly rural areas in Canada and convinced them to travel across the country
for modelling gigs. Once the girls arrived, he forced them into prostitution and
advertised them on another website.
Meanwhile, earlier this month, a 27-year-old man was arrested in Port Elizabeth and
charged with raping a 15-year-old girl he befriended on MXit and Facebook. The
suspect reportedly fetched the girl at her home in Germiston in Gauteng and took her to
his cottage on a smallholding at Crystal Park in Benoni, where he allegedly drugged and
raped her. Identify theft online is also a major concern. There is a common scam called
a 419 scam, in which someone hacks your profile and sends messages to your friends
asking for money and claiming to be you. Users think they're helping a friend in need by
wiring money into their account, meanwhile they're sending money to Nigeria. Social
network sites are also constantly under attack from hackers trying to spam their users,
or harvest their data. Recently researchers at VeriSign's iDefense group discovered a
hacker was selling Facebook user names and passwords in an underground hacker
forum. It was estimated he had about 1.5 million accounts and was selling them for
between R180 and R330. According to the Internet Crime Complaint Centre, victims of
Internet-related crimes lost billions last year. In addition, social network sites also
contribute to the spread of illicit video and photos including child pornography. A 16year-old boy was last month arrested (but not charged) after he allegedly took photos of
a girl being gang raped at a party by a group of young men. He shared the footage with
his friends by cellphone and they were eventually posted on Facebook. "We have been
collaborating with technical crime experts and Facebook staff directly, but there is an
uphill battle ahead and the photos may remain on the Internet forever," said Inspector
Derren Lench of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. "What makes this case really
shocking is that this girl was drugged, taken outside and then raped by a group of five to
seven young men. She suffered significant injuries during the attack, while another
group of youths simply watched and were more concerned with recording what was
happening so they could put it on Facebook than to call for help."
In a separate incident, a young man was sentenced to 15 years in jail after he posted as
a girl on Facebook, tricked at least 31 of his male classmates into sending him naked
photos of themselves and then blackmailed some of them for sex acts. Anthony Stan,
18, was found guilty of five counts of child enticement, two counts of second-degree
sexual assault of a child, two counts of third-degree sexual assault, possession of child
pornography and repeated sexual assault of the same child.
Just a few days ago one of Britain's worst ever Internet child sex abusers was jailed
after he used Facebook Bebo and MSN Messenger to groom up to 1 000 children boys and girls most of whom were under the age of 16. Taxi driver and postman
Michael Williams, 29, persuaded at least 460 children to perform sexual acts on video
for him, which he recorded and kept on his computer. According to prosecutor Andrew
Macfarlane, Williams, who is bisexual, posed online as a 15-year-old girl called
`Gorgeous Charlie` and posted photos of a Ukrainian porn star. He also posed as a boy
of the same age called James. He offered cellphone top-up vouchers if girls posed
topless for him. He also threatened other victims into keeping quiet about the sexual
abuse, saying they would get into trouble because they were under 16. Williams was
caught when one of his young victims summoned the courage to contact police after
finding disturbing child pornography on his computer.
When police raided his flat, they recovered four computers, tapes, CDs, USB sticks, a
digital camera and video recorders. They also found disturbing newspaper clippings of
child killers and believe it was only a matter of time before Williams turned to murder.
"The intimacy of social network sites allows us to think that we know more about people
than what we really do. When we meet someone face-to-face we usually develop a
sense of who the person is," said Aftab. "How they sit, how they talk, their body
language, even the way they smell gives us clues as to whether they're safe or not. You
lose these clues when you're chatting online. Often you'll communicate with someone
and be amazed at how similar you both are but all they've done is read your profile."
Aftab said that, like all tools, social sites can be used for good or bad, legal or illegal
purposes. "Most of the people you will meet online will be good people, who like you,
are looking for friends or for love. The problem is if you get it wrong, it could cost you
your life.
"Take it slowly, don't share too much information, in fact, don't share anything you
wouldn't share with someone you had just met on the street. We clean our closets once
a year - we should go through our Facebook friends once a year, too. Remember that
while relationships change, whatever you post online stays online forever.
"Your best defence is to be aware and careful about how you use these sites and what
kind of information you reveal about yourself. And if you're the parent of a teen, learn
how to use the sites your teen is on and how to check their profile."
Breathing Exercises for Anxiety
These exercises will help you accomplish two things. The first is physiological - you are
taking control of your breathing response on purpose. The second is that you are taking
control of your thoughts - you are changing your mental focus from the anxiety to
controlling your breathing.
Brain Gym
Here are two smart moves for your body which will improve your mind, and can be
practiced in a classroom setting to help stimulate the entire class.
• Stand up while lifting your left knee and tap it with your right hand. Alternate lifting the
right knee and tapping with your left hand. This crossing over movement engages more
areas of your brain, gets the blood flowing and will help the class be mentally alive.
• Brain buttons is the name of this next exercise and it is a very simple one that helps
get the mental motors running a little faster. Take one hand and using the thumb and
forefinger, start tapping just below the collarbone. While continuing tapping in this area,
use your other hand to start patting your stomach over your belly button. This simple
movement may lead to a few laughs, but will help get the blood flowing to the brain and
prepare those young minds to excel in class.
Antenatal Exercises
Perhaps the most common antenatal exercises recommended by doctors, nurses, midwives and trainers is the Kegel pelvic floor exercise. It is simple and can be done
anywhere. When sitting comfortably, tighten the same muscles in your pelvic floor you
would use to stop urine flow. Hold them tightly for a count of four to six, then release.
Repeat this exercise 15 to 20 times - and you can repeat it three times a day. This
exercise is important in supporting your baby and during delivery.
6 Fitness Benefits Of Hula Hooping
While some may think hula hooping is childish, there are actually a surprising amount of
benefits to an exercise involving hula hooping. Here are just some of the top six.
• It helps burn fat. It requires effort from some of the biggest muscles in the body - which
require a significant amount of energy which forces the body to burn fat stores.
• It strengthens and tones your body. Muscles that can be toned include: glutes, thighs,
hips, legs, knees and abdomen. In addition, the twirl tones the arms and shoulders.
• It increases your fitness level. Just 10 minutes of hula hooping can provide enough
benefits to your body to increase aerobic activity.
• It improves your mood. It's fun and makes exercising less of a chore.
• It improves your coordination. It requires a certain amount of timing and rhythm and so
your coordination will improve as your body starts to learn this timing.
• It improves flexibility of your spine. Increased practice in hula hooping can train your
spine to use a greater range of motion.
Did you know? If you recently saw the movie The Wrestler, you'd see how great
Marisa Tomei, 44, is looking. The actress credits her physique to hula hoop dancing. It
whittles down the waistline by strengthening the torso muscles, and is also intense
enough to really get your heart rate up.