EOI for CCTV Nagpur Area 04.11.14

Supply, installation, testing, networking and commissioning of GPS, RF ID &
barrier based access control Cameras at weigh bridges, Check Post and Sidings
Radios & its integration.
Brief Technical specifications and System Requirement
A. Requirement of the GPS system:
1. The bidder is required to design, supply all related hardware & software materials,
installation, testing and commissioning for implementing GPS based vehicle tracking
system at ITI customer Areas for tracking of vehicles. RF ID, Boom Barrier based
access control system, capturing of image of the trucks / vehicles, IP Radios, erection of
towers, servers along with associate software to be covered under the scope of work.
2. ITI customer proposed to install Global Positioning devices in its 570 nos of coal
carrying vehicles.
3. Installation of IP Cameras at the weigh bridges & at the mine entry / exit check post
& sidings to capture the image of truck / vehicles & its video recording.
4. Installation & commissioning of point to point Radios connecting each AHQ with its
Sub Areas, point to multi point radio base stations at each Sub Areas and CPE radios
at weighbridges, unit stores & at the mine entry / exit check post & sidings including
5. Installation & commissioning of RF ID readers, Boom Barrier based access control
system in the check post ( entry / exit point ) & sidings of the mine along with
associate systems.
6. The proposal shall be submitted on turnkey basis execution and the bidder should
submit the offer for the supply of GPS based vehicle tracking system devices & VTS
software, RF ID, Boom Barrier based access control system, CCTV surveillance
system at the weigh bridges, Check Post and Sidings & sidings capturing of image of
the trucks / vehicles, IP Radios, erection of towers, servers etc. This includes 5 years
of GPS / GPRS services period as mentioned in scope of supply & comprehensive
CAMC for four years period excluding one year warranty for the offered vehicle
tracking equipments, RF ID Boom barrier access control system,Cameras, Radios &
Servers along with associate softwares.
7. During Warranty & CAMC period, the vendor should deploy for smooth operation
of the system with onsite support comprising minimum one service engineer in each
Area and one Service Engineer at the ITI CUSTOMER HQ.
8. The bidder will conduct physical survey & feasibility study in in all the Areas / sites
to make actual geofencing and also to ensure GPRS connectivity for assessing the
requirement and also for tower height assessment for radios and appraise themselves
fully on the site condition before submitting the offer. The bidder shall carry out site
survey at their own cost.
9. The bidder is to ensure GPRS connectivity in ITI CUSTOMER command Area.
10. The devices must use GPS technology for acquiring the position of the vehicle &
GPRS technology for transmitting the same to the data base server at AHQ of the
Areas with at least 30 secs of data polling.
11. Vehicle tracking system will comprise a vehicle management system software with a
WEB server host on servers installed at Area HQ of the Areas as well as ITI
Nagpur. GPS receiver will simultaneously send the positional data to the respective
AHQ server & ITI CUSTOMER HQ server.
12. The vendor should submit the authorization in original from the manufacturer of
GPS devices, VTS Software and RF ID Reader, Boom Barrier access control systems,
PC, Work Station, Server, NVR, IP Radios, IP Cameras, UPS mentioning the specific
tender no. for participating and for provision of comprehensive AMC for four years
after one year warranty & spares & service support for five years from the date of
13. The bidder must submit an undertaking to provide comprehensive service support
with spares for all the tendered items for 5 years.
14. The bidder must execute a SLA agreement as per the terms & conditions given in
Annexure 'X'.
15. The bidder shall impart training of 2 weeks at the site for atleast 5 persons in each
16. The bidder should submit technical write up and technical literature / brochure of
all major components ( GPS, RFID Reader, Boom barrier based access control
PC's, Work Station, Server, NVR, IP Radios, IP Cameras, UPS & Towers ) along with
system block diagram mentioning solution of the offered system including system
integration in support of justification of various features / parameters / specifications
of the system to meet the requirement stipulated in this document.
17. Bidder must submit all the softwares used in the system in CD ROM and all
manuals for maintenance, administration ( 2 hard copy & 2 soft copy ) at the time of
18. After the successful installation and implementation of GPS units in contractual
Tippers engaged in movement of Coal, same shall be maintained / replaced by the
successful bidder during the entire period of contract. However if the GPS units are
damaged either intentionally or driver’s fault (for all Vehicles), or stolen, the repair /
replacement cost will be borne by the ITI CUSTOMER.
19. PBG should be 10 % of the total ordered value including revenue charges & shall be
valid for Five years period.
B. The key objectives of the System are:
1. To track the vehicle live & replay.
2. To enable the Manager Office of the Mines / control room to manage the
transportation of coal movement within the mines on a real time basis.
3. To monitor Route Deviations.
4. To monitor excessive delays.
5. GPS generated Total Distance Traveled Report.
6. To capture the video stream & snapshots of the trucks & to send the truck images
generated in weigh bridges to be automatically transmitted to AHQ server.
7. The GPS system shall have provision to generate Maps for Dynamic geofencing
(Point, Line and Polygon), Facility of zoom in, zoom out and panning, Facility to turn
on/ off of map layers, Ensure security and confidentiality of data captured, Facility
to create Dynamic Routes on the Map Engine by clicking on the Map, Facility to
calculate the distance on the map between two or more points, Map Engine should
have an option for Full Screen viewing, All the moving GPS fitted vehicle should be
shown as an icon in the geographical view, Displays different icons for vehicles on
trip and not on trip. Map for the VTS application should be on minimum 1:10000
8. The GPS system will generate SMS & email alerts in : When a trip starts initially from
the source point, When a trip ends at the destination point, When the GPS unit was
tampered or cut off from the vehicle battery, Route Violation Stoppage beyond
specific period.
9. The system should generate Route Violation Alert / Report, Idle & Stoppage
Abnormal Delay in reaching destination (> one hour delay), Total Distance Traveled
Report along with Trip Report (daily / weekly basis) & also calculate total weight
and trips made by each vehicle per day /week/month.
C. The scope of work is given below:
1. Supply, installation & commissioning of 570 nos of GPS devices, 432 nos of IP
cameras & 164 nos PCs one each in weighbridges, 96 nos of PTP IP Radios, 48 nos of
PTMP radio & 295 nos of CPEs & Towers and its software to host on central data
base WEB server installed at AHQ of each Areas & ITI CUSTOMERHQ & 316 nos of
readers, 100nos of Boom Barrier based access control system along with IR / photo
electric sensors in the mine entry / exit point & sidings along with associate
electronics & 110 ( 10 for each Areas & 10 for ITI CUSTOMERHQ ) login access for
Manager Office ( control rooms ) & other offices.
2. All the softwares to be interfaced with adjunct units like RF ID Readers & Boom
Barrier with IR sensor interface, IP Radio system interface, Video surveillance shall
be part of the offered system. The video feed shall be recorded in the NVR to be
located at respective Area HQ.
3. Application software should cover software for tracking GPS based devices mounted
on vehicles, and for triggering Boom Barrier & Traffic signal at check post ( entry /
exit point ) & Siding of the mine & for taking snapshot & video stream of trucks by IP
Cameras including IP Radio network system.
4. The bidder / service provider will provide suitable software for monitoring &
recording the uptime for GPS services, central server & also % availability for the
GPS, RF ID Readers, Boom barrier, Camera, IP Radio, Servers.
5. Application software to be developed for two type of vehicles transportation used in
the mines, one for internal transportation of coal from mines / loading point to the
siding / dispatch point & the other is for the road sales for dispatch of coal from
mines to the exist point of the mine(s). The software should be capable of generating
minewise / Sub area wise MIS reports of total nos of vehicles entered to the
weighbridges for both type of vehicles along with total weighment of coal separately
for each weighbridge / mine.
6. The software should cover entire operations of transportation of coal for every
vehicle covered under this contract, right from entry in the mining area at the check
post to the unloading points.
D.i. Mode of operational flow of Transportation:
The proposed system should be such that each Truck will report to respective Sub Area
Office / Mine Manager for getting an RFID Tag. The necessary information such as
Truck Registration number, Consumer/transporter name, Permit details , address and
othe rrequired details shall be recorded into the system. The RFID tag then will be
suitably affixed on the each truck so that it should be retrievable later on by RFID
Reader. Before entering the check post, Truck will cross the IR / Photo optical sensor
zone and an intrusion will be detected and controller will send signal to the RF ID device
and reader reads the RF ID Tag and verify and after getting authentication traffic signal
shows green light and boom barrier which will normallyremains open and Truck is
allowed to enter the mine premises. If there is no Tag on the Truck and is entered, then
IR Controller send command signal to the RF ID Reader to close the boom barrier and
vehicle will be sent back. For this 4 nos of photoelectric sensors to be mounted on stand
in pairs at both the sides of the road along with controller and application software. Now
Truck will go to the weighbridges for Tare weight (weight of empty truck only) and it will
be logged in WB PC & AHQ Server with date & time.
As the truck will approach the WB, IP based CCTV camera will take video recording
whichwill be stored in WB PC as well as well as transmitted to NVR at AHQ for
centralized storing. Vehicle will stop on the WB platform and RFID Reader will read the
RFID Tag information. After completing identification process, a virtual chalan would
pop up in the PC at the WB PC with the details of the vehicle and tare weight, a
snapshot of the truck/vehicle shall be embedded on this virtual challan. The details of
vehicle will be stored in the WB PC and Area Server. .Now the truck shall proceed to
the loading area(s) of the mine(s). After getting loaded the truck/vehicle comes back
again to the Weighbridge,
where it is authenticated by the RFID reader. After authentication the truck now moves
on the WB platform. The same virtual challan is popped up again in the WB PC, the
gross weight is now recorded in the challan. The printout generated of the challan is
handed over to the truck/vehicle driver.
Vehicle now proceeds towards the exit check post where it is again authenticated, after
authentication the vehicle is allowed to move towards siding. At the siding also the
Vehicle is authenticated by RFID reader, boom barriers opens and the vehicle moves
on the WB platform. The gross weight of the vehicle/truck is recorded on the same
virtual chalan. The gross weight of the truck/vehicle taken at the mine(s) WB and
Siding(s) WB is cross checked and the difference in weight is recorded on the same
virtual challan. The coal now is dumped at the dump-yard. The truck now comes back to
the WB Platform, (after getting authenticated) the tare weight of the truck/vehicle is
again recorded on the same virtual challan. Net weight of the coal (Gorss Weight – Tare
weight of the truck) should also be recorded in each virtual challan. If any discrepancies
found, exceptional a report will be generated. A comprehensive data sheet should be
generated & stores in the Area server as per the format given below :
D.ii. Transportation Flow for Road Sale Vehicles:
In case of road sale the temporary RFID tag can be reused after completion of each trip.
each trip of road sale, the validity of RFID Tag will be mentioned in RFID Tag &
The software solution should be designed accordingly. The road sales truck driver shall
report to mine/sub area office for getting temporary RF ID tag. The officer at the
area office shall record the information of the truck like truck registration no. Consumer
permit details etc. Based on the information stored on the Area server and a temporary
ID card having a unique no mapped with the information collected is issued to the truck
driver. Now the truck moves to the mines through entry check post.
The truck would be authenticated at the mines check post as per the procedure of
transportation and allowed to move to the WB, IP based CCTV camera will take video
recording which will be stored in WB PC as well as well as transmitted to NVR at AHQ
centralized storing. Vehicle will stop on the WB platform and RFID Reader will read the
RFID Tag information. After completing identification process, a virtual chalan would
popup in the WB PC with the details of the vehicle and current tare weight, a snapshot
of the truck/vehicle shall be embedded on this virtual chalan. The details of vehicle will
be stored in the WB PC and Area Server. Now the truck shall proceed to the loading
area(s) of the mine(s). After getting loaded the truck/vehicle comes back to the
Weighbridge, where it’s authenticated by the RFID reader. After authentication the truck
now moves on the WB platform. The same virtual chalan is popped up again in the WB
PC, the gross weight is now recorded in the chalan. The printout generated of the
challan is handed over to the truch/vehicle driver.
Vehicle now proceed the exit check post where it is again authenticated. Upon
authentication the truck driver shall hand over the RFID tag to the personal at the exit
post and the truck would be allowed to move out.
D.iii. SLA Terms & Penalty:
1. The bidder should enter into an SLA agreement with ITI CUSTOMER & must ensure
up time of 95 % monthly availability of the GPS, Boom barrier, Camera, IP Radios. The
penalty per day will be calculated as follows :
a. Total Uptime shall be calculated on prorata basis of CAMC charges for GPS, Boom
barrier, Camera, IP Radios on daily basis & shall be averaged to monthly as :( sum of total nos of GPS, RF ID Readers, Boom barrier, Camera, IP Radio, Server, –
sum of total nos of GPS, RF ID Readers , Boom barrier, Camera, IP Radio, Server,
under breakdown ) x 100 / sum of total nos of GPS, RF ID Readers, Boom barrier,
Camera, IP Radio, Server.
The deduction in payment will be made for the down time in quarterly bills raised by
vendor on pro-rata basis on the recurring ordered value for each year.
If the uptime in a month goes below 75 %, the user has the right of cancellation of the
order & revocation of bank guarantee.
E. The specifications of GPS devices, IP Radios and IP Cameras , RF ID Boom
barrier access control system & servers are given below :
E.I. Technical specifications of Mobile Data Terminal Device (GPS)
1. General features:
(i) GPS (Location, speed, heading, time stamp) data polling and sending
frequency capability of less than or equal to 30 sec.
(ii) Location on demand on GPRS/SMS.
(iii) Memory to store min 15000 positional log.
2. GPS Specs: The devices should be dash board mounted unit with communication
module which shall capture & transmit realtime vehicle location with accuracy &
(i) Parallel GPS Receiver 16-Channel or more
(ii) Sensitivity : better than (-)157dBm
(iii) Less than 10 mtr Positional Accuracy, ( 2dRMS)
3. GPRS Communication
(i) In- Built Triband GPRS module/Modem
(ii) GPRS class 10 or Above
iii). Should support all – Data, GPRS, TCP/IP, FTP
4. Battery backup
(i) Suitable battery for 8 hrs or more in active mode
5. Operational Environment Variables
i. Temperature range ; 0° C to 55 °C
ii. Humidity Level: 5% to 95% non-condensing
6. Antennas
i. Should have internal GPRS antenna & should not be mounted in open to avoid
ii. Should have internal GPS antenna & should not be mounted in open to avoid
7. Ports
i. 2 or more digital Inputs
ii. 2 or more digital outputs
iii. 1 or more analog inputs & 1 no. RS232 port or 1 no. USB port.
8. Additional Features
i. Status LED’s to indicate Power, GPS and GPRS status.
ii. Over the air configuration of parameters.
iii. Remote administration & firmware update over the air.
iv. Enclosure protection : IP 65 or above
v. The unit should operate from 12 / 24 volts battery of the vehicle along with surge
E.II. Fixed Box IP Cameras: 2MP / 1080P High Definition H.264 Vari-Focal IR
1. Imaging Sensor: 1/3 “ Sony progressive scan
2. Resolutions : 1920 x 1080 pixels
3. Lens: Vari-focal : focal length 2.8 mm to 12 mm.
4. IR beam Distance: 50 mtr IR distance ( inbuilt or external )
5. Electronic Shutter: Manual / Auto mode
6. Zoom: Focus: Auto / Manual.
7. Streaming: Simultaneously dual streaming.
8. Audio Encoder: RTSP: G.711 64kbps, G.726 32kbps
10. Complied with ONVIF
11. Builtin storage : Micro SD up to 32 GB
12. Event Detection: External input; Object Detection; Audio detection; Face detection;
Camera tampering; Tripwire detection (Cross Line) detection with Entrance,
Desertion or Theft options
13. Power Supply: 12V DC or 24V AC external power adapter & PoE: IEEE 802.3af
14. Connectors : RJ-45 10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base-T; 12VDC power jack;
Terminal, 1 alarm input and 1 output; RS485; Audio out; Equipped with external
MIC input; reset
15. Operating Temp: 0°C to 55°C
16. Operating Humidity: 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)
17. Protections: IP65, weather-proof vandal-proof
18. Certifications: CE / FCC / UL / NABL.
19. OEM shall be ISO 9001:2000 certified.
20. The enclosure box should be with heater, Blower, Wiper, vandal-proof.
E.III. Specifications of IP Radios : The specification covers procurement of point to
point,point to multi point and CPE Radio system complete with all services such as RF
designing,planning, installation, commissioning, post warranty support. The offered
technology should be the latest / best considering the geographical terrain requirement
to ensure proper throughput & latency of the network.
1. The bidder shall carry out the feasibility for assessing the requirement and apprise
themselves fully on the site condition before submitting the offer. It is to be clearly
understood by the bidder to establish successful communication link between
various locations to AHQ and link budget for assured cuncurrent 20 Mbps
bandwidth at CPE port should be submitted. Actual tower height required to be
finalysed by the bidder on proper radio site survey of various locations.
2. Frequency Range: 2.4 GHz / 5.8 GHz or in combination as per requirement, ISM un
lincenced free band.
3. The proposed network architecture shall have central station at AHQ & shall be
networked with the Sub Areas in a point to point configuration and downward to
weigh bridges, check posts, sidings & unit stores as point to multi point Architecture
from Sub Areas.
4. The offered radio systems should be of IP V 6.0 compliant and should have 128 / 256
bit encryption.
5. System standards: All the radio equipments shall comply fully with all customer
defined mandatory requirement and conforming to the latest version of ETSI / FCC/
IEEE & must have ETA / TAC ( Type Approval Certificate ) approval of WPC and to
be submitted along with the bid.
6. Network Management: Security, access control, report generation and debugging
facility along with other standard features should be provided. The networking
management system at AHQ ( Network Operator Control ) to manage and configure
base stations and remote station unit. The functionality includes automatic and
manual device discovering of all network elements such as base stations, remote
stations etc and system shall keep detailsof all network elements. It should provide
throuput / bandwidth test tools.
7. IP Protection : IP 66.
8. Operating temperature for ODUs : up to 55 deg. Celcius.
9. Quality of Service: Advanced QoS with multiple service flows and classifier priorities
1. VLAN ID (IEEE 802.1q)
2. VLAN Priority ( IEEE 802.1p)
(a) Point to Point Radios :
1. System consisting of outdoor and indoor equipment, antenna, cables ( RF / IF ) with
connectors, system software and all other hardware and software required for
operation, monitoring & configuration of the link. It should support GPS / other
synchronisation technique to eliminate mutual interference & interface due to other
self transmitting stations.
2. It shall be carrier type point to point broad band wireless access radio system.
3. The system shall support flexible quality of services and cuncurrent use of IP, VOIP
for voice and data applications
4. Channel Bandwidth : 05/10/20/40 MHz with 5 MHz steps.
5. Should support SNMP & Telnet.
6. Distance coverage : up to 30 Kms.
7. Modulation technology : 2 x 2 OFDM – MIMO.
8. Throughput : Should be min. 200 Mbps agregate.
9. Network interface should support 1 G bit ethernet port.
( b ) Point to Multi Point Radios :
1. System consisting of outdoor and indoor equipment, antenna, cables ( RF / IF ) with
connectors, system software and all other hardware and software required for
operation, monitoring & configuration of the link.
10. It should support GPS / other synchronisation technique to eliminate mutual
interference & interface due to other self transmitting stations.
2. Modulation technology : 2 x 2 OFDM – MIMO with diversity.
3. It shall be carrier type point to multi point broad band wireless access radio system.
4. Channel Bandwidth : 05/10/20/40 MHz with 5 MHz steps.
5. Throughput : Should be min. 200 Mbps ( aggregate ) with 60/90/120 coverage sector
antenna only.
6. Radio should cover distance of 25 Kms.
7. Should support SNMP & Telnet.
8. No of CPE per base station : Min 30 CPE per base station.
11. Network interface should support 1 G bit ethernet port.
( c ) CPE Radios :
1. System consisting of outdoor and indoor equipment, antenna, cables ( RF / IF ) with
connectors, system software and all other hardware and software required for
operation, monitoring & configuration of the link.
2. It shall be carrier type point to multi point broad band wireless access radio system.
3. Channel Bandwidth : 05/10/20 MHz with 5 MHz steps.
4. Radio should cover distance of 25 Kms.
5. Modulation technology : 2 x 2 OFDM – MIMO.
6. Throughput : Should be min. 20 Mbps.
E.IV. Mast/Tower at central / base station / Location:
1. The Tower height required: As required to establish successful communication link
between Remote locations. The actual tower height is required to be finalized by the
bidder on proper radio site survey of various locations. Vendor need to erect tower
with civil foundation.
2. Bidders are to quote 51 mtrs towers in each AHQ of the Areas.
3. Bidders are to quote either 31 mtrs or 42 mtrs towers in each of the Sub Areas & has
to specify the offered quantity of 31 mtrs & 42 mtrs towers in the BOM & the total
quantity should not increase beyond 48 nos which is the total quantity for both the
4. The foundation for mounting the mast should be properly cemented as per IS 456
5. Mast/tower should be capable of supporting at least 160 Km/hour wind speed.
foundation should have a base plate as per IS 800.
6. The Mast should be made of GI pipes as per IS (IS – 1239)
7. Masts should be erected straight and should have minimum four bolts in the
foundation to erect the mast.
8. All the bolts and Nuts should be properly secured and should have anti rusting
9. The guy wires, three anchors minimum, should be aligned at 120 degrees each and
should be anchored at a minimum distance of 9 meters away from the centre of the
base. If distance specification cannot be met, four guy wires (aligned at 90 degrees
each) or more should be used. The Guy wires should be multi-stranded and hot
dipped and have a minimum of 8 mm thickness. Guy wires should be greased
throughout the length.
10. Must be equipped with lightening Arrestor & Aviation lamp.
E.V. Specs for GI Pole / Mast at Remote location
1. The foundation for mounting the mast should be properly cemented as per IS 456
2. Mast / Pole should be capable of supporting at least 160 Km/hour wind speed.
3. Foundation should have a base plate as per IS 800.
4. The Mast / Pole should be made of GI pipes as per IS (IS – 1239)
5. Masts should be erected straight and should have minimum four bolts in the
foundation to erect the mast. All the bolts and Nuts should be properly secured and
should have anti rusting coating.
6. Must be equipped with lightening Arrestor & aviation lamp.
7. Bidders are to quote either 05 or 10 or 15 mtrs in each of the Weighbridges, unit
stores, Check posts, Sidings & has to specify the offered quantity of 5/10/15 mtrs
towers in the BOM & the total quantity should not increase beyond 295 nos which is
the total quantity for the towers of allt he three heights.
8. These GI Poles shall also be used for installation of IP Cameras & IP Radios.
E.VI. RF ID TAG : RFID Tag for road sales Vehicle with following specification or
RFID Tag for Vehicle with following specification or higher:
· Operating Frequency: 860-960MHz, (Should be de-licensed)
· Chip Type: EPC class 1 Gen 2 compliant up to 512 bits, Data retention of 10
years, Write endurance 100000 cycles
· Storage Temp: -40°C to +70°C
· Operating Temp: -5°C to +55°C
· Ingress Protection: IP 65
· Operating mode: Passive (battery-less transponder)
· Flexible Read / Write Range: 5 meter and longer
· Rugged construction for high durability
· Use: Attachment by screws with the help of two holes.
Environment: Metallic
I. b. RF ID Tags for road sale vehicle : Remains same as above
E.VII. RF ID Reader with application software :
Long Range UHF RFID Reader with built-in Antenna with IP 65 sealed for capturing
information from RFID Tags fixed on Trucks. RFID Reader should be with Water Proof
65 Protection Class. RFID Reader should be installed in the metallic pipe at appropriate
height. The pipe should be properly grouted and protected in suitable enclosure.
Application software should be an integrated software for tracking RF ID Tags mounted
vehicles, and for triggering Boom Barrier at the entry point ( check post ) in the mines &
Traffic signal and for taking snapshot & video stream of trucks by IP Cameras at
weighbridges including IP Radios on the basis of inputs from RF ID Reader.
All the Area offices will be provided with servers. Tag Unique ID is mapped with Vehicle
data at the back end server at Area office. UHF Readers are used to monitor the
vehicle entering into the mine ( check post ) & weighbridges & the vehicle data is
from the database & the same data base is also stored/retrievable at PC of
Application Software for operation & interfacing with radio to be linked to Area server for
authentication, controller and other necessary accessories must be provided along with
approval. The RFID Reader should have the following specification or higher:
1. Transponder Protocol: EPC Global – Gen 2 (ISO 1800-6C), Anti-Collision,
2. Antenna: Integrated monostatic or Bi-static with Option to add external Antenna
3. RF Power Output: From 10 dBm to 30 dBm (1 W), +/-1 .0 dBm accuracy
4. Frequency: 865-867 MHz or Any other frequencies approved by WPC India
5. Data Control Interface: Industrial port : 10/100 Base-T Ethernet interface, Serial
RS232 port;
6. GPIOs: 4 Inputs & 4 Outputs
7. External DC Power: 10 - 30 VDC supply voltage.
8. Maximum DC power: upto 40W
9. Operating temperature: From -5°C to +50°C
10. Storage Temperature: From -40°C to +70°C
11. DRAM Memory: 64 MB
12. Flash Memory: 32 MB
13. TAG Buffer: More than 50,000 tags
14. Minimum TAG Read Rate: Over 150 tags/second
15. Minimum TAG Read Distance: 5 to 8 mtrs.
16. Network Protocols: Should Support DHCP, TCP/IP, DNS, SNMP, SNTP (Simple
Network Time Protocol), IPV6.
17. Must have ETA / TAC approval certificate of WPC & certificate is to be enclosed.
E.VIII. Boom Barrier :
Boom Barrier is to restrict and Routing of trucks. Boom Barrier to be controlled by GPIO
with RFID Reader identifying authorized vehicle. The Boom Barrier should have
specification or higher.
1. Power Supply: AC 230 V
2. Power Frequency: 50 Hz
3. Electro-motor rating frequency: 230 W
4. Boom Length: 5 meter ( Min )
5. Boom Opening Time: 8-10 sec
6. Running Noise: < 60 dB
7. Operating Temperature: 0°C to +55°C
8. Humidity: 5% to 95% (Non-Condensing)
9. Communication: Relay Interface to connect with any Access Control or R.F.
Identification Reader device.
10. With TCP IP.
11. Protection class IP 54.
12. Should operate with photo electric / loop detector ; 4 nos of photo electric sensors /
any other detecting device to be mounted on 6 mts pole along with civil foundation
& necessary wiring shall be through GI pipe. It shall be installed in pairs at both sides
of the road. One sensor shall act as transmitter and another as receiver. A TCP IP
based controller shall be installed for communication.
E.IX. Traffic Signal :
Traffic Signal to be mounted to Pole. All accessories including mounting pole with High
Strength. Pole should be of 7.5 meter length straight pole (Class B Medium) MS Pipe of
Mark and protected in suitable enclosure.
E.X Operator PC with 18.5” TFT monitor for Weighbridges & Sub Area Offices:
PC with 18.5” TFT should have following specification or higher for the
1. Processor: Intel core i5 3470, 3.2GHz, 6M Cache, 5.0GT/s DMI or higher
2. Chipset: Intel Q77 Express chipset or higher
3. Motherboard: Intel/OEM motherboard
4. Memory: 4 GB DDR-III 1066/1333 MHz dual channel Expandable upto 32 GB with 4
Memory slots
5. Hard Disk Drive: 1 TB SATA II 3.0Gbps with 6 SATA Ports
6. Optical Drive: 8X SATA DVD Writer or higher
7. Graphics: Integrated Intel High Definition Graphics Memory
8. Ethernet: Integrated 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet controller with PXE and WOL
9. Bays: 2*Front Accessible 5.25", 1*Front Accessible 3.5", 1*Internal 3.5"
10. Slots: 4 PCI/PCI express slot
11. I/O Ports: Rear : 1 PS/2, 1 Serial, 1 VGA,1 RJ-45, 4 USB , 1 DVI-D port Front : 2
12. Audio Port: Front : 1 Audio out Rear : 1 Line In, 1 Line Out, 1 MIC In
13. Power Supply: 250 W ATX or higher Surge Protected 85% or higher Power Supply
14. Monitor: 18.5" Color LED with TCO 05 & 1366 x 768 resolution
15. Keyboard: OEM 107 keys Mechanical KBD with Rupee symbol
16. Mouse: 2 Button Optical USB mouse with scroll
17. Operating system: Windows 7 Professional Preloaded with Recovery Media
18. anagement Features: OEM's Browser based desktop management software.
Recovery S/W: OEM's Recovery S/W/Protection Tool significantly increases the
system up time in following conditions.
· Accidental File / Folder deletion or overwrite.
· System down at critical moments.
· System corruption by viruses, spy‐wares or Trojans.
· Accidental formatting of the any of the hard disk partitions
Security Features: Power on Password, Serial, Parallel, USB interface lock through
BIOS, Chassis Intrusion and padlock support
Compliance: DMI , ACPI & RoHS
Certificates: Machine : Windows 7 certified, Linux certified, FCC and Energy star
E.XI.. Operator Work Station (without monitor) should have following
specification or
higher at AHQ of the Areas for viewing GPS map / Vehicle monitoring, hosting RF
software & IP radio monitoring software.
1. CPU: Work station should be quoted with. Intel Xeon Quad core processor or higher.
The Frequency should be minimum 2.2 GHz
2. Operating System: 64-bit operating system ( Windows – 7 professional ).
3. Memory: 16 GB RAM DDR3 RAM with ECC memory expandable up to 128 GB
5. Controller: Integrated RAID controller & hot plug HDD with RAID 0,1
6. Networking features: 1 dual port Ethernet card minimum 1Gbps
7. Optical drive: DVD Drive with latest speed (Internal/external)
8. Form Factor: 2U Rack Mountable Server or lower
9. Redundant power: Redundant Power Supply
E.XII. Color A3 size Laser Printer with following specification or higher.(for ITI
Area HQ)
· Resolution (in dpi): Mono 600x600
· Paper Size: A3/A4
· Print speed in PPM (A4 Size): 25
· Port: 1 USB
· Memory (in MB): 8 MB,
· Network card 10/100: YES, Duplexing
E.XIII. A4 Size Laser Printer (for WBs & Sub Areas)
A4 size Printer with following specification or higher.
· Resolution (in dpi): Mono 600x600
· Paper Size: A4
· Print speed in PPM (A4 Size): 24
· Port: 1 USB
· Memory (in MB): 8 MB,
Network card 10/100: YES, Duplexing
E.XIV. Area Server should have following specification or higher.
1. CPU: Server should be quoted with 2 Nos. Intel Xeon Hex core processor. The
Frequency should be minimum 2.2 GHz or higher cores.
2. OS support : Support for 64‐bit operating system (Windows/Unix/Linux) as
3. Memory: 48 GB RAM DDR3 RAM with ECC memory expandable up to 128 GB (4
GB per Core)
4. HDD: 4x1TB SAS/ SATA/ NL‐SAS HDDs. HDDs should be scalable to minimum of
8 Nos.
5. Controller: Integrated RAID controller & hot plug HDD with RAID 0,1
6. Networking features: 1 dual port Ethernet card minimum 1Gbps
7. Optical drive: Internal / external DVD Drive with latest speed
8. Form Factor: 2U or smaller Rack Mountable Server
9. Redundant power: Redundant Power Supply
10. Software Solution (including Licenses of OS ).
E.XV. 64-CHANNEL NETWORK VIDEO RECORDER of 32TB Storage Capacity with
following Specifications or higher.
Compression H.264 / MPEG-4 / M-JPEG
Resolution 2 MP / Full HD / mega-pixel / D1 / CIF / QCIF
Audio Streaming Two-way
Split screen 1/4/8/16/32
Live View
Up to 5 monitors can be automatically detected for different functions
Display Mode Live / E-Map / Playback / Event Monitor
Display Mode
User defined layout patterns
PTZ Digital PTZ / Auto Pan / Preset Sequence
Sequence All / Manually selected cameras in split view / self-define
patterns with configurable timer
Snapshot Video snapshot in JPEG
E-Map Motion detected events display on dual layer E-Map (NVR / Camera)
E-Map Monitor
Display Dual-layer E-Map Monitor for Event Management
Event Trigger Pop-up video displayed on the map
Time/Data, Event (with thumbnail displays)
Event Search : All / Time / Channel / Event Type / Event ID
Play / Pause / Stop / Forward / rewind
Export AVI Export recorded files to AVIs or equivalent format
Trigger & Events
Smart Motion Detection
Digital Input Receive trigger from camera's or NVR's digital input port
Camera digital input / Intelligent video detections / NVR digital input
Event Actions On-screen alerts / Mail / FTP / Configurable alert sound
NVR / Camera Status Disconnect / Connect / Recording / Event
System Info System time / Current login users / System Log
32 TB
E.XVI. Network Video Management Software along with Server for ITI CUSTOMER
1. Network Video Management Software (NVMS) should be compatible with all 10
locations of ITI CUSTOMER & should have GUI to monitor & to manage the Network/IP
cameras supplied.
2. All the software & hardware equipments for Camera, NVR & VMS shall be of the
same manufacturer.
3. The software must be supplied with software, license registration, software license
certificate and instruction for registration. It shall be compatible with the IP network
cameras supplied and work seamlessly for an effective monitoring and management
4. Proper management software shall be provided to make it easier to change the
configuration and upgrade firmware version of the cameras campus wide.
5. It should meet batch configuration of IP cameras, batch upgrade of firmware, detect
the power up/down of IP cameras and send alert.
6. The Video Surveillance solution should support high-resolution, Video Surveillance
Cameras to captureVideo.
7. The core component of the Video Surveillance solution should manage, store, and
deliver video. It should support for encoding, distributing, managing and archiving
video feeds.
8. The Video Surveillance Storage System can be in SAN/NAS/DAS formats. The
storage system allows for secure and access video locally or remotely.
9. Viewing system authenticates and manages access to video feeds. It is a centralized
tool for management of virtual matrixes, cameras, encoders, and viewers as well as
for viewing network-based video.
10. The system should support open architecture and standards such as HTTP, RTP,
11. The VMS should allow operators to monitor and control the video in the command
center and display of video feeds on multiple local and remote monitors.
12. It should have IP based transmission mechanism which should support video
transmission working in union with the advanced features of the IP network
infrastructure (switches, routers, and other networks security).
13. The system should be capable of recording at 25fps or higher and handle higher
resolution (minimum of 2.0 Mega Pixels).
14. The VMS should have recording system capable of recording in MJPEG or MxPEG
H.264 or MPEG-4 format streaming camera at user defined frame rates.
15. The VMS should use Video Analytics (VA) on all the cameras except PTZ.
16. The VA essentials like Video Motion Detection (VMD), Object removed in playback
should be available.
17. Camera tampering analytics shall be enabled on all cameras. Alarms shall be
generated in case of camera tampering.
18. The solution supplied shall have advance image correction & enhancement so has
see through Fog, Smog and Smoke
19. The following functions shall be basic to the NVMS like failover for the Network
video Recording Server or NAS for min of 10 minutes and shift over to alternate
recording systems like FTP.
20. Should be provided with features like virtual guard tour, manual PTZ control, preset
of alarm, automatic camera detection, centralized device management, uninterrupted
configuration changes, event logging etc.
21. Shall support a virtual multi-site command center that integrates disparate sites into
a single monitoring station.
22. Must be capable of supporting multiple monitoring stations with layered
administrative override capability
23. Shall show real-time geographic display of sites information like Camera locations
and alarm conditions
24. Shall provide integration of camera from multiple camera OEM.
25. Should give 2D Map view with the camera angle of view with different indication of
video conditions.
26. Recordings should be schedulable on particular cameras at specified times. Each
camera can have its own schedule, which can be configured for any time in the
27. Should have Application Programming Interface (API) to share information from
other smart systems
28. using an open architecture communication interface.
29. The NVMS shall support 100 camera from the time of commissioning of the system
and shall be provided with such licenses to support 300 cameras with 15
simultaneous Client (View-station) License
30. Should have facility for remote sharing of Video clips with other security forces
personnel remote from the operations center through various kinds of media,
including, handheld PDA, CD, DVD, and flash drives.
31. The NVMS software should be able to run on a COTS (commercial off the shelf)
hardware server supporting Microsoft Windows operating system. The hardware
specification has been provided in detail in the server specification section.
32. It should be a highly scalable, enterprise level software solution. It should offer a
complete Video Surveillance solution that will be scalable from one to hundreds of
cameras that can be added as and when required. It should allow for seamless
integration of third party security infrastructure where possible.
33. The software should provide automatic search and registration of components of
proposed system on the network such as cameras, monitors, alarm panels, NVRs etc.
34. The system should allow for live view, playback and system configuration of the IP
video system.
35. The system should allow for creation of multiple users and user groups and assign
tasks to each.
36. It should be capable of showing video pane layouts including 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5,
various Hot Spots (1+5, 1+7, 1+9, 1+12, 1+16) and custom layouts.
37. It should have facilities for play, forward, rewind, pause along with fast forward and
rewind for reviewing the recorded videos.
38. The application should allow for timesynchronized playback of different cameras
together in the same video pane.
39. The system should be capable of recording 100 cameras localy.
40. Log report shall be used to search the device alarm events, device operations, user
login, web operation.log reports shall be exported in XML / CSV / TIFF / PDF, web
archive and excel file formats.
Online UPS 2 KVA should have following specification or higher. VA Rating : 2 KVA
a) Inverter technology: PWM TECHNOLOGY
b) Noise level: Less than 45 dB
c)Humidity : 10% - 90% Non condensing
d) Harmonic Distortion: Less than < 3% for linear load & less than < 5% for
non linear load.
e) Output Waveform : Sinusoidal
f) Cold Start Feature : Should be provided
g) Generator compatibility : Should be provided even with Genset having distorted
wave form & frequency fluctuations (more than 45 Hz)
h) Default Software : WINDOWS / UNIX / LINUX
i) RS 232 Port (SNMP): 1 No.
a) Input Voltage : 160V AC to 280V AC
b) Input Frequency Range : 50 Hz ± 10%
c) Input over voltage protection : Should be provided
d) Input under voltage protection : Should be provided
a) Output Voltage : 230V AC single phase
b) Regulation : 230V AC ± 1%
c) Output frequency : 50.0Hz ± 0.2Hz
d) Transient response : ± 10% with 100% load of P.F 0.8%
e) Load Power Factor : 0.7 Lagging
f) Short circuit protection: should be provided.
g) Output over voltage protection: should be provided.
h) Output under voltage protection: should be provided.
i) Efficiency: Better than 90 %.
j) Battery low: UPS should shut down.
k) Over load: UPS should shut down.
m) Indicators : Mains ON, Battery Charging, Battery Low, Invertor On, Output Low &
High Voltage, UPS overload, UPS on by pass
n) Digital Metering : AC Input / Output Voltage, AC Input / Output Current, Battery
Charge/Discharge Current or Battery Capacity, Battery Charging Voltage, Frequency
Input / Output
o) Alarms (Audible) : Mains failure Battery low Overload
p) Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) Battery : Capacity 6200 VAH
q) Placed on Battery rack made of Mild Steel.
E.XVIII. Online UPS 5 KVA should have following specification or higher.
VA Rating : 5 KVA
a) Inverter technology: PWM TECHNOLOGY
b) Noise level: Less than 45 dB
c) Humidity : 10% - 90% Non condensing
d) Harmonic Distortion: Less than < 3% for linear load & less than < 5% for
non linear load.
e) Output Waveform : Sinusoidal
f) Cold Start Feature : Should be provided
g) Generator compatibility : Should be provided even with Genset having
distorted wave form & frequency fluctuations (more than 45 Hz)
h) Default Software : WINDOWS / UNIX / LINUX
i) RS 232 Port (SNMP): 1 No.
a) Input Voltage : 160V AC to 280V AC
b) Input Frequency Range : 50 Hz ± 10%
c) Input over voltage protection : Should be provided
d) Input under voltage protection : Should be provided
a) Output Voltage : 230V AC single phase
b) Regulation : 230V AC ± 1%
c) Output frequency : 50.0Hz ± 0.2Hz
d) Transient response : ± 10% with 100% load of P.F 0.8%
e) Load Power Factor : 0.7 Lagging
f) Short circuit protection: should be provided.
g) Output over voltage protection: should be provided.
h) Output under voltage protection: should be provided.
i) Efficiency: Better than 90%.
j) Battery low: UPS should shut down.
k) Over load: UPS should shut down.
m) Indicators : Mains ON, Battery Charging, Battery Low, Invertor On,
Output Low & High Voltage, UPS overload, UPS on by pass
n) Digital Metering : AC Input / Output Voltage, AC Input / Output Current,
Battery Charge/Discharge Current or Battery Capacity, Battery Charging
Voltage, Frequency Input / Output
o) Alarms (Audible) : Mains failure Battery low Overload
p) Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) Battery : Capacity 12400 VAH
q) Placed on Battery rack made of Mild Steel.
E.XVIX. ITI CUSTOMER HQ Server with following specification: Qty : 3 nos
1. CPU: Server should be quoted with 4 Nos. Intel Xeon processors Hex core. The
Frequency should be minimum 2.2 GHz or higher..
2. OS Support: Support for 64-bit operating system (Windows/Unix/Linux) as
3. Memory: 96 GB RAM DDR3 RAM with ECC memory expandable up to 192 GB
4. HDD Bays: Minimum 06 TB (internal/external) in Raid 5 and the disk type with one
hot spare as SAS/SATA/NL-SAS support
5. Controller: Integrated RAID controller & hot plug HDD with RAID levels 5
6. Networking features: 1 Dual port Ethernet card minimum 1 Gbps
7. SAN Connectivity: Dual port HBA card with minimum 8Gbps per port, along with
the required cables for connectivity to Storage Subsystem.
8. Optical drive: Internal / external DVD Drive with latest speed
9. Form Factor: 4U or smaller Rack Mountable Server
10. Power supply: Redundant Power Supply
E.XX. 8 Bays Network Attached Storage :
CPU Intel® Xeon® E5-2407v2 (2.4GHz/4-core/10MB/80W))or higher
Memory 16 GB RAM
HDD 3.5" SATA I/II HDD x 8 each HDD should have 4 TB storage capacity
HDD Tray 2U / 8 x Hot-swappable and lockable tray
LAN Port 2 x 10/100/1000 M Gigabit Ethernet ports with load balancing and
USB 2 x USB 2.0 port
Network Protocols •TCP/IP, HTTP, CIFS/SMB, NFS v3/v4, FTP
Data Protection • RAID 0,1,5,6,10 and JBOD with hot-spare
• Web-based interface for system administration
• LCD console for setting IP addresses and displaying
•Wake On LAN
• Environmental monitoring of system / CPU temperature,
• System monitoring of CPU/ memory usage
Power Supply To be supplied with Redundant Power Supply
Regulatory FCC
E.XXI. 55” LCD / LED TV with following specification or higher: (for the
Workstations & NVRs)
· Aspect Ratio: 16:9
· Viewing Angle: 178°/178°
· Size: 52 inch or Higher
· Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Full HD
· Backlight: CFL/LED
· Brightness: 400 NITS min.
· Contrast: 1200 : 1 or better
· Power supply: 150 to 280 V, 50 Hz
E.XXII. Anti virus software for PCs, work station & if applicable for servers with
years update support.
E.XXIII.Bulk SMS solution for alerting purpose for all the Areas, centralized at HQ
Managed Layer III switch Industrial grade & mountable racks.
All Type 1 / Class 'B' - 3Ø - minimum 7 Modes Surge Protective Devices (SPD) shall be
manufactured by a single ISO-9001 registered company normally engaged in the
development and manufacture of such devices for electrical and electronic system
equipment protection. The hardwired surge protective device shall have specifications
or higher.
· A 60kA surge current rating, Imax, as a minimum or higher & better.
· The Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV) shall not exceed 25% of the
Nominal Voltage (system voltage) in the configuration being used.
· A NEMA 4X or Equivalent enclosure suitable for indoor or outdoor installation.
· Supplied wire length that does not exceed 18 inches.
· Use of SurgePOD™ Module thermal disconnects technology.
· Shall have LED status indicators.
· Have an operating temperature range of 0°C to 55°C.
Nominal Discharge Current (In) of 20kA
E.XXV. RF Surge Arrestor with Grounding cable : Type metalic water proof dual side n
port, response time : less than 45 volts in 100 nano sec, Freq range : 0.1 to 2500 MHz,
Breakdown voltage 350 VAC, ESD handling over 14 KV.
E.XXVI: Ethernet surge protection device : Type box type, ethernet / PoE protection
response time less than 5 nano sec, surge handling capacity 08/20 uS ( 10 KA).
RJ PoE or Ethernet accessories grounding wire.
E.XXVII Software Solution:
Software Solution (including Licenses of OS, DB, Maps etc. and Security) Required for
RFID & CCTV for each Area & ITI CUSTOMER HQ to be provided by the bidder.
E.XXVIII GIS Maps of all Areas
Project Implementer will do this in detail for ITI CUSTOMER Maps of each Area
considering ITI CUSTOMER.
as a whole should be provided by bidder:
1. Developing a web based GIS system for map viewing
2. Developing a spatial decision support system
3. Updating GIS Map at regular intervals.
The application must have the ability to:
· View all the layers (however not limited to 18).
· Maps navigation with Geo-fencing of each Mine.
· Thematic mapping
· Search and Query on spatial and attribute layers
· Spatial and attribute analysis
· Reporting and statistics
· Legend view
· Customized Printing
The basic part of This special type of earthing system is NCE (Negatively charged
electron) Processor which is used in Lightning Cancellation System. Mainly NCE
Processor is made of selected combination of multi-metals and it is a very good to get
approximately zero error connectivity with the local soil. NCE Processor used in this
special type of earthing to maintain the earth resistance value within the limit with a
tolerance of ±10% throughout the year and in all type of soils.
In this earthing system NCE processors are used as main earthing ELECTRODES and
35 sq. mm. X 2 Copper Cable is used to connect Constructed Earth Terminals
earth distribution Basbar fitted in the Power room.
NCE Processor is inserted into the local soil by boring / drilling method and connected
with 37/40 mm. G.I. pipe of required length as per condition of the local soil.The value
of Earth Resistance is less than or equal to 1 ohm.
NIT of tender No: hq-pur-kdp-e-153-2014-15 for Supply, installation, testing, networking and
commissioning of GPS, RF ID & Boom barrier based access control Cameras at weigh bridges,
Check Post
and Sidings and Radios & its integration.
Page- 40
E.XXX. Document to be submitted along with the offer:
1. The bidder should submit technical write up and technical literature and brochure of
all major components along with system block diagram with solution of the offered
including system integration in support of justification of various features /
parameters / specifications of the system to meet the requirement stipulated in this
document mentioning specific model & make of the offered equipments.
2. Para wise compliance of all the parameters of technical specifications of NIT must be
3. Link budget analysis for assured 20 Mbps bandwidth at CPE port should be
4. The bidder must submit TAC ( Type Approval Certificate ) approval of WPC for IP
radios, RF ID Readers.
5. The bidder must submit supply orders & performance reports of offered type &
model for offered GPS systems & RF ID Readers , Boom barrier access control
system, IP Radios, Cameras, server, UPS as per proveness criteria.
6. The vendor should submit the authorization in original from the manufacturer of
GPS devices, VTS Software and RF ID Reader, Boom Barrier access control systems,
PC , Work Station, NVR, Server, IP Radios, IP Cameras, UPS mentioning the specific
tender no. for participating and for provision of comprehensive AMC for four years
after one year warranty & spares & service support for five years from the date of
2. DELIVERY SCHEDULE: Supply installation and commissioning of the total system
should be completed within 6 months from the date of placement of supply order.
3. CONSIGNEE: The materials to be delivered to the ITI CUSTOMER to various
4. PRICE: The price to be quoted shall remain FIRM. The bidder shall quote a single
rationalised rate of freight for MP region & single rationalised rate of freight for
Maharashtra region in case freight is applicable in the offer.
5. GUARANTEE / WARRANTY: a) Vendor shall give composite guarantee / warranty of
satisfactory performance of the complete equipment ( along with accessories ) for a
period of 12 months from the date of commissioning of the equipments or 18 months
from the date of receipt and acceptance of complete equipment ( along with accessories
) at consignee whichever is earlier. .
6. Performance Bank Guarantee: The supplier should furnish PBG valid for 5 years to
the Guarantee / Warranty period and services period which shall be encashable at
The PBG should be for 10 % of the order value of the equipment ( along with
accessories ),
CAMC charges & recurring charges arrived at by adding all the taxes and duties
such as Excise Duty,Sales Tax etc., to the FOR Destination price of the materials on
order as
applicable on date of opening of price bid . No payment will be made without
of the performance bank guarantee.
7. INSPECTION CLAUSE: Final Inspection of the consignment shall be carried out at
the destination stores, which will be arranged by the consignee on receipt of stores.
a) The bidder must be Manufacturer / authorised dealer / system integrator & the
offered items shall be considered proven provided that the 'type & model' of the offered
GPS systems & RF ID Readers , Boom barrier access control system, IP Radios,
Cameras, server and UPS must have been supplied in the past to mining industry and /
or to the other industries( Private or Govt./ Public Sector Undertaking- Indigenous or
Global) and performed satisfactorily for a period of not less than one year from the date
of commissioning.
Separate supply orders & performance reports of offered type & model for above
items individually is also be acceptable.
b) The bidder must have successfully executed CCTV, NVR based video surveillance
system for centralised monitoring along with video analytics.
The bidder must have successfully executed RF ID based boom barrier based access
system for centralised monitoring
The bidder must have successfully executed IP Radio system and its network
integration for
centralised monitoring
The bidder must have successfully executed installation & commissioning of servers &
application software integration.
The status of provenness would be evaluated and decided by GM(E&T) based only on
attested documents i.e. supply order copies, performance reports of the tendered items
submitted by the tendered/s along with thier offer as (a) above & successful completion
certificate pertaining to the execution of (b) above.
10. Evaluation Method: Evaluation of offers shall be based on total cost of the following:
a) Total Cost of the Equipment on landed basis along with Earthing charges and
and commissioning charges.
b) Net Present Value of Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Charges for 4 (Four)
after completion of one year of warranty period
c) Net Present Value of Recurring / usage charges per vehicle GPS units with GPRS
per year for 5 years for unlimited usage along with service provider's server usage
For arriving Net present value of CAMC charges and Recurring / usage charges of
years, the quoted annual price shall be discounted by 12% interest rate p.a.
The Independent External Monitor (IEM) nominated for implementation of the Integrity
Pact for this tender is as given below:
Annexure ' X'
SCOPE OF WORK: Complete comprehensive AMC of all the softwares & hardwares
supplied as per scope of work & unpriced bill of material of the specifications :
1. The bidder / service provider will provide suitable software for monitoring &
recording the uptime for GPS services, central server & also % availability for the
vehicle tracking units / sets.
2. The bidder should enter an SLA agreement & must ensure up time of 95 %
availability of the GPS, Boom barrier, Camera, IP Radios.
3. In case the required uptime is not maintained the bidder will be imposed penalty
which shall be calculated as explained in this NIT document.
The penalty will be calculated as follows :
Total Uptime shall be calculated on prorata basis of CAMC charges for GPS, Boom
barrier, Camera, IP Radios on Monthly basis as :( sum of total nos of GPS, RF ID Readers , Boom barrier, Camera, IP Radio, Server, –
sum of total nos of GPS, RF ID Readers , Boom barrier, Camera, IP Radio, Server,
under breakdown ) x 100 / sum of total nos of GPS, RF ID Readers , Boom barrier,
Camera, IP Radio, Server.
The deduction in payment will be made for the down time in quarterly bills raised by
vendor on pro-rata basis on the CAMC value for each year.
If the uptime in a month goes below 75 %, the user has the right of cancellation of the
work order & revocation of bank guarantee.
Complete comprehensive maintenance of all the equipments / parts ( including
repairs and replacement ) supplied & for the services provided as per scope of
supply & bill of material.
4. The CAMC also includes operation of the system with onsite support for deployment
of minimum one service engineer in each Area and one Service Engineer at the ITI
5. All types of breakdown calls are to be attended within four hours and rectified
within another 06 hours on reporting the complaint by telephone / fax & the bidder
must furnish the 24x7 help desk details.
6. Period of services will be for a period of five years. This includes 5 years of
GPS/GPRS services period as mentioned in scope of supply & comprehensive AMC
for 4(Four) years for entire system & solution.
7. The payment of the service charges is payable on quarterly basis at the end of each
8. Maintenance holder shall maintain a joint record for fault report from time to time
against the emergency / service visits of the subject equipment, which shall be duly
certified by the concerned engineer indicating the nature of fault, date of report and
date of rectification. One copy of the joint visit must be submitted to the concerned
9. Maintenance holder shall ensure that the during tenure of the service period, any
spares replaced by the maintenance holder shall be certified by the WCL engineer
and to be recorded in the spare register.
10. Complete reports shall be submitted along with the bills for the period of claim on
satisfactory completion of service period.
11. No hike in the service rates during the tenure of the contract period is entertained.
12. If any parts / spares / components is replaced, the old part so removed is the
property of the maintenance contractor.
13. The maintenance contractor is responsible for the repairing of defects caused on
account of the normal wear and tear of equipments.
14. Penalty clause: As mentioned in the scope of supply in scope of work.
15. Service exclusions: Service do not cover the repair for damages, malfunctions or
service failures caused by force majeure condition.