Phlebotomy Training Program Outline

Phlebotomy Training Program
Goals: One goal of our training program is to provide students with the knowledge and
skills necessary to practice in the field of phlebotomy. In addition, the training is aimed at
providing students the skills needed to secure a job and advance in their career as
healthcare provider.
Objectives: Students are to describe and effectively perform venipuncture. Identify
preservatives and the functions of the preservatives in the various colored coded tubes
used for specimen collections. Identify areas to be avoided during the venipuncture
process and reasons for the restrictions. Student should be able to identify problems
associated with accessing veins and necessary actions to take when unable to obtain
sample. The training will provide opportunity for students to gain certification in CPR.
Admission Requirements:
 Applicant must have high school diploma or GED.
 Foreign students must provide evidence of high school equivalence from U.S.
Department of Education.
 Student must pass physical examination administered by a physician/nurse,
practitioner/physician assistant/nurse practitioner
 Must have negative results for HIV test, Hepatitis, TB, RPR, and drug free.
 Applicants must be 18 years or older.
Attendance: Students must attend classes regularly and on time. Overall classroom
attendance rate of 80% must be achieved to successfully complete program. For clinical
rotation, attendance rate of 100% is expected. Any clinical day missed must be made up
at students own time in accordance with the clinical site policy. Tardiness will not be
tolerated. Fifteen minutes after lecture or clinical is started is considered tardiness.
Tardiness up to three times is considered one day of absence.
Grading Criteria: Students are expected to maintain grade point average of at least 80%
and have at least 80% classroom/clinical attendance rate. Academic progress is monitored
through weekly quizzes and monthly comprehensive examinations. Students with less
than 80% grade will be counseled and given opportunity to improve.
90-100  A
80-89  B
70-79  C
69-60  D
59 and below  Failure
Midterm report is given at the end of each month. Students are responsible for making up
missed quizzes and exams.
Duration of training: The classroom training will be 28weeks during which students
will perform laboratory procedures using the Mannequin and then Externship at
Laboratory facility. Student must achieve high competency level in the school laboratory
setting to qualify for clinical rotation. The clinical rotation is expected to start after 20
weeks of classroom and laboratory studies. Students must complete 600hrs of training.
Classes are held Monday through Friday 8am-130pm and students are
expected to read required chapters prior to lectures.
Week Number (#)
Course Description
Introduction of
Basic laboratory
terminology and
Ethical and legal
implications of
communication skills
Phlebotomist roles and
Anatomy and
physiology of systems
Basic computer
 Blood compositions and
their functions quiz
 Drug seminars
 Effects of exercise
posture and tourniquet
 Anatomy and
physiology continued
 Medical and Lab
 Introduction of
 Supplies used for
 Special and timed lab
 Quiz
Class discussion
Video Watching
Computer Lab
 Lecture
 Video
 Handouts
Week #
Course content
 A & P continues
 Basic computer
 Basic skin puncture
 Introduction to CPR
 Lab practice
 Identification of
physical problems
associated with
 List 6 areas to avoid
when performing
 Laboratory tests,
chemistry profiles,
disease states, and
clinical implications for
lab tests
 Anatomy and
physiology continues
 Quality assurance and
safety in blood
 Regulations by OSHA
 Lab practice
 Demonstration
 Video Watching
 Lectures
 Hands- On practice in
the lab
 Infection control
 Isolation protocol
 Processing and
transporting laboratory
 Lab, collections, and
tube identification
 Safety from needle stick
 Diseases with increase
risk of affecting
phlebotomist such as
HIV, Hepatitis, and TB
 CPR class
 Clinical extern ship
Final Examination
 Lecture
 Demonstration
 Handouts
Clinical rotation starts from the 21week through the 28th week and students are
encouraged to keep log of their activities in the assigned clinical site. The logs are
reviewed daily by the instructor to monitor progress. Inappropriate behavior and unsafe
practice by student may lead to dismissal from the site. Examples of inappropriate
behavior are dishonesty, use of profane or vulgar language, use or possession of drugs or
alcohol. Students are expected to maintain satisfactory performance or higher during
clinical extern ship to successfully graduate from the program and qualify for Nation
Certification Examinations.
Students will be assessed in the following areas during clinical training:
 Proper identification of patient.
 Be able to properly correct equipment for a procedure.
 Ability to correctly read requisition order, obtain sample, and accurately
label sample.
 Properly draw samples for multiple tube order.
 Proper selections of appropriate site for venipuncture.
 Actually perform venipuncture successfully.
 Correctly use the appropriate container for sample collection.
 Utilization of precautionary measures during procedures.
 Ability to identify potential problems during venipuncture by assessing
patients’ physical conditions.
 Identify and implement measures necessary to minimize problems
associated with phlebotomy procedures.
 Properly assess the need for sample collection or rejection.
 Utilization of hand washing techniques.
 Data entry in the computer (where available).
Liability Insurance: Students are expected to obtain their own liability insurance of
minimum of $ 2,000,000.00. The Company provides “blanket” coverage of malpractice
insurance at no extra cost to students.
Graduation: Upon successful completion of the described course of studies and clinical
extern ship, student will be awarded certificate from the National Phlebotomy
Association and will be qualify to sit for certification exam.