FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Forever Living Products International, Inc. Forever Corporate Plaza 7501 East McCormick Parkway Scottsdale, Arizona 85250, USA Tel: +480-998-8888 Fax: +480-998-8887 ANGOLA FLP Angola L.L.C. Geraldo Frutuoso Calala Travessa Marien N´guabi, No.30 Bairro Maianga Luanda, Angola Tel: 011-244-222-33-7644 / 011-244-222-33-0960 011-244-222-33-9707 / 011-244-222-37-1263 Fax: 011-244-222-33-1301 headoffice@flpangola.com calalageraldo@yahoo.com.br (Geraldo Calala) mndala@flpangola.com Mario Ndala (Financial Mgr) operations@flpangola - Operations ARGENTINA (#669) Forever Living Products Argentina, S.R.L. Hernan Coquet Arenales 930, Capital Federal Buenos Aires, Argentina 1061 Tel: 011-54-11-4393-5124 011-54-11-4393-4816 Fax: 011-54-11-4394-2264 info@foreverliving.com.ar (General) hcoquet@foreverliving.com.ar (Country Mgr.) pbevacqua@foreverliving.com.ar (Paula, Asst to CM) AUSTRIA Florian Kaufmann Forever Living Products Austria GmbH Schwindgasse 5 A-1040 Wien, Austria Tel: +43-1-504-65380 Fax: +43-1-504-6538-6600 1 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 AUSTRALIA (#670) Forever Living Products Australia, Pty. Ltd. Rex McCarthy Willow Grove P.O. Box 3966 North Parramatta, NSW 2124, Australia Physical address: 34 Phillip Street Parramatta, NSW 2150 Australia Tel: 011-612-9635-3011 Fax: 011-612-9635-3563 flpaus@flpaus.com.au joanm@flpaus.com.au Joan McCarthy Rally Contact bradb@flpaus.com.au (Brad Boatwright) Rally back-up AZERBAIJAN Forever Living Products Azerbaijan LLC Managing Director: Ilker Ismen 25 A Teymur Aliyev Street Narimanov District Baku AZ 1010 Azerbaijan Tel: 011-99-412-561-7784 Tel: 011-99-412-561-7785 Fax: 011-99-412-562-5385 Email flpturkey@yahoo.com www.foreverliving.az BANGLADESH Forever Living Products Bangladesh Limited Nazmee Chowdhury B-2 Monarch Apartments House #74, Road #21 Block #B Banani, Dhaka-1213 Bangladesh njchowdhury@hotmail.com (Nazmee) 2 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 BENIN Forever Living Products Benin Sarl Cornelius and Caroline Tay Siege Social C/880 Sikecodji, Cotonou Ouest 01 BP 6988 Cotonou Republique du Benin Tel: 011-229-21-32-4777 Fax: 011-229-21-32-4776 info@flpbenin.com BOLIVIA (#699) Forever Living Products Bolivia, Ltd. Alfredo Icaza de Alba Loza Av. Capitan Ravelo Pje. Issac Eduardo No. 2633 LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Tel: 011-591-2-2441990 011-591-2-2441852 Fax: 011-591-2-2441716 flpbol@acelerate.com (General) zramire@hotmail.com alfredo.icaza@gmail.com (MD) Santa Cruz Shopping Bolivar Of 218-219 Calle Bolivar Santa Cruz, Bolivia Tel: 011-591-3-3372165 011-591-3-3324148 flpbsc@acelerat.com pk.icaza@gmail.com 3 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 BRAZIL (#700) Forever Living Products Brazil LTDA Fernando & Ana Junqueira Rua Sao Clemente, 284 Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro RJ- BRAZIL CEP- 22260-000 Tel: 011-55-21-2528-0038 Fax: 011-55-21-2537-2990 Modem: 011-55-21-2533-4784 flpbr@unisys.com.br (Cristina Amado) gerencia.flp@uol.com.br (Simone Rodrigues–Rally back-up) diretoria2@foreverliving.com.br (Ana Junqueira) faj@foreverliving.com.br (Fernando Junqueira) heladio@flpbr.com.br (Heladio Fernandez) logistica@flpbr.com.br (Gabriela Junqueira) cristiano.junqueira@flpbr.com.br (Cristiano Junqueira) foreverliving@foreverliving.com.br (general) BULGARIA (Bulgaria, Macedonia) Forever Living Products Bulgaria EOOD Stefan Staev 41B Burel Street 1408 Sofia BULGARIA Tel: 011-359-2-954-9580 011-359-2-953-1814 Fax: 011-359-2-954-9668 mstancheva@flp.bg (Mariya Stancheva – Rally contact) ddabizheva@flp.bg (Denitsa Dabizheva – Rally back-up) flpb@flp.bg www.flp.bg. CAMBODIA Forever Living Products Cambodia No. 103C7, Street 184, Group 2 Sangkat Boeung Raing Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia T: 011-855-23-214781 klowe@flpcambodia.com (Kevin) joeywsc@flpcambodia.com (Acct. Mgr. Joey Wong) 4 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 CAMEROON Forever Living Products Cameroon Bernard and Vivian Tabod P.O. BOX 18246 Route Bonamousaddi Sable, Mbanya Akwa Nord, Douala Republic of Cameroon Tel: 011-237- 33-472448 Fax: 011-237- 33-003705 flpcmr@yahoo.fr. office@flpcameroon.com CARIBBEAN (Aruba, Suriname, Curacao, Bonaire, Saba, St. Martin, St. Augustine) Forever Living Products Caribbean, LLC Reinald Leito Mortiersweg #5 Unit 1a & 2a Amerikanen Kamp Curacao N.A. Tel: 011-599-9-736-0977 Fax: 011-599-9-736-0966 flpc@cura.net Aruba Betty Thielman (ASM) Location: Savaneta 93 Aruba ABW Tel: 011-297-584-1333 (office) bettythielman@hotmail.com Suriname John & Ranu Tjon Sieuw Q-Mall Unit 1 Kwattaweg 223-225 Paramaribo Suriname Tel. (597) 8636421 5 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 CHILE (#695) Forever Living Products Chile, S.A. Miguel Angel Frias Ponce – Director of Sales Roman Diaz No. 110 Avenida Providencia Santiago, Chile Tel: 011-56-2-235-0407 011-56-2-236-8906 Fax: 011-56-2-235-0591 flpchile@foreverchile.cl (General) mfrias@foreverchile.cl (Country Manager) CHINA Forever Trading Company Limited Terrence Tu – Administrative Manager Forever Living Products China Ltd. Room 901 Huayuan Evolution Building No. 639 Jiangou Bei Road Xiacheng District Hangzhou, China 310004 Tel: 011-86-571-2893-8555 Fax: 011-86-571-2803-0877 office@foreverliving.net.cn COLOMBIA (#701) Forever Living Products Colombia Eliecer Becerra, MD Carrera 12 Numero 71-69 Bogota COLOMBIA Tel: 011-57-1321-5324 Fax: 011-57-1321-5313 Int: 786-22-88-591 eliecer.becerra@foreverliving.com.co. Eliecer Becerra, MD marjorie.meluk@foreverlivingcol.com Marjorie Meluk-Asst. olga.diaz@foreverlivingcol.com Olga Lucía Díaz -Finance info@foreverliving.com.co General esteban.anzola@foreverliving.com Esteban Anzola Systems Mgr. 6 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 CONGO—(DRC) Forever Living Products Congo DRC Roger Bashige and Alice Nsenga Avenue TOMBALBAYE # 4963, Municipality of GOMBE Kinshasa Tel.: 011-243 (812) 310 340 Fax: 011-243 (811) 810 155 rbashige@flpcongo.com (Roger) operations@flpcongo.com (Operations: Gomer Bahati) finance@flpcongo.com (Accounting: Louis Kasole) office@flpcongo.com (General) Forever Living Products Congo Brazzaville Avenue NELSON MANDELA #20 Quartier Centre-Ville Brazzaville - Republic of the Congo Tel.: 011-242 518 45 80 Administrative Assistant: Arsene NTSAN COME Roger Bashige: Tel: 011-243-998-18 98 52 rbashige@flpcongo.com (Roger) COSTA RICA Forever Living Products Costa Rica Marlenys Bello—Administrative Director Curridabat, 50mtrs este de la Pops, Edificio Galeria del Este San José, Costa Rica Tel: 011-506-2280-0150 Fax: 011-506-2280-5575 flpcostarica@ice.co.cr irimenso@hotmail.com Administrative Assistant: Iria Mendez marlenysbelloflp@advancedpa.com Admin. Dir: Marlenys Bello 7 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 CZECH REPUBLIC (#702) Forever Living Products Czech Republic Ivan Kiszling spol. s r. o. Vlnita 77/33 147 00, Praha Czech Republic Tel: 011-420-2-444-660-12 Fax: 011-420-2-444-660-10 aloe@flp.cz (Vaclav Brejska /Ivana Hrda) flp-ivan@foreverliving.sk www.aloe.cz ECUADOR (#671) Forever Living Products del Ecuador, S.A. Mariana Vimbela Urdesa Central Avenida del Rotarismo y Calle Primera Guayquil, Ecuador Tel: 011-593-42-886-637 ( General) 011-593-42-884-236 Fax: 011-593-42-381-406 (Int’l.) 011-593-42-885-418 (General) eteran@flpecuador.com (Ester Terran- General) mvimbela@flpecuador.com (Mariana Vimbela) fvillalta@flpecuador.com (International Sponsoring) dreal@flpecuador.com Diana Real Admin Asst. 8 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 EL SALVADOR San Salvador Office: Jose Antonio Ramos--Sales Director Marlenys Bello—Administrative Director Forever Living Products Centro America Alameda Dr. Manuel Enrique Araujo y Avenida Olimpica, Centro Comercial # 3544, Locales DS-5 y DS-6 Colonia Escalón, Plaza Jardín San Salvador-El Salvador Tel: 011-503-2223-2317 Fax: 011-503-2223-2299 foreverlivingelsalvador@gmail.com juanflpelsalvador@hotmail.com Admin Assistant: Juan Martinez jose_aforever@hotmail.com Sales Dir.: Jose Antonio Ramos marlenysbelloflp@advancedpa.com Admin. Dir: Marlenys Bello San Miguel Office: Protasio Villatoro – Sales Director Av. Roosevelt Sur, Centro Comercial Plaza Chaparrastique, locales 9 y 10 San Miguel, El Salvador Tel: 011-503-2660-3795 Fax: 011-503-2661-4288 flpsanmiguel@navegante.com.sv 9 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 FRANCE (#672) (France, French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion) Forever Living Products France, SARL Philippe Decottignies 107, Boulevard Malesherbes 75008 PARIS, France Tel: 011-33-1-4500-0550 Fax: 011-33-1-4500-0565 flpf@forever-france.fr Farida.soukhmani@forever-france.fr (Farida, MD Asst.) Bertrand.loisel@forever-france.fr (Bertrand Loisiel, Logistic) Carole.baudet@forever-france.fr (Carole Baudet – Communication Responsible) anu.saapunki@forever-france.fr (Anu Saapunki – Events Mgr) perrine.sprimont@forever-france.fr (Perrine Sprimont – Events Asst) website: www.forever-france.fr Mauritius Office: Old Moka Road Bell Village Tél: 011-230-211-3699 Fax: 011-230-211-9558 flpmauritius@intnet.mu Morocco Office: 40, Avenue Al Melia Rabat, Hay Riad Tel : 011-212-537-57-18-50 Fax : 011-212-537-57-18-51 forever-maroc@menara.ma GABON Bernard and Vivian Tabod Forever Living Products Gabon Razel, Nomba-Domaine, Owendo B.P. 1386 Libreville, Gabon Tel: +241-07-463-677 10 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 GERMANY (#673) Forever Living Products Germany GmbH Florian Kaufmann Schloss Freiham Freihamer Allee 31 81249 München (Munich), Germany Tel: 011-49-1-803-367-3837 Fax: 011-49-69-959094-126 p.schneider@flpg.de Petra Schneider (Asst. to Florian) t.tarara@flpg.de Tina Tarara (Marketing Mgr – rally contact) s.keller@flpg.de Sabrina Keller (Customer Care) www.flpg.de GHANA Forever Living Products (Ghana) LTD. Adolph & Alla Agomor Physical Address: Next to Mr. Biggs Restaurant Kwame Nkrumah Circle, Accra Mailing Address: PMB 251,Cantonments Post Office Accra - Ghana banasgh@yahoo.co.uk (Beatrice Achou, Secretary/Rally contact) adolphagomor@yahoo.com, ( Adolph Agomor, MD) Tel: 233-21 223878 Fax: 233-21 223884 11 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 GREAT BRITAIN (#693) Forever Living Products (UK) Limited Bob Parker Longbridge Manor Longbridge, Warwick CV34 6RB United Kingdom Tel: 011-44-1926-626-600 Fax: 011-44-1926-626-636 Tel: 011-44-1926-626-601 (Bob’s Direct Line:) Fax: 011-44-1926-626-637 (Private fax (Bob only) hellenpriest@flpuk.net debbiesargent@flpuk.net (Rally back-up) GREECE (#674) Forever Living Products Greece, E.P.E. Paul & Sofia Vittoroulis 240 Syngrou Avenue 17672 Athens, Greece Tel: 011-30-2-10-957-7480 011-30-2-10-957-7481 Fax: 011-30-2-10-951-6322 flpgr@foreverliving.gr p.vittoroulis@foreverliving.gr (Paul Vittoroulis) mvitt@foreverliving.gr (Michael Vittoroulis – Rally) astak@foreverliving.gr (Angela Stakia – rally back-up) FLP Thessaloniki: flpthess@otenet.gr FLP Cyprus: flpcy@cytanet.com.cy GUATEMALA Forever Living Products Guatemala Marvin & Anabela Estrada- Directors of Sales Marlenys Bello—Administrative Director 6 Ave. "A", 10-38 Zona 9 Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala Tel: 011-502-2332-4573 Fax: 011-502-2334-3695 foreverguatemala@itelgua.com flpventas_guatemala@hotmail.com Sales Dir: Marvin & Anabella rodolfvaldez@hotmail.com Admin. Assistant: Rodolfo Valdez marlenysbelloflp@advancedpa.com Admin. Dir: Marlenys Bello 12 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 HONDURAS Forever Living Products Honduras Fernando Valladares-- Sales Director Marlenys Bello—Administrative Director San Pedro Sula Office: Barrio Los Andes Calle Noroeste #22 Frente a Clínicas ONCOMED San Pedro Sula, Honduras Tel : 011-504-557-6322 Fax: 011-504-557-2506 favat120@yahoo.com Sales Director: Fernando Valladares elvinramirez@hotmail.com Admin. Assistant: Elvin Ramirez marlenysbelloflp@advancedpa.com Admin. Dir: Marlenys Bello Tegucigalpa Office: Colonia Alameda, 3ra Avenida Juan Manuel Gálvez, 9na calle. Detrás de Credimas. Tegucigalpa, Honduras Tel: (504) 239-0627 / 239-0630 Tel : 011-504-239-0630/0627 HONG KONG/MACAU (#675) Forever Living Products Asia Ltd. Selina Lau – Administrative Manager Unit 903A, Carnarvon Plaza 20 Carnarvon Road Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 011-852-2369-9638 Fax: 011-852-2369-9818 admin@foreverliving.com.hk (Selina Lau) marketing@foreverliving.com.hk (Alice Chan) opp@foreverliving.com.hk (Justin Cheng) 13 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 HUNGARY (#730) (Serbia-Montenegro/BosniaHerzegovina/Croatia/Slovenia/Albania/Kosovo) Forever Living Products Hungary, Ltd. Dr. Sandor Milesz Szondi u. 34 H-1067 Budapest, Hungary Tel: 011-36-1-269-5370 or 5371 Fax: 011-36-1-312-8455 flpbudapest@flpseeu.hu www.flpseeu.com. INDIA (#703) Forever Living Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. Amarjit Ubhi Forever Plaza The Silver Mist 74 Hill Road Bandra West Mumbai 400 050 , India Tel: 011-91-22-6641-4000 Fax: 011-91-22-6641-4010 or 4070 admin@flpindia.net (General) nikita@flpindia.net (Int’l & India Operations) amarjit@flpindia.net (Managing Director) smita@flpindia.net (Smita – Rally back-up) INDONESIA (#677) Forever Living Products Indonesia Arif Sutandar Jalan Kwitang Raya No. 27B Jakarta 10420, Indonesia Tel: 011-62-21-310-1136 or 1137 Fax: 011-62-21-310-7085 flpindo@pacific.net.id (Neneng Sutandar) www.flpindo.com 14 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 IRELAND (#678) Forever Living Products Ireland Ltd. Bob Parker Magheramorne House 59 Shore Road Magheramorne, Larne Co. Antrim BT40 3HW Northern Ireland Tel: 011-44-28-2827-9900 Fax: 011-44-28-2826-9901 shardiment@flpireland.com (Saranne Hardiment) dritchie@flpireland.com (Deborah Ritchie – Rally back-up) bobparker@flpuk.net (MD) bcrymble@flpireland.com(Finance) www.flpireland.com ISRAEL (#696) Forever Living Products Israel, Ltd. Ehud (Udi) Raved D'mall Building 1 Jabotinsky Street Ramat Gan 52520, Israel Tel: 011-972-3-751-0444 Fax: 011-972-3-751-0440 E-mails: udi@flpil.com - MD oshrat@flpil.com - MD Asst. dina@flpil.com - Accountant diana@flpil.com - Int’l Spon; Waivers ITALY (#735) Forever Living Products Italy S. r. l. Giancarlo Negri Via Dei Prati Fiscali 42 00141 Roma, Italy Tel: 011-39-06-886-981 Fax: 011-39-06-886-98-210 flpitaly@foreverliving.it (General) g.negri@foreverliving.it int.spons@foreverliving.it (intl sponsoring Christine Segreto) v.abate@foreverliving.it (Valentina Abate) Rally contact m.galiano@foreverliving.it (Monica Galiano – Rally back-up) www.foreverliving.it 15 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 IVORY COAST Forever Living Côte d’Ivoire SARL Jean-Baptiste and Laurence Amichia Immeuble Les Dunes Est Boulevard Valéry Giscard D'Estaing Treichville 18 BP 2963 Abidjan 18 Republique de Côte d'Ivoire. Tel: 011-225-2121-6490 Fax: 011-225-2121-6499 info@flp-ci.com jeanbaptiste_amichia@flp-ci.com (MD) ahou_yao@flp-ci.com Ahou Yao (Accts.& Admin Mgr.) jeanne_biatchon@flp-ci.com Jeanne Biatchon (Front Office Mgr.) Madeleine_yesso@flp-ci.com (Madeleine Yesso – rally back-up) www.flp-ci.com JAPAN (#679) Forever Living Products Japan, Ltd. Aki Tanaka FLPJ Toranomon Building 3-22-14 Toranomon, Minato-ku Tokyo, Japan 105-0001 Tel: 011-81-3-5470-9082 Fax: 011-81-3-5470-9222 flpj@flpj.co.jp yyoda@flpj.co.jp (Yoshi Yoda) atanaka@flpj.co.jp (Aki Tanaka) kchurei@flpj.co.jp (Kazuto Churei, Rally Back-up) KAZAKHSTAN Forever Living Products Kazakhstan Ilker and Reyhan Ismen Prigorodnaya 30, Taugul, “Beis Club” Street Shalyapina corner street Momysh-Uly 050052 Almaty KAZAKHSTAN T1 011-77-272-789-580 T2 011-77-272-789-581 T3 011-77-272-789-582 Fax 011-77-272-789-583 16 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 KENYA (East Africa) Forever Living Products East Africa Sammy & Josephine Mwedekeli Studio House, Hurlingham Argwings Kodhek Rd. Opp. Chaka Place P.O. Box 43751 – 00100 NAIROBI. Tel: 011-254 20 273 7800 011-254 20 273 5009 Fax: 011-254 20 273 4993 jadagala@foreverea.com Jackson Adagala-Dir. of Operations smwedekeli@foreverea.com Sammy Mwedekeli – MD info@foreverea.com (General) ckamutu@foreverea.com Caroline Kamatu- & Rally Contact Dist. Sup eunicekahaki@foreverea.com Eunice Kahaki - AS400 Admin. jkandie@foreverea.com John Kibet Kandie – Op. Officer sfundi@foreverea.com Steven Fundi - Systems Admin. KOREA (#680) Forever Living Products Korea, Ltd. Mr. Myung Kyu Shin & Mrs. Ye Hee Nam 983-19 BangBae-Dong SeoCho-Ku Seoul, Korea Tel: 011-82-2-587-3250 Fax: 011-82-2-521-7022 Allan Kim private: 011-82-2-587-3250 aloeshin@foreverkorea.co.kr ksj@foreverkorea.co.kr (Sung Jun Kwon – Rally Contact) allanykim@hotmail.com (Allan Kim) www.foreverkorea.co.kr 17 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 KYRGYZSTAN Forever Living Products Kyrgyzstan, LLC Ilker & Reyhan Ismen St. Razzakova, 33-2 720040 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic tel: (996) 312-62-1451 (996) 312-61-1435 fax: (996) 312-62-4906 e-mail: flpkyrgyzstan@yahoo.com LITHUANIA UAB Forever Living Products Baltics Kestas Bausys Pylimo St. 30 LT-01135 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel: 011-370-5-261-0070 011-370-5-261-1366 (Kestas Direct) Fax: 011-370-5-261-0306 baltics@foreverliving.lt kbausys@foreverliving.lt MALAYSIA/BRUNEI (#681) Forever Living Products (M) Sdn. Bhd. C.G. Tan Wisma Forever 25 Jalan Jejaka 3 Taman Maluri 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 011-60-3-9282-0033 Fax: 011-60-3-9283-5055 Confidential Fax: 011-60-3-9284-4595 flpm@forever.net.my (General) margaret@forever.net.my (Margaret Choong) Rally contact/Int’l Sponsoring erwin@forever.net.my (Erwin Tan) aitee@forever.net.my (Aitee)Waiver Reports 18 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 MEXICO (#682) Forever Living Products Mexico, S. de R. L. de C.V. Larry & Nuri Rubin Londres 13 Esq. Berlin Colonial Juárez Mexico, D.F.C.P. 06600 Tel: 011-52-55-3300-9400 Fax: 011-52-55-3300-9405 Direct: 011-52-55-33009423 Castle: 01152-55-5207-0798 información@foreverliving.com.mx (General) ramsesar@foreverliving.com.mx (Ramsés Acosta Reyes (Dir.Operations, Latin America—Rally Contact) mloaiza@foreverliving.com.mx (Asst to Ramses Acosta) lrubin@foreverliving.com.mx (Larry Rubin) mmontelongo@foreverliving.com.mx (Asst to Larry Rubin) mroman@foreverliving.com.mx (Manfredo Roman vguevara@foreverliving.com.mx Violeta Guevara Acct. Mgr. bbolanos@foreverliving.com.mx (Administrative Assistant) NAMIBIA Rick and Eve Beeton 39 Tal Street Windhoek 9000 Tel. +264 61 226186 Fax: +264 61 226699 flpnamib@mweb.com.na 19 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 NETHERLANDS (#697) Forever Living Products Benelux B.V. Peter Boots Physical Address: Gerrit van der Veenlaan 16 3743 DN Baarn Netherlands Mailing Address: Postbus 99 3740 AB Baarn Netherlands Tel: 011-31-355-280-300 Fax: 011-31-355-280-301 office@foreverliving.nl bonus@foreverliving.nl (Int’l Sponsoring and Waiver Reports) madelon@foreverliving.nl (Madelon Walraven) jan@foreverliving.nl (Jan Bentvelzen – Rally backup) NEW ZEALAND (#683) Forever Living Products New Zealand Rex and Joan McCarthy 278 Manukau Road, Epsom Auckland 1003, New Zealand Tel: 011-64-9-309-2563 Fax: 011-64-9-309-6540 flpnz@foreverliving.co.nz NICARAGUA Forever Living Products Nicaragua Edgar Cerpas – Administrative Assistant Marlenys Bello—Administrative Director ALTAMIRA D' ESTE DE LA VICKY, 75 VRS ESTE EDIFICIO # 212 PLANTA BAJA Managua, Nicaragua Tel: 011-505-2252-5837 Fax: 011-505-2270-3117 flpnica@cablenet.com.ni ecerpas@hotmail.com Administrative Assistant: Edgar Cerpas marlenysbelloflp@advancedpa.com Admin. Dir: Marlenys Bello 20 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 NIGERIA (#704) Forever Living Products (Nigeria) Limited Cornelius & Caroline Tay The Forever Complex Physical Address: 21/23 Aromire Avenue Ikeja, Lagos State Mailing Address: P.M.B. 21197, Ikeja Lagos, NIGERIA Tel: 011-234-1-4968172 011-234-1-2711795 011-234-1-2707654 Fax: 011-234-1-4939875 ctay@flpng.com Cornelius Tay carolinetay@flpng.comCaroline Tay bolasinde@flpng.com Bode Olasinde(Info & Comm. Systems ICS) kakindipe@flpng.com Kehinde Akindipe solofin@flpng.com Segun Olofin (Accountant) foloruntola@flpng.com Feyikemi Oloruntola solufemi@flpng.com Sanya Olufemi(Supply & Comm. Systems ICS) wowolabi@flpng.com Wemimo Owolabi (Info & Comm. Systems ICS) PANAMA (#684) Forever Living Products Panama, Inc. Marlenys Bello- Administrative Manager Enrique Pardo – Director of Sales Mailing Address: P.O. Box 0832-1416, World Trade Center Panama City, Republic of Panama Physical Address: Mansion Forever Calle 50 y Esquina Calle Colombia Bella Vista, Panama City, Panama Tel: 011-507-269-8096 or 269-5943 011-507-269-8544 (Marlenys) Fax: 011-507-269-8456 marlenysbelloflp@advancedpa.com Admin. Dir: Marlenys Bello flpanama@cwpanama.net (Systems) 21 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 PARAGUAY (#685) Gustavo & Graciela Galeano Forever Living Products Paraguay, S.R.L. Avenida Mariscal Lopez No. 4680 Esq./ R.I. 3 Corrales Asunción, Paraguay Tel: 011-59-5-21-612-384 011-59-5-21-605-370 011-59-5-21-609-024 Fax: 011-59-5-21-603-732 flpparaguay@flpparaguay.com.py ggaleano@flpparaguay.com.py (Gustavo Galeano) MD dtexeira@flpparaguay.com.py (Daniel Texeira) – Administrator PERU (#686) Forever Living Products Peru, S.R.L. Carlos & Nana Fernandez Rojas Ave. Jorge Basadre 120 San Isidro, Lima, 27 Peru (For all these numbers, please select ext. 0) Tel: 011-51-14-40-4478 011-51-14-41-7802 011-51-14-41-9614 011-51-14-22-2439 Fax: 011-51-12-22-9031 forever@foreverperu.com Carlos Fernandezcfernandez@foreverperu.com –(CM) Ext 126 Jose Luis Zavala jzavala@foreverperu.com (Administrador) Ext 136 Luis Flores lflores@foreverperu.com (AS/400) Ext.127 Tania Ruiz truiz@foreverperu.com Logistics Manager PHILIPPINES (#687) Forever Living Products Philippines, Inc. Rosalio Valenzuela 4th Floor Greentop Condominium Ortigas Avenue Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines Tel: 011-632-723-2581 or 8390 011-632-727-6506 (Rene Fleta Direct) Fax: 011-632-723-2664 flpadmin@flpphilippines.com.ph (Main) rvalenzuela@flpphilippines.com.ph (Rosalio Valenzuela) acctg@flpphilippines.com.ph (Acct) info@flpphilippines.com.ph (Dist Inquiries) mis@flpphilippines.com.ph (MIS) inventory@flpphilippines.com.ph (Inventory) intl_sponsoring@flpphilippines.com.ph (Int’l Spon.) POLAND (#688) 22 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 Forever Living Products Poland, Sp. zo.o Jacek Kandefer AL. Jerozolimskie 92 Warsaw 00-807, Poland Tel: 011-48-22-456-43-56 to 59 Fax: 011-48-22-456-43-60 flpp@flpp.com.pl j.kandefer@flpp.com.pl (MD) j.klupp@flpp.com.pl ( Joanna Klupp Rally contact) m.hajzner@flpp.com.pl (Monika Hajzner Rally back-up) www.flpp.com.pl PORTUGAL Forever Living Products-Saude e Beleza, Lda Carlos Neves Rua Mestre de Aviz 29 1495-014 Algés Portugal Tel.: 011-351-214-111-200 Fax: 011-351-214-111-208 or 201 cneves@foreverliving.pt (Carlos Neves, MD) mteixeira@foreverliving.pt (Manuela Teixeira – MD Asst.) vtrindade@foreverliving.pt (Vanessa Trindade –Int’l Sponsoring and Waivers’ reports) vferreira@foreverliving.pt (Vasco Ferreira – Fin.) info@foreverliving.pt (General) www.foreverliving.pt 23 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 ROMANIA Forever Living Products Romania S.R.L. Dr. Gabor Szocs Bd. Aviatorilor nr. 3 Sector 1 Bucharest, Romania Tel: 011-40-2-1-222-8923 Fax: 011-40-2-1-222-8924 Fax 2nd warehouse: 011-40-21-233-35-62 office@foreverliving.ro cristina@foreverliving.ro (Cristina Petrov –Rally) international@foreverliving.ro – Int’l sponsoring & Waivers www.foreverliving.ro Moldova Bd. Dacia, nr. 24, et.1 Mun. Chisinau, cod postal 2043 Republica Moldova Tel: 00373-22-772228 RUSSIA (#668) Forever Living Products (Russia) CIS Oleg Cherepenin 121248, Moscow. Kutuzovsky Prospect 12 Russia Tel: 011-7-499-243-1560 011-7-499-243-2149 Fax: 011-7-499-243-6488 flp@foreverliving.ru www.foreverliving.ru 24 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 SCANDINAVIA (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) (#733) Forever Living Products Scandinavia AB Ulf Oscarson Kvarnbygatan 2 B 431 34 Mölndal SWEDEN Postal address: Box 199, 431 23 Mölndal SWEDEN Tel: 011-46-31-727-8000 Fax: 011-46-31-727-8099 ulf.oscarson@foreverliving.se (Managing Director) joakim.bostrom@foreverliving.se (General Manager) international.sponsoring@foreverliving.se (Int’l Sponsoring) scandinavia@foreverliving.se www.foreverliving.se SENEGAL Forever Living Senegal Biram Fall Forever Living Products Sénégal Sotrac-Mermoz, villa n° 16 Code Postal 14 524 BP : 29 657 Tel: 011-221-869-3940 / 3941 Fax: 011-221-33-825-7810 foreversenegal.com tyma_seye@foreversenegal.com (office Assistant) oumydiakhate@foreversenegal.com (Oumy Diakhate – Rally back-up) SINGAPORE (#689) Forever Living Products Singapore Pte. Ltd. C.G and Jenny Tan Jeffrey Chang50 Eu Tong Sen Street Singapore 059803 Tel: 011-656-222-2221 Fax: 011-656-532-0286 cs@forever.net.sg (General) flpsjeffrey@gmail.com 25 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 SLOVAK REPUBLIC (#732) Forever Living Products Slovak Republic s.r.o. Ivan Kiszling Priemyselna 1/A 821 08 Bratislava Slovakia Tel: 011-421-2-5441-6961 Fax: 011-421-2-5441-9103 Ivan’s direct fax: 011-421-2-5443-4536 flpsr@foreverliving.sk (Darina Sopkova / Emil Kalina) flp-ivan@foreverliving.sk(Lubica Olesova) marketing: Darina Sopkova/Emil Kalina www.foreverliving.sk SOUTH AFRICA (#698) Forever Living Products South Africa Pty. Ltd. Rick and Eve Beeton Physical Address: Trovato House 1 Coach Road Wynberg 7800, South Africa Mailing Address: P.O. Box 19020 Wynberg 7824 South Africa Tel: 011-27-21-761-6001 Fax: 011-27-21-761-4271 rick@forever.co.za (Rick Beeton) operations@forever.co.za (Margaret Ross) 26 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 SOUTH AFRICA RESORTS HOME OFFICE Forever Resorts South Africa Kobus Tait - Managing Director Physical Address: 867 Schoeman Street Arcadia, 0083 South Africa Mailing Address: Private Bag X16 Hatfield, 0028 South Africa Tel: 011-27-12-423-5633 Fax: 011-27-12-991-8202 lara@aventura.co.za (Lara – assistant) www.aventura.co.za www.foreverresorts-sa.co.za SPAIN (#690) Forever Living Products Spain, S.L Luis Santana C/Domingo Alvarez, 11 28023 El Plantio (Madrid) Spain Tel: 011-34-91-307-6806 Fax: 011-34-91-307-6796 info@foreverliving.es (General) lsantana@foreverliving.es (MD) pcanalejo@foreverliving.es ( Pilar Canalejo - Asst. MD) jrodriguez@foreverliving.es (Javier Rodriguez – Natl Sponsoring) 27 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 SWITZERLAND Forever Living Products (Switzerland), GmbH Thomas & Elisabeth Rauscher Stegackerstrasse 6 Postfach CH-8404 Winterthur, Switzerland Tel: 011-41-52-235-1170 Fax: 011-41-52-235-1171 info@flp.ch (General) trauscher@flp.ch (MD) ubruppacher@flp.ch (Urs Bruppacher – Finance & Adm mgr) cdillier@flp.ch (Carmen Dillier – Int’l Sponsoring) pvanderbie@flp.ch (Petra van der Bie – Rally contact) cierace@flp.ch (Casimiro Ierace – Rally back-up) www.flp.ch TAIWAN (#691) Forever Living Products Taiwan Tom Hsiao 5th Floor, No. 130, Nanking East Road Section 3 Taipei, Taiwan 104 Republic of China Tel: 011-886-2-8772-3000 Fax: 011-886-2-8772-1000 tomhsiao@flptw.com.tw flptw@mail.flptw.com.tw nancyliu@mail.flptw.com.tw (Rally contact) www.forevertw.com.tw THAILAND (#692) Forever Living Products Thailand Pairote (Peter) Pongwattana 1/12 Pridee Panomyoeng 26 (Pattanawet 10), Sukhumvit 71, Phakanongnuar Wattana (Prakanong) Bangkok 10110, Thailand Tel: 011-662-391-2023 Fax: 011-662-392-4458 foreverlivingproductsthailand@hotmail.com 28 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 TURKEY Forever Living Health & Beauty Products Distribution Limited Ilker & Reyhan Ismen Gazeteciler Sitesi Saglam Fikir Sokak No. 1 80300 Esentepe-Istanbul, Turkey Tel: 011-90-212-347-7126 011-90-212-347-8126 Fax: 011-90-212-347-1159 011-90-212-347-8130 ilkerismen@yahoo.com (MD) oatas@flptr.com (Omer Atas-Asst. MD Operations Mgr.) gcibooglu@flptr.com (Guler Cibooglu—Accts. Mgr) nsoylu@flptr.com (Nazcan Soylu-Int’l Sponsoring Rally Contact) flpturkey@yahoo.com (General) info@flptr.com (Nacional) www.flptr.com (E-Shop) www.foreverlivingtr.com UKRAINE (#731) Forever Living Products Ukraine, Tzov. Michael Rymar Mechnikova str. 10/2 Kiev 01133, Ukraine Tel: 011-380-44-284-7363 011-380-44-284-6165 011-380-44-284-6779 011-380-44-284-9377 Fax: 011-380-44-285-5528 flpu@voliacable.com www.foreverliving.com.ua 29 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Forever Living Products FZE, LLC Eliser Salvador Block ‘B’, B-23 & 24, WB Road 21, Dubai Airport Free Zone PO Box 54305 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tel: 011-971-4-2994-800 Fax: 011-971-4-2994-887 Dubai Product Center: 011-971-4-297-8114 flpdubai@emirates.net.ae (main office) flpdubai@eim.ae (main office) uae@foreverliving.ae (main office) Administration-uae@foreverliving.ae (Virginia Batoy–Rally Contact) eliser-uae@foreverliving.ae (Managing Director) vangie-uae@foreverliving.ae (Evangeline RajeshFinance.&Admin Mgr) customerservice-uae@foreverliving.ae (Mark Anthony Tanyag) URUGUAY Forever Living Products Uruguay, S.R.L. Ismael Sosa & Soledad Marichal Roque Graseras 868 11300, Montevideo Uruguay Tel: 011-598-2-711-5495 011-598-2-711-9650 Fax: 011-598-2-711-4847 soledadmarichal@adinet.com.uy (Soledad Marichal) foreveruruguay@adinet.com.uy (Vanessa Costa) 30 D:\533563714.doc FLP INTERNATIONAL OFFICES March, 2010 VENEZUELA Forever Living Products Venezuela, S.R.L. Jose Villalba Ismael Sosa & Soledad Marichal Av. Los Pinos No. 102 Qta. Louisiana Plaza Juarez Cota Mil Urb. Florida Norte Caracas, Venezuela Tel: 011-58-212-730-1154 011-58-212-731-4841 011-58-212-731-5568 011-58-212-731-4206 (Jose Direct) Fax: 011-58-212-730-7065 flpvdirectorgen@hotmail.com (Jose Villalba) gladiola@walla.com (Gladiola Aristeiguieta – Rally contact) forever@hotmail.com (Miriam Fragozo – Rally back up) forever@cantv.net Main email for entire office VIETNAM Aloe Trading Company, Ltd. Ms. Truong Thi Nhi Admin Office 19C Cong Hoa Street, Ward 12, District Tan Binh, HCMC, VN Tel: 011-84-8-3948-5119 - 39485120 Fax: 011-84-8-3948-5139 atclohoi@hcm.vnn.vn http://www.flpvietnam.com General Office: 199 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Wards 7, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel. : 011-84-8-3932-5076, 3936509 Fax : 011-84-8-3932-5928 31 D:\533563714.doc