DVD paket belajar Cisco ujian CCNA 640-802 (+bonus 1 dvd belajar CCNP) Fresh Update! permisi gan.. mo titip jualan koleksi pribadi nih, hasil kompilasi sendiri.. (biasa saya bagikan ke peserta training CCNA.. DVD PAKET KOMPILASI BELAJAR CISCO CCNA 640-802 (TERBARU! UPDATE AGUSTUS 08) + BONUS DVD CCNP ! (1 DVD + BONUS 1 DVD, TOTAL 2 DVD !!) Terdiri dari : 1.CCNA versi 4.0 DISCOVERY & EXPLORATION. Merupakan modul training official TERBARU dari CISCO, dalam bentuk web-based interaktif dan animasi LENGKAP! - Discovery 1: Networking for Home and Small and Businesses - Discovery 2: Working at a Small to Medium Business or ISP - Discovery 3: Introduction Routing and Switching in the Enterprise - Discovery 4: Designing and Supporting Computer Networks - Exploration 1: Network Fundamentals - Exploration 2: Routing Protocols and Concept - Exploration 3: LAN Switching and Wireless - Exploration 4: Accessing the WAN 2.CCNA VIDEO MENTOR, 2ND EDITION Video training dari CISCO PRESS 640-802, TERBARU !!.. Total 4 Jam VIDEO [ 3.CISCO PRESS 640-802 File PDF dari buku official terbitan cisco. JUGA TERBARU 4.ICND1 & ICND 2 Cisco Official SLIDE Puluhan slide PPT official materi CISCO 640-802 TERBARU 5.PACKET TRACER 5.0. TERBARU Merupakan program simulator official dari Cisco. Untuk praktek belajar CCNA, bahkan dapat digunakan untuk merancang network sendiri. Disertai BONUS SKENARIO/ACTIVITIES : - Configuring Etherchannel - Configuring Frame-Relay - Configuring InterVLAN Routing With MultiLayer Switch - Configuring IPV6 RIP - Configuring Port Security - Configuring RSTP - Configuring SSH - Multiuser RIP Configuration - Troubleshooting OSPF Frame-Relay 6.PASS4SURE CCNA 3.20 (TERBARU! 24-08-08) Program simulator ujian (atau lebih tepatnya.. mirip bocoran!) TERBARU !! 7.TESTKING 640-802 v.17 Kumpulan ratusan soal latihan ujian CISCO 640.802 Terbaru (tepatnya.. mirip bocoran juga.. dalam PDF BONUS !!! )!!! 8. CBT Nuggets CCNA Video training dari CBT NUGGETS yang terkenal untuk belajar CCNA ! 9. Cisco Network Academy CCNA 3.0 Official training dari cisco CCNA versi 3.0 10.Learnkey - Cisco Authorized series Video training dari Learnkey, Cisco CCNA 640-801 LENGKAP ! 11.PASS4SURE CCNA v3.15 Pass4sure 640-802 versi sebelumnya BONUS LAGI !! DVD PAKET KOMPILASI BELAJAR CCNP TERBARU 1. CCNP VIDEO MENTOR Lebih dari 5 jam !! mentor dalam video, mencakup materi LAB CCNP (BCMSN, BSCI, dan ISCW dan ONT) official dari cisco 2. CISCO NETWORK ACADEMY CCNP 5.0 Official Cisco network academy training module CCNP versi terbaru !! versi 5.0 dalam bentuk web interactive dan animasi. LENGKAP 3. GNS 3-0.5-win32-allinone Program simulator ini bener bener keren !!.. kita dapat membuat simulasi network router dan switch dengan IOS yang sesungguhnya !! (IOS sudah termasuk dalam DVD ini) 4. The Boson NETSIM 7.02 Program simulator terkenal, dari BOSON. lengkap dengan skenario dan studi kasus. lebih dari cukup untuk persiapan ujian CCNP BONUS DALAM BONUS !!! 5. CBT Nuggets CCNP. LENGKAP !! Video training dari CBT NUGGETS yang terkenal untuk belajar CCNP. LENGKAP dari BCMSN, BSCI, ISCW, dan ONT 6. CISCO IOS 12.4 Collection Kumpulan IOS cisco !!.. ada 21 IOS cisco router dan switch yang juga bisa digunakan untuk belajar cisco dengan menggunakan software GNS 3.0 HARGA BIASA SAYA JUAL rp.125.000 belum termasuk ongkir (silakan cek di website http://toko.bukusisa.com) UNTUK DETIKFORUM.. HANYA RP. 85.000 SAJA UNTUK 2 DVD TERSEBUT!!! dan gratis ongkir jawa-bali silakan pesan via PM atau sms ke 0817 9 266 255, JANGAN LUPA SEBUTKAN DARI DETIKFORUM utk mendapatkan discount. Koleksi Movie Tutorial Terlengkap Se-Indonesia Hai All... saya mengkoleksi ratusan movie tutorial nih. materinya macam2, mulai dari animasi 2D, 3D, Composting dll, List movie tutorial koleksi saya antara lain : Khusus Animasi 3DSMAX LYNDA Learning discreet 3ds Max (2cd) Character Animation in discreet 3ds Max (2cd) Character Rigging in discreet 3ds Max (1cd) Modelling in discreet 3ds Max (2cd) Texturing and Lighting in discreet 3ds Max (2cd) GNOMON Gnomon Global Illumination VRAY Light Interior (1DVD) Gnomon Global Illumination VRAY Light exterior (1DVD) Gnomon 3DS Max Environment Lighting for Production (1DVD) Gnomon Character Modelling for Production (1DVD) Gnomon Character Texturing and Rendering for Production (1DVD) Gnomon Environment Creation for Production (1DVD) Gnomon : 3D mate Painting & Camera Mapping (1DVD) Gnomon : Introduction to Realflow Sculpting (1DVD) Gnomon : Head Polygonal Modelling For Games (1DVD) Gnomon : Body Polygonal Modelling For Games (1DVD) Gnomon.3dsmax.set.extension.and.lighting.effects (1DVD) Gnomon - Character Design Techniques (1DVD) Gnomon : Techniques of Dylan Cole: Advanced Digital Matte Painting (1DVD) Gnomology- Vray Speed vs Quality (1cd) CG Academy CG Academy Advanced Modeling 1: Sub-D Creature Modeling (latihan bikin monster dari basic) (1DVD) CG Academy - Advanced Modeling 2 : Tehnicall Modelling "Train" (1DVD) CG Academy - Basic Texturing Fundamental (1DVD) CG Academy - Intermediate Texturing 1 (1DVD) CG Academy - Advanced Texturing " Creature Texturing and Unwrapping" (1DVD) CG Academy 3Dsmax Workflow 1 (1DVD) CG Academy 3Dsmax Workflow 2 " Proceduralism" (1DVD) CG Academy Character Ringging Vol 1-4 (4DVD) CG Academy Partikel Flow Fundamental vol 1 - 5 (5DVD) CG Academy After Burn Vol 1 -3 (3 DVD) CG Academy Max Script Fundamental Vol 1 - 3 (3DVD) 3D Quaker: Learning Character Studio Animation vol 1 - 4 (4 cd) 3D Quaker: ArchiCD I & II for 3dsMax (3cd) 3D Quaker: 3DS MAX Foundation Lighting and Material (1cd) Learning 3d Character Animation by Jeff Lew (3cd) Evermotion Car4ever (belajar bikin model mobil dari basic) (1 DVD) Evermotion Mental4Ever (belajar pake plugins Mental Ray) (2 cd) Evermotion Creation4Ever (belajar pake Vray Advanced) (1 cd) Duber training : Modelling potrait of a girl (1DVD) Duber training : Texturing potrait of a girl (1DVD) Duber training : UV Mapping potrait of a girl (1DVD) Turbo Training : Advanced Visual FX 1 (1DVD) Turbo Training : Advanced Visual FX 2 (1DVD) Turbo Training : Advanced Visual FX for Film (1DVD) Turbo Training : Clothing Technique (1DVD) Turbo Training : Advanced Cloth Workshop(1DVD) Modelling a Shoot Gun (2cd) Modelling a Motor Bike Duccati (1cd) Modeling Audi A3 (1cd) 3D Total : Creature Head Modelling, UV Mapping, Texturing, dan Rendering with 3d max (1DVD) 3D Total : Starship Fighter Modelling, UV Mapping, Texturing, dan Rendering (1DVD) 3D Total : Eva Wild Series Vol 1- 3 (3 DVD) VTC Autodesk 3ds max 8 Tutorials (1 CD) E-Learning 3D Max 8 Courses (1DVD) 3D.PALACE.APU.Vol 1 dan 2 (2 DVD) 3D.PALACE.ULTIMAX.Vol 1 dan 2 (2 DVD) 3D.PALACE Game Character Modelling Vol 1 -2 (2 DVD) 3D.PALACE Robot Dreagnaugt (1DVD) 3D PALACE - ATMT Star Wars set (1DVD) 3D Palace - Strombringer Training DVD (2DVD) 3D Palace - Master Seminar 2006 - Particles, Spiders and Space Batles (1DVD) Tutorial Dedy Syam tahun 2003 - 2005, 36 Edisi Majalah Chip (3 DVD) Tutorial 3DMAX 6 untuk pemula (bhs.Indonesia info : http://www.augesweb.com/cdi.htm) (4CD) Character Rigging With 3DSM And Biped (1DVD) How to use Reactor in 3DS MAX Movie Tutorial (1CD) Lots Of Robot Vol 1 & 2 (2DVD) Interior Modelling & Rendering for Beginner (1CD) Autodesk.viz.2007.superior.renderings (1DVD) Autodesk.aliasstudio.techniques.sketching.and.conc ept.design.(1DVD) The Secret Of 3ds Max Rendering with Vray, Brazil, & Final Render (chinese language) (1DVD) Fundamental to Advance MaxScripts 101 (1CD) fxphd Background Fundamentals (1CD) Animate - 3D character animation course with Cristin McKee (3CD) [CGPower.com.cn]Fume.Fx.Vol.01 (1DVD) fxphd Matte Painting Production Techniques (1CD) MAX201 - Advanced Rendering and Mental Ray (1CD) MAX101 - 3DS Max for Compositors (1CD) fxphd Rotoscoping Techniques CD (1CD) Gnomon - 3ds Max - Fluid Simulation with Glu3D - Cetin Tuker (1DVD) 10 hours of video training showing how to model a realistic horse (1DVD) LostPencil 3D Apprenticeship Training for 3ds max - UV Mapping (3CD) LostPencil 3D Apprenticeship Training for 3ds max - Rigging (2CD) LostPencil 3D Apprenticeship Training for 3ds max - Animating (2CD) LostPencil 3D Apprenticeship Training for 3ds max - Modeling (4CD) fxphd Matte Painting Production Techniques(1DVD) FumeFX Video Training (1CD) MAX201 - Advanced Rendering and Mental Ray (1DVD) MAX101 - 3DS Max for Compositors (1CD) fxphd Rotoscoping Techniques CD (1CD) Sitni Sati FumeFX(for 3dsMax) v.1.0 Video Tutorial (1 CD) Learning 3ds Max 9 (1DVD) Animate - 3D character animation course with Cristin McKee (3CD) 3DNY Multipass Rendering (1DVD) Simplymax MaxBot (1CD) Simplymax Goblin Head (1CD) Simplymax Cartoon Rat Model (1CD) SimplyMax.com Machine Gun (1CD) SimplyMax.com Creature -Organic (1CD) Tensun3d Tutorial for Max (1CD) Lostpencil: Just Animate - Walk Cycles for 3ds Max (1DVD) 3DS Max MasterClass: Reactor Dinamic Simulation (2CD) CG Experience : Building a House in Max For Begginer (1CD) Learning 3ds Max 9 Basic Creations (1CD) Autodesk® 3ds Max® Techniques | Character Rigging: Think Outside the Box (1DVD) Easy exterior with vray 1.5+physical sky light (1CD) AUTODESK DISCREET 3DS MAX MASTER CLASS Character Rigging and Animation (2cd) Editable Poly Modelling (1cd) Character Building for Games (1DVD) Autodesk 3DSMAX UNPLUGGED (1DVD) AutoDesk 3ds Max Master Class Series 3D With The Compositing Process In Mind (2CD) AutoDesk 3ds Max Master Class Series Backburner and Network Rendering (1DVD) AutoDesk 3ds Max Master Class Series Max Script Secret Revealed (1DVD) AutoDesk 3ds Max Master Class Series Advanced Modelling & Normal Mapping (1DVD) AutoDesk 3ds Max Master Class Series Sterring Clear Of Photo Real (1DVD) AutoDesk 3ds Max Master Class Series Productivity and mapping in Visualization (1DVD) AutoDesk 3ds Max Master Class Series Discreet 3D Max Games Development (2DVD) Master Class Series - Vehicle Rigging (2CD) Master Class Series - Film Effects (1DVD) 3ds Max Master Class Series - Texture Mapping (1DVD) Discreet 3ds max Games Development Series - Modeling Your Games Environments & Assets (2DVD) MasterClass Series - Advanced Character Rigging with 3ds Max (2CD) Master Class series Character Rigging and Animation. (2CD) Master Class series Advanced Character Rigging. (2CD) Master Class series Materials All Dressed UP (2CD) Master Class series Secrets Of Lofting (2CD) 3DS Max MasterClass: Reactor Dinamic Simulation (2CD) Learn Particle Flow (1CD) Autodesk 3ds Max Techniques: Design Visualization (1DVD) Autodesk 3ds Max Techniques | Rapid Tools Development (1CD) 3D Palace - The Chaos Scorpion Uberproject (1DVD) Deconstructing the Elements with 3dsmax (1DVD) 3D total : Freedom Teach Of Human Modelling (1DVD) Maxwell Basic workflow (1CD) Last edited by sayurasem : 29th January 2008 at 11:35. sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #2 3rd December 2007, 18:30 sayurasem Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Registered Member Khusus Maya : Digital Tutor Introduction to Dynamics in Maya (3CD) Digital Tutor Creating Cartoon Sets in Maya (3CD) Digital Tutor Rigging Quadrupeds in Maya (3CD) DIGITAL TUTORS - PYTHON SCRIPTING IN MAYA (2CD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to Maya nCloth (2CD) Gnomonology - THE MAKING OF 'TRIN'(1DVD) Alias Maya LEARNING MAYA 7 MENTAL RAY (1DVD) Gnomon Modeling the human head (1DVD) Fahrenheit Digital - Maya - Rigging & Skinning For Feature Animation (1DVD) Gnomon - Head Sculpting and texturing (2DVD) Pixar Renderman Tutorial (1CD) Digital tutors - Set design (2CD) Gnomology - Rigging 101 skeletons (1DVD) SimplyMaya red girl (1DVD) *Digital Tutor. Facial Animation and Lip Sync in Maya (2CD) *Gnomon - maya UV Mapping for games (2DVD) 3DBuzz-Fluid dynamics in Maya -Meteor/Ocean/Sky (1CD) Alias maya : Polygon Lighting, Shading and Texturing (1CD) Digital tutors Introduction to Lighting in Maya (1CD) digital tutors Creating Cartoon Vehicles in Maya (4CD) Digital tutors -Creating Cartoon Characters in Maya (4CD) Dover Studios Maya Surface Materials (1CD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to Renderman for Maya 2.0 (2CD) Digital Tutors - Dynamic Simulations with RealFlow 4 (2CD) Digital Tutors -Creating Digital Humans 1: Volume and Muscle (4CD) Digital Tutors -Creating Digital Humans 2: Definition and Detailing (4CD) Digital Tutors -Creating Digital Humans 3: UV and Texture Mapping (2CD) Digital Tutors -Creating Digital Humans 4: Shading and Rendering (1CD) Introdiction to UI making in maya MEL(1CD) DIGITAL-TUTORS MATERIALS AND RENDERING IN ZBRUSH 3.1 (1CD) Digital Tutor Cartoon Character Rigging in Maya (4CD) CGToolkit - The Making of Leon DVD (3DVD) SimplyMaya : Apache Helecopter Modeling & Simplymaya : Apache Texturing (2DVD) Autodesk_Maya_Learning_Tools_Discover_Maya_Medical _Visualization (1DVD) DIGITAL TUTORS - PYTHON SCRIPTING IN MAYA (2CD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to Maya nCloth (2CD) SimplyMaya red girl (1DVD) Digital-Tutors Introduction to Animation in Maya (1CD) Autodesk Maya Techniques - Animator Friendly Rigging (3DVD) FXPHD: Maya Lighting and Rendering (1DVD) Gnomonology: Light Linking In Heavy Scenes (1CD) Autodesk Maya Techniques: Digital Hair (1DVD) Alias Character Rigging and Animation (1DVD) Gnomon - Automotive Modeling Techniques (1DVD) Digital-Tutors Animating Quadrupeds in Maya (2CD) Gnomon - Drawing Dinosaurs - Anatomy and Sketching (1DVD) 3d.buzz.mastering.maya.the.fundamentals.disc.1.dvd (1DVD) 3d.buzz.mastering.maya.the.fundamentals.disc.2.dvd (1DVD) 3D.Buzz.Maya.Advanced.Modeling.VOL1.DVDR-CAUiSO (1DVD) 3D.Buzz.Maya.Advanced.Modeling.VOL2.DVDR-CAUiSO (1DVD) 3D.Buzz.Maya.Advanced.Modeling.VOL3.DVDR-CAUiSO (1DVD) 3D.Buzz.Maya.Advanced.Modeling.VOL4.DVDR-CAUiSO (1DVD) Alias StudioTools Techniques: Painting and Sketching for Design (1DVD) Autodesk AliasStudio Techniques: Sketching and Concept Design (1DVD) 3DTrainer.com Collection Maya Tutorial (3DVD) GNOMONOLOGY THE MAKING OF 'JESTER (1DVD) Digital Tutors - Street Racer Kit (2CD) Autodesk Maya Silvership Member Tutorial Full Content (2DVD) Lynda.com - Maya 6.5 Essential Training (2 CD) 3D Palace - Ultimax Apocalypse - Advanced Maya Modelling (1DVD) Gnomon : Outer Space Environment (2 DVD) Gnomon Workshop - Ch Introduction to Maya (1DVD) Gnomon 101 Maya Cloth Fundamental (1DVD) Gnomon Digital Environment Workflow (2DVD) Gnomon.Introduction to Zbrush 2 (2DVD) Gnomon.Introduction to Zbrush 3 (2DVD) DIGITAL-TUTORS MATERIALS AND RENDERING IN ZBRUSH 3.1(1CD) Digital-Tutors Pipeline Integration with Maya and ZBrush 3 (2CD) Gnomonology Bullets Dust Hits And Debris (4DVD) Gnomonology.maya.ground.explosion-hell (1DVD) Lynda.com.Maya.8.5.Character.Rigging (1CD) L.M - NURBS Modeling, Maya modeling Video tutorial (1DVD) Digital Tutors Maya Unlimited Fur (1CD) Gnomonology - HUMAN ANATOMY FEMALE and THE MAKING OF SMILE (1DVD) Gnomonology maya creating endering sparks (1DVD) Gnomon Workshop - Sculpting the Femme Fatale (full DVD) Mastering Maya 7 Training Full DVD+Ebook (1DVD) Digital Tutors-Texturing with ZBrush 3 (2CD) Digital Tutors Mental Ray For Maya Training Kit (2CD) Gnomon_Workshop_Maya_Animation_Deformers_Clusters_ and_Blendshape (1DVD) Gnomon - DigitalSculpt: Human Anatomy (1DVD) Gnomon_Maya_Training_Humanoid_Modeling (1DVD) Gnomon_maya_Training_Skin_Shading_With_MentalRay (1DVD) Dover Studios Maya NURBS Modeling 2nd Edition (1DVD) Digital-Tutors Maya The Artist's Guide to MEL (2CD) Gnomon - Maya - Pipelines for Video Game Animation (1DVD) Gnomon Workshop - Ch Maya Dynamics: Underwater Environments (1DVD) Gnomonology.outdoor.lighting vol 1-6 (6 CD) GNOMON MAYA TRAINING - UV Mapping 101 - Fundamental Layout Techniques with Sean Mil (1DVD) Gnomon Mental Ray 1: Fundamentals- Rendering techniques (1DVD) Gnomon Mental Ray 2: Lighting and Shaders (1DVD) Gnomon Mental Ray 3: Global Illumination (1DVD) 3Dtrainer : Lighting and Rendering Maya (1DVD) Gnomonology - Turntable Animations (1DVD) Gnomology : ZBrush3 - Topology Reconstruction (1DVD) AutoDesk : Game Character Modelling Maya (1DVD) Digital Tutor : Using Syflex in Maya (2CD) DV Garage : Maya Lab vol 1 (2CD) DV Garage : Maya Lab vol 2 (2CD) Digital Tutor : Maya Cloth (1CD) CartoonDog-Simply Maya (1CD) Simply Maya-Centaur Head (3DVD) Simply Maya-Monster Head (1CD) Simply Maya-Shark (1CD) Simply Maya VIP Tutorial Vol. 1 (1CD) Skinning 1: Smooth Binding with Wrap Deformers (1CD) Skinning 2: Smooth Skin Weighting (1CD) Skinning 3: Head Skinning and Rigging Project Files (1CD) Skinning 4: Smooth Skin Influence Objects (1CD) 3DTrainer.com - Canyon Run (1CD) 3DTrainer.com - Walker Project (1CD) 3DTrainer.com - MayaNCloth (1CD) Pirate Ship - Simply Maya (3CD) Pesawat Terbang PD II - (3CD) Gnomon Workshop - Skinning (2CD) Gnomon Introduction to Maya (1CD) Studio Kirlo Maya Poligonal Modelling .(1CD) Gnomon Texture Painting Fundamental (1DVD) 3D Texturing in Maya and Photoshop (1CD) Digital Tutor Mental Ray - (1CD) Digital Tutor Maya Hair (1CD) Fundamental Texturing in PS (1CD) Gnomon - The Secrets of Organic Modeling (1DVD) Digital Tutor RealFlow 3 basic (2CD) Digital Tutor Introduction to Maya 2nd Edition (seri lengkap) (4CD) Gnomon Workshop - Nurbs Modeling (Racecar) (1CD) Hypershade Workflow (1DVD) Gnomonology - The Refinery Project (6DVD) Best of 3D Buzz DVD - Volume II (1DVD) Gnomonology PIXIE DUST USING SPRITES (1DVD) Gnomon Fluids Vol 1-2 ( 2 DVD) Gnomon Maya Lighting vol 1 (1DVD) Gnomon : Visual Storytelling with Iain McCaig Volume 1-2: (2DVD) Creature_01_PC - Autodesk Training - (2CD) Last edited by sayurasem : 29th January 2008 at 11:40. sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #3 3rd December 2007, 18:31 sayurasem Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Registered Member Digital Tutor Body Mechanic Heavy Lifting (2CD) Digital Tutor - Maya Unlimited Fluid Effects (1CD) Digital Tutor - Intermediate Sub Polygonal Modelling (4CD) Digital Tutor - Maya Archive (3CD) Digital Tutor - Maya in Production, Lengkap 5 Vol (preproduction,modelling,texturing, ringging, animating) (10CD) Digital Tutors - Photorealistic Car Modeling in Maya (5CD) Digital Tutors - Fundamentals Of Maya - Polygon Sub-D Modeling (2CD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to Modeling (2CD) Digital tutors- Introduction to MEL (1CD) Digital Tutors - Soft and Rigid Bodies (2CD) Digital Tutors - Fundamentals of Maya: UV Layout (2CD) Digital Tutor Character Binding & Skinning in Maya (2CD) Digital Tutors Body Mechanics and Animation in Maya Pushing Objects (2CD) Digital Tutors Body Mechanics and Animation in Maya: Pulling Objects (2CD) Digital Tutors Urban Environment Creation in Maya (2CD) Digital Tutors Maya Modeling Techniques: Interior (2CD) Digital Tutors - Mental Ray Rendering Techniques - Interiors (2CD) Digital Tutors RealFlow and Maya Integration (2CD) Digital Tutor - Introduction to Mudbox (2CD) Digital Tutor - Maya Modeling Techniques: Werewolves (4CD) Digital Tutors - Maya Basics (4CD) Introdiction to UI making in maya MEL (2CD) Gnomon - Mudbox - The Digital Maquette - Volume One (1DVD) Gnomon - Mudbox - The Digital Maquette - Volume Two (1DVD) Gnomon.maya.training.mel.101.fundamentals (1DVD) Gnomonology - HUMAN ANATOMY FEMALE and THE MAKING OF SMILE (1DVD) 3D Total : Creature Head Modelling, UV Mapping, Texturing, dan Rendering with maya(1DVD) Female Android Digital Tutor - Gnomon (3CD) Maya-Zbrush Intg - Digital Tutor -(2CD) Simply Maya - Man Riding Spider - (2CD) Digital Tutor : Mental Ray Maya Rendering Workflow (1CD) Digital Tutor Mastering Render Nodes Maya (1CD) Digital Tutor Advanced Particle Instancing Maya (1CD) Digital Tutor - Rendering Maya Toon (1CD) Simply Maya - Ball Throw (1CD) Simply Maya - Boxing (1CD) Simply Maya - Orch Head Lipsync (1CD) Simply Maya - Advanced Lipsync Animation (1CD) Simply Maya : Med Lab Scene Modeling Maya (1 DVD) Simply Maya : Apache Animation (1CD) Simply Maya : Modelling Freeky Low Poly (1CD) Simply Maya : Modelling Hounted House (1CD) Simply Maya : Ringging For The Low Poly Man (1CD) Simply Maya : Hands Animation (1CD) Simply Maya : Evil Texturing (1CD) Simply Maya : Modelling & Texturing Oliphant (1DVD) Simply Maya : Car Ferrary Modelling & Texturing (4DVD) Simply Maya - Fantasy Landscape (1DVD) Simply Maya- Robot Door Animation (1CD) Alias Learning Maya 7 (1CD) Alias Maya Technique Modelling Human Head (1CD) Alias Full Body IK Saver " Hyper Realistic Creature Creation" (1CD) Alias MEL and the API (1CD) Alias Enhanced Visual FX (1CD) Alias Maya Technique Hyper Realistic " Creature Anatomy" (1DVD) Alias Maya Pre-visualitation (1CD) Alias Learning Maya 7 | Foundation (1DVD) Alias Learning Maya : The Aesthetics of Cameras (1DVD) The Making of RYAN (2CD) Seri lengkap Alias Maya Supertoon Animation I Basic (1DVD) Alias Maya Supertoon Animation II Modelling Body and Face (1DVD) Alias Maya Supertoon Animation III Facial and Body Ringging (1DVD) Seri Lengkap Maya Character_Animation_1_Fundamentals (1cd) Maya Character_Animation_2_Animating Bipeds(1cd) Maya Character_Animation_3_Animating_Your_First_Scene (1cd) Digital Tutorials Introduction To Maya Hypershade.Basics (1cd) Alias Maya FluidFX (1cd) Alias MAYA HyperRealBodySetup - (1cd) Alias MayaTechniques MentalRay CustomShaders 1 dan 2 (2cd) Building Advance Shaders Digital Tutors (1cd) Simply Maya Interior Scene - (1DVD) Alpha Channel Maya - (1cd) AW - Maya Techniques - Exploring Particles - (1 cd) BuzzTV Episode01dan 2 (1cd) Kinematics 1 -Gnomon - (1cd) Kinematics 2 -Gnomon - (1cd) Kinematics 3 -Gnomon - (1cd) Kinematics 4 -Gnomon - (1cd) Non-Organic Surface Modeling - (2cd) CG Toolkit : ArtOfRigging Vol I - (1DVD) CG Toolkit : ArtOfRigging Vol II - (1DVD) CG Toolkit : ArtOfRigging Vol III - (1DVD) Particle Expressions I + II (2DVD) Gnomon- Maya Organic Modelling (2DVD) Digital Tutor Character Setup in Maya - (2cd) Tutor Animasi Arsitektural (2CD) Digital Tutor Fundation Of Animation (2CD) Boujou in Maya - (2 DVD) Digital Tutor Non Linear Animation with Maya Trax (1cd) Digital Tutor Introduction to Renderman Maya - (1cd) Digital Tutor Introduction Zbrush - (1cd) Digital Tutor - Maya Automobile Technique (4CD) Digital Tutor - Particles and Fields in Maya (2CD) Digital Tutor- Mental ray tips and Trick (1CD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to Renderman for Maya 2.0 (2CD) Digital Tutors - Dynamic Simulations with RealFlow 4 (2CD) Gnomon maya Texturing Fundamental vol 1 & 2 (2DVD) Gnomon 101 Maya Paint Effect (1DVD) Gnomonology Bullets Dust Hits And Debris (4DVD) Gnomonology.maya.ground.explosion-hell (1DVD) GNOMONOLOGY THE MAKING OF 'JESTER (1DVD) Dover Studios - Maya Shading Network (1cd) Digital Tutor Introduction to Modelling (2CD) Digital Tutor Hairshave and Haircut (2CD) Digital Tutor Introduction to RealFlow 4 (2CD) Digital Tutor -Facial Rigging in Maya (2CD) Gnomon Creature Detailing For Production (1DVD) Dover Studios Maya NURBS Modeling 2nd Edition (1CD) Creature Texturing & Rendering (1DVD) Gnomon Creating Creatures with Zbrush (1DVD) Gnomon.Detialing CharacterZbrush alpha Library - (1DVD) Digital Tutor- Intoduction to maya Paint Effect (3cd) Autodesk - Hyper Realistic Creature Anatomy (1DVD) Autodesk - Realistic Creature Creation (1DVD) Gnomon.Workshop.Feng Zhu.Concept.Design - (3cd) Gnomon.Zbrush production Pipeline - (2DVD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to Renderman for Maya 2.0 (2CD) Digital Tutors - Dynamic Simulations with RealFlow 4 (2CD) Digital-Tutors Pipeline Integration with Maya and ZBrush 3 (2CD) Digital-Tutors Maya The Artist's Guide to MEL (2CD) Dover Studios Maya Surface Materials (1CD) GNOMON -MEL for Effects Artists (1DVD) Maya Lighting (1cd) Maya Digital Sets Vol 1 - 4 (4DVD) Last edited by sayurasem : 29th January 2008 at 11:41. sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #4 3rd December 2007, 18:31 sayurasem Registered Member Koleksi Lainnya : Gnomon Mate Painting Production Technique (1DVD) Gnomon Planks and Panels (4DVD) Kurv studio : Get into Zbrush 2 (1DVD) Kurv studio : RealFlow Basic to Intermediate (1DVD) Kurv studio : Head Character Modelling in Silo (1DVD) Videocopilot.net After Effect Basic Training (1CD) Luxology Training Videos - Seahorse (1CD) Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Learning Design with Alias StudioTools (1DVD) Gnomon nuke composition in production DVD (1DVD) Gnomon-Originality in Design with Nick PUGH (1DVD) VTC Swift 3D v4 Video Training (1CD) Cartoon.Smart_Carousel_Navigation (1CD) Acrobat 3D Version 8 Essential Training - Brian Wood (1CD) Gnomon - Texture Painting - Weathered Surfaces (1DVD) Modo In Focus 301 (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D Advanced Texturing & Rendering: Project Viper by Kevin (1DVD) Digital Tutors Introduction to Photoshop CS3 (2CD) Gnomon Introduction to NUKE Compositing DVD (2DVD) Digital Tutors Rendering Interiors In Xsi (2CD) VideoCopilot.Evolution.Full.DVD (1DVD) SimplyLightwave - Stratocaster modeling (1DVD) Gnomon Workshop - Houdini Rigid Body Dynamics (Full DVD) (1DVD) fxphd - After Effects Beyond the Basics (1DVD) Desktop.Images.Graphic.Details (2CD) SimplyLightwave - Lightwave Interior Lighting, Texturing and Rendering (1DVD) SimplyLightwave - Interior Modelling (1DVD) Luxology Training Videos - The Alley (1DVD) FXPHD - NUK101 - Introduction to Nuke (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D 8 Introduction to Lighting and Shading (1DVD) Kurv Studious - LightWave 3D 8 Product Creation Tutorials Volume 1 (1CD) Kurv Studios - 3D Print and Illustration for 2D Artists: Volume I (1DVD) Kurv Studious - LightWave 3D 9 Rigging: The Definitive Guide (1DVD) Lightwave Visual FX Series Dynamics And Detail (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D 8 Dynamics Cloth and Vehicles by Mike Pauza (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D 9 Introduction to Node Based Texturing (1CD) Motion Graphics with LightWave Distinguished Backgrounds (1DVD) Kurv Studious - IK Booster Videos (2CD) CartoonSmart.com_Spokes _Characters (1CD) Cartoon Smart The Atmosphere Collection Animation Package (1DVD) Total Training Adv After Effects 7 Pro: Broadcast Design Secrets (2DVD) VTC Autodesk Revit Building 9 Tutorials (1CD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to XSI Hair (2CD) Lynda.com Understanding Fields and Interlacing in After Effects (1CD) CARTOON SMART ADVANCE FLASH 8 (1DVD) Lynda.com - Mask Pro 4 Essential Training & onOne Software Mask Pro 4 (1CD) Digital Photo Magazine CD Content Oct 2007 - Photoshop for Perfect Portraits (1DVD) CartoonSmart.com_Spokes _Characters (1CD) CartoonSmart.com_E-Cards (1CD) VTC - Rhino 3D Tutorials - Brian Hull [filled] (1CD) DT - ZBrush/XSI Integration (2CD) Desktop Images - Understanding HyperVoxels (1CD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D Displacements and Edomorphs Vol.2 (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D Displacements and Edomorphs Vol.1 (1DVD) 3D Fluff - CINEMA 4D - Volume 6 - Animation in R10 (1DVD) MODO 301 Signature Courseware (2DVD) Reason.3.Tutorial.DVD.(1DVD) Digital.Tutors Interior Modeling Techniques with XSI (2CD) fxphd After Effects Design and More (1DVD) fxphd Introduction to Toxik I DVD (1DVD) Digital Tutors Rendering Interiors In Xsi (2CD) Digital tutors Introduction to Lighting in Maya (1CD) VTC Autodesk Revit Building 9 Tutorials (1CD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to XSI Hair (1CD) CARTOON SMART ADVANCE FLASH 8 (1DVD) Lynda.com - Mask Pro 4 Essential Training & onOne Software Mask Pro 4 (1CD) Eyeon Digital Fusion: Learning 3D Particles (1DVD) Gnomon Boujou 2 - Matchmoving and Integration (1DVD) GNOMON PHOTOSHOP TRAINING DVD From Speedpainting to Concept Art (1DVD) 3dtutorial XSI - Extreme Character Creation (1DVD) Gnomon Shake Color Correction and Layers (1DVD) Lynda com InDesign CS3 Prepress Essentials DVD (1DVD) Digital Media Training Series Inside Soundtrack Pro (1DVD) Adobe Soundbooth CS3 Essential training (1DVD) Adobe Encore DVD - VTC Course (1CD) Gnomon Houdini 101 Workflow and Interface (1DVD) BREATHE for Bryce 6.1 (1CD) KurvStudios - LightWave 3D 9.2 - Advanced Modelling (1DVD) KurvStudios - LightWave 3D 9.2 - Logo Design and Creation (1DVD) Poser Figure Artist ver. 1.0 Virtual 3D Models For Artists(1DVD) KW Media Group - 3D Painting & Texturing by Dan Casey (1DVD) Digital Creative Arts Special Edition Illustration (1DVD) Desktop Images - Professional Photoshop - Image Restoration and Repair (1DVD) Auto FX - Mystical Lighting Training (1DVD) PixelPops Design - Adobe Training - 3D Photomontage (1DVD) How to make the EVANGERION. (1DVD) Wrigley Videos .. All Premiere Video Tutorials (1DVD) Creative Cow Master Series - Particle Illusion 3 (1DVD) Mudbox: A Practical Guide - Training (1CD) Gnomon- Photoshop for Digital Production (2DVD) Gnomon - Adobe Photoshop - The Techniques of Christian Lorenz Scheurer (2DVD) Marko Djurdjevic: Character Ideation (1DVD) Caricature : The Creative Process (1CD) Adobe After FX Power Star (1 DVD) Cooking With Particleillusion Video Recipes For Pixel Pyrotechnics (1DVD) Videocopilot.net - Evolution (1DVD) Videocopilot.net - Real Clouds PAL Only (1DVD) Video Streams HD - VideoCopilot (1DVD) Designer Sound FX - VideoCopilot (1DVD) Cinema4D + ZBrush Integration: Egyptian Jewels (1DVD) RIOT GEAR Pre-Matted Organic Stock Footage (1DVD) Lynda.com- Photoshop CS 3 Extended for 3D + Video (1DVD) 3D Tutorial.com- XSI Production Solution and Tips (1DVD) Cartoonsmart.com - Dynamic sites using Flash 8 (1DVD) Digital Media - Inside Avid XPress Pro (1DVD) Serious Magic Ultra 2 Training DVD (1DVD) cmiVFX: Houdini L-Systems Essentials (1DVD) cmiVFX: Houdini Procedural Cities (1DVD) WTD: DV Enlightenment DVD series (1DVD) Digital Media - Inside Adobe Photoshop CS 2 (1DVD) Essential Post Production for Photoshop (1DVD) Eyeon Digital Fusion: Learning 3D Particles (1DVD) Digital.Tutors Interior Modeling Techniques with XSI (2CD) Digital Media - Inside Adobe Encore DVD CS 2 (1DVD) Avid Video Tutorials (4 Skill Levels) (4 DVD) DigitalTutors.com "Flash Action Scripts"(1CD) Cartoon Smart ActionScript 2 and 3 Drawing API (1CD) CartoonSmart.com - Creating Flames in Flash (1CD) AsileFX VUE 6 Advanced EcoSystem Creation (1DVD) Vue Advanced Material Creation (1CD) Vue Advanced Terrain Creation (1CD) Lynda.com Scanning Principles (2CD) Asile.FX.Whats.New.In.Vue.6.INFINITE (1DVD) Desktop.Images.Graphic.Details.DVD (1DVD) DigitalTutors.com- Char Rigging XSI (2CD) Gnomon.Shake.Tracking.And.Transforms (1DVD) DigitalTutors.com- MentalRay XSI (2CD) Desktop Images: Character Modeling and Animation Series with Lightwave 8.0 (seri lengkap) (3DVD) Mudbox - Unseen Videos (1cd) fxphd After Effects Design and More (1CD) VTC- Autocad For Architects 2005 (1cd) Kurv Sudio - Ligthwave Bone tools Training Video (1cd) Kurv Studio - Lightwave 3D UV texturing (1cd) Kurv Studios: Get into Silo - The Definitive Gui (2DVD) Kurv Studio : Vehicle Modelling with Lightwave 8" (2 DVD) Lightwave Master Seminar 2006 (1DVD) 3DGarage : Lightwave 9 Signature Courseware (1DVD) Rhino 4 Visual Tips DVD (1DVD) Gnomon.Matchmoving101 - (1DVD) Gnomon MatchMoving Advanced Production Technique (1DVD) Gnomon.Matchmoving Object.Tracking.in.Production.T (3cd) DISCREET.COMBUSTION.UNPLUGGED (1cd) Digital Tutor - Rendering Techniques in XSI (1CD) VTC Pinnacle Liquid Edition (1cd) Digital Tutors - Character Animation Setup in XSI Bundle (2CD) cartoonsmart.com - Smart Titles and Bumper Animations (2cd) Artis Guide XSI (1DVD) fxphd Introduction to Toxik I DVD (1DVD) VUE6 XStream - Advanced Spectral Atmospheres (1CD) Vue 6 - Advanced Custom Plant Creation (1CD) AsileFx Getting Started With Vue5 Infinite (1DVD) Joomla Cms System Joomla Magic Video Tutorial (1CD) Advanced Visual Movie FX from Videocopilot.net (1DVD) VTC Basic Discreet Combustion Video Training (1CD) Ignition Basic Discreet Combustion Video Training (13DVD) Ignition Advanced Discreet Combustion Video Training (5DVD) 3D Fluff Maxon Cinema Training Lengkap Vol 1 - 6 (6 DVD) Lynda Maxon Cinema Training 9 Essential (1DVD) Essential Post Production for Photoshop (1DVD) Software.Cinema.Non.Destructive.Adobe.Photoshop (1DVD) SCULPTING MOVIE MONSTERS (1DVD) Sculpting the Human Head (1DVD) Digital Tutors UV Layout in XSI ( 3 CD) Digital Tutor - NXTGEN Techniques XSI (2CD) Maxon Cinema Training Character Modelling Vol 1 (2DVD) Maxon - CINEMA 4D R10 - All VideoTutorial from 3dcafe (3DVD) Luxelogy Modo 2.0 Video Training (1DVD) Luxology Training Videos - Wrist Watch (1DVD) Modelling C9 Sporty Car With Luxelogy Modo 2.0(1DVD) Texturing & Rendering C9 Sporty Car Luxelogy Modo 2.0 (1DVD) Sport Shoes Modelling Luxelogy Modo 2.0 (1DVD) Painting Lessons with WACOM tablet - (2DVD) Cartoon Heads - Drawing Cartoon Heads and Facial Expressions (1CD) VTC Swift 3D v4 Video Training (1CD) Lynda.com Shake 4 1 Essential Training (1DVD) GNOMON - Practical Light and Color Theory and Application with Jeremy Vickery (1DVD) sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #5 3rd December 2007, 18:32 sayurasem Registered Member Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Mech Animation - (1cd) Alias Polygon Modelling (1cd) GNOMON MAYA TRAINING - POLYGON MODELING 101- (1DVD) Discover Maya for Broadcast (1DVD) Advanced_Maya_Character_Modeling - (1DVD) Digital Tutors: Introduction to Maya Animation: Walk Cycle (1CD) Gnomon Camera Projection In Maya (1DVD) 3D trainer : Maya Beginner & Beyond (1DVD) 3D trainer : Physical Dinamic (1DVD) Simply Maya : Modelling Yamaha YZR-RI (1DVD) Simply Maya : Modelling & Texturing The Hippo (1DVD) Simply Maya : Modelling Santa (1DVD) Simply Maya : GI Modelling & Texturing (1DVD) Simply Maya : Med Lab Texturing (1DVD) Simply Maya : Modelling Scifi Gorila (1DVD) Simply Maya : Render Layer Id Passes (1CD) Simply Maya : Orch Head Lip Sync (1CD) Simply Maya : Advanced Lip Tutorial (1CD) Simplymaya T-rex Modelling (1CD) Studio Kirlo, Maya Character Ringging (1CD) AutoDesk : Learning Maya Lighting (1CD) AutoDesk : Digital Hair (1DVD) Fahrenheit : Facial Ringging For Future Animation (1DVD) 3d Trainer - A Zbrush Authorized Training center (1CD) Digital Tutor- Introduction to Zbrush 3 (1CD) Digital Tutor- Sculpting Technique with Zbrush 3 (2cd) Dan Library 3D lainnya yakni ------------------------------------------------------------Evermotion Archmodels vol 1- 45 (34 cd) Evermotion Archmodels vol 46 (1CD) Evermotion Archmodels vol 47 (1DVD) Evermotion Archmodels vol 48 (1CD) Evermotion Archmodels vol 49 (1CD) Evermotion Archinterior vol 1 - 5, 7,9,10.11 ( 9 cd) Evermotion Archinterior vol 6, 8, (2 DVD) Evermotion HD Cars (not full) (1CD) Evermotion ArchShader vol 1 (1CD) Evermotion ArchShader vol 2 (1CD) Evermotion ArchExterior vol 1 (CD) Evermotion ArchExterior vol 2 (1DVD) Evermotion ArchExterior vol 3 (1DVD) Evermotion ArchExterior vol 4 (1DVD) Evermotion ArchExterior vol 5 (1DVD) Evermotion Landscape vol 1-3 (3CD) Amazing 3D Max World Project (3CD) High Dynamic Range Images (1CD) Taschen 500 3D Objects (3DS) (4CD) Cubix studio Male Content Pack retail (1CD) Cubix studio Female Content Pack retail (1CD) 3D Max Ambient Light Textures Complete Collection (1CD 90 3D Max Modelling (2CD) 3dCafe.VIP.Lounge.Models (5CD) Interior 3D Modelling from 3dmax.cn vol 1-10 (10CD) Architecture 3D Modelling 3dmax.cn vol 1-8 (8CD) Recon 3D Classic Model (5cd) Evermotion HDRI Sky (1cd) Dosch Design HDRI Sky (1cd) Sachform Technology HDRI (2CD) Dosch Logo Animation Model (1cd) HDRI campuran (1CD) All Vray Materials from vray-materials.de (1 cd) PlugIns 3DSMax Komplit, Vray, Brazil,Maxwell,Cebas, RTSquare, dll (3CD) De Espona 3D Model, over 5000 modelling 3D (5DVD) Library 3D Studio Max Volume 1 -5 (5CD) Graphic Spec Furniture V2R5 (1CD) Dosch Design Library 3D Collection (Texture, 3D Modelling, HDRI, Landscape etc) (5 DVD) The Finest CG Cars Collections Vol1 (1DVD) Marlin Studios - People in Motion Casual Attire (1DVD) Marlin- Seamless Textures 6 - Classic Architectural Ornament (1CD) speed tree extended library (1CD) XFrog Library Collection (1DVD) AXYZ People Library Collection (1DVD) *DOSCH 3D - Architectural Details (1CD) *CARPET AND TILE_CERAMIC TEXTURE (1CD) Momo Factory Low Poly Car Packs 1-6 (1CD) RPC danTexture --------------------------------------------------------------Evermotion Texture4Ever (1cd) Evermotion Texture4Ever vol 3 (1DVD) 3D Total Texture vol 1 - 15 (15cd) Onyx Tree Profesional Suite ver 6. (1 cd) Seamless Fabric Texture (2cd) Textures Plants Nature (1CD) RPC Tropical Trees & Folliage Alpha Maps (2 cd) RPC Virtual Trees and Folliage Alpha Maps (2 cd) RPC Casual People, Moving Casual People, Office People (1 cd) RPC Flowers and Trees vol 1 (1CD) RPC Parking Lot vol.1 , Automobiles vol.3, (1CD) RPC Recreation People vol 1 (1CD) RPC People vol 1(1CD) RPC Automobiles Volume.1 (1CD) RPC Automobiles vol 2 (1CD) RPC Shrubs Ornamental Vol.1 (1CD) RPC Trees & Plants Young Decid (1CD) RPC Shopping People Volume.1 (1CD) RPC Trees & Plants Asian (1CD) RPC College Student Volume.1 (1CD) RPC Walking Casual People (1CD) RPC Bussines People Vol 1 (1CD) RPC Travelling People Vol 2 " Asian" (1CD) RPC Walking Bussines People vol 1 (1CD) RPC Medical People vol 1 (1CD) RPC Resort People vol 1 (1CD) RPC Industri People Vol 1 (1CD) RPC Applauding People Vol 1 (1CD) RPC Applauding People vol 2 (1CD) RPC Travelling People vol 1 (1CD) RPC Plantscape Vol 1 (1CD) RPC Trees "Decideous" Vol 1 (1CD) RPC Walking Casual People vol 2 (1CD) RPC Parks & Recreation People vol 1 (1CD) RPC Seated People vol 1 (1CD) RPC Fountains Vol 1 (1CD) RPC Plantscape Vol 2 (1CD) RPC Casual People vol 2 (1CD) RPC Casual People "Asian" Vol 3 (1CD) RPC Trees (Tropiocal) Vol 3 (1CD) CInema 4d Pluginz Pack (1CD) MAXWELL DISPLACEMENT MATERIALS (1CD) Marlin Studio Metal Textures (1CD) Marlin Studio Rustic Textures (1CD) Marlin Studio SCI FI Textures (1CD) Modelling Interior dan Furniture 3Dmax, Viz, AutoCAD dari negeri Cina (termasuk maps, material, texture) ini beberapa sample 3D dari catalognya. (total ada 16 CD) http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/2478/page0084wn.jpg http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/8606/page0102pt.jpg http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/3493/page0138cc.jpg http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/5024/page0206sm.jpg http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/1719/page0248dv.jpg http://img82.imageshack.us/img82/1343/page0291jt.jpg http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/8011/page0367gu.jpg http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/2093/page0453lb.jpg http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/7159/page1034ya.jpg http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/7594/page1061px.jpg Last edited by sayurasem : 29th January 2008 at 11:41. sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #6 3rd December 2007, 18:33 sayurasem Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Registered Member Koleksi Lainnya : CINEMA 4D - Modeling With OD1 - Low Rider Truck (1DVD) Siggraph 2007 Encore Videos DVDR-CAUiSO (1DVD) Digital Tutor Modo Carton Character (3CD) Joey L Behind The Scenes The Complete Tutorial Photoshop DVD (1DVD) Massive Video Tutorials (1CD) Technical Animations Combustion 3 InDepth Training (8 set DVD Rip) (8CD) VTC.com Toon Boom Studio 3.5 Training (1CD) Adobe Photoshop NAPP Tutorials (Photoshop Professionals) (1CD) A real life wedding shoot with Yervant, Dancing with the Bride & Groom then his Photoshop techniques and Album (1DVD) VTC-Poser 7 Tutorials (1CD) STASH #20 DVD (1DVD) STASH #05 DVD (1DVD) Dg Foto Art | Training (1DVD) DIGITAL TUTOR INTRODUCTION TO HOUDINI 9 (2CD) 21 reasons u need fusion (1CD) Gnomon Digital Training Spherical Panoramic (1DVD) ShootSmarter.com - Digital Portraiture Basics: level ONE DVD (1CD) ShootSmarter.com - Digital Portraiture Lighting: level TWO DVD (1CD) Rhinoceros Shoe Design Tutorial (1DVD) Massive Training Video Tutorials (1CD) Sony Vegas Training Videos (VTC) (1CD) Digital Photo Magazine November 2007 The Companion CD (1CD) The Gnomon Workshop: Introduction to Maya Interface and Workflow (1DVD) Photoshop Video Lessons from Digital Photo Magazine Feb (1CD) KURV STUDIOS Get into ZBrush 3.1 (2DVD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to Dynamics in Houdini (2CD) Table top Lighting controll (1CD) CartoonSmart.com Actionscript 3 Video Player (1CD) XSI advanced SUBD Modeling Techniques (1DVD) Action script for flash web design video (1CD) Macromedia Director 8.5 Basic (Bhs.Indonesia info : http://www.augesweb.com/cdi.htm) (7CD) + buku manual Gnomon Mate Painting Production Technique (1DVD) Lightwave Visual FX Series Technical Direction (1CD) Lightwave Visual FX Series 3D Effects Compositing (1CD) fxphd Digital Colour Theory (1CD) Special Project#1 Super Jet. Training for Lightwave [8]+ (1DVD) KurvStudios-LightWave Tips & Tricks - Vol 1 (1CD) *LightWave 3D Tips & Tricks Series Volume II: World Tour (1CD) Kurv Studio LightWave 3D 8 Spline Modeling (1DVD) LightWave 3D Next Dimension Seminar CD (1CD) Enter Discreet Flame Flint Effectt Inferno (4CD) Cartoon Smart Action Script 3 Music Player Tutorial (1CD) Cartoon Smart Logo Design Tutorial (1CD) Lynda.com - Digital Anarchy Demonstration (1CD) Lynda.com - Mask Pro 4 Essential Training (1CD) DAVID LACHAPELLE - PORTRAIT OF A PHOTOGRAPHER (1DVD) Introduction to the Nikon D80 Digital SLR (1CD) Sketchup movie Tutorial + sKETCHUP pro 6 + Vray + Podium Plugins + Sketchup Book (1DVD) Digital Photo Magazine July 2007 (1CD) fxphd Introduction to Monet, Mokey and More (1DVD) Sculpture with John Brown Volume 1 - 5 (5DVD) Digital Tutors - Animating Walk Cycles in XSI (2CD) Exclusive Look into the Making of Transformers (1DVD) lynda - Flash CS3 for designers (1CD) Landscapes by Dosch 3D (1DVD) cartoon Smart Creating 3D Carousels (1CD) Lynda.com: Lighting Tricks in After Effects (1CD) Combustion by Andreu Savtchuk's author course (2DVD) After Effect The Anvel.com Creating A News Open (1CD) 3DBuzz: Motion Builder Issues 1-6 (1DVD) gnomology - CREATING NORMAL MAPS WITH ZBRUSH AND ZMAPPER (1CD) CINEMA 4D - Modeling With OD1 - Low Rider Truck (1DVD) 3dtutorial training video for Softimage|XSI RenderTree (2CD) Siggraph 2007 Encore Videos (1DVD) How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way (1DVD) Massive Black Bruno ìNoxî Gore Photoshop Training (1CD) *ZBRUSH Creature Design (1CD) *Final Cut Pro 6 New Features (1CD) *Creative Joan Of Arc Maya (1CD) *Hot Looks Using Floating Point In After Effects (1CD) *Graphic Secrets for Business Professionals (1CD) Gnomon - Imaginative Illustration with J.P.Targete (3DVD) Gnomon Planks and Panels (4DVD) Kurv studio : Get into Zbrush 2 (1DVD) Kurv studio : RealFlow Basic to Intermediate (1DVD) Kurv studio : Head Character Modelling in Silo (1DVD) Videocopilot.net After Effect Basic Training (1CD) Luxology Training Videos - Seahorse (1CD) Learning Design with Alias StudioTools (1DVD) Gnomon nuke composition in production DVD (1DVD) Gnomon-Originality in Design with Nick PUGH (1DVD) VTC Swift 3D v4 Video Training (1CD) Cartoon.Smart_Carousel_Navigation (1CD) Acrobat 3D Version 8 Essential Training - Brian Wood (1CD) Gnomon - Texture Painting - Weathered Surfaces (1DVD) Modo In Focus 301 (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D Advanced Texturing & Rendering: Project Viper by Kevin (1DVD) Digital Tutors Introduction to Photoshop CS3 (2CD) Gnomon Introduction to NUKE Compositing DVD (2DVD) Digital Tutors Rendering Interiors In Xsi (2CD) VideoCopilot.Evolution.Full.DVD (1DVD) SimplyLightwave - Stratocaster modeling (1DVD) Gnomon Workshop - Houdini Rigid Body Dynamics (Full DVD) (1DVD) fxphd - After Effects Beyond the Basics (1DVD) Desktop.Images.Graphic.Details (2CD) SimplyLightwave - Lightwave Interior Lighting, Texturing and Rendering (1DVD) SimplyLightwave - Interior Modelling (1DVD) Luxology Training Videos - The Alley (1DVD) FXPHD - NUK101 - Introduction to Nuke (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D 8 Introduction to Lighting and Shading (1DVD) Kurv Studious - LightWave 3D 8 Product Creation Tutorials Volume 1 (1CD) Kurv Studios - 3D Print and Illustration for 2D Artists: Volume I (1DVD) Kurv Studious - LightWave 3D 9 Rigging: The Definitive Guide (1DVD) Lightwave Visual FX Series Dynamics And Detail (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D 8 Dynamics Cloth and Vehicles by Mike Pauza (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D 9 Introduction to Node Based Texturing (1CD) Motion Graphics with LightWave Distinguished Backgrounds (1DVD) Kurv Studious - IK Booster Videos (2CD) CartoonSmart.com_Spokes _Characters (1CD) Cartoon Smart The Atmosphere Collection Animation Package (1DVD) Total Training Adv After Effects 7 Pro: Broadcast Design Secrets (2DVD) Last edited by sayurasem : 29th January 2008 at 11:42. sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #7 3rd December 2007, 18:33 sayurasem Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Registered Member VTC Autodesk Revit Building 9 Tutorials (1CD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to XSI Hair (2CD) Lynda.com Understanding Fields and Interlacing in After Effects (1CD) CARTOON SMART ADVANCE FLASH 8 (1DVD) Lynda.com - Mask Pro 4 Essential Training & onOne Software Mask Pro 4 (1CD) Digital Photo Magazine CD Content Oct 2007 - Photoshop for Perfect Portraits (1DVD) CartoonSmart.com_Spokes _Characters (1CD) CartoonSmart.com_E-Cards (1CD) VTC - Rhino 3D Tutorials - Brian Hull [filled] (1CD) DT - ZBrush/XSI Integration (2CD) Desktop Images - Understanding HyperVoxels (1CD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D Displacements and Edomorphs Vol.2 (1DVD) Kurv Studios - LightWave 3D Displacements and Edomorphs Vol.1 (1DVD) 3D Fluff - CINEMA 4D - Volume 6 - Animation in R10 (1DVD) MODO 301 Signature Courseware (2DVD) Reason.3.Tutorial.DVD.(1DVD) Digital.Tutors Interior Modeling Techniques with XSI (2CD) fxphd After Effects Design and More (1DVD) fxphd Introduction to Toxik I DVD (1DVD) Digital Tutors Rendering Interiors In Xsi (2CD) Digital tutors Introduction to Lighting in Maya (1CD) VTC Autodesk Revit Building 9 Tutorials (1CD) Digital Tutors - Introduction to XSI Hair (1CD) CARTOON SMART ADVANCE FLASH 8 (1DVD) Lynda.com - Mask Pro 4 Essential Training & onOne Software Mask Pro 4 (1CD) Eyeon Digital Fusion: Learning 3D Particles (1DVD) Gnomon Boujou 2 - Matchmoving and Integration (1DVD) GNOMON PHOTOSHOP TRAINING DVD From Speedpainting to Concept Art (1DVD) 3dtutorial XSI - Extreme Character Creation (1DVD) Gnomon Shake Color Correction and Layers (1DVD) Lynda com InDesign CS3 Prepress Essentials DVD (1DVD) Digital Media Training Series Inside Soundtrack Pro (1DVD) Adobe Soundbooth CS3 Essential training (1DVD) Cartoon Smart: Silhouette Animations (1CD) AUTODESK ALIASSTUDIO 13 BEGINNERS GUIDE DVD (1DVD) 3D Buzz XSI Issue 1 (1DVD) Advance Modeling in XSI (1DVD) Sidefx HOUDINI APPRENTICE Basic Tutorials (1DVD) Photoshop Creative Volume 1 - DVD - 12 Issues (1DVD) Zaxwerks ProAnimator v4: Tutorial + Application (1DVD) Adobe Encore DVD - VTC Course (1CD) Gnomon Houdini 101 Workflow and Interface (1DVD) BREATHE for Bryce 6.1 (1CD) KurvStudios - LightWave 3D 9.2 - Advanced Modelling (1DVD) KurvStudios - LightWave 3D 9.2 - Logo Design and Creation (1DVD) Poser Figure Artist ver. 1.0 Virtual 3D Models For Artists(1DVD) KW Media Group - 3D Painting & Texturing by Dan Casey (1DVD) Digital Creative Arts Special Edition Illustration (1DVD) Desktop Images - Professional Photoshop - Image Restoration and Repair (1DVD) Auto FX - Mystical Lighting Training (1DVD) PixelPops Design - Adobe Training - 3D Photomontage (1CD) How to make the EVANGERION. (1DVD) Wrigley Videos .. All Premiere Video Tutorials (1DVD) Creative Cow Master Series - Particle Illusion 3 (1DVD) Mudbox: A Practical Guide - Training (1CD) Gnomon- Photoshop for Digital Production (2DVD) Gnomon - Adobe Photoshop - The Techniques of Christian Lorenz Scheurer (2DVD) Marko Djurdjevic: Character Ideation (1DVD) Caricature : The Creative Process (1CD) Adobe After FX Power Star (1 DVD) Cooking With Particleillusion Video Recipes For Pixel Pyrotechnics (1DVD) Videocopilot.net - Evolution (1DVD) Videocopilot.net - Real Clouds PAL Only (1DVD) Video Streams HD - VideoCopilot (1DVD) Designer Sound FX - VideoCopilot (1DVD) Cinema4D + ZBrush Integration: Egyptian Jewels (1DVD) RIOT GEAR Pre-Matted Organic Stock Footage (1DVD) Lynda.com- Photoshop CS 3 Extended for 3D + Video (1DVD) 3D Tutorial.com- XSI Production Solution and Tips (1DVD) Cartoonsmart.com - Dynamic sites using Flash 8 (1DVD) Digital Media - Inside Avid XPress Pro (1DVD) Serious Magic Ultra 2 Training DVD (1DVD) cmiVFX: Houdini L-Systems Essentials (1DVD) cmiVFX: Houdini Procedural Cities (1DVD) WTD: DV Enlightenment DVD series (1DVD) Digital Media - Inside Adobe Photoshop CS 2 (1DVD) Essential Post Production for Photoshop (1DVD) Eyeon Digital Fusion: Learning 3D Particles (1DVD) Digital.Tutors Interior Modeling Techniques with XSI (2CD) Digital Media - Inside Adobe Encore DVD CS 2 (1DVD) Avid Video Tutorials (4 Skill Levels) (4 DVD) DigitalTutors.com "Flash Action Scripts"(1CD) Cartoon Smart ActionScript 2 and 3 Drawing API (1CD) CartoonSmart.com - Creating Flames in Flash (1CD) AsileFX VUE 6 Advanced EcoSystem Creation (1DVD) Vue Advanced Material Creation (1CD) Vue Advanced Terrain Creation (1CD) Lynda.com Scanning Principles (2CD) Asile.FX.Whats.New.In.Vue.6.INFINITE (1DVD) Desktop.Images.Graphic.Details.DVD (2CD) DigitalTutors.com- Char Rigging XSI (2CD) Gnomon.Shake.Tracking.And.Transforms (1DVD) DigitalTutors.com- MentalRay XSI (2CD) Desktop Images: Character Modeling and Animation Series with Lightwave 8.0 (seri lengkap) (3DVD) Mudbox - Unseen Videos (1cd) fxphd After Effects Design and More (1CD) VTC- Autocad For Architects 2005 (1cd) Kurv Sudio - Ligthwave Bone tools Training Video (1cd) Kurv Studio - Lightwave 3D UV texturing (1cd) Kurv Studios: Get into Silo - The Definitive Gui (2DVD) Kurv Studios LightWave 3D 9 Foundations of Character Animation (1DVD) Kurv Studious - Get into ZBrush 3.1 (2DVD) Gnomon - Image Based Modeling Essentials (1DVD) Technical Animations - Autodesk Combustion 3 Complete Training (3CD) Particle Expressions I + II (2DVD) Fxphd [DRW201] Character Drawing and Development (1CD) Kurv Studio : Vehicle Modelling with Lightwave 8" (2 DVD) Lightwave Master Seminar 2006 (1DVD) 3DGarage : Lightwave 9 Signature Courseware (1DVD) Rhino 4 Visual Tips DVD (1DVD) Gnomon.Matchmoving101 - (1DVD) Gnomon MatchMoving Advanced Production Technique (1DVD) Gnomon.Matchmoving Object.Tracking.in.Production.T (1DVD) DISCREET.COMBUSTION.UNPLUGGED (1cd) Digital Tutor - Rendering Techniques in XSI (1CD) VTC Pinnacle Liquid Edition (1cd) Digital Tutors - Character Animation Setup in XSI Bundle (2CD) cartoonsmart.com - Smart Titles and Bumper Animations (2cd) Artis Guide XSI (1DVD) fxphd Introduction to Toxik I DVD (1DVD) VUE6 XStream - Advanced Spectral Atmospheres (1CD) Vue 6 - Advanced Custom Plant Creation (1CD) AsileFx Getting Started With Vue5 Infinite (1DVD) Joomla Cms System Joomla Magic Video Tutorial (1CD) Advanced Visual Movie FX from Videocopilot.net (1DVD) VTC Basic Discreet Combustion Video Training (1CD) Ignition Basic Discreet Combustion Video Training (13DVD) Ignition Advanced Discreet Combustion Video Training (5DVD) 3D Fluff Maxon Cinema Training Lengkap Vol 1 - 6 (6 DVD) Zaxwerks ProAnimator v4: Tutorial (Making Look Great ) + Application (1DVD) Lynda Maxon Cinema Training 9 Essential (1DVD) Essential Post Production for Photoshop (1DVD) Software.Cinema.Non.Destructive.Adobe.Photoshop (1DVD) SCULPTING MOVIE MONSTERS (1DVD) Sculpting the Human Head (1DVD) Digital Tutors UV Layout in XSI ( 3 CD) Digital Tutor - NXTGEN Techniques XSI (2CD) Maxon Cinema Training Character Modelling Vol 1 (2DVD) Maxon - CINEMA 4D R10 - All VideoTutorial from 3dcafe (3DVD) Luxelogy Modo 2.0 Video Training (1DVD) Luxology Training Videos - Wrist Watch (1DVD) Modelling C9 Sporty Car With Luxelogy Modo 2.0(1DVD) Texturing & Rendering C9 Sporty Car Luxelogy Modo 2.0 (1DVD) Sport Shoes Modelling Luxelogy Modo 2.0 (1DVD) Painting Lessons with WACOM tablet - (2DVD) Cartoon Heads - Drawing Cartoon Heads and Facial Expressions (1CD) VTC Swift 3D v4 Video Training (1CD) Lynda.com Shake 4 1 Essential Training (1DVD) GNOMON - Practical Light and Color Theory and Application with Jeremy Vickery (1DVD) Digital Artist Guide to XSI 6 (1 DVD) Photoshopcafe How to Wow Mastering Flash 8 Pro (2CD) Studio Portrait Lighting DVD (1DVD) Gnomon Workshop - Matchmoving Essential Production Techniques (Full DVD) PainterCreativity - Learning Corel Painter X - Jeremy Sutton (1DVD) Steve Caplin - How to Cheat in Photoshop CS3 (1DVD) Apple Shake : Rockstar tutorial for shake(3d world) (1CD) Rhino Video Tutorials - Off Broadway (1DVD) Digital Tutors Character Rigging in XSI (1DVD) AVID XSI TD-Love Training Tour (1DVD) Digital Tutors Rendering Techniques in XSI (1DVD) Gnomon Shake 101 Workflow & Interface (1DVD) Gnomon Shake Visual Composting Fundamental (1DVD) Apple Shake Tutorial : Basic to Advanced (4 DVD) After Effects "Action Movie Essentials" (1DVD) Apple Shake Sky Replacement (1DVD) Lynda AE Animation (2cd) Digital Tutors Principles of Photoshop CS (1CD) KURV studios - Get into BodyPaint 3D 2 (1DVD) Digital Tutor : Introduction to XSI (seri lengkap) (4CD) Creative Cow Master Series :Serious Effects & Compositing (Advanced Techniques for After Effects 7) (1DVD) Creative Cow Master Series : After Effects-The Next Level (1DVD) Digital Media Training Series Inside Adobe Photoshop (1DVD) Lynda.com Carrara 5 Essential Training (1DVD) Vue - Advanced Material Creation (1DVD) Software Cinema: Katrin Eismann: Working with Adjustment Layers (1DVD) The Masters of Wedding Photography DVD (2DVD) Lynda com Vue 6.xStream Essential Training DVD (1DVD) Kurv Studio - Modelling a Head in Silo (1DVD) Cartoonsmart.com - Animation course 6 Hours (1DVD) VTC- Macromedia Director 2004 Linggo (1cd) Adobe After FX PlugIns Collection (4CD) Photoshop Quicktips - All tutorials - 38 video podcast episodes (1CD) NEW Basic Gaming for Flash CS3 and 8 (1DVD) Last edited by sayurasem : 29th January 2008 at 11:44. sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #8 5th December 2007, 18:38 sayurasem Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Registered Member monggo, siapa lagi yang mau pintar sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #9 5th December 2007, 20:09 frenz Addict Member Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: wisataadventure.com Posts: 111 Quote: Originally Posted by sayurasem monggo, siapa lagi yang mau pintar Mau kalo gratisss... frenz View Public Profile Send a private message to frenz Find all posts by frenz #10 14th January 2008, 12:00 rizal212 Join Date: Jan 2008 Posts: 1 Registered Member Sayurasem, tolong donk, harga per CD or DVD nya berapaan, aku kan ada kasih langsung no hape ke private message, soalnya ga sering buka internet more list update Stash DVD Magazine for Movie Special FX Special Edition (3DVD) Digital Fusion Basic Training Video Tutorial from CMivfx (1 DVD) Digital Fusion Advanced Keying Video Tutorial from CMivfx (1DVD) 3DGarage: Digital Fusion Basic Courseware (1DVD) Illustrator CS 2 " 101 Tips and Trick by Scoot Kelby" (1DVD) Aperture Tutorial of DVD Video (1DVD) VTC - Rhino 3D Tutorials - Brian Hull (1CD) Videocopilot.net After Effect Basic Training (1CD) Luxology Training Videos - Seahorse (1DVD) Learning Design with Alias StudioTools (1DVD) Kodak Cinematography Master Class Series Vol. 4: Location Lighting with Geoff (1CD) Kodak Cinematography Master Class Series Vol. 3: Studio Lighting: A Comparative Workshop with Donald McAlpone and Denis Lenoir (1CD) Kodak Cinematography Master Class Series Vol. 2: Lighting Dead Poet\'s Society (1CD) Kodak Cinematography Master Class Series Vol. 1: Lighting Dances With Wolves (1CD) Digital Tutor - ZBrush/XSI Integration (2CD) Cartoon Smart Character Animation Package DVD (1DVD) GNOMON.VUE.INFINITE.TRAINING.DVD-INTERFACE.AND.WORKFLOW (1DVD) cartoon Smart.com - Basic Gaming_Flash (1CD) cartoon Smart.com - Comic Book Illustration (1CD) cartoon Smart.com - Cartoon_Drawing in_Flash 21 hours.(1DVD) cartoon Smart.com - Transitions (1CD) Cartoon.Smart_Carousel_Navigation (1CD) cartoon Smart.com - Retro_Futurism (1CD) cartoon Smart.com - 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Flash MX 2004 (2 CD) lynda.com - Dreamweaver 8 Essential Training (2 CD) lynda.com - Dynamic Dev. Using ASP and Dreamweaver MX 2004 (1CD) lynda.com - Fireworks 8 Essential Training (2 CD) lynda.com - Flash Professional 8 Essential Training (2CD) lynda.com - Home and Small Office Networking (1CD) lynda.com - Intermediate Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 (2 CD) lynda.com - Intermediate Macromedia Flash MX 2004 (2 CD) lynda.com - Learning ActionScript 2.0 in Macromedia Flash MX 2004 (1CD) lynda.com - Flash Professional 8 Video Integration (2CD) lynda.com - Flex 2 Beyond the Basics (1CD) lynda.com - Flex 2 Essential Training (1CD) lynda.com - Creative Suite 2 Integration - Print Project Workflow (3CD) lynda.com - Contribute 3 Essential Training (1CD) lynda.com - Digital Video Principles (1CD) lynda.com - Getting Started with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 (1CD) lynda.com - Learning Blogger (1CD) lynda.com - Learning CSS 2 (1CD) lynda.com - Learning HTML (1CD) lynda.com - Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Beyond the Basics (2CD) lynda.com - Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Essential Training (2CD) lynda.com - Mac OS X Server v10.4 Tiger Essential Training (1CD) lynda.com - Photoshop CS2 FAQs (1CD) lynda.com - Photoshop CS2 for the Web Essential Training (2CD) lynda.com - Learning JavaScript (2 CD) lynda.com - Learning Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 (2 CD) lynda.com - Learning Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004 (2 CD) lynda.com - Learning Macromedia Flash MX 2004 (2 CD) lynda.com - Learning Microsoft Access 2003 (1CD) lynda.com - Learning Microsoft Excel 2003 (1CD) lynda.com - Learning XHTML (1CD) lynda.com - Macromedia Studio 8 Web Workflow (1CD) lynda.com - Photoshop and Flash Integration (1CD) lynda.com - Photoshop CS2 Essential Training (3 CD) lynda.com - Photoshop CS2 for the Web Essential Training (2 CD) lynda.com - Photoshop Rollovers Animation & More (1CD) lynda.com - PHP Essential Training (2 CD) lynda.com - Power Hour, Adobe Photoshop Tips and Techniques (1CD) lynda.com - Power Shortcuts for Adobe Photoshop CS (1CD) lynda.com - Using Perl and CGI Scripts (1CD) lynda.com - Web Workflow with Macromedia FW, DW and Flash (2 CD) lynda.com - Working with Color (1CD) lynda.com - Advanced CorelDRAW 12 (2 CD) lynda.com - Getting Started with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 (1CD) lynda.com - Illustrator CS2 Essential Training (4 CD) lynda.com - Flash User Experience Best Practices (1CD) lynda.com - Flash Professional 8 Beyond the Basics (2 CD) lynda.com - InDesign CS2 Essential Training (3 CD) Lynda.com - Ch Flash Professional CS3 Tutorial Lynda.com - Ch Dreamweaver CS3 Tutorial Lynda.com - Ch Illustrator CS3 Tutorial Lynda.com - Ch - Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 essential training (1DVD) Lynda.com -Ch Photoshop CS3 one-on-one essential training lynda.com - Premiere Pro 2 Essential Training (1 DVD) lynda.com - eBay Essential Training (2CD) lynda.com - Illustrator CS2 & Flash 8 Integration (1CD) lynda.com - Illustrator CS2 Creative Techniques (2CD) lynda.com - InDesign CS2 Professional Typography (2CD) lynda.com - Introduction to Internet Searching (1CD) Lynda com Silverlight Essential Training** (1DVD) Lynda.com Photoshop Lightroom 1 1 New Features (1DVD) Lynda.com ColdFusion 8 Beyond the Basics (1CD) Lynda.com After Effects CS3 Professional Beyond the Basics (1DVD) Lynda.com Final Cut Pro 6 Essential Effects (1DVD) Lynda.com Web Accessibility Principles (1DVD) Lynda.com Access 2007 Essential (1CD) Lynda.com Shake 4 1 Essential Training (1DVD) Lynda.com Working With 3-2 Pulldown In After Effects (1CD) Lynda.com Understanding Fields And Interlacing in After Effects (1CD) Lynda.com Learning The After Effects Glow Plug In (1CD) Lynda.com Hot Looks Using Floating Point In After Effects (1CD) Lynda.com Flex 3 New Features (1CD) Lynda.com Graphic Secrets for Business Professionals (1CD) Lynda.com 3ds Max 9 Modeling (1DVD) Lynda.com Photoshop CS3 Channels and Masks The Essentials (1DVD) Lynda.com Photoshop CS3 for the Web PROPER (1DVD) Lynda.com Getting Started with Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 (1CD) Lynda com Dreamweaver CS3 Beyond the Basics DVD (1DVD) Lynda.com Action Script 3.0 in Flash CS3 Professional Essential Training (1CD) Lynda.com AfterEffects CS3 Professional Essential Training (1DVD) Lynda.com Dreamweaver CS3 Essential Training (1DVD) Lynda.com EncoreDVD CS3 Essential Training (1DVD) Lynda.com File Maker Pro 9 Essential Training (1DVD) Lynda.com Final Cut Pro 6 New Features (1CD) Lynda.com Illustrator CS3 and Flash CS3 Professional Integration (1CD) Lynda.com Illustrator CS3 One-On-One Beyond the Basics (1DVD) sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #15 29th January 2008, 11:46 sayurasem Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Registered Member Lynda.com JavaScript Essential Training (1CD) Lynda.com Photoshop CS3 Creative Photographic TechniquesDVD (1DVD) Lynda.com Photoshop CS3 Extended for 3D plus Video (1DVD) Lynda.com Photoshop CS3 One-on-One TheEssentials DVD (1DVD) Lynda.com PhotoshopC S3 One-on-One Beyond the Basics (1DVD) Lynda.com Premiere Pro CS3 Essential Training (1DVD) Lynda.com Publisher 2007 Essential Training (1CD) Lynda.com Soundbooth CS3 Essential Training (1DVD) Lynda.com Windows Vista Essential TrainingDVD (DVD) Lynda.com Photoshop CS3 Channels and Masks The Essentials (1DVD) Lynda com Photoshop CS3 for the Web PROPER (1DVD) Lynda com Getting Started with Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 (1CD) Lynda com InDesign CS3 Prepress Essentials (1DVD) Lynda com Maya 8 5 Character Rigging (1CD) Lynda com Final Cut Pro 6 Essential Editing (1DVD) Lynda com Photoshop CS3 Prepress Essentials (1DVD) Lynda com Project 2007 Essential Training (1CD) Lynda com Publisher 2007 Essential Training (1CD) Lynda com Dreamweaver CS3 Dynamic Development (1DVD) Lynda com Photoshop CS3 One-on-One Advanced Techniques (1DVD) Lynda com Photoshop CS3 for Photographers (1DVD) Lynda com PHP with MySQL Essential Training (1DVD) PhotoshopCAFE - Photoshop and Dreamweaver Integration (1DVD) Learning Essential Macromedia Director (2CD) Photoshop for Architects: Essentials (1CD) PHOTOSHOP CS 2 FOR BEGINNERS (2 DVD) lynda.com Video Training- Web redesign: strategies for success (1DVD) Learn Key Adobe Pagemaker 6.5 (1CD) Virtools 4 Comprehensive Life Platform for Creating Highly Interative 3d Application (1DVD) Adobe Photoshop Secret FX (1CD) Kurv Studio : Lightwave 8 - Get in to Modeling with Splines (1DVD) Tutorial Pinnacle Studio 9.0 (1DVD) Tutorial Adobe Creavtive Suite Production Premium (1DVD) Total Training - Adobe After Effects 7 Pro, Essentials (3 DVD) Total Training - Adobe After Effects 7 Pro, Professional Features (3 DVD) Total Training - Adobe Photoshop CS2 (3 DVD) Total Training - Adobe Acrobat Profesional (3 CD) Total Training - Advanced Adobe After Effects 7 Pro (2 DVD) Total Training - Website Design - Extreme Website Makeover (2 DVD) Total Training - Adobe Production Studio Premium - From Edit to Output (3 DVD) Total Training - Adobe Illustrator CS2 (2 DVD) Total Training - Adobe InDesign CS2 (2 DVD) Total Training - Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 (5 DVD) Total Training - Adobe Premiere Pro Tips & Tricks (1 DVD) Total Training - Macromedia Flex Essential Training (2 DVD) Total Training - Macromedia Flex Advanced Visual Programing (2 DVD) Total Training - Advanced Adobe Photoshop CS2 (1 DVD) Total Training for Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 (2 DVD) Total Training for Advanced Dreamweaver 8 (1 DVD) Total Training for Macromedia Flash Professional 8 (3 DVD) Total Training for Advanced Flash Professional 8 ActionScript (2 DVD) Total Training™ - Ch for Microsoft® Expression® Web Vol 1 Total Training™ - Ch for Microsoft® Expression® Web Vol 2 TOTAL TRAINING MICROSOFT EXCEL 2007 ESSENTIALS (1CD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS CS3 ADVANCED ( 1DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE ADOBE CS3 PRINT WORKFLOW (1DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE ADOBE CS3 WEB DESIGN WORKFLOW (1DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE ADOBE FIREWORKS CS3 (1CD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS3 ADVANCED (1DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE ADOBE PREMIERE PRO CS3 WHATS NEW (1DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE MICROSOFT SQL SERVER DEVELOPMENT (1DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE MICROSOFT ACCESS 2007 ESSENTIALS (1DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE ADOBE DREAMWEAVER CS3 ADVANCED (1DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE ADOBE CS3 PRODUCTION PREMIUM WORKFLOW (1DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ONLINE MICROSOFT ACESS 2007 ESSENTIALS (1CD) TOTAL TRAINING ADOBE FLASH CS3 ESSENTIALS (2DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS3 ESSENTIALS (2DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ADOBE DREAMWEAVER CS3 ESSENTIALS (2DVD) TOTAL TRAINING ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR CS3 ESSENTIALS (1DVD) KURV studios - Photoshop Advanced Texturing (1 DVD) KURV studios- Squaslite For Lightwave (1CD) lynda.com - Final Cut Pro 5 Beyond the Basics (1 DVD) lynda.com - Final Cut Pro 5 Essential Editing (1 DVD) lynda.com - Essential Avid Xpres Pro 5.5 (1DVD) lynda.com - Final Cut Pro 5 Essential Effects (1 DVD) lynda.com - Final Cut Pro 5 Color Correction (2CD) lynda.com - After Effects 7 and Photoshop CS2 Integration (1 DVD) lynda.com - After Effects 7 and Flash 8 Integration (1 CD) lynda.com - After Effects 7 Animation Techniques (2 CD) lynda.com - After Effects 7 Title Design Techniques (2 CD) lynda.com - Final Cut Pro Optimization and Troubleshooting (1 CD) lynda.com - Final Cut Studio Integration (1 CD MB) lynda.com - Creative Suite 2 Integration - Print Project Workflow (3 CD) lynda.com - Photoshop CS2 for the Web Essential Training (2 CD) lynda.com - Interaction Design - Process and Inspiration (1 CD) lynda.com - Enhancing Digital Photography with Photoshop CS (3 CD) lynda.com - Photorealism with Bert Monroy - Volume 1 (1 CD) lynda.com - Photorealism with Bert Monroy - Volume 2 (1 CD) lynda.com - Photoshop Brushes (1 CD MB) lynda.com - Photoshop CS Prepress Essentials (2 CD) lynda.com - InDesign CS2 Professional Typography (2 CD) lynda.com - CSS for Designers (2 CD) lynda.com - CSS Site Design (2 CD) lynda.com - Effective Presentations (3 CD) lynda.com - Illustrator CS2 & Flash 8 Integration (1CD) lynda.com - Photoshop Filters (2 CD) lynda.com - Secrets to Selling and Publishing Photography (1 CD) sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #16 29th January 2008, 11:49 sayurasem Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Registered Member lynda.com - Working with Color (1 CDMB) lynda.com - Flex 2 Essential Training (1 CD MB) lynda.com - Learning XHTML (1 CD MB) lynda.com - Learning Microsoft Excel 2003 (1 CD) lynda.com - Learning Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 (1 CD MB) lynda.com - Learning Microsoft Visio 2003 (1 CD) lynda.com - Learning Microsoft Outlook 2003 (1 CD) lynda.com - 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Adobe Photoshop Image Restoration Tutorials (1 CD) VTC - Adobe Photoshop Advanced Artistry Tutorials (1 CD) VTC - Adobe Photoshop Special FX Tutorials (2 CD) VTC - Lightwave 3D Advanced Modeling Tutorials (1 CD) VTC - Macromedia Director MX 2004 Tutorials (1 CD) VTC - PHP Project Solutions (1 CD) VTC - PHP Tutorials (1 CD) VTC - Real World PHP Programming - The Basics Tutorials (1 CD) VTC File Maker Pro 7 (2CD) VTC Paintshop Pro X Essential (2CD) VTC Web Design Fundamental (1CD) VTC Macromedia ColdFusion Basic (1CD) VTC Microsoft Transact Sql (1CD) VTC Video Basics - 5 Steps to Video Production (1CD) VTC Adobe Flex 2 (1CD) VTC Adobe InDesign CS3 (1DVD) VTC Adobe Photoshop CS3 (1CD) VTC Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI (1DVD) VTC Design Patterns (1CD) VTC FileMaker 9 And PHP Foundations (1CD) VTC FileMaker Server 8 (1CD) VTC Programming With Ruby (1CD) VTC QuickStart Adobe Illustrator CS3 (1CD) LearnFlash.com - Building a Website in Flash 8 (1 CD) LearnFlash.com - Flash Animation and Intros (1 CD) CartoonSmart.com - Animation Intro, Lipsync, and Games (2CD) CartoonSmart.com : Flash, PHP, and Mysql Integration (1CD) CartoonSmart.com : Action Script not so basic (1CD) LearnKey - XML Essentials (1 CD) ASKVideo - Cubase SX3 Tutorial DVD (1 DVD ) 3D Buzz - PHP and MySQL Integration (1 CD) Corel Bryce 3D Training Movie Tutorial (1DVD) fxphd Photoshop CS 3 (1CD) Kurv Studio : Advanced Photoshop Creative Technique (1DVD) Kurv Studio : Light 3D Lightwave "Practical Lighting" (1CD) Photoshop Secret, Wacom Tablet & Photoshop CS 2 (1CD) Wacom, Photoshop Workflow (1DVD) HOLLYWOOD CAMERA WORK THE.MASTER COURSE (6CD) Elle Macpherson - VIDEO TUTORIAL The Body Workout (1DVD) Clio Award and Lion Award Advertisment Collection (1DVD) Luzern Video Advertisment Archive Collection (1DVD) Kancil Award Advertisment Collection (1DVD) Advertising Mannual To Commercial (1CD) The Best Commercial (1CD) Banned business Commercial TV (1CD) Video Commercial Break 1(1CD) Video Commercial Break 2 (1CD) Commercial Break 3 (1CD) The Video Guide to Professional Wedding Videography (1DVD) How to make your movie - An interactive Film School v2.0 (2CD) Kodak Nature Of Film (1CD) MacVideoPro : Final Cut Pro Essential Training (1DVD) MacVideoPro : Final Cut pro Color Correction (1CD) MacVideoPro : Final Cut Pro Capturing and Output process (1CD) VTC : Adobe After Effect Rock Solid Foundation (1CD) VTC - Lightwave 3D Advanced Modeling Tutorials (1CD) VTC - Lightwave 3D Fundamentals Tutorials (1CD) VTC - Macromedia Director MX 2004 Tutorials (1CD) VTC - Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 - Advanced Tutorials (1CD) VTC - Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Tutorials (1CD) VTC - Macromedia Dreamweaver MX - Web Applications Tutorials (1CD) VTC - Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Advanced Tutorials (1CD) VTC - Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Fundamentals Tutorials (1CD) VTC - Apple Shake Fundamental (1DVD) sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #17 29th January 2008, 11:50 sayurasem Registered Member Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Seri Digital Photografi Photoshop Top Secret DVD Vol 1-5 (5DVD) Adobe Photoshop PlugIns Collection (1DVD) Photoshop CS 2 for Digital Photographer (1 CD) Digital Photography Unleashed: Capturing Wildly Great Pictures (1 DVD) Digital Sports Photography Made Simple (1 DVD) Down & Dirty Trick with Adobe Photoshop CS (1DVD) How to Show You Photos Like a Pro (1DVD) 101 Photoshop CS Tips & Tricks (1DVD) How to Wow, Best Of Photoshop CS 2 (1DVD) Katrine Easman "Image Restoration with Adobe Photoshop" (1DVD) Katrine Easman " Adobe Photoshop Advanced Masking Technique" (1DVD) Katrine Easman " How to Wow, Adobe Photoshop Retouching and Repairing Images for Photographer" (1DVD) Kw Media Group "Best Of Photoshop User Magazine 8th Year" (2 DVD) Kw Media Group "Adobe Photoshop CS For Beginner" (1DVD) Watch and Learn Series " Tips and Trick Adobe Photoshop CS (1DVD) Watch and Learn Series " Text FX with Adobe Photoshop CS (1DVD) Kw Media Group " Adobe Photoshop CS2 Layer Technique (1DVD) Adobe Photoshop Ligthroom " Simplify Technique From Shoot to Finish" (1DVD) Photoshop for Wedding Photographers Personal Seminar (1DVD) How to Wow, Adobe Photoshop Optimizing & Workflow for Photographer (1DVD) How to Wow, Adobe Photoshop Combining & Collaging for Photographer(1DVD) How to Wow, Adobe Photoshop Enhancing & Creative Effect for Photographer (1DVD) Photoshop Café - Photoshop Secrets Spesial FX (1CD) Photoshop Café - Photoshop Tips Live with Colin Smith (1CD) Photoshop Café - Photoshop secret CS for digital Photographers (1CD) Photoshop Café - Photoshop secret CS2 for digital Photographers (1CD) Software Cinema - Non-Destructive Photoshop (1CD) Software Cinema - Adobe Photoshop 7 Wow Photo Enhancing (1CD) Software Cinema - Adobe Photoshop CS Eddietapp Pro Technique (1CD) Software Cinema - Fashion Basic and Advanced (1CD) Software Cinema - Retouching With Photoshop (1CD) Software Cinema - Luminocity Masking (1CD) Software Cinema - Adobe Photoshop Compositing Portraits (1CD) WatchAndLearnPhotoshop Photoshop Tips And Tricks Vol 1(1CD) WatchAndLearnPhotoshop Photoshop Tips And Tricks Vol 2 (1CD) WatchAndLearnPhotoshop Photoshop Tips And Tricks Vol 3 (1CD) WatchAndLearnPhotoshop Photoshop Tips And Tricks Vol 4 (1CD) WatchAndLearnPhotoshop Photoshop Tips And Tricks Vol 5 (1CD) WatchAndLearnPhotoshop Photoshop Tips And Tricks Vol 6 (1CD) Lynda.com - Photoshop Prepress ( tips n triks ) (1CD) Lynda.com - Russell Brown Photoshop Tips and Trick (1CD) (Seri belajar menggambar dan mewarnai dengan Photoshop) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.1 Beginning Coloring(1CD) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.1 Coloring for comic (1CD) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.2 Anime style Coloring (1CD) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.3 Digital Coloring Tutorial (1CD) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.4 Corel Painter (1CD) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.5 creating "Spawn "with adobe photoshop (1CD) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.6 Smudge Style painting technique (1CD) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.7 creating "RED" images(1CD) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.8 Digital Ink : Volume 1 (1CD) Digital arts Tutorial Vol.9 Special Effects : Volume 1(1CD) Digital Art Tutorials Vol. 10 Digital Painting: Super Babes (1CD) Digital Art Digital Painting: Monsters & Creatures (1CD) Digital Art Tutorials Tips & Tricks Vol 1 & Vol 2 for Photoshop (2CD) digital Art tutors - Painting Backgrounds (1CD) Carlos Pabreira Vol 1 “Drawing Alien From Skecth to Finish” (1CD) Carlos Pabreira Vol 2 “Making Vampire With Adobe Photoshop” (1CD) Carlos Pabreira Vol 3 “Metal Painting With Adobe Photoshop” (1CD) (Seri manual Drawing) Villpu Series (4 DVD) Chapter 1, Gesture Chapter 2, Spherical Forms Chapter 3, Box Forms Chapter 4, Combining Spheres and Boxes Chapter 5, Ellipses and Cylinders Chapter 12 - Atmospheric Perspective Drawing Anatomy Lecture Series - Upper Leg Drawing Anatomy Lecture Series - Lower Leg Drawing Lecture Series - Drawing Drapery Drawing Lecture Series - Quick Sketch Drawing Anatomy Lecture Series - Feet Proportions Drawing Manual Lecture Series - Chapter 10, Indirect Lighting and Model Tone Drawing Anatomy Lecture Series - Hand Drawing Anatomy Lecture Series - Neck Drawing Anatomy Lecture Series - Pelvis Drawing Anatomy Lecture Series - Upper Torso Drawing Anatomy Lecture Series - Upper Arm Drawing Anatomy Lecture Series - Lower Arm Glenn Vilppu - Chapter 11, Direct Lighting Head Anatomy and Construction, Pt 1 Head Anatomy and Construction, Pt2 Head Anatomy and Construction, Pt 3 How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way (1DVD) Gnomon (Scott Robertson) vol. 6 - Industrial Design Rendering (1DVD) GNOMON PHOTOSHOP TRAINING DVD From Speedpainting to Concept Art (1DVD) The Gnomon Workshop : Ryan Church vol 1--5 (5DVD) Gnomon Dinosaur Sketching and Anatomy (2DVD) Jason Chan Painter Sketch 1 (1CD) The Structure of man (Full 5 DVD Set) (5DVD) Andrew Jones Fine Art Series, Volume 1 (1CD) Artacademy.Com BEGINNING TO DRAW (3DVD) Drawing with Pastel & Charcoal by Craig Nelson (1DVD) Gnomon Comic Book Pencilling " From Thumnails to Finished Pencils" (1DVD) Gnomon The Techniques Of Scoot Robertson Vol 1-5 (5CD) Painting The Facial Features (1CD) The Gnomon Workshop : Feng Zhu Series Concept Design 1: Vehicle Sketching (2CD) The Gnomon Workshop : Feng Zhu Series Concept Design 2: Sketching environment (2CD) The Gnomon Workshop : Feng Zhu Series Concept Design 3: Quick Sketching (3CD) The Gnomon Workshop : Feng Zhu Series Concept Design 4: Digital Painting (2CD) The Techniques of Feng Zhu volume 1: Design Process - Fighting Robots (1CD) The Techniques of Feng Zhu Volume 2: Robot Design Refinement and Rendering (1CD) The Techniques of Feng Zhu Volume 3: Fundamentals of Shot Design for Environments (1CD) Conceptart.org - How To Draw Concept Characters (2DVD) Gnomon Workshop | The Techniques of Harald Belker (5DVD) Gnomon Workshop | The Techniques Of Syd Mead: Vol 1 - 4 (4DVD) Massive.Black.Nox.Photoshop.Training (2DVD) Gnomon - Dylan Cole - Introduction To Cityscape Matte Painting (2DVD) Tom Browning - Painting the Figure - Ballerina (1DVD) Famous Painter Films - Daniel Greene - Pastel Jim (1DVD) KW Media Group - A Celebration of Art - Paint Like a Master - Fay Sirkis (1DVD) Drawing the Head in Oil with Johnnie Liliedah (1DVD) The Portrait Institute:John Singer Sargent's Head of an Arab (1DVD) The Portrait Institute:Painting the Head in One Sitting III (1DVD) The Portrait Institute:John Singer Sargent's Lady Agnew (1DVD) Painting Wildlife in Acrylic by Terry Isaac (1DVD) Painting the Sea in Oils series (1DVD) Gnomon - Carlos Huante vol 2- Creature painting (1cd) Gnomon - Creating a Faery Figure (1DVD) ArtAcademy - Mastering Portrait Drawing I VOL1 (1DVD) The Technics of Mark Goerner Volume 1-3: Scetching Interior Spaces (3 CD) Carlos Huante Volume 2 Digital Creature Painting Disc 1 (1DVD) Gnomon - Deformers 2 - Sculpt,Lattice and Wrap (1DVD) Gnomon The Techniques of DUSSO (1CD) Gnomon : The Techniques of DUSSO, Volume II: Digital Matte Painting Fundamentals (1CD) Pojok eBook dan eMagazine http://tisna.batcave.net/index2.htm (Buku Jilid 1 Full 1 DVD 4,3 GB) http://tisna.batcave.net/index1.htm (Buku Campuran Jilid 2 4,3 GB) http://tisna.batcave.net/index9.htm (Majalah jilid 4 Full 1 DVD) http://tisna.batcave.net/index8.htm (Majalah jilid 3 Full 1 DVD) http://tisna.batcave.net/index7.htm (Majalah jilid 2 Full 1 DVD) http://tisna.batcave.net/index6.htm (Majalah jilid 1 Full 1 DVD) http://tisna.batcave.net/index4.htm (Buku Campuran Full 1 DVD) http://tisna.batcave.net/index3.htm (Buku jilid 2 Full 1 DVD) http://vol5.notlong.com (Majalah jilid 5 Full DVD) http://vol6.notlong.com (Majalah jilid 6 Full DVD) http://vol7.notlong.com (Majalah jilid 7 Full DVD) http://vol8.notlong.com (Majalah jilid 8 Full DVD) http://bookone.notlong.com (Buku Campuran 2 Full DVD) sayurasem View Public Profile Send a private message to sayurasem Find all posts by sayurasem #18 15th February 2008, 15:59 bobzoranges Join Date: Feb 2008 Posts: 1 Registered Member kontak kamu gimana bos.. bos ngontak kamu gemana????dan dimana???......silver_ardhie@yahoo.com bobzoranges View Public Profile Send a private message to bobzoranges Find all posts by bobzoranges #19 15th February 2008, 17:12 killua Mania Member Join Date: Dec 2007 Location: Rivendell Posts: 7,712 Nih jualan bukan seh, klo jualan jangan disini dunk... Mod pindahin aja nih thread.. __________________ Today is the last ordinary day.....!!! killua View Public Profile Send a private message to killua Find all posts by killua #20 15th February 2008, 18:50 sayurasem Join Date: Nov 2007 Posts: 61 Registered Member iya nih mod.. kok thread saya di lain-lain malah pindah ke sini ya bisa kontak saya di 2july79@gmail.com bos, atau bisa ke 0815-100-500-54. Thanks Tisna DVD 35.000 CD 15000 +++di Jual Template Monster Muraahhhhh!!!+++ di JUAL MURAH TEMPLATE MONSTER ingin jadi web designer handal?? ngapain pusing2... negh solusinya ya,, BENAR 8 dvd hanya : Price : Rp.110.000 (belum termasuk ongkos kirim) di burn dengan kualitas merk dvd no.1 setiap mau dikirim akan di tes dulu...logh....^^ dalam paketannya sudah ada master2nya jo!! ex: *.psd , *.fla , *.html , *.css tunggu apa lagi.... buruan pesen.. LIST ONGKOS KIRIM TIKI JNE bisa dilihat di http://www.tikijne.co.id/ [spoiler="HARGA ONGKOS KIRIM"] -HARGA ONGKOS KIRIM: DKI JAKARTA - DKI JAKARTA = Rp.5.000 DKI JAKARTA - DENPASAR = Rp.15.000 DKI JAKARTA - BANDUNG = Rp.10.000 DKI JAKARTA - BALIKPAPAN = Rp.20.000 DKI JAKARTA - AMBON - Rp.37.000 DKI JAKARTA - ANYER = Rp.8.000 DKI JAKARTA - BANDA ACEH = Rp.23.000 DKI JAKARTA - BANDAR LAMPUNG = Rp.10.000 DKI JAKARTA - BANJARMASIN = Rp.17.000 DKI JAKARTA - BANTEN = Rp.15.000 DKI JAKARTA - BATAM = Rp.17.000 DKI JAKARTA - BEKASI = Rp.6.000 DKI JAKARTA - BOGOR = Rp.6.000 DKI JAKARTA - BOJONEGORO = Rp.17.000 DKI JAKARTA - BONDOWOSO = Rp.17.000 DKI JAKARTA - BONTANG = Rp.25.000 DKI JAKARTA - BUKIT TINGGI = Rp.19.000 DKI JAKARTA - CIKAMPEK = Rp.9.000 DKI JAKARTA - CIKARANG = Rp.7.000 DKI JAKARTA - CILEDUG = Rp.6.000 DKI JAKARTA - CILEGON = Rp.8.000 DKI JAKARTA - CIREBON = Rp.10.000 DKI JAKARTA - DEPOK = Rp.6.000 DKI JAKARTA - KUTA = Rp.16.000 DKI JAKARTA - LHOKSUMAWE = Rp.32.000 DKI JAKARTA - MAKASSAR = Rp.20.000 DKI JAKARTA - MALANG = Rp.15.000 DKI JAKARTA - MANADO = Rp.30.000 DKI JAKARTA - MEDAN = Rp.20.000 DKI JAKARTA - PADANG = Rp.18.000 DKI JAKARTA - PALEMBANG = Rp.15.000 DKI JAKARTA - PONTIANAK = Rp.18.000 DKI JAKARTA - SEMARANG = Rp.11.000 DKI JAKARTA - SOLO = Rp.12.000 DKI JAKARTA - TANGERANG = Rp.6.000 DKI JAKARTA - YOGYAKARTA = Rp.12.000 [/spoiler] Pemesanan bisa lwt reply thread ini/PM/SMS/EMAIL (No telp pada jam kerja ya, soalnya ngantor nih, sms aja pasti dibales) Sms: 021 - 932 60130 Contoh Format Pemesanan : Quote: ID : Nama : Alamat : No HP : Jumlah : Pembayaran : Transfer ke Rekening BCA: 5270374508 a/n Andri ****Mau Ga Tiba-tiba Jadi Fasih Menggunakan ADOBE PHOTOSHOP????**** Kepada Para Pelanggan yang kewalahan mencari thread-thread jualan saya, kali ini saya kembali membuka thread baru agar Bos-bos ga susah-susah nyari thread saya ================================================== Hi Semua, Mau memperkenalkan DVD VIDEO Koleksi Tutorial Movie "ADOBE PHOTOSHOP TOP-SECRET KOMPLIT" Gw niy. DVD ini cocok banget bagi juragan yang mau belajar Adobe Photoshop secara mandiri. Beda DVD ini dengan DVD tutorial photoshop yang lain adalah di DVD ini kita tidak hanya di beri tutorial saja tetapi juga diajarkan manipulasi grafik dan membuat spesial efek dengan menggunakan Photoshop. Di luar negeri DVD ini BEST SELLER!!!!. DAFTAR ISI DVDnya : [SPOILER=Klik Disini yach] DVD 1 DVD 2 DVD 3 DVD 4 DVD 5 [/SPOILER] Link Website : http://www.photoshoptopsecret.com/ SEBAGAI BONUS SAYA BERIKAN SEKALIAN MASTERNYA Adobe Photoshop CS3 - Extended Full and Final Windows Total Paket 5 DVD INI (5 DVD UTAMA + BONUS + EXTRA BONUS) HARGA HANYA Rp. 59.900,- SUDAH TERMASUK ONGKOS KIRIM DAN BERLAKU HANYA UNTUK 8 PELANGGAN PERTAMA!!!!!!! HARGA DIJAMIN TERMURAH!!!! Itu semua SUDAH TERMASUK BONUS BONUS KEREN DAN ONGKOS KIRIM KE SELURUH INDONESIA!!!!!!! Hubungi : 0815.48.735.375 (pesan lewat SMS/Telp) ==> RECOMMENDED FOR FAST SERVICE!!!! or Mail to: fyschopat@yahoo.com or PM saya ajah or YM: fyschopat Cara pemesanan : Kirimkan pesanan juragan melalui sms atau email disertai dengan nama Bos, alamat, kota/kode pos, No.HP dan produk pesanan Bos, setelah itu saya akan reply cara pembayarannya, sesudah transfer dana melalui transfer BCA, harap segera dikonfirmasi agar pesanan juragan bisa langsung diproses secepatnya... Barang saya kirim Pake TIKI GARANSI 100% bila DVD RUSAK! KEPUASAN PELANGGAN ADALAH YANG UTAMA Keuntungan Membeli dari saya: 1. Harga DIJAMIN TERMURAH!! 2. DVD WRITER yang digunakan Merk ASUS Terbaru, bisa dilihat di Forum Forum dah soal output dari ASUS, so DIJAMIN TAHAN LAMA DVDnya!! 3. Media DVD yang digunakan merknya VERBATIM diburn dengan kecepatan 4X, So DIJAMIN BAGUS KUALITAS OUTPUTNYA!! 4. Koleksi DIJAMIN TERLENGKAP!! 5. Paket DIJAMIN BERMANFAAT!! 6. Bonus-bonusnya DIJAMIN KEREN!!! 7. Ongkos Kirim Dijamin GRATISSSS!!!! 8. Pelanggan DIJAMIN KEPUASANNYA!! ditunggu pesanannya para juragan ^-^ MOHON TESTI DAN RATING DARI JURAGAN YACH MASIH RAGU UNTUK MEMBELI EN MAU LIAT TESTI DARI KONSUMEN LAINNYA ATAU MAU BELI PRODUK LAINNYA???????, KLIK AJAH DISINI!!!!!!! NB : Dapatkan Paket Pembelian Mixing dengan produk lainnya, SMS ajah ke 081548735375 dan DAPATKAN HARGA SPESIAL!!!!!! Thanks before. ****From Fys With Love**** [WTS] Sample Design untuk membantu pencarian ide dan inspirasi design graphic [WTS] Koleksi "Design Samples" untuk membantu pencarian ide dan inspirasi Design Graphic Anda pernah mengalami kejadian berikut ini ? Komputer udah canggih, software design graphic udah lengkap, orderan dan tugas sudah menanti tapi ketika hendak mulai bekerja..... Pikiran buntu, tidak mood, susah cari inspirasi, designer block, mati gaya..... sementara deadline makin dekat... mau pake template ? udah std bgt (baca : standar banget), mau beli buku design mahal banget ..... kemana lagi cari inspirasi ?? Tripang datang sambil nawarin solusinya "DESIGN SAMPLES" BARU DARI TRIPANG Apaan sih "Design Samples" ??? "Design Samples" adalah koleksi-koleksi unik yang terdiri dari berbagai contoh kreasi design dalam aplikasi sehari hari, hadir dalam format JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG dsb dari resolusi from 10x10 sampai 3000 to 3000 , untuk membantu anda dalam pencarian ide dan inspirasi dalam design graphic, paket terdiri dari berbagai tema mulai dari design kartu sampai design kalender dan layout majalah 1. Design samples - Corporate identity JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 461 Mb contoh : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 2. Design samples - Covers JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 389 Mb Inspirasi design untuk cover cd __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 3. Design samples - Calendars JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 27 Mb contoh design calendar : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 4. Design samples - brochures & booklets JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 434 Mb contoh design brosur : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 5. Design samples - advertising JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 377 Mb contoh : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 6. Design samples - Poster billboard afisha JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 437 Mb contoh poster : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 7. Design samples - POS materials JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 17,7 Mb __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 8. Design samples - Pixel graphic JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 17,8 Mb __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 9. Design samples - Photo editing JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 53,4 Mb contoh foto editing : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 10. Design samples - Package JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 368 Mb contoh design packaging starbucks : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 11. Design samples - Old and antique design JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 151 Mb __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 12. Design samples - Magazines newsletters JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 672 Mb Contoh layout majalah : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 13. Design samples - Flyers postcards JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 100 Mb contoh flyer : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 14. Design samples - Visit & credit cards JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 27 Mb contoh : __________________________________________________ _______________________________ 15. Design samples - Schemes JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG etc. (random formats) | from 10x10 to 3000 to 3000 (random resolutions) | 6 Mb __________________________________________________ _______________________________ F.A.Q Q : berupa apa sih design sample ini ? template atau tutorial step by step ? A : "Design Samples" cuma koleksi kumpulan image dari berbagai design dalam berbagai kebutuhan, tujuannya cuma buat nambah referensi design Q : mendingan template dong kan tinggal edit langsung jadi ? A : Tergantung dari mana melihatnya, "Design Samples" ibaratnya kayak bukubuku design import (yang harganya selangit) buat nunjukin contoh-contoh karya yang udah jadi dan benar-benar dipakai, tapi hanya sebagai inspirasi bukan untuk jadi plagiator Q : harganya berapa sih ? A : murah kok cuma 35 ribu perak saja dalam 1 dvd, eit belum termasuk ongkir Q : kok mahal banget sih ? A : hehehe dibandingin buku design yang harganya ratusan ribu tapi isinya sama aja cuma contoh-contoh design, lagian buat para designer pasti lebih ngerti manfaatnya "Design Samples" Q : terus kalo udah liat ga tau tehniknya gimana dong ? eh dapet bonus ga sih ? A : langsung menjawab dua pertanyaan tersebut, jangan takut deh bro kita bonus beberapa e-book tehnik-tehnik design grafis (saat ini adobe dulu ya) sebagai berikut : Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 Photographers Guide Adobe CS2 All in One Desk Reference For Dummies Adobe Illustrator CS2 Classroom in a Book Adobe Illustrator Revealed Illustrator CS2 Killer Tips Adobe InDesign CS2 at work Projects You Can Use on the Job Adobe Press Adobe InDesign CS2 How Tos 100 Essential Techniques InDesign CS2 at Your Fingertips Adobe Photoshop Revealed Focal Easy Guide to Photoshop CS2 Image Editing for New Users and Professionals Adobe Press Organize Your Photos with Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 2nd Edition Shoot Like A Pro Scanners for Dummies Step Inside Design May Jun 2005 [majalah design] dan Berbagai tutorial Adobe Photoshop Keesokan Harinya ....... Q : Sis barang udah nyampe dan hasilnya memuaskan banget, punya yang kayak begitulagi ga ? buat nambah wawasan design aku nih A : Wah kebetulan ada bro, kita Launching produk baru nih "E-Book Design" Q : Wah kayaknya seru tuh, isinya apa aja ? A : Isinya kumpulan berbagai E-book design dan majalah design, materi soal fotografi juga ada sebagian, pokoknya lumayan lengkap untuk referensi design "E-Book Design" 1. 2DArtist Issue 020 Aug 07 - Magazine 2. 2DArtist Issue 14-Feb-2007 (Highres) 3. 50 Robots to Draw and Paint - Create Fantastic Robot Characters for Comics, Games and Graphic Novels 4. 50 trade secrets of great design packaging 5. A Century of Graphic Design 150dpi 6. AdobeMag 2007 06 - Magazine 7. Animation - 2007 - 09 - Magazine 8. Animation From Pencils to Pixels 9. Art Tower - magazine 10. Art Tower 2007 - magazine 11. ArtzMania Graffiti Issue - Magazine 12. ArtzMania Superweb 2.0 - Magazine 13. ArtzMania Vol 1 - Magazine.exe 14. ArtzMania Vol 1 - Magazine 15. ArtzMania Vol 2 - Magazine 16. ArtzMania Vol 3 part 1 - Magazine 17. ArtzMania Vol 3 part 2 - Magazine 18. ArtzMania Vol 4 - Magazine 19. Artzmania Vol 5 - Magazine 20. Artzmania Vol 6 - Magazine 21. Association Publishing - 2007 - 07 - Magazine 22. Association Publishing - 2007 - 09 - Magazine 23. Black & White Photography, the Basic Manual 24. Business and Legal Forms for Graphic Designers 25. Classic Glamour Photography. Techniques Of The Top Glamour Photographers 26. Computer Vision Graphics Collaboration Techniques 27. Creative idea - magazine 28. Design Elements - a graphic style manual 29. Design Flip 3 - Magazine 30. Designandlife 01 31. Designandlife 02 32. Designandlife 03 33. Digital Photographic Capture 34. Digital Retouching and Compositing Photographer's Guide .chm 35. Digital Sports Photography 36. DreamWeaver MX Weekend Crash Course 37. Ebook Creating Photomontages With Photoshop A Designer's Notebook 38. Flash MX Level 1 39. Focal Press - Advanced Photoshop Elements 4.0 for Digital Photographers 40. Focal Press - Focal Easy Guide to Photoshop CS2 Image Editing for New Users and Professionals 41. Focal Press - How to Cheat in Photoshop CS3 May 2007 42. Focal Press - Photography Foundations for Art and Design 4th Edition 43. Focal Press - Virtual Vixens 3D Character Modeling and Scene Placement 44. G Faigin - The Artists Complete Guide to facial expression.djvu 45. Graphic Design 21st Century 46. Graphic Design Cookbook 47. LEARNING MAYA CHARACTER RIGGING AND ANIMATION 48. Lightroom Gettingstarted Full 49. Logo Font & Lettering Bible 50. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Bible 51. Macromedia Flash MX - A New Hope For Web Applications 52. Muska and Lipman Premier -Trade When Pancakes Go Bad - Optical Delusions with Adobe Photoshop 53. Muska Lipman - Adobe Photoshop CS Photographers Guide.chm 54. Nature Photography 55. New Riders Press The.Photoshop Elements 4 Book for Digital Photographers.chm 56. OReilly - Commercial Photoshop Retouching In the Studio.chm 57. OReilly - Learning Web Design 3rd Edition 58. OReilly - Photoshop CS2 RAW.chm 59. OReilly - Photoshop Elements 4 The Missing Manual.chm 60. OReilly - Photoshop Elements 5 The Missing Manual.chm 61. OReilly - Photoshop Workflow Setups.chm 62. Peachpit Press - Graphic Design Portfolio Builder Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator Projects.chm 63. Photoshop Creative 01 eMag - Magazine 64. Photoshop Creative 02 eMag - Magazine 65. Photoshop Creative 03 eMag - Magazine 66. Photoshop CS2 Bible.chm 67. Photoshop User June 2007 - Magazine 68. Point-Based Graphics 69. Render Magazine 10-2007 - Magazine 70. ROCKPORT - Minimal Graphics The Powerful New Look of Graphic Design 71. Sams - Teach Yourself Adobe Photoshop CS2 in 24 Hours.chm 72. Sams - The Art of Photoshop for Digital Photographers.chm 73. Springer - Mathematics for Computer Graphics 2nd Edition 74. Sybex - After Effects and Photoshop Animation and Production Effects for DV and Film.chm 75. Sybex - Enhancing Cad Drawings With Photoshop 76. Sybex - Flash Video for Professionals 77. Sybex - Inc Scrapbooking With Photoshop Elements The Creative Cropping Cookbook 78. Sybex - Mastering InDesign CS3 for Print Design and Production 79. Sybex - Mastering Photoshop CS3 for Print Design and Production 80. Sybex - Photoshop CS3 for Forensics Professionals 81. Sybex - Raw 101 Better Images with Photoshop Elements and Photoshop 82. Sybex - Shooting Digital 2nd Edition 83. Sybex - The Hidden Power of Photoshop Elements 4 84. The art of cartooning with flash 85. The best of business card design 86. The Complete Guide to Digital Graphic Design 150dpi 87. The Encyclopedia of Airbrushing Techniques 88. The Fundamentals of Creative Design 89. Unleashing Web 2.0 from concept to creativity 90. Vexel + Vector specialty magazine - Magazine 91. Web Design Styleguide 92. Web Designer's Guide to Adobe Photoshop.chm 93. What is packaging design Semuanya dikemas dalam 1 DVD ArtzMagazine The Fundamentals of Creative Design The Best of The Best of Business Card Design Design CookBook Q : Gile banyak bener isinya.. Hehehe biasa sis dapet bonus ga ? A : Tenang bro, supaya makin asik dalam ngeliat Design Sample dari Tripang aku kasi bonus ini : ACDSEE 10 Picasa 2 Q : Untuk pemesanan gimana ? A : Biasa bro liat dibawah ini : Untuk pemesanan dapat menghubungi 081802997749 Koleksi Design Sample dan E-Book Design dijual dalam duaDVD dengan harga hanya 35 ribu rupiah / DVD Jadi Total Kalau dua-duanya 70 Ribu Net dan belum termasuk ongkir ya Melayani pembayaran melalui BCA dan BNI Koleksi lengkap bisa menghubungi mypapilon@gmail.com Thread Lapak Tripang : Hemera Photo-Objects Vol 1,2,3 & Smartdraw 2007 Dg Foto Art 5.2 Clasic (Fast & Easy Digital Album Creation Tool) Sample Design untuk membantu pencarian ide dan inspirasi design graphic Biggest Vector Clipart Collection - By Tripang Paket printing keluarga (Mojosoft,Halmark 2008,Getrudis,Arcsoft,Anime studio) Paket Logo Tripang # # # Vector Tshirt Collection Bagi Para Juragan Kaos # # # Kalau berkenan tolong kasih testi yah : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=875144 Design http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=879328 http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=1014749 # # # Paket Logo Tripang # # # Paket LOGO Tripang Bosan dan capek membuat mentrace atau membuat ulang logo suatu prusahaan atau sponsor setiap ada Job baru ? Atau anda perlu inspirasi dalam membuat sebuah logo ? Tripang datang dengan solusinya.......... Brandsoftheworld Vector Logo DVD Best brands of the World is World's one of the most visited web sites intended for browsing and exchange of the World"s famous brands and logos. The primary use of site is to enable designers to access vector forms of the well-known logos that they can use in their presentations, given the permission of the copyright owner. The web site also enables designers to upload their own logo design works and professional details. 10,000 Famous Vector Logos Kumpulan 10 ribu logo dari perusahaan-perusahaan ternama 99.000 Vector Logo Collection - Initial Letter (A) (B) Kompilasi berbagai vektor logo dari perusahaan berinisial A dan B 1500 CDR Logos Merupakan kompilasi 1500 logo berformat CDR (CorelDraw) PSD LOGO Templates Kompilasi 258 template logo siap edit dalam format PSD (Photoshop) Olympic Games 2008 Logos for Adobe Illustrator Merupakan kumpulan logo dan maskot Olimpiade 2008 yg akan diselenggarakan di Cina, dikemas dalam format Ai (Adobe Ilustrator) Percision Graphics (Sports) Vol.1 & 2 Kumpulan logo-logo club olahraga dalam format yg dapat diedit (CDR) disertakan berikut templates (unduk desain kaos), fonts, dan tutorial Masih ditambah juga dengan aneka Logo dalam low resolution sebagai tambahtambah apabila ada logo yg terlewat Sebagai pelengkap disertakan beberapa software untuk mendisain logo secara cepat dan mudah GreenBox Logo Maker 1.0a Retail GreenBox Logo maker is an innovative and easy to use product that makes it possible for any business owner to design professional business logos, create advertisements, design nice page headers for a web site and other identifying graphics in just minutes. The easy to use features of GreenBox include hundreds of fully modifiable logo templates and objects categorized by industry and interest, high quality graphical engine, creative tools and special effects. GreenBox does not require any knowledge in using any graphical application, so don't be limited to a single concept from an overpriced design firm! By modifying or importing images, shapes, graphic objects and text, each professionally designed logo included the software is able to produce thousands of unique results—all in a matter of minutes! The main features include: Over 200 professionally designed and fully modifiable logo templates categorized by industry and interest Over 1800 objects and shapes for making logos Easy to use, drag & drop, graphical engine for image and text manipulation: scale, rotate, align, groups, layers etc. Over 30 effects for object and text editing such as Shadow, Transparency, Brightness, Blur, Gradient, etc. Plug-ins for adding special effects such as Jitter, Pixelate, Sharp, Water etc. Regular, Polygonal, Concave, Wavy, Circular, Outline and Perspective Text Full screen editing Export to PDF, JPG, TIF and other file formats Professional, Creative, Refined & Designer fonts included The built in Internet browser for accessing new objects, templates, 40,000 free fonts, 100,000 pictures, etc. And much, much, more... operating system you use (Win 98/NT/2000/XP) Corporate Identity Creator Plus Logo Creator v5 [*]Create beautiful business cards, letterhead and matching envelopes with ease! [*]Create logos and other graphics using a built in version of The Logo Creator logo design software! 50 customizable logos! [*]Launch The Corporate Identity Creator and choose from over 95 matching business card and letterhead templates to mix & modify! ### Bonus ### Seperti biasa, Tripang selalu menyertakan berbagai Bonus untuk Anda... Stockshutt Color Guides Lumayan buat proofing warna ama client XnView Merupakan picture browser sekaligus converter yg sangat efisien terlebih lagi program ini freeware 3 E-Book Tentang Logo yang akan menemani anda dalam mendesain logo secara profesional Letterhead Logo Design Logo Design Workbook Logo Font & Lettering Bible Dan bonus terakhir .... Salah satu program yg cukup mumpuni untuk mendesain logo......... Corel Draw 13 Tidak hanya itu tapi ditambah juga dengan : Corel Artis Textures Corel Draw 13 Photos and Objects Corel Draw Filters Collection Corel Draw Gallery Corel Draw Plugins Collection Untuk pemesanan dapat menghubungi 081802997749 Paket Logo dijual dalam 2 DVD dengan harga 70 ribu rupiah Net (belum termasuk ongkir) Melayani pembayaran melalui BCA dan BNI Koleksi lengkap bisa menghubungi mypapilon@gmail.com Thread Lapak Tripang : Hemera Photo-Objects Vol 1,2,3 & Smartdraw 2007 Dg Foto Art 5.2 Clasic (Fast & Easy Digital Album Creation Tool) Sample Design untuk membantu pencarian ide dan inspirasi design graphic Biggest Vector Clipart Collection - By Tripang Paket printing keluarga (Mojosoft,Halmark 2008,Getrudis,Arcsoft,Anime studio) Paket Logo Tripang # # # Vector Tshirt Collection Bagi Para Juragan Kaos # # # FS - Photoshop Top Secret, 3dsmax Chip, Adobe, Macromedia, Maya, After Effect, Flash! Quote: Originally Posted by admin Kepada semua pengguna layanan FJB Kaskus. Semua thread sementara kami close sampai batas waktu yang belum di tentukan, hal ini di karenakan database Kaskus bermasalah akibat dari serangan DDOS kemarin ini. Untuk itu penjual di FJB diharap membuat thread baru dan para pembeli untuk menghubungi para penjual. berhubung thread yg lama dilock gara2 serangan DDOS maka gw buka aja thread baru (temporary) Photoshop Top Secret 5 DVD Rp 50,000 Free Onkir Jakarta Spoiler for Screenshut: Bonus tutorial Bahasa indonesia, Brush, Acdsee, Plugins, Portabel Photoshop CS3 Version terbaru Spoiler for Screenshut: BONUSNYA kurang??Rekuest aja boss ntar sebisa mungkin gw tambahin klo space sizenya masih muat FAQ + Ini apaan sih? - Ini Video Tutorial Bos untuk menguasai Adobe Photoshop software khusus Desain grafis untuk olah foto dibahas tuntas disini + Wah Murah juga y.. Bonusnya apaan? - Dapet Bonus tutorial dalam bahasa Indonesia, plus Kumpulan BRUSH tinggal dipakai. Kurang Puas sama Bonusnya? Pm gw aja nanti gw tambahin deh Bonusnya + Cara Mesennya gmn bos? - Kirim aja nama alamat lengkap no HP via PM,sms 021-99494305 or email nanti eke kasih tau no rekening BCA eke Kirim dan apabila anda di Jakarta sudah termasuk Onkos Murah banget kan? untuk pemesanan silakan PM/Contact saya ke 021-99494305 (ESIA) ato email desaindesain@yahoo.com cantumkan pesanannya nama, alamat no telp nanti saya berikan no rekening BCA nya. thanks http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=872236 http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=889146 http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=1024094 http://www.gudangtutorial.com/product-list http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=867501 http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=877894 Halo bos mau nawarin neh game bagus dari RObert Kiyosaki, game ini di jamin bagus banget bagi bos2 yang uda bosen dipermainkan oleh uang. Game ini ngajarin kita bagaimana cara untuk mengatur ALIRAN KAS (CASHFLOW) sehingga kita bisa mengatur uang kita secara maksimal. Di dalam game ini juga kita di ajarin bagaimana cara kita berinvestasi dan saham. So dijamin bos bagus banget neh game... YANG MEMBUAT ROBERT KIYOSAKI KAYA ADALAH KARENA BELIAU MENGERTI BAGAIMANA CARA MEMANAGE UANG dan semua ilmu beliau itu uda tertuang dalam game ini, so bagi bos yang bisa memainkan game ini dengan baik maka otomatis bos akan dapat mengatur keuangan bos dengan baik. SCREEN SHOT Quote: Kalo beli dapet apa aja bos? Kalo bos pesen yang bos dapetin adalah sebagai berikut : 1. CashFlow 101 E-Game 2. CashFlow 202 E-Game 3. 1 set Audio CashFlow Quadrant 4. 1 set Audio Retire Rich Retire Young 5. Ebook 6. Mini Game Berapa bos harganya bos? Harga game ini 45rb belom termasuk ongkos kirim bos, jangan karena 45rb bos kehilangan sesuatu yang berharga untuk investasi bos dimasa depan. SEKALI LAGI DIJAMIN GAME INI BAGUS BANGET Untuk pemesanan bisa Kontak ke HP : 0856-7774773 (SMS only) Email : anton_wjya06@yahoo.com YM : anton_wjya06 Klik icon YM diatas untuk chat langsung menanyakan produk Pembayaran melalui: Rekening BCA and Rekening Mandiri www.dvdedukasi.com NB: * barang baru akan di kirim setelah uang saya terima, mohon setelah transfer konfirmasi ke 0856-7774773 * Saya menggunakan kurir TIKIJNE * Ongkir JABODETABEK Rp. 6000