Final program -

Opening Doors
Society of Professional Journalists – Region 9 Conference
April 13 & 14, 2012
Starz Theaters at the Tivoli Student Center
Auraria Campus, Downtown Denver
Thursday, April 12
Welcome party at the Denver Press Club sponsored by Auraria Campus SPJ Chapter
1330 Glenarm Place
-- Featured speaker: Kevin Vaughan, Senior Editor for News, The Denver Post
Friday, April 13
8:30 a.m. – Registration opens
Morning Sessions: Traditional Track
9 to 10:15 a.m. – Theater 8
The goodie bag of open records: Accessing data and putting it online
Learn how to get government data out of reluctant officials, analyze it, apply it ethically
and then post it online within minutes for anyone to look at, including charts and maps.
It's so easy most house cats can do it! No longer do you have to be an expert in
computer-assisted reporting to acquire, analyze and post data online, thanks to Google
Fusion Tables and other free applications. We'll show you how.
Presenter: David Cuillier – SPJ National Secretary/Treasurer; Director of the
University of Arizona School of Journalism; Former SPJ FOIA Chairman
10:30 – 11:45 a.m. – Theater 8
Ethics in a digital world
Newsrooms have gone digital, and the insistence on high standards, accuracy
and accountability has never been greater. These longtime pros talk about
emerging ethical challenges -- and temptations – in a new era, and revisit some
classics case studies.
Jim Anderson: News Editor, Associated Press Denver
Deb Hurley Brobst: Contributing Editor, Evergreen Newspapers
Fred Brown: Former Denver Post Bureau Chief, Former National SPJ President
and Ethics Chair
Raj Chohan: Attorney, Baker Hostetler; former CBS4 Reporter
Moderator: Doug Bell, Editor, Evergreen Newspapers
10:30-11:45 a.m. – Theater 9
The numbers add up
Business journalism is where the jobs are. But you won't get very far if you can't figure
out financial statements. This workshop will show you how to make heads and tails out
of all those numbers – and explore ways to dig up the dough on anyone.
David Milstead, Investing columnist for Canada's Globe and Mail
Rob Reuteman, Reynolds Visiting Professor at CSU-Fort Collins
Noon-1:30 p.m.
Lunch on your own
Afternoon sessions: Digital Media Track
Beginning track
2 – 3:30 p.m.
Is blogging journalism? (Yes, and…) – Theater 9
Critical tips for blogging within new media companies – as well as blogging outside
news as a potential freelance opportunity for journalists. (And why all journalists should
be blogging anyway).
Kurtis Lee, The Spot Blog, The Denver Post
Mike Roberts, The Latest Word,
Scott Yates,
Amber Johnson, Founder and Editor, Mile High Mamas
Moderator: Gil Asakawa, Manager of Student Media, CU-Boulder; Chair, SPJ
Digital Media Committee
3:45 - 5:15 p.m.
Intro to SEO: playing the online hed game – Theater 9
A hands-on workshop on why headlines need to be different on the web.
Presenter: Becky Risch, Executive Producer,
Advanced track
2 - 3:30 p.m.
What does it mean to be "digital first?" – Theater 8
The new company managing the Denver Post (and the rest of MediaNews Group) is
Digital First What does it mean for media companies to commit to a "digital first"
Allen Klosowksi, Senior Director of Social/Mobile for Digital First Media
Kevin Dale, News Director,
Joel Campbell, Assistant Professor, Department of Communications, Brigham
Young University
Moderator: Steve Outing, Digital News Test Kitchen at CU-Boulder
3:45 - 5:15 p.m.
Using social media as a news source – Theater 8
Hands-on workshop on using social media as a news source, with case studies.
Presenter: Dan Petty, Social Media Editor,
7 p.m.
Film screening: Almost Famous – Theater 8
Sponsored by Auraria Campus SPJ Chapter
Saturday, April 14
Morning Sessions: Traditional Track
9 – 11 a.m.
One-on-one mentoring, resume review, coaching – Theater 7
Photography: Dennis Schroeder, former Rocky Mountain News photographer, now
shooting for National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Broadcast: Megan Verlee, legislative reporter for Colorado Public Radio
Print: Rob Reuteman, Reynolds Visiting Professor at CSU-Fort Collins;
Doug Bell, Editor of Evergreen Newspapers
New Media: Mahala Gaylord, Denver Post multimedia team
TV / Public Relations: Lynn Setzer, former Denver Channel 7 reporter, current PIO for
Jeffco Public Schools
9 to 10:15 a.m.
The care and feeding of student journalists – Theater 9
A lively roundtable featuring student journalists and advisors on the myriad of
challenges facing journalists in college newsrooms. Topics include legal and ethical
challenges for student journalists, campus readers’ interest in the print product versus
the online product, and the current state of finances of student media.
Marlena Hartz, Assistant Director of Student Media at MSCD
Michael Humphrey, Newsroom Adviser for the Rocky Mountain Student Media
Corp. at CSU-Fort Collins
Kurt Hinkle, General Manager of The Mirror at UNC
Benjamin Welch, Editor-in-Chief of The Mirror at UNC
Erin Udell, News Editor of the Rocky Mountain Collegian
Moderator: Kris Kodrich, Associate Professor of Journalism, CSU-Fort Collins
10:30 - 11:45 a.m.
Getting arrested for doing Journalism: A case study in criminal libel – Theater 8
In numerous states – including Colorado, New Mexico and Utah – journalists can be
arrested and jailed for “criminal libel.” In 2003 police raided the home of Colorado
student journalist Thomas Mink, seized his computer and threatened him with a felony
charge over his Internet publication The Howling Pig. This panel features Mink and the
ACLU legal team that fought an eight-year court battle on his behalf.
Mark Silverstein: Legal Director and Co-acting Executive Director, ACLU of
Thomas Mink: Student Journalist
Marcy Glenn, Esq.: Partner, Holland & Hart
Moderator: The Hon. A. Bruce Jones, Denver District Court
12 - 2 p.m.
Mark of Excellence Awards Luncheon
Adirondack’s Room
Keynote: David Cuillier, National SPJ Secretary/Treasurer; Director of the University
of Arizona School of Journalism
Emcee: Donald Meyers, SPJ Region 9 Director
Afternoon sessions: Digital Media Track
Beginning track
2:15 -3:45 p.m.
Social Media: Why do we newsies care? – Theater 9
There are a dizzying number of social media sites we have to pay attention to --- or do
we? Is it just Facebook and Twitter? What about Google Plus? How about Pinterest?
And why do we pay attention to these sites anyway? (Answer: Because they can drive
crazy traffic to our sites, and because they're great sources for news tips.)
Alison Noon: Social Media Outreach Editor, the CU Independent
Dan Petty: Social Media Editor,
Trevor Hughes: Staff reporter, Coloradoan Media Group
Moderator: Misty Montano, Digital Content Manager, 9News
4 -5:30 p.m.
New tech on the horizon: How media need to adapt – Theater 9
A lively discussion about the ever-evolving horizon of emerging technology and media
gadgetry, especially mobile and tablet platforms.
Steve Outing, Digital News Test Kitchen at CU Boulder
Dave Elchoness, Tagwhat
David Herrold,
Moderator Joel Campbell, BYU
Advanced track
2:15 – 3:45 p.m.
Crowdsourcing – Getting audiences to be part of the news – Theater 8
Whether it's sending along weather photos or joining the Public Insight Network or
connecting with users via various services such as Tackable or Storify, these are the
tools now available that allow audiences to help the newsgathering process,
Wendy Norris: Founder/CEO of Tekhne Media
Lee Hill: CPR Public Insight Network Analyst
Doug Conarroe: North Forty News
Moderator: Steve Outing, Digital News Test Kitchen at CU Boulder
4 -5:30 p.m.
Is hyper-local the future of news – or just hype? – Theater 8
A look at the buzz over local news from Your Hub to Examiner & Patch, and whether
that's really the future of news media.
Laura Rich: Street Fight Magazine
Eric Lubbers: Your Hub
Mike Noe,
Doug Conarroe: North Forty News
Moderator: Gil Asakawa: Manager of Student Media, CU-Boulder, Chair, SPJ
Digital Media Committee
Note to Brent: To put on the back or inside cover
Thanks to the following for their support:
The Vail Daily
Auraria Campus SPJ
Society of Professional Journalists/Colorado Pro Chapter
Gil Asakawa, Manager of Student Media, CU-Boulder
Kris Kodrich, Associate professor, CSU-Fort Collins
The Denver Press Club
The Curtis Hotel