麻省理工学院讲义展示 《Quantum Physics II》讲义 名称: Quantum Physics II 量子物理学 II. 本课程的学科门类: 理学 本讲义的出处: 麻省理工学院开放课程 本讲义的特点: 麻省理工学院为世界知名大学,本课程为量子物理学 3 门课系列中的一部分。其框架包 括阅读作业和习题集。课程内容覆盖了现代物理学中的量子物理学应用。量子力学的一般概 念:态,算符,狄拉克符号,表象,测量理论。谐振子:算符代数,态。三维空间中的量子 力学:中心势场和径向方程,跃迁和散射状态,波函数的定性分析。角动量:算符,代数转 换,本征值和本征函数,球谐函数。自旋:斯特恩-革拉赫装置和测量,核磁共振,自旋和 统计。角动量的耦合:C-G 系列和系数,自旋系统和氢元素的同素异形体。 讲义来源于: http://www.core.org.cn/OcwWeb/Physics/8-05Fall-2004/CourseHome/index.htm 讲义的中文翻译网址: http://www.core.org.cn/OcwWeb/Physics/8-05Quantum-Physics-IIFall2002/CourseHome/index.ht m 本讲义的编写规范: 第一部分:课程简介:包括课程描述,技术需要,授课人员,课时安排,针对学生 第二部分:课程大纲:包括课程内容,需要背景,成绩评定,问题 第三部分:课程进度表 第四部分:课程阅读材料 第五部分:作业 第六部分:相关资源 对本学科门类讲义编写的建议: 根据具体课程的特点,结合国际相关课程的实际情况进行编写。 Quantum Physics II Course Highlights This course features a list of readings, a complete set of assignments, and references to related resources. Course Description Together, this course and 8.06: Quantum Physics III cover quantum physics with applications drawn from modern physics. Topics covered in this course include the general formalism of quantum mechanics, harmonic oscillator, quantum mechanics in three-dimensions, angular momentum, spin, and addition of angular momentum. Technical Requirements Microsoft® Powerpoint® software is recommended for viewing the .ppt files found on this course site. Free Microsoft® Powerpoint® viewer software can also be used to view the .ppt files. Staff Instructor: Prof. Iain Stewart Course Meeting Times Lectures: Two sessions / week 1.5 hours / session Recitations: Two sessions / week 1 hour / session Level Undergraduate Syllabus Help support MIT OpenCourseWare by shopping at Amazon.com! MIT OpenCourseWare offers direct links to Amazon.com to purchase the books cited in this course. Click on the Amazon logo to the left of any citation and purchase the book from Amazon.com, and MIT OpenCourseWare will receive up to 10% of all purchases you make. Your support will enable MIT to continue offering open access to MIT courses. Topics Covered General Structure of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Dynamics Two-state Systems Angular Momentum and Spin The Radial Equation and Operator Methods Addition of Angular Momentum Introduction to the Quantum Mechanics of Identical Particles Topics covered, in detail (PDF) Texts Griffiths, David J. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. ISBN: 9780131118928. (Required; useful for both 8.05 and 8.06.) Ohanian, Hans. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989. ISBN: 9780137127955. (Recommended, complementary to Griffiths; more emphasis on operator methods but less depth on some other topics.) Shankar, Ramamurti. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1994. ISBN: 9780306447907. (Chapter 1 is particularly useful for the first part of 8.05, copies will be provided; rest of the book is recommended.) Feynman, R. P. Feynman Lectures On Physics. Vol. 3. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, 1970. ISBN: 9780201021158. (A useful supplement for much of 8.05. Chapter 9 on the ammonia maser is particularly useful and will be provided.) Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude. Quantum Mechanics. 2 vols. New York, NY: Wiley, 1977. ISBN: 9780471164326. (Some students find Cohen-Tannoudji useful for both 8.05 and 8.06; other students find it too encyclopedic.) Sakurai, J. J. Modern Quantum Mechanics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub., 1994. ISBN: 9780201539295. (Good treatment of the two-state system - copies of this section will be provided - but this text is somewhat more advanced than 8.05 in other respects.) Gasiorowicz, Stephen. Quantum Physics. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003. ISBN: 9780471057000. (Familiar from 8.04.) Prerequisites and Review Material You must complete Quantum Mechanics I (8.04) with a grade of C or better before taking 8.05. Familiarity with Linear Algebra (18.06) will be very helpful. If you are rusty and would like to review material covered in 8.04, you should read Chapters 1-2 of Griffiths. If you want instead to review from a source that is more familiar from 8.04, reread Chapters 3, 4, 5, 7 of Liboff or Chapters 2-5 of Gasiorowicz. Grading and Exams Grades will be determined by a weighted average of problem sets, a midterm, and a final exam as shown in the table below: Grading Table Activities PERCENTAGES Problem Sets 35% Midterm 25% Final Exam 40% The faculty may alter grades to react class participation, improvement, effort and other qualitative measures of performance. Problem Sets Problem sets are a very important part of 8.05. We believe that sitting down yourself and trying to reason your way through a problem not only helps you learn the material deeply, but also develops analytical tools fundamental to a successful career in science. We recognize that students also learn a great deal from talking to and working with each other. We therefore encourage each 8.05 student to make his/her own attempt on every problem and then, having done so, to discuss the problems with one another and collaborate on understanding them more fully. The solutions you submit must reflect your own work. They must not be transcriptions or reproductions of other people's work. Calendar Course Calendar LEC # tOPICS RELATED ASSIGNMENTS 1-7 General Structure of Quantum Mechanics Assignments 1, 2, 7-9 Quantum Dynamics Assignments 4, 5 10-14 Two-state Systems Assignments 6, 7, 14-16 Angular Momentum and Spin Assignments 8, 17-20 The Radial Equation and Operator Methods Assignments 10, 20-22 Addition of Angular Momentum Assignment 12 23-24 Introduction to the Quantum Mechanics of Identical Particles 3 8 9 11 Assignment 13 (optional) Readings Help support MIT OpenCourseWare by shopping at Amazon.com! MIT OpenCourseWare offers direct links to Amazon.com to purchase the books cited in this course. Click on the Amazon logo to the left of any citation and purchase the book from Amazon.com, and MIT OpenCourseWare will receive up to 10% of all purchases you make. Your support will enable MIT to continue offering open access to MIT courses. Texts Griffiths, David J. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. ISBN: 9780131118928. Ohanian, Hans. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989. ISBN: 9780137127955. Shankar, Ramamurti. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1994. ISBN: 9780306447907. Feynman, R. P. Feynman Lectures On Physics. Vol. 3. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, 1970. ISBN: 9780201021158. Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude. Quantum Mechanics. 2 vols. New York, NY: Wiley, 1977. ISBN: 9780471164326. Sakurai, J. J. Modern Quantum Mechanics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub., 1994. ISBN: 9780201539295. The following table lists the reading assignments for each of the seven topics covered in this course. For more detailed information on these reading assigments, please see the individual assignments in the assignments section. Course Readings LEC # TOPICS READINGS Griffiths, chapter 3 and Appendix Ohanian, chapter 4 1-7 General Structure of Quantum Mechanics Shankar, chapter 1 Cohen-Tannoudji, parts of chapters II, III, IV, and V Sakurai, chapter 1 Ohanian, chapter 5 7-9 Quantum Dynamics Cohen-Tannoudji, parts of chapters III, IV, and V Sakurai, sections 2.1-2.4 Feynman, chapter 9 Cohen-Tannoudji, chapter 4 10-14 Two-state Systems Sakurai, section 2.10 Ohanian, section 9.2 Griffiths, chapter 4 14-16 Angular Momentum and Spin Ohanian, chapter 7 Cohen-Tannoudji, chapters VI, VII, and IX 17-20 The Radial Equation and Operator Methods Ohanian, chapters 6 and 8 Course Readings LEC # TOPICS READINGS Griffiths, chapter 4 20-22 Addition of Angular Momentum Ohanian, section 9.3 Cohen-Tannoudji, chapter X 23-24 Introduction to the Quantum Mechanics of Identical Particles Griffiths, sections 5.1, 5.2, 6.3, and 6.4 Cohen-Tannoudji, chapter XIV Assignments Help support MIT OpenCourseWare by shopping at Amazon.com! MIT OpenCourseWare offers direct links to Amazon.com to purchase the books cited in this course. Click on the Amazon logo to the left of any citation and purchase the book from Amazon.com, and MIT OpenCourseWare will receive up to 10% of all purchases you make. Your support will enable MIT to continue offering open access to MIT courses. Problem sets are a very important part of this course. We believe that sitting down yourself and trying to reason your way through a problem not only helps you learn the material deeply, but also develops analytical tools fundamental to a successful career in science. The related readings from the textbooks shown in the table will help understand the assignments. Texts Griffiths, David J. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. ISBN: 9780131118928. Ohanian, Hans. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989. ISBN: 9780137127955. Shankar, Ramamurti. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1994. ISBN: 9780306447907. Feynman, R. P. Feynman Lectures On Physics. Vol. 3. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley Longman, 1970. ISBN: 9780201021158. Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude. Quantum Mechanics. 2 vols. New York, NY: Wiley, 1977. ISBN: 9780471164326. Sakurai, J. J. Modern Quantum Mechanics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub., 1994. ISBN: 9780201539295. Gasiorowicz, Stephen. Quantum Physics. 3rd ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2003. ISBN: 9780471057000. Assignments files. assignments RELATED rEadingS Griffiths, chapters 1 and 2, Appendix Assignment 1 (PDF) Shankar, chapter 1 Sakurai, chapter 1 Griffiths, chapter 3, Appendix Shankar, chapters 1 and 4 Assignment 2 (PDF) Sakurai, chapter 1 Ohanian, chapter 4 Cohen-Tannoudji, chapters II and III Griffiths, section 2.3.1, chapter 3 Ohanian, chapter 4 Assignment 3 (PDF) Shankar, chapter 4 Cohen-Tannoudji, chapters II and III Cohen-Tannoudji, Complement GIII Assignment 4 (PDF) Ohanian, chapter 5 Cohen-Tannoudji III D, or Sakurai, sections 2.1 and 2.2 Assignment 5 (PDF) Cohen-Tannoudji, sections IV.A.1., IV.A.2., IV.B, IV.C, Complement CIV and FIV Cohen-Tannoudji, Complement FIV Assignment 6 (PDF) Feynman, Vol. III, section 8.6 and chapter 9 Assignment 7 (PDF) Feynman, Vol. III, section 8.6 and chapter 9 Assignment 8 (PDF) Griffiths, sections 4.1.1 and 4.3 Assignments files. assignments RELATED rEadingS Griffiths, sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 Ohanian, chapter 7 Assignment 9 (PDF) Shankar, section 12.5 Cohen-Tannoudji, chapter VI, pp. 643-676 Gasiorowicz, chapter 7 Griffiths, sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 Assignment (PDF) 10 Shankar, pp. 339-345 Ohanian, chapter 6, section 6.2, and chapter 8 Assignment (PDF) 11 Ohanian, chapter 6, section 6.2, and chapter 8 Griffiths, sections 4.4 and 4.4.3 Griffiths, sections 4.4.3 and 5.1 Assignment (PDF) 12 Ohanian, sections 9.3 and 9.4 Shankar, chapter 10, sections 15.1 and 15.2 Cohen-Tannoudji, Vol. II, chapters X and XIV Griffiths, section 5.1 Assignment (PDF) 13 Ohanian, section 9.4 Shankar, chapter 10 Cohen-Tannoudji, chapter XIV Related Resources Microsoft® Powerpoint® software is recommended for viewing the .ppt files in this section. Free Microsoft® Powerpoint® viewer software can also be used to view the .ppt files. Some Topics have a related experiment in the class 8.13-8.14: Experimental Physics I & II "Junior Lab," which is usually taken concurrently with Quantum Mechanics II. Related Resources LEC # tOPICS 1-7 General Structure of Quantum Mechanics 7-9 Quantum Dynamics RELATED EXPERIMENTS Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 10-14 Two-state Systems Quantum Information Processing with NMR 14-16 Angular Momentum and Spin 17-20 The Radial Equation and Operator Optical Emission Spectra of Methods Hydrogenic Atoms 20-22 Addition of Angular Momentum 23-24 Introduction to the Quantum Superconductivity Mechanics of Identical Particles