
“What will humanity look like in 2050?”
I think cities should change and adapt in the future because of 3 main reasons, one, we will run out of
coal and fossil fuels, we will need to make space for our next generations and our growing population,
and because any technology that isn't moving forward is moving backward.
I think cities should change and adapt in the future because we will run out of coal and fossil fuels. This
is important because so much of our lifestyle depends on coal to evaporate water to generate
electricity, Gasoline to fuel our cars, Natural gas for heating, and so on and so forth.
According to, we will run out of oil in about 15,610 years, Coal in about
152,208 years, Natural gas in about 61,038 years! That might seem like a long time, but considering
fossil fuels have been around more than 3 billion years!
Our planet's population has hit 7 billion. We're running out of clean water in many areas. We need to
conserve. One of our main problems is that many of us don't realize what's happening in the world right
now. The obvious solution here is to be educated and spread the word. We're losing our water. According
to Worldometers, approximately 833 million people have no clean water to drink! This is a huge problem,
and is a sign that we need to stop polluting our air with CO2 emissions from cars, trucks, and the like.
When our air is polluted, acid rain occurs, poisoning our water. We need to switch to greener energy
sources like wind and geothermal, so our water will be cleaner and also conserve water and use and buy
just as much as we need.
Cities need to start using greener energy in the future because of three main reasons. Firstly, all this coal
and natural gas being burnt off into the air is causing huge amounts of C02 to be let into the air. This C02
is acting as a greenhouse, letting heat in but keeping it in. This will melt the polar ice caps, causing floods
and devastation to come to earth. We need to lower our emissions by 60%-by 2050 to keep ice caps
from melting. That's about 38 years from now. In many cities, the top usage of energy is heating and
cooling. There are things we can do to counter this, such as trying to make a sustainable city, like in Abu
Dhabi. Cities could establish an earth hour that would be more than once a year. An extremely unlikely
solution would also be to ship out solar panels to every city in America, because according to
throughout the day, there is more solar energy striking the earth than energy used that day. So why
don't we use that energy! It would impact our future greatly.
In the future, if we keep making so much trash, cities will lose space and money trying to make landfills
bigger to store trash. 9.2 billion People will be in cities in 2050 with all of the people moving in to cities,
more and more trash goes into landfills. People will have to move away from land fill areas so the
government can use that land for their land fill. With all of the landfills and all the Co2 in the air, if we do
not do something so we will all be in danger. so things we can do to help it recycling, some people throw
everything away, when you recycle we take the used material and turn it in to something else that we can
recycle that to so if we all do that it would be a lot less trash in the world helping cities stay big and a
better environment, or you can just use reusable materials like metal water bottles. Also we can use all
the trash we have as a resource. We can use it to do a lot of things; one way is we can use it to make
cars run. By using all that trash to power cars, trash will be taken out of landfills making the smaller plus
we will be saving more gas for the future. And you can make houses out of trash. Some people make
houses out of trash, it helps because you will be reusing trash and the trash you are using does not make
space in a land fill.
All in all, we will most likely end up using green and clean resources, it is obvious that we need to change
because we need to survive and change in the future. Humans need to change to survive because in the
future we will run out of resources such as coal and oil. If we keep polluting, our water will become
undrinkable and our food will be contaminated. Our planet will become uninhabitable. What Detroit can
do is that use cleaner energy like solar and wind. Some people dislike Detroit because it’s ‘dangerous’.
But there are more serious problems like pollution and overpopulation, it sends more Co2 into the air.