Read through

Artemis Fowl Anticipation Guide
Directions: Read through each statement. In the YOU column, write YES or NO
depending on whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Fill out
the AUTHOR column the same way, predicting what ideas the author will
express in the book.
You should assume everyone is trustworthy until
they prove otherwise.
You should assume everyone is untrustworthy until
they prove otherwise.
You should never judge someone by appearance.
A family is a group of people who are related to
each other by blood.
Family is the most important thing in the world.
One person has power to change the world.
You should never tell everything you know.
Ultimately, you choose either good or evil. There is
no middle ground.
Age doesn’t matter. With enough intelligence you
can take care of yourself.
As you read, go back and mark any answers in the AUTHOR
column that you need to change.
Name: ____________________________
Artemis Fowl Vocabulary Assignment 1
Directions: Read each sentence and use context clues to determine the meaning of
the underlined word. Use the word in an original sentence related to the story. Then,
using a dictionary definition, determine if you used the word correctly. If not, erase
and rewrite your sentence.
1. The Butlers had been serving the Fowls for centuries. It had always been that
way. Indeed, there were several eminent linguists of the opinion that this was how
the common noun had originated.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
2. The Butlers had been serving the Fowls for centuries. It had always been that
way. Indeed, there were several eminent linguists of the opinion that this was how
the common noun had originated.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
3. So Artemis put out a call on the Web: Irish businessman will pay large amount of
U.S. dollars to meet a fairy, sprite, leprechaun, pixie. The responses had been mostly
fraudulent, but Ho Chi Minh City had finally paid off.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
4. “Do a thorough reconnaissance and report in. Do not attempt a retrieval. Is that
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
5. Just a few external monitors, and a self-destruct device should they be
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
6. Holly was dumbfounded. There was a human before her, casually spouting
sacred secrets. This was disastrous. Catastrophic. It could mean the end of
generations of peace.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
Other terms to know:
Abduction – to carry off by force; kidnap
No _____
Name: ____________________________
Artemis Fowl Vocabulary Assignment 2
Directions: Read each sentence and use context clues to determine the meaning of
the underlined word. Use the word in an original sentence related to the story. Then,
using a dictionary definition, determine if you used the word correctly. If not, erase
and rewrite your sentence.
1. As a rookie, he’d been placed on report himself for that exact offense.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
2. We have a serious situation above ground, and I would appreciate cooperation
from all you civilians.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
3. But if I see so much as the twinkle of a weapon on any of the medics, I might be
tempted to detonate a few of the mines I have planted in the grounds.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
4. The goblin conjured up a fireball around his fist.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
5. Fowl Manor was under siege.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
6. It was like being battered with a hundred sledgehammers simultaneously.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
Name: ____________________________
Artemis Fowl Vocabulary Assignment 3
Directions: Read each sentence and use context clues to determine the meaning of
the underlined word. Use the word in an original sentence related to the story. Then,
using a dictionary definition, determine if you used the word correctly. If not, erase
and rewrite your sentence.
1. “Well, for a moment there, just before the end, his heart rate seemed abnormally
“Maybe it was a malfunction.”
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
2. Cumulus even had the temerity to wave Root’s sarcasm aside.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
3. It was quite possible that Artemis would have sat like that for some time, totally
detached from the situation at hand, had not the front door imploded, shaking the
manor to its foundations.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
4. Hit ‘em with smoke and sonics, then go in while the targets were disoriented.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
5. Holly was mesmerized.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
6. She descended the stairway to her cell.
My definition: __________________________________________________________
My sentence: __________________________________________________________
Dictionary definition: _____________________________________________________
Did I use the word correctly the first time? Yes _____
No _____
Name: _____________________________
Artemis Fowl Cyberhunt
Directions: Use the internet to answer the questions below. You may ONLY go to the
websites on this page.
1. In the prologue, Artemis is described as a prodigy. Look up the definition of
prodigy at
What is the definition of prodigy? ___________________________________________
Based on what you’ve read so far, is Artemis a prodigy? Why or why not? _________
Think of historical figures. Can you think of a prodigy? What made him/her one?
2. Go to to learn about the
real and mythological history of the area. Why do you think Eoin Colfer chose it to be
an important site to fairies?
3. Holly’s pressure elevator pod travels at Mach 2. What does mach mean? Go to to find out.
Was Holly traveling at subsonic, transonic, supersonic, or hypersonic speed?
4. Artemis is able to read the Gnommish book by using Egyptiah hieroglyphics. Go to and read the text. Explain how to read
Name: ________________________
Artemis Fowl Mythological Creatures
Go to Use this site AND my
specific instructions to compare mythical creatures to the versions in
Artemis Fowl.
1. On the left side menu, choose “small creatures.” Now, on the right side
menu, choose “Leprechaun.”
What is a leprechaun? ___________________________________________
How does this compare to LEPrecon Unit in the book? __________________
2. On the left side menu, choose “sentient creatures.” Using the
description given, what does “sentient” mean?
On the right side menu, choose “Fairies.”
What is fairy?___________________________________________________
How does this description compare to Holly Short? _____________________
3. On the right side menu, choose “Dwarves.”
What is a dwarf? ________________________________________________
How does this description compare to Mulch?_________________________
4. On the right side menu, choose “Centaur.”
What is a centaur? ____________________________________________
How does this description compare to Foaly? ______________________
5. On the right side menu, choose “Goblin.”
What is a goblin? _____________________________________________
How does this description compare to the goblins in the book? _______
6. Gnomes are briefly mentioned in your book as also being part of the
community in the Lower Elements. See page 56 for Holly’s encounter with
a gnome, then read the description by clicking on “Gnomes” on the right
side menu. Compare the information you learn with what gnomes are like
in the book. ____________________________________________________
7. Gremlins appear on page 133. On the left side menu, choose “Small
Creatures” again. Then, on the right side choose “Gremlins.” What is a
gremlin? ______________________________________________________
We don’t learn much about the Lower Element gremlins, but how do you
think they could fit into the world of Artemis Fowl?
8. Trolls can be found under “medium creatures.” Read the description
and then review Holly’s encounter with one, beginning on page 74. What
are the major differences between the trolls of Scandinavian myths and the
one in your book? ________________________________________________
Artemis Fowl Problem Solving Strategy
An evil wizard is threatening to destroy the world. Your team has been chosen to stop the
wizard before he can carry out his plans. This is a powerful and cunning wizard, but can be
defeated. You must rate the listed items to determine their importance in your quest.
On your own, decide which items are most important to you. Rate them from 1 to 18 (1
being the most important and 18 being the least important).
_____ Invisibility Cloak
_____ Courage
_____ Knowledge of the Wizard’s Powers
_____ Map of Wizard’s Castle
_____ Strength
_____ Good Luck Talisman
_____ Sword
_____ Good Looks
_____ Intelligence
_____ Skeleton Key
_____ Advice from a Good Wizard
_____ Horse
_____ Winged Sandals
_____ Group Unity
_____ Food for the Journey
_____ Suit of Armor
_____ Sense of Humor
_____ Faithful Dog
Then, as a team, come to an agreement on what 7 items your band of adventurers will bring.
Your group should attempt to reach a reasonable consensus by talking about possible
alternatives. If two or more group members disagree, search for a compromise that can be
accepted by all parties. Avoid arguing your own points, but present your opinions logically and
honestly. Consider the opinions of others carefully and respectfully. Working through differences
of opinion will help you consider the possible consequences of your decisions.
Choose wisely. The fate of the world rests in your hands!
On your own, write at least one 5-7 sentence paragraph about how your group worked
together. Explain how you arrived at your decision about the seven items you are bringing on
your journey.
Artemis Fowl Study Guide
Part 1
Short Answer: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. How did Artemis recognize the waiter as his contace?
2. What happened to the pickpocket?
3. Why was Nguyen given $20,000?
4. What did Artemis do to get the fairy to show him the book?
5. Why did the fairy agree to show Artemis the book?
6. What did Artemis do to assure silence from the sprite?
7. Why was it so difficult for Artemis to shut down all the computers in his father’s
8. Why didn’t Commander Root want Holly on his squad?
9. What do fairies call humans?
10. While Root was talking to Holly he was interrupted by an emergency. What was
the emergency?
11. How did Holly get to the Earth’s surface?
12. Why couldn’t humans see Holly?
13. At first, Holly couldn’t go into the restaurant. Why not?
14. How did Holly keep the people inside the restaurant?
15. Why wouldn’t Holly’s shield come up?
16. Why didn’t Holly’s sensors find Artemis and Butler?
17. What is the mesmer and why didn’t it work on Artemis?
18. What did Butler find while Holly was unconscious?
Extended Response: Write at least 3-5 sentences to fully explain your answer to
each question.
1. Explain fully why Artemis wanted to find a fairy.
2. Explain what Artemis had to do to read the Fairy Book.
3. Explain what happened to Artemis Fowl, Senior.
4. Describe the steps in the Ritual.
Artemis Fowl Study Guide
Part 2
Short Answer: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. How did Commander Root learn of Holly’s abduction?
2. How was Root able to track Holly?
3. What did Artemis do with the locator band?
4. What did Artemis do while Butler was fighting the men on the dock?
5. Why couldn’t Foaly get a blueprint of the whaler?
6. Why did Artemis put the wrist locator in the whaler?
7. In her madness, what did Angeline do?
8. What did Holly find in her boot?
9. When do fairies operate best?
10. What did Trouble discover during the sound off?
11. What did the fairies use when they fought Butler?
12. What was Butler’s request of Grub after the fight?
13. Why didn’t Holly have to obey Juliet’s orders not to break the furniture?
14. What was behind the portrait of Artemis Senior?
15. Why was Holly banging the floor with the bed?
16. How did Mulch stop Butler from attacking him?
17. What was in the hidden compartment of the safe?
Extended Response: Write at least 3-5 sentences to fully explain your answer to
each question.
1. Explain the steps LEP will take in case of an officer abduction.
2. Why did Mulch agree to Commander Root’s plan?
3. Explain how Mulch broke into Fowl Manor and what he did once inside.
4. How did Mulch escape? Why couldn’t Holly escape?
Artemis Fowl Study Guide
Part 3
Short Answer: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What was Root’s plan for recovering the gold?
2. What was Cudgeon’s plan for recovering the gold?
3. How did Chix get the troll out of the cage?
4. Why didn’t Juliet want to go into the situations room with Butler?
5. Who came to rescue Juliet after the troll attacked Butler?
6. It didn’t work, but how did Holly try to stop the troll?
7. How was the troll finally defeated?
8. Why did Cudgeon miss all the excitement?
9. When sweeping for booby traps, what did Butler find?
10. What did Artemis send Holly back with?
11. After the bio bomb, what did the fairies have to do?
12. What caused Root and Grub to become sick?
13. What happened to the recovered ransom?
14. How did Butler, Juliet, and Artemis escape the time field?
15. How does Santa Claus deliver all his presents in one night?
16. Why did Artemis make a mistake when he allowed Holly Short to live?
17. Who is “the people’s greatest enemy” at the end of the story?
Extended Response: Write at least 3-5 sentences to fully explain your answer to
each question.
1. What is Stockholm Syndrome? Explain why it could apply to Holly.
Hint: see page 367.
2. What is Artemis’s wish, and what does he have to do to get it?
3. Butler says fairies are “too human.” What do you think he means?
4. Explain how Angeline Fowl was affected by the kidnapping and rescue.