Declan Kernan Technical Consultant Setting Up TMS and CTS, and Maintaining Clients As of R/3 Release 4.0, system landscapes are defined in terms of transport domains. Development objects and Customizing settings are distributed through the transport system between all R/3 Systems configured within the same transport domain. Each R/3 System in the domain requires a unique ID. Systems within a transport domain that use a common transport directory comprise the same transport group. Configuration and administration are first performed on one R/3 System, known as the Transport Domain Controller. This R/3 System then provides the reference configuration that is distributed to the other R/3 Systems by Remote Function Call (RFC). Setting up the transport domain and transport group defines the physical transport environment. Transport relationships, that is, the roles of the R/3 Systems and the direction for transporting change requests, are defined through transport routes. In each R/3 System there are also a number of clients, each of which is designed to play a specific role. To set up the TMS and the CTS, the system administrator requires the authorizations S_CTS_TR_ALL and S_CTS_ADMIN (profile S_A.SYSTEM). User DDIC configures the clients. Tasks The following table lists the tasks for this topic at <COMPANY>, including the menu path, activity group (person responsible), and the frequency with which the task should be performed for the production system <PRDSID>, the quality assurance system <QASSID>, and the development system <DEVSID>. Following installation, the technical leader, <TTLEADER>, determines whether the configuration and the roles of the systems and landscapes are correct. The R/3 administrator <R3ADM> performs the landscape and client activities related to individual R/3 Systems. Task Frequency Menu Path (NT or R/3) <PRD <QAS <DEV Performing installation follow-up work SID> SID> SID> AR AR AR Tools Administration Trans- Activity action Group SE06 DDIC Transports Installation follow-up work Configuring the AR AR AR Tools Administration Transport Domain Transports Transport Controller and transport Management System STMS DDIC domains Applying to be included AR AR AR Tools Administration STMS DDIC Transports Transport in the transport domain Management System Confirming inclusion in AR AR AR Tools Administration STMS DDIC Transports Transport the transport domain Management System Creating a transport Operations Manual AR AR AR Windows NT: Version 1 <R3ADM> 93 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant directory Path: <Drive>:\usr\sap\trans Adapting TPPARAM AR AR AR Windows NT: <R3ADM> Path: <Drive>:\usr\sap\trans\bin TPPARAM Defining transport AR AR AR Tools Administration STMS DDIC Transports Transport routes Management System Setting the system AR AR AR Tools Administration SE06 DDIC SCC4 <R3ADM> SM37 <R3ADM> SE38 DDIC Transports Installation follow-up change option work Goto System change option Checking and changing AR AR AR Tools Administration Administration Client admin. client settings Client maintenance Checking RDDIMPDP AR AR AR Tools Administration Jobs Job overview Scheduling RDDIMPDP AR AR AR Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Editor Report RDDNEWPP D: Daily W: Weekly M: Monthly Y: Yearly AR: As required How to Perform Tasks Performing Installation Follow-Up Work Installation follow-up work generates the basic settings of the Change and Transport Organizer (CTO). 1. Log on to the Transport Domain Controller using client 000 and user DDIC 2. Choose Tools Administration Transports Installation follow-up work. The screen Processing after Installation for CTO is displayed. 3. Select either R/3 Standard Installation or Database copy or migration, as appropriate. 4. Choose Installation CTO post-processing Execute. 5. Choose Back. Operations Manual Version 1 94 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant Configuring the Transport Domain Controller and Transport Domains To use the transport system, first define a transport domain. The R/3 Systems in the domain require unique names. Choose an R/3 System with high availability and security to be the Transport Domain Controller. All administrative activities for the Transport Management System (TMS) that affect the entire transport domain can only be performed in the Transport Domain Controller. By setting up the TMS, you automatically set up the CPIC users TMSADM and TMSSUP, generate the required RFC destinations, and record the TMS configuration in the transport directory (file DOMAIN_DEV). The Transport Domain Controller has the reference configuration, which is distributed by RFC to all other R/3 Systems in your system landscape. 1. Log on to the Transport Domain Controller as the system administrator using Client 000. 2. Choose Tools Administration Transports Transport Management System (or use Transaction STMS). The screen Transport Management System is displayed. 3. Enter the name of the transport domain and a short descriptive text. 4. If your R/3 System consists of several application servers, you can select a server. 5. Choose Save. Applying to be Included in the Transport Domain After configuring the transport domain on the Domain Controller, all other R/3 Systems in your system landscape must apply to be included in the transport domain. This means that on those R/3 Systems the user TMSADM is created, the required RFC destinations generated, and the addressees sent to the Domain Controller. To apply to be included in the transport domain, execute the following steps on each R/3 System in your system landscape except the Domain Controller: 1. Log on to the R/3 system as system administrator using client 000. 2. Choose Tools Administration Transports Transport Management System (or use Transaction STMS). The screen Transport Management System is displayed. 3. If there is a common transport directory for all R/3 Systems in the transport domain, your current R/3 System is automatically proposed as the one to be included in the domain. The dialog box TMS: Include System in Transport Domain is displayed. 4. If your R/3 System consists of several application servers, you can select a server to be included in the domain. 5. Choose Save. Confirming Inclusion in the Transport Domain For security reasons, each R/3 System newly included in the transport domain must be confirmed in the Domain Controller as follows: 1. Log on to the Domain Controller as the system administrator using client 000. 2. Choose Tools Administration Transports Transport Management System (or use Transaction STMS). The screen Transport Management System is displayed. 3. Choose Overview Systems. The screen System Overview: Domain <transport domain>is displayed. Operations Manual Version 1 95 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant 4. The column Status shows which R/3 Systems are waiting to be included in the transport domain. (For an explanation of the icons, choose Extras Key). 5. Position the cursor on the line containing the R/3 Systems you wish to have included, and choose R/3 System Accept. 6. Confirm the confirmation prompt. 7. Execute steps 5 and 6 for each R/3 System which is to be included in the transport domain. 8. To distribute the configuration , choose Extras Distribute TMS configuration. 9. After all R/3 Systems have been included in the transport domain, document the configuration in the table Transport Domain and Systems in the section on Configuration. This documentation enables you to subsequently compare current configurations in case of problems. Creating a Transport Directory All R/3 Systems that access a common transport directory form part of the same transport group. The configuration is recorded in the file GROUP_DEV on operating system level. Create the transport directory directly after installation as follows: 1. Create the transport directory on operating system level, on one of the systems in the transport group: <Drive>:\usr\sap\trans. 2. To ensure that the transport directory is accessible from all other systems in the transport group, connect \\<server name of the development system>\sapmnt on a free drive. Ensure, that you have write access authorization for the transport directory from the production system. 3. To include the path of the transport directory for the R/3 production system in the instance profile, use the profile parameter DIR_TRANS (DIR_TRANS=<drive letter>:\trans). See also Chapter 4, Configuring R/3. 4. Set the parameter transdir in the global parameter file in the directory \usr\sap\trans\bin (see Adapting TPPARAM, below). Adapting TPPARAM The file TPPARAM is the global parameter file for the transport control program tp, and must be adapted after every new installation as follows: 1. In the development system, on operating system level go to the transport directory <Drive>:\usr\sap\trans\. 2. Check whether the file TPPARAM is in the subdirectory bin. If it is not there, copy the file TPPARAM.nt out of the directory <Drive letter>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\SYS\exe\run as file TPPARAM into the directory <Drive letter>:\usr\sap\trans\bin. 3. Display the file TPPARAM (for example, by using NOTEPAD.EXE). 4. If the file TPPARAM has been preconfigured, document the parameters it contains in the relevant table in the section Configuration Documentation below, before the respective R/3 System becomes operative. This documentation enables you to later check the table in case of problems. If you need to preconfigure TPPARAM, proceed as follows. 5. Ensure that at least the following parameters are set: Global parameters Transdir = \\<server name of the development system>\sapmnt\trans\ System-specific parameters <PRDSID>/dbhost = <TCP/IP name of the production system> <PRDSID>/dbname = <PRDSID> Operations Manual Version 1 96 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant <DEVSID>/dbhost = <TCP/IP-Name of the development system> <DEVSID>/dbname = <DEVSID> Defining Transport Routes Transport relationships, that is, the roles of the systems and the direction in which change requests are transported, are defined through transport routes. A consolidation path must be defined between the development system and the quality assurance system. This path is the standard transport route for the development system. For each transport from an SAP FTP server, a consolidation path SAP must be defined. A delivery path must be defined between the quality assurance system and the production system. To define transport routes, use the hierarchical list editor (the screen Display Transport Routes) with the standard configuration of system groups. To set up the hierarchical list editor, perform the following steps on the Domain Controller server: 1. Log on as system administrator using client 000. 2. Choose Tools Administration Transports Transport Management System (or use Transaction STMS). The screen Transport Management System is displayed. 3. Choose Overview Systems. The screen System Overview: Domain: <transport domain> is displayed. 4. Choose Environment Transport routes. The screen Display Transport Routes is displayed. 5. To switch to change mode, choose Configuration DisplayChange. 6. Choose Configuration Standard config . The screen Change transport routes is displayed. 7. Select 3 system group and choose Continue. 8. In the hierarchical list, your R/3 Systems and their transport routes are displayed under Transport Routes. 9. Save the configuration. 10. To check the configuration of the transport routes, choose Configuration Check All systems. 11. To distribute the configuration of transport routes to all R/3 Systems, choose Configuration Distribute. 12. To activate the configuration, choose Configuration Activate In all systems. You require authorization to log on in all systems. 13. Document the configuration in the section Configuration below, using the table Transport routes. To find out the type of transport route, choose Goto Graphical editor. Check the table if there are subsequent problems with the current configuration. 14. Choose Back. Setting the System Change Option 1. Choose Tools Administration Transports Installation follow-up work. The screen Processing after Installation for CTO is displayed. Operations Manual Version 1 97 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant 2. Choose Goto System change option 3. The screen System change option is displayed. 4. Choose Settings Global setting 5. The dialog box Global Setting is displayed. 6. Select either Modifiable or Not modifiable for Repository and client-independent Customizing and choose Enter. Objects should only be modifiable in the development system. 7. In the development system and any other system in which the global setting is set to Modifiable, you need to make additional settings on the screen System change option, which lists all name ranges and name spaces in the system. Normally only the customer name range and local objects are modifiable. If it is necessary to modify SAP standard objects, the affected components must first be set to modifiable. 8. Save the settings. 9. Before your systems become operative, document the system change option for each R/3 Systems below under the section Configuration, using the table System Change Option. Check the table if there are subsequent problems with the setting of the system change option. 10. Choose Back. Checking and Changing Client Settings In the tables below, in the section Configuration Documentation, document the client settings in your threesystem landscape (for the development system, the quality assurance system, and the production system). To find out or change the relevant client settings, proceed as follows: 1. Choose Tools Administration Administration Client admin. Client maintenance. The screen Display View "Clients": Overview is displayed. Execute the following steps for all lines (clients). 2. Double-click a line. The screen Display View "Clients": Detail is displayed. 3. Before the system becomes operative, document the attributes of the client in the tables below. 4. If there are subsequent problems in R/3 which possibly result from client settings, check the settings in the tables. To change or reset settings, in the screen Display View "Clients": Overview, choose Table view Display Change. Double-click the client and change the attributes as required. 5. Choose Back. Checking RDDIMPDP Before the system becomes operative and whenever there are problems with imports, check whether the Import Dispatcher (report RDDIMPDP) is correctly scheduled as a background job: 1. Choose Tools CCMS Jobs Maintenance (or use Transaction SM37). The screen Select Background Jobs is displayed. 2. Enter RDDIMPDP* in the field Job name, enter an * in the field User name and in the field Or start after event, deselect finished and active, and choose Enter to execute. The screen Job Overview – Alphabetic is displayed. 3. The Job Overview should contain the job RDDIMPDP, and, additionally, for each client into which transport requests are to be imported, a job with the name RDDIMPDP_CLIENT_<nnn>, where <nnn> identifies the client. For each listed job, perform the following steps: Operations Manual Version 1 98 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant 4. Position the cursor on the job name and choose Job Display. The screen Display Job <job name> is displayed. 5. Before the system becomes operative, compare the scheduling for each job with the scheduling examples in the table Scheduling Background Jobs, in the section Configuration below. All jobs must be indicated as event related in the field Job frequency as event periodic. The field Job start should indicate Planned start after event SAP_TRIGGER_RDDIMPDP for job RDDIMPDP, and Planned start after event SAP_TRIGGER_RDDIMPDP_CLIENT for all client-specific RDDIMPDP jobs. The Status should in both cases be released. 6. If one of the background jobs is not correctly planned or not planned at all, perform the task Scheduling RDDIMPDP as described below. 7. Choose Back. Scheduling RDDIMPDP If performing the above task Checking RDDIMPDP revealed that the background jobs required for import were not correctly scheduled, perform the following steps: 1. If the background job that was not correctly scheduled is RDDIMPDP, log on using client 000. If the background job that was not correctly scheduled is RDDIMPDP_CLIENT_nnn (where nnn is the client), log on using that client (nnn). 2. Choose Tools ABAP Workbench Development ABAP Editor (or use Transaction SE38). The screen ABAP Editor: Initial Screen is displayed. 3. In the field Program, enter the ABAP report RDDNEWPP, and choose Program Execute Directly. 4. After successful execution of the program, choose Back. 5. Perform the task Checking RDDIMPDP again for the job that was just scheduled. Configuration Documentation Use the following tables to document your transport environment configuration. The data shown in the tables below is sample data. Transport Domain and R/3 Systems Transport Transport Group R/3 System Name Description domain <Transport <Transport <DEVSID> Development system domain> Group> <QASSID> Quality assurance system <PRDSID> Production system Transport Routes Source System Target System Type of Transport Route Transport Layer (For transport route type Transport) <DEVSID> Operations Manual <QASSID> Transport Version 1 Z<DEVSID> 99 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant <QASSID> <PRDSID> Delivery SAP SAP System Change Option System Name Global Setting Repository and client-independent Customizing modifiable <DEVSID> Modifiable Name Ranges or Name Spaces Customer name range or name space Local objects <QASSID> Repository and client-independent Customizing not modifiable None <PRDSID> Repository and client-independent Customizing not modifiable None Clients in the Development System <DEVSID> Customizing and development are performed in the development system. Client Function / Role Modifiability Client-Dependent Objects 000 SAP standard / No changes allowed Customizing / No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. obj. SAP reference 010 Client-Independent Objects Automatic recording of changes No changes to Repository objects No changes allowed No changes to client-independent Customizing 020 Test / Development Customizing objects 040 Training / Changes w/o automatic recording Training 066 EarlyWatch / client-independent custom. obj. No changes allowed No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. obj. SAP reference Operations Manual No changes to Repository and Version 1 100 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant Clients in the Quality Assurance System <QASSID> Testing, verification, and training are performed in the quality assurance system. Client Function / Role Modifiability Client-Dependent Objects 000 SAP standard / No changes allowed No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. obj. SAP reference 030 Quality assurance / No changes allowed No changes to Repository and Testing 040 Training / client-independent custom. obj. Changes w/o automatic recording Training 066 EarlyWatch / Client-Independent Objects No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. obj. No changes allowed No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. obj. SAP reference Clients in the Production System <PRDSID> Production operation occurs in the production system. Client Function / Role Modifiability Client-Dependent Objects 000 SAP standard / No changes allowed SAP reference 001 Production / Integration/ No changes allowed EarlyWatch / No changes allowed No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. obj. No changes allowed No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. obj. SAP reference Operations Manual No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. obj. Testing 066 No changes to Repository and client-independent custom. obj. Production 030 Client-Independent Objects Version 1 101 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant Scheduling Background Jobs The following background jobs are sample jobs which you will replace with the actual jobs in your system. For each client other than the reference client 000, replace the nnn with the relevant client number. Client 000 Background Job RDDIMPDP Scheduled Start Planned start after event Job Frequency Event-periodic SAP_TRIGGER_RDDIMPDP nnn RDDIMPDP_CLIENT_nnn Planned start after event Event-periodic SAP_TRIGGER_RDDIMPDP_CLIENT TPPARAM The transport directory should be located on the development system under the path: \usr\sap\trans. It contains the file TPPARAM in the directory bin. # Global Parameters transdir = \\<Server name of the development system>\sapmnt\trans\ # Local Parameters for an R/3 System with SID <DEVSID> <DEVSID>/dbname = <DEVSID> <DEVSID>/dbhost = <TCP/IP name of the development system> # Local Parameters for an R/3 System with SID <QASSID> <QASSID>/dbname = <QASSID> <QASSID>/dbhost = <TCP/IP name of the quality assurance system> # Local Parameters for an R/3 System with SID <PRDSID> <PRDSID>/dbname = <PRDSID> <PRDSID>/dbhost = <TCP/IP name of the production system> Operations Manual Version 1 102 Declan Kernan Technical Consultant Further Information for Problem Solving In the following table, list relevant R/3 Notes from the Online Service System (OSS) according to application area. Some important R/3 Notes are already listed: Application Area R/3 Note # Short Text R/3 Release Min. Max. BC-ADM-CCO 0031557 The Multi-Client Concept of R/3 – Overview 30A 31H BC-CTS 0062739 Configuring a Central Transport Host 40A 40D BC-CTS 0020831 tp Cannot Access the Database 22A 31I BC-CTS-TMS 0088796 40A BC-CTS-TMS 0093452 Database Copy Error Message: System <sys> is Not in 40A System List Impossible to Delete Transport Request in TMS 40A BC-CTS-TMS 0097215 TMS: RFC System Error ERROR 00050 40C 40A 40A On maintaining profiles, see also R/3 Online Documentation. From the main R/3 menu, choose Help R/3 Library BC - Basis Components Change and Transport System. Then look under: BC Transport Control BC Transport Management System Operations Manual Version 1 103