« Approve »
Vicerector of study process,
professor__________ O R Teshaev
Educational-methodical working out
(For teachers and students of the higher medical educational institutions)
Tashkent - 2013
The composer:. A.D. Juraev - the professor of chair of bioorganic and biological
chemistry ТМА
U.A. Baltabaev- the professor of chair of bioorganic and biological
chemistry ТМА
N.A.Mahsumova - assistant of chair of bioorganic and biological
chemistry ТМА
Reviewers:. - Sharipov H.Tmanaging chair of analytical chemistry and technology of
precious metals of the Tashkent chemico-institute of technology, the
Doctor of Chemistry, the professor.
The methodical recommendations of reviewed and approved
at the faculty meeting. Protocol № "____" ________________2013 y
The methodical recommendations of reviewed and approved
CMK meeting on medical and biological section.
Protocol № "____" ________________2013 y
1. A place of carrying out of employment, equipment
- Chair of bioorganic and biological chemistry;
- Thermodynamic sizes, formulas in tables
- A set of laboratory chemical ware: a beaker, measured flasks, test tubes,
pipettes, glasses
- A calorimeter, the thermometer
- Reactants: 0.4 N solutions NaOH and HCl, Na2CO3
- Visual aids, a distributing material, slides, codoscope, multimedia a projector
2. Duration of employment
- 3 hours
3. The employment purposes:
- Acquaintance of students with bases of chemical thermodynamics, its laws,
the factors defining a direction chemical, including biochemical reaction,
calculation of thermodynamic parameters of chemical processes, definition
in practice of thermal effect of chemical reactions;
- Training to performance of calculations for thermodynamic processes. It is
possible to present each live organism as thermodynamic system. For
studying of a direction of the processes occurring in an organism also it is
necessary to know power changes. Completely to understand biochemical
processes the future doctor should know bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. At performance of thermodynamic works the
student studies to observe thermodynamic laws, fixes theoretical knowledge
practical works, studies to work with accuracy, feeling responsibility for the
received results;
- Formation at students of independent and logic thinking
The student should know:
- Definition of organic laws of thermodynamics and chemical thermodynamics;
- Types of thermodynamic systems and display in them of thermal effect;
- Definition of a condition of thermodynamic systems by means of
thermodynamic factors;
The student should be able:
To carry out practical skills:
- Calculation of theoretical values of thermal effect of chemical reactions
- Applications of all laws of thermodynamics for human body ability to live;
- To define thermal effect of reactions of neutralization and dissolution by
means of a calorimeter;
4. Motivation
The knowledge of laws of thermodynamics is absolutely necessary not only to
the biologist of a wide profile, the biochemist, but also doctors of all
specialties’. The doctor in the work constantly faces the physical and chemical
processes proceeding in an organism both healthy, and the sick person,
therefore it is obliged to have a certain minimum of knowledge in this area.
Ability to live of a live organism can be characterized by means of
thermodynamic factors. Because it stores in itself (himself) all types of energy
which pass from one form in another. As the human body can be considered as
thermodynamic system, it is important to be able to apply all laws of
thermodynamics to studying of processes of ability to live of an organism.
5. Intersubject and intrasubject communications.
Mastering of the given theme by students is based on knowledge of laws of
thermodynamics and the conclusions proceeding on their basis. The knowledge
received on given employment, will be necessary at development of subjects of
biochemistry, normal and pathological physiology, pharmacology, therapy,
surgery and other clinical disciplines.
6. The employment maintenance
6.1 Theoretical part
At chemical reactions there is a change of internal energy of system.
Internal energy of initial substances usually differs from internal energy of
products of reaction. In equilibrium process if internal energy of products of
reaction is less, than at initial substances the difference internal energy is
allocated in the form of warmth. In that case chemical process is called
exothermal. If internal energy of products of reaction more than at initial
substances reaction goes with absorption of warmth and this chemical process
is called endothermic. The quantity of warmth allocated or absorbed at
reaction, is called as thermal effect of reaction. In case of the chemical
reaction spent at constant temperature and constant pressure change enthalpy to
thermal effect equally taken with a return sign of reaction. The equations in
which along with chemical symbols specify a modular condition of substance,
and also absolute size and a sign on thermal effect of reaction which carry to
one I ask formed or initial substance, are called as thermo chemical. For
H2 () + ½О2 () = Н2О () + 284,2 кДж
If thermal effects of reaction at constant pressure to designate changes
enthalpy reactions in the thermo chemical equation exothermal reactions
change enthalpy ∆Н has negative value:
H2 () + ½О2 () = Н2О (); ∆Н =-284,2 кДж
And in endothermic reactions - positive:
N2 () + О2 () = 2NO (); ∆Н = +180,75 кДж
Thermal effects of chemical reactions are defined in practice by means of
a calorimeter. Theoretically, or when practical definition of thermal effect is
impossible or is complicated use the law opened in 1836 as a result of
measurements of warmth of various reactions by Russian academician
G.I.Gess. According to Gess's law: “the thermal effect (enthalpy reactions) is
defined only by the nature and a condition of initial substances and the formed
products and does not depend on a reaction way”, i.e. from, whether directly
the product is formed of initial substances or through intermediate connections.
Gess's law is well illustrated by means of the following scheme:
Q = Q1 + Q2 = Q3 + Q4 +Q5
I.e. the thermal effect of chemical reaction is equal to the sum of thermal
effects of its separate stages. That it was possible to compare thermal effects
of various reactions and to spend thermo chemical calculations, the concept of
thermal effect is entered under standard conditions, i.e. at standard pressure Po
= 101,3 кPа and temperature 298 K.Teplovoj under standard conditions ∆Н
count effect on standard warmth of formation and combustion. Standard
warmth of formation ∆Нfo name thermal effect of reaction of formation of
1st asking the given substance from simple substances under standard
conditions. Standard warmth of formation of simple substances in a steady
modular condition is accepted for a zero. Standard warmth of combustion
∆Нсo name the warmth allocated at combustion in atmosphere of oxygen 1st
asking substance under standard conditions. Standard warmth of combustion
of the elementary oxides in steady conditions is accepted for a zero. Standard
warmth of decomposition ∆Нdo name thermal effect of reaction of
1st asking difficult substance on simple under standard conditions.
Biological value.
The thermodynamics of a live organism studies processes of transition of
energy live an organism from one kind in another. This energy is necessary at
performance of work, body temperature deduction in a normal condition, and
courses of biochemical reactions of an organism. For ability to live of the
person and animals the basic source of heat carbohydrates, fats and proteins
are considered spare as sources. The person uses carbohydrates, fats, proteins
and other nutrients together with meal.
Supervision over development and power of healthy and pathological cages,
can serve as early diagnostics of some diseases, such as the cancer, etc.
Revealing of power possibilities of a foodstuff will give the chance to develop
a correct diet for the people working in different labour conditions.
The new pedagogical technologies used on employment:
Scheme of "Lotus Flower"
Scheme of "Lotus Flower" - a means of solving problems. Absorbs the
image of a lotus flower. It is based on nine large squares, each of which is
made up of nine squares. Develops and activates the system, creative,
analytical thinking.
Rules of conduct:
1. Students are divided into three small groups
2. Acquainted with the construction of the scheme
3. Individually or in pairs to draw a scheme: the basic problem (task) is
written in the center of the central square. The idea of the solution is written in
the eight remaining squares, arranged around a central square.
4. Then, each of these eight ideas are transferred from the central to the
centers of the eight large squares surrounding, that is tolerate the idea of a
lotus flower on its petals. Thus, each of them will, in turn, is considered as one
more problem.
5. Then combined into small groups, compare, complement their schemes,
reduce the overall scheme.
6. When the time is the teacher to check the circuit. It shows students the
correct, complete responses.
7. A group of students wrote a large number of branches is given 30 points.
8. Other students 25 points, a group of students to write a smaller number of
branches is given 20 points.
9. After school, points scored for the graphic organizer added to the total score
of the students received for the current control.
«A cat in a bag»
The given method promotes active participation of each student and allows to
establish easily initial level of knowledge of the student on the given
employment. Everyone student gets from "sack" that card with a question
which comes across to it. In a current of 3 minutes students in writing answer
the asked question and hand over a card and the answer to the teacher. Then
each question is discussed with the assistance of the teacher and other
students. Wrong answers are corrected and supplemented with other students.
The teacher estimates correctness of the answer of the student answering the
given question and activity of participation of students, making corrections
and additions.
Variants of questions:
1. What do the thermodynamics and chemical thermodynamics study?
2. How the first law of thermodynamics is formulated?
3. How the second law of thermodynamics is formulated?
4. How the third law of thermodynamics is formulated?
5. Write mathematical expression for the first law of thermodynamics
6. Write expression for quantity of warmth of system at isochoric and isobar
7. It is possible to express change of warmth of reaction through sizes ∆H and
∆U. In what a difference between them? Write the communication
equation ∆H and ∆U. What of two sizes - ∆H or ∆U - is more applicable
at studying of chemical reactions? Why?
8. Formulate Gess's law and conclusions from it
9. That is called as thermal effect of chemical reaction.
10. What is called enthalpy?
11. What is called as entropy?
6.2. An analytical part
Situational problems:
1. Find change standard enthalpy reactions
2С (тв.) + 2H2O = CH4 () + CO2, using values ∆Ho for each of
participants of reaction.
2. Calculate enthalpy methane formations, using following data:
Substance Enthalpy of combustion, kDzh/mol
Carbon (graphite)-394
3. At temperature of boiling of benzene (800С) a liquid and steam are
equilibrium. To that it is equal ∆Soисп, if ∆Ноисп. = 34.3 kDzh/mol?
Situational tests:
1. Thermodynamics laws can be applied and to human body ability to live.
For example: «the Chemical energy formed in the course of a metabolism,
turning to other kinds of energy, provides processes of ability to live of an
A.Which corresponds to the thermodynamics law the given formulation?
Gess's to law
To the II-law
To the III-law
Lavoisier-Laplasa to law
B.Choose mathematical expression of this law:
U  Q
 Q  T S
Q  U  pV *
Qv = U2-U1
V.How is still read this law in thermodynamics?
Heat is not transferred from a cold body to the hot
Heat is not transferred from a hot body to the cold
Energy does not disappear and does not arise from anything, and turns from
one kind to another in equivalent quantities *
Warmth of formation is equal to warmth of decomposition on absolute size
Gas not diffuse from a vessel with a great volume in a vessel with smaller
2. The chemical thermodynamics gives possibility of calculation of thermal
effect of chemical reactions.
A.Which the law is used at calculation of thermal effect of chemical
B.Which parametre is defined on the basis of this law?
Internal energy
Electric energy
Change enthalpy*
Energy Helmholce
Pressure change
V. According to this law, thermal effect of chemical reactions depends from:
Numbers of steps on which there passes reaction
The nature and a modular condition substances*
The size of a surface
6.3. A practical part.
1 work: Definition of thermal effect of reaction of neutralisation.
The purpose: Acquisition of skills of work with a calorimeter.
It is not executed
(0 point)
It is executed
To take a pure and dry calorimeter
To pour in an internal glass of a
calorimeter of a solution of 25 ml
gydrooixide sodium by means of the
measured cylinder
To measure reference temperature by
means of the thermometer
To flow to a solution gydrooxide sodium
of a solution of hydrochloric acid of 25
To take by means of the thermometer
final temperature
To calculate warmth of neutralisation by
means of formulas
To issue laboratory magazine according
to requirements
2 work: Definition of thermal effect of process of dissolution
The purpose: Acquisition of skills of work with a calorimeter
It is not executed
(0 point)
It is executed
To take a pure and dry calorimeter
To pour in an internal glass of a
calorimeter of water of 50 ml by means
of the measured cylinder
To measure reference temperature by
means of the thermometer
To add 1,5 gramme of a carbonate of
To take by means of the thermometer
final temperature
To calculate warmth of dissolution by
means of formulas
To issue laboratory magazine according
to requirements
7. Examination methods
- Orally;
- In writing;
- Situational problems; situational tests
- Demonstration of the acquired practical skills
8. Criteria of an estimation of the current control
Advance in
Perfectly «5»
Knows about bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. Knows laws of
thermodynamics and Gess's law with
conclusions. Writes their mathematical
expressions. Is able to count thermal effects of
chemical reactions. Performs laboratory work
top-level, in due time and correctly conducts
laboratory and lecture records. Sums up and
makes of the decision, creatively thinks,
independently analyzes. Independently and
without errors solves tests, actively, creatively
takes part in interactive methods of training,
submits new ideas, results of works
independently makes out in laboratory magazine,
according to requirements. СРС it is executed
perfectly on the basis of 7-10 Internet sources.
Perfectly «5»
Knows about bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. Knows laws of
thermodynamics and Gess's law with
conclusions. Writes their mathematical
expressions, but commits a small error. Is able to
count thermal effects of chemical reactions.
Performs laboratory works top-level, in due time
and correctly conducts laboratory and lecture
records. Sums up and makes of the decision,
creatively thinks, independently analyzes.
Independently solves tests, situational problems
with one error or some not clearness. Thus
actively, creatively takes part in interactive
methods of training, submits new ideas, results of
works independently makes out in laboratory
magazine, according to requirements. СРС it is
executed perfectly on the basis of 4-6 Internet
Level of knowledge of the student
Perfectly «5»
Well «4»
Well «4»
Knows about bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. Knows laws of
thermodynamics and Gess's law with
conclusions. Writes their mathematical
expressions. Is able to count thermal effects of
chemical reactions. Correctly answers questions,
correctly performs laboratory works, in due time
and correctly conducts laboratory and lecture
records. Sums up and makes of the decision,
creatively thinks, independently analyzes.
Independently solves tests, situational problems
with 1-2 not considerable errors. At the decision
of situational problems supposes 2-3 errors. Thus
actively, creatively takes part in interactive
methods of training, submits new ideas, results of
works independently makes out in laboratory
magazine, according to requirements. СРС it is
executed perfectly on the basis of 3-5 Internet
Knows about bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. Knows laws of
thermodynamics and Gess's law with
conclusions. Writes their mathematical
expressions. Is able to count thermal effects of
chemical reactions. Answers questions correctly,
but they are not completely opened. Meets the
requirements of the program, actively participates
on laboratory researches, correctly and in due
time conducts lecture records. At the decision of
situational problems supposes 2-3 errors. Thus
actively, creatively takes part in interactive
methods of training, submits new ideas, results of
works independently makes out in laboratory
magazine, according to requirements. СРС it is
executed on the basis of 3-4 Internet sources.
Knows about bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. Knows laws of
thermodynamics and Gess's law with
conclusions. Writes their mathematical
expressions, but supposes 2-3 errors. Is able to
count thermal effects of chemical reactions.
Answers questions correctly but they are not
completely opened. Level of answers above an
average. Situational problems solves but not
completely, supposes 3-4 errors. Performs
laboratory works. Correctly and in due time
conducts lecture records. СРС it is executed on
the basis of 2-3 Internet sources.
Well «4»
Knows about bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. Knows laws of
thermodynamics and Gess's law with
conclusions. Writes their mathematical
expressions. Is able to count thermal effects of
chemical reactions. Answers questions correctly,
but they are not completely opened. Level of
answers above an average. Performs laboratory
works, but with some errors. At conducting
laboratory and lecture records there are some
errors and errors. СРС it is executed on the basis
of 2-3 Internet sources.
Knows about bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. Knows laws of
thermodynamics and Gess's law with
conclusions. At a writing of their mathematical
expressions roughly is mistaken. Is able to count
thermal effects of chemical reactions, but by
means of the teacher, is able to solve situational
problems. Performs laboratory works, but with
some errors. Is not able to sum independently up
and to make of the decision and independently to
analyze. Takes part in interactive methods of
training, at the decision of tests uses the help of
the teacher and supposes 3-4 errors, results of
works independently makes out in laboratory
magazine, according to requirements. СРС it is
executed well, but has reported uncertainly.
Knows about bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. Knows laws of
thermodynamics and Gess's law with
conclusions. Does not write their mathematical
expressions. Is able to count thermal effects of
chemical reactions, but supposes gross blunders,
solves situational problems only by means of the
teacher. Performs laboratory works, but with
some errors. Is not able to sum independently up
and to make of the decision and independently to
analyze. Takes part in interactive methods of
training, at the decision of tests uses the help of
the teacher and supposes 3-4 errors, cannot
independently issue results of works in laboratory
magazine. СРС it is executed well, but has
reported uncertainly.
Knows about bases of thermodynamics and
chemical thermodynamics. Knows laws of
thermodynamics and Gess's law with
conclusions. Does not know their mathematical
expressions. Is not able to count thermal effects
of chemical reactions. At answers to questions
supposes gross blunders, is not able to solve
situational problems. Level of answers below an
average. Performs laboratory works, but with
some errors. Is not able to sum independently up
and to make of the decision and independently to
analyze. Takes part in interactive methods of
training, but supposes gross blunders, at the
decision of tests uses the help of the teacher and
supposes 3-4 errors. Is not able to spend
independently laboratory works, cannot
independently issue results of works in laboratory
magazine. There are no lecture records. СРС it is
executed well. At the report does not answer
Has some idea about bases of thermodynamics
and chemical thermodynamics. At answers to
questions only 1/3 part is correct. Situational
problems are solved incorrectly, the majority of
tests are solved incorrectly. Is not able to spend
laboratory works independently. Results of
teamwork are issued incorrectly. There are no
lecture records. Independent work is executed
with errors.
Has some idea about bases of thermodynamics
and chemical thermodynamics. At answers to
questions only 1/4 part is correct. Situational
problems are solved incorrectly, the majority of
tests are solved incorrectly. Is not able to spend
laboratory works. Results of works are issued
incorrectly. There are no lecture records.
Independent work is executed with gross
Has some idea about bases of thermodynamics
and chemical thermodynamics. At answers to
questions only 1/5 part is correct. Situational
problems are solved incorrectly, the majority of
tests are solved incorrectly. Is not able to spend
laboratory works. Results of works are issued
incorrectly. There are no lecture records.
Independent work is executed with gross
Has some idea about bases of thermodynamics
and chemical thermodynamics. At answers to
questions only 1/10 part is correct. Situational
problems are solved incorrectly, the majority of
tests are solved incorrectly. Is not able to spend
laboratory works. Results of works are issued
incorrectly. There are no lecture records.
Independent work is executed with gross
Has no representation about bases of
thermodynamics and chemical thermodynamics.
Theoretical questions does not answer.
Situational problems are solved incorrectly, the
majority of tests are solved incorrectly, Results of
works are issued incorrectly. There are no lecture
and laboratory records. Independent work is not
9. Technology card of employment:
Flow chart classes
1-Step. Introduction (10 min)
1.1. Announces theme class, purpose and expected
results. See the plan classes. Explain inter-subject
and inter-subject relationship.
1.2. provide basic notions of practical lessons, its
importance in medicine, introduction to literature,
used in the performance of independent work.
Listen and write
Find out, ask questions
1.3. Introduces the rating situation assessment.
2-Step. The major part (80 min)
2.1. Familiar with this implementation plan for the
practical classes
2.2. Assesses students' background knowledge using
new pedagogical technology: graphic organizer "
Lotus Flower " business game " the Cat in a bag ".
Work in small groups and
make presentations
2.3. Tools for learning provides students with visual
aids and gives them an explanation. Provides
guidance on the implementation of practical work.
2.4. students independently carry out work on the
stepper laboratory mastering practical skills.
3-phase. Final part (45min)
3.1. Assesses students' knowledge on the results of a Recitation, writing survey,
graphic organizer of educational technology " Lotus tests, test, results of
Flower " business game " the Cat in a bag ".
practical work
3.2. to conclude on this lesson, students drew
attention to the importance of this lesson, students in
their future careers.
3.3. presentation is an independent work of students
on the topic 100-point system, and the results are
announced. Provides job next lesson and topic next
participate in the discussion
of individual work ask
questions! Record new job
9. A chronological card of employment
Employment stages
Opening address of the teacher (theme
Discussion of a theme of laboratory
research, definition of initial level of
knowledge of students with application of
new pedagogical technologies Scheme of
"Lotus Flower", (small groups, business
game «the Cat in a bag», situational
Discussion summarising
Representation to students of visual acids
(laboratory ware, the schemes, the training
program, etc.)
Independent work on mastering of practical
Definition of
thermal effect of
reactions of
neutralization and
The control of mastering of a theoretical
part of employment, discussion of results of
Oral interrogation, the decision
The employment
Duration (135
practical work, their registration, estimation
of activity of group, according to the
reached purposes.
of tests, check of
registration of
experimental work
in writing-books,
group discussion of
results of employment.
Conclusions of the teacher about
employment results, an estimation of
activity of each student on 100 ball system
and their announcement. The announcement
of the task for following employment (the
complete set of questions)
The information,
questions for
10. Control questions
11. The literature
The basic:
1, A.D. Juraev, N.A.Alimhodzhaeva. Guide for General Chemistry. 2005
2. Kasymov S.S.biogene elements. Tashkent, Publishing "Medicine" UzSSR
3. Glinka N.L.general Chemistry.-Leningrad "Chemistry", the Leningrad branch,
4. The general and inorganic chemistry. Under A.F.Vorobyova's edition, М, ICC
« Academic book », 2004; 2, 2006
5. Moskalev JU.I.mineral an exchange. М, "Medicine", 1985.
6. Avtsyn A.P., Zhavoronkov A.A., Rish M. A, Strochkova h.p.
Microelementoses of the person. М, "Medicine", 1991.
7. Ahmetov N.S.general and inorganic chemistry. М, "Higher school", 2003.
The additional:
4. Revich-ShCherbo M. I, Annenkov G. A. Physical and colloidal chemistry.
"Medicine", Т, 1971.
5. K.Hauskroft, E.Konstebl. A modern course of the general chemistry 2
volume. "World", 2002.
6. J.A.Ugai. The general and inorganic chemistry. М: "Higher school", 2004.