ATC Communications Sampler

Revised 08-March-2011
ATC Communications Sampler
By Bob Schmelzer • (847) 838-4314 •
As a flight instructor and pilot examiner, one of the areas I consistently see (and hear) both new and
veteran pilots struggle with is proper ATC Communications. You don’t have to be a professional
pilot to sound like one. But the more important reason to use proper ATC Communications is that
they result in a safer and more efficient operation with less likelihood of misunderstandings
between pilots and ATC. An effective study of proper Radio Communications Phraseology and
Techniques should begin by reviewing the AIM (Aeronautical Information Manual) Chapter 4,
Section 2.
To supplement your AIM review, I have provided below several typical ATC/Pilot communication
exchanges in a wide variety of ground and flight scenarios that you can use to enhance your own
ATC Communication skills that I hope you will find helpful. Please bear in mind the exact wording
I have used in these scenarios are only suggestions that have worked well for me over the years and
are in no way intended to illustrate the only or necessarily the best phraseology to be used in every
possible situation. Let your own good common sense and judgment be your guide. Good luck and
happy communicating! The sample “ATC responses” are italicized. 
IFR Operations
Example. IFR departure, obtaining ATC clearance from FSS at Non-Tower airport
Kankakee Radio, Cessna 3425J, On the ground Charlie eighty-one, Requesting IFR Madison, will
be ready for takeoff from runway two-seven in one-zero minutes.
Cessna 3425J, Kankakee Radio, Clearance on request.
Cessna 25J.
Cessna 3425J, Clearance when ready to copy.
25J, Go ahead.
ATC Clears, N3425J to KMSN, via departure runway 27 at C81, Enter controlled airspace heading
310º radar vectors JVL, as filed, Climb and maintain 3000, Expect 4000 10 minutes after departure,
Contact Chicago departure 120.55, Squawk 0623, Released at 1735Z, Clearance Void at 1745Z.
3425J Cleared to Madison via departure runway two-seven at Charlie eighty-one. Enter controlled
airspace heading three-one-zero vectors Janesville as filed, Maintain three thousand, Expect four
thousand one-zero minutes after departure, Departure one-two-zero point five-five, Squawk zerosix-two-three, Released at one-seven-three-five, Void at one-seven-four-five.
Clearance Readback correct.
Thank you, Cessna 25J.
Example. IFR departure, request ATC clearance & taxi at Tower airport (No CLRNC DEL)
Kenosha Ground, Cessna 3425J, at Kenosha Jet, Request IFR Madison, ready to taxi, with
information Hotel.
Cessna 3425J, Kenosha Ground, taxi runway 25R via Alpha, Hold Short runway 33, Clearance on
Runway two-five-right via Alpha, Hold Short runway three-three, Cessna 25J.
Example. IFR departure, takeoff clearance from a Class B, C or D (Tower) airport
Kenosha Tower, Cessna 3425J, Ready for takeoff, Runway two-five-right.
Cessna 3425J, Kenosha Tower, Turn right heading 290, Wind 360 at 7, Runway 25R, Cleared for
Heading two-nine-zero, Runway two-five-right, Cleared for Takeoff, Cessna 25J.
Example 1. IFR departure, initial contact with ATC after takeoff
Chicago Departure, Cessna 3425J, one thousand nine hundred, climbing to three thousand.
Cessna 3425J, Chicago departure, Radar contact, Proceed direct JVL, Climb and maintain 4000.
Direct Janesville, Maintain four thousand, Cessna 25J.
Example 2. IFR departure, initial contact with ATC after takeoff
Milwaukee Departure, Cessna 3425J, two thousand three hundred, climbing to four thousand.
Cessna 3425J, Milwaukee Departure, Radar Contact.
No response necessary, or: Roger, 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, initial contact with ARTCC (CENTER)
Chicago Center, Cessna 3425J, level one-two thousand.
Cessna 3425J, at 12,000, Chicago Center, Peoria altimeter 30.23.
Three-zero-two-three, 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, ATC instructions subsequent to initial check in
25J, Turn right heading 360 for traffic.
Heading three-six-zero, 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, request climb due to icing conditions
Cessna 25J, Encountering light-to-moderate rime icing at four thousand, Requesting higher.
25J, Pilot reports indicate tops at 7400, Climb and maintain 8000, Report level.
Leaving four thousand for eight thousand, Report level, 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, request frequency change to obtain weather report
Cessna 25J, Request frequency change to check weather.
25J, Frequency change approved, Report back on.
Roger, 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, initial call to Flight Watch for weather update on 122.0
(Note: Use the name of the ARTCC you are located within and state the name of the nearest VOR
to your present position during your initial call. You do not need to tune in or monitor that
particular VOR station or include your bearing or distance from it.)
Chicago Flight Watch, Cessna 3425J, Lone Rock V-O-R.
Cessna 3425J, Chicago Flight Watch, Go ahead your request.
Cessna 25J, Is IFR, enroute to Winona at eight thousand, Requesting the latest Winona weather.
3425J, latest Winona weather at 1654 Zulu, Wind 110 at 11, Visibility 2, light rain, Broken clouds
at 700, Overcast at 1100, Temperature 2, Dewpoint minus 1, Altimeter 29.84. Notams, Runway 1735 closed due to construction, use caution, men and equipment on runway and adjacent taxiways.
Copy that, 25J, thank you.
Roger 25J, Could you give us a pilot repot of your flight conditions?
Roger, Cessna 3425J is a Cessna 210, Position Madison two-four-zero degree radial, three-zero
DME, Level at eight thousand, Between layers, Temperature minus-seven, Negative icing,
Occasional light chop, Tops of lower layer seven thousand three hundred.
25J, Roger, Appreciate the pilot report, have a good flight.
Thank you, Cessna 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, ATC handoff
25J, Contact Chicago Center on 134.95.
One-three-four point nine-five, 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, initial contact with new controller following handoff
Chicago Center, Cessna 3425J, Level eight thousand.
3425J, Chicago Center, Dubuque Altimeter 29.79.
Two-nine-seven- nine, 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, ATC Holding instructions
25J, Expect Holding at JVL, Clearance when ready to copy.
Ready to copy (or “Standby” if not ready to copy), 25J.
Cessna 3425J, Cleared to JVL, Hold as published, Descend and maintain 6000, Expect Further
Clearance at 1645Z.
Cleared to Janesville, Hold as published, Leaving eight for six thousand, EFC one-six-four-five,
Example. IFR enroute, entering Holding pattern (initial crossing of Hold fix)
Cessna 25J, Entering Hold at Janesville, Level six thousand, at one-six-two-four Zulu.
25J, Entering hold, Roger.
Example. IFR enroute, request descent to destination airport
Cessna 25J, Requesting lower.
25J, Descend and maintain 4000 .
Maintain four thousand, leaving eight thousand, 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, ATC initiated Pilot Discretion descent clearance
25J, At pilot’s discretion, Descend and maintain 3000 .
Cleared to three thousand, P-D, 25J.
Example. IFR enroute, upon initiating descent after a previous Pilot Discretion clearance
Cessna 25J, Leaving eight thousand for three thousand.
25J, Roger, Madison altimeter, 30.31.
Three-zero-three-one, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, initial contact with Approach Control after handoff (Get ATIS first)
Madison Approach, Cessna 3425J, Level three thousand with information Papa.
Cessna 3425J, Madison Approach, fly heading 020, Radar vectors ILS 36.
Heading zero-two-zero, ILS three-six, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, initial contact with ATC at Non-Tower airport (Get AWOS first)
Minneapolis Center, Cessna 3425J, Level six thousand with Winona AWOS.
Cessna 3425J, Minneapolis Center, say your requested approach.
Requesting VOR-Alpha, 25J.
25J can expect the VOR-A, fly heading 010 for vectors, Descend pilot discression, maintain 4000.
Heading zero-one-zero, P-D to four thousand, VOR Alpha, 25J.
(When ready to begin descent)
Cessna 25J, leaving six thousand descending four thousand.
25J, Roger.
Example. IFR arrival, instrument approach clearance into Non-Tower airport
25J, Turn left heading 240, Maintain 3800 until established, Cleared VOR-Alpha.
Heading two-four-zero, three thousand eight hundred until established, Cleared VOR-Alpha, 25J.
25J, Change to advisory frequency approved, Report cancellation or missed approach with me, or
on the ground with Flight Service.
Roger, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, initial contact on CTAF frequency at Non-Tower airport
Winona traffic, Cessna 3425J, Five northwest, will be entering left base runway one-two, Winona.
-OR, local traffic permitting- Winona traffic, Cessna 3425J, Five mile final runway one-two,
landing straight-in, Winona.
(Make additional reports referencing direction and distance from airport as local traffic dictates.)
Example. IFR arrival, canceling IFR flight plan
Minneapolis Center, Cessna 3425J, Cancel IFR.
Cessna 3425J, Cancellation received, squawk 1200, frequency change approved.
One-two-zero-zero, 25J.
(Caution: Only when well clear of IMC and landing is assured, traffic and workload permitting,
contact ATC as appropriate to cancel IFR clearance. Aviate, Navigate, THEN Communicate!)
Example. IFR arrival, receiving radar vectors for approach
25J, Turn left heading 270, reduce speed to 120 knots.
Heading two-seven-zero, Speed one-two-zero, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, receiving instrument approach clearance
25J, Turn right heading 340, Maintain 3000 until established, Cleared ILS 36.
Heading three-four-zero, three thousand until established, Cleared ILS three-six, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, handoff to Tower controller
25J, Contact Madison Tower now on 119.3.
One-one-nine point three, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, initial contact with Tower during approach (FAF is OZMIX)
On initial contact with tower during an IFR approach, many pilots announce what approach they are
on but this info is not needed or desired by the tower. It only adds to the frequency congestion. All
the tower needs to know is who you are and your position relative to the final approach fix (FAF).
For example, “Over OZXIX,” or “Three outside of OZMIX,” or “Just inside of OZMIX.”
Madison Tower, Cessna 3425J, Two outside of OZMIX.
Cessna 3425J, Madison Tower, Continue approach, Reduce to your final approach speed, Caution
possible wake turbulence, 3 miles behind a Boeing 737, Wind 030 at 8.
Roger, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, Hold Short restriction and Landing clearance with Tower
Cessna 25J, Hold short taxiway Kilo on landing roll, Runway 36, Cleared to land, Winds 040 at 9.
Three-six, Cleared to land, Hold short of Kilo, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, receiving an unacceptable Hold Short clearance from ATC
Cessna 25J, Hold short of taxiway Kilo on your landing roll, Runway 36, Cleared to land, Winds
040 at 9.
Unable Hold short, 25J.
Roger unable Hold short 25J, Runway 36, Full length, Cleared to land.
Runway three-six, Cleared to land, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, Missed approach
Cessna 25J, Missed approach runway 36.
25J, Fly heading 320, Maintain 3000, Contact Approach 135.45.
Heading three-two-zero, Maintain three thousand, One-three-five point four-five, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, after Missed approach, initial contact with Approach control
Madison Approach, Cessna 3425J, leaving two thousand two hundred for three thousand,
Requesting . . . (as appropriate, same approach, different approach or divert to alternate).
Cessna 3425J, Turn left heading 180, Maintain 4000, Radar vectors Rockford.
Heading one-eight-zero, Maintain four thousand, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, after landing at Tower airport
Cessna 25J, Right turn at taxiway Charlie, Say destination.
Right at Charlie, Wisconsin Aviation, 25J.
25J, Roger, Right on Charlie, Hold short runway 3.
On Charlie, Hold short runway three, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, after landing handoff to Ground control
Cessna 25J, Cross runway 3, Contact Ground point nine clearing. (Note: Tower has used an
abbreviation of a typical ground frequency of 121.9 here by saying, “point nine.”)
Cross runway three, Ground one-two-one point nine clear of three, 25J.
Example. IFR arrival, initial contact with Ground control after landing
Madison Ground, Cessna 3425J, Clear of runway 3 on taxiway Charlie, taxi to Wisconsin Aviation.
Cessna 3425J, Taxi straight ahead on Charlie to Wisconsin Aviation.
Straight ahead on Charlie, 25J.
Example. IFR departure clearance, when “Clearance Delivery” frequency available
(Note: On initial contact with Clearance Delivery, be ready to copy since your clearance might be
immediately available.)
Madison Clearance, Cessna 3425J, Request IFR, Omaha.
Cessna 3425J, Cleared to Omaha via radar vectors DBQ V341 CID, as filed, Climb and maintain
5000, expect 12,000 ten minutes after departure, Departure control will be 124.0, Squawk 5626.
Cleared to Omaha, radar vectors Dubuque, Victor three-forty-one Cedar Rapids, as filed, Climb and
maintain five thousand, Expect one-two thousand ten minutes after departure, Departure control
one-two-four point zero, Squawk five-six-two-six, 3425J.
Cessna 25J, readback correct, Ground 121.9 when ready for taxi.
Roger, 25J.
VFR Operations
Example. VFR departure, initial taxi for takeoff from a Class D (Non-Radar) airport
Kenosha Ground, Cessna 3425J, at Kenosha Jet, VFR Northwest Departure, ready to taxi, with
information Hotel.
Cessna 3425J, Kenosha Ground, taxi runway 33 via Delta, Hold Short runway 7R.
Runway three-three, via Delta, Hold Short seven-right, Cessna 25J.
Example. VFR departure, initial taxi from a Class B, C or TRSA (Radar) airport
(Note: When departing VFR from these airports, expect to receive VFR departure clearance
instructions including possible heading, altitude, departure frequency and transponder code, so on
your initial call, BE READY TO COPY!)
Madison Ground, Cessna 3425J, at Wisconsin Aviation, VFR Northwest Departure, ready to taxi,
with information Sierra.
Cessna 3425J, Madison Ground, on your northwest departure maintain VFR conditions at or below
2500, Contact departure control 124.0, Squawk 4257, taxi runway 32.
Runway three-two, Maintain VFR at or below two thousand five hundred, Departure one-two-four
point zero, Squawk four-two-five-seven, Cessna 25J.
25J, Readback correct.
Example. VFR departure, ready for takeoff from a Non-Radar Tower (Class D) airport
Kenosha Tower, Cessna 3425J, Ready for takeoff, Runway three-three.
Cessna 3425J, Kenosha Tower, Runway 33, Line up and wait.
Line up and wait, Runway three-three, 25J.
Example. VFR departure, ready for takeoff from a Class B, C or TRSA (Radar) airport
O’Hare Tower, Cessna 3425J, Ready for takeoff, Runway three-two-left left at tango-ten.
Cessna 3425J, O’Hare Tower, Runway 32L from T10, Line up and wait.
Line up and wait, Runway three-two-left at tango-ten, 25J.
25J, Runway 32L from T10, Winds 280 at 12, Turn left heading 280, Cleared for takeoff.
Heading two-eight-zero, Three-two-left from tango-ten, Cleared for takeoff, 25J.
Example. VFR enroute, activating your VFR flight plan with FSS
Green Bay Radio, Cessna 3425J, Listening one-two-two point-two.
N3425J, Green Bay Radio, Go ahead.
3425J, Departed Kenosha at two-zero-one-three Zulu, Please activate my VFR flight plan to
Roger N3425J, Your VFR flight plan from ENW to LSE is activated at 2013Z. Would appreciate
any pilot reports you can give us today. Have a good flight.
3425J, Roger, Thank you.
Example. VFR enroute, contacting FSS using 122.1R and a VOR
(Note: Common error! Don’t forget to turn up the volume on your VOR receiver after tuning to the
appropriate VOR frequency or you won’t hear the controller’s response.)
Kankakee Radio, Cessna 3425J, Listening Joliet VOR.
N3425J, Kankakee Radio, Go ahead your request.
3425J, Please cancel my VFR flight plan from Peoria to Morris at this time.
Roger N3425J, VFR flight plan cancelled, Joliet altimeter, 29.78.
Two-nine-seven-eight, 25J, Thank you.
Example. VFR enroute, overflight of a Class D (Non-Radar) Tower airport
Janesville Tower, Cessna 3425J.
Cessna 3425J, Janesville Tower, Go ahead.
Cessna 25J, ten southeast of Janesville at two thousand five hundred, requesting transition to the
25J, Transition through Class D airspace is approved, Say type aircraft.
Cessna two-ten, 25J.
25J, Roger, Report clear of Class D to the northwest.
Will report clear, 25J.
Example. VFR enroute, clear of Class D airspace
Cessna 25J, Clear of Class D to the northwest.
25J, Thank you, Frequency change approved.
Example. VFR enroute, overflight within Class C or TRSA airspace
Rockford Approach, Cessna 3425J.
Cessna 3425J, Rockford Approach, Go ahead.
Cessna 25J, two-five miles east of Rockford, four thousand five hundred, enroute to Moline,
Requesting VFR traffic advisories.
25J, Squawk 4273, Say type Cessna.
Cessna two-ten, four- two-seven-three, 25J.
25J, Roger, Radar contact 22 miles east of Rockford at 4500, Report any change of altitudes.
Roger, 25J.
Example. VFR enroute, traffic advisory
25J, Traffic at two o’clock, three miles, Saratoga at 5200, descending.
Traffic in sight, 25J. or, Negative Contact, 25J.
Example. VFR enroute, Request for VFR traffic advisories from ARTCC (Center)
Chicago Center, Cessna 3425J.
Cessna 3425J, Chicago Center, Go ahead.
Cessna 25J, Three-zero miles west of Rockford, VFR at one-zero thousand five hundred, enroute to
Moline, Requesting VFR traffic advisories.
3425J, Squawk 5662.
Five-six-six-two, 25J.
25J, Radar contact 35 west of Rockford at 10,500, Report any change of altitudes, DeKalb
altimeter, 30.19.
Roger, three-zero-one-nine, 25J.
Example. VFR arrival, into a Class B airport
Chicago Approach, Cessna 3425J.
Cessna 3425J, Chicago Approach, Go ahead.
Cessna 3425J, Three-zero miles northwest of O’Hare,VFR at three thousand, Landing O’Hare with
information Bravo.
3425J, Squawk 3365, Say type Aircraft.
Cessna two-ten, 25J.
25J, Radar contact 27 northwest showing your altitude at 3000, Remain clear of the Class Bravo
airspace. Expect clearance into Class Bravo in 10 minutes.
Roger, Remain clear of Class Bravo, 25J.
25J, Cleared to enter Class Bravo airspace VFR at or below 1900, Fly heading 240 for sequencing
to Runway 14L.
Heading two-four-zero, Cleared to enter Class Bravo VFR at or below one thousand nine hundred,
Expect runway one-four-left, 25J.
25J, Turn left heading 160, the airport will be at you 11:30 position and five miles, Report runway
14L in sight.
Heading one-six-zero, one-four-left in sight, 25J.
25J Roger, Contact O’Hare tower now on 120.75.
One-two-zero point seven-five, 25J.
(Note: Approach control has sequenced you into the busy traffic pattern of the Class B airport and
even though you are operating VFR, as a helpful navigational tool, if equipped, it would be wise to
load up the instrument approach to the runway you’ll be using, if you’re able, since you will be
either navigating near or along that particular approach during your final approach course.)
O’Hare Tower, Cessna 3425J, Five northwest.
Cessna 3425J, O’Hare Tower, Runway 14L, Cleared to land, Hold short runway 22R.
Cleared to land one-four-right, Hold short two-two-right, 25J.
(Caution: Be sure to also have your taxi chart handy when operating at ANY large or busy airport
to reduce the chances of runway incursions. DON’T expect or rely on ATC to provide you with
adequate help at these airports. PLAN AHEAD!)
Example. Special VFR, daytime operation, arrival at Class E airport wx below 1000’ & or 3
Green Bay Radio, Cessna 3425J.
Cessna 3425J, Green Bay Radio, Go ahead.
Cessna 25J, one-zero miles east of Tri-County airport, Requesting Special VFR into Tri-County.
25J, Remain clear of Class Echo airspace and standby for clearance.
(FSS now will relay the S-VFR clearance from the controlling facility)
N3425J, Green Bay Radio.
3425J, Go ahead.
N3425J is cleared for Special VFR into the Tri-County Class Echo airspace at or below 2500.
Maintain Special VFR conditions at all times and report landing at Tri-County to Green Bay FSS.
3425J, Roger, Cleared Special VFR to Tri-County at or below two thousand five hundred. Contact
Green Bay after landing.
3425J, Clearance correct.
Example. Special VFR night time operation, departure from Tower airport below VFR
Rockford Ground, Cessna 3425J at the north ramp, Request Special VFR northbound, Landing
Beloit, ready to taxi with information Yankee.
Cessna 3425J, Rockford Ground, Are you instrument qualified and equipped.
Affirmative, 25J.
25J, Roger, Taxi to runway 25 via Foxtrot, Hold short runway 19, Standby Special VFR clearance.
Runway two-five via Foxtrot, Hold short one-nine, 25J.
(Ground controller coordinates with Tower and Approach controllers for S-VFR clearance)
25J, Clearance when ready.
25J, Go ahead.
3425J is cleared for Special VFR in Class D airspace at or below 3000. Maintain Special VFR
conditions at all times. Departure control will be 121.0, Squawk 4671.
3425J, Cleared Special VFR at or below three thousand. Departure one-two-one point zero,
Squawk four-six-seven-one.
3425J, Clearance read-back correct.
Example. Hot air balloon operations, overflight of a Class D (Non-Radar) Tower airport
(Note: Balloon operations present a slightly different challenge for both ATC and the airman. Here
are a few extra considerations to keep in mind while operating at or near busier airport terminal
areas in a balloon:
 First, due to equipment requirements, hot air balloon operations within Class B airspace are
generally not permitted.
 Second, Class C operations also normally requires the use of a transponder in addition to the
two-way VHF radio communications requirements of Class D airspace.
 Third, because of the noise of the burner equipment, periodic communications may be
desirable to ensure the communications link with ATC is being maintained while in the
airspace. The use of headsets can assist with this by reducing the noise levels during ATC
communication transmissions.)
Janesville Tower, Hot Air Balloon 7324W.
Balloon 7324W, Janesville Tower, Go ahead.
7324W, red and white balloon, seven northwest of Janesville at one thousand three hundred,
moving southeast at six knots towards Class Delta, requesting transition to the southeast.
Balloon 24W, Transition through Class Delta airspace is approved, Report any change of altitude
or direction and when clear of Class Delta.
Roger, Report when clear of Class Delta, Balloon 24W.
Example. VFR enroute, clear of Class D airspace
Balloon 24W, Clear of Class D to the southeast.
24W, Janesville tower, Thank you, Frequency change approved.
Thank you, 24W.
Example. VFR enroute, overflight within Class C or TRSA airspace
Rockford Approach, Hot Air Balloon 7523M.
Balloon 7523M, Rockford Approach, Go ahead.
7523M, blue and yellow balloon, two-three miles west of Rockford, two thousand four hundred,
tracking 120 degrees at five knots, Requesting transition and traffic advisories.
Balloon 23M, Squawk 4273.
Four-two-seven-three, Balloon 23M.
23M, Radar contact 22 miles west of Rockford at 2400, Report any change of altitudes.
Roger, 23M.
Balloon 23M, you have Cessna 210 traffic two miles north of your position, southeast-bound, two
thousand eight hundred, descending into Rockford; traffic has you is sight.
Balloon 23M, traffic in sight. (Or: Negative contact, 23M.)
Balloon 23M, leaving my airspace, radar service terminated, squawk 1200, frequency change
One-two-zero-zero, Thank you, Balloon 23M.