Statics Test Review Answers Example Problems (these aren’t question straight off the test!!! I’m not that nice!!) 1. Is it easier to push or pull the box? T=10N 30 ( FA=10 N 30 ( 5 kg 5 kg FF= FN Force Diagram: Ty FN Tx Force Diagram: FN FF FF Fg FN=Fg – Ty Normal force is decreased, therefore friction is decreased which makes objects easier to pull than to push. FAx Fg FAy FN = Fg + FAy Normal force is increased, therefore friction is increased which makes objects harder to push than to pull. 2. Which provides less “strain” or force on the ropes? Put them in order of least force to most force. A, B, C A. C. B. 10 kg 10 kg 10 kg =30 =60 Fg = 98N for all boxes. FORCE DIAGRAMS: A. T1=49N Fg=98N T2=49N T1 + T2 = Fg & T1 = T2 B. T1y=49N T1x T2y=49N T1x T2x cos = T1y T Rearranged T = 49N = 56.6N T1y=49N cos 30 T T1 & T2 = 56.6 (larger than A) =30 Fg C. T1x T1y=49N cos = T1y T Rearranged T = 49N = 98N T1y=49N cos 60 T2y=49N T1x T2x T =60 Fg T1 & T2 = 98N (larger than A & B) 3. Draw force diagrams for min and max for the following situations: A. B. T Tmax: Mmax: TMIN: MMIN: M A. Tmax: Tmin: FN T FN FF T FF Fgy 1kg Fgx Friction working against T Fgx Fgy Friction working with T B. Mmax: M 1kg FN T T FN FF Fgx Fgy FF Fgx Fgy If M has the maximum amount of mass that it possibly can, then if you were to just barely increase it, it would slide down the incline. Friction is working against the M being able to pull the 1 kg mass. Mmin: M FN 1kg T T FN FF FF Fgx Fgy Fgy Fgx If M has the minimum amount of mass, then if you were to decrease it just a bit more the 1 kg mass would drag it up the incline. Friction is working with M to keep the 1 kg mass from pulling M.