Anatomy & Physiology notes: Cells & Tissues I. PLASMA MEMBRANE: maintains the boundaries of the cell - acts as barrier to maintain integrity A. structure - see fig 3.3 page 67 a. __________________________interspersed with proteins. b. Bilayer is relatively _______________________ to most water soluble substances while most ___________ soluble substances can pass through c. Define hydrophilic vs. hydrophobic d. Polarity determines the self orienting properties of phospholipids due to __________________ head & ____________________ tails i. Important in _______________________________________ e. Substantial amount of the steroid ___________________________ which ___________________ the membrane by wedging hydrocarbon rings between phospholipid molecules & immobilizing them & helps keep membrane strong yet fluid. f. Specialized functions of proteins in membrane i. Enzymes which act as ____________________ for reactions ii. Proteins on membrane surface -on cell exterior/interior (known as ____________________________ proteins): are ____________________________ for hormones or chemical messengers 1. Can also have mechanical functions such as: __________________ 2. ________________________________________________ iii. Proteins that extend through the width of the membrane (__________membrane) (known as ______________ proteins): have ___________________________ functions. 1. can cluster to form pores/channels through which _____________ ________________________________________________ 2. can act as carriers that ________________________________ ________________________________________________ 3. Define glycoproteins and give the 3 examples of their functions. a. Define: b. 3 function examples: BE ABLE TO LABEL A MEMBRANE DIAGRAM WITH TERMS & FUNCTIONS 1 B. specializations - see fig 3.5 page 70 a. Microvilli - Define: minute, _______________extensions of plasma membrane i. function: greatly increase surface area for _______________________& ______________________________ ii. location: found on surface of absorptive cells such as: ____________________________________________ b. tight junctions i. function: form __________________________ junctions by eliminating extracellular space – fuse tightly together ii. Importance: prevent free passage of molecules iii. Location - between epithelial cells such as those lining digestive tract c. desmosomes i. function: forms ______________________ junction or adhesion layers ii. Importance: prevent tissue separation due to ______________________ stress iii. example locations - skin, heart muscles, neck of uterus d. gap junctions i. function: provide for direct passage of chemical substances between ______________________________ cells ii. cells are connected by _________________________ which are hollow cylinders ( transmembrane/__________________ proteins) iii. Importance: allow small molecules ( sugars, ions, etc) to pass directly from one cell to the next - synchronize contractions due to ion passage iv. Found in _________________________________ tissues ( heart, smooth muscle, embryonic tissue) USE THE MATERIALS ON THE LAB TABLES TO BUILD A MODEL OF THE 4 MEMBRANE SPECIALIZATIONS. 2 C. Membrane Transport – define the following terms: a. Solution b. Solute c. Solvent d. Intracellular fluid e. Selective permeability f. Tonicity – the ability of a solution to change the size and shape of cells by altering the amount of water they contain g. Define Osmosis(pg 72): D. Tonicities Graphic Organizer: page 74-75 of textbook and diagram – Answers are mostly in order in the text. Complete the following & use the info to make a graphic organizer for notes page 3 – the tonicity section only. CIRCLE OR HIGHLIGHT THE CORRECT TERM IN CAPITALS 1. Isotonic solution: a. Has HIGHER/LOWER/SAME solute & water concentration as the cells do b. cause no visible changes in cell __________ or _____________ c. Important for interstitial fluid (fluid between cells) and IV fluid to be this tonicity 2. Hypertonic solution a. Has HIGHER/LOWER solute concentration (which means lower water concentration) than the cells do. b. Water is in higher concentration INSIDE/OUTSIDE the cell so water will LEAVE/ENTER the cell. c. This will cause the cell to SHRINK/SWELL which means it will LYSE/CRENATE 3. Hypotonic solution a. Has HIGHER/LOWER solute concentration (which means higher water concentration) than the cells do. 3 b. Water is in higher concentration INSIDE/OUTSIDE the cell so water will LEAVE/ENTER the cell. c. This will cause the cell to SHRINK/SWELL which means it will LYSE/CRENATE End of quiz #1 Material I. HISTOLOGY A. _____________- grouping of cells that are similar in structure & have a common function B. ________________ matrix ( aka. intercellular matrix or fluid) - between cells - cell glue C. 4 main tissue types (functional categories) 1. ___________________________ - protection/secretion/absorption/filtration 2. ___________________________ - support/structure 3. ___________________________ - movement 4. ___________________________ - communication/control II. EPITHELIUM A. special characteristics 1. ______________________________ - little EC matrix - mostly cells 2. contains _________________________ - tight junctions, desmosomes 3. __________________ - always has apical (free) surface - may have modifications 4. _________________________ - no blood vessels within it - diffusion provides nutrients and carries away waste - lots of nerve fibers 5. ________________________membrane a. reinforcement & connection b. defines boundaries - see imbalance symbol 6. regeneration a. highly regenerative as long as adequate nutrition is received b. found in areas of _________________________________ B. The combination of _________________________ & ____________________ is used to name the tissue ex. stratified squamous 1. shape of cells a.___________________________ - flattened & scalelike b. __________________________ - square shaped c. __________________________ - column shaped (rectangular) *** shape of nucleus conforms to shape of cell *** 2. number of cells layers a. simple 1. ____________layer(s) of cells 2. found in areas of selective absorption & filtration 4 b. stratified 1. _____________layer(s) of cells 2. usually in areas of high abrasion - protection/secretion 3. named according to shape of cell at apical surface CONNECTIVE TISSUE: major function - binding,support, protection, insulation, transportation I. CHARACTERISTICS A. varying degrees of vascularity: Why important to understand? B. composed largely of extracellular matrix - Why is amount of EC matrix important? II. STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS A. extracellular matrix 1. ground substance - functions as molecular sieve to diffuse nutrients and subs. 2. fibers a. collagen fibers -tough for high tensile strength (long. stress) b. elastic fibers - stretch with recoil c. reticular fibers - continuous with collagen fibers - supportive B. cell types Prefixes Suffixes 1. fibro - CT proper 1. -blast 2. osteo - bone 2. -cyte 3. chondro - cartilage 3. -clast 4. hemocyto - blood End of quiz #2 Material MUSCLE TISSUE & NERVOUS TISSUE: I. MUSCLE TISSUE A. highly cellular, well vascularized myofilaments called ________________ & ________________ have contractile functions B. skeletal 1. ______________nucleate 2. striated which means __________________________________ 3. _____________________ control 5 C. smooth 1. _______nucleate 2. spindle shape (fusiform) 3. ______________________ control 4. non-striated D. cardiac 1. _______nucleate 2. striated 3. ___________________ discs which are a form of gap junction & bifurcations 4. contraction properties 5. _________________________ control II. NERVOUS TISSUE A. brain, spinal cord, nerves B. neurons - generate and conduct impulses 1. branching (stellate) cells 2. usually non regenerative C. neuroglia (glial cells ) - support, insulate, protect neurons TISSUE REPAIR 1. Regeneration is the replacement of destroyed tissue by _____________________________________________________. 2. Fibrosis is the replacement of destroyed tissue by _______________________________________________. 3. The major type of tissue repair that takes place is determined by: a. _____________________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________________ End of quiz #3 Material 6