Estimating the Mass of a Main-belt Asteroid Malcolm Shute Abstract There are occasions, such as for simulation purposes, when the mass might be needed for each and every asteroid known in the solar system. Given that this sort of information is only available for a few asteroids, it would be useful to have a way of estimating the masses of the others, at least to an order of magnitude. The Minor Planet Center (MPC), at the Smithsonian Astronomical Observatory of Harvard University, maintains a publicly-readable, on-line database of the orbit parameters of all the known asteroids and comets, but understandably does not include the mass amongst this data. This paper presents a formula for estimating each mass, using only the data that is available in the MPC database, and gives a brief analysis of the quality of the estimate obtained. Introduction There are at least two project proposals for which the mass would need to be known for each and every asteroid in the main belt. Hilton (ref.1) proposes a project to compute the perturbation of the orbits of Mars and Earth by the asteroids. Another project is proposed (ref.2) to predict the likelihood of inter-asteroid collisions, with a view to preparing space missions for observing such events. The work of Scheeres (ref.3) implies other possibilites for observing asteroids that have acquired satellites, and monitoring any chaotic behaviour for any interesting consequences. Given that the mass is only known for a few asteroids, it would be useful to have a formula that can give an estimate for the mass of each of the others, at least to within plus or minus one order of magnitude. The following expression is proposed as a first attempt at allowing the mass of the asteroid to be inferred using the observational data that is maintained in the MPC database (ref.4): mn = K1 . m1 . exp( – √((yodn – yod1) / t0) ) . ( (qn – 1) / (q1 – 1) )2 . exp(H1 – Hn) + K2 In effect, the formula states that asteroids that are only recently being discovered are either small, distant, or not very reflective, or some combination of these. The constants, K1 and K2, are derived from the closest fit straight lines (the lines of regression, in fact), as explained later. The next term (measured in kilograms) uses the mass of Ceres, m 1, as the reference. The next term, the exponential, accounts for the year of discovery of asteroid-n, yodn, counting from the year of discovery of Ceres, yod1. The squared term takes the asteroid's minimum distance from the Earth into account. Finally, the last exponential term uses the absolute magnitude of the asteroid to scale for its albedo. Asteroid-n orbits at qn astronomical units from the Sun at perihelion, and hence about (q n–1) astronomical units from the earth at our closest approach over the past centuries. Similarly, Ceres was (q 1–1) astronomical units from the earth at its closest approach. The apparent brightness of each then scales with the square of these distances. The final exponential term uses the ratio of the absolute magnitudes to scale for the reflectivity of the surface. Normally this would be expressed as an exponential to base 10, but has been expressed here to the natural base for convenience, ready for combining it with the first exponential term. The justification for the first exponentional term is not quite so clean. It is not surprising for it to be exponential, since this is a good model for the rate of advancement in human knowledge (in telescope and survey-satellite technology, for example). The square root in the argument, though, was determined by curve fitting. The time constant, t0, was included just to get the dimensions right (and has the dimensions of years, to ensure that the argument to the exponential function is dimensionless), but, for the present at least, it appears to have a value of unity. Spectral types and other parameters The spectral type of each asteroid has an influence on the ease of observing it, and of initially discovering it, Malcolm Shute 07 March 2016 1 from the earth. This parameter has not been included in the formula, though, for several reasons. One reason is that the parameter is not yet listed in the MPC database, although there are other extensive sources of this sort of information (ref.5). The aim was to be able to work exclusively with the data that is present in the MPC database as the single resource. Another reason, though, is that the absolute brightness parameter implicitly takes this data into account, already. Similarly, the MPC database does not list the radius of each asteroid. Since larger asteroids might be expected to be denser, due to gravitational compacting, it is to be expected that this would have an effect on their optical properties, and hence on their observability. Again, for the purposes of this paper, this is considered to have been accounted for by the absolute brightness, acting as a single lumped parameter. Both of these are left as areas for future work (either directly, to be added to the formula, or used in the reverse direction, for estimating of the radius or spectral type of an asteroid, based on the discrepency between its predicted mass, and that obtained by observation). Finding the lines of regression Of the main-belt asteroids, the masses of thirty-eight of them (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 29, 31, 45, 48, 52, 54, 65, 88, 92, 121, 140, 216, 243, 253, 324, 444, 451, 511, 532, 704, 951, 4979) have been obtained already from observational data, and the values published on the Internet (refs.1, 6, 7, 8, 9). Taking all but the first of these values (since Ceres is to be used as the reference asteroid), and plotting the value from the formula against these known masses, the lines of closest fit can be found. This gives a value for the gradient, K1, between 251 and 385 (with a geometric mean value of 311) and for the intercept, K2, between 7.7e+18 and -3.3e+18 kilograms (with a mean value of 2.8e+18 kg, for the line with gradient 311). The coefficient of correlation is good, at 0.81. Unfortunately, this is achieved because the statistics of the large asteroids dominate those of the smaller ones by many orders of magnitude. It does, at least, though, give a good starting point from which to launch a better analysis. In particular, to remedy the problem of differing orders of magnitude of asteroid mass, it was considered advantageous to find the lines of regression based on the logarithms of the masses, rather than directly on the masses themselves. Thus, the following expression was used (where m is the unit vector of mass, and is introduced just to make the quantities dimensionless before taking logarithms): ln( mn/m ) = K3 . ( H1 – Hn – √((yodn – yod1) / t0) + ln( m1/m . ( (qn – 1) / (q1 – 1) )2 ) ) + K4 Plotting the logarithms of the masses of the thirty-seven known asteroids against this expression (with K3 temporarily set to 1, and K4 temporarily set to 0), and finding the lines of regression, the value for the gradient, K3, was found to be between 0.7 and 0.9 (with a geometric mean value 0.8) and, that for the intercept, K 4, to be between 18 and 10 (with a mean value of 14.4, for the line with gradient 0.8). The coefficient of correlation is very good, at 0.87. The formula for estimating mass therefore becomes: mn = 1.8x106. m . (m1/m)0.8 . exp( 0.8 . ( H1 – Hn – √((yodn – yod1) / t0) ) ) . ( (qn – 1) / (q1 – 1) )1.6 Figure 1 shows the result of plotting the points using the derived values of K 3 and K4. (Common logarithms have been used for the axes, for convience.) Conclusion The formula can be simplified to the following expression (where 7x1022 represents a reference mass, measured in kilograms, that has no real physical significance, because, as well as the mass of Ceres, it also incorporates a number of normalising constants, such as the one for converting absolute magnitudes from base-10 to base-e): mn = 7x1022 . exp( 0.8 . ( H1 – Hn – √(yodn – yod1) ) ) . ( (qn – 1) / (q1 – 1) )1.6 Tables 1 and 2 compare the value generated by the expression against the observed mass, for the thirtyseven asteroids where this is known from observations. Other columns in Table 2 list the figures for absolute magnitude, orbital eccentricity, semi major axis, and year of first observation, as given in the MPC database, for the first 20 asteroids, and then for a number of others that are of interest. Malcolm Shute 07 March 2016 2 Table 1. Masses of selected asteroids, both observed and estimated Ref Name Estimated Observed % Ref Name Estimated Observed mass mass mass mass (in kg) (in kg) (in kg) (in kg) % 2 Pallas 1.99E+20 3.15E+20 63 52 Europa 2.23E+19 2.52E+19 89 3 Juno 6.25E+19 1.80E+19 347 54 Alexandra 4.16E+18 5.15E+18 81 4 Vesta 3.50E+20 2.54E+20 138 65 Cybele 1.89E+19 1.15E+19 165 6 Hebe 7.84E+18 1.37E+19 57 88 Thisbe 5.24E+18 1.17E+19 45 7 Iris 2.14E+19 2.38E+19 90 92 Undina 9.87E+18 5.15E+18 192 9 Metis 1.16E+20 5.03E+18 2305 121 Hermione 5.99E+18 8.92E+18 67 10 Hygiea 7.27E+19 8.05E+19 90 140 Siwa 9.20E+17 1.50E+18 61 11 Parthenope 1.55E+19 5.69E+18 272 216 Kleopatra 1.75E+18 1.98E+18 88 15 Eunomia 3.86E+19 3.17E+19 122 243 Ida+Dactyl 3.41E+17 4.32E+16 788 16 Psyche 3.34E+19 1.35E+19 248 253 Mathilde 1.15E+17 1.03E+17 111 17 Thetis 4.62E+18 6.54E+17 707 324 Bamberga 9.94E+17 1.05E+19 9 19 Fortuna 7.19E+18 9.31E+18 77 444 Gyptis 6.35E+17 8.92E+18 7 20 Massalia 1.20E+19 4.76E+18 251 451 Patientia 2.70E+18 1.17E+19 23 22 Kalliope 2.35E+19 1.68E+19 140 511 Davida 2.68E+18 4.54E+19 6 24 Themis 1.51E+19 6.94E+18 218 532 Herculina 2.54E+18 2.28E+19 11 29 Amphitrite 1.77E+20 1.53E+19 1155 704 Interamnia 2.59E+18 2.52E+19 10 31 Euphrosyne 1.48E+19 1.68E+19 88 951 Gaspra 1.03E+16 1.00E+16 103 45 Eugenia 7.12E+18 5.94E+18 120 4979 Otawara 3.20E+14 2.00E+14 160 48 Doris 1.59E+19 1.21E+19 131 The percentage column in Table 1 shows that the original aim of this paper has not been met: many of the estimated asteroid masses are within plus or minus one order of magnitude (that is within 10% and 1000%) of the actual figure, but there are still exceptions (9, 29, 324, 444, 511). Metis (9) is the worst, being out by over two orders of magnitude. Even so, these results are considered encouraging. At the very least, such large discrepencies serve to highlight those cases that might make for interesting further study, to find out why the estimated mass differs so much from the observed mass (or rather, to investigate why the expected date of discovery, given the mass, distance and albedo, differs from the actual date of discovery). Table 2 goes on to show that the formula does at least generate fairly reasonable looking values even when it is interpolating (5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 18, 87) and extrapolating (5535, 7755, 9969). As far as the formula is concerned, the interpolation and extrapolation asteroids were effectively chosen at random – though, in actual fact, they were chosen because they are described, in other contexts, on the Internet. This, at least, has the advantage that they are well studied, and might lead to future data with which to test the findings of this paper. On the other hand, it could be argued that this makes them a biased sample. Asteroid-7772 was chosen, therefore, as a control (an asteroid that has attracted so little attention that it does not yet even have a registered proper name). Figure 1 shows the observed mass plotted against the estimated mass (with each represented on logarithmic scales). It also shows the position of the two lines of regression, which intersect at the point (18.76,18,76), which merely indicates that the geometric mean of the masses of the thirty-seven asteroids is 5.80e18 kg. Figure 1. Observed mass plotted against estimated mass (logarithmic scales) Malcolm Shute 07 March 2016 3 Measurement error and other uncertainties This exercise has, therefore, centred on finding the lines of regression not for the expression to derive mass, but for the one to derive log(mass). As indicated earlier, since the universe sets the mass, distance and reflectivity of each asteroid, the formula is really making predictions about when human technology ought to have been up to the task of discovering the asteroid. Thus, the formula can be rearranged to reflect this (where t=(yod n – yod1) / t0): t = ( H1 – Hn + ln( m1/ mn . ( (qn – 1) / (q1 – 1) )2 ) + K4 / K3 )2 The influence of measurement errors can be deduced by taking logs of this: Δt/t = 2.( Δ(H1–Hn)/(H1–Hn) + ΔK4/K4 + ΔK3/K3 + ε The addition of the ε term at the end allows for the contribution of taking logs of the summation term in the original expression. However, it can be argued that the contribution of this term is so small that it can, in fact, be neglected altogether, without spending more time on analysing it further. The accuracy of measuring the orbital distance of asteroids is extremely good, and even that for estimating the masses has a mean uncertainty of 16% for the twenty-nine listed in (ref.9), reaching 62% in the worst individual cases. Taking logarithms of a parameter with a range of possible values, gives a result with a greatly reduced ranges of possible values. Thus, the uncertainty is dominated by that in calculating the difference of the two absolute magnitudes, and that in the two constants K3 and K4 (13% and 44%, respectively) Δt/t = 2.( Δ(H1–Hn)/(H1–Hn) + ΔK4/K4 + ΔK3/K3 ) Malcolm Shute 07 March 2016 4 The two lines of regression in Figure 1 give an indication of this uncertainty when extrapolating back to the smaller asteroids (reaching about plus or minus one order of magnitude at asteroids when extrapolating for a mass of 108 kg, for example, and getting progressively worse for masses below that). Acknowledgements and ideas for future work My greatest thanks go to Dr. Sergio Ilovaisky, of the Observatoire de Haute Provence, for all of his help while writing this paper: in reviewing drafts, advising on changes, and on its publication. I am also extremely grateful to him for the enormous amount of computer support that he has given, that has enabled me to do this work. I am also very grateful to Dr. Claude Chevalier, formerly of the Observatoire de Haute Provence, also for reviewing drafts of this paper, and for her support during the period over which this work has been conducted. I would also like to express my thanks to James Hilton who made very valuable comments and suggestions on reviewing an earlier draft of this paper, including comments about the possible influence of spectral types on the observed data, and of the radius on the compaction of the asteroid. I acknowledge the Minor Planet Center (MPC), at the Smithsonian Astronomical Observatory of Harvard University, for the major contibution made to this work by the public availability of their invaluable database. References 1. Hilton, J.L. (1999). “Masses of the largest asteroids”, <>. 2. Shute, M.J. (2006). “Predicting inter-asteroid collisions”, <>. 3. Scheeres, D.J. (2002). “Stability of binary asteroids”, Icarus, vol.159, pp.271-283. 4. MPC. (2003). “IAU: Minor Planet Center”, <>. 5. Masi, G., S. Foglia and R.P. Binzel (2007). “Search for unusual spectral candidates among 40313 minor planets from the 3rd release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Moving Object Catalog”. Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, June 2007. 6. Mytangledweb (c.2003). “Asteroids and meteorites”, <http://www/> (link now broken). 7. Hamilton, C.J. (2002). “Asteroid introduction”, <>. 8. Arnett, W. (2003). “Asteroids”, <>. 9. Chernetenko, Yu, O. Kochetova, and V. Shor (2005). “Masses and densities of minor planets”, <>. Table 2. Data for selected asteroids, with estimated and observed masses (where known) Ref Abs Mag Orbital Semi Major Year of Name Estimated mass Observed mass (H) Eccen Axis (in AU) Discovery 1 3.34 0.0798 2.7660 1802 Ceres 2 4.13 0.2300 2.7726 1839 Pallas 1.99E+20 3.15E+20 3 5.33 0.2586 2.6673 1839 Juno 6.25E+19 1.80E+19 4 3.20 0.0886 2.3614 1841 Vesta 3.50E+20 2.54E+20 5 6.85 0.1934 2.5736 1845 Astraea 1.42E+19 6 5.71 0.2012 2.4253 1869 Hebe 7.84E+18 1.37E+19 7 5.51 0.2300 2.3869 1850 Iris 2.14E+19 2.38E+19 8 6.49 0.1565 2.2015 1847 Flora 1.15E+19 9 6.28 0.1219 2.3865 1822 Metis 1.16E+20 5.03E+18 10 5.43 0.1193 3.1361 1849 Hygiea 7.27E+19 8.05E+19 Malcolm Shute (in kg) 07 March 2016 (in kg) 8.70E+20 5 11 6.55 0.0996 2.4522 1850 Parthenope 1.55E+19 12 7.24 0.2203 2.3341 1850 Victoria 5.21E+18 13 6.74 0.0847 2.5761 1850 Egeria 1.60E+19 14 6.30 0.1683 2.5847 1851 Irene 1.70E+19 15 5.28 0.1855 2.6451 1851 Eunomia 3.86E+19 3.17E+19 16 5.90 0.1395 2.9199 1852 Psyche 3.34E+19 1.35E+19 17 7.76 0.1340 2.4699 1853 Thetis 4.62E+18 6.54E+17 18 6.51 0.2187 2.2953 1852 Melpomene 7.88E+18 19 7.13 0.1593 2.4413 1852 Fortuna 7.19E+18 9.31E+18 20 6.50 0.1433 2.4089 1852 Massalia 1.20E+19 4.76E+18 22 6.45 0.1031 2.9075 1852 Kalliope 2.35E+19 1.68E+19 24 7.08 0.1320 3.1309 1853 Themis 1.51E+19 6.94E+18 29 5.85 0.0727 2.5542 1825 Amphitrite 1.77E+20 1.53E+19 31 6.74 0.2258 3.1493 1854 Euphrosyne 1.48E+19 1.68E+19 45 7.46 0.0831 2.7203 1857 Eugenia 7.12E+18 5.94E+18 48 6.90 0.0748 3.1102 1857 Doris 1.59E+19 1.21E+19 52 6.31 0.1014 3.0986 1858 Europa 2.23E+19 2.52E+19 54 7.66 0.1965 2.7124 1858 Alexandra 4.16E+18 5.15E+18 65 6.62 0.1051 3.4333 1861 Cybele 1.89E+19 1.15E+19 87 6.94 0.0800 3.4888 1866 Sylvia 1.26E+19 88 7.04 0.1648 2.7674 1866 Thisbe 5.24E+18 1.17E+19 92 6.61 0.1006 3.1898 1871 Undina 9.87E+18 5.15E+18 121 7.31 0.1370 3.4550 1872 Hermione 5.99E+18 8.92E+18 140 8.34 0.2158 2.7330 1877 Siwa 9.20E+17 1.50E+18 216 7.30 0.2521 2.7935 1880 Kleopatra 1.75E+18 1.98E+18 243 9.94 0.0465 2.8604 1884 Ida+Dactyl 3.41E+17 4.32E+16 253 10.2 0.2651 2.6502 1885 Mathilde 1.15E+17 1.03E+17 324 6.82 0.3381 2.6826 1892 Bamberga 9.94E+17 1.05E+19 444 7.83 0.1729 2.7713 1899 Gyptis 6.35E+17 8.92E+18 451 6.65 0.0772 3.0612 1899 Patientia 2.70E+18 1.17E+19 511 6.22 0.1850 3.1696 1903 Davida 2.68E+18 4.54E+19 532 5.81 0.1786 2.7701 1904 Herculina 2.54E+18 2.28E+19 704 5.94 0.1478 3.0659 1910 Interamnia 2.59E+18 2.52E+19 951 11.5 0.1740 2.2094 1913 Gaspra 1.03E+16 1.00E+16 4979 14.3 0.1446 2.1680 1949 Otawara 3.20E+14 2.00E+14 5535 14.2 0.0633 2.2124 1942 Annefrank 6.08E+14 7755 12.1 0.1095 3.1509 1952 Haute-Provence 5.32E+15 7772 12.3 0.1800 2.8784 1955 1992 EQ15 2.71E+15 9969 15.8 0.4308 2.3452 1992 Braille 1.01E+13 Malcolm Shute 07 March 2016 5.69E+18 6