Security/Institutional Operations
Number of inmates receiving major disciplinary reports per 1,000
Action (check one):
Requesting Revision to Approved Measure
Change in Date Sources or Measurement Methodologies
Requesting New Measure
Backup for Performance Measure
Data Sources and Methodology:
The data for this measure originates from the Offender Based Information System
(OBIS). The data is entered into OBIS by classification and security staff. The data from
OBIS is moved to a SAS server where analyses are run against it. A data set that
describes those inmates that receive disciplinary reports (DR) during a specific period is
used to create this measure. The DR date, location, and other variables specific to the
inmate DR are present on this data set. The number of major DR's incurred at some point
during the fiscal year is determined. The number of inmates responsible for these major
DR's is determined. The average inmate population during the year is calculated. The
number of inmates responsible for major DR's is divided by the average inmate
population and then multiplied by 1,000 to determine the rate.
The information originates from OBIS, which contains several internal edits to
ensure that the data entered is valid. The Automated Discipline and Integrated Offender
System (ADIOS) within OBIS is used to process disciplinary reports, so the data is
reviewed by a number of staff involved in the DR process. This is an appropriate
measure of the proportion of inmates that are disruptive (i.e., receiving a major DR)
during the fiscal year, which is an indirect measure of institutional control. Since one
inmate can be responsible for several DR's during the time period, it is necessary to
calculate a measure that is calculated on the number of individuals, not just the number of
DR's incurred. By computing the rate per 1,000 inmates, the increasing inmate population
is not a direct factor.
This measure uses department research files that, once they are created, are not
changed. Therefore, we can reproduce any measure that originates from these research
files. Information regarding inmate DR's is reliable and can be reproduced. Specific
information on each inmate DR is available (i.e., each disciplinary report that is counted
in this measure can be identified).
Office of Policy and Budget – July, 2006