Science & Technology Development Fund Ministry of State for Scientific Research Research Support Grant (TC/12/ RSG /2012) Project Proposal Name of Project : …………………………………………………………………………… Name of Applicant : …………………………………………………………………………… Name of Institution : …………………………………………………………………………… Proposal ID : …………………………………………………………………………… - - Please fill your own text under the headings given in this Project Proposal template. The text written in italics is only provided for guidance. You can remove it from your proposal. All proposals must be uploaded to the STDF website ( Proposals submitted by e-mail or sent as hard copies will not be considered. Deadline for uploading of project proposals is 13/05/2012 STDF’s IPR rules and regulations apply to all relevant cases. The applicant must submit the necessary approvals from the relevant authorities to undertake the proposed research work. These approvals shall cover issues like biosafety, conservation of bio-diversity, research ethics, data collection, dealing with antiquities and historic objects, collaboration with foreigners, intellectual property rights of patents resulting from research conducted by others. Please attach all requested endorsement letters. All submitted documents must be stamped and signed by the legal representative of the applicant's institution. صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Basic Information 2. Implementing Team 3. Research Area 4. Eligibility of the Proposal (Half Page Maximum). 5. Context and Relevance to the Call (Half Page Maximum) 6. Abstract of the Project (One Page Maximum) 7. Scientific and Technical Description 8. Project Management 9. Consortium Description 10.Budget 11. References 12. Biographies 13. Appendices صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund 1. Basic Information: Title of the Proposal in English عنوان المقترح باللغة العربية Research Area Project Duration Budget Requested From STDF Name of Principal Investigator (PI) PI's Institution Title of PI PI's Position PI's Mobile Telephone Number PI's E-Mail PI's National Personal ID Number PI's Contact Address Number of research grants previously awarded to the PI Number of previously awarded research grants of PI Name of Co Principal Investigator (CoPI) Co-PI's Institution Title of CoPI Co-PI 's Position CoPI 's Mobile Telephone Number CoPI 's E-Mail CoPI 's National Personal ID Number CoPI 's Contact Address Number of research grants previously awarded to Co-PI Name of Institution Name of Legal Representative of Institution Title of Legal Representative of Institution Position of Legal Representative of Institution Contact Address of Legal Representative of Institution Signature of PI Signature of CoPI Signature of Legal Representative of Institution Seal of Institution STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 Choose from item 2 below ………………….. months …………… EGP ….…….. EGP صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund 2. Implementing Team: 2.1. Team members Please give hereinafter the roles of the different participants in the project. S Name Qualification and experience Position Role in project (Four Lines Max.) Salary (EGP) 1 2 3 4 5 Implementing Team's Previous and Running Projects Please give hereinafter the involvement of the different participants in previously funded or running projects (funded by STDF or any other national or international funding organization) S Participant's Name Project Title Funding Organization Project End Date Budget (EGP) Role In Project 1 2 3 4 5 Signature of PI Signature of CoPI Signature of Legal Representative of PI's Institution Seal of PI's Institution 3. Research Area: The following research areas are eligible: A. New and renewable energy. B. Water resources and desalination. C. Life Sciences (basic sciences, environmental sciences, medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences). D. Food and agriculture. E. Space technology and its applications. F. Information and communication technology. G. Social sciences and humanities. H. Industrial development. I. Urban planning and housing. J. Advanced and new technologies (e.g. Biotechnology and Nanotechnology) related to any of the above mentioned areas. The project's research area is A B C D STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 E F G H I J صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund 4. Eligibility of the Proposal (Half Page Maximum): In this section, clearly state that the following eligibility criteria are met: The applicant must be an Egyptian researcher, working at an Egyptian research institution (university, research center or institute). The applicant must have a Ph. D. degree and at least one published paper that is closely related to the proposed research activities. In projects related to graduate/undergraduate studies, the project's PI should be the supervisor of the graduate/undergraduate student. The proposed research activities must be related to the main areas mentioned above (item 2). The proposed research activities should not be limited to routine day-to-day research activities, but must be presented in the form of a well-planned research project which addresses an important subject, and which has clearly defined objectives and desired outcomes, as well as a detailed methodology. The proposed activity is not funded by any other STDF funding grant, or by any other funding agency. The fund required from STDF must not exceed 100 000 L.E.. Under this funding program, the funds provided by STDF for any project must be spent within a period not exceeding 12 months (regardless of the total duration of the proposed research activities). 5. Context and Relevance to the Call (Half Page Maximum): Considering that the aim of this research-funding program is to support research work in general, and in the areas mentioned above in particular, give an overview of the problem which the project will address, and the scope of work. Also, show in what way the proposed project is innovative and applicationoriented. 6. Abstract of the Project (One Page Maximum): The proposal abstract outlines the proposed research activities. It should be brief, but should encompass all the key points necessary to communicate the objectives of the project. The proposal abstract should include briefing on: A. Definition of the problem, and the objectives targeted by the proposed work. B. The research approach, its innovativeness, as well as the methodology proposed to solve the problem, and to achieve the objectives. C. Justification for conducting the project in view of the local need D. Expected benefits, outcomes and/or impact of the project. E. Justification for the grant request 7. Scientific and Technical Description: Establish the theme for the proposal and state clearly the purpose. Determine the major focus of the proposed project, Include the problem statement which must provide an entrée to the other subsections of the proposal. Give an overview of the project importance through addressing the reason for the grant request. This part of the proposal must be specific and precise in documenting all information. 7.1 Background (Four Pages Maximum): This section of the proposal should include the definition of the specific problem or topic to be addressed by the proposed research work, and should describe the work undertaken by others who have previously addressed the problem. A thorough and recently updated literature review may be done and included in this section rather than doing it at the beginning of the project plan execution. Give a state-of-the-art overview of the scientific topic to be tackled. Elaborately describe the conditions that need to be changed or the knowledge sought to be expanded. Supply statistical documentation of this specific problem (fewer statistics convincingly presented are better than many explained weakly). Document the significance of the problem with Data and include Expert Opinions (including quotes). 7.2 Project Wider Objectives (One Page Maximum): The wider objectives should describe clearly the expected general outcome of the project, although this may not be fully achievable within the project duration. The proposal should not describe the wider objectives using generalized statements. It is better to use more definitive phrases. STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund 7.3 Project Specific Objectives (One Page Maximum): The specific objectives should detail what the project wants to achieve. The specific objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bounded) Thus, they must be carefully planned and presented, taking into account the following points: The specific objectives are the basis for determining the procedural aspects of the project. The specific objectives should be briefly stated [1-2 sentences, each]. The quality of written specific objectives will largely determine the effectiveness of the proposed work plan. The specific objectives must be easily noted, distinctly defined, and not be imbedded in the narrative of the proposal. Prioritized specific objectives indicate good planning by the principal investigator. The specific objectives should be relevant to the project plan and reasonable in number. Including too many specific objectives may convey that the project lacks focus or is unrealistic. The expected results of the project will be measured against the proposed specific objectives. 7.4 Methodology (Eight Pages Maximum): The methodology is the tool to realize the objectives. The methodology section is the core of the proposal. It should describe the project design, work plan (subdivided into tasks and sub-tasks, leading to the accomplishment of the proposed objectives), material of the study, detailed methodologies adopted, and the roles of the research team(s) and how all this will lead to achieving the objectives. It should explain, in a narrative way, the different activities to be conducted during the lifetime of the project, and it must explain the rationale for the program (related to the problem) and explain how the program will work. For proposals that contain statistically relevant samples, this section should also define the sampling method and how the sample size was calculated. In this regard, it is useful to try to answer (for each subtask) the following five questions/elements: What: Describe the objective that is targeted by the subtask, the approach selected in order to address this objective, and the reasons for selecting this particular approach. How: Describe the methods and activities planned in order to accomplish the targeted objectives, and explain how you plan to implement these methods. Present a reasonable scope of activities that can be accomplished within the time allotted for the project activities and within the resources of the project. Which: Define the special/major equipment and tools needed for each activity. Choose them based on the specific needs of each task in order to provide greater assurance of achievement. Who: Assign the research team member(s) responsible for the implementation of each task/activity. Demonstrate the PI's experience in project management. Where: State the location of executing the activity. When: Plan how much time is needed for the activity to be fully accomplished. Develop a sequential procedure for the implementation of the project. An overall time schedule for executing the different project activities should be given in the Gantt chart (see section 8.4). All previously mentioned elements should be presented within the time schedule of the project. This schedule should be aligned with: A. Tasks (activities) and sub-tasks within the GANTT chart B. The allocated time share of involved research team members and research assistants C. The need for specialized equipment. 7.5 Preliminary Data or Relevant Pilot Research Done by the Applicant Research Team/s (Three Pages Maximum): This section should focus on previous relevant research done by the research team in the area of the proposed project. The proposal should use proper citation of the mentioned work [in the form of publications, patents, conference presentations, project final reports, unpublished data, ...etc]. The proposal should also illustrate how this previous work qualifies the research team to manage the currently proposed project. 7.6 Available Laboratory and Experimental Facilities (Three Pages Maximum): This section should describe in detail the available infrastructure/facilities/equipment [special or major equipment] needed for the research plan execution and whether they are under the disposal, within easy accessibility to the research team, provided as a part of an institutional free facility or used through a paid service. A list of adequate facilities confirms the capabilities of the proposing institution’s strength in the intended field of study. The description of facilities should include that of any special equipment or unusual asset that can be made available by the institution, and which might enhance the STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund possibility of the project’s success. Indicating their accessibility, the proposal should give a detailed description of such items (e.g. specialized computers, pertinent library collections, laboratories, space, and unusual services). The information provided under this heading should cover: Description of Laboratory Name of Laboratory Laboratory Supervisor Date of Establishment Area of Laboratory Pictures of Laboratory Plan View of Laboratory Type of activities conducted at the Laboratory Experiments and Measurements using the Laboratory Available Equipment and Tools: S Available Equipment and Tools List Equipment/ Tool Model Use Number Condition 7.7 Required Experimental Facilities and Equipment (Three Pages Maximum): This section should detail the unavailable or needed equipment for effective implementation of the project. Each requested piece of equipment should be described in terms of cost, usage within the research plan, related task or subtask, in addition to alternative scenarios if not purchased. Need of excessive equipment would suggest institutional weakness, leading to a proposal’s poor evaluation. On the other hand, an institution’s willingness to commit equipment and space to a project’s use could only serve to heighten the proposal’s chance for funding. During the course of the project, if it is necessary at times to use another organization’s facilities or equipment, the proposal must document their availability to the project. The choice of a project site which is not home based would require substantial explanation as to its attributes and appropriateness. Required Equipment List S Name of equipment Price/Fee (L.E.) Justification for its purchase Related Activity 1 2 3 7.8 Required Scientific Events (One Page Maximum): This section should detail the planned Scientific Events, which will help in the effective implementation of the project. Each requested event should be described in terms of cost, expected outcomes within the research plan, and related task or subtask. Required Scientific Events List S Description of Scientific Event Justification for the Event Cost (L.E.) Related Activity 1 2 3 7.9 Expected Outcomes (One Page Maximum): This section should describe the project's expected outcomes in a rather concrete form. The outcomes should be stated in a short bullet form rather than in long narrative paragraphs. The expected outcomes should be definitive and measurable rather than generalized and unquantifiable. Failure to do so would imply that the project is inadequately cost-effective. The expected outcomes may include, but are not STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund limited to, publications, patents, theses, capacity building [training junior staff], prototype or product development/testing, technology adaptation through reverse engineering, ....etc. 7.10 Dissemination and Exploitation of Results (One Page Maximum): Describe the dissemination and exploitation of results strategy and give long term visions for the outcomes. Present your strategies for results valorization, including all/any of the following: Prospects of commercialization of expected results The valorization of results Impact on the scientific, technical, industrial, economic, or other domains Other benefits (standardization, government information, ...etc.) Targets and nature of techno-economic impact expected The possible impact on employment, the creation of new activities, ... etc. Methods of protection and exploitation of results Scientific communication Communication to the wider public 7.11 Sustainability (One Page Maximum): Explain how sustainability will be secured after completion of the project. This may include necessary follow-up activities, built-in strategies, ownership, … etc., if any. In so doing, please make a distinction between the following 3 dimensions of sustainability: Financial sustainability (financing of follow-up activities, sources of revenue for covering all future operating and maintenance costs, etc.) Institutional level (which structures would allow, and how, the results of the project to be implemented after the end of the project? Address issues about the local "ownership" of project outcomes) Policy level (where applicable): What structural impact will the project have - e.g. will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods, etc.? 8. Project Management: 8.1 Project Management Structure and Scientific Program (One Page Maximum): Define the project's organizational aspects and coordination plan. Introduce the scientific program, and justify its breakdown into tasks or Work Packages consistent with the objectives pursued. Use a diagram to show the links between different tasks (work breakdown structure). The tasks represent the major phases of the project, thus they are limited in number. Highlight the activities and actions related to the dissemination and valorization. Explain how the outcomes of the project will result in achieving the objectives of the project. The outcomes or achievements of each objective of the project must be explained. Specify the indicators and work conditions and implementation risks for each result or achievement. Provide a structure for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of each objective. Explain how the accepted project will be managed at the institutional level [what administrative departments/resources are available for this purpose] and how the project's PI will manage and orchestrate the various roles of the research team members during the research plan implementation. 8.2 Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) The Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) is an analytical, presentational and management tool, which helps in developing a high quality project design. LFM consists of four logically-connected columns and four rows, which summarize the key features of the project. The columns, on the left hand side, illustrate the hierarchy of the objectives of the project. Use the LFM to highlight the objectives, the outcomes (achievements) related to these objectives, and the time and resources needed for implementation (human, materials, equipment etc.). The rows are concerned with the different levels of objectives. For each given level, a row describes the following: Indicators: State the indicators that will be used to measure the achievements of the objectives/outputs Means of verification: Indicate how the information on those indicators are to be collected and verified Risks and assumptions: Give information about the external factors that might hinder the achievement of project objectives on time. Use the LFM template, available at "LFM Template" on the STDF website (, to develop an LFM for the project. This template will guide the filling of the LFM. The developed LFM must be uploaded together with the project proposal (as an Appendix). STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) PERFORMANCE INDICATORS MEANS OF VERIFICATION Goal (Overall Objective) What is the main purpose of the project? What are the key indicators that will be used to measure the achievement of the overall objective? Specific Project Objectives What are the medium term objectives (sub objectives) that will lead to the achievement of the main goal? What are the key indicators that will be used to measure the achievement of expected results? Outputs (Results) What are the expected results? What are the key indicators that will be used to measure the achievement of expected results? How to verify the research findings? What are the sources of information on these indicators? e.g. Bench marking, Publications in international journals/ conferences, monitoring of predetermined indicators How to verify the research findings? What are the sources of information on these indicators? e.g. Bench marking, Publications in international journals/ conferences, monitoring of predetermined indicators How to verify the research findings? What are the sources of information on these indicators? e.g. Bench marking, Publications in international journals/ conferences, monitoring of predetermined indicators Activities What are the main activities in their order of implementation to reach the expected results? Means What are the means required to implement these activities (e.g. Personnel; facilities and equipment; training; supplies; etc). ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION How to verify that the planned activities are being implemented (e.g. expenditure) RISKS AND ASSUMPTIONS What are the conditions necessary to reach the determined objectives? What are the conditions necessary to reach the results in alignment with the tie schedule? What are the preconditions necessary before the start of the project (e.g. equipment, personnel, etc)? What are the conditions outside your control that could delay the implementation of the project activities (delay in equipment, materials delivery, etc)? 8.3 Description of Tasks (Maximum Half Page Per Task): For every task, define: Objectives of the task and possible indicators of success The research team member(s) to whom the task is assigned, and the role of each member in conducting the task The sub-tasks/activities within the task Description of methods and technical options Detailed work plan per activity Deliverables and time table STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund Risks of the task and the fallbacks considered 8.4 Tasks Schedule (Gantt Chart) Gantt Chart The GANTT Chart is a graphical representation of a project’s schedule which illustrates the work breakdown structure. It is an effective tool for planning, scheduling, coordinating, and tracking all tasks within the project. To develop the GANTT chart, start by specifying the main tasks/ activities making up the project. Then break down each main task/ activity to its sub tasks/ sub activities. The amount of time required for each task/activity and sub tasks/ sub activities is represented as a horizontal bar on the chart. Those horizontal bars of varying lengths represent the sequences, timing, and time span for each task/ sub task. Use STDF template, available at "GANTT chart" on the STDF website (, to develop a GANTT chart for the project. This template will guide the filling of the GANTT chart. The developed GANTT chart must be uploaded together with the project proposal (as an Appendix). 8.5 Deliverables and Milestones (One Page Maximum): Present a summary table of all project deliverables (work-package number, date, title, responsibility). Deliverables List S 1 2 3 Deliverable Activity Date Responsibility 8.6 Assumptions, Risks and Contingency Planning (Half Page Maximum): Describe the main preconditions and assumptions during and after the implementation phase. Provide a detailed risk analysis and eventual contingency plan. This should include at minimum a list of risks associated to each action proposed, accompanied by relevant mitigation measures. A good risk analysis would include a range of risk types including physical, environmental, political, economic and social risks. 8.7 Quality Control (Half Page Maximum): Define the strategy and the work methodology for quality control and monitoring including activities, as well as internal and external audits. 9. Relevance of Team Member's Qualifications (Four Pages Maximum): Describe the relevance of the team members' qualifications, their relevance and complementarities to the project, taking the following points in consideration: Provide evidence that the research team is qualified to fulfill the objectives of the project. STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund Describe briefly each team member's qualifications, providing the information needed to assess his/her capability of contributing to the project's success (past accomplishments, publications, patents, … etc.). Show complementarities and added value of cooperation between the different team members. The interdisciplinary collaboration will be justified in accordance with the guidelines of the project. 10. Budget: The budget section should include detailed information regarding the allocation of funds to the different items needed to accomplish the project's objectives (i.e. a budget breakdown). The budget should contain an explanation or calculation showing how the total project budget for each budget line is calculated. The budget breakdown should be followed by the budget justification section. Usually, full funding is requested from STDF. However, co financing with other sources is allowed. It is absolutely mandatory to use the STDF budget format. Using other forms will cause considerable delay in the proposal processing. It is advisable not to overestimate or underestimate budget items. Itemize and account for all costs and justify budget items. A properly formulated budget will increase the chances of positive reviewing and a constructive negotiation session, if the project is accepted. 10.1 Budget Breakdown: The general budget breakdown should include the following subdivisions/items: A] Salaries: This budget section states the salaries to be paid to the manual laborers and technicians involved in the project. For each person, the number of working months should be indicated, and should be multiplied by his/her monthly salary, giving the total salary for the entire project duration. The salaries of nontechnical staff (secretaries, administrative staff, accountants, … etc.) will be paid by the PI's institution.This item may also include fees paid for consultation, which must be well justified in the project proposal. B] Equipment: This budget section should include the required laboratory equipment to be purchased through the STDF requested grant. Each piece of equipment should be separately mentioned as a budget line under the category of equipment. The equipment are owned by STDF during the course of the project; however, ownership of the equipment may be transferred to the research institution after the end of the project, upon approval by STDF. Alternatively, STDF may claim the equipment and transfer it to another institute, if deemed necessary. Rental, lease, or purchase of equipment can be covered. Under this STDF funding program, office equipment, air conditioners, refrigerators, desks, copy machines, computers, and any other non-laboratory equipment or furniture cannot be purchased or rented using funds provided by STDF. Such items are considered to be part of the infrastructure that should be provided by the PI's institution. C] Supplies: This budget category should include all lab, office, field or factory consumable materials, such as: stationery, chemicals, laboratory glassware, diagnostic kits, fertilizers, pesticides … etc.. It should include itemized details to correlate with the following section on budget justification and thus aiding in proper reviewing of the proposal budget. D] Travel: This budget section includes local travel and accommodation, in accordance with governmental and institutional rules and regulations. The travel costs should clearly indicate the number of trips, who is traveling and the approximate cost for each trip. E] Other Costs: This budget section includes publication or report preparation costs, , banking fees, computation analysis services, miscellaneous,...etc. STDF will not pay costs claimed by the contracted institution as a compensation for costs that cannot be quantified, including general institutional administrative and accounting costs, operation and maintenance of buildings and equipment, depreciation, ....etc. 10.2 Budget Justification: This section should include narrative justification for the requested budget items. While writing the budget justification section, the following points should be taken into consideration: The salaries budget should correlate with the proposed work plan. STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund Justification for each requested piece of equipment should be mentioned in terms of cost usage within the research plan, and in which task or subtask. Justification for the detailed and itemized supplies is needed according to the suggested work plan. 10.3 Budget Form This format must be completed and uploaded on the STDF website ( with the project proposal (as an Appendix). Eligible costs Break downs PI (if applicable) (A) Salaries (Salary per month) multiplied by number of months. Please indicate the % of time spent on the project. In addition to salaries paid to manual laborers and technicians, salaries may be paid to researchers in projects involving only pure mental innovation by the researchers, such as developing software, writing/translating textbooks, or similar activities. Staff (if applicable) Technicians and/or. Laborers Consultants (including air tickets + per Diem + consultation fees) Total Salaries Equipment (B) Equipment) Tools Total Equipment Stationary (C) Expendable Supplies & Materials Miscellaneous Laboratory, Field supplies, Materials Total expendable Supplies & Materials Transportation (D) Domestic Travel (according to governmental rules) Accommodation Total travel Services (E) Other Direct Costs Manufacture of specimens, equipment and prototypes Purchase or acquiring access to specialized reference sources databases or computer software Fees for use of facilities in other national research institutions Expenses related to patent registration or IP management. Computer services/time Report preparation Training Publications Costs Telephone and Postage Workshops organization Others Total other direct costs (F) Total direct cost Sum of (A ) through ( E ) above STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 STDF support (L.E.) Total project Costs (L.E.) صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund 11. List of References Include a bibliographic list of the references cited in the proposal, covering the latest relevant publications for the field of the proposal. Each listed reference should include the name of the author, the article title, publication name (journal name or book title), volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. 12. Biographies: For each research team member, a biography of 3 pages (maximum) should be provided. Indicate if any of the participants is currently involved in other similar projects. (Please follow the CV format hereafter) Surname (Family name) First/Other names Title ☐ Prof. ☐ Dr. ☐ Mr. ☐Mrs. ☐ Miss ☐ Other Please specify ☐ Female Gender ☐ Ms. ☐ Male Address Post Code: Telephone Numbers Evening Mobile Date of birth Email Day Mo Year Place of birth Education School/College/University/Other Degree obtained Dates (from-to) Training Training attended/Technical skills acquired Place STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 Dates (from-to) صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund Employment History Position Dates (from – to) Level of member ship Dates (from – to) Employer Membership of Professional Associations Professional body Fields of Interest Publications and Patents (please list only; do not attach copies) Presentations Grants / Awards Additional Information STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund 12. Appendices Documentation additional to that in the proposal text should be attached in appendices. The proposal should present a list of appendix items in the proposal’s table of contents. Items incorporated into various appendices should be referred to in the text and might include: background charts, tables, graphs and line drawings; resumes of personnel preprints of publications prepared by project personnel and pertaining to the proposed project; letters from consultants or collaborative agencies expressing willingness to participate in the project; letters of endorsement from organizations or individuals familiar with the problem to be studied or with previous work of the project staff; and any other information corroborating staff competence. The following Appendices are required, and are considered to be an essential part of the Project Proposal: Appendix 1: budget format. Appendix 2: Logical framework matrix (LFM). Appendix 3: GANTT chart. Appendix 4: An endorsement letter by the head of the PI's institution(Scan & Upload). Appendix 5: Declaration of compliance with STDF's general rules The following declaration must be read carefully, and signed by the PI, the Co-PI and the legal representative of the PI's institution: Declaration by Management We, the undersigned declare that: The proposed work, in its current form or a slightly modified form, has not been previously submitted to or funded by STDF or any other national or international funding organization. The information given in this Project Proposal is, to the best of our knowledge, correct and accurate. The Project Proposal has been approved by the concerned managing authority of the institution implementing this project. This proposed work will not be submitted to any other funding organization unless this application is rejected by STDF. The institution shall provide all necessary facilities and help to the implementation team in order to fulfill all their duties promised in this proposal. We accept handing the application and its content, partly or fully, to experts or organizations chosen by STDF for the purpose of evaluation or review. The salaries in this proposal are provided to compensate for the additional efforts of the project's team in implementing the work. All budget items adhere to STDF's funding conditions and are necessary for implementing the work. All outcomes from the project (e.g. intellectual property or patents etc.) will be dealt with according to the rules of STDF and the Egyptian Law. Signature of PI Signature of CoPI Signature of Legal Representative of PI's Institution Seal of PI's Institution Appendix 6: STDF's Code of Ethics (To be downloaded from STDF's website,, and signed by the PI & Co-PI). Other Appendices (any other documents). All submitted documents must be signed and stamped by the leading partner institution STDF Research Support Grant - 2012 صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية Science & Technology Development Fund STDF Research Support Grant - 2012