There are 4 Breakout Sessions. Please mark your top 2 choices in

There are 4 Breakout Sessions. Please mark your top 2 choices in each section. You will be assigned your four
sessions based on these preferences. You will receive your assigned sessions in your packet on the day of the
Teacher Academy. Save this document and send it back to Christine Lee, Please
send you preferred breakout sessions no later than Monday, November 4, 2013. Thanks!
Breakout 1
Goal Setting, Instructional Design
& Student Achievement
Presenter: Teresa Taylor-Ware,
Cleveland Hts.-University Hts., 1st
Are your classroom goals SMART? In this session you’ll
find out how to create these types of goals and how to
align them to the Common Core State Standards.
Additionally, you’ll explore Formative Assessment
strategies for modifying instruction and hear about
interesting procedures for involving students in data
collection and goal monitoring.
Other grade experience: 2,3,4,5
Exploring Addition Using Literacy
Presenter: Emily Laengle
Maple Hts., 2nd grade
Other grade experience: 4
The Daily 5 & CAFÉ Skills-Fostering
Literacy Independence
Presenters: Angie Avalon, Bedford,
Instructional Data Coach & Amren
Fowler, Berea, 2nd grade
Mark 2 choices
A, B, C + 1, 2, 3 = Critical Thinking! Come and learn
different ways to teach addition strategies and number
sense using literacy & hands-on exploration. We’ll read
books that teach a variety of math practices and you’ll
experiment with “posing a question” after reading a
story. We’ll discuss how this gets students to solve
problems using a variety of strategies.
5 a day makes for a healthy reading diet! The Daily 5 is a
structure that helps students develop daily habits of
reading, writing, and working with peers that leads to a
lifetime of independent literacy. You will learn about
the program, see how it can be implemented in your
classroom, and be shown data from a class using the
Daily 5.
Other grade experience: 1,2,3
*This session is being presented twice.
Incorporating Technology into
Presenter: Emily Miller, Fairview, 1st
To infinity and beyond! Take your students’ writing to
another level using technology. In this session you’ll
discover how to incorporate technology into students’
writing using ipads, computers & online resources. As
an example, we will explore “how-to” writing and ways
it can be published with the use of technology.
*to attend this session you must bring your own device;
smart phone, tablet, laptop, etc.
Breakout 2
PBS Learning Media
Presenter: Laurie Switzer, WVIZ/PBS
Ideastream, PreK-16 Outreach &
Special Projects Coordinator
PBS LearningMedia is the go-to internet destination for
instant access to over 30,000 classroom-ready digital
resources including videos, games, audio clips, photos,
lesson plans and more. The content is tied to Common
Mark 2 choices
Other experience: K-12 media
specialist, ELA teacher, adult basic
education, GED, ESL
Core Standards, subjects, and grade levels. This session
will provide an overview, an opportunity to register, and
a chance to explore the resource.
*to attend this session you must bring your own device;
smart phone, tablet, laptop, etc.
Assessment for Learning with the
Common Core
Presenter: Kristy Krajniak, Berea, 1st
Other grade experience: 2,3,5,
special education in elementary &
middle school
The Daily 5 & CAFÉ Skills-Fostering
Literacy Independence
Presenters: Angie Avalon, Bedford,
Instructional Data Coach & Amren
Fowler, Berea, 2nd grade
Bullseye! Hit the mark with these strategies for
incorporating the Common Core State Standards into
assessment for learning targets. You will see how “I can”
statements created from the CCSS can guide teaching
and learning in daily lessons, child conferences & with
hands-on learning stations. You will have an opportunity
to experience different learning target stations.
5 a day makes for a healthy reading diet! The Daily 5 is a
structure that helps students develop daily habits of
reading, writing, and working with peers that leads to a
lifetime of independent literacy. You will learn about
the program, see how it can be implemented in your
classroom, and be shown data from a class using the
Daily 5.
Other grade experience: 1,2,3
*This session is being presented twice.
Every Minute Counts
Presenter: Brad Wolters, Bedford,
1st grade
There are many moments in the school day when you
finish a lesson early and do not have time to begin
something new. What do you do? TEACH!! This session
will focus on strategies to make “every minute count.”
You will learn many quick reading & math activities you
can use as “fillers” that support the Common Core State
Breakout 3
Inspiring Young Students through
Standards-Based Activities &
Presenter: Annie Good, Parma,
How do you connect the dots? Come and explore how
to motivate students to learn in a creative way by
integrating subjects & creating and presenting projects.
We will focus on first and second grade standards as
you learn about different approaches to integrating
reading, writing, speaking, science, and technology in
student projects and presentations.
Other grade experience:
Classroom Routines & Cinderella
Presenter: Susan Peake, Maple Hts.,
2nd grade
Other grade experience:
Once upon a time in a classroom not so far away lived
an amazing teacher! Want to hear more? Come and
learn ways to implement Reading, Speaking & Listening,
and Language Common Core State Standards in your
classroom routines and lessons. Activities using poetry
and Cinderella stories will be modeled and experienced.
Mark 2 choices
Daily Dose of Games with Math
Presenter: Jackie Nelson, Lakewood,
1st grade
Other grade experience: 2,4,Title 1
reading intervention
On your mark, get set, go! You will be shown ways to
easily incorporate games into your math lessons. We
will explore why time spent on games is time well spent
and how it can be done with little extra effort.
Resources, including a pack of printable games, will be
Using Small Groups for Purposeful
Math Instruction,
Kay Sterpka, Brooklyn, 2nd grade
Divide and conquer! By using formative assessments to
create small flexible groupings during math lessons you
can provide targeted, differentiated instruction for all
students. Come and take part in a sample lesson using
small group instruction where a focus on differentiated
instruction and classroom management strategies will
be explored.
Breakout 4
Measurement, Reading & Fun!
Presenter: Lauren Scotta, Fairview,
2nd grade
Inch by inch, learning is a cinch! You will find out ways
to incorporate measurement with reading and science
while making it fun and interactive for students. You will
have an opportunity to try out a few activities and
reflect on how you would implement them in your
Researching with Informational
Texts for Young Readers
Sue Grodek, Brooklyn, 1st grade
Using informational texts that struggling readers can
read, comprehend, and use can be difficult. With the
right resources, teachers can plan a unit that is
motivating for students. You will compare informational
texts on the same subject, explore the steps involved in
creating a unit and learn how your students can create
and publish their research.
Other grade experience:
K,2,Title 1 reading intervention
Problem-Based Learning, STEM &
the Common Core
Presenter: Cindy Giulivo, Parma,
Kindergarten STEM
Other grade experience:
1,5,6,district science coach
Mission Possible! During this session you’ll be
participating in a design challenge aligned to Common
Core State Standards. You’ll learn what the seven
essentials are of project learning and what is involved in
a design brief. We’ll discuss how a STEM project-based
learning classroom compares to a traditional classroom.
Using Word Study in the Classroom You can develop wordsmith masters! Come and find out
Presenter: Erin Hennessey,
how to use word study as a means of instruction that
Lakewood, 2nd grade
builds upon the “Words their Way” theory. We’ll also
explore how spelling skills happen in developmental
stages and as teachers we can help students learn
Other grade experience: Title 1
spelling patterns to become stronger spellers and
reading intervention
writers. You’ll learn some tips and play some fun word
games that you can use in your classroom.
Mark 2 choices