First Baptist Church of Anacortes 2717 “J” Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221 August 2010 Phone: 360-293-5300 Fax: 360-293-8434 Email: Regular Sunday Schedule \ 9:00 Service 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. Children & Adult Sunday Classes 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Fellowship 10:45 Service NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS If you would like something included in our monthly newsletter, please submit items on or before the published deadline of each month. Thank you. Fran Bohall FBC Staff Eric Malamma Senior Pastor Kevin Olivarez Associate Pastor Dick Ottoson Ministry to Seniors Fran Bohall Admin. Assistant Our new Associate Pastor, Kevin Olivarez, and his family have recently joined us at FBC Anacortes. Here’s a little background information to help you get to know them better. Kevin and his wife Kate both grew up in the great state of Texas. Kevin comes from a town called Mission, affectionately known as “Northern Mexico” and Kate is from San Antonio. Both graduated from Texas A&M University, both majoring in Ag Economics, which prepared them for their future professions of ministry and counseling. Well, not really! They moved to Colorado Springs soon after their marriage in 2001. Kevin was in sales for a couple of years after college, until making a leap of faith to become a part-time assistant youth pastor at his local church. He was in youth ministry for 13 years, most recently as Youth Pastor at a non-denominational church in Colorado Springs. In September, he will finish work on his Masters in Theology from Fuller Seminary. He loves to run, bike, hike, read, and listen to all kinds of music. Kate worked in banking and accounting for several years after college, but felt God’s call to pursue a degree in counseling several years ago. Two children later, Kate finished her master’s in counseling in the Spring of 2009. Today she is a stay at home mom, waiting to see where God will have her use her counseling skills. Kate likes running, biking, reading, cooking, and coffee dates. The Olivarez kids keep Kevin and Kate busy and entertained. Claire, 4, is a sweet, sometimes-shy, non-girly girl. Forget the dolls, she enjoys playing with cars, horses, and stuffed animals. She loves preschool and can’t wait for it to start in the fall. Daniel, 2, is a fun loving little guy whose greatest joy is bugging his big sister. He also enjoys playing with cars, trucks, animals, and anything that makes noise. If you haven’t met Kevin and Kate yet, don’t forget to introduce yourself so they can get to know YOU too! They are thrilled to be a part of God’s work here at FBC. Summer is here and it is time for vacation. By the time you read this, Monique, Rebecca and I will be in California, helping Rachael and our soon to be son-inlaw, Todd get ready for their new lives together. This includes cleaning and painting their new apartment as well as getting ready for their wedding. 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Children’s Church Adult Sunday Classes (Both Services are held in the Sanctuary) Watch for details on a fun children’s event happening on September 11! Just a Reminder The next NEWSLETTER DEADLINE is Noon on Friday, August27 Newsletters will be in mailboxes by Sunday, September 5. I believe that this time of year is an important time in the life of our church. It is one of those times when we have the opportunity to take a collective breath, slow down and spend more time with friends and family. It is also an in-between time. It is after the events of spring and before the upcoming events of the fall. Spring events included a full and exciting Vacation Bible School and the arrival of Kevin, Kate, Claire and Daniel. Looking forward to the fall, we can anticipate more extensive children and youth ministries and our small group kick-off. This time of year is important for another reason. It is when we begin planning. Plans are being made for a back-to-school event for children, and we are planning to kick off our small group ministries with a study called Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith. Five Things God Uses to Grow Your Faith is a little different than what we have done the last two years, but I believe it will be an exciting study. So, during the next few weeks as you slow down and take some time with friends and family, please do something else – take a little extra time with your Heavenly Father. Spend some time growing and renewing your relationship with Him. Pray for the leadership of your church. Pray that we will experience the presence and direction of God in our lives. Pray that He will direct you to where you might serve Him. There will be many opportunities to serve, whether it is with our children and youth or as a small group leader. Finally, please pray for me that I can stay dry-eyed through Rachael’s wedding. The Weekly Bulletin Deadline is Wednesday, 4 p.m. Pastor Eric Care o Please hold r the following n persons in your e prayers. r At Home: Earl Cooley, Kamiyo Culbertson, Carol Kyle, Lorraine Love, Betty Morgan, John Munday, Glenda Norton, Darla Simpson, Dave Tweten At a Care Facility: Yvonne Cote , Floyd & Bea Eaton, Ray Jones, Carol Laws, Gladys Nicol, Ora Vernon Shut – Ins: Lona Manning, Betsy Stenger, Don & Donna Sehlin, Elwin Vernon We Would Like to Visit & Pray for You If you (or someone you know in the church family) are admitted to a hospital or care center, please notify the church office at 293-5300. With new regulations, it is increasingly difficult to find people in these facilities, so we need your help! Dave Stalsbroten Joins AMOS First Baptist Family!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, for making us feel so welcome!! Kate, Claire, Daniel and I have felt so loved by y’all! The greetings, the food basket, and the grace when we don’t remember names is an incredible blessing. We are so excited to be here in Anacortes and to minister alongside you to advance the Kingdom of God. In the short time that we have been here, we are encouraged by the conversations we’ve had with many of you about your readiness to go where God is calling us as a church. John 10:10 is one of my favorite passages in the scriptures, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” In the first part of this verse Jesus reminds us that there is an enemy whose desire is to destroy us. A friend of mine once said that the verse might read: The thief comes to steal our perspective, to kill our hopes and to destroy our purpose. It’s really easy to get distracted by all the things that compete for our time: work, sports, vacation, TV shows, that guy or that girl, sickness, too much money, not enough money, power, and the list goes on and on. Thank God the verse doesn’t end there; Jesus came that we may have a full life in him! I believe that full life is joining God in the redeeming work that he is already doing here on earth. A little later in the book of John Jesus was comforting his friends’ doubts and fears when he said this to them, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.” (John 14:12) That is an incredible promise; did you catch that, we will do GREATER works than Jesus! That’s what I call a full life! Friends, this is an exciting time to be part of FBC and the family of God. God has a heart for the poor and the needy, the prisoner and the oppressed, the widow and the orphan, the sick and the lame, and for everyone else in and around Anacortes. Will you join me in praying for God’s divine appointments and opportunities to help others experience this fullness of life? Bless you friends; it’s an honor and a privilege to be one of your pastors. Last June, Dave told about his last 3 years of full-time vocational ministry in Seattle. It was satisfying to hear how God has so clearly provided the right people to continue what started there. Dave also told about his call to Nicaragua. He writes, “The incarnation is messy. It is painful. And it may be the most meaningful way we can engage the world. For me, the past three years of youth ministry at Rainier Beach have been a crash course on what the incarnation is all about. If I were to attempt a summary, it would be: draw close to people, listen humbly, discover needs, and try to offer a creative response that honors everyone involved. Through long months of listening to young people at Rainier Beach High School, I found something simple – that youth need adults in their lives who love and care about them. Not just one youth worker, not just one outreach day, but a sustained presence from a group of adults who love Jesus. Accordingly, I set out to create a place where adults and youth could develop strong relationships through shared experiences in the hope of creating opportunities to share the Gospel. That place became RHF CrossFit, a gym with the mission of cultivating “Christ-centered mentorship through fitness.” God used the process of starting the gym to reveal much about my own heart and character. I realized that I love initiating things; I enjoy asking big questions about pervasive problems and trying to find creative solutions that are meaningful and lasting. And I love working with motivated people who are hopeful for change. In essence, this is what the next chapter in Nicaragua represents. As I faced a transitional moment in my own life with many students graduating, I was offered a position as a delegations coordinator with AMOS. I will be planning and coordinating short-term mission trips for groups from the US, while also engaging these teams in conversations about the heartbeat of God. It’s as though everything up to this point has led to this. It is my dream that our work as the family of God will be thoughtful, sustainable, reproducible, and honoring toward everyone involved. Hopefully, the work in Rainier Valley has approached this goal, and hopefully our work in Nicaragua will continue it. Worry?!? Worry never climbed a hill, Worry never paid a bill, Worry never dried a tear, Worry never calmed a fear, Worry never darned a heel Worry never cooked a meal, It never led a horse to water, Nor ever did a thing it “oughter.” -Anonymous It shouldn't be surprising that God does amazing things, yet we are so often surprised. This is one of those times. Our own Dave Stalsbroten will be joining missionaries we help support in Nicaragua in the AMOS ministry (which we also help support). AMOS (A Ministry Of Sharing) is a public health ministry developed by Christian doctors in one of the poorest areas in the Americas. It seeks to find and develop local community health promoters who are able to run a small clinic stocked with essential medications, as well as implement health projects in their communities such as the construction of wells, latrines, family vegetable gardens, and health education campaigns. Several teams from here have visited Nicaragua to help AMOS expand to new villages. I feel incredibly blessed to have grown up in a church family that sought to “be the living presence of Christ in the community.” Now, almost a decade later, I have the opportunity to see what this looks like overseas. I’d love it if you could join me, either in person or in spirit, as we dream about what it looks like for the Kingdom of God to take root here on earth.” One Hour of Prayer There are many dear souls praying regularly, caring for the needs that touch this congregation. Perhaps you need someone to pray for you or someone you care about. Please place your prayer requests in the offering plate. Your requests will be prayed for at the Wednesday night Hour of Prayer meeting, or you may access the prayer chain by calling the church office. Anacortes Christian Women’s Club… All women are invited to a lunch at the home of Lee Bermingham, at noon on Thursday, August 12. Suggested donation is $8. Reservations are required. Call Lorraine at 293-9325 or Anita at 293-7957 to make your reservation and obtain Lee’s address. Come enjoy a special feature and inspirational speaker, Linda Wozniak of Olympia. Here’s your answer for Just for KIDS: “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35, NIV Meets on Tuesday at 7 PM Page 2 August 2010 Page 7 August 2010 HOW ABOUT THOSE GRANDKIDS? Dick Ottoson, Ministry to Seniors When I was a lad, my dad wanted me to become a doctor. My mother hoped I would serve God as a missionary. In my teen years I was interested in Architectural Engineering. My college degree was a B.S. in Microbiology/Public Health. This circuitous path ultimately took me into pastoral ministry. Beverage Gift Certificates for FBC’s Bistro Bar Looking for a fun birthday or thank you gift for someone special? Search no further…our Holy Grounds Bistro Bar now has gift certificates for sale at the Bistro counter! Beverages offered range from specialty java creations (e.g., lattes, cappuccinos) to delicious hot and cold chocolate drinks (e.g., steaming hot chocolates). Gift certificates are sold in $10 and $20 denominations and make a great gift for all ages. PNB American Baptist Girls On August 20-22 there will be a regional gathering of American Baptist Girls at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Seattle. 3rd If you are a girl who will be in through 12th grade this fall, you are invited to attend. The cost is $30 and there are scholarship funds available if needed. If you are interested in going, see Betsy Mosley to pre-register. If you have any questions, call Betsy at 293-9328. Like my dad and mom, we all have dreams for our children. But rare is the home where the offspring walk step-by-step in the direction the parents had designed or hoped. Nevertheless, while our kids may make their own decisions, in most cases we as parents play a critical role in shaping their character and values. When it comes to grandkids, that’s another story; of the eight grandchildren Nita and I claim, one lives nearby, in Seattle; two live in Maryland and five in Austria. We have only occasional and minimal input into the shaping of their lives. It is up to their parents to do the major rearing of those children. Yet I recall hearing years ago the proposition that THE CRITICAL TEST OF EFFECTIVE PARENTING LIES NOT IN THE OUTCOME OF OUR CHILDREN, BUT RATHER IN THE EVALUATION OF OUR GRANDCHILDREN. What kind of adults have they become? In our case, this story is far from complete. Our grandchildren now range in age from six months to fourteen years. However, as this article goes to press, we are in the midst of hosting Christina Ottoson, age 14, our oldest grandchild. From her home in Salzburg, Austria, she has flown here on her own, at our invitation. Every indication is that she is sweet, intelligent, gifted, disciplined, an excellent role-model to her younger siblings. But even if you may think these evaluations are somewhat embellished by a proud old grandfather, she is still just one of eight. What about the other seven? Who knows? Time will tell! As believing Christians, parents and grandparents, we do have a biblical mandate. Here is one of multiple passages dealing with our calling as parents: He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so that the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but keep his commands. Psalm 78:5-7 (NIV) Continued on page 5 Page 4 August 2010 -Continued from page 4 One of my Maryland grandsons, Drew Garbrick, age 11, has hands just like mine. They are big and boney, the third finger is far longer than the index finger, and there is the same peculiar bend at the last knuckle of the second finger on each hand. “Drew, you poor kid! You have hands just like mine! But they’re strong hands and they have served me well. They may not look great, but they really work!” More fundamental, however, is not the shape of Drew’s hands, but the shape of his character. This is what matters most. My prayer is that Christina and Drew and all of the other grandkids will embrace the Christian truths and lifestyle that I hold dear. TO A MARKED DEGREE, THIS IS THE ACID TEST OF MY PARENTING. For now, I am praying and watching, with occasional input into the formation of their lives. PrimeTimer Travel Event Monday, August 16, the PrimeTimers are going to Lynden’s Northwest Washington Fair. The FBC bus leaves for Lynden at 9:30 a.m. Please bring $8 for the bus and driver cost. Also, you will need to bring money for admission, lunch and other goodies. You are welcome to join us for a fun-filled day; just sign up on the Lynden Fair sheet on the table in the foyer. If you have questions, contact Dick Ottoson at 5881505 or Jan Anderson at 873-8293. Plants Free for the Asking! FREE FOR THE ASKING ─ Call Mary Bajema 299-0462 Orange Day Lilies Lycin Tall creeping lavender asters White Campanula Tall Knickinick Ajuga Strawberry plants Anise Shasta and Marguente daisies Jupiter Beard, pink Jacobs Ladder Sedums Columbine Lilac starts, lavender Lily of the Valley Raspberry plants: order and will dig in the fall Tall Lavender Phlox,: order and I will dig in the fall when it goes dormant “A” for August “A” for “A Lot of Tuna” You’ll find our Salvation Army Food Bank Basket ready to collect your items in the Foyer! Conversational Dinners Resume in September! We hear a lot of good testimonies from many of us who have been blessed by being part of a conversational dinner, either as a host or as a guest. Conversational dinners have provided us with an opportunity to share how we came to know the Lord and encourage one another by sharing how the Lord is working in our lives. If you want to experience this kind of joy, please be a part of FBC’s Conversational Dinners. Schedules will be flexible – could be done at either lunch or dinner, wherever and whenever the group decides to do it. Signup sheet is in the foyer last Sunday to sign up is August 8! NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? WE HAVE WHEELS! Call group coordinator There may be other stuff in my yard that, if you like, I may be able to give you a start. Page 5 Nancy Stannert, 293-2968. August 2010 “Connecting Women with God and with Each Other” We hope that you are enjoying the summer and have many fond memories. It's hard to believe that there is only a month before summer is over and school will be starting. It's time to begin thinking about the fall and fall activities, so the Women's Ministries leadership is planning for our fall Bible studies and special events. One special event coming up is the “Women of Faith - Imagine” conference being held in Seattle at the Key Arena on October 29-30. The cost is $89, and that includes your lunch for both days. Some of the highlighted presenters are Michelle Aguilar, Lisa Harper, Karen James, Luci Swindoll, and Sheila Walsh. You can get full details at the Women of Faith website: If you are interested in attending, Mount Vernon First Baptist Church has a pack of 50 tickets, and they would love to connect with women from other churches for this event. You may contact Wendy Duranceau at Mount Vernon First Baptist church office (360-336-9725) or e-mail at The deadline for payment is August 7, but she may be able to give few extra days. If you are looking for something new this fall, why not consider becoming involved in Women's Ministries. There are varieties of ways to be involved: attend a Bible study help with various special events help organize social events just to connect with and get to know other women help in the Wednesday morning children's program help the Bible study facilitators or be a co-facilitator help with service projects help with the newsletter and/or event publicity The answer can be found on page 7 Perhaps you have been involved with Women's Ministries in the past or see needs that currently are not being met; why not share your ideas and concerns. We are always open to new ideas and welcome new women into the ministry. If you would like to participate or just want more information, contact Simone Caracciolo at 293-8927, Alba Stevens at 708-8121 or Mary Bajema at 299-0462. My Turn in the Nursery Last Sunday was my turn in the nursery to work. My heart wasn’t in it; my feelings were hurt. A child from its mother did not want to part And it cried a lot with its broken heart. I prayed that soon the hour would end Then I could relax – no more children to tend. Soon the hour was over; it felt so good to be free I said, “Once a month is too much for me!” That very Sunday as I sat in the pew A very good sermon, but visitors were few. But down came a woman and her soul was saved. She was the mother of that crying babe! More nursery helpers Are seriously needed! If you can help once a month or once in a while, call Sheryl Bjerk at 360-770-2495. Then it dawned on me that I had been a part Of her being saved – of giving God her heart. From that day on I would never dread Working in the nursery while souls are fed. Page 6 August 2010 Tentative dates for the beginning of the fall programs: Fall Kickoff.......................................mid September Bible Studies.....................................end of September Serenity Seekers................................mid September Moms Coffee Break .........................September 22 or 29 (They will meet twice a month this year.) Our study focus this fall will be to complement and coordinate with our Pastor’s all-church program, "Five Things God Uses to Grow Faith." Watch the bulletin and the Women's Ministries bulletin board for more details, which will be coming soon. Page 3 Birthdays 8/2 8/3 8/5 8/7 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/12 8/13 8/13 8/14 8/19 8/20 8/22 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/25 8/25 8/26 8/26 8/28 8/28 8/29 8/30 8/30 8/30 Leah Morrow Rosie Gallatin Evelyn Forster Beth Cleland Don Sehlin George Khtaian Ray Smith Heather Holmes Teddy Mann Donna Murray Ron Havenstein Andrew Stalsbroten Bob Doop Marlene Mihelich Margaret Oehlman Kylee Berlin Myrna Eastman Ann Huston Marvin Shoultz Tilly Culbertson Norm Johnston Cynthia Hill Jeri Strom Alba Stevens Andy Culbertson Lona Manning Emily Rider Anniversaries 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/11 8/11 8/12 8/14 8/22 Curtis & Nicoline Payne Mickey & Phyllis Miron Oliver & Val Stalsbroten Bob & Sheryl Bjerk Mike & Susan Gallatin Steve & Julie Winters Michael & Sharon Lewis Earl & Nancy Cooley August 2010