PSUB13 Academic year 2012/2013 LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY Regulations for the Honours Degree Programme in Psychology These Programme Regulations apply to the conduct of the programme in the 2012-13 session and should be read in conjunction with University Regulation XX and the relevant Module Specifications. These Programme Regulations may be subject to change from time to time. Notice of change will be given by the School responsible for the programme. 1.1 School with administrative responsibility: School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences 1.2 The programme leads to the Degree of Bachelor of Science. 1.3 The duration of the programme is six semesters, or eight semesters if students pursue a placement for one year, between Parts B and C, which leads to the award of Diploma in Professional Studies. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange an approved placement for Professional Studies. Transfer of registration between the 6 semeser and 8 semester programmes is at the discretion of the Programme Director, except where it is not possible to arrange an approved placement. In this case, the student will remain registered on the 6 semeser programme and will not be eligible for the award of Diploma in Professional Studies. 1.4 The programme is normally available on a full-time basis only. Content Code PSA301 PSA305 PSA307 PSA311 PSA314 PSA302 PSA308 PSA310 PSA351 Part A - Introductory Modules Module title Introductory Neuroscience Basic Developmental Psychology Social & Cultural Psychologies Sudy Skills for Psychology Psychology: Shaping the Discipline Professions in Psychology Basic Biological Psychology Basic Experimental Psychology Psychology Practicals 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 20 20 -1- 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Compulsory or Optional 2.1 Semester 2. Structure Modular weight 1. C C C C C C C C C PSUB13 Academic year 2012/2013 2.3 10 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Compulsory or Optional Module title Organisational Behaviour Individual Differences Human Memory and Cognition Part 1 Developmental and Social Psychology Experiment Design andAnalysis B1 Qualitative Design and Analysis for Psychology Brain and Behaviour Psychology Practicals B Human Memory and Cognition Part 2 Experiment Design and Analysis B2 Semester Code PSB314 PSB319 PSB353 PSB355 PSB403 PSB316 PSB320 PSB351 PSB354 PSB404 Part B - Degree Modules Modular weight 2.2 C C C C C C C C C C Part I - Placement (8 semester programme only) Candidates on degree programmes with professional training will register for the noncredit bearing placement module PSI003. PSC026 Exercise Psychology PSC313 Clinical Psychology 2 -2- 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 or 20 20 20 1&2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 or 2 2 2 Compulsory or Optional Module title Project Psychology of Sporting Excellence Advanced Experimental & Qualitative Design & Analysis Clincal Psychology 1 Psychology and Health The Psychology of Eating Behaviour Psychology of Workplace Health Psychology, Media and the Moving Image Part C module(s) from the University Wide Language Programme, subject to approval by Programme Director Semester Code PSC300 PSC031 PSC301 PSC311 PSC315 PSC319 PSC321 SSC131 Part C - Degree Modules Modular weight 2.4 C O O O O O O O O O O PSUB13 Academic year 2012/2013 PSC316 Applied Psychology and Human Resources Management PSC320 Parenting and Socialisation SSC138 Forensic Psychology 2.4.1 20 20 10 2 2 2 O O O Erasmus Programme Subject to Programme Director approval, students may be selected to undertake a semester at Maastricht University: PSC600 Psychology Erasmus 1 (50 credits, Semester 1) or PSC601 Psychology Erasmus 2 (60 credits, Semester 2). Students taking the Erasmus programme in semester 1, must complete 20 credits of the Project in each semester. Students who take the Erasmus programme in semester 2 must complete 30 credits of the Project in Semester 1 and 10 credits in Semester 2. Compulsory and optional modules must be taken such that the total modular weight for the year is 120 credits, with a minimum modular weight of 50 in each semester. Students who opt for a 50/70 or 70/50 split of credit weightings must have the permission of the Programme Director. 3. Assessment 3.1 Criteria for Progression and Degree Award In order to progress through the programme and to qualify for the award of degree, candidates must satisfy the minimum requirements as set out in Regulation XX plus any additional programme requirements specified below. 3.1.1 To progress from Part A to Part B, candidates must accumulate at least 100 credits in Part A as well as achieving at least 30% in all modules taken in part A. 3.1.2 To progress from Part B to the period of professional training, or to Part C, candidates must accumulate at least 100 credits in Part B as well as achieving at least 30% in all modules taken in Part B. 3.1.3 To qualify for the award of a degree, candidates must accumulate at least 100 credits in Part C as well as achieving at least 30% in all modules taken in Part C. 3.2 Relative weightings of Parts of the Programme for the purposes of Final Degree Classification. Candidates’ final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their performance in degree level Module Assessments in Parts B and C, in accordance with the scheme set out in Regulation XX. The average percentage marks for each Part will be combined in the ratio Part B 40: Part C 60, to determine the final Programme Mark. 3.3 Re-assessment Provision will be made in accordance with Regulation XX for candidates who have the right of re-assessment in Parts A, B or C of the programme to undergo reassessment in the University’s Special Assessment Period (unless modules not available for reassessment in the Special Assessment Period are involved). March 2012 -3-