Water Fluoridation References

Water Fluoridation References
Canadians Opposed to Fluoridation
Fluoride Action Network www.fluoridealert.org National and International Water Fluoridation Information
'THE CASE AGAINST FLUORIDE' BOOK Dr. Paul Connett, Dr. James Beck, & Spedding
A Canadian Site
Micklem DPhil www.tinyurl.com/TheCaseAgainstFluoride National Health Information Winner 2011
Dr. Hardy Limeback, BSc, PhD, DDS, Professor and Head, Preventive Dentistry,
University of Toronto www.cof-cof.com/dr-hardy-limebacks-blog-excerpt-view/
Dr. H. Limeback, was also one of the 12 scientists who served on the National
Academy of Sciences panel that issued the 2006 report, "Fluoride in Drinking Water:
A Scientific Review of the EPA's Standards"
 National Treasury Employees Union, chapter 280, of the Environmental
Protection Agency http://tinyurl.com/EPASaysNoFluoride
Statement on Fluoride from 1500 professional employees consisting of Scientists,
Lawyers, Engineers
"Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards"
National Research Council 2006
 Professional Statement to End Water Fluoridation www.fluoridealert.org/
Over 4,000 Health Professionals have signed this statement to date.
History of fluoridation www.fannz.org.nz/history.php
The history behind water fluoridation
Cancer Prevention Coalition www.world-wire.com/news/1101240001.html
Danger of Bone Cancer from Fluoride in Drinking Water and Toothpaste
SUPPORT" www.thenhf.com/article.php?id=1248
Water Fluoridation no longer endorsed by National Kidney Foundation
 Dental Fluorosis www.fluoridation.com/fluorosis.htm
Appearance and cause of Dental Fluorosis
 Fluoride Exposure During Infancy www.fluoridealert.org/health/infant/
Warnings for fluoride exposure during infancy
 Fluoridation is NOT a Solution to Pollution www.fluoridation.com/enviro.htm
Is Water Fluoridation a Pollutant?
Fluoridegate www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/213599.php
Fluoride Spots on Teeth The Tip of The Iceberg
 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation www.fluoridealert.org/50-reasons.htm
Why should we oppose fluoridation?
 Fluoride Glut www.kipnews.org/2011/05/03/the-fluoride-glut-sources-of-fluoride-exposure/
What are the other sources of fluorides?
 Patterns of Dental Caries following the cessation of water fluoridation
Maupome' - 2003
 Skeletal Fluorosis Animal and Human www.fluoridation.com/skeletal.htm
Skeletal effects of fluoride
Susceptible Subpopulations www.actionpa.org/fluoride/nrc/NRC-2006.pdf
Page 297 - Susceptible subpopulations to fluoride
 THE QUESTIONS OF FLUORIDEGATE, June 21, 2012 www.nidellaw.com/press/
 www.WeDeserveSafeWater.com/contact-edmonton Online tool to email your Edmonton City Counsellors