2ND BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP OF THE GAME THEORY SOCIETY in honor of John Nash, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Nash equilibrium. WEDNESDAY – 07/28 14:00 – 17:00 LATE REGISTRATION PAYMENT THURSDAY – 07/29 8:30– 9:15 MINI-COURSE NON-COOPERATIVE GAMES Shmuel Zamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 9:15 – 10:00 MINI-COURSE AUCTIONS Paul Milgrom (Stanford University) COFFEE BREAK 10:00 – 10:30 MINI-COURSE NETWORKS Matthew Jackson (Stanford University) MINI-COURSE STOCHASTIC GAMES: ALGORITHMS AND EXISTENCE THEOREMS T.E.S. Raghavan (University of Illinois at Chicago) MINI-COURSE EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS John Wooders (University of Arizona) MINI-COURSE GAME THEORY AND DEMOCRACY Steven Brams (New York University) 10:30 – 11:15 11:25 – 12:10 12:10 – 13:30 LUNCH THURSDAY – 07/29 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session APPLICATIONS 1 13:30 – 13:55 Alvaro Riascos (Universidad de los Andes) Strategic behaviour, resource valuation and competition in electricity markets 13:55 – 14:20 Emilson Caputo Delfino (Georgia Institute of Technology) Interregional redistribution, spillovers and the soft budget syndrome in federations Min Kim (University of Southern California) Rational bias and herding in analysts' recommendations 14:20 – 14:45 session’s chair COOPERATIVE GAMES 1 Helga Habis (Maastricht University) Cooperation under incomplete contracting MECHANISM DESIGN 1 Rahmil Ilkilic (Maastricht University) Clearing supply and demand under bilateral constraints COMPUTATION 1 Gianfranco Gambarelli (University of Bergamo) Some open problems in cooperative games Rann Smorodinsky (Technion) Approximate implementation in large societies Luis G. Quintas (Universidad Nacional de San Luis) Constructing q-cyclic games with unique prefixed equilibrium Gabriel Turbay (FCI-Universidad del Rosario) N-person cooperative game strategic equilibrium Leandro Arozamena (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) Fixed points of choice-improving correspondences on the space of direct mechanisms and implementability Sam Ganzfried (Carnegie Mellon University) Computing equilibria by incorporating qualitative models Christos Ioannou (University of Cyprus) Algorithmic bounded rationality, optimality and noise LEARNING AND EVOLUTION 1 Elvio Accinelli (Facultad de Economia de la UASLP) On the notion of evolutionarily stable strategies in twopopulation Edgar Sanchez (University of Siena) The evolutionary game of poverty traps MISCELLANEOUS 1 Hiroshi Uno (CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain) Hierarchic adaptations Eran Shmaya (Kellogg School of Management) Pure equilibria in non-anonymous large games Markus Kinateder (Universidad de Navarra) The repeated prisoner's dilemma in a network Paulo Roberto Santos (Cedeplar/UFMG) Event dependence of ambiguity attitudes THURSDAY – 07/29 14:50 – 15:50 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER SESSION 1: FAPESP Students Session 16:20 – 16:50 OPENING CEREMONY 16:55 – 17:40 Chair: Robert Aumann IMPORTANCE OF NASH EQUILIBRIUM Roger Myerson (University of Chicago) 17:40 – 18:25 Chair: Roger Myerson WHERE NASH BARGAINING HAS LED Robert Aumann (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & SUNY at Stony Brook) 18:30 – 19:15 Chair: Marilda Sotomayor CONVERSATION WITH JOHN NASH 19:15 – 19:45 PRESENTATION OF USP CHORUS 20:15 – 23:00 WELCOME RECEPTION FRIDAY- 07/30 8:30– 10:00 MINI-COURSE 10:00 – 10:30 NON-COOPERATIVE GAMES Shmuel Zamir COFFEE BREAK MINI-COURSE NETWORKS Matthew Jackson MINI-COURSE STOCHASTIC GAMES: ALGORITHMS AND EXISTENCE THEOREMS T.E.S. Raghavan 10:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 LUNCH Chair: Alvaro Sandroni THE ROBUSTNESS OF INCOMPLETE CODES OF LAW Olivier Gossner (Paris School of Economics & London School of Economics) 13:30 – 14:05 14:05 – 14:40 SEMI-PLENARY Chair: Marina Núñez ENDOGENOUS NETWORK DYNAMICS Frank Page (University of Alabama) Chair: Olivier Gossner RATIONALIZATION Alvaro Sandroni (University of Pennsylvania) SEMI-PLENARY Chair: Frank Page VON NEUMANN–MORGENSTERN SOLUTIONS IN THE ASSIGNMENT MARKET Marina Núñez (Universitat de Barcelona) FRIDAY- 07/30 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session 14:40 – 15:05 15:05 – 15:30 session’s chair EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS 1 Dorothea Herreiner, (Loyola Marymount University) Can we be nice and strategic? Implementing the cooperativecompetitive (coco) value in experiments John Wooders (University of Arizona) An experimental study of auctions with a buy price under private and common values INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 1 Rafael Pinho Senra (Fundação Getulio Vargas) Regulation of pharmaceuticals after generics entry MATCHING GAMES 1 Dinko Dimitrov (Saarland University) Coalitional matchings MECHANISM DESIGN 2 Sergei Severinov, (University of British Columbia) Ex-post individually rational, budgetbalanced mechanisms and allocation of surplus Felipe Zurita (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) On reputational rents as an incentive mechanism in competitive markets Jorge Oviedo (Instituto de Matemática Aplicada San Luis) On the invariance of the set of core matchings with respect to preference profiles Guilherme Freitas (Caltech) Combinatorial assignment under dichotomous preferences NETWORKS 1 Pritha Dev ( ITAM) Choosing ‘me’ and ‘my friends’: Identity in a non-cooperative network formation game with cost sharing Matthew Jackson (Stanford University) Network patterns of favor exchange COOPERATIVE GAMES 2 Gabriel Turbay (Universidad del Rosario) The stronger player paradox Carles Rafels (Pallarola, University of Barcelona) Assignment markets with the same core FRIDAY- 07/30 15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER SESSION 2 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session KNOWLEDGE AND EXPECTATIONS 1 BARGAINING 1 SOLUTION CONCEPTS 1 INCOMPLETE INFORMATION 1 LEARNING AND EVOLUTION 2 16:00 – 16:25 Pedro Daniel Jara (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) Rationalizability in games with a continuum of players Ching-jen Sun (Deakin University) Distributive justice and bargaining solutions Noah Stein (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Exchangeable equilibria of symmetric bimatrix games Fernando Louge (Bielefeld University) On the stability of CSS under the replicator dynamic with strategic complements 16:25 – 16:50 Pinghan Liang (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) Transfer of authority within hierarchy João Montez (London Business School) Bargaining with a principal: Contracts vs. agreements William Geller (Indiana University) Robust equilibria and epsilondominance Ming Yang (Princeton University) Global games with endogenous information structure A rational inattention approach Bruno Ferreira (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) The Brazilian industry and the credit rationing session’s chair 16:55 – 17:40 17:40–18:25 Pedro Ribeiro (INPE) Games on cellular spaces PLENARY Chair: Aloísio Araújo THE ALLOCATION OF A PRIZE Pradeep Dubey (SUNY at Stony Brook & Yale University) PLENARY Chair: Pradeep Dubey GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM, WARINESS AND BUBBLES Aloísio Araújo (EPGE/FGV-RJ & IMPA) SOCIAL AND POLITICAL MODELS 1 Cristiano Aguiar (UFRGS) Gun control, crime and information Micael Ehn (Stockholm University and Malardalen University) Temporal discounting leads to social stratification SATURDAY – 07/31 8:30– 10:00 MINI-COURSE 10:00 – 10:30 NON-COOPERATIVE GAMES Shmuel Zamir COFFEE BREAK MINI-COURSE NETWORKS Matthew Jackson MINI-COURSE STOCHASTIC GAMES: ALGORITHMS AND EXISTENCE THEOREMS T.E.S. Raghavan 10:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 LUNCH Chair: Paulo Klinger EGALITARIANISM UNDER INCOMPLETE INFORMATION Geoffrey De Clippel (Brown University) 13:30 – 14:05 14:05 – 14:40 SEMI-PLENARY Chair: Federico Valenciano INTEREST RATE IN TRADE CREDIT MARKETS Humberto Moreira (EPGE/FGV-RJ) SEMI-PLENARY Chair: Geoffrey De Clippel A NEW APPROACH TO RENY'S NASH EQUILIBRIUM EXISTENCE PROBLEM WITH DISCONTINUOUS PAYOFFS Paulo Klinger (EPGE/FGV-RJ) Chair: Humberto Moreira QUATERNARY DICHOTOMOUS VOTING RULES Federico Valenciano (Universidad del País Vasco) SATURDAY – 07/31 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session MATCHING GAME 2 14:40 – 15:05 Chiu Yu Ko (Boston College) Profit-maximizing matchmaker 15:05 – 15:30 Aytek Erdil (Oxford University) Stochastic assignment session’s chair MECHANISM DESIGN 3 Ilan Lobel (New York University) An optimal dynamic mechanism for multi-armed bandit processes Silvio Micali (MIT) Exact rationalizability and safe mechanism design MISCELLANEOUS 2 NETWORKS 2 Isabel Mendes de Faria (UCB) A dynamic model of education level choice: Application to Brazilian states Oscar Volij (Ben Gurion University) An axiomatic characterization of the Theil inequality ordering Sunghoon Hong (Vanderbilt University) Strategic network interdiction Norma Olaizola (University of the Basque Country ) Information, stability and dynamics in networks under institutional constraints POLITICAL ECONOMY 1 Matteo Triossi (Universidad de Chile) Costly information acquisition. Is it better to toss a coin? Ayse Mumcu (Bogazici University) Informality as a selffulfilling equilibrium BAYESIAN GAMES 1 Eduardo Faingold (Yale University) A characterization of the strategic topology in terms of beliefs Luciano de Castro (Northwestern University) Equilibria existence in regular discontinuous games SATURDAY – 07/31 15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER SESSION 3 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session AUCTIONS 1 BARGAINING 2 16:00 – 16:25 Fernando Meneguin (Brazilian Senate) Auctions for courtordered debt payments in Brazil 16:25 – 16:50 Sergio Parreiras (UNC) A dynamic all-pay auction Ekaterina Demidova (HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management) Group bargaining with incomplete information Selcuk Ozyurt (Sabanci University) Searching a bargain: Play it cool or haggle session’s chair COOPERATIVE GAMES 3 Ilya Katsev (S-Pb Institute for Economics and Mathematics) The Shapley value for games with restricted cooperation Ehud Lehrer (Tel Aviv University) On the core of dynamic cooperative games INCOMPLETE INFORMATION 2 Shrutivandana Sharma (Yahoo! Labs) Resource allocation in local public good networks: An implementation theory perspective Telmo José João (Universidade de Aveiro) Hotelling model with uncertainty on the production cost and networks LEARNING AND EVOLUTION 3 Nicole Immorlica (Northwestern University) Near-optimal Pricing for products with social learning effects MARKET GAMES AND APPLICATIONS Vladimir Mazalov (Institute of Applied Mathematical Research, Russia) Hotelling’s duopoly on the plane with Manhatten distance Elena Inarra (University of the Basque Country) Evolutionary stable strategies in marked bird societies Helena I. Ferreira (Universidade do Minho) Bayesian-Nash equilibria in a behavior model SUNDAY – 08/01 8:30– 10:00 MINI-COURSE 10:00 – 10:30 NON-COOPERATIVE GAMES Shmuel Zamir COFFEE BREAK MINI-COURSE NETWORKS Matthew Jackson MINI-COURSE STOCHASTIC GAMES: ALGORITHMS AND EXISTENCE THEOREMS T.E.S. Raghavan 10:30 – 12:00 13:00 – 20:00 BARBECUE AND FORRÓ MONDAY – 08/02 8:30– 10:00 MINI-COURSE 10:00 – 10:30 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER SESSION 8 MINI-COURSE EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS John Wooders MINI-COURSE GAME THEORY AND DEMOCRACY Steven Brams 10:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 13:30 – 14:15 AUCTIONS Paul Milgrom LUNCH PLENARY Chair: Robert Aumann ELECTIONS AND GOVERNMENT SPENDING Eric Maskin (Princeton University) MONDAY – 08/02 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session 14:20 – 14:45 LEARNING AND EVOLUTION 4 Lucas Lages Wardil (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) Distinguishing the opponents: Mutual cooperation is never destroyed APPLICATIONS 2 Min Kim (University of Southern California) Information asymmetry and incentives for active management 14:45 – 15:10 Matthias Hanauske (Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main) Evolutionary quantum game theory and scientific communication Daniel Figueiredo (COPPE/UFRJ) A simple public good model for peer-topeer applications 15:10 – 15:35 Ryota Lijima (Graduate School of Economics, , University of Tokyo) Impact of matching uncertainty on dynamic stability of equilibria Wilfredo Leiva Maldonado (Catholic University of Brasilia) Impacts of the changes in the Brazilian mobile termination rates session’s chair INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 2 Antonio Morales (Universidad de Málaga and LINEEX) Branching deregulation and merger optimality SOLUTION CONCEPTS 2 Spyros Galanis (University of Southampton) Admissibility and event-rationality COALITION FORMATION 1 Haruo Imai (Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University) Emergence of nested coalition structure in a pure bargaining game Silvinha Pinto Vasconcelos (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) The effectiveness of the Brazilian leniency program: A game theoretical analysis Fernando de Almeida Prado (FFCLRP-USP University of São Paulo) Product differentiation in the presence of social Michel Grabisch (University of Paris I) On properties of the k-additive core related to the selectope Marcelo Alves Pereira (Universidade de Sao Paulo) Continuous prisoner's dilemma With rational players Paulo Barelli (University of Rochester and Insper) On the existence of Nash equilibria in discontinuous and qualitative games Emilson Caputo Delfino (Georgia Institute of Technology) Correlated transboundary pollutants. Free trade and transfers NETWORKS 3 Agnieszka Rusinowska (CNRS - University of Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne) Measuring power and satisfaction in societies with opinion leaders: An axiomatization Britta Hoyer (Utrecht University School of Economics) Strategic network disruption Tomas Rodriguez (Stanford University) Exploring the lattice of equilibria in threshold games of strategic complements interactions of consumers MONDAY – 08/02 15:35 – 16:05 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER SESSION 4 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session POLITICAL ECONOMY 2 REPEATED GAMES 1 REPUTATION AND SIGNALING 1 16:05 – 16:30 Simon Loertscher (University of Melbourne) Information transmission by imperfectly informed parties Miguel Aramendia (Universidad del Pais Vasco) Long-run forgiving proof equilibrium in infinitely repeated games In-Uck Park (University of Bristol) Seller reputation and trust in pretrade communication 16:30 – 16:55 Galina Zudenkova, (University Carlos III of Madrid) Sincere lobbying formation Ichiro Obara (UCLA) Belief-based equilibria Yukio Koriyama (Ecole Polytechnique) Price competition in the market for lemons session’s chair EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS AND REPEATED GAMES Adam Zylbersztejn, (University Paris 1, PSE) Does information transmission contribute to overcoming coordination failure? New evidence from the lab Antonio Miguel Osório Costa (Universidad Carlos III Madrid) Repeated games at random moments in time MECHANISM DESIGN 4 MATCHING GAME 3 Aaron Bodoh-Creed Mustafa Oguz (Stanford Afacan University) (Stanford University) The simple behavior Group robust of large mechanisms stability in matching markets Silvio Micali (MIT) The conservative model of incomplete information and the second-knowledge mechanism Hanna Halaburda (Harvard Business School) Platforms and limits to network effects MONDAY – 08/02 Chair: John F. Nash, Jr. GAME THEORY SOCIETY PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: DYNAMICS AND EQUILIBRIA Sergiu Hart (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 17:00 – 17:45 17:45 – 18:30 19:30 – 23:00 Chair: Sergiu Hart THE AGENCIES METHOD FOR MODELING COALITIONS AND COOPERATION IN GAMES John F. Nash, Jr. (Princeton University) PLENARY GALA DINNER (SPONSORED BY ORDEM DOS ECONOMISTAS DO BRASIL - OEB) TUESDAY – 08/03 8:30 – 10:00 MINI-COURSE 10:00 – 10:30 AUCTIONS Paul Milgrom COFFEE BREAK MINI-COURSE EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS John Wooders MINI-COURSE GAME THEORY AND DEMOCRACY Steven Brams 10:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 LUNCH 13:30 – 14:15 ROUND TABLE – TBA TUESDAY – 08/03 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session AUCTIONS 2 INCOMPLETE INFORMATION 3 Andreas Blume (University of Pittsburgh) Language barriers 14:20 – 14:45 Rodrigo Harrison (Instituto de Economia PUC Chile) Auctions with resale market and asymmetric information 14:45 – 15:10 Federico Weinschelbaum (Universidad de San Andrés) On favoritism in auctions with entry Rafael Chaves Santos (BCB, IBMEC/BSB) Inflation targeting, coordination and confidence crises 15:10 – 15:35 Eric Universo (IPE-USP) Informational rents in the Brazilian oil and gas auctions Dirk Leonhard (Humboldt University Berlin) Two-sided certification: The market for rating session’s chair INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 3 Debdatta Saha (Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre) Does the market kill bad ideas? An institutional comparison of committees and markets in network industries Ming Gao (London Business School) When to allow buyers to sell? Bundling in mixed two-sided markets Pedro Daniel JaraMoroni (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) A two-stage model of R& D with VOTING 1 NETWORKS 4 Renata Rizzi (Universidade de São Paulo) Campaign contributions as a compulsory toll: pay-to-play evidence from Brazil Tomas Rodriguez (Stanford University) Network structure and the emergence of value Eduardo Perez (Ecole Polytechnique) Choosing choices: Agenda selection with uncertain issues Juan Escobar (CEA-DII University of Chile) Cooperation and trust in social networks of information transmission Pei-yu Melody Lo (Hong Kong University) Why does New Hampshire matter Sequential vs. Dinko Dimitrov (Saarland University) How to connect under incomplete information agencies endogeneous timing in quantity competition simultaneous elections with multiple candidates TUESDAY – 08/03 15:35 – 16:05 COFFEE BREAK & POSTER SESSION 5 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session FAIRNESS AND IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISM DESIGN 5 16:05 – 16:30 Pelin Pasin Cowley (Bilkent University) Strong Nash implementability via critical profiles Vinicius Carrasco (PUC-Rio) From equals to despots: The dynamics of repeated decision taking in partnerships with private information 16:30 – 16:55 Steven Brams (New York University) The undercut procedure: An algorithm for the envy-free division of indivisible items Marcelo de Carvalho (IMPA) General envelope theorem for multidimensional type spaces session’s chair FINANCE AND DIFFERENTIAL GAMES Jaime Orillo (Catholic University of Brasilia) Credit derivatives in a general equilibrium model with incomplete markets João José de Farias Neto (Instituto de Estudos Avançados – CTA) A 3D missileairplane pursuitevasion differential game REPEATED GAMES 2 POLITICAL ECONOMY 3 INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 4 Antonio Miguel Osório Costa (Universidad Carlos III Madrid) Repeated interaction and the revelation of player's type: A principal-monitoragent problem Matthias Blonsky (J.W. Goethe University) Equilibrium selection in the repeated prisoner’s dilemma: Axiomatic approach and experimental evidence Galina Zudenkova (University Carlos III of Madrid) Split-ticket voting: An implicit incentive approach Ron Siegel (Northwestern University) Head starts in allpay contests Cesar Martinelli (ITAM) Voting and incentives in cartels Eray Cumbul (University of Rochester) An algorithmic approach to find iterated Nash equilibria TUESDAY – 08/03 17:00 – 17:45 17:45 – 18:30 19:00 – 23:00 PLENARY Chair: Gabrielle Demange ON THE VULNERABILITY OF ALLOCATION RULES TO MANIPULATION OF ENDOWMENTS William Thomson (University of Rochester) PLENARY Chair: William Thomson COLLECTIVE ATTENTION AND RANKING METHODS Gabrielle Demange (PSE-EHESS) CLOSING RECEPTION WEDNESDAY – 08/04 8:30– 10:00 MINI-COURSE 10:00 – 10:30 COFFEE BREAK MINI-COURSE EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS John Wooders MINI-COURSE GAME THEORY AND DEMOCRACY Steven Brams 10:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 13:30 – 14:05 AUCTIONS Paul Milgrom LUNCH Chair: William H. Sandholm DYNAMIC POLITICAL AGENCY WITH ADVERSE SELECTION AND MORAL HAZARD John Duggan (University of Rochester) SEMI-PLENARY Chair: Olivier Hudry REPEATED GAMES WITH BOUNDED MEMORY Hamid Sabourian (Cambridge University) 14:05 – 14:40 SEMI-PLENARY Chair: John Duggan EVOLUTIONARY GAME THEORY: OVERVIEW AND RECENT RESULTS William H. Sandholm (University of Wisconsin) Chair: Hamid Sabourian HOW DIFFICULT IS IT TO COMPUTE THE WINNER OF A GAME? Olivier Hudry (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications) WEDNESDAY – 08/04 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session MATCHING GAME 4 INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION 5 14:40 – 15:05 Eduardo Azevedo (Harvard University) Imperfect competition in twosided matching markets Carlos Cinquetti (Sao Paulo State University) The effects of trade policy under spatial monopolistic competition 15:05 – 15:30 Yosuke Yasuda (GRIPS ) Understanding stable matchings: A non-cooperative Approach Romeo Matthew (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Stable commitment in an intertemporal collusive trade session’s chair STOCHASTIC GAMES AND FINANCE Nagarajan Krishnamurthy (Chennai Mathematical Institute) New classes of twoplayer and multiplayer stochastic games with the Orderfield property Jaime Orillo (Catholic University of Brasilia) Dissaving of the past: the case of the reverse mortgage POLITICAL ECONOMY 4 BOUNDED RATIONALITY 1 SOCIAL CHOICE 1 Wolfgang Leininger (University of Dortmund) Leveling the lobbying process: Effort maximization in asymmetric nperson contests Zemin Zhong (HSBC School of Business, Peking University) Myopia in contest: accumulating valuation all-pay auction model and experiment Alejandro Neme (Instituto de Matemática Aplicada San Luis) The division problem with voluntary participation Jorge Streb (Universidad del Cema) Meaningful talk Aaron Bodoh-Creed (Stanford University) Mood, associative memory, and the formation and dynamics of belief Alan Miller (University of Haifa) Rules for aggregating information WEDNESDAY – 08/04 15:30 – 16:00 COFFEE BREAK AND POSTER SESSION 6 REGULAR CONTRIBUTIONS Session 16:00 – 16:25 16:25 – 16:50 session’s chair BOUNDED RATIONALITY 2 Uri Weiss (The Center for The Study of Rationality, Hebrew University) The rationality of "irrationality" Daniel Monte (Simon Fraser University) Conscious memory: An experimental study COOPERATIVE GAMES 5 Rene Levinsky, (Max Planck Institute of Economics) On the axiomatisation of the balanced solution for cooperative TUgames Francisco Sanchez (CIMAT) The value of partners MATCHING GAME 5 CONTRACTS 1 Jacob Leshno (Harvard University) Can we make school choice more efficient? An incentives approach David Ong (Peking University HSBC School of Business) Fishy gifts: Bribing with shame and guilt Roland Pongou (Brown University) An economic theory of fidelity in network formation Roberta Ribeiro Fernandes (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) Principal-multiagent model with moral hazard from a behavioral economics perspective REFINEMENT AND SEARCH 1 Leandro Chaves Rêgo (Federal University of Pernambuco) Collaborative dominance: When doing unto others as you would have them do unto you is rational Dmitrijs Rutko, (University of Latvia) Fuzzified algorithm for game tree search AUCTIONS 3 Eiichiro Kazumori (SUNY) A strategic theory of markets Luciano I. de Castro (Northwestern University) Grid distributions to study single object auctions WEDNESDAY – 08/04 16:55 – 17:40 17:40 – 18:25 PLENARY Chair: Abraham Neyman DYNAMIC CONTRACTS WITH MORAL HAZARD AND ADVERSE SELECTION Motty Perry (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & The University of Warwick) PLENARY Chair: Motty Perry A NEW DEFINITION OF DISCOUNTED STOCHASTIC GAMES AND STATIONARY PAYOFFS AND EQUILIBRIUM Abraham Neyman (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)