UHCL Contractor Safety - University of Houston

Welcome to University of Houston-Clear Lake. You are a very important part of our customer
service and satisfaction effort. All personnel are required to comply with these guidelines and
work rules. Regular inspections are made to verify compliance. Thanks for taking the time to
review these UHCL rules and guidelines. If you have any questions, you may call the UHCL
Environmental Health & Safety Office at 281-283-2106. We will be glad to discuss any of the
issues mentioned.
Protection of Property
Clean- Up
Hazardous Materials
Wastes Handling
Personal Protective Equipment
HAZCOM Standard
Universal Precautions
(Bloodborne Pathogens)
Behavior Issues
Smoke-Free Environment Policy
Drug-Free Environment Policy
Interaction with Employees
Contractor Employees Conduct
Criminal Incidents
Accessibility to Sensitive Areas
Fire Alarms
Automatic Extinguishing Systems
Gas Cylinders
The Contractor will be held liable for all damage to personal and real property as a result of his
negligence to provide protective measures.
Take measures to protect adjacent area to the construction area from dust, dirt and debris. Debris
shall not be allowed to accumulate within or around the work area. All debris shall be disposed of
each day off the campus or in a contractor supplied dumpster. Dumpsters shall be supplied by
the contractor unless otherwise stipulated in their contract. University of Houston-Clear Lake's
dumpster shall not be used, nor shall University of Houston-Clear Lake's trash carts. University of
Houston-Clear Lake's floats, or pallet jacks shall not be used without permission from the
contractor's contract representative.
The Contractor shall endeavor to keep the work area as quiet as possible. If power activated
tools, screw guns or other such devices must be used to accomplish the work, the Contractor
shall notify the UHCL contract representative and advise him of the type of equipment to be used
and the duration of the work to be done. At times it will become necessary for the Contractor to
be stopped from making noise or vibrations due to adverse effects that the work may be having
upon classes or research. The Contractor shall stop work immediately when advised that the
work is adversely effecting users of the university.
All effort will be made to provide storage/lay down areas adjacent to the work area. However, due
to the size of the project or its location, this will not always be possible. The Contractor in
conjunction with the project manager shall determine a storage/lay down area. The Contractor is
fully responsible for the safety, and security of this storage area. In general, trailers, or container
boxes will be allowed in the gravel parking lot area at the Clay Street Warehouse, off of Augusta
Avenue. Storage within the work area is permitted, however, the storage of flammable material,
or liquids is not permitted within any building.
There are many hazardous materials at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Many are in the
form of chemicals and biological agents found mostly in laboratories. Contractors must avoid
creating conditions that could cause disruption of any lab activity.
Take the following steps before beginning work in and around a laboratory or chemical storage
1. Advise the primary researcher for the area what work is to be done so appropriate precautions
can be taken.
2. Avoid contact with or exposure to any lab set-ups left in the work area.
3. Read the labels on the materials you use and be able to provide information to anyone asking
about them. Material Safety Data Sheets for all the chemical compounds you use are to be
furnished to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) prior to starting any job at the
University of Houston-Clear Lake.
4. Before using odorous chemical compounds or other materials (glues, epoxies, paints, thinners,
etc.) advise Facilities Management and Construction or the UHCL contract representative. They
will contact the Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS), responsible for indoor air quality
control of what material is to be used, where and for how long. OEHS will then be able to advise
any inquirers or complainants about the materials being used.
5. Take all appropriate precautions advised on container labels when using chemical compounds,
and establish proper ventilation prior to using them for your safety and that of building occupants,
especially with odorous products. UHCL may arrange to confine your building air supply to only
your work area. OEHS must be advised before odorous compounds are used.
6. If the chemical compound you plan to use is odorous and causes problems for building
occupants, you may be told to limit or suspend work until further notice. In this case OEHS will
contact the UHCL representative for your work project and advise him or her of the situation.
7. You are expected to erect protection barriers for overhead work that could cause hazard to
passersby below. You are expected to protect your equipment, hoses and power cords from
inadvertent damage and resulting hazard to anyone in the area, and you are expected to obtain
immediate assistance for any mishap involving your equipment or anyone in the area. You need
to keep emergency numbers handy at all times and know where to find a phone.
8. You are expected to use due caution with and around any hazardous materials. If you have
questions or concerns about this, contact OEHS at 281-283-2106.
UHCL requires that materials or substances classified as hazardous waste or special category
hazardous waste be handled carefully and receive proper disposal. Examples of hazardous
wastes could include paints, glues, thinners, floor or other surface finishes, removers or drying
agents. Examples of special category hazardous wastes include fluorescent or H.I.D. (high
intensity discharge) lamps, lamp ballasts and batteries that contain heavy metals (ni-cad, leadacid, mercury, lithium, silver oxide, etc.).
1. Fluorescent lamps are to be removed from fixtures with care and placed in special cartons
provided by UHCL. H.I D. lamps are to be removed and placed in cardboard cartons. Since these
lamps contain mercury it is important that they not be broken, releasing mercury dust and vapor
on the job site to be breathed and contaminate surfaces.
2. Batteries of any size or configuration containing heavy metals must not be placed in UHCL
waste containers. UHCL collects these batteries for proper disposal or recycling. An exception to
this rule is made for alkaline batteries. These may be placed in regular trash. Batteries used by
contractors are the contractor's responsibility and are to be removed from UHCL premises when
3. Asbestos removal from UHCL buildings under abatement contracts is hazardous waste, and
the responsibility of the abatement contractor, who must remove it carefully and dispose of it
properly as required by regulation. No exceptions are permitted. Facilities Management and
Construction coordinates the assessment and removal of asbestos in existing structures.
4. Lead-based paint removed from structures or their components is considered hazardous waste
and must be disposed of properly as such. In an unexpected situation the OEHS Section of
UHCL can assist in determining if paint or painted materials contain lead and must be handled
and disposed of in a special way, coordinated through Facilities Management and Construction
as needed.
5. Tritium gas-containing exit signs, when removed under renovation work, must be collected and
disposed of properly as radioactive material. Facilities Management and Construction and
Radiation Safety will evaluate and assist with this as the need arises.
Contractors are responsible to handle and dispose of the hazardous wastes they generate in a
prudent manner, in compliance with all regulatory requirements and UHCL policies regarding
hazardous waste. Hazardous wastes may not be stored on site at UHCL during construction
Regulatory agencies require containment and remediation of all spills of hazardous materials,
including fuels and oil. Contractors who spill any such substance on UHCL premises are
immediately responsible to clean it up or seek guidance on this from Facilities Management and
Construction, who may ask for assistance from OEHS as needed. Cleanup of the contaminated
area must be performed to the regulatory acceptable level, based on testing. Testing will be
coordinated by OEHS and paid for by the contractor causing the spill, or contamination. UHCL
requires appropriate disposal of cleaned up wastes, waste-contaminated items and soil or other
materials contaminated by the substance.
Contractors are required to furnish UHCL with documentation of proper disposal whenever the
contract calls for disposal of hazardous waste, special category wastes or residues (resulting
from spills). OEHS is charged to keep these records in its files for inspection by regulators.
Facilities Management and Construction is responsible to furnish any and all such documents to
1. All contractor personnel working at the University of Houston-Clear Lake are required to abide
by precautions required of them by Facilities Management and Construction and by campus
signage. There are to be no exceptions. Contractors must not create hazards for UHCL
employees. In special circumstances where this cannot be avoided, proper warning signs and
barriers must be erected and supervised by the contractor during the work activity to keep
unauthorized persons out of the area.
2. If non-contractor persons need to enter or pass directly through the work area, the contractor
may be expected to provide appropriate personal protective equipment for such visitors at any
3. Safety equipment supplied and used by contractors is expected to comply with OSHA
requirements. Contractor employees are required to properly wear the personal protective
equipment provided them by their management and keep it in good condition so their personal
safety is not compromised, causing potential risk to others.
4. Any situations noted where UHCL activities create potential hazard for the contractor should
promptly be brought to the attention of Facilities Management and Construction.
OSHA requires that contractors train their employees in basic chemical safety precautions and in
precautions required for the chemicals they work with, so as not to cause a hazard for themselves
and others in the vicinity. UHCL expects that all contractors will comply with OSHA's HAZCOM
Standard requirements.
(Bloodborne Pathogens)
Hospitals and clinics routinely admit and provide care for individuals with infectious diseases.
These patients are placed on isolation to prohibit the spread of diseases to other individuals. The
sign on the door of the room of a patient with an infectious disease describes the actions to be
taken upon entering the room.
Two notable bloodborne pathogens (that is, a microorganism capable of causing a disease) of
concern are the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). These viruses
are found in blood and other body fluids of infected humans. Guidelines exist to assist a worker in
reducing his/her chances of exposure to these viruses or other pathogens.
These guidelines are called Universal (or Standard) Precautions. All workers in a hospital with a
potential for exposure to blood and other body fluids must use Universal Precautions. Universal
Precautions means treating all blood and other body fluids as if they are infected. Universal
Precautions are made up of the following components:
Wash hands and exposed skin with soap and water immediately after exposure to blood or other
body fluids.
Gloves are required in any setting for touching surfaces or objects that are contaminated with
blood or body fluids.
Gloves must be removed and hands must be washed after each contact.
If splashing or splattering of blood and other body fluids is likely, gowns and face/eye protection
must be worn.
Sharp objects, such as broken glass or needles, are to be handled in a safe manner to prevent
being cut or stuck. An example of safe handling is to use a broom and dust pan to clean-up
broken glass. If such equipment is not available, Environmental Services should be contacted for
the handling of the sharp object. Sharp objects must be disposed in a red, biohazard-labeled,
puncture-resistant container.
If you encounter a spill involving blood or other body fluids, contact Environmental Services for
Gloves or other non-sharp items contaminated with blood or other body fluids must be placed in a
red trash bag for disposal.
Do not eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics or lip
balm, or handle contact lenses in work areas with exposure potential.
Cuts, scrapes, rashes, and lesions must be covered with a Band-Aid or dressing.
Universal Precautions are your best protection against being exposed to a pathogen. Universal
Precautions are everyone's responsibility in the work setting.
The University of Houston-Clear Lake, as the Health Sciences University of the State of Texas, is
committed to the promotion of a healthy environment for all Texas citizens including students,
employees, and patients of the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Effective January 1, 1990, the
University of Houston-Clear Lake became a "smoke-free" institution. Every building at UHCL is a
Smoke-free area. The use of tobacco products by any person while in an UHCL building, under a
covered sidewalk or walkway, or within 25 feet of any entrance/exit doorway is prohibited. A
warning will be issued for first offensives, there after there will be sufficient cause for the
permanent removal of an employee from this campus.
By executing a contract to work on the University of Houston-Clear Lake campus, the contractor
certifies that they shall provide a drug-free workplace for their employees and the employees of
their sub-contractors in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.
The University of Houston-Clear Lake expects it's faculty and staff to provide the best quality
service to our customers. In return we expect to receive the same level of service in return. All
contact between staff and non-UHCL employees should be courteous and polite. No vulgarity or
inappropriate behavior will be allowed. Any reports of poor behavior will lead to the non-UHCL
employee being removed from the campus.
The Contractor shall insure that their employees and their Subcontractor's employees conduct
themselves in a proper manner while on the University of Houston-Clear Lake campus. Gestures,
remarks, cat calls, whistling, or anything else of a derogatory nature will not be tolerated, and will
be sufficient cause for the permanent removal of an employee from this campus.
Parking at the University of Houston-Clear Lake is by permit only. All contractors' vehicles, both
personal and company, must have an UHCL contractor's permit. These permits will allow parking
in areas specifically designated as contractor parking. Anyone parking in unauthorized areas is
subject to be fined, immobilized, or towed.
All contractors are required to report to the Police Department located on the Bayou Building prior
to starting work. You will be provided a map showing authorized parking areas and provided with
parking permits.
All employees of contractors assigned to perform duties specifically associated with contractual
agreements at the University of Houston-Clear Lake will be identified by wearing the UHCL
contractors ID badge. The identification side of the badge must be visible at all times while
performing duties at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. UHCL Police officers regularly check
contractors for their identification. Contractors or their employees who are found not wearing a
badge will be asked to obtain one immediately. Contractors or their employees who refuse to
obtain or wear a badge will be reported to the UHCL official supervising their work. Wearing this
badge will prevent you from being stopped
by Police or other campus officials for identification purposes.
Contractors who are on the UHCL campus for the purpose of establishing a contract or answering
inquiries about a new project, and are in the company of a UHCL representative need not secure
an identification badge. If, however, the need exists to inspect the area of a proposed project
without the accompaniment of a UHCL representative, a contractors’ identification badge must be
obtained from the Police Department.
Contractor badges may be obtained from the Police Department located on the Bayou Building.
Police Department Telephone number is 281-283-2222.
Contractors should have their employees report to the Police Department PRIOR to commencing
work on the UHCL campus for the purpose of having badges assigned to employees working on
the project. Five badges or less will be issued immediately. More than five badges will require two
(2) working days for completion.
Contractors should assure that all contractors and sub-contractor employees understand the
policy and that badges are worn at all times by all employees.
Contractors should retrieve all unexpired badges from employees and return them to the Police
Department during regular business hours.
As the law enforcement agency for the University of Houston-Clear Lake, the Police Bureau is
responsible for the investigation of all criminal incidents on the property of the University of
Houston-Clear Lake. The UHCL Police Bureau is given primary jurisdiction of this property under
the state laws of Texas. All criminal incidents should be reported to UHCL POLICE by calling
The work area for contractors and their employees may require them to enter adjacent areas
connected to their work site. The University of Houston-Clear Lake has several areas which are
protected by access control or other security measures. The campus environment requires
sensitivity to student, and research activities when entering areas to perform necessary tasks
related to the contracted assignment. Therefore, it is necessary for contractors to contact UHCL
officials to help gain access to these areas without violating access control measures or other
sensitivity measures. To prevent work delays and interference with progress on job assignments,
contractors are asked to contact the UHCL contract representative for approval prior to entering
these areas. Contractors who violate these controls may be confronted by Police or other campus
Most UHCL buildings have a fire alarm. Prior to performing any work, contractors should assess
the work and the site to determine if the fire alarm may be accidentally activated or it's operation
hindered in any way. A system is commonly activated by renovation smoke and/or dust. Also any
form of heat generating equipment or motors. If it is determined that the fire alarm needs to be
out-of-service to perform the work, the contractor must notify Facilities Management and
Construction or the UHCL contract representative to arrange this. Physical Plant will remove the
system/zone/ component after a work order is submitted. The Office of Environmental Health and
Safety tracks the outages and provides interim safety measures depending on the size (length of
time) of the outage.
Several UHCL buildings have sprinkler systems and automatic systems such as halon gas, CO2,
dry chemical, etc. These systems may also be activated by smoke, dust, and heat. The same
rules apply for assessing impact on these systems as for fire alarms.
The exit corridors of all areas are required to be kept clear and unblocked at all times, regardless
of their width. All carts, supplies, ladders, tools, etc. must be kept out of the corridor when not in
use. Some projects require a construction partition that captures part of the corridor width. When
this happens, it is extremely important that the remaining corridor be clear. If an entire corridor or
exit must be blocked off for a project, several measures must be initiated by UHCL. The need for
this should be rare.
UHCL has an established hot work policy. No hot work is allowed without a permit. A copy of the
policy may be obtained from the UHCL contract representative or the Office of Environmental
Health and Safety.
All compressed gas cylinders must be transported, used, and stored properly. Flammable
cylinders cannot be stored with non-flammable cylinders. All cylinders, full and empty, will be
secured in place at all times. Do not store more than 5 cylinders together in one location.
The contractor will notify the UHCL contract representative one week (minimum) before the
desired date of any utility shut down. The UHCL contract representative will schedule the shut
down as close to the desired date as possible and will notify the contractor of the scheduled date
and time. A utility shut down authorization from FMC will be required before any utility shut down.
Utilities include, but are not limited to, electrical systems, medical gas systems, HVAC systems,
elevators, and plumbing systems."
Questions or Assistance: