Middle Level Skills Event Study Guide

Middle Level Skills Event Study Guide:
Business Document Concepts:
Competitors will be given a business letter. The business letter will need to be edited so that it is formatted in standard block
style with open punctuation. The current date, inside address, salutation, body, closing, signature/name, and reference initials
will be required. Competitors will need to format appropriate according to the standard acceptable business style for a letter
in block format with open punctuation. Instructions for proper formatting will be provided for the competitor. The
competitor will need to use appropriate proofreading marks to edit the document for it formatting errors.
Competitors will also need to proofread the letter for spelling, grammar, punctuation marks. Additional instructions such as
insert (words, characters, spaces, lines), delete, transposition, new paragraph will be provided and appropriate proofreading
marks must be used to indicate these instructions.
Competitors will then need to retype the letter so that it is correct, fixing any grammatical, spelling, punctuation, as well as
following editing and formatting instructions.
Desktop Publishing
Competitors will design and print a one-page flyer on standard paper promoting a fundraiser for the March of Dimes that will
be posted in the school and local community.
The following must be included, but not limited to, the following elements:
 1 graphic in addition to the FBLA logo
 lines and shapes
 2 different typefaces
 at least one special effect that may include drop caps, shadowing, reverse type, etc.
 at least two text treatments that may include bullets, indents, hanging indents, text wrapping, etc.
 creativity and originality as well as addressing the topic
Teams may only use one computer when creating this flyer. Additional data to be included on the flyer will be provided.
Competitors will need to key a spreadsheet as given
Wrap text within a cell
Calculate Gross Pay (Hourly Rate x # Hours Worked)
Calculate Taxes (Gross Pay x Tax Rate) Note: tax rate will be given in instructions
Calculate Net Pay (Gross Pay less total taxes)
Calculate totals for certain rows
Change font color
Create a formula that references the value from another cell
Sum formula
Format number amounts as currency
Bold text
Center and bold columnar headings
Merge and center title row over spreadsheet
Sort columns (and expand selection to keep relevant information with the column sorted)
Page Setup: Landscape view, show row and column headings, print gridlines
Extend column width to show all values in columns
Insert header and footer in spreadsheet
Show formulas and adjust the % of normal size when printed
Create pie chart
Print pie chart and spreadsheet on same page (may require you to adjust the size of the pie chart, while keeping it readable)