PIM User Documentation

Product Information Manager (PIM)
Quick Reference Guide – External Users
Table Of Contents
Accessing the system ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Main Menu ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Creating A Product ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Item Detail Screen ............................................................................................................................................. 5
PIM Field Information ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Product Data...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Product Availability .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Product Pricing & Retail Dimensions ............................................................................................................. 9
Shipping Dimensions ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Random Weight/Scale Data & DSD/Warehouse Item Information .......................................................... 11
Package Ingredients and Nutritional Fact Information .............................................................................. 12
Shipper & Regulatory Data ........................................................................................................................... 13
Saving Vs. Submitting Information................................................................................................................... 14
Save................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Submit .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Password Management ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Password Rules................................................................................................................................................ 15
Security Question ............................................................................................................................................ 15
FAQ ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
PIM – Product Information Manager
User Documentation – External Users
Accessing the system
1. Open your web browser.
2. Type the following URL into the location bar:
3. Your screen should display the PIM login screen.
4. Type your User ID into the Login box
5. Type your Password into the Password box.
6. Click on the
icon to enter PIM.
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PIM – Product Information Manager
User Documentation – External Users
Main Menu
The following features are available in the home screen.
Add an item – Use the Create Product action to begin adding a new item.
View/Change/Discontinue an item – Use the two following options to drill-down through your item listing to
maintain existing information.
Product Number Filter – Enter the UPC or portion of UPC to drill-down to a smaller listing of items.
State Filter – Use the drop-down option listing to show some or all items associated with your vendor.
The following state options are available to you.
Saved – This state indicates that you have added an item to PIM but not yet sent it to Roundy’s.
Submitted – This state indicates that you have added and sent the item to Roundy’s.
Discontinue Pending – This state indicates that you have stopped offering the product to
Pending – This state indicates there is an issue with your item. You will need to contact the
appropriate category manager for assistance.
Show All Items – This state shows every item associated with your vendor, regardless of state.
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User Documentation – External Users
Creating A Product
There are two values required to begin adding a new item:
Item Format – Please select one of four item formats. These formats will guide you through the product
number entry process. Options are as follows:
PLU – This is a value, six-digits or less, used to manually sell a product to Roundy’s customers.
Example: Bananas are sold using PMA code 4011. 4011 is a PLU
UPC – This is a twelve-digit product number including number system code prefix and suffix check
digit. Roundy’s requires check digit entry on these product numbers. If you are entering a random
weight scale code, please select this option.
EAN-13 – This is a thirteen-digit product number including suffix check digit. Roundy’s requires suffix
check digit entry on these product numbers.
GTIN – This is a fourteen-digit product number including suffix check digit. Roundy’s requires suffix
check digit entry on these product numbers.
Product Number – This is the consumer sales unit, not the case UPC or pallet UPC. Please contact your
category manager for special circumstances associated with product entry. Special handling is allowed for
shippers, ingredients, etc.
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Item Detail Screen
The example above shows an item detail screen in edit mode.
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User Documentation – External Users
Points of interest on the previous page include:
1. Only fields with edit boxes can be modified with your permissions. You will be provided view-only
access to fields that you need to view to make decisions on the item you are working on. However, you
will be unable to change those view-only fields.
2. Drop-down listings are provided wherever possible. This allows us to control the manner in which data
is entered.
3. There are three special option buttons that help you maintain information.
a. The
icon is used in place of a drop-down listing to make the system operate faster. Attributes
such as brand contain too many values to display in a drop-down. The
icon will allow you to
select from a displayed listing or search for a particular value within the listing.
b. The
icon is used to select a date using a standard date-picker tool. You may have used this
type of tool when ordering plane tickets online.
c. The
icon lets you add a repeating set. For category managers and buyers, repeating
sets are used to add items to TCI and Biceps. For pricing, repeating sets are used to identify
WIC status by state.
NOTE: At the top of the item detail screen, you will find a field called “Put into Production on.” Please
leave the value in this field alone. This date and time field manages activations within the PIM system
and Roundy’s expects activations to be immediate. If you adjust this date, you may adversely affect the
new item process up to the point of being unable to ship product to our stores.
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PIM – Product Information Manager
User Documentation – External Users
PIM Field Information
Product Data
Product Description
Receipt Description
Item Format
Functional Name
Is Barcode on Package?
Item Packaging
Retail Sell Pack
Retail Size
Retail UOM
Cat Manager Desk
Brand Code
Trade Item Code
Vendor Group Desc
The product name displayed to the customer on shelf tags and in store
Character maximum: 36
The UPC/GTIN displayed is a combination 14-digit UPC code including
suffix check digit as well as the vendor number you are logged in as. This
UPC is unchangeable at this point. If you made a mistake, you will need
to begin entering the UPC as a new product.
The name displayed on a customer receipt.
Character maximum: 18
Description of what the product is without a reference to brand.
If the item purchased by the consumer can be scanned at the checkout,
select yes. Select no for items such as PLU codes, etc.
The industry-standard code used to describe the products packaging.
Select from drop-down menu.
The number of divisible units within the packaging sold to the consumer.
Ex 1-Roundys 24pk canned soda = 24P
Ex 2-Roundys 7.25 oz boxed dinner = 1P
The size of the lowest divisible unit of product in the packaging sold to
the consumer.
Ex 1-Roundys 24pk canned soda = 12 (12 oz can)
Ex 2-Roundys 7.25 oz boxed dinner = 7.25
The unit of measure used to describe retail size.
Auto-filled based on selection of sub-category. This field identifies the
person or group of persons who will manage this item record.
Select from the list of available brands by using the icon to the right of the
brand code field. If you do not find the appropriate brand, use “Notify
CM” as your brand.
Auto-filled based on selection of category. First level of organization of
product data.
Second level of organization of product data. If you are unsure of what to
select, refer to the Roundy’s Hierarchy Rules Link below the sub-category
Third level of organization of product data. If you are unsure of what to
select, refer to the Roundy’s Hierarchy Rules Link below the sub-category
USDA Organic Certified or Not Organic
For future use. Will be used to allow vendor to associate groups of items.
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Product Availability
Item Placement Fee
Canceled Date
Discontinued Date
Start Availability Date
First Ship Date
End Availability Date
Last Ship Date
Is Seasonal?
Lead Time
Identify if this product is offered to Roundy’s on a one-time only basis.
If you have negotiated an item placement fee with your category
manager, enter the value here.
Used to identify the date for which a product had previously been
communicated to Roundys but never manufactured for distribution.
Used to identify the date for which a product will no longer be
Indicates the first date that the product is available for
Indicates the first date that the product will ship from your facility to
Roundy’s warehouse or stores.
Indicates the last date that the product is available for
Indicates the last date that the product will ship from your facility to
Roundy’s warehouse or stores.
Select yes if the product is seasonal, no if it’s not.
If you selected yes for seasonal, you must indicate the appropriate
Identify the order lead time in days.
Select ‘DA’
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User Documentation – External Users
Product Pricing & Retail Dimensions
MSRP Start
Is Item a Bonus Pack?
Straight Pack UPC
Is Price on Trade Item?
Pre-Priced Quantity
Pre-Priced Retail
Peg Horizontal
Peg Vertical
You must enter a suggested retail price on all products added. The first
field identifies price multiple and the second price. ($1.00 would be 1
and 1.00. 2/$5.00 would be 2 and 5.00)
The beginning effective date of the retail price entered.
The ending effective date of the retail price entered.
If this item is a bonus pack of a straight pack item, select yes.
If the item is a bonus pack, this is the UPC associated with the straight
pack version of the item.
If this item is pre-printed with a suggested retail on consumer package,
select yes.
The price multiple associated with the pre-priced product. (2/$4.00 = 2)
The price associated with the pre-priced product. (2/$4.00 = 4.00)
For peg products, this value represents the horizontal distance between
left or right edge of packaging and the center of the peg hole. (in
For peg products, this value represents the vertical distance between top
edge of packaging and the center of the peg hole. (in inches)
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User Documentation – External Users
Shipping Dimensions
You must add at least one shipping set regardless of DSD or warehouse supplied product.
Rec’d Variable Wgt
Master Pack
Master Cube
Master Height
Master Width
Master Depth
Master Weight
Case/Inner Pack
Case UPC
Case UCN
Case UOM
If you sell the product to Roundy’s by weight, select Yes. If you sell the
product to Roundy’s by the case, select No.
The number of consumer selling units inside the package delivered to
Height of master packaging in inches
Width of master packaging in inches
Depth of master packaging in inches
Weight of master packaging in pounds
The number of consumer selling units inside the inner packaging.
Typically, this value is the same as the master pack at Roundys. Roundys
may indicate to the vendor intent to repack some items in the warehouse.
Vendor will be responsible for setting the modified inner pack on their
shipping sets.
14-digit UPC representing the inner pack case including check digit. (If
Roundys has elected to repack the master pack, please provide the master
pack case UPC.
5 digit UCN (universal case number) associated with delivered packaging.
‘CA – Case’
Continued from last field above…
Case Unit Factor/CAW
Vendor Tie
Vendor Tier
Manufacturer Code
Inner Pack Cost
If your company provides Roundys with a CAW (cube adjusted weight)
value, enter it here.
Reference your company’s product code here. This field should not be
confused with Roundys item code.
Enter the cost associated with the inner case pack value entered.
Note: If you indicated Yes to selling the product by weight to Roundy’s,
then your Inner Pack Cost must be the price per pound sold to Roundy’s.
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User Documentation – External Users
Random Weight/Scale Data & DSD/Warehouse Item Information
Scale PLU
Label Desc Line 1
Label Desc Line 2
Eat Within
Retail Shelf Life
Scale Items
Scale Items
Scale Items
Scale Items
Scale Items
Reclamation Code
Is Non-Sold Item
Storage Method
Temperature Minimum
Temperature Maximum
Vendor Guaranteed
Delivery Shelf Life
The four or five digit lookup number given to you by the category
Description of product printed on label split across two lines.
Description of product printed on label split across two lines.
Enter in number of days. (Rarely used by Roundys)
Enter in number of days.
(blank) = Today
0 = Tomorrow
1 through 998 = Number of days from today
999 = No date printed.
Authorized = Product may be sent through a reclamation center for
Unauthorized = Product may not be sent through a reclamation center.
Own Brand = Product is an own brand product.
Indicate whether or not the product may be returned to the manufacturer
for credit.
Dry, Refrigerated, or Frozen
Indicate the manufacturer’s recommended minimum storage temp.
Indicate the manufacturer’s recommended maximum storage temp.
Enter the remaining shelf life, in days, from the time the vendor delivers
product to store/warehouse.
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User Documentation – External Users
Package Ingredients and Nutritional Fact Information
Ingredients on Package?
Nutrifact Label on
Nutrifact Data
For all products packaging marked with ingredients, you must select
Yes and identify ingredient listing to Roundys. (This includes
products such as hand lotion, etc that are also marked with
Enter the ingredient listing as marked on packaging. You may use
standard copy & paste functions to make this data entry easier.
If the product contains allergens that require you to communicate
presence to the consumer, add each allergen individually here.
If your packaging is marked with a Nutrifacts label, you must select
If you’ve marked Yes to the previous question, you must provide the
information as requested below. If your packaging contains no values
for a specific element, place 0 in the appropriate fields.
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User Documentation – External Users
Shipper & Regulatory Data
Country of Origin
Method of Production
DEA Packaging
items only
items only
items only
DEA Controlled
DEA Controlled
Substance Amount
Shipper Content UPC
Shipper Content
Shipper Content Item
Shipper Content Item
Roundys Status
Select the country the product is manufactured in.
Used typically for seafood at Roundys, you must populate this attribute.
If your product is not farm raised or wild caught, select not applicable.
Identify the type of packaging associated with a product that is
regulated by the DEA
Identify the substance(s) that are DEA controlled and present in this
Identify the quantity PER INNER PACK CASE of the DEA controlled
substance present in this product.
Enter the 14-digit consumer UPC of the shipper content item, including
check digit.
Auto-filled based on shipper UPC selection. If product description
displays, this vendor has already added the product. If no product
description displays, you must add the associated shipper UPC as a
standalone product before Roundy’s will purchase the shipper.
Enter the number of units in this shipper of the associated shipper
content UPC. (The sum total of all shipper component quantity values
must equal the master case pack quantity entered previously in this
Enter the product of shipper content UPC unit cost multiplied by the
shipper content quantity entered.
Auto-filled based on UPC selection.
Live = Roundys has this product on file in either your vendor or
Draft = Roundys has received this product from a vendor and is
working to add the item.
Shipper Note: If you are building a shipper that contains only one UPC, please create a separate repeating
shipping set with a large master pack quantity. Do not build a single unit shipper using the Shipper Content
UPC scenario above. If you are building a multi-unit shipper, please use the shipping case UPC as your product
number when first creating the shipper. This is a known exception to the rule requiring the use of consumer
unit UPC as product number. Then, enter the consumer unit UPC values as shipper content UPC values. It is
the vendor’s responsibility for communicating when shipper content UPC values change. Your shipper will
be rejected at the warehouse dock should UPC values inside the shipper not match exactly what you have
entered into the PIM system.
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User Documentation – External Users
Saving Vs. Submitting Information
In PIM, there are two options that allow you to store information: save and submit. These are action options
located at both the top and bottom of your item detail screen. Please read the below information for important
PIM has a built-in timer allowing Roundy’s to better maintain the security of the information stored in the
system. After 30 minutes of inactivity, we will automatically log you out. The save option is the best way to
ensure your data is not lost. Should you need to leave your desk, take a phone call, or look for additional
information to complete your item detail screen, please be sure to select the Save option. This stores your work
in our database and allows you to retrieve the information the next time you log in.
This option allows you to send your new item or item changes to Roundy’s. When selecting this action, we will
initiate our rules-engine to evaluate your entries. Should there be any missing information or incorrect
information based on our guidelines, we will open a pop-up window and explain to you the errors that need to
be corrected. Once all errors are corrected, you may freely select the Submit option again to send the update to
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User Documentation – External Users
Password Management
Roundy’s has implemented standard password management functionality used by most online applications
today. Your password will expire periodically requiring you to enter a unique password. Some rules associated
with password creation are listed below. Please consult your PIM Policies and Procedures document for more
detailed information surrounding passwords.
Password Rules
Password length minimum is 8.
At least one uppercase letter is required.
At least one lowercase letter is required.
At least one number is required.
At least one special character is required.
Security Question
PIM is equipped to allow you to manage your password without the assistance of a help desk. You will be
required to enter a security question and answer. Should you forget your password, enter your login ID on the
login screen and select the Forgot Password option. You will be prompted to answer your security question. If
successful, the following occurs:
We will email a temporary password to the email address associated with your login ID.
We will force your temporary password to expire immediately upon login. You will have to furnish a new
password to complete the login process.
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PIM – Product Information Manager
User Documentation – External Users
Q I tried logging in and received a screen similar to the one below. What do I do?
A You have another session open. If you have attempted to log into PIM twice, you should be aware that only
one login at a time is allowed. If you have only one session opened, the system thinks you are attempting to
open two sessions. Simply retype the web site address and you will reach the standard login screen.
Q A popup window has displayed indicating I need to correct information. I am unsure of what I need to do.
How do I get help?
A There are three things that you should do.
1. Log the error message. The easiest way to do this is to copy and paste the error message displayed into
an email or MS Word document.
2. Close the error popup and click the SAVE action on the task. This will ensure that you don’t lose the
information you have already entered while you are looking for a solution.
3. Contact your PIM superuser for direction. Make sure you provide the error log to the superuser.
Q I do not get an “Activate Succeeded” message. I only receive contents saved.
A There are a couple reasons why you may not proceed.
1. Does your web browser allow pop-up messaging? If not, you will not be able to receive Roundy’s error
messages associated with your item submissions. You must allow pop-up messages to come from
https://vendors.roundys.com. Please contact your IT department or technical services provider for
information on how to manage pop-ups with Roundy’s PIM.
2. On occasion, an error loop is occurring that you need to get out of. (No message indicates that you’re in
the loop other than the fact your item won’t submit.) Perform the following steps to submit your record.
a. Click Save
b. Click Return
c. If you are not back to the main vendor screen, click Return again.
d. Locate and edit your item.
e. Resubmit.
f. If this doesn’t work…
i. Perform steps a-c above.
ii. Log out and back into PIM
iii. Perform steps d-e above.
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