Part 2 – Ephemera - International Institute of Social History

Part 2 – Ephemera
Note: The box numbers below are not valid. See the list for the actual numbers
7-Point Statement. (Paris, France [Provisional Revolutionary
Government of the Republic of South Viet Nam]: 1971)1
13 April 1977 NCUUA Steering Committee Meeting New York City. (New
York City, New York: 1977)2
3rd Party Articles and Publications about the GI Movement – The Army
Under Siege (New York City, New York [NACLA’s Latin America & Empire
Report]: July/August 1973)3
3rd Party Articles and Publications about the GI Movement – The
Collapse of the Armed Forces (Springfield, Virginia [Armed Forces
Journal]: July/August 1971)4
3rd Party Articles and Publications about the GI Movement – GI Issue
(New York City, New York [WIN Magazine]: December 1969)5
3rd Party Articles and Publications about the GI Movement – The GI
Movement Today (Ann Arbor, Michigan [Radical America]: May/June
The BHW Collection holdings of the 7-Point Statement are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 18
The BHW Collection holdings of 13 April 1977 NCUUA Steering Committee
Meeting New York City are stored in the folder NCUUA in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of NACLA’s Latin America & Empire Report –
The Army Under Siege are stored in the folder Articles and Publications
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Armed Forces Journal – The Collapse of
the Armed Forces are stored in the folder Articles and Publications in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Win Magazine – GI Issue are stored in
the folder Articles and Publications in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
3rd Party Articles and Publications about the GI Movement –
Pentagonism (Boston, Massachusetts [New England Resistance]: n.d)7
3rd Party Articles and Publications about the GI Movement – The GI
3rd Party Articles and Publications about the GI Movement – The
Politics of Resisting the U.S. Military Establishment (West Berlin,
West Germany: n.d.)9
3rd Party Articles and Publications about the GI Movement – U.S.
Servicemen’s Anti-War Movement (Beijing, China [Peking Review]: June
23, 1972)10
25,0000 in D.C. March (New York City, New York [Campaign for a Sane
Nuclear Policy]: 1965)11
Aberle, Kathleen. Anthropology and Imperialism. (Ann Arbor, Michigan
[Radical Education Project]: n.d.)12
The BHW Collection holdings of Radical America – The GI Movement Today
are stored in the folder Articles and Publications in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Pentagonism are stored in the folder
Articles and Publications in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
This was originally published in Overseas Weekly. The BHW Collection
holdings of The GI Undergrounds are stored in the folder Articles and
Publications in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of The Politics of Resisting the U.S.
Military Establishment are stored in the folder Articles and
Publications in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Peking Review – U.S. Servicemen’s
Anti-War Movement are stored in the folder Articles and Publications in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of 25,0000 in D.C. March are stored in
the folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 14
About the PRG 7 Point Peace Plan (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[NARMIC]: 1971)13
Aboveground Press Service. (Colorado Springs, Colorado
[Aboveground]: 1970)14
Actions to Help the “27” (San Francisco, Calif. [National Committee
for the 27 1969)15
ADC’s 4th of July Project (Stockholm, Sweden [American Deserter’s
Committee]: n.d.)16
Advice for Conscientious Objectors in the Armed Forces, second
edition (San Francisco, Calif. [CCCO Western Region]: 1972)17
Air War: Written by Airmen of McChord Air Force Base. (Los Angeles,
Calif. [Support Our Soldiers]: 197?)18
American G.I.’s Need A Union. (West Berlin, West Germany [Forward]:
The BHW Collection holdings of Anthropology and Imperialism are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
The BHW Collection holdings of About the PRG 7 Point Peace Plan are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of Aboveground Press Service are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Actions to Help the “27” are stored in
the folder Presidio 27 - National Committee for the “27” in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 5.
The BHW Collection holdings of ADC’s 4th of July Project are stored in
the folder American Deserter’s Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Advice for Conscientious Objectors in
the Armed Forces, second edition are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 1. Has insert of changes through September 1973.
The BHW Collection holdings of Air War: Written by Airmen of McChord
Air Force Base are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
American Permanent Committee (Paris, France [French Union of
American Deserters and Draft Resisters]: 1968)20
American Red Patriots Program (Toronto, Ontario [American Red
Patriots]: n.d.)21
To American Servicemen in Europe (London, England: 1966)22
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports –
American Servicemen’s Union – Union Demands (New York City, New York
[American Servicemen’s Union]: undated)23
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports - ASU
Continues ‘Energy Crisis’ Struggle (New York City, New York
[American Servicemen’s Union]: 1974)24
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports –
Background on the American Servicemen’s Union (New York City, New
York [American Servicemen’s Union]: 196?)25
The BHW Collection holdings of American G.I.’s Need A Union are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of American Permanent Committee are
stored in the folder French Union of American Deserters and Draft
Resisters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the American Red Patriots Program is
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of To American Servicemen in Europe are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of American Servicemen’s Union – Union
Demands are stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of ASU Continues ‘Energy Crisis’ Struggle
are stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Background on the American
Servicemen’s Union are stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 9
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports - Black
Marines Against the Brass (New York City, New York [American
Servicemen’s Union]: 196?)26
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports – Calley,
Nixon and Big Business – The Chain of Guilt (New York City, New York
[American Servicemen’s Union]: 197?)27
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports – Camp
McCoy 3 (New York City, New York [American Servicemen’s Union]:
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports –
Discussion Document for ANTI-NATO ’74 Conference (New York City, New
York [American Servicemen’s Union]: 1974)29
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports – Ft. Dix
Rebellion/Support the Ft. Dix 38 (New York City, New York [Committee
for GI Rights]: 1969)30
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports – Frame
Up of 3 Ft. Cason G.I.’s (New York City, New York [Committee for GI
Rights]: 1971)31
The BHW Collection holdings of Black Marines Against the Brass are
stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
There are two versions of this flyer, one 81/2x11 the other 11x17.
The BHW Collection holdings of Calley, Nixon and Big Business – The
Chain of Guilt are stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Camp McCoy 3 are stored in the folder
ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Discussion Document for ANTI-NATO ’74
Conference are stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of the Ft. Dix Rebellion/Support the Ft.
Dix 38 are stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports – Help Us
to Organize for Justice (New York City, New York [American
Servicemen’s Union]: undated)32
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports Kangaroo Court-Martial (New York City, New York [Committee for GI
Rights]: 1969)33
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports – A
Petition to Retain Extended & Emergency Unemployment Benefits for
Veterans. (New York City, New York [American Servicemen’s Union]:
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports –
Soldiers Against the War (New York City, New York [Committee for GI
Rights]: 1967)35
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports –
Veterans Ask – What do we do now? (New York City, New York [American
Servicemen’s Union]: 1972)36
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports –
Veterans Demand: No Cut in Unemployment Benefits (New York City, New
The BHW Collection holdings of Frame Up of 3 Ft. Cason G.I.’s are
stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of the Help Us to Organize for Justice
are stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of the Kangaroo Court-Martial are stored
in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of A Petition to Retain Extended &
Emergency Unemployment Benefits for Veterans are stored in the folder
ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Soldiers Against the War are stored in
the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Veterans Ask – What do we do now? are
stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
York [American Servicemen’s Union]: 1972)37
American Servicemen’s Union Pamphlets, Posters and Reports – Vietnam
Era Veterans March on Washington May 19 (New York City, New York
[American Servicemen’s Union]: 1973)38
To American Soldiers in Europe (London, England: 1966)39
Amerikansk CIA Rasicme (Stockholm, Sweden: n.d.)40
Amnesty – Amnesty for Vets Too! (New York City, New York [National
Council for Universal and Unconditional Amnesty]: 1977)41
Amnesty – Bad Conduct Discharge. (New York City, New York [National
Council for Universal and Unconditional Amnesty]: n.d.)42
Amnesty – Carter’s Program: Not Universal Unconditional Amnesty (New
York City, New York [National Council for Universal and
Unconditional Amnesty]: 1977)43
The BHW Collection holdings of Veterans Demand: No Cut in
Unemployment Benefits are stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam Era Veterans March on
Washington May 19 are stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of To American Soldiers in Europe are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of Amrikansk CIA Rasicme are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 18
The BHW Collection holdings of Amnesty for Vets Too! Are stored in
the subfolder NCUUA in folder Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Bad Conduct Discharge are stored in
the subfolder NCUUA in folder Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Carter’s Program: Not Universal
Unconditional Amnesty are stored in the subfolder NCUUA in folder
Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
Amnesty – Carter’s Second Step (New York City, New York [National
Council for Universal and Unconditional Amnesty]: 1977)44
Amnesty – Conference Participants, Special Key Contacts (New York
City, New York [National Council for Universal and Unconditional
Amnesty]: 1977)45
Amnesty – Families of Resisters for Amnesty: National “Bring ‘Em
Home for Xmas” Amnesty Campaign Announced. (New York City, New York
[Families of Resisters for Amnesty]: 1973)46
Amnesty – FORA: Families of Resisters for Amnesty. (New York City,
New York [FORA]: 1973[?])47
Amnesty – A Strategy for Building a Mass Movement for a Just
Amnesty. (New York City, New York [Families of Resisters for
Amnesty]: n.d.)48
Amnesty – A Practical Guide To the Carter Program for Deserters and
Veterans. (New York City, New York [National Council for Universal
and Unconditional Amnesty]: 1977)49
The BHW Collection holdings of Carter’s Second Step are stored in the
subfolder NCUUA in folder Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Conference Participants, Special Key
Contacts are stored in the subfolder NCUUA in folder Amnesty in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Families of Resisters for Amnesty:
National “Bring ‘Em Home for Xmas” Amnesty Campaign Announced are
stored in the subfolder Families of Resisters for Amnesty in folder
Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection Holdings of FOR A: Families of Resisters for
Amnesty are stored in the subfolder Families of Resisters for Amnesty
in folder Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of A Strategy for Building a Mass
Movement for a Just Amnesty are stored in the subfolder Families of
Resisters for Amnesty in folder Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
Amnesty – Universal Unconditional Amnesty for all Vietnam War
Resisters (New York City, New York [National Council for Universal
and Unconditional Amnesty]: 1976)50
Amnesty – Vietnam Veterans Against the War/Winter Soldier
Organization Position Paper on Amnesty (Chicago, Illinois [Vietnam
Veterans Against the War/Winter Soldier Organization]: 197?)51
Amnesty - Working Papers for the NCUUA Conference on New Directions
for Veterans, War Resisters, and Amnesty Supporters. (New York City,
New York [National Council for Universal and Unconditional Amnesty]:
The AMRC Papers – An Indictment of the Army Mathematics Research
Center. (Madison, Wisconsin [Science for the People]: 1973)53
An American Changes Worlds. Life in China of an Ex-Prisoner of War.
(New York City, New York [Far East Reporter]: 1971)54
The BHW Collection holdings of NCUUA A Practical Guide To the Carter
Program for Deserters and Veterans are stored in the folder NCUUA in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Universal Unconditional Amnesty for
all Vietnam War Resisters are stored in the subfolder NCUUA in folder
Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam Veterans Against the
War/Winter Soldier Organization Position Paper on Amnesty are stored in
the subfolder VVAW in folder Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Working Papers for the NCUUA
Conference on New Directions for Veterans, War Resisters, and Amnesty
Supporters are stored in the folder NCUUA in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of The AMRC Papers – An Indictment of the
Army Mathematics Research Center are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 1
The BHW Collection Holdings of An American Changes Worlds. Life in
China of an Ex-Prisoner of War are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
An Introduction (Chicago, Illinois [Students for a Democratic
Society]: n.d.)55
Andrew Pulley. (Heidelberg, West Germany: 1972)56
Angry … Frightened … Over Vietnam ???? Then Read This. (Brooklyn,
New York [Socialist Labor Party]: 196?)57
Anti-Vietnam War Warrior: The Story of Lorenzo “Komboa” Ervin
(Amsterdam, The Netherlands [The Haptoc Family International]:
Anti-War P.O.W. to Detail Harassment by Military and Declare Support
for Unconditional Amnesty for Resisters (New York City, New York
[Safe Return]: 1973)59
Appel Des Deserteurs Americains A Ceux Qui Sont Sencore Sous Les
Drapeaux (Paris, France [French Union of American Deserters and
Draft Resisters]: 1968)60
April 3 (Paris, France [French Union of American Deserters and Draft
The BHW Collection holdings of An Introduction are stored the in
folder Students for a Democratic Society in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Andrew Pulley are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of Angry … Frightened … Over Vietnam???
Then read this are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti-Vietnam War Warrior: The Story of
Lorenzo “Komboa” Ervin are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti-War P.O.W. to Detail Harassment
by Military and Declare Support for Unconditional Amnesty for Resisters
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Appel Des Deserteurs Americains A Ceux
Qui Sont Encore Sous Les Drapeaux are stored in the folder French Union
of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
Resisters]: 1968)61
Armed Forces Security Questionnaire (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors]: 197?)62
Armee Und Politische Repression (Zurich, Switzerland
[Soldatenkomitee Zeurich]]: 1973)63
Army Railroads Two Local GIs (Kailua, Hawaii [Grance-Kealoha Defense
Committee]: 197?)64
Article 138 – The G.I.s Secret Weapon Against the Brass (publisher
unlisted: n.d.)65
Article 138 – Letter from Pvt. Veittbach66
Article 138 – Our Weapon Against the Brass (Honolulu, Hawaii [The
Liberated Barracks]: n.d.)67
Ashkenasi, Abraham. The Development and application of strategy in
The BHW Collection holdings of April 3 are stored in the folder
French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Armed Forces Security Questionnaire
are stored in the folder CCCO Publications BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Armee Und Politische Repression are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 12
The BHW Collection holdings of Army Railroads Two Local GIs are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Article 138 – The G.I.s Secret Weapon
Against the Brass are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Article 138 – Letter from Pvt.
Veittbach are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of Article 138 – Our Weapon Against the
Brass are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
the New Left.68
Ask A Marine (San Francisco, Calif. [Up Against the Bulkhead]:
Assorted Opinion Editorials from the mainstream press (New York
City, New York [Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy]: 1965)70
Ba, Le Quang. The Story of a Vietnamese Freedom Fighter (Los
Angeles, Calif. [Support Our Soldiers]: 197?)71
Base Workers in Korea Organize (Address unknown: 1976)72
Bays, David. The Silent Killers: New Developments in Gas and Germ
Weapons. (London, England [The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament]:
Benenson, Hal. The New Left. (Ann Arbor, Michigan [Radical Education
Project]: n.d.)74
The BHW Collection holdings of The Development and application of
strategy in the New Left are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 24
The BHW Collection holdings of Ask A Marine are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Assorted Opinion Editorials from the
mainstream press are stored in the folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear
Policy in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of The Story of a Vietnamese Freedom
Fighter are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 12
The BHW Collection holdings of e Workers in Korea Organize are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of The Silent Killers: New Developments
in Gas and Germ Weapons are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 26
The BHW Collection holdings of The New Left are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 26
Bensky, Larry. How Bobby Was Framed (No address given: 196?)75
Bi-Centennial: Native Americans not participating in 4th of July
Parade. (West Berlin, West Germany [Native Amnericans Berlin
Brigade]: 1975)76
Black GI, a Vietnam Veteran, Faces Second Trial in Slaying (Chicago,
Illinois [NOSCAM-Chicago]: 197?)77
Black Militancy is on the Rise in Zimbabwe78
Black Seaman Seek Justice from U.S. Navy (San Diego, Calif.: 1972)79
Blacks in the Military: The Myth of Equal Opportunity (Washington
D.C [Center for National Security Studies]: 1975[?])80
Bobby Seale is Going to be Murdered by the United States Government
in Connecticut (Oakland, Calif. [Bay Area Defense Committee]: 1971)81
The BHW Collection holdings of How Bobby was Framed are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 26
The BHW Collection holdings of Bi-Centennial: Native Americans not
participating in 4th of July Parade are stored in BHW GI Press Ep[hemera
box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of Black GI, a Vietnam Veteran, Faces
Second Trial in Slaying are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of Black Militancy on the Rise in
Zimbabwe are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 24
The BHW Collection holdings of Black Seaman Seek Justice from U. S.
Navy are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Blacks in the Military: The Myth of
Equal Opportunity are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
The BHW Collection holdings of Bobby Seale is Going to be Murdered by
the United States Government in Connecticut are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 16
Bond, Julian. Vietnam (Atlanta, Georgia: 196?)82
Book Announcement – War Resisters, Canada. (Knox, Pennsylvania
[Knox, Pennsylvania Free Press]: 1972)83
Boyle, Richard. GI Revolts (Palo Alto, Calif. [Ramparts Press]:
Braley, Russ. Finding a GI Resister to Interview in Europe is Not
Difficult. (Bonn, West Germany [Russ Braley]: 1968)85
Braley, Russ. The Underground Railroad. (Bonn, West Germany [Russ
Braley]: 1968)86
Branfman, Fred. The Air War (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [NARMIC]:
Brief Analysis of Events and Work to Date and Plans for the Next Few
Weeks (San Francisco, Calif. [National Committee for the 27]: 1969)88
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of War Resisters, Canada are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of GI Revolts: The Breakdown of the U.S.
Army in Vietnam are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 12
The BHW Collection holdings of Finding a GI Resister to Interview in
Europe is Not Difficult are stored in the folder Russ Braley in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of The Underground Railroad are stored in
the folder Russ Braley in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of Air War are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Brief Analysis of Events and Work to
Date and Plans for the Next Few Weeks are stored in the folder Presidio
27 - National Committee for the “27” in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5.
Brief of Defendant (Brooklyn, New York [End the Draft]: 196?)89
Browne, Corinne. The Vietnam Veteran – Vets in Prison.90
Browning, Frank and Banning Garrett. The New Opium War.91
The Budget Gives the Game Away. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [NRMIC]:
Call for Sustained GI Presence in Washington D.C. (Washington D.C.
[GI Alliance]: 1970)93
Call to International Action (New York City, New York [Student
Mobilization Committee]: 1969)94
Calley, Nixon and Big Business – The Chain of Guilt (Heidelberg,
West Germany [RITA-ACT): 197?)95
The Camp Allen Brothers. (Norfolk, Virginia [The Defense Committee]:
The BHW Collection holdings of Brief of Defendant are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 24.
The BHW Collection holdings of The Vietnam Veteran – Vets in Prison
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
This was originally published in Ramparts Magazine May 1971. The BHW
Collection holdings of The New Opium War are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of The Budget Gives the Game Away are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 28
The BHW Collection holdings of Call for Sustained GI Presence in
Washington D.C. are stored in the folder GI Alliance in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of A Call to International Action are
stored in the folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of Calley, Nixon and Big Business – The
Chain of Guilt are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 30
Camp Pendleton 14 - Free the 14: Smash the KKK (San Francisco,
Calif. [Camp Pendleton 14 Solidarity Committee]: 1977)97
Camp Pendleton 14 - Petition to Congress (San Francisco, Calif.
[Camp Pendleton 14 Solidarity Committee]: 1977)98
Camp Pendleton 14 - Proposed Action (San Francisco, Calif. [Camp
Pendleton 14 Solidarity Committee]: 1977)99
Can’t Camouflage it: German and American Women Suffer Under
Militarism (West Berlin, West Germany [Military Counseling Network:
Canada and the Draft – Aid to U.S. Military Refugees in Toronto
(Toronto, Ontario [Committee to Aid American War Objectors]: 1971)101
Canada and the Draft – American Exile Counseling Center (Montreal,
Quebec [American Exile Counseling Center]: 1971)102
The BHW Collection holdings of the Camp Allen Brothers are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 21
The BHW Collection holdings of Free the 14: Smash the KKK are stored
in the folder Camp Pendleton 14 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Petition to Congress are stored in the
folder Camp Pendleton 14 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Proposed Action are stored in the
folder Camp Pendleton 14 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Can’t Camouflage it: German and
American Women Suffer Under Militarism are stored BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Aid to U.S. Military Refugees in
Toronto are stored in the subfolder Committee to Aid Refugees from
Militarism [Toronto] in the folder Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 9
Canada and the Draft – American Refugee Service (Montreal, Quebec
[American Refugee Service]: 1971)103
Canada and the Draft – Canadian Coalition of War Resisters (Toronto,
Manitoba, Montreal and Vancouver [Canadian Coalition of War
Resisters]: 1967-69)104
Canada and the Draft – CARM (Toronto, Ontario [Committee to Aid
American War Objectors]: 197?)105
Canada and the Draft – CARM is (Toronto, Ontario [Committee to Aid
American War Objectors]: 1971)106
Canada and the Draft – Deserters and Immigration to Canada
(Vancouver, British Columbia [Committee to Aid American War
Objectors]: 1967-69)107
Canada and the Draft – Escape from Freedom – Immigration to Canada
The BHW Collection holdings of American Exile Counseling Center are
stored in the subfolder American Exile Counseling Center [Montreal] in
the folder Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of American Refugee Service are stored in
the subfolder American Refugee Service [Montreal] in the folder Canada
and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Canadian Coalition of War Resisters
are stored in the subfolder Canadian Coalition of War Resisters in the
folder Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of CARM are stored in the subfolder
Committee to Aid Refugees from Militarism [Toronto] in the folder
Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of CARM is are stored in the subfolder
Committee to Aid Refugees from Militarism [Toronto] in the folder
Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Deserters and Immigration to Canada
are stored in the subfolder Committee to Aid American War Objectors
[Vancouver] in the folder Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 9
as an Alternative to the Draft (Vancouver, British Columbia
[Committee to Aid American War Objectors]: n.d.)108
Canada and the Draft - Immigration to Canada and its Relation to the
Deserter (Montreal, Quebec [American Deserter’s Committee]: n.d.)109
Canada and the Draft - Immigration to Canada and its Relation to the
Draft (Vancouver, British Columbia [Committee to Aid American War
Objectors]: 1967-69)110
Canada and the Draft – In Canada (New York City, New York [Emergency
Ministry]: 1971)111
Canada and the Draft – Manual for Draft-Age Immigrants to Canada
(Toronto, Ontario [Toronto Anti-Draft Programme]: 1968)112
Canada and the Draft – Notes on Immigrating to Canada (Edmonton,
Alberta [Alexander Ross Society]: 1968)113
The BHW Collection holdings of Escape from Freedom – Immigration to
Canada as an Alternative to the Draft are stored in the subfolder
Committee to Aid American War Objectors [Vancouver] in the folder
Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Immigration to Canada and its Relation
to the Deserter are stored in the subfolder Committee to American
Deserter’s Committee [Montreal] in the folder Canada and he draft in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
There are two versions of this pamphlet, 1 published in 1967 and a
revised version published in 1969. The BHW Collection holdings of
Immigration to Canada and its Relation to the Draft are stored in the
subfolder Committee to Aid American War Objectors [Vancouver] in the
folder Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of In Canada are stored in the subfolder
Emergency Ministry in the folder Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Manual for Draft-Age Immigrants to
Canada are stored in the subfolder Toronto Anti-Draft Programme
[Toronto] in the folder Canada and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 9
The Case for Abolishing ROTC. (Boston, Massachusetts [New England
Free Press]: 196?)114
Caspary, William. American Economic Imperialism (Ann Arbor, Michigan
[Radical Education Project]: 1969)115
CCCO Booklet February 1972 – Getting Out: A Guide to Discharges
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [CCCO]: 1972)116
CCCO Booklet No. 2 – This Suit Doesn’t Fit Sarge: A Guide to
Unsuitability And Unfitness Discharges (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[CCCO]: 1972)117
CCCO Booklet No. 3 – Who Needs You More: A Guide to Hardship and
Dependency Discharges (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [CCCO]: 1972)118
CCCO Booklet No. 4 – I Was Only Following Doctor’s Orders: A Guide
to Discharge Because of Medical Problems (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[CCCO]: 1972)119
The BHW Collection holdings of Notes on Immigrating to Canada stored
in the subfolder Alexander Ross Society [Edmonton] in the folder Canada
and he draft in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of The Case for Abolishing ROTC are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 18
The BHW Collection holdings of Democracy and the University are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
The BHW Collection holdings of CCCO Booklet February 1972 – Getting
Out: A Guide to Discharges are stored in the folder CCCO Booklets in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of CCO Booklet No. 2 – This Suit Doesn’t
Fit Sarge: A Guide to Unsuitability And Unfitness Discharges are stored
in the folder CCCO Booklets in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of CCCO Booklet No. 3 – Who Needs You
More: A Guide to Hardship and Dependency Discharges are stored in the
folder CCCO Booklets in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
CCCO Booklet No. 5 – Who Let You In Here: A Guide to Discharge
Because of Erroneous Enlistment or Induction (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania [CCCO]: 1972)120
CCCO Booklet No. 6 – If War is Hell: Thinking through the Basis of
Objection to War (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [CCCO]: 1972)121
The Center. (Stockholm, Sweden [The Center]: 1970)122
Centre Quaker International (Paris, France [Centre Quaker
International]: n.d.)123
Christians Speak Out. (Paris, France [Paris American Committee to
Stopwar]: 196?)124
CIA Covert Action: Threat to the Constitution (Washington D.C.
[Center for National Security Studies]: n.d.)125
The BHW Collection holdings of CCCO Booklet No. 4 – I Was Only
Following Doctor’s Orders: A Guide to Discharge Because of Medical
Problems are stored in the folder CCCO Booklets in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of CCCO Booklet No. 5 – Who Let You In
Here: A Guide to Discharge Because of Erroneous Enlistment or Induction
are stored in the folder CCCO Booklets in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of CCO Booklet No. 6 – If War is Hell:
Thinking through the Basis of Objection to War are stored in the folder
CCCO Booklets in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of The Center are stored in the folder
The Center (Stockholm) in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of Centre Quaker International are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of Christians Speak Out are stored in the
folder Paris American Committee to Stopwar in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of CIA Covert Action: Threat to the
Constitution are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 21
Cleaver, Kathleen. Position of the Black Panther Party for SelfDefense of the Seventh Congressional District Election and the
Candidacy of John George in the Democratic Party. (Oakland, Calif.
[Black Panther Party for Self Defense): 1968126
Cloke, Ken. A Pocket Manual on Draft Resistance. (New York City, New
York [The Guardian]: 1971)127
Combatting High School ROTC. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [CCCO]:
Come to Participate in the National Student Antiwar Conference (New
York City, New York [Student Mobilization Committee]: 1970)129
The Commitment is to the UN (New York City, New York [Campaign for a
Sane Nuclear Policy]: 1965)130
The Committee of Fort Jackson Conscientious Objectors (Columbia,
South Carolina [Committee of Fort Jackson Conscientious Objectors]:
The BHW Collection holdings of Position of the Black Panther Party
for Self-Defense of the Seventh Congressional District Election and the
Candidacy of John George in the Democratic Party are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of Ken Cloke, A Pocket Manual on Draft
Resistance are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Combatting High School ROTC are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 18
The BHW Collection holdings of Come to Participate in the National
Student Antiwar Conference are stored in the folder Student
Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of The Commitment is to the UN are stored
in the folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of The Committee of Fort Jackson
Conscientious Objectors are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 29.
Communique (Paris, France [Government of the Democratic Republic of
Vietnam]: 1971)132
Concepts for Agitation (West Berlin, West Germany [Up Against the
Wall]: 197?)133
Conduct of Applicant at Personal Appearance (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania [Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors]:
The Conscientious Objector and the Armed Forces (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania [Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors]:
Cortright, David. The GI Movement After Vietnam (San Diego, Calif.
[GI Project Alliance]: 197?)136
Counseling. (Washington D.C. [National Interreligious Service Board
for Conscientious Objectors]: 1976[?])137
The BHW Collection holdings of Communique are store in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 30
The BHW Collection holdings of Concepts for Agitation are stored in
the folder Up Against the Wall Materials in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Conduct of Applicant at Personal
Appearance are stored in the folder CCCO Publications in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of The Conscientious Objector and the
Armed Forces are stored in the folder CCCO Publications in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 15
This was originally published in GIPA News and Discussion Bulletin
no. 19. The BHW Collection holdings of The GI Movement After Vietnam
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Counseling is stored in the folder
NIRSBCO BHW GI Press Ephemera box 31
Crazy Horse Spirit (Port Angeles, Washington [Leonard Peltier
Defense Committee]: 197?)138
Cuba for Beginners (San Francisco, Calif. [Leviathan]: 197?)139
The Danish Vietnamcommittees Some Activities. (Copenhagen, Denmark:
The Darmstadt 53
- Brothers and Sisters (West Berlin, West Germany:
The Darmstadt 53
Germany: 197?)142
- Darmstadt is Together (West Berlin, West
The Darmstadt 53 - Darmstadt the Shape of Things to Come? (West
Berlin, West Germany: 197?)143
The Darmstadt 53
- Freedom for Marshall (West Berlin, West Germany:
The BHW Collection holdings of Crazy Hose Spirit are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 24
The BHW Collection holdings of Cuba For Beginners is stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 31
The BHW Collection holdings of The Danish Vietnamcommittees Some
Activities are stored I BHW GI Press Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of Brothers and Sisters are stored in the
folder Darmstadt 53 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of Darmstadt is Together are stored in
the folder Darmstadt 53 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of Darmstadt the Shape of Things to Come?
are stored in the folder Darmstadt 53 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of Freedom for Marshall are stored in the
folder Darmstadt 53 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The Darmstadt 53 - Time is running Out!!! Brother Marshall’s
Freedom is on the Line!!! (West Berlin, West Germany: 197?)145
Davis, Dennis. G.I. Joe’s A Red. (Boston, Massachusetts [New England
Free Press]: 1969)146
De Nike, Howard J. The New “Problem Soldier”-Dissenter in the Ranks
(Bloomington, Indiana: 1974)147
De Nike, Howard J. Shakedown Inspection for Contraband Thrown Out
De Nike, Howard J. The U.S. Military and Dissenters in the Ranks:
Germany 1970-75 (Place of Publication unknown: 197?)149
De Nike, Howard J. War and GI Resistance: A History Lesson.150
Dear (Paris, France [French Union of American Deserters and Draft
Resisters]: 1968)151
The BHW Collection holdings of Time is running Out!!! Brother
Marshall’s Freedom is on the Line!!! are stored in the folder Darmstadt
53 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of G.I. Joe’s A Red is stored in in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 14.
The BHW Collection holdings of The New “Problem Soldier”-Dissenter in
the Ranks are stored in the folder Howard De Nike writings in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of Shakedown Inspection for Contraband
Thrown Out are stored in the folder Howard De Nike writings in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of The U.S. Military and Dissenters in
the Ranks: Germany 1970-75 are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collecion holdings of War and GI Resistance: A History Lesson
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 27
The BHW Collection holdings of Dear are stored in the folder French
Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 4
Deserter Resister! (New York City, New York [Safe Return]: 1973)152
Details of Compulsory Work Program for Conscientious Objectors
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [Central Committee for Conscientious
Objectors]: 197?)153
The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Alternative Publishng. (New York City,
New York [The Alternative Press Syndicate]: 1976)154
Documents of the United NLF-groups in Sweden. (no address given,
Sweden [Vietnam-Bulletin]: 1972)155
Dokument Hur USAs Regering Och CIA Anvåander Rasism som Politikst
Vapen mot Svenska Folket (Stockholm, Sweden: n.d.)156
Domestic Surveillance: CIA Target America (No publisher listed:
Don’t Let Them Be Forgotten (Rammstein Air Base, West Germany:
The BHW Collection holdings of Deserter Resister! Are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 30
The BHW Collection holdings of Details of Compulsory Work Program for
Conscientious Objectors are stored in the folder CCCO Publications BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of The Do-It-Yourself Guide to
Alternative Publishing are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 27
The BHW Collection holdings of Documents of the United NLF-groups in
Sweden are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 28
The BHW Collection holdings of Dokument Hur USAs Regering Och CIA
Anvåander Rasism som Politikst Vapen mot Svenska Folket are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 18
The BHW Collection holdings of Domestic Surveillance: CIA Target
America are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 31
Don’t Mourn Organize. (San Francisco, Calif. [Students for a
Democratic Society/The Movement Press]: 1968)159
Downdraft. (Mulgrave [Draft Resisters Union]: 197?)160
Drug Manual (Yokosuka, Japan [Vietnam Veterans Against the
War/Winter Soldier Organization]: n.d.)161
Duncan, Sgt. Donald. The Whole Thing Was a Lie … I Quit. (Menlo
Park, Calif. [Ramparts Magazine]: 1966)162
Dutch GI Movement – AVNM Posters and Pamphlets – Algemene Vereniging
Nederlandese Militairen163
Dutch GI Movement – AVNM Posters and Pamphlets – De Keisoldaat164
The BHW Collection holdings of Don’t Let Them be Forgotten are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Don’t Mourn Organize are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 26.
The BHW Collection holdings of Downdraft are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Drug Manual are stored I BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 27
This article, which was published in the February 1966 issue of
Ramparts was the first public statement of opposition to the war by a
veteran who had served in Vietnam, with the Special Forces and refused
to re-up in protest of the war. The BHW Collection holdings of The
Whole Thing Was a Lie … I Quit are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Algemene Vereniging Nederlandese
Militairen are stored in the folder AVNM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of De Keisoldaat are stored in the folder
AVNM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
Dutch GI Movement – AVNM Posters and Pamphlets – “Is In Onze Tijd
Een Compromis Een Gewetrensbezwaar?” 165
Dutch GI Movement – AVNM Posters and Pamphlets – Petitie [AVNMKromhout] 166
Dutch GI Movement – AVNM Posters and Pamphlets – Welkom [AVNMBernhard]167
Dutch GI Movement – AVNM Posters and Pamphlets – Welkom [AVNMKromhout]168
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – 5 Dagen Verswaard
Voor Dit Pampflet [VVDM-Ermelo]169
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – 103 GNK-Bataljon 20
Jaar. Feest Voor de Maten??[VVDM-Ermelo]170
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Antwoord Van
Legertop [VVDM-Amsfoort]171
The BHW Collection holdings of “Is In Onze Tijd Een Compromis Een
Gewetrensbezwaar?” are stored in the folder AVNM in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Petitie [AVNM Kromhout] are stored in
the folder AVNM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Welkom [AVNM Bernhard] are stored in
the folder AVNM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Welkom [AVNM Kromhout] are stored in
the folder AVNM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of 5 Dagen Verswaard Voor Dit Pampflet
are stored in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of 103 GNK-Bataljon 20 Jaar. Feest Voor
de Maten??are stored in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Antwoord Van Legertop are stored in
the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Blij Af, Dit is Van
Mij [VVDM]172
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Burgerwerkmap
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Demonstratie
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Demonstratie
Donderdag [VVDM]175
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Het Leger en de
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Instructions for
VVDM Activists [VVDM]177
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – in Het Leger
Bestaat Ook Overwerk [VVDM-Amsfoort]178
The BHW Collection holdings of Blij Af, Dit is Van Mij are stored in
the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Burgerwerkmap are stored in the folder
VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Demonstratie are stored in the folder
VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Demonstratie Donderdag are stored in
the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Instructions for VVDM Activists are
stored in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of in Het Leger Bestaat Ook Overwerk are
stored in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of in Het Leger Bestaat Ook Overwerk are
stored in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets –
Introdctuctiestencil Lichting 73-6 [VVDM]179
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Kompensatie [VVDMEde]180
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Kompesaasie!!
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Een Beroepsleger?
Dat Nooit! [VVDM]182
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Ledenwerven
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – De Lutchtzak
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Opkomst Krant
The BHW Collection holdings of Introdctuctiestencil Lichting 73-6 are
stored in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Kompensatie are stored in the folder
VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Kompesaasie!! are stored in the folder
VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Een Beroepsleger? Dat Nooit! are
stored in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Ledenwerven are stored in the folder
VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of De Lutchtzak are stored in the folder
VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Opkomst Krant are stored in the folder
VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – De Strijd Gaat
Door! [VVDM]186
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Twaalfde Duk Elf
Jaar VVDM [VVDM]187
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – V.V.D.M.
afdelingsbestuur J.W.F. kaz. Assen [VVDM Assen]188
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Vierre Druk
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – VVDM Aktie
Programma [VVDM]190
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – VVDM Doe Mee Wordt
Lid [VVDM]191
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – VVDM Informatie
The BHW Collection holdings of De Strijd Gaat Door! are stored in the
folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Twaalfde Duk Elf Jaar VVDM are stored
in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of V.V.D.M. afdelingsbestuur J.W.F. kaz.
Assen are stored in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Vierre Druk are stored in the folder
VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of VVDM Aktie-Program are stored in the
folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
There are two versions of this flyer, one on yellow paper, 1 on pink
paper. The pink version has inlichtingen bÿ je afdeliugsbestuur written
in bottom left corner. The BHW Collection holdings of VVDM Doe Mee
Wordt Lid are stored in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – VVDM Kompensatie
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – de VVDM Opkomst
Krant [VVDM]194
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – VVDM Stickers
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – VVDM
Voorlichtingsavond [VVDM]196
Dutch GI Movement - VVDM Posters and Pamphlets – Wij Steunen Louis
Stokes - We Support Louis Stokes [VVDM]197
Edwards, Dudley. The Soldiers’ Revolt (Nottingham, England [the
Russell Press Ltd.]: 1978)198
The BHW Collection holdings of VVDM Informatie stored in the
subfolder Stickers in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of VVDM Kompensatie stored in the
subfolder Stickers in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
There are two editions of VVDM Opkomst Krant The BHW Collection
holdings of de VVDM Opkomst Krant are stored in the subfolder Stickers
in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of VVDM stickers are stored in the
subfolder Stickers in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of VVDM Voorlichtingsavond are stored in
the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of We Support Louis Stokes are stored in
the subfolder Stickers in the folder VVDM in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of The Soldiers’ Revolt are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 2
El-Khalidi, Ahmed Samih. The Arab-Israelin War 1967.199
El Salvador (West Berlin, West Germany: 1980)200
Emergency Steering Committee Meeting. (New York City, New York:
An Enemy of the People. How the Draft is Used to Stop Movements for
Social Change. (Louisville, Kentucky [Southern Conference Education
Fund]: 1970)202
England and Draft Americans (London, England: n.d.)203
Enlisted Man – Struggling to Support a Family on Poverty Pay. (No
address given: n.d.)204
Enlisted People Need a Union. (Washington D.C. [Enlisted People’s
Organizing Committee]: 197?)205
The BHW Collection holdings of The Arab-Israeli War 1967 are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 26
The BHW Collection holdings of El Salvador are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of Emergency Steering Committee Meeting
are stored in the folder NCUUA in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of An Enemy of the People. How the Draft
is Used to Stop Movements for Social Change are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 30
The BHW Collection holdings of England and Draft Americans are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Enlisted Man – Struggling to Support a
Family on Poverty Pay are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Enlisted People need a Union are
stored in the folder Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 5
The Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee. (Washington D.C.
[Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee]: 197?)206
European Conference of Conscripts Organizations – Declaration and
Program of ECCO 2. (Utrecht, The Netherlands [European Conference of
Conscripts Organizations], New York: 1977)207
European Conference of Conscripts Organizations – ECCO 2. (Utrecht,
The Netherlands [European Conference of Conscripts Organizations],
New York: 1977)208
“F. T. A.” The Show the Pentagon Could Not Stop. (Los Angeles,
Calif. [American International Pictures]: 1972)209
Fact Sheet on Vietnam and the Draft. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors]: n.d.)210
Fact Sheets and Documents Concerning The Presidio Mutiny Trials and
Stockade Conditions (San Francisco, Calif. [National Committee for
the 27 1969)211
The BHW Collection holdings of the Enlisted People’s Organizing
Committee are stored in the folder Enlisted People’s Organizing
Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Declaration and Program of ECCO 2 are
stored in the subfolder ECCO 2 in the folder European Conference of
Conscripts Organizations in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of ECCO 2 are stored in the subfolder
ECCO 2 in the folder European Conference of Conscripts Organizations in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of “F. T. A.” The Show the Pentagon Could
Not Stop are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
The BHW Collection holdings of Fact Sheet on Vietnam and the Draft
are stored in the folder CCCO Publications BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Fact Sheets and Documents Concerning
The Presidio Mutiny Trials and Stockade Conditions are stored in the
folder Presidio 27 - National Committee for the “27” in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 5.
Facts on Deserters in Sweden. (Stockholm, Sweden [The Center]:
Farrell, Barry. The Case of Private Sood. (1969)213
Ferretti, Fred. The Vietnam Veteran – 175,000 Addicts.214
A Few Billion for Defense, Plus 250 Billion More for Overseas
Fight Levies (No address given: n.d.)216
Finding Housing. (Stockholm, Sweden [The Center]: 1970)217
Flyer – 20 Jahre Bundeswehr = 20 Jahre Wolf Im Schafpelz (No given
address, West Germany: 1973)218
Flyer – 6,000,000 victims (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [American
The BHW Collection holdings of Facts on Deserters in Sweden are
stored in the folder The Center (Stockholm) in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of The Case of Private Sood are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of The Vietnam Veteran – 175,000 Addicts
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of A Few Billion for Defense, Plus 250
Billion More for Overseas Intervention are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 27
The BHW Collection holdings of Fight Levies are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of Finding Housing are stored in the
folder The Center (Stockholm) in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer 20 Jahre Bundeswehr = 20
Jahre Wolf Im Schafpelz are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 3
Friends Service Committee]: 1969)219
Flyer – American Exiles in Britain Want You (London, England [Union
of American Exiles in Britain]: 197?)220
Flyer – AMG Wuppertal (Wuppertal, West Germany [Anti-MilitarismusGruppe-Wuppertal]: 197?)221
Flyer – Amnesty Now!
(New York City, New York [Safe Return]:
Flyer – Anti NATO ‘74 (Utrecht, The Netherlands [BVD]: 1974)223
Flyer – Antiwar Perspectives – Spring 1970 (New York City, New York
[Veterans for Peace in Vietnam]: 1970)224
Flyer – Armed Farces Day May 20 (Chicago, Illinois: 1972)225
Flyer – Attorno Alla Marcia Antimilitarista Lentinaia Di Proletari
in Divisa (Udine, Italy: n.d.)226
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer 6,000,000 victims are stored
in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer American Exiles in Britain
Want You are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer AMG Wuppertal are stored in
the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer P Amnesty Now! are stored in
the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Anti NATO ‘74 are stored in
the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Antiwar Perspectives –
Spring 1970 are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Armed Farces Day May 20 are
stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
Flyer – Blacks Call For Justice (Heidelberg, West Germany
[Unsatisfied Black Soldiers]: 1970)227
Flyer – Call For United Front Rally (Frankfurt, West Germany [Voice
of the Lumpen]: 197?)228
Flyer – A Call to Resist Military Conscription (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania [Philadelphia Resistance]: 1970)229
Flyer – Daniel Berrigan
(New York City, New York [Safe Return]:
Flyer – Demonstration Heute Rote Panther
[Black Panther Party]: 197?)231
(Frankfurt, West Germany
Flyer – Demonstration!!! (Address unknown, West Germany [Black
Panther Party]: 197?)232
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Attorno Alla Marcia
Antimilitarista Lentinaia Di Proletari in Divisa are stored in the
folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Blacks Call For Justice are
stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Call for United Front Rally
are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer A Call to Resist Military
Conscription are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Daniel Berrigan are stored
in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Demonstration Heute Rote
Panther are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Demonstration!!! are stored
in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
Flyer – Do You Know Who Is the Black G.I And Where Did He Come
Flyer – Do You Love Liberty? So Do We. That’s Why We Spent a Night
With Her. (Chicago, Illinois [Vietnam Veterans Against the War]:
Flyer – Don’t Be Cannon Fodder (West Berlin, West Germany [Military
Counseling Network]: n.d.)235
Flyer – Don’t Buy South African – Watch the Label.236
Flyer – Dreyfus, Malcolm X, Rosenbergs, Scottsboro Boys, SaccoVenzetti, Leroi Jones, Homer Ferguson. But we say “Not Again”! Free
Huey! (San Mateo, California: 1968)237
Flyer – Ed Sowders Self-Retired Vet on Strike! (Odenton, Maryland
[Military Law Project]: 1971[?])238
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Do You Know Who Is the Black
G.I And Where Did He Come From are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Do You Love Liberty? So Do
We. That’s Why We Spent a Night With Her are stored in the folder
Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of Don’t be Cannon Fodder are stored in
the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Don’t Buy South African –
Watch the Label are stored in the folder flyers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Dreyfus, Malcolm X,
Rosenbergs, Scottsboro Boys, Sacco-Venzetti, Leroi Jones, Homer
Ferguson. But we say “Not Again”! Free Huey! are stored in the folder
Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Ed Sowders Self-Retired Vet
on Strike! are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
Flyer – Esist So Schön (Tübingen, West Germany [Arbeitsgruppe
Friedensforschung]: 1976)239
Flyer – Fall Out (New York City, New York: 1969)240
Flyer – Family Convocation Calling For Universal, Unconditional
Amnesty (New York City, New York [Americans For Amnesty]: 1975)241
Flyer – “The First Amendment” GI Coffee House (Frankfurt, West
Germany: n.d.)242
Flyer – Free Gary Lawton (San Francisco, Calif. [VVAW]: 197?)243
Flyer – Free the Armed Forces Day Festival! (Tacoma, Washington [The
Tacoma Liberation Front]: 1970)244
Flyer – Free the Army (Washington D.C. [Student Mobilization
Committee]: 1970)245
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Esist So Schön are stored in
the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Fall Out are stored in the
folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Family Convocation Calling
For Universal, Unconditional Amnesty are stored in the folder Flyers in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer “The First Amendment” GI
Coffee House are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of Free Gary Lawton are stored in the
folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Free the Armed Forces Day
Festival are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer A Call to International
Action are stored in the folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 2
Flyer – Friedenswochen ‘76 (Tübingen, West Germany: 1976)246
Flyer – GI Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [The Ultimate Weapon]:
Flyer – GIs: Launch the Spring Offensive (New York City, New York
[Student Mobilization Committee]: 1970)248
Flyer – GIs on May 16: Marches, Rallies, Festivals, Mock Trials at
Bases Across the Country249
Flyer – Halte A La Repression! Mobilisons Nous Pour La Liberation
Des Soldats Emprisonnes! (Heidelberg, West Germany: 1971[?])250
Flyer – Help Defend GI Rights (New York City, New York [American
Servicemen’s Union]: 1969)251
Flyer – Help Our Brothers in Jail (Heidelberg, West Germany:
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Friedenswochen ’76 are
stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer GI Day are stored in the
folder Flyers in BHW GI Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer GIs: Launch the Spring
Offensive are stored in the folder Student Mobilization Committee in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Marches, Rallies, Festivals,
Mock Trials at Bases Across the Country are stored in the folder Flyers
in BHW GI Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Halte A La Repression!
Mobilisons Nous Pour La Liberation Des Soldats Emprisonnes! are stored
in the folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Help Defend GI Rights are
stored in the folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 2
Flyer – A Hospital for Vietnamese Children Victims of US Aggression
(address unknown: n.d.)253
Flyer – I’m Alive, I’m Black and I’m Watching U Amerika
(Kaiserslautern, West Germany: 196?)254
Flyer – Internationale Abrüstungsstafette 1977 Helsinki-Belgrad
(Karlsruhe, West Germany [DFG-VK]: 1977)255
Flyer – Internationale Stafette für Abrüstung Helsinki-Belgrad
(Karlsruhe, West Germany [DFG-VK]: 1977)256
Flyer – Indochina Summer 1972 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [American
Friends Service Committee]: 1969[?])257
Flyer – Is This Your Future? April 6 Spring Action in New York. (New
York City, New York [Student Mobilization Committee]: 1969[?])258
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Help Our Brothers in Jail
are stored in the folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer A Hospital for Vietnamese
Children Victims of US Aggression
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer I’m Alive, I’m Black and I’m
Watching U Amerika are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Internationale
Abrüstungsstafette 1977 Helsinki-Belgrad are stored in the folder
Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Internationale Stafette für
Abrüstung Helsinki-Belgrad are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Indochina Summer 1972 are
stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
Flyer – The Johnson-Nixon ‘Peace Talks’ are Killing Us. (New York
City, New York [Student Mobilization Committee]: 1969[?]259
Flyer – Join Us at a People’s Festival of Change (San Bernadino,
Calif.: 197[?])260
Flyer – Komm in Schwung – Lies Elan (Dortmund, West Germany [Elan]:
Flyer – Make Your Body Count! In Washington … Not Vietnam! (New York
City, New York [Veterans for Peace in Vietnam]: 1969)262
Flyer – Meeting! Sunday March 22, 1970 (San Francisco, Calif.
[Movement for a Democratic Military]: 1970)263
Flyer – The Military is a Union-Buster! Don’t Eat Lettuce or Grapes.
(Norfolk, Virginia [Friends of the Farm Workers]: no year given)264
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Is This Your Future? April 6
Spring Action in New York are stored in the folder Student Mobilization
Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer The Johnson-Nixon ‘Peace
Talks’ are Killing Us are stored in the folder Student Mobilization
Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Join Us at a People’s
Festival of Change are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Komm in Schwung – Lies Elan
are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Make Your Body Count! In
Washington … Not Vietnam are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 3
There are two versions of this flyer one printed red, the other
printed with purple ink. The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer
Meeting! Sunday March 22, 1970 are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 3
Flyer – Move on Moffett Field (Palo Alto, Calif. [The Peninsular
Observer]: no year given)265
Flyer – Mutiny or Legitimate Protest (San Francisco, Calif. [The
Committee for the 27]: 1969)266
Flyer – No More Lies (New York City, New York [Patriot Party]:
Flyer – Our POWs or Thieu (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [American
Friends Service Committee]: 197?)268
Flyer – P.O.W.- Fort Dix
(New York City, New York [Safe Return]:
Flyer – Revolutionary Benefit to Free the Ramstein 2 (Frankfurt,
West Germany [Voice of the Lumpen]: 1971[?])270
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer The Military is a UnionBuster! Don’t Eat Lettuce or Grapes are stored in the folder Flyers in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Move on Moffett Field are
stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Mutiny or Legitimate Protest
are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer No More Lies are stored in
the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Our POWs or Thieu are stored
in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer P.O.W.- Fort Dix
in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
are stored
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Revolutionary Benefit to
Free the Ramstein 2 are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 3
Flyer – Revolutionary People’s Constitutional Convention (Washington
D.C. [National Committee to Combat Fascism]: 1970)271
Flyer – Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Welcome to the United
Flyer – Stop the War Machine. Support G.I. Resistance (Chicago,
Illinois: 1972)273
Flyer – Stop the War Now (Chicago, Illinois: 1972)274
Flyer – Strike Friday November 14, To Bring All the GIs Home Now!
(Washington D.C. [Student Mobilization Committee]: 1969[?])275
Flyer – Telegrama Urgente (Aragon, Spain [USD]: n.d.)276
Flyer – Terrence Hallinan (New York City, New York [Veterans for
Peace in Vietnam/G. I. Defense Organization]: 1969)277
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Revolutionary People’s
Constitutional Convention are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Socialist Republic of
Vietnam. Welcome to the United Nations are stored in the folder Flyers
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Stop the War Machine.
Support G.I. Resistance are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Stop the War Now are stored
in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Strike Friday November 14,
To Bring All the GIs Home Now! are stored in the folder Student
Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Stop the War Now are stored
in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Terrence Hallinanare stored
in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
Flyer – Time is Running Out!! (Stuttgart, West Germany: 1971)278
Flyer – To The People of The United States and the Congress of the
USA (West Berlin, West Germany: n.d.)279
Flyer – Top Secret: Operation Dewey Canyon III (Cambridge,
Massachusetts [VVAW]: 197?)280
Flyer – Uncle Sam Wants You … in Vietnam!!!(New York City, New York
[Student Mobilization Committee]: 1969[?]281
Flyer – Uncle Sam Wants YOU Nigger (Frankfurt, West Germany [SDS]:
Flyer – Union of American Exiles in Britain Present Winter Soldier283
Flyer – Unionists Stop Nixon’s Wars! (San Francisco, Calif. [S.F.Bay Area Labor Assembly for Peace]: n.d.)284
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Time Is Running Out are
stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of To The People of The United States and
the Congress of the USA are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of Top Secret: Operation Dewey Canyon III
are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Uncle Sam Wants You … in
Vietnam!!!(are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Uncle Sam Wants YOU nigger
are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
he BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Union of American Exiles in
Britain Present Winter Soldier are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Unionists Stop Nixon’s Wars!
Ephemera box 3
Flyer – Vietnam Should be in the UN (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[Appeal For Reconciliation]: 1976[?])285
Flyer – We’ve Been In South Africa a Long Time … We Like It Here!
Union Carbide Discovers Apartheid. 286
Flyer – Where do We Go From Here? Attend a National Student Antiwar
Conference (New York City, New York [Student Mobilization
Committee]: 1970)287
Flyer – Why Resistance (Paris, France [French Union of American
Deserters and Draft Resisters]: 1968)288
Flyer – Will we Forget our Veterans on Veterans’ Day? (Chicago,
Illinois [Veterans for Peace in Vietnam]: no year given)289
Flyer – You Are Invited (Paris, France [French Union of American
Deserters and Draft Resisters]: 1968)290
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Vietnam Should be in the UN
are stored in the folder flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer We’ve Been In South Africa a
Long Time … We Like It Here! Union Carbide Discovers Apartheid are
stored in the folder flyers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
There are 2 versions of the flyer Where do We Go From Here? Attend a
National Student Antiwar Conference. The BHW Collection of both are
stored in the folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Why Resistance are stored in
the folder French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer Will we Forget our Veterans
on Veterans’ Day? are stored in the folder Flyers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of the flyer You Are Invited are stored
in the folder French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
Food for Peace? (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [American Friends
Service Committee]: 1972)291
For a Democratic Soldier’s Union. (Washington D.C. [Enlisted
People’s Organizing Committee]: 197?)292
For a Military Union. (Washington D.C. [Enlisted People’s Organizing
Committee]: 197?)293
For the Press: Statements Issued by the French Union of American
Deserters and Draft Resisters in a Press Conference on May 8, 1968
(Paris, France [French Union of American Deserters and Draft
Resisters]: 1968)294
The Fort Hood Three: The Case of the Three G.I.’s Who Said “NO” to
the War in Vietnam. (New York City, New York [Fort Hood Three
Defense Committee]: 1966)295
Forward Macho! (Los Angeles, Calif. [Support Our Soldiers]: 197?)296
The BHW Collection holdings of Food for Peace are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 12
The BHW Collection holdings of For a Democratic Soldiers’ Union are
stored in the folder Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of For a Military Union are stored in the
folder Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of For the Press: Statements Issued by
the French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in a Press
Conference on May 8, 1968 are stored in the folder French Union of
American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of The Fort Hood Three: The Case of the
Three G.I.’s Who Said “NO” to the War in Vietnam are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 31
The BHW Collection holdings of Forward Macho! are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 19
Forward Stellt Sein Erscheinen Ein (West Berlin, West Germany
[Forward?]: n.d.)297
Free Billy Smith (Palo Alto, Calif. [Venceremos]: 1972)298
Free the Camp McCoy 3 (Madison, Wisconsin and New York City, New
York [Camp McCoy 3 Defense Committee]: 197?)299
Free the Camp McCoy 3 sticker (Madison, Wisconsin and New York City,
New York [Camp McCoy 3 Defense Committee]: undated)300
Free the Darmstadt 53 (Stuttgart, West Germany: 1971)301
Free the Ramstein 2 (no address given, West Germany: 197?)302
Freedom for Bolden and Robertson (West Berlin, West Germany: 1971)303
The BHW Collection holdings of Forward Stellt Sein Erscheinen Ein are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of Free Billy Smith are stored in the
folder Billy Smith in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
There are two versions of this leaflet, one printed offset on 8.5x11
paper the other a tabloid size leaflet printed on newsprint. The BHW
Collection holdings of Free the Camp McCoy 3 are stored in the folder
Billy Smith in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Free the Camp McCoy 3 sticker are
stored in the folder ASU in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Free the Darmstadt 53 are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of Free the Ramstein 2 are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of the Freedom for Bolden and Robertson
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – 12 Soldaten Im Bau, Weil
Sie Ihre Meinung Gesagt Haben!!!304
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Appel du Comité National
Pour La Liberation Des Soldats et Militants Emprisonnés305
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Aux Appeles Informations
Pour Les Droits du Soldat 306
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – L’Armée en Question?307
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Aux Parents Des Recrues
De La Poya308
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Bienvenue Aux Marins du
The BHW Collection holdings of 12 Soldaten Im Bau, Weil Sie Ihre
Meinung Gesagt Haben!! are stored in the folder French GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Appel du Comité National Pour La
Liberation Des Soldats et Militants Emprisonnés are stored in the
folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera
box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Aux Appeles Informations Pour Les
Droits du Soldat are stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets
and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of L’Armee en Question? are stored in the
subfolder CDA , in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters
in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Aux Parents Des Recrues De La Poya are
stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW
GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Bienvenue Aux Marins du Colbert are
stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW
GI Ephemera box 11
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Cent Soldats Ont Deja
Signe Cet Appel Aux Candidats A La Presidence.310
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Comite Antimilitariste.311
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Comité de Défense des
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Comite de Soldats
Briançon “Untitled Report.”313
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Comite de Soldats de
Karlsruhe Editant “Le Tringlos En Colere” Communique314
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Comite de Soldats Saint
Cyr: “Untitled Report.”315
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Comite de Soldats Tours:
The BHW Collection holdings of Cent Soldats Ont Deja Signe Cet Appel
Aux Candidats A La Presidence are stored in the subfolder CDA , in the
folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Comite Antimilitariste are stored in
the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera
box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Comité de Défense des Appelés are
stored in the subfolder CDA , in the folder French GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Untitled Report are stored in the
folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Comite de Soldats de Karlsruhe Editant
“Le Tringlos En Colere” Communique are stored in the folder French GI
Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Untitled Report are stored in the
folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Comment Meurt-On Dans La
Prison Militaire de Landau.317
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Communique Pour La
Fondation D’Un “Comite de Soutien du Mouvement des Soldats en
Republique Federale D’Allemagne.”318
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Le Contingent et La
Guerre Civile319
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Contre L’Armée De Guerre
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Declaration Communes Des
Mouvements de Soutien Aux Luttes des Soldats.321
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Deuxieme Marche
The BHW Collection holdings of Comrades are stored in the folder
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Comment Meurt-On Dans La Prison
Militaire de Landau are stored in the folder French GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Communique Pour La Fondation D’Un
“Comite de Soutien du Mouvement des Soldats en Republique Federale
D’Allemagne” are stored in the subfolder CDA , in the folder French GI
Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Le Contingent et La Guerre Civile are
stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI
Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Contre L’Armée De Guerre Civile are
stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI
Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Declaration Communes Des Mouvements de
Soutien Aux Luttes des Soldats stored in the folder French GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
Internationale Non Violente Pour Le Demilitarisation
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Les Droits du Soldat.323
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Ein Dutzend Soldaten im
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Halte La Repression!
Mobilisons Nous Pour La Liberation des Soldats Emprisonnes!325
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Information Pour Les
Droits du Soldat.326
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Les Jeunes Communistes te
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Kommittee Zur
Unterstützung der Soldaten Bewegung in der BRD328
The BHW Collection holdings of Deuxieme Marche Internationale Non
Violente Pour Le Demilitarisation are stored in the folder French GI
Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Les Droits du Soldat are stored in the
folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Ein Dutzend Soldaten im
Militärgefängnis are stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets
and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Halte La Repression! Mobilisons Nous
Pour La Liberation des Soldats Emprisonnes are stored in the subfolder
CDA , in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI
Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Information Pour Les Droits du Soldat
are stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in
BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Les Jeunes Communistes te Proposent
are stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in
BHW GI Ephemera box 11
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Lettre Aux Familles329
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Liberez Les Soldats et
Militants Emprisonnes.330
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Les Maigres Droits Du
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Manifeste du Front des
Soldats, Marins et Aviateurs Revolutionnaires.332
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Marins en Lutte.333
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Non Aux Manouevres.334
The BHW Collection holdings of Kommittee Zur Unterstützung der
Soldaten Bewegung in der BRD are stored in the subfolder CDA , in the
folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Lettre Aux Familles are stored in the
folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Liberez Les Soldats et Militants
Emprisonnes are stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and
Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Les Maigres Droits Du Soldat are
stored in the subfolder CDA , in the folder French GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Manifeste du Front des Soldats, Marins
et Aviateurs Revolutionnaires are stored in the subfolder CDA , in the
folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera
box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Marins en Lutte are stored in the
subfolder CDA , in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters
in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Non Aux Manouevres are stored in the
folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera
box 11
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Objection Au Service
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Plate-Forme du C.D.A.336
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Plateforme du Comite Anti
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Quand La S.M. S’En Mele:
5 Soldats en Prison338
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Des Soldats et Des
Militants Passent le Nouver An en Prison. Pourquoi? 339
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Stages Commandos: Ecole
de Crime.340
The BHW Collection holdings of Objection Au Service Militaire are
stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW
GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Plate-Forme du C.D.A. are stored in
the subfolder CDA , in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and
Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Plateforme du Comite Anti Militariste
are stored in the subfolder CDA , in the folder French GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Quand La S.M. S’En Mele: 5 Soldats en
Prison are stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and
Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Des Soldats et Des Militants Passent
le Nouver An en Prison. Pourquoi? are stored in the folder French GI
Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Stages Commandos: Ecole de Crime are
stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW
GI Ephemera box 11
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Statutes de la
Coordination des Comites de Casernes de L’Est341
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Les Tribuneaux
d’Exception Aux Ordres des Commandants Fascistes de L’Etat On
Décreté La Piene Capitale Pour Deniz Gaçmis et ses 17 Jeunes
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Un An de Caserne: La Vie
de Chateau! 343
French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Une Nouvelle Fois:
L’Armee a Tue.344
Fuck The Army. (West Berlin, West Germany: n.d.)345
Gay Men’s Peace Treaty Preamble. (Berkeley, Calif. [Gay May Day
West]: n.d.)346
General Literature List. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [CCCO]: 1974)347
The BHW Collection holdings of Statutes de la Coordination des
Comites de Casernes de L’Est are stored in the folder French GI
Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Les Tribuneaux d’Exception Aux Ordres
des Commandants Fascistes de L’Etat On Décreté La Piene Capitale Pour
Deniz Gaçmis et ses 17 Jeunes Comrades are stored in the folder French
GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Un An de Caserne: La Vie de Chateau!
Are stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in
BHW GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Une Nouvelle Fois: L’Armee a Tue
stored in the folder French GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters II in BHW
GI Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Fuck The Army are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of the Gay Men’s Peace Treaty Preamble
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – 1 Mai
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – 1 Mai
Kollegen, Kameraden, beteiligt Euch an den Gewerkscharftischen
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – 46 Pfennig
Studentlohn 350
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – 100 DM Mehr
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – 25,630 Neue
Und Alte Freunde der Bundeswehr?352
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – AMG –
Wuppertal: Anti-Militarismus-Gruppe Wuppertal.353
The BHW Collection holdings of General Literature List are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - 1 Mai Initiative
are stored in the subfolder German Pamphlets IV in the folder German
Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - 1 Mai Kollegen,
Kameraden, beteiligt Euch an den Gewerkscharftischen Demonstrationen
are stored in the subfolder Anti-militaristische Soldatengruppe in the
folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - 46 Pfennig
Studentlohn are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - 100 DM Mehr
Wehrsold in the folder German Pamphlets II in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - 25,630 Neue Und
Alte Freunde der Bundeswehr? are stored in the subfolder GI Pamphlets
IV in the folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Antimilitaristische Stadtrundfahrt.354
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Arbeitskreis Bundeswehr und KDV.355
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Aufruf an
Alle Unzufriedenen SOLDATEN!356
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Aufruf
Ehmaliger Polizisten, Grenzschützer und Zeitsoldaten.357
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Befehl is
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - AMG – Wuppertal:
Anti-Militarismus-Gruppe Wuppertal are stored in the subfolder GI
Pamphlets IV in the folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet Antimilitaristische Stadtrundfahrt are stored in the folder German
Pamphlets III in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Arbeitskreis
Bundeswehr und KDV are stored in the subfolder Arbeits Kreis
Bundeswehjr Und KDV [Koblenz] the folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Aufruf an Alle
Unzufriedenen SOLDATEN!356 are stored in the folder German Pamphlets II
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - V Aufruf
Ehmaliger Polizisten, Grenzschützer und Zeitsoldaten are stored in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Befehl ist
Befehl are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the folder
German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Aus Bildung
Aller Unter Gleichen Bedingungen.360
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Bundesgerichtshof In Namen Des Volks 361
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Die
Bundeswehr Armee Gegen Das Volk.363
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Bundeswehr
Hochschule: Hochschule Der Nation?364
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Bundeswehr
Kreis-Wehr-Ersatz-AMT. Und Wie Gehts Weiter.365
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Beschwerderecht
are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of Aus Bildung Aller Unter Gleichen
Bedingungen are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet Bundesgerichtshof In Namen Des Volks are stored in the folder German
Pamphlets VII in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Bundeswehr are
stored in the subfolder DFG-VK in the folder German Pamphlets V in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Die Bundeswehr
Armee Gegen Das Volk in the folder German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Bundeswehr
Hochschule: Hochschule Der Nation? are stored in the folder German
Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
There are two versions of this one a leaflet the other an A3 flyer.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Bundeswehr Kreis365
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Bundeswehr
und Brokdorf.366
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Bundeswehr:
Wolf im Schafspelz.367
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Bürger von
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – “Das Grosse
Sterben Geht Wieder Los.” 369
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Das Sollen
Wir Uns Gefallen Lassen 370
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Denken
Allein Genügt Nicht 371
Wehr-Ersatz-AMT. Und Wie Gehts Weiter are stored in the subfolder
Arbeits Kreis Bundeswehr Und KDV [Koblenz] the folder German Pamphlets
IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Bundeswehr und
Brokdorf are stored in the folder German Pamphlets II in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Bundeswehr: Wolf
im Schafspelz are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI
Press are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the folder
German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Bürger von
Hambürg are stored in the folder German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - “Das Grosse
Sterben Geht Wieder Los.” are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz]
Pamphlets in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Das Sollen Wir
Uns Gefallen Lassen are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets
in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Deutsche
Leoparden für die 3.Welt? Stop Dem Waffenexport!372
German Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Dokumentation die
Entwicklung des Ersatzdienstes Zum Allgemeinen Arbeitssdienst.373
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Dokumentation Zum Antikriegstag 1, September.374
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Dreitage
Arrest Für Michael Paul.375
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Dressur und
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Eine Schöne
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Denken Allein
Genügt Nicht are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Deutsche
Leoparden für die 3.Welt? Stop Dem Waffenexport! are stored in the
folder German Pamphlets V in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Dokumentation
die Entwicklung des Ersatzdienstes Zum Allgemeinen Arbeitssdienst are
stored in the folder German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Dokumentation
Zum Antikriegstag 1, September are stored in the folder German
Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Dreitage Arrest
Für Michael Paul are stored in the folder German Pamphlets V in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Dressur und
Vorführung are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Eine Szene
aus Einer Kaserne 378
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Eklärung
des Antimilitaristischen Arbeitskreises Im BDP/BDJ München zu Dem
Soldaten – Und Reservistentag der SRK’s.379
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Entwickliung der NATO Und Des Warschauer Pakts.380
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Erfolg!
Jetzt Vertrage Verwirklichen!381
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Freiheit,
Wo Bist Du.382
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Eine Schöne
Bescherung! are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Eine Szene aus
Einer Kaserne are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VII in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Eklärung des
Antimilitaristischen Arbeitskreises Im BDP/BDJ München zu Dem Soldaten
– Und Reservistentag der SRK’s are stored in the folder German
Pamphlets II in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Entwickliung der
NATO Und Des Warschauer Pakts are stored in the subfolder
Antimilitaristischer Arbeits Kreis [Tübingen] in German Pamphlets IV in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Erfolg! Jetzt
Vertrage Verwirklichen! are stored in the folder German Pamphlets V in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Freiheit, Wo
Bist Du are stored in the subfolder Arbeits Kreis Bundeswehjr Und KDV
[Koblenz] the folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Freispruch
Für Springer?383
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Friedenswochen Tübingen ‘76.384
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Für die
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Die
Geschichte des Militarismus in der BRD und seine Propaganda Heute.
(Stüttgart, West Germany: 1972)386
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Gruss aus
der Zelle387
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – “Haltet den
Dieb!” Schreit der Dieb.388
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Freispruch Für
Springer? are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Friedenswochen
Tübingen ’76 are stored in the folder German Pamphlets V in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Für die Rekruten
are stored in the subfolder AMAK [Stütgart] the folder German Pamphlets
IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of Die Geschichte des Militarismus in der
BRD und seine Propaganda Heute are stored in the folder German
Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Gruss aus der
Zelle are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VII in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - “Haltet den
Dieb!” Schreit der Dieb are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz]
Pamphlets in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 11.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Helft den
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Herr
Verteidigungsminister Apel! 390
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Hinweise
für Besucher391
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Info: Recht
in der Bundeswehr (Bremen, West Germany: 1976)392
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Info der
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Information
pour l’etude “Soldaten ‘74” (Heidelberg, West Germany [RITA-ACT]:
1974) 394
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Helft den
Kriegsblinden are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VII in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Herr
Verteidigungsminister Apel! are stored in the folder German Pamphlets
VII in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Hinweise für
Besucher are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VII in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of Info: Recht in der Bundeswehr are
stored in the folder German Pamphlets II in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Info der DGB–
Gewerkschafts-Jugend are stored in the folder German Pamphlets I in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Soldaten ‘74 are
stored in the subfolder Soldaten ’74 in the folder German Pamphlets V
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Infomationsblatt Des Georg V. Rauch Hauses.395
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Infomationsrundbrief Nr. 1 der Initiative Zu Einem Arbeitsfeld
Antimilitarismus in SB.396
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Innere
Sicherheit 397
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Initiativausschuss für ein Frz.Soldatenkomitee398
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Kameraden
und Kollegen beim Militar und im Zivildienst.399
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Kaserne
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Infomationsblatt
Des Georg V. Rauch Hauses are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet Infomationsrundbrief Nr. 1 der Initiative Zu Einem Arbeitsfeld
Antimilitarismus in SB are stored in the folder German Pamphlets I in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Innere
Sicherheit are stored in the subfolder German Pamphlets IV in the
folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet Initiativausschuss für ein Frz.Soldatenkomitee are stored in the folder
German Pamphlets VII in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Kameraden und
Kollegen beim Militar und im Zivildienst are stored in the folder
German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Kaserne Zitig
are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 11.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Keine
Bestrafung Der Soldaten, Die in Uniform Gegen 218 Demonstraten!!401
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Keine
Kasernen Im Zivildienst!!! 402
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Klage Vor
Dem Gericht. Der Richtage Weg? 403
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Kommunistischer Bund.404
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Krieg dem
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Kriterienkatalog zur Beurteilung Entwicklunks-Politischer Filme.406
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Kritische
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Keine Bestrafung
Der Soldaten, Die in Uniform Gegen 218 Demonstraten!! are stored in the
folder German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Keine Kasernen
Im Zivildienst!!! are stored in the folder German Pamphlets I in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Klage Vor Dem
Gericht. Der Richtage Weg? are stored in the subfolder GI Pamphlets IV
in the folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Kommunistischer
Bund are stored in the folder German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Krieg dem Kriege
are stored in the folder German Pamphlets III in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Kriterienkatalog
zur Beurteilung Entwicklunks-Politischer Filme are stored in the folder
German Pamphlets III in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
Fragen zur Politischen Bildung der Streitkräfte407
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Leitsätze
Zur Miliärfrage408
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Die Lili is
Faul … Und Der AStA Tut Nichts409
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Lohnfortzahlung für Wehrnflichtge! Kündigungsrecht für
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Das Märchen
Von Den Hohen Lohnkosten411
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Marinestrategie Seit 1945.412
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Merkblatt
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Kritische Fragen
zur Politischen Bildung der Streitkräfte are stored in the folder
German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Leitsätze Zur
Miliärfrage are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Die Lili is Faul
… Und Der AStA Tut Nichts are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Lohnfortzahlung
für Wehrnflichtge! Kündigungsrecht für Zeitsoldaten!are stored in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Das Märchen Von
Den Hohen Lohnkosten are stored in the subfolder GI Pamphlets IV in the
folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Marinestrategie
Seit 1945 are stored in the subfolder Antimilitaristischer Arbeits
Kreis [Tübingen] in German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
für Rekruten.413
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Muenchen,
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Das
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Nicht Alles
ist Gold, Was Glänzt.416
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Organisierte Arbeitnehmerschaft Und Bewaffnette Macht.417
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Petition an
den Deutschen Bundestag und an das Abgeordnetenhaus Von Berlin 418
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Platform
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Merkblatt für
Rekruten are stored in the subfolder Anti-militaristische
Soldatengruppe in the folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Muenchen,
Stuttgart are stored in the subfolder AMAK [Stütgart] the folder German
Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Das NachkriegsKrieg are stored in the folder German Pamphlets II in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Nicht Alles ist
Gold, Was Glänzt are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in
the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Organisierte
Arbeitnehmerschaft Und Bewaffnette Macht are stored in the folder
German Pamphlets in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Petition an den
Deutschen Bundestag und an das Abgeordnetenhaus Von Berlin are stored
in the subfolder German Pamphlets IV in the folder German Pamphlets IV
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
der Antimilitaristischen Soldatengruppe.419
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Polizei
Prasident in Berlin.420
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Polizei
Verhaftet Soldaten Nach DGB-Kundebung.421
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Pressefreiheit oder Polizeiwillkür?422
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Probleme zu
Theorie und Praxis.423
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Raus Aus
Dem Trott.424
There are two versions of this leaflet, one printed on white paper
with a cartoon on the cover, the other a mimeographed document. The BHW
Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Platform der
Antimilitaristischen Soldatengruppe are stored in the subfolder Antimilitaristische Soldatengruppe in the folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Polizei
Prasident in Berlin stored in the folder German Pamphlets III in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Polizei
Verhaftet Soldaten Nach DGB-Kundebung Reservisten Kalendar are stored
in the folder German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Pressefreiheit
oder Polizeiwillkür? are stored in the folder German Pamphlets V in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Probleme zu
Theorie und Praxis are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets
in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Raus Aus Dem
Trott are stored in the subfolder Arbeits Kreis Bundeswehjr Und KDV
[Koblenz] the folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Reader:
Sozialer Angriff auf Die Bundeswehr (Köln, West Germany [Föderation
Gewaltfreier Aktionsgruppen - Graswurzelrevolution]: n.d.)425
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Rekrutenvorbereitungs – Ver Anstaltung am 11. 25. 75.426
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Reservisten
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Revolutionärer Antimilitarismus.428
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – RussellTribunal über Repression in der BRD.429
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Schlaglöcher im Gelddeutel 430
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Reader: Sozialer
Angriff auf Die Bundeswehr are stored in the folder German Pamphlets V
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet Rekrutenvorbereitungs – Ver Anstaltung am 11. 25. 75 are stored in the
subfolder Arbeits Kreis Bundeswehjr Und KDV [Koblenz] the folder German
Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Reservisten
Kalendar are stored in the folder German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Revolutionärer
Antimilitarismus are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Russell-Tribunal
über Repression in der BRD are stored in the folder German Pamphlets IV
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Schlaglöcher im
Gelddeutel are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Schluss Mit
Der Ermordung Polit. Gefanger Durch Die US-Thieu-Clique431
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Schöne
Worte Kosten Nichts432
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Show Statt
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Soldaten
‘74 (Heidelberg, West Germany [RITA-ACT]: 1974) 434
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Soldaten in
die Enge gedrängt 435
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Soldatenhaus in Der Arena 436
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Schluss Mit Der
Ermordung Polit. Gefanger Durch Die US-Thieu-Clique are stored in the
folder German Pamphlets V in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Schöne Worte
Kosten Nichts are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Show Statt Hilfe
are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the folder German
Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Soldaten ‘74 are
stored in the subfolder Soldaten ’74 in the folder German Pamphlets V
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Soldaten in die
Enge gedrängt are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Soldatenhaus in
Der Arena are stored in the subfolder GI Pamphlets IV in the folder
German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Solidarität
Gegen Die Unterdrückung438
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Soldarität
Mit Karen Bixler (Heidelberg, West Germany: n.d.)439
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Soldaten in
die Enge Gedrängt440
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Solidaritat
Mit Den Unterdrückten CHILE mit dem Befreiten VIETNAM441
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Sonderdruck
für Eine Fortschrittliche Tradition in der Bundeswehr.442
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – SS-
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet Soldateninformationsmappe are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VII
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Solidarität
Gegen Die Unterdrückung are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz]
Pamphlets in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Soldarität Mit
Karen Bixler are stored in the folder German Pamphlets V in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Soldaten in die
Enge Gedrängt are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Solidaritat Mit
Den Unterdrückten CHILE mit dem Befreiten VIETNAM are stored in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Sonderdruck für
Eine Fortschrittliche Tradition in der Bundeswehr are stored in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
Tradition in Der Bundeswehr?.443
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Stop.
(Karlsruhe, Wes Germany [DFG-VK]: 1977)444
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – TBC in
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Thesen Zum
Verhältnis Von Öknomie und Rüstung Im Kapitalismus446
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Thesen zur
Antimilitaristischen Arbeit Innerhalb und Ausserhalb der
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Todestrafe
in Irland448
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Der Top-Job
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - SS-Tradition in
Der Bundeswehr? are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Stop are stored
in the subfolder DFG-VK in the folder German Pamphlets V in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - TBC in Bayereuth
are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VII in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Thesen Zum
Verhältnis Von Öknomie und Rüstung Im Kapitalismus are stored in the
folder German Pamphlets II in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Thesen zur
Antimilitaristischen Arbeit Innerhalb und Ausserhalb der Bundeswehr are
stored in the folder German Pamphlets V in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Todestrafe in
Irland are stored in the folder German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 10.
Beim Bund-Was Stekt Dahinter?449
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Vergiss
Niemals Dss Du Ein Arbeiter Bist!450
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Verwandelt
das Amerikahaus in Ein Haus der Jugend!451
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports –
Vietnamaktion 15 November ‘69.452
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Vom
Liberalen Protest Zum Klassenkampf.453
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Warum Sind
Wir Soldasten Im AK 2.454
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Was Is Los
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Der Top-Job Beim
Bund-Was Stekt Dahinter? are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VII
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Vergiss Niemals
Dss Du Ein Arbeiter Bist! are stored in the folder German Pamphlets V
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Verwandelt das
Amerikahaus in Ein Haus der Jugend!are stored in the folder German
Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Vietnamaktion 15
November ’69 are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Vom Liberalen
Protest Zum Klassenkampf are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Warum Sind Wir
Soldasten Im AK 2 are stored in the subfolder Arbeits Kreis Bundeswehjr
Und KDV [Koblenz] the folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 10.
in den Franzisischen Kasernen. (Landau, West Germany: n.d.)455
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Was Wollt
Ihr Eigentlich (Koblenz, West Germany [AK]: n.d.)456
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Wer Profit
Macht, Ist Mächtig - Wer Mächtig is, Macht Profit.457
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Wer Sich
Nicht Wehrt, Wird Immer Getreten!458
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Wie Bauern
im Schatspiel.459
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Wie Immun
Ist die Bundeshehr Gegen Neonazistische Tendenzen?460
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Wir Lassen
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Was Is Los in
den Franzisischen Kasernen are stored in the folder German Pamphlets V
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Was Wollt Ihr
Eigentlich are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Wer Profit
Macht, Ist Mächtig - Wer Mächtig is, Macht Profit are stored in the
subfolder Arbeits Kreis Bundeswehjr Und KDV [Koblenz] the folder German
Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Wer Sich Nicht
Wehrt, Wird Immer Getreten! are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz]
Pamphlets in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Wie Bauern im
Schatspiel are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Wie Immun Ist
die Bundeshehr Gegen Neonazistische Tendenzen? Are stored in the folder
German Pamphlets II in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
Uns Nicht Mundat Machen!
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Wir
Produzieren Sicherheit 462
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Nie Wieder
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Wir Halten
Nicht Den Mund Nicht im Betrieb und Nicht beim Bund464
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Wochenend
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Wofür der
Bund Geld Hat466
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Zenfeits
Vom Donnerbalken467
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Wir Lassen Uns
Nicht Mundat Machen!are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Wir Produzieren
Sicherheit are stored in the subfolder German Pamphlets IV in the
folder German Pamphlets IV in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Nie Wieder Krieg
are stored in the folder German Pamphlets II in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Wir Halten Nicht
Den Mund Nicht im Betrieb und Nicht beim Bund are stored in the folder
German Pamphlets I in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 10.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Wochenend Ade
are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the folder German
Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Wofür der Bund
Geld Hat are stored in the subfolder AK [Koblenz] Pamphlets in the
folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11.
German Movement Pamphlets, Posters and Project Reports – Zwei Welten
– Zwei Aufassungen von Kameradschaft.468
Get These Gunmen Out Of Ireland! (West Berlin, West Germany: n.d.)469
GI Counseling. (New York City, New York [Students for a Democratic
Society]: 196?)470
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Amnesty - International
Conference of Exiles for Amnesty, A Proposal: Up From Exile/AmexCanada/Safe Return (New York City, New York [Safe Return]: 197?)471
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Amnesty – National End the War
Week (New York City, New York [National Council for Universal and
Unconditional Amnesty]: 1976)472
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Amnesty - NCUUA National
Conference on New Directions for Veterans, War Resisters and Amnesty
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet - Zenfeits Vom
Donnerbalken are stored in the folder German Pamphlets VII in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of the German Pamphlet – Zwei Welten –
Zwei Aufassungen von Kameradschaft are stored in the subfolder AK
[Koblenz] Pamphlets in the folder German Pamphlets VI in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 11.
The BHW Collection holdings of Get These Gunmen Out Of Ireland! are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 28
The BHW Collection holdings of GI Counseling are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of International Conference of Exiles for
Amnesty, A Proposal: Up From Exile/Amex-Canada/Safe Return are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of National End the War Week are stored
in the subfolder NCUUA in folder Amnesty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
Supporters. (New York City, New York [National Council for Universal
and Unconditional Amnesty]: 1977)473
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Application Form474
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Army Reforms475
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Committee and Section Reports 476
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – La Cooperation Militaire Europeenne et 3es Troupes
Americaines En Europe477
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Critical Invitation [English] 478
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Development of the Soldiers Movement [BVD] 479
The BHW Collection holdings of NCUUA National Conference on New
Directions for Veterans, War Resisters and Amnesty Supporters are
stored in the folder NCUUA in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 Application form are
stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 Army Reforms are stored
in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 – Committee and Section
Reports are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 - La Cooperation
Militaire Europeenne et 3es Troupes Americaines En Europe are stored in
folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 - Critical Invitation
are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 – Development of the
Soldiers Movement are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 1
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Discussion Document for ANTI-NATO ’74. [The ASU] 480
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – De Internationale 481
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Le Mouvement Des Appeles Aux Pays-Bas 482
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Note About the Anti NATO Congress in Holland483
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – The Position of the Soldiers’ Movement in the Federal
Republic of Germany and the Contribution of Conscientious Objectors
in the Anti-Militarist Struggle.484
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Preliminary Invitation [English] 485
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 - Discussion Document
for ANTI-NATO ’74 are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 – De Internationale are
stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 - Le Mouvement Des
Appeles Aux Pays-Bas are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 - Note About the Anti
NATO Congress in Holland are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 – The Position of the
Soldiers’ Movement in the Federal Republic of Germany and the
Contribution of Conscientious Objectors in the Anti-Militarist Struggle
are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 - Preliminary Invitation
[English] are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 1
reports – Preliminary Invitation [French]
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Reformes de L’Armee487
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – The Soldiers Movement in the Netherlands488
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – The Soldatenkomitees489
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Anti NATO ‘74 documents and
reports – Some Remarks on the Agenda of ANTI NATO ’74.490
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Armed Farces Day 1970 – May 1617 Antiwar-Actions - Results (1970)491
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Call to Strategy Action
Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. June 27-28 (1970[?])492
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 - Preliminary Invitation
[French] are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 - Reformes de L’Armee
are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 - The Soldiers Movement
in the Netherlands are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 – Soldatenkomitees are
stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of Anti NATO ’74 – Some Remarks on the
Agenda of ANTI NATO ’74 are stored in folder Anti NATO ’74 in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of May 16-17 Antiwar-Actions - Results
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Call to Strategy Action Conference,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. June 27-28 are stored in the folder GI
Conferences in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
GI Movement Conferences and actions: GI Referendum on Vietnam.
(Washington D.C. [Roger Priest]: 197?)493
GI Movement Conferences and actions: National Conference on G.I.
Rights (Washington D.C.: 1969)494
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Report on Northeast Regional
Conference Held June 20-21 (1970)495
GI Movement Conferences and actions: Southeastern Regional
Conference (1970)496
GI Movement in West Berlin 1967-77.497
G.I. Office (Washington D.C. [G.I. Office]: 1970)498
GI Strikeback Ideas (Washington D.C. [GI Alliance]: 1970)499
The BHW Collection holdings of GI Referendum on Vietnam are stored in
the folder Roger Priest in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of National Conference on G.I. Rights are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
The BHW Collection holdings of Report on Northeast Regional
Conference Held June 20-21 are stored in the folder GI Conferences in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Report on Southeastern Regional
Conference are stored in the folder GI Conferences in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of GI Movement in West Berlin 1967-77 are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of G.I. Office are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of GI Strikeback are stored in the folder
GI Alliance in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
GI Task Force Questionnaire (Washington D.C. [GI Task Force]:
The GI’s Handbook on Military Injustice (New York City, New York
[Committee for GI Rights]: 1971)501
GI’s Struggle Against Army. (Brooklyn, New York [Progressive Labor
Party]: 197?)502
GIs for Peace [Fort Bliss] – Antiwar March503
GIs for Peace [Fort Bliss] – Controversy Erupts at Fort Bliss504
GIs for Peace [Fort Bliss] – Fort Bliss Peace Movement formed505
GIs for Peace [Fort Bliss] – Gigline Order Form506
GIs for Peace [Fort Bliss] – Statement of Veterans [Petition]507
The BHW Collection holdings of Task Force Questionnaire are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of The GI’s Handbook on Military
Injustice are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
The BHW Collection holdings of GI’s Struggle Against Army are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Controversy Erupts at Fort Bliss are
stored in the folder GIs For Peace [Fort Bliss] in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Controversy Erupts at Fort Bliss are
stored in the folder GIs For Peace [Fort Bliss] in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Fort Bliss Peace Movement formed are
stored in the folder GIs For Peace [Fort Bliss] in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Gigline Order Form are stored in the
folder GIs For Peace [Fort Bliss] in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
La Guerre d’Aggression Que Les Etais-Unis menent contre le Vietnam
(Paris, France [French Union of American Deserters and Draft
Resisters]: 1968)508
Guidance for Military Personnel Visiting or Transiting France (New
York City, New York [Department of the Army]: 1968)509
Guide for the AWOL. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [Central Committee
for Conscientious Objectors]: 197?)510
Haksat, Neo Leo. A Historic Victory of the Lao Patriotic Forces on
Highway 9 – Southern Laos. (No given Address: 197?)511
Halstead, Fred. Antiwar GIs Speak Out. (New York City, New York
[Merit Publishers]: 1969)512
Halstead, Fred. A Letter to GI’s on the ’68 Elections. (New York
City, New York [Socialist Workers Campaign Committee]: 1968)513
The BHW Collection holdings of Statement of Veterans are stored in
the folder GIs For Peace [Fort Bliss] in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of La Guerre d’Aggression Que Les EtaisUnis menent contre le Vietnam are stored in the folder French Union of
American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Guidance for Military Personnel
Visiting or Transiting France are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Guide for the AWOL are stored in the
folder CCCO Publications BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of A Historic Victory of the Lao
Patriotic Forces on Highway 9 – Southern Laos are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 27
The BHW Collection holdings of Antiwar GIs Speak Out are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 21
The BHW Collection holdings of A Letter to GI’s on the ’68 Elections
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 30
Handbook for Applicants. (Berkeley, Calif. [United Berkeley Veterans
Action Committee]: n.d.(514
Hansen Artillery Practice Foiled Again (Koza, Okinawa: n.d.)515
Het Rode Boekje Voor Soldaten (Amsterdam, The Netherlands [Van
Gennep]: 1971)516
Hill, Jonah. Class Analysis: United Stares in the 1970’s.
(Emeryville, Calif.: 1975)517
Ho Chi-Minh. New Year’s Message to Americans From President Ho ChiMinh (Hanoi, Vietnam: 1968)518
How Long (Oakland, Calif. [Western Mobilization Against War]:
How Many Vietnams (New York City, New York [Committee of Returned
Volunteers]: 1971[?])520
The BHW Collection holdings of Handbook for Applicants are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 21
The BHW Collection holdings of Hansen Artillery Practice Foiled Again
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of Het Rode Boekje Voor Soldaten are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of lass Analysis: United Stares in the
1970’s are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 28
The BHW Collection holdings of New Year’s Message to Americans From
President Ho Chi-Minh are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of How long are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of How Many Vietnams are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 16
How to Use this Information on AWOLs Etc (no known place of
publication: n.d.)521
Huey Newton Talks to the Movement About the Black Panther Party,
Cultural Nationalism, SNCC, Liberals and White Revolutionaries. (New
York City, New York [Students for a Democratic Society]: 196?)522
The Iceberg Strategy: Unive. (San Francisco, Calif. [Northern
California VVAW-WSO]: n.d.)523
In a Time of Struggle: An Open Letter to Anti-Imperialist Forces.
(San Francisco, Calif. [Northern California VVAW-WSO]: n.d.)524
Individuals Against the Crime of Silence. (Los Angeles, Calif.:
Indochina: People’s Revolution (New York City, New York [Committee
of Returned Volunteers Women’s Caucus]: n.d.)526
Information About Denmark For American Military Personnel and Draft
Resisters (no address given: 1970)527
The BHW Collection holdings of How to Use this Information on AWOLs
Etc are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Huey Newton Talks to the Movement
About the Black Panther Party, Cultural Nationalism, SNCC, Liberals and
White Revolutionaries are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of In a Time of Struggle: An Open Letter
to Anti-Imperialist Forces are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of In a Time of Struggle: An Open Letter
to Anti-Imperialist Forces are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of Individuals Against the Crime of
Silence are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 30
The BHW Collection holdings of Indochina: People’s Revolution are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
Instruktion för Kommunistiska Soldater (Göteborg, Sweden: 1972)528
International Black Workers Congress (Highland Park, Michigan:
International March for Demilitarization, Metz to Verdun, 4-10
August 1976530
International Runaway Shop: Why U.S. Companies Are Moving Their
Plants Abroad. (San Francisco, Calif. [United Front Press]: 1972)531
Die Internationale De Kriegsdienstgegner (Brussels, Belgium [War
Resisters International]: n.d.)532
Internationaler Kongress Jugend Gegen Kriegsdienst (Vienna, Austria:
The BHW Collection holdings of Information About Denmark For American
Military Personnel and Draft Resisters are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of Instruktion för Kommunistiska Soldater
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of International Black Workers Congress
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of International March for
Demilitarization, Metz to Verdun, 4-10 August 1976 are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 24
The BHW Collection holdings of International Runaway Shop: Why U.S.
Companies Are Moving Their Plants Abroad are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 28
The BHW Collection holdings of Die Internationale De
Kriegsdienstgegner are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 27
The BHW Collection holdings of Internationaler Kongress Jugend Gegen
Kriegsdienst are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
Interview with Sam Schorr and Rich Bangert of VVAW534
Interview with U.S. Soldier in Vicenza535
Ireland: British Army Brutality (London, England [Turf Lodge]:
Is It Heads or Hairs? Really? (Frankfurt, West Germany: 197?)537
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters - 4 Assemblea Nazionale
del Movimento Sottufficiali Dell’Aeronautica Militare Svolgimento
dei Lavori e Risoluzioni Conclusive 15 Novembre 1975.538
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters - 4 Dicembre: Giornata
Nazionale Di Lotta Dei Soldati.539
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – 6 Giugno 1976. Udine –
Auditorium Dello Zanon Assemblea Popolare Sui Compiti Del Movimento
The BHW Collection holdings of Interview with Sam Schorr and Rich
Bangert of VVAW are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 24
The BHW Collection holdings of Interview with U.S. Soldier in Vicenza
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of Ireland: British Army Brutality are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 12
The BHW Collection holdings of Is It Heads or Hairs? Really? are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of 4 Assemblea Nazionale del Movimento
Sottufficiali Dell’Aeronautica Militare Svolgimento dei Lavori e
Risoluzioni Conclusive 15 Novembre 1975 are stored in the folder
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of 4 Dicembre: Giornata Nazionale Di
Lotta Dei Soldati are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
Dei Soldati Nella Reconstruzione Del Friuli e Per La Unita Con Gli
Organismi de Popolo.540
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters - 7 Marcia
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – 17 Soldati Arrestati
Alla Cavarzeran.542
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Per La Depenalizzazione
Dell’ Aborto Firma Per Il Referendum.543
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Alcuni Elementi Generali
di Tattica per La Lotta Interna.544
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Aliche Pasqua In
The BHW Collection holdings of 6 Giugno 1976. Udine –Auditorium Dello
Zanon Assemblea Popolare Sui Compiti Del Movimento Dei Soldati Nella
Reconstruzione Del Friuli e Per La Unita Con Gli Organismi de Popolo
are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in
BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of 7 Marcia Antimilitaristica are stored
in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI
Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of 17 Soldati Arrestati Alla Cavarzeran
are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in
BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Per La Depenalizzazione Dell’ Aborto
Firma Per Il Referendum are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Alcuni Elementi Generali di Tattica
per La Lotta Interna are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Aliche Pasqua In Caserna are stored in
the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera
box 8
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Ancora Repressione
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters - Azione Diretta Contro La
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Codici e Riforma dei
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters - Compagne.549
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Compagni Soldati.550
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Il Coordinamento Dei
Soldati Della Casserne di Udine.551
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Il Coordinamento Dei
Soldati Democratici Della Divisione Ariete.552
The BHW Collection holdings of Ancora Repressione ……!!?? are stored
in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI
Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Azione Diretta Contro Lau Guerra are
stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW
GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Codici e Riforma dei Regolamenti are
stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW
GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Compagne are stored in the folder
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Compagni Soldati are stored in the
folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Il Coordinamento Dei Soldati Della
Casserne di Udine are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Coordinamento Di
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Democrazia E Forte
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Denunciamo Fermamente Le
Manovre Militari In Atto In Friuli!.555
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Genitori e Soldati
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Lettera Aperta di Lotta
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Liberati I Soldati Di
The BHW Collection holdings of Il Coordinamento Dei Soldati
Democratici Della Divisione Ariete are stored in the folder Italian GI
Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Coordinamento Di Palmanova are stored
in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI
Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of C Democrazia E Forte Armate are stored
in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI
Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Gen Denunciamo Fermamente Le Manovre
Militari In Atto In Friuli! are stored in the folder Italian GI
Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Genitori e Soldati Deomcratici are
stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW
GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Lettera Aperta di Lotta Continua are
stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW
GI Ephemera box 8
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Liberta Per Andrea.559
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Lotta Per La Democrazia
e Controllo Popolare Nelle F.A..560
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Manifesto Programmatico
Della Polizia.561
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Manovra Repressiva Alla
Di Prampero.562
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Militarismo Borghese Ed
Antimilitarismo di Classe.563
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Movimento Democratico
Dei Soldati di V.Vicentina.564
The BHW Collection holdings of Liberati I Soldati Di Codroipo are
stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW
GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Liberta Per Andrea are stored in the
folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Lotta Per La Democrazia e Controllo
Popolare Nelle F.A.are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Manifesto Programmatico Della Polizia
are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in
BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Manovra Repressiva Alla Di Prampero
are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in
BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Militarismo Borghese Ed
Antimilitarismo di Classe are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Movimento Democratico Dei Soldati di
V.Vicentina are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and
Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Per in Compagni Che
Vanna a Militare.565
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Per La Democrazia Nelle
Forze Armate.566
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Proposta di Discussione
Per La Forulazione Di Un Programma Di Lotta Per Il Movimento
Democratico Dei Soldati.567
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Quaderni Di Lotta:
Antimilitarismo in Caserna e Fuori.568
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Questa Inchiesta.569
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Questo Volantino E’
Regolarmente Autorizzato.570
The BHW Collection holdings of Per in Compagni Che Vanna a Militare
are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in
BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Per La Democrazia Nelle Forze Armate
are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in
BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Proposta di Discussione Per La
Forulazione Di Un Programma Di Lotta Per Il Movimento Democratico Dei
Soldati are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and
Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Quaderni Di Lotta: Antimilitarismo in
Caserna e Fuori are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets
and Posters II in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Questa Inchiesta are stored in the
folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Questo Volantino E’ Regolarmente
Autorizzato are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and
Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Relazione
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Rilanciamo La
Mobilitazione Antimilitarista Di Massai.572
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Per il Rilancio Della
Mobilitazione Antimilitarista de Massa.573
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – La Ristrutturazione
Dell’ Esercito.574
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Soldati.575
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Sottufficiali, Militari,
Lavoratori, Cittadini.576
The BHW Collection holdings of Relazione Introduttiva are stored in
the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera
box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Rilanciamo La Mobilitazione
Antimilitarista Di Massai are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Per il Rilancio Della Mobilitazione
Antimilitarista de Massa are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of La Ristrutturazione Dell’ Esercito are
stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW
GI Ephemera box 8
There are 4 different pieces titled Soldati. The BHW Collection
holdings of Soldati are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement
Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Sottufficiali, Militari, Lavoratori,
Cittadini are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and
Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Udine.577
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Udine: 10 Aprile 1976
1500 in Piazza Contro La Repressione 700 Soldati Sfilano in
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Ungiudizio
Sull’Assemblea Nazionale.579
Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters – Vogliamo E Dobbiamo
Votare E’ Nostro Diritto.580
Jacobs, Jim and Larry Laskowski. The New Rebels in Industrial
America. (San Francisco, Calif. [Clergy and Laymen – Radical
Education Project]: 1969)581
Japan 1970! Treaties, Bases Students.582
Japan-US A Yen to Control, or “Law and Order” in Asia… (New York
City, New York [Japan Project]: 1970)583
The BHW Collection holdings of Udine are stored in the folder Italian
GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Udine: 10 Aprile 1976 1500 in Piazza
Contro La Repressione 700 Soldati Sfilano in Corteo are stored in the
folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Ungiudizio Sull’Assemblea Nazionale
are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and Posters in
BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Vogliamo E Dobbiamo Votare E’ Nostro
Diritto are stored in the folder Italian GI Movement Pamphlets and
Posters in BHW GI Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of The New Rebels in Industrial America
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 26
The BHW Collection holdings of Japan 1970! Treaties, Bases Students
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
Japanese GI Movement pamphlets and posters – 2 publications
Join the Peace Corps’ Training for Vietnam (New York City, New York
[Committee of Returned Volunteers]: 1967[?)585
Join Us! (Norfolk, Virginia [The Defense Committee]: 197?)586
Joint Treaty of Peace (San Bernadino, Calif.: 1971)587
Kinchy, Sue. The Militarization of Woman. (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania [CCCO]: n.d.)588
Kupfeberg, Tuli. Newswpoems (New York City, New York [Free Range
Tribe]: 1971)589
Lawrence, Ken. What Are You Being Drafted For? Thirty Years of
Selective Service Racism. (Jackson, Mississippi [National Black
Draft Counselors]: 1971)590
The BHW Collection holdings of Japan-US A Yen to Control, or “Law and
Order” in Asia… are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 27
The BHW Collection holdings of the 2 photocopied Japanese
publications are stored in the folder Japan in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Join the Peace Corps’ Training for
Vietnam are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of Join Us! are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 24
The BHW Collection holdings of Joint Treaty of Peace are stored in
the folder People’s Peace Treaty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of The Militarization of Woman are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Newspoems are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 26
Legal Suggestions (Washington D.C. [GI Alliance]: 1970)591
Letter of Introduction from the Coalition to International GI
Projects, Newspapers and Organizations (Menlo Park, Calif. [Billy
Smith]: 1972)592
Letter to Angela Davis/Message From Billy Smith (Fort Ord, Calif.
[Northern California Coalition to Free Billy Smith]: 1972)593
A Manifesto [Boston, Massachusetts [New England Resistance]: 1969)594
Messages Des Deserteurs et Insoumis Americains Auc Peuples D’Europe
(Paris, France [French Union of American Deserters and Draft
Resisters]: 1968)595
Michael Lee Bransoma (Stockholm, Sweden [American Deserter’s
Committee]: n.d.)596
The BHW Collection holdings of What Are You Being Drafted For? Thirty
Years of Selective Service Racism are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of Legal Suggestions are stored in the
folder GI Alliance in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Letter of Introduction from the
Coalition to International GI Projects, Newspapers and Organizations
are stored in the folder Billy Smith in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Letter to Angela Davis/Message From
Billy Smith are stored in the folder Billy Smith in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 6
This was published in support of the Arlington Street Church, a
Unitarian Universalist Congregation/Church in Boston, providing
sanctuary to GI Resisters. The BHW Collection holdings of A Manifesto
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of Messages Des Deserteurs et Insoumis
Americains Auc Peuples D’Europe are stored in the folder French Union
of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
Military and Veterans Counseling Centre. (New York City, New York
[Military and Veterans Counseling Centre]: n.d.)597
Military Counseling Contacts (New York City, New York [GI Counseling
Service]: 197?)598
Military Counseling Literature List. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[CCCO]: n.d.)599
Military Counseling Publications (San Francisco, Calif. [CCCOWestern Region]: 1970)600
Military Counselor’s Directory, 5th Edition (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania [CCCO]: 1973)601
Military Duty, Service or Subservience? (Berkeley, Calif. [G. I.
Student Union]: 1969)602
Miss Rita Says Underground Press Syndicate is Reliable (Address
unknown: 1969)603
The BHW Collection holdings of Michael Lee Bransoma are stored in the
folder American Deserter’s Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Military and Veterans Counseling
Centre are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of Military Counseling Contacts are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
The BHW Collection holdings of Military Counseling Literature List
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Military Counseling Publications are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of Military Counselor’s Directory are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 31
The BHW Collection holdings of Military Duty, Service or
Subservience? are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
Mr. Nixon Must Give an Answer. (No address given: n.d.)604
More Rights for Soldiers (Address unknown: 1974)605
Napalm Sticks to Kids (Heidelberg, West Germany [RITA-ACT]: 197?)606
National GI Conference (Chicago, Illinois [Vietnam Veterans Against
the War-Winter Soldier Organization]: 1974)607
“New Army” Blues. (New York City, New York [Citizen Soldier]:
New Chile, 1973 Edition (New York City, New York [North American
Congress on Latin America]: 1973)609
New England Resistance Military Program (Boston, Massachusetts [New
England Resistance]: 196[?])610
The BHW Collection holdings of Miss Rita Says Underground Press
Syndicate is Reliable stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 24
The BHW Collection holdings of Mr. Nixon Must Give an Answer are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of More Rights for Soldiers are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Napalm Sticks to Kids are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 21
The BHW Collection holdings of National GI Conference are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of “New Army” Blues are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of New Chile, 1973 Edition are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 27
The BHW Collection holdings of New England Resistance Military
Program are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – 1969: No Christmas As Usual. 611
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Armed Forces Day: Time to Act612
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Articles and Opeds613
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Bibliography of Materials on Repression and
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – A Call to Mobilize Against Repression615
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Dear Participants in the Mobilization616
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Does the Law Serve Power or Justice617
The BHW Collection holdings of 1969: No Christmas As Usual are stored
in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Armed Forces Day: Time to Act are
stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Articles and OpEds are stored in the
folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Bibliography of Materials on
Repression and Genocide are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of A Call to Mobilize Against Repression
are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Dear Participants in the Mobilization
are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Dismantling the War Machine618
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Endorsements of the Vietnam Moratorium to
Appear in Sunday New York Times Ad – September 28, 1969619
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Hear the Conspiracy 8620
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – How to Organize a Work Place Action621
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – March on Washington. Sat. Nov. 15th622
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Marshall Kit no. 1623
The BHW Collection holdings of Does the Law Serve Power or Justice
are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Dismantling the War Machine are stored
in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Endorsements of the Vietnam Moratorium
to Appear in Sunday New York Times Ad – September 28, 1969 are stored
in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Hear the Conspiracy 8 are stored in
the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of How to Organize a Work Place Action
are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of March on Washington. Sat. Nov. 15th
are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
This was distributed at the November 15th March I Washington. The BHW
Collection holdings of Marshall Kit no. 1. Sat. Nov. 15th are stored in
the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Memo on Marshalls624
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – National Program625
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – November Action Schedule626
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Order Form627
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Order Form for copies of GI Referendum628
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – On Organizing Anti-Repression Teach-Ins629
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Photograph from French Press630
there are two versions of this memo, which was distributed for the
November 15, 1969, March in Washington D.C. The BHW Collection holdings
of Memo on Marshalls are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of National Program are stored in the
folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of November Action Schedule are stored in
the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Order Form are stored in the folder
New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Order Form for copies of GI Referendum
are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of On Organizing Anti-Repression TeachIns are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Photograph from French Press is stored
in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Rich Man’s War. The People Pay631
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – They Can’t Jail a Generation632
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – The Top 50 War Profiteers633
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Untitled report634
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Where Have All the Young Men Gone635
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – The Winter-Spring Offensive and Women636
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam mailings,
pamphlets and posters – Witnesses and Speakers637
The BHW Collection holdings of Rich Man’s War. The People Pay are
stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of March on Washington. Sat. Nov. 15th
are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of The Top 50 War Profiteers are stored
in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Untitled report are stored in the
folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Where Have All the Young Men Gone are
stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of The Winter-Spring Offensive and Women
are stored in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Witnesses and Speakers are stored in
the folder New Mobe in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The New Program of the AMERICAN DESERTERS’ COMMITTEE (Stockholm,
Sweden [American Deserter’s Committee]: 197[?])638
News of the GI Movement! Camp News (Chicago, Illinois [Chicago Area
Military Project]: n.d.)639
Nicolaus, Martin. The Iceberg Strategy: Universities and the
Military-Industrial Complex. (Boston, Massachusetts [New England
Free Press]: 1967)640
The Nine for Peace. (San Francisco, Calif. [The Resistance]: 1969)641
Nixon and the Arms Race: The Bomber Boondoggle. (New York City, New
York [SANE World]: 1969)642
Nixon Wants Us in Washington (Washington D.C. [DMZ Coffeehouse]:
No Court-Martial for My Lai G.I.s. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
[Veterans Committee on My-Lai]: n.d.)644
The BHW Collection holdings of News of the GI Movement are stored in
the folder American Deserter’s Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of The New Program of the AMERICAN
DESERTERS COMMITTEE are stored in the folder American Deserter’s
Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of The Iceberg Strategy: Universities and
the Military-Industrial Complex are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of The Nine for Peace are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of Nixon and the Arms Race: The Bomber
Boondoggle are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of Nixon Wants Us in Washington are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
North Korea [?] – Fascist Repression of U.S. Imperialism and the Pak
Jung Ri Puppet Clique Against the South Korean People.645
North Korea [?] – History Tells.646
North Korea [?] – Japanese Militarists’ Manoeuvres for Reinvasion of
South Korea Will be Smashed.647
North Korea [?] – South Korean People’s Struggle Against Fascism and
for Democratization Intensifies.648
North Korea [?] – U.S. Imperialists’ Manoeuvre To Modernize Puppet
North Korea [?] – U.S. Side’s Failure to Respond To Our Proposal for
Conclusion of Peace Agreement Proves Its Total Indifference to Peace
of Korea and Her Peaceful Reunification.650
The BHW Collection holdings of No Court-Martial for My Lai G.I.s are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Fascist Repression of U.S. Imperialism
and the Pak Jung Ri Puppet Clique Against the South Korean People are
stored in the folder North Korea in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of History Tells are stored in the folder
North Korea in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of Japanese Militarists’ Manoeuvres for
Reinvasion of South Korea Will be Smashed are stored in the folder
North Korea in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of South Korean People’s Struggle Against
Fascism and for Democratization Intensifies are stored in the folder
North Korea in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of U.S. Imperialists’ Manoeuvre To
Modernize Puppet Army are stored in the folder North Korea in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of U.S. Side’s Failure to Respond To Our
Proposal for Conclusion of Peace Agreement Proves Its Total
Indifference to Peace of Korea and Her Peaceful Reunification are
stored in the folder North Korea in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
Note Sur Le Traite de Paix de Peuple A Peuple (Paris, France:
Notes on a Military Union. (Washington D.C. [Enlisted People’s
Organizing Committee]: 1977)652
Objectives of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (New York City, New
York [Vietnam Veterans Against the War]: 197?)653
Officer tells of Tension in the Stockade. (San Francisco, Calif.
[National Committee for the 27]: 1969)654
On the Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights. (Paris, France [Paris American Committee to
StopWar]: 196?)655
The Only Answer to the Vietnam War. (New York City, New York [Youth
Against War and Fascism]: n.d.)656
The BHW Collection holdings of Note Sur Le Traite de Paix de Peuple A
Peuple are stored in the folder People’s Peace Treaty in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of Notes on a Military Union are stored
in the folder Enlis Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 5
BHW Collection holdings of Objectives of Vietnam Veterans Against the
War are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13.
Reproduction of article, originally published in the San Francisco
Examiner. The BHW Collection holdings of Officer Tells of Tension in
the Stockade are stored in the folder Presidio 27 - National Committee
for the “27” in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5.
The BHW Collection holdings of On the Anniversary of the Proclamation
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are stored in the folder
Paris American Committee to Stopwar in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of The Only Answer to the Vietnam War are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
An Open Letter to All Servicemen (Fairbanks, Alaska [United
Servicemen of Alaska]: 1970)657
Open Letter to Correspondents (San Francisco, Calif. [Bay Area
Radical Education Project]: 1969658)
Open Letter to Members of the KKK in the Form of Officers (No
address given, West Germany [RITA-ACT]: 197?)659
Open Letter to the White Americans in Europe (Heidelberg, West
Germany [RITA-ACT]: 1970[?])660
Operation Open Door. (Washington D.C. [National Interreligious
Service Board for Conscientious Objectors]: 1976[?])661
Order of the Command of the South Viet Nam People’s Liberation Armed
Forces (Paris, France: 1971)662
Organizations Participating in the European Anti-Militarist Congress
(Address unknown: 1974)663
The BHW Collection holdings of Wan Open Letter to All Servicemen are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Open Letter to all Correspondents are
stored in the folder Bay Area Radical Education Project in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 26
The BHW Collection holdings of Open Letter to Members of the KKK in
the Form of Officers are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of Open Letter to the White Americans
Living in Europe are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Operation Open Door is stored in the
folder NIRSBCO BHW GI Press Ephemera box 31
The BHW Collection holdings of the Order of the Command of the South
Viet Nam People’s Liberation Armed Forces are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 25
Other-Than-Honorable-Discharges – Problems, and Prospects for
Change. (Address unknown, United States [Vietnam Era Veteran’s
National Resource Project]: n.d)664
Ou En Est L’Imperialisme Americain (no address given [Comite VietNam Rodin]: n.d.)665
Outline of VVAW/WSO Demonstration – Washington DC - July 2.
(Chicago, Illinois [VVAW/WSO National Office]: 197?)666
Outlaw, Will B. Guns and Politics. (East Palo Alto, Calif.
[Venceremos Publications]: 197?)667
P. O. W. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [NARMIC]: 1972)668
Pacific Counseling Service. (San Francisco, Calif. [Pacific
Counseling Service]: 197?)669
The BHW Collection holdings of Organizations Participating in the
European Anti-Militarist Congress are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Other-Than-Honorable-Discharges –
Problems, and Prospects for Change are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Ou En Est L’Imperialisme Americain are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of Outline of VVAW/WSO Demonstration –
Washington DC - July 2 are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of Guns and Politics are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 28
The BHW Collection holdings of P. O. W. are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of Pacific Counseling Service are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
Panthers Stopped from Talking with GIs (West Berlin, West Germany
[Where Its At]: 197?)670
A Pentagon Papers Digest. (New York City, New York and Los Angeles,
Calif. [Indochina Peace Campaign]: 1971[?])671
To People Interested in the Legal Directory and Military Counselors
Referral List (San Francisco, Calif. [CCCO-Western Region]: 1970)672
Petition – A Petition for the Immediate Release of the Ramstein 2
(Frankfurt, West Germany [Voice of the Lumpen]: 1971)673
Petition – A Petition to the Congress of the United States (Gross
Auheim, West Germany: 1974)674
Petition – Lest We Forget … An Appeal for Reconciliation
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [Appeal For Reconciliation]: 1976[?])675
Petition – Petition in Support of Ed Jurenas (New York City, New
York [GI Civil Liberties Defense Committee]: 197?)676
The BHW Collection holdings of Panthers Stopped from Talking With GIs
are stored in the folder Where Its At Materials in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of A Pentagon Paper Digest are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 18
The BHW Collection holdings of To People Interested in the Legal
Directory and Military Counselors Referral List are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of the Petition - A Petition for the
Immediate Release of the Ramstein 2 are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of the Petition - A Petition to the
Congress of the United States are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of the Petition - Lest We Forget … An
Appeal for Reconciliation are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
Petition – Petition to Congress. (Washington D.C. [Enlisted People’s
Organizing Committee]: 197?)677
Philippines – The Philippines: Martial Law Protects U.S. Business
Interests (San Francisco, Calif. [Bay Area Chapter of the National
Committee for the Restoration of Civil Liberties in the
Philippines]: n.d.)678
Philippines – Philippine Liberation Front pamphlets and leaflets –
Armed Struggle is Developing Rapidly in Southern Luzon.679
Philippines – Philippine Liberation Front pamphlets and leaflets –
Basic Rules Of The New People’s Army.680
Philippines – Philippine Liberation Front pamphlets and leaflets –
Message to the Filipino People.681
Philippines – Philippine Liberation Front pamphlets and leaflets –
The New People’s Army.682
The BHW Collection holdings of the Petition – Petition in Support of
Ed Jurenas are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of the petition - Petition to Congress
are stored in the folder Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of The Philippines: Martial Law Protects
U.S. Business Interests are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 27
The BHW Collection holdings of Armed Struggle is Developing Rapidly
in Southern Luzon are stored in the folder Philippine Liberation Front
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Basic Rules Of The New People’s Army
are stored in the folder Philippine Liberation Front in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Message to the Filipino People are
stored in the folder Philippine Liberation Front in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 19
Philippines – Philippine Liberation Front pamphlets and leaflets –
Programme for a People’s Democratic Revolution in the Philippines.683
Philippines – Philippine Liberation Front pamphlets and leaflets –
Scenario of Marcos Fascism.684
Philippines - Philippines: The Next Vietnam (San Francisco, Calif.
[Pacific Counseling Service]: n.d.]685
Please Post. (New York City, New York: 1974)686
Policy Statement on Vietnam (Address unknown [Synagogue Council of
America]: n.d.)687
A Political Document from Sweden. How Nixon and the C.I.A. is Using
Racism Against the Swedish People. (Stockholm, Sweden [The Social
News Exchange Service]: 197?)688
The BHW Collection holdings of The New People’s Army are stored in
the folder Philippine Liberation Front in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Programme for a People’s Democratic
Revolution in the Philippines are stored in the folder Philippine
Liberation Front in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Scenario of Marcos Fascism are stored
in the folder Philippine Liberation Front in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Philippines: The Next Vietnam are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Please Post are stored in the folder
NCUUA in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Policy Statement on Vietnam are stored
in the folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of A Political Document from Sweden. How
Nixon and the C.I.A. is Using Racism Against the Swedish People are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 28.
The Politics of Resisting the U.S. Military Establishment.689
Polner, Murray. 18-Minute Verdict. Military Justice and
Constitutional Rights (New York City, New York: 1969)690
Pope, Richard. Democracy and the University (Ann Arbor, Michigan
[Radical Education Project]: n.d.)691
Position paper of EPOC on Unionization. (Washington D.C. [Enlisted
People’s Organizing Committee]: 197?)692
Position Paper of the RAP! Collective on the Lt. Calley Case
(Columbus, Georgia [Rap Collective]: 197?)693
Position Paper on Repatriation (Stockholm, Sweden [American
Deserter’s Committee]: 1975[?])694
Poster – 1500 Soldats Exigent (Paris, France: n.d.)695
The BHW Collection holdings of The Politics of Resisting the U.S.
Military Establishment are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of 18 Minute Verdict: Military Justice
and Constitutional Rights are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of Democracy and the University are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
The BHW Collection holdings of the Position Paper of EPOC on
Unionization are stored in the folder Enlisted People’s Organizing
Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of the Position Paper of the RAP!
Collective on the Lt. Calley Case are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Position Paper on Repatriation are
stored in the folder American Deserter’s Committee in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster 1500 Soldats Exigentare
stored in the folder posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
Poster – 6,000,000 victims (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [American
Friends Service Committee]: 1969)696
Poster – Géén Veerlaging Dienstplichtige Leeftüd En Wedde! (Utrecht,
the Netherlands [VVDM]: n.d.)697
Poster – Het Rode Boekje voor Soldaten (Place of publication and
date unknown)698
Poster – IHV – Weg Ermee (Place of publication and date unknown)699
Poster – Internationale Abrüstungsstafette 1977 Helsinki-Belgrad
(Karlsruhe, West Germany [DFG-VK]: 1977)700
Poster – La Securite Militaire Frappe! (city of publication unknown,
France [Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire]: n.d.)701
Poster – Lest We Forget … An Appeal for Reconciliation
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [Appeal For Reconciliation]: 1976[?])702
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster 6,000,000 victims are
stored in the folder posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster Géén Veerlaging
Dienstplichtige Leeftüd En Wedde! are stored in the folder posters in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster Het Rode Boekje voor
Soldaten are stored in the folder posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster IHV – Weg Ermee are stored
in the folder posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster Internationale
Abrüstungsstafette 1977 Helsinki-Belgrad are stored in the folder
posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster La Securite Militaire
Frappe! are stored in the folder posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
Poster – Liberez Les Soldats et Les Militants Emprisonnes (Paris,
France: n.d.)703
Poster – Por el Reconocimiento de los Derechos Democraticos a Los
Militares en Las Ordenanzas (Spain[?]: n.d.)704
Poster – Vakbond Van Soldaten (Utrecht, the Netherlands [VVDM]:
Poster – Van Een Leger Van Werklozen Naar Enn Vrijwilligersleger
(Place of publication and date unknown)706
Poster – VVDM 10 Jaar Soldaten Strijd (Place of publication and date
Poster – Wir Sind Soldaten der Bundeswehr Und Sagen: Nein zur
Neutronenbombe (Dortmund, West Germany: 197?)708
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster Lest We Forget … An Appeal
for Reconciliation are stored in the folder posters in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster Liberez Les Soldats et Les
Militants Emprisonnes are stored in the folder posters in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster Por el Reconocimiento de
los Derechos Democraticos a Los Militares en Las Ordenanzas are stored
in the folder posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster Vakbond Van Soldaten are
stored in the folder posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster Van Een Leger Van Werklozen
Naar Enn Vrijwilligersleger are stored in the folder posters in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster VVDM 10 Jaar Soldaten
Strijd are stored in the folder posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Poster Wir Sind Soldaten der
Bundeswehr Und Sagen: Nein zur Neutronenbombe are stored in the folder
posters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
POWs the Big Lie. (Santa Anna, Calif. [Joe Hill Collective]: 1971)709
Pre-Enlistment Counseling. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [Central
Committee for Conscientious Objectors]: 197?)710
The Presidio 27. (London, England [War Resisters Internationl]:
Presidio Notes (Washington D.C. and San Francisco, Calif. [The
Committee for the Presidio 27]: 1969)712
Presidio Stockade – Oct. 14, 1969 (Washington D.C. and San
Francisco, Calif. [The Committee for the Presidio 27]: 1969)713
Proposal: Funding Lawyers in Europe for GI Defense. (Chicago,
Illinois [Chicago Area Military Project]: 197?)714
Questionnaire for Military Counselors and Attorneys (San Francisco,
Calif. [CCCO-Western Region]: 1970)715
The BHW Collection holdings of POWs – The Big Lie are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of Pre-Enlistment Counseling are stored
in the folder CCCO Publications BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of The Presidio 27 are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Presidio Notes are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Presidio Stockade – Oct. 14, 1969 are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Proposal: Funding Lawyers in Europe
for GI Defense. are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of Questionnaire for Military Counselors
and Attorneys are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
Quitting Your Job is Not a Crime (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [CCCO]:
Read, Think, Then Act (Frankfort/Main, West Germany [Revolutionary
People’s Communications Network]: 1971)717
Referendum – Moratorium on Vietnam (Heidelberg, West Germany [The
Graffitti]: 196?)718
Refusal of Induction by Conscientious Objectors (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania [Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors]:
Registration, Interview and Dialogue With the Police (Stockholm,
Sweden [The Center]: 1970)720
Related Clemency Programs. (Washington D.C. [National Interreligious
Service Board for Conscientious Objectors]: 1976[?])721
Report of FUADDR Meeting 16 March (Paris, France [French Union of
The BHW Collection holdings of Quitting Your Job is Not a Crime are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of Read, Think, Then Act are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 18
The BHW Collection holdings of Referendum – Moratorium on Vietnam are
stored n BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Refusal of Induction by Conscientious
Objectors are stored in the folder CCCO Publications BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Registration, Interview and Dialogue
With the Police are stored in the folder The Center (Stockholm) in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of Related Clemency Programs is stored in
the folder NIRSBCO BHW GI Press Ephemera box 31
American Deserters and Draft Resisters]: 1968)722
Report on the Dutch Army (no address given: 1975)723
Response to President Carter’s Pardon by the International
Conference of War Resisters and Veterans Held in Toronto. (New York
City, New York: 1977)724
Resistance Inside the United States Army in West Germany
(Heidelberg, West Germany: 197?)725
Resolution of a World At Peace (San Francisco, Calif. [Union Of
American Hebrew Congregations]: 1965)726
Rivkin, Robert. American Servicemen Have Rights. Do You Know Yours?
(New York City, New York [GI Counseling Services]: 1970)727
Roger Priest materials – Assorted mainstream press articles on Roger
L. Priest trial (Washington D.C. [Servicemen’s Link to Peace]:
The BHW Collection holdings of Report of FUADDR Meeting 16 March are
stored in the folder French Union of American Deserters and Draft
Resisters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Report on the Dutch Army are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 24
The BHW Collection holdings of Response to President Carter’s Pardon
by the International Conference of War Resisters and Veterans Held in
Toronto are stored in the folder NCUUA in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Resistance Inside the United States
Army in West Germany are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 26
The BHW Collection holdings of Resolution of a World At Peace are
stored in the folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of American Servicemen Have Rights. Do
You Know Yours are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
Roger Priest materials – Biographical Facts on Roger L. Priest
(Washington D.C. [Servicemen’s Link to Peace]: 1970)729
Roger Priest materials – First Amendment on Trial. (College Park,
Maryland: 1970)730
Roger Priest materials – Om: On the Day When Crime dons the Apparel
of Innocence. (Washington D.C. [Roger Priest Defense Committee]:
Roger Priest materials – Save the Priest. (Washington D.C. [Roger
Priest Defense Committee]: 1970)732
Roger Priest materials – The United States Navy and Servicemen’s
Link to Peace Cordially Invite You to the Court Martial of the First
Amendment in the case of the U.S. Navy vs. Roger Priest (Washington
D.C. [Roger Priest Defense Committee]: 1970)733
The BHW Collection holdings of Assorted mainstream press articles on
Roger L. Priest trial are stored in the folder Roger Priest in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Biographical Facts on Roger L. Priest
are stored in the folder Roger Priest in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of First Amendment on Trial are stored in
the folder Roger Priest in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Om: On the Day When Crime dons the
Apparel of Innocence are stored in the folder Roger Priest in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of Save the Priest are stored in the
folder Roger Priest in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
The BHW Collection holdings of The United States Navy and
Servicemen’s Link to Peace Cordially Invite You to the Court Martial of
the First Amendment in the case of the U.S. Navy vs. Roger Priest are
stored in the folder Roger Priest in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 9
Russell, Bertrand. Appeal to the American Conscience (London,
England: n.d.)734
Russell-Info (Heidelberg, West Germany: n.d.)735
Safe Return (New York City, New York [Safe Return]: 1974)736
Save the Honor of the Presidency (West Berlin, West Germany
[Concerned Americans in Berlin]: 197?)737
Save Your Life (no address given: 1971)738
Schiller, Lisa and Joe LeBlanc. Exiled: A Handbook for Young
Emigrants (Philadelphia, Pennsyvania [The Philadelphia Resistance]:
Serve the Peoople (Bronx, New York [Students for a Democratic
Society]: 196?)740
Shouldn’t We Close Ranks Behind the President (New York City, New
The BHW Collection holdings of Appeal to the American Conscience are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of Russell-Info are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 33
The BHW Collection holdings of Safe Return are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 24
The BHW Collection holdings of Save the Honor of the Presidecy are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of Save Your Life are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of Exiled: A Handbook for Young Emigrants
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of Serve the People are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 25
York [Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy]: 1966)741
Shoup, General David M. The New American Militarism (Corinth,
Vermont [Black Mountain Press]: 1969)742
Slave Brother Neil. Prison Poems. (Koza-Shi, Okinawa [The People’s
House]: 1973)743
Snapshots of Life of Captured U.S. Pilots in the Detention Camps of
the D. R. V. N. (no address given, North Vietnam: n.d.)744
Soldaten Streik in Eclepens (Zurich, Switzerland [Soldatenkomitee
Zeurich]]: 1973)745
The Soldier’s Charter (Leeds, England: 1971)746
Soldier’s Thanksgiving Prayer747
Solidaritat mit Karen Bixler (Karlsruhe, West Germany: 1973)748
The BHW Collection holdings of Shouldn’t We Close Ranks Bhind the
President are stored in the folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of The New American Militarism are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of Prison Poems are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of Snapshots of Life of Captured U.S.
Pilots in the Detention Camps of the D. R. V. N. are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 21
The BHW Collection holdings of Soldaten Streik in Eclepens are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 12
The BHW Collection holdings of The Soldier’s Charter are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 31
The BHW Collection holdings of the Soldier’s Thanksgiving Prayer are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 24
Soldiers Against the War. The Story of Pvt. Andy Stapp and the Fort
Sill GI’s (New York City, New York [The Committee for GI Rights]:
South African GI Movement pamphlets and posters – Information
Booklet for South African War Resisters in Britain750
South African GI Movement pamphlets and posters – Program to Assist
Refugees from the South African Military751
South African GI Movement pamphlets and posters – Soldiers in Revolt
Against Apartheid752
South African GI Movement pamphlets and posters – Support South
African War Resisters753
South African GI Movement pamphlets and posters – War Resistance: A
Response to Apartheid Militarisation754
The BHW Collection holdings of Solidarität mit Karen Bixler are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collections holdings of Soldiers Against the War. The Story
of Pvt. Andy Stapp and the Fort Sill GI’s are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 21
The BHW Collection holdings of Information Booklet for South African
War Resisters in Britain are stored in the folder South Africa in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Program to Assist Refugees from the
South African Military are stored in the folder South Africa in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Soldiers in Revolt Against Apartheid
are stored in the folder South Africa in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Support South African War Resisters
are stored in the folder South Africa in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Soldiers in War Resistance: A Response
to Apartheid Militarisation are stored in the folder South Africa in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – Comision Executiva
[UDS – Castilla Y Leon].755
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – Companeros
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – Hoy, Todos Los
Soldados Unidos.757
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – Libertad Union
Democratica de Soldados.758
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – Muestras Tareas
Para Los Proximos Meses759
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – A Todos Los
Soldados [UDS – Castilla Y Leon].760
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – UDS Aragon
The BHW Collection holdings of Comision Executiva are stored in the
folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Companeros Alerta are stored in the
folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Hoy, Todos Los Soldados Unidos stored
in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Libertad Union Democratica de Soldados
are stored in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Muestras Tareas Para Los Proximos
Meses are stored in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of A Todos Los Soldados are stored in the
folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – UDS Madrid
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – UDS Madrid de La
Zone Norte Leaflets763
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – UDS Postcard764
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – UDS Programma Y
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – UDS Stickers766
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – Union de Soldados
Democratas [UDS – Cordoba].767
Spanish GI Movement – UDS Pamphlets and Posters – Union Democratica
The BHW Collection holdings of the UDS Aragon Leaflets are stored in
the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of the UDS Madrid Leaflets are stored in
the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of the UDS Madrid de La Zone Norte
Leaflets are stored in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of the UDS Postcard are stored in the
folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of the UDS Programma Y Estatutos are
stored in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of the UDS Stickers are stored in the
folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Union de Soldados Democratas are
stored in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
de Soldados768
Spanish GI Movement – F.U.S.M.D. Pamphlets and Posters – Comision
Ejecutiva 769
Spanish GI Movement – F.U.S.M.D. Pamphlets and Posters – Companero770
Spanish GI Movement – F.U.S.M.D. Pamphlets and Posters – Estimado
Companero 771
Spanish GI Movement – F.U.S.M.D. Pamphlets and Posters – Soldados en
un Frente772
Spanish GI Movement – F.U.S.M.D. Pamphlets and Posters – Programma
Electoral de la F.U.S.M.D. 773
Stand Up For Your Rights (Chicago, Illinois [Wildcat/Military Action
Committee]: 197?)774
The BHW Collection holdings of the Union Democratica de Soldados are
stored in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Comision Ejecutiva are stored in the
subfolder FUSMD in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Companero are stored in the subfolder
FUSMD in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 11
The BHW Collection holdings of Estimado Companero are stored in the
subfolder FUSMD in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Soldados en un Frente are stored in
the subfolder FUSMD in the folder Spanish GI Movement in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Programma Electoral de la F.U.S.M.D.
are stored in the subfolder FUSMD in the folder Spanish GI Movement in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of Stand Up For Your Rights are store in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
State of Siege. (Phladelphia, Pennsylvanis [NARMIC]: 197?)775
Statement by Arnold Petty, January 26 1973
Statement by the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the
Republic of South Vietnam regarding the peaceful Settlement of the
Viet Nam problem777
Statement of Bolden and Robertson (West Berlin, West Germany:
A Statement of Solidarity to the Revolutionary Movement of French
Students and Workers (Paris, France [French Union of American
Deserters and Draft Resisters]: 1968)779
Statement of support for Babette Peyton (West Berlin, West Germany
[FighT bAck/GI Counseling Center]: 1971)780
Statement of the French Union of American Deserters and Draft
The BHW Collection holdings of State of Siege are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 29
The BHW Collection holdings of the Statement by Arnold Petty, January
26 1973 are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 31
The BHW Collection holdings of the Statement by the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam regarding the
peaceful Settlement of the Viet Nam problem are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 30
The BHW Collection holdings of the Statement of Bolden and Robertson
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of A Statement of Solidarity to the
Revolutionary Movement of French Students and Workers are stored in the
folder French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Statement of support for Babette
Peyton are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
Resisters – May 1968(Paris, France [French Union of American
Deserters and Draft Resisters]: 1968)781
Statement of the French Union of American Deserters and Draft
Resisters – March [?] 1968(Paris, France [French Union of American
Deserters and Draft Resisters]: 1968)782
Statement of Al Caesar. (Washington D.C. [Enlisted People’s
Organizing Committee]: 197?)783
Statement of the Washington Area Military and Draft Law Panel.
(Washington D.C. [Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee]: 1977)784
Statement on Vietnam (New York City, New York [Campaign for a Sane
Nuclear Policy]: 196?)785
Stop the Fascist Law (Stockholm, Sweden [American Deserter’s
Committee]: 1975[?])786
The BHW Collection holdings of the Statement of the French Union of
American Deserters and Draft Resisters – March [?] 1968 are stored in
the folder French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Statement of the French Union of
American Deserters and Draft Resisters – May 1968 are stored in the
folder French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of the Statement of Al Caesar are stored
in the folder Enlisted People’s Organizing Committee in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of the American Civil Liberties Statement
on Amnesty are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 12
The BHW Collection holdings of Statement on Vietnam are stored in the
folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Stop the Fascist Law are stored in the
folder American Deserter’s Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 5
Stop the Railroad: How to Fight Non-Judicial Punishment (San Diego,
Calif. [Center for Servicemen’s Rights]: 197?)787
Strengthen the Core, Broaden the Front (New York City, New York
[Vietnam Veterans Against the War]: 197?)788
Stuck With a Military Problem (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [CCCO]:
Stuck With a Military Problem (Stuttgart, West Germany [Military
Counseling Network]: n.d.)790
The Student Mobe (New York City, New York [Student Mobilization
Committee]: 197?)791
Student Mobilization Committee (New York City, New York [Student
Mobilization Committee]: n.d.)792
Students for a Democratic Society National Constitution (Chicago,
Illinois [Students for a Democratic Society]: 1967)793
The BHW Collection holdings of Stop the Railroad: How to Fight NonJudicial Punishment are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Strengthen the Core, Broaden the Front
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 13
The BHW Collection holdings of Stuck With a Military Problem
[Philadelphia] are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 21
The BHW Collection holdings of Stuck With a Military Problem
[Stuttgart] are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 21
The BHW Collection holdings of The Student Mobe are stored the in
folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of Student Mobilization Committee are
stored the in folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of Students for a Democratic Society
National Constitution are stored the in folder Students for a
Democratic Society in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
Support for the American G.I. (no address given: n.d.)794
Surrender Statement of Edward R. Sowders to the Abzug Ad Hoc
Congressional Hearings for Unconditional Amnesty, May 24, 1973,
Washington D.C. (New York City, New York [Safe Return]: 1973)795
Swiss GI Movement – s’Kasärneblatt (HeidBern, Switzerland: n.d.)
Swiss GI Movement – Kein Truppeneinsatz in Kaiseraugrt! (Zurich,
Switzerland [Soldaten Komitee Zurich]: 1975)797
Swiss GI Movement – Liebe Zuschauer-Innen (Zurich, Switzerland
[Soldaten Komitee Zurich]: 197?)798
Swiss GI Movement – In Welchem Land Geschieht Dies? (Zurich,
Switzerland [Soldaten Komitee Zurich]: 197?)799
Tentative Conclusions of Pilot D.U.P. Counselor Training Program.800
The BHW Collection holdings of Support for the American G.I. are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of Surrender Statement of Edward R.
Sowders to the Abzug Ad Hoc Congressional Hearings for Unconditional
Amnesty, May 24, 1973, Washington D.C. are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of s’Kasärneblatt are stored in the
Folder Swiss GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Kein Truppeneinsatz in Kaiseraugrt!
are stored in the Folder Swiss GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Liebe Zuschauer-Innen are stored in
the Folder Swiss GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of In Welchem Land Geschieht Dies? are
stored in the Folder Swiss GI Movement in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Tentative Conclusions of Pilot D.U.P.
Counselor Training Program
are sored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 32
The Termination of the Draft801
Third World People Unite Against the War (New York City, New York
[Student Mobilization Committee]: 197?)802
Three More U.S. Deserters Granted Permission to Reside in France
(Paris, France [French Union of American Deserters and Draft
Resisters]: 1968)803
To All Me[n?] in A.I.T. Company. (Oakland, Calif.: 1970?)804
To The Congress (West Berlin, West Germany [Forward]: 197?)805
To Those Guys Still in the Army (address not listed: 196?)806
Traite de Paix de Peuple A Peuple (Paris, France [Comité “Offensive
Du Printemps]: 1971)807
The BHW Collection holdings of the Termination of the Draft are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 22
The BHW Collection holdings of Third World People Unite Against the
War are stored in the folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of Three More U.S. Deserters Granted
Permission to Reside in France are stored in the folder French Union of
American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of To All Me[n?] in A.I.T. Company are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of To the Congress are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of To Those Guys Still in the Army are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephmemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of Traite de Paix de Peuple A Peuple are
stored in the folder People’s Peace Treaty in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
Troops Out Movement Conference on the British Army in Ireland and
Its Projected Role in Britain. (London, England [Troops Out
Movement]: n.d.)808
Turning the Regs Around. (San Diego, Calif. [Turning the Regs Around
Committee]: 196?)809
Two Poems for Americans. (Paris, France [Paris American Committee to
StopWar]: 196?)810
U.S. “Post-War” Assistance to South Vietnam (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania [NARMIC]: 197?)811
The Union of American Exiles in Britain (London, England [Union of
American Exiles in Britain]: 1972)812
The United States in Vietnam (New York City, New York [Campaign for
a Sane Nuclear Policy]: 1965)813
The BHW Collection holdings of Troops Out Movement Conference on the
British Army in Ireland and Its Projected Role in Britain are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 12
I have found three different editions of Turning the Regs Around. 1
published in 1973, by the Bay Area Turning the Regs Around. The other
two (a first and third edition) published san Diego Turning the Regs
Around. The BHW Collection holdings of Turning the Regs Around are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of Two Poems for Americans are stored in
the folder Paris American Committee to Stopwar in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 5
The BHW Collection holdings of U.S. “Post-War” Assistance to South
Vietnam are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of The Union of American Exiles in
Britain are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of The United States in Vietnam are
stored in the folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 14
The University-Military-Police Complex. (New York City, New York
[North American Congress on Latin America]: 1970)814
Up Against the Wall (West Berlin, West Germany [Up Against the
Wall]: 197?)815
Up Against the Wall, Division of Labor as of May, 1970 (West Berlin,
West Germany [Up Against the Wall]: 1970)816
Venceremmos: A Guide for Refugees in Exile (London, England
[Support]: 197?)817
Veterans For Peace in Vietnam flyers and Pamphlets – 1040 End the
War Tax Return.818
Veterans For Peace in Vietnam flyers and Pamphlets – To All
Veterans For Peace in Vietnam flyers and Pamphlets – Memorial Day
Peace Action in New York.820
The BHW Collection holdings of The University-Military-Police Complex
are store in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 28
The BHW Collection holdings of Up Against the Wall are stored in the
folder Up Against the Wall Materials in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Up Against the Wall Division of Labor
as of May 1970 are stored in the folder Up Against the Wall Materials
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 6
The BHW Collection holdings of Venceremmos: A Guide for Refugees in
Exile are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of 1040 End the War Tax Return are stored
in the folder Veterans For Peace in Vietnam in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of To All Veterans are stored in the
folder Veterans For Peace in Vietnam in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
Veterans For Peace in Vietnam flyers and Pamphlets – Sign this Ad.821
Veterans For Peace in Vietnam flyers and Pamphlets – Spring
Veterans For Peace in Vietnam flyers and Pamphlets – Veterans
Demand: End The War Now!823
Veterans For Peace in Vietnam flyers and Pamphlets – Will We Forget
Our Veterans on Veterans Day.824
Vietcong Orders Don’t Shoot Anti-War GI’s (Heidelberg, West Germany
[RITA-ACT]: 197?)825
Vietnam Blut und Blumen. (Zeigelhausen, West Germany: 1973)826
Vietnam-Cambodia-Ohio (Heidelberg, West Germany [RITA-ACT]: 1970)827
The BHW Collection holdings of Memorial Day Peace Action in New York
are stored in the folder Veterans For Peace in Vietnam in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of Sign this Ad are stored in the folder
Veterans For Peace in Vietnam in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of Spring Calendar are stored in the
folder Veterans For Peace in Vietnam in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of Veterans Demand: End the War Now! are
stored in the folder Veterans For Peace in Vietnam in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of Will We Forget Our Veterans on
Veterans Day are stored in the folder Veterans For Peace in Vietnam in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietcong Orders Don’t Shoot Anti-War
GI’s are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 21
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam Blut und Blumen are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 30
Vietnam is a Racist War (Columbus, Georgia [Patriots for Peace
Spring Offensive Against the War]: 1970)828
Vietnam Moratorium Committee mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Vietnam Moratorium829
Vietnam Moratorium Committee mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Vietnam Moratorium No More830
Vietnam the Road to Negotiations (New York City, New York [Campaign
for a Sane Nuclear Policy]: 1965)831
Vietnam, The United States, And the United Nations. (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania [Appeal For Reconciliation]: 1976[?])832
Vietnam. A Message to G.I.’s & Diggers. (Sydney, Australia [Vietnam
Action Campaign]: 196?)833
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam-Cambodia-Ohio are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam is a Racist War are stored in
the folder Patriots for Peace Spring Offensive Against the War in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam Moratorium are stored in the
subfolder Vietnam Moratorium Committee in the folder New Mobe in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam Moratorium No More are stored
in the subfolder Vietnam Moratorium Committee in the folder New Mobe in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 16
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam the Road to Negotiations are
stored in the folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam, The United States, And the
United Nations are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam. A Message to G.I.’s & Diggers
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
Visit Beautiful California.834
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – 10,0000 Mothers
A Month Join AMP.835
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – To All Gi
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets - And Did You See
Our POWs on TV???837
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – Autobiography
of a Wobbly.838
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – A Conscientious
Deserter of W. W. One Bridges the Generation Gap839
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – Con Son Tiger
The BHW Collection holdings of Visit Beautiful California are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 20
The BHW Collection holdings of 10,0000 Mothers A Month Join AMP are
stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of To All GI Editors are stored in the
folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of And Did You See Our POWs on TV? are
stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of An Autobiography of a Wobbly are
stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Con Son Tiger Cage are stored in the
folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – Excerpts from
The Next Step, A GI Newspaper.841
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – Malcolm Looked
Ahead in 1964.842
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – Our Ten Year
Liberation of S.E. Asia – What are the Results.843
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – Red, White and
Blue Fascism844
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – Spock Says “Let
the GI Vote on the War” 845
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – This Is
Freedom?/Scab war for Runaway Shops 846
The BHW Collection holdings of Excerpts from The Next Step, A GI
Newspaper are stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of This Is Freedom?/Scab war for Runaway
Shops are stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Malcolm Looked Ahead in 1964 are
stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Our Ten Year Liberation of S.E. Asia –
What are the Results are stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth
Rogers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Red, White and Blue Fascism are stored
in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of Spock Says “Let the GI Vote on the
War” are stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 17
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – The Truth About
the Peace Symbol847
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets – US and Vietnam
Students Make Peace Pact848
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets - The Usury of
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets - World Council
of Churches Aids Draft-Agers in Canada850
Walter and Elizabeth Rogers mailings and pamphlets - YWCA Concerned
About Angela Davis851
Wanted! Long Hair and Dangerous (West Berlin, West Germany
[Forward]: 197?)852
The BHW Collection holdings of This Is Freedom?/Scab war for Runaway
Shops are stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of The Truth About the Peace Symbol are
stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of US and Vietnam Students Make Peace
Pact are stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of The Usury of War are stored in the
folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of World Council of Churches Aids DraftAgers in Canada are stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of YWCA Concerned About Angela Davis are
stored in the folder Walter and Elizabeth Rogers in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 17
The BHW Collection holdings of Wanted! Long Hair and Dangerous are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 12
War Crimes – A Cry of Alarm About the Methods of Torture Used on the
Student Le Cong Giau (No address given: 1972)853
War Crimes – A Glimpse of American Crimes in Vietnam. (London,
England [Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation]: 196?)854
War Crimes – The Human Cost of the Indochina War Under President
Nixon (New York City, New York [Indochina Peace Campaign]: 1972)855
War Crimes – International Commission of Inquiry into US Crimes in
Indochina. Third Session. (Copenhagen, Denmark: 1972)856
War Crimes – Songmy: War Crimes and Individual Responsibility (No
address given: n.d.)857
War Crimes – Vietnam a Tragedy: An Aggression Against a Whole People
(Paris, France [Association D’Amité Franco-Vietnamienne]: n.d.)858
The BHW Collection holdings of A Cry of Alarm About the Methods of
Torture Used on the Student Le Cong Giau are stored in the folder War
Crimes in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of A Glimpse of American Crimes in
Vietnam are stored in the folder War Crimes in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 7
There are two versions of this leaflet, one published by the American
Friends Service Committee, the other by the Indochina Peace Campaign.
The BHW Collection holdings of The Human Cost of the Indochina War
Under President Nixon are stored in the folder War Crimes in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of the International Commission of
Inquiry into US Crimes in Indochina. Third Session are stored in the
folder War Crimes in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of Songmy: War Crimes and Individual
Responsibility are stored in the folder War Crimes in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam a Tragedy: An Aggression
Against a Whole People are stored in the folder War Crimes in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 7
War Crimes – Vietnam and Laos Need Food—Surplus Glutted U.S. Says
“No” (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [American Friends Service
Committee]: 1977)859
War in the Middle East: What For? (Norfolk, Virginia [The Defense
Committee]: 197?)860
War Resisters International pamphlets and Mailings (London, England:
1969[?] – 76[?][?])861
War Resisters League pamphlets and Mailings – 12th Annual Peace
Award: Resistance in the Military (New York City, New York [War
Resisters League]: 1970)862
War Resisters League pamphlets and Mailings – 1974 Spring Offensive
(New York City, New York [War Resisters League]: 1974)863
War Resisters League pamphlets and Mailings – As Long As the Rivers
Shall Flow (New York City, New York [War Resisters League]: 1974)864
The BHW Collection holdings of Vietnam and Laos Need Food—Surplus
Glutted U.S. Says “No” are stored in the folder War Crimes in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 7
The BHW Collection holdings of War in the Middle East: What For? are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of War Resisters International pamphlets
and Mailings are stored in the folder War Resisters International in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of 12th Annual Peace Award: Resistance in
the Military are stored in the folder War Resisters League in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of 1974 Spring Offensive are stored in
the folder War Resisters League in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of As Long as the Rivers Shall Flow are
stored in the folder War Resisters League in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
War Resisters League pamphlets and Mailings – Building Mass Action
in the Spring (New York City, New York [War Resisters League]:
War Resisters League pamphlets and Mailings – The Hours of Boredom,
the Seconds of Terror (New York City, New York [War Resisters
League]: 1970)866
War Resisters League pamphlets and Mailings – On the Resistance (New
York City, New York [War Resisters League]: 1970)867
War Resisters League pamphlets and Mailings – Order Blank (New York
City, New York [War Resisters League]: n.d.)868
War Resisters League pamphlets and Mailings – Resist Vietnam War
Taxes (New York City, New York [War Resisters League]: n.d.)869
Waters, Mary Alice, with Introduction by Fred Halstead. G.I.’s and
the Fight Against War (New York City, New York [Young Socialist]:
The BHW Collection holdings of Building Mass Action in the Spring are
stored in the folder War Resisters League in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of On the Resistance are stored in the
folder War Resisters League in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Order Blank are stored in the folder
War Resisters League in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Order Blank are stored in the folder
War Resisters League in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Resist Vietnam War Taxes are stored in
the folder War Resisters League in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 15
The BHW Collection holdings of Mary Alice Waters, G.I.’s and the
Fight Against War are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 1
Watson, John. To The Point of Production (San Francisco, Calif. [Bay
Area Radical Education Project]: n.d.)871
We are demonstrating today to express our solidarity with all
oppressed EM. (no address given, West Germany: 197?)872
We are GIs Talking to GIs. (address unknown, West Germany[?]:
We GI’s in Germany. (Frankfurt, West Germany [We Got the brASS]:
Weather Underground Organization, January 28, 1975 (No address
given: 1975)875
Webb, Lee. Slaughter on the Jobs. (No address given: 1968)876
Welcome to American Tourists. (Paris, France [Paris American
Committee to StopWar]: 196?)877
The BHW Collection holdings of To The Point of Production are stored
in the folder Bay Area Radical Education Project in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 26
There are two versions of this leaflet, one in English the other in
German. The BHW Collection holdings of We are demonstrating today to
express our solidarity with all oppressed EM are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 23
The BHW Collection holdings of We Are GIs Talking to GIs are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 8
The BHW Collection holdings of We GI’s in Germany are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of Weather Underground Organization,
January 28, 1975 are stored in BHW GI Press ephemera box 31
The BHW Collection holdings of Slaughter on the Job are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 26
The BHW Collection holdings of Welcome to American Tourists are
stored in the folder Paris American Committee to Stopwar in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 5
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Clergy Protest Rebuffed at Fort Ord.878
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Discharges and Separations.879
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Discharges for Failure to meet Medical Standards at time of
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Draft and Military Counseling Services in Northern California.881
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters – GIs
File CO Claims in Oakland.882
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters –
History and goals of West Coast Counseling Service.883
The BHW Collection holdings of Clergy Protest Rebuffed at Fort Ord
are stored in the folder West Coast Counseling Service in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Discharges and Separations are stored
in the folder West Coast Counseling Service in BHW GI Press Ephemera
box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Discharges for Failure to meet Medical
Standards at time of Induction are stored in the folder West Coast
Counseling Service in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Draft and Military Counseling Services
in Northern California are stored in the folder West Coast Counseling
Service in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of GIs File CO Claims in Oakland are
stored in the folder West Coast Counseling Service in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of History and goals of West Coast
Counseling Service are stored in the folder West Coast Counseling
Service in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Letters of Support for the 1-0 or 1-A-D Application.884
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters Personnel Separations for Conscientious Objection.885
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Procedure for submitting an Application for 1-0 or 1-A-D.886
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Thinking Through the In-Service Application for 1-0 or 1-A-D
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters –
Timothy Affholder.888
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters – To
All Me in A.I.T. Companies.889
The BHW Collection holdings of Letters of Support for the 1-0 or 1-AD Application are stored in the folder West Coast Counseling Service in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Personnel Separations for
Conscientious Objection are stored in the folder West Coast Counseling
Service in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Procedure for submitting an
Application for 1-0 or 1-A-D are stored in the folder West Coast
Counseling Service in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Thinking Through the In-Service
Application for 1-0 or 1-A-D Status are stored in the folder West Coast
Counseling Service in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Timothy Affholder are stored in the
folder West Coast Counseling Service in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of To All Me in A.I.T. Companies are
stored in the folder West Coast Counseling Service in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 19
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters – The
Trial of Saint Maximilian.890
West Coast Counseling Service mailings, pamphlets and posters – Why
did Ft. Ord Close?891
What is CCCO Western Region (San Francisco, Calif. [CCCO-Western
Region]: 1971)892
What Is Going on in Mozambique. (Place of publication unknown:
What Is New in Volar. (Place of publication unknown: 197?)894
What Is the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (New York
City, New York [Campaign for a Sane Nuclear Policy]: 1965)895
What Is Vietnam Veterans Against the War-Winter Soldier
Organization. (Chicago, Illinois [VVAW National Office]: 197?)896
The BHW Collection holdings of The Trial of Saint Maximilian are
stored in the folder West Coast Counseling Service in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Why Did Ft. Ord Close? are stored in
the folder West Coast Counseling Service in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
The BHW Collection holdings of What is CCCO Western Region are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 34
The BHW Collection holdings of What Is Going on in Mozambique are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 28.
The BHW Collection holdings of What Is New in Volar are stored in BHW
GI Press Ephemera box 12.
The BHW Collection holdings of What Is the National Liberation Front
of South Vietnam are stored in the folder Campaign for a Sane Nuclear
Policy in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 14
The BHW Collection holdings of What Is Vietnam Veterans Against the
War-Winter Soldier Organization are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box
What is VVAW-WSO (London, England [Vietnam Veterans Against the WarWinter Soldier Organization London Chapter]: 1970)897
What’s Going On in the Mid-East? (Norfolk, Virginia [Norfolk Action
and Research on the Military]: 1972[?])898
What’s Happening in the Navy? (Los Angeles, Calif. [Support Our
Soldiers]: 197?)899
Who Are We Fighting in Vietnam? (Columbus, Georgia [Patriots for
Peace Spring Offensive Against the War]: 1970)900
Why Resistance (Paris, France [French Union of American Deserters
and Draft Resisters]: 1968)901
Why Tallahasse? (New York City, New York [VVAW Defese Fund]: 1972)902
Why We Lost the War in Vietnam (Spring Lake, N.C. [Bragg Briefs]:
The BHW Collection holdings of What is VVAW-WSO are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of What’s Going On in the Mid-East? are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2.
The BHW Collection holdings of What’s Happening in the Navy are
stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 18
The BHW Collection holdings of Who Are We Fighting in Vietnam? are
stored in the folder Patriots for Peace Spring Offensive Against the
War in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 19
The BHW Collection holdings of Why Resistance are stored in the
folder French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 4
The BHW Collection holdings of Why Tallahassee are stored in BHW GI
Press Ephemera box 13
Williams, Robert. The Potential of a Minority Revolution.
(Frankfurt, West Germany [Voice of the Lumpen]: 197?)904
Worte Des General Lü. (Publisher unknown: n.d.)905
Wyman-Gordon. War Profit & Expolitation in Central MA. Industry
(Worcester, Massachusetts [NARMIC]: 1973)906
You Can Help End the War! (Washington D.C. [GI Press Service]:
You Can Join the Thousands of Americans Who Say Bring Our GIs Home
From Vietnam Now (New York City, New York [Student Mobilization
Committee]: 1969)908
Your Right to Government Information: How to Use the FOIA. (New York
City, New York [American Civil Liberties Union]: 1975)909
This was originally published as a supplement to Bragg Briefs. The
BHW Collection holdings of Why We Lost the War in Vietnam are stored in
BHW GI Press Ephemera box 3
The BHW Collection holdings of The Potential of a Minority Revolution
are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection of Worte Des General Lü are stored in BHW GI Press
Ephemera box 32
The BHW Collection holdings of War Profit & Expolitation in Central
MA. Industry are stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 25
The BHW Collection holdings of You Can Help End the War! Are stored
in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 18
The BHW Collection holdings of You Can Join the Thousands of
Americans Who Say Bring Our GIs Home From Vietnam Now are stored the
folder Student Mobilization Committee in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 2
The BHW Collection holdings of Your Right to Government Information:
How to Use the FOIA is stored in BHW GI Press Ephemera box 29