EXAM # 1 FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP QUESTIONS 1 - 40 TO BE ANSWERED BY BOTH GLIDER AND POWER APPLICANTS 1. The main members in a wing which run the length of the wing from wing root to wingtip and carry most of the load are called . a. b. c. d. 2. The complete tail section of an airplane is called the a. b. c. d. 3. Empennage Stabilator Canard Elevators Back Forward Up Will not move drag is caused by those parts of an airplane that produce lift and therefore cannot be completely eliminated. a. b. c. d. 5. . As the angle of attack of an airfoil is increased up to the point of stall, the centre of pressure will move . a. b. c. d. 4. Ribs Longerons Stringers Spars Parasite Form Induced Interference Spoilers are devices fitted to the wing which increase . a. b. c. d. Drag, lift Lift, drag Weight, lift Speed, drag 1 of 100 and decrease EXAM # 1 6. Movement of the aircraft around the vertical or normal axis is called and is controlled by movement of the . a. b. c. d. 7. Maneuvering speed (Va) Normal operating limit speed (Vno) Max flap down speed (Vfe) The never exceed speed (Vne) In some ways a spiral dive resembles a spin. However, in a spin the airspeed is . In a spiral the airspeed is . a. b. c. d. 11. Critical angle of attack Centre of gravity Best lift/drag ratio Best angle of climb The maximum speed at which an airplane can be safely operated in smooth air is called . a. b. c. d. 10. Slightly slower than Much slower than Slightly faster than At An aircraft will stall at any airspeed or attitude if the is exceeded. a. b. C. d. 9. Roll, rudder Yaw, rudder Pitch, elevators Yaw, ailerons When gliding into a fairly strong head wind, greater distance may be covered over the ground if the speed is kept the best lift/drag ratio speed. a. b. C. d. 8. FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP Constant and low, increases rapidly Increases rapidly, is constant and low Constant and low, remains the same Increasing, decreases The point at which the boundary layer changes from laminar to turbulent is called the . a. b. c. d. Centre of pressure Transition point Centre of gravity Aileron drag 2 of 100 , EXAM # 1 12. Longitudinal stability is stability around the lateral axis of the aircraft and is called pitch stability. The two principle factors which influence longitudinal stability are and . a. b. c. d. 13. Vertical speed indicator Airspeed indicator Altimeter Attitude indicator 2 1.5 3.86 1.04 The aspect ratio of a wing is computed by dividing the span by the a. b. c. d. 17. The larger the radius of turn The greater the rate of turn The higher the stalling speed Both b and c In straight and level flight an aircraft has a load factor of 1, or IG. A 60° bank turn produces a load factor of . a. b. c. d. 16. . The only pilot static instrument that requires both a pitot pressure source and a static pressure source is the . a. b. c. d. 15. Size and position of the horizontal stabilizer, the position of the C of G Dihedral, the position of the C of G Sweepback, the position of the C of R Keel effect, the position of the fin The steeper the angle of bank for any given airspeed: a. b. c. d. 14. FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP Camber Length Average chord Weight Induced drag a. b. c. d. as the speed of an airplane increases. Decreases Remains the same Increases None of the above 3 of 100 . EXAM # 1 18. The a. b. c. d. 19. Balance Instability Equilibrium Stability because of the presence of water Troposphere Tropopause Stratosphere Mesosphere In the ICAO standard atmosphere the rate of decrease of temperature with height is per 1,000 feet. a. b. c. d. 22. Chord Camber Pressure Span Most of the "weather" occurs in the vapour and strong vertical currents. a. b. C. d. 21. of an airfoil is the curvature of the upper and lower surfaces. The tendency of an aircraft in flight to remain in straight, level, upright flight and return to this attitude, if displaced, without the corrective action of the pilot is called . a. b. c. d. 20. FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP 15ºC 1.98ºC 3ºC 5ºC Clouds from which participation falls are designated a. b. c. d. Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Nimbus 4 of 100 clouds. EXAM # 1 23. In the new METAR weather reporting code the sky is divided in 8 segments called okras. The sky condition FEW means that okras (8ths) or less of the sky is covered by clouds. a. b. c. d. 24. Strong Light Variable Cold A is a rapid and irregular fluctuation 'in wind speed and direction caused by mechanical turbulence and by unequal heating of the earth's surface. a. b. c. d. 27. Contour lines Pressure gradient Isobars Agonic lines Where the isobars are very close together, the pressure gradient is steep and the wind is . a. b. c. d. 26. 2 3 4 5 Lines on a weather map that join areas of equal barometric pressure are called . a. b. c. d. 25. FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP Squall Gust Mountain wave Veer When a given mass of air is heated and no new water vapour is added, the relative humidity of the air . a. b. c. d. Remains the same Increases Decreases Becomes saturated 5 of 100 EXAM # 1 28. Air that will resist upward or downward displacement and tends to return to its original horizontal level is said to be . a. b. c. d. 29. Unstable Saturated Sublimation Stable The temperature that air must be cooled at a constant pressure to become saturated is called . a. b. c. d. 30. FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP Dew point Relative humidity Fahrenheit Isothermal layer The dangers associated with the passage of a thunderstorm are a. b. c. d. . Strong, gusty winds and turbulence Heavy rain and hail Lightning All of the above METAR CYZX 182000Z CCA 120 15G20 KT 3/4SM R13/4000 FT/D +SN BLSN BKN 005 OVC 020 M02/M05/A3000 REPE WS RWY 13 RMK SF 6 SC 2 VIS 1/4 TONE SLP 990 (Use this Aviation Routine Weather Report to answer questions 31 - 34) 31. The term CCA means a. b. c. d. 32. The 3 letter identifier of the reporting station That this is a special report This is the first correction of a report taken on the 18th day of the month at 2000 UTC None of the above The present weather is a. b. c. d. . . Light snow and heavy blowing snow Moderate snow and moderate blowing snow Heavy snow and moderate blowing snow None of the above 6 of 100 EXAM # 1 33. The temperature and dew point are a. b. c. d. 34. times daily. 2 4 6 8 Rhumb line True heading Magnetic meridian Great circle The angle between true heading and magnetic heading is called a. b. c. d. 38. 30.00 inches of mercury 29.90 inches of mercury 1030.0 hectopascals 990.0 hectopascals The shortest distance between two points on the surface of the earth is represented by a . a. b. c. d. 37. . An aerodrome forecast (TAF) is issued at least a. b. c. d. 36. . 2°F, 5°F -20°C, -5°C -20° F, -50°F 2°C, 50°F The altimeter setting is a. b. c. d. 35. FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP Variation Magnetic dip Deviation Turning error Given: Track Variation Deviation = 090ºT = 12ºW = 3ºE What is the compass heading? a. b. c. d. 081º 099º 105º 075º 7 of 100 . EXAM # 1 39. The radio phrase "OVER" means a. b. c. d. 40. FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP . My transmission is ended. I do not expect a reply from you I will repeat My transmission has ended. I expect a reply from you Okay, I have received your message When two aircraft are approaching head-on or approximately so, each should alter heading to in order to avoid any danger of collision. a. b. c. d. The right The left The left and right respectively Above and below END OF EXAM FOR GLIDER APPLICANTS ONLY 41. of When thrust and drag are equal and opposite, the airplane is said to be in a state . a. b. c. d. 42. The type of engine most commonly used in general aviation airplanes is a. b. c. d. 43. Balance Equilibrium Acceleration Stability Radial In line Turbo-jet Horizontally opposed The main functions of lubricating oil are a. b. c. d. Cooling Sealing Flushing All of the above 8 of 100 . . EXAM # 1 44. The purpose of a dual ignition system (two spark plugs in each cylinder and two magnetos) is for . a. b. c. d. 45. Safety Performance Fuel economy Both a and b The function of the propeller is to convert the torque, or turning moment of the crankshaft into , or forward speed. a. b. c. d. 46. FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP Thrust Drag Slip Skid Given: Distance flown Time required = = 240 statute miles 3 hours Then the ground speed will be a. b. c. d. 47. 48. 80 knots 80 MPH 48 MPH 45 MPH 100 nautical miles = a. b. c. d. . statute miles. 115 87 132 40 Given: Track Variation Deviation TAS Wind = = = = = 360ºT 10ºE 4ºW 150 MPH 020ºT at 40 knots What is the resultant ground speed and compass heading to maintain track? a. b. c. d. 106 MPH, 360º 112 MPH, 360º 196 MPH, 012º 196 MPH, 036º 9 of 100 EXAM # 1 49. Under certain moist atmospheric conditions it is possible for carburetor icing to occur when air temperature is in the range of approximately to . a. b. c. d. 50. FLYING SCHOLARSHIP PIP -5ºF, 30ºF -5ºC, 30ºC -30ºF, 5ºF -30ºC, 5ºC To avoid wake turbulence when following an aircraft that has just landed, plan to touch down the point where the preceding aircraft touched down. a. b. c. d. Beyond Short of At Close to END OF EXAM 10 of 100