
1. What are the three types of stabilizing surfaces present in aircraft?
The types of stabilizing surfaces in aircraft are,
Horizontal tail,
Vertical tail.
What are the three types of control surfaces present in aircraft?
The types of control surfaces in aircraft are,
What is the function of Aileron?
The function of aileron in aircraft is to produce rolling in the aircraft. The ailerons
are present in the
wing and both are deflected in the opposite directions to produce roll.
What is the function of Rudder?
The function of rudder in aircraft is to produce yawing in aircraft. The rudders are
present in the
Vertical stabilizer.
What is the function of Elevator?
The function of elevator in aircraft is to produce pitching in the aircraft. The
elevators are present in
the horizontal tail and both are deflected in the same direction to produce pitch
What are the types of aircrafts?
There are two types of aircraft namely,
Power driven,
Non power driven.
7. What are the types of power driven aircraft?
The types of power driven aircrafts are,
What are the types of non power driven aircrafts?
The types of non power driven aircrafts are,
What is the use of flaps in aircraft?
The use of flap in aircraft is to produce high lift during takeoff and high drag during
landing. The flaps are present in the wing. Both the flaps are operated simultaneously
either in upward or downward direction
10. Distinguish between a glider and a sail plane.
Sail Plane
1. Glider is a lighter than aircraft whose
1. Plane is a heavier than aircraft whose
free flight does not depend on an engine.
flight depend on an engine.
2. A glider is a non powered aircraft.
2. Sail plane is a power driven aircraft.
3. It is not easy to control a glider i.e. all
3. It is not so difficult to control the
the control is conventional control
sailplane because it has power control such
as autopilot etc.
11. Distinguish between lighter and heavier than aircraft.
Heavier than aircraft
Lighter than aircraft
1. Heavier than aircraft are aircrafts which
1. Lighter than aircrafts are aircrafts which
drives their lift from aerodynamic forces.
are supported by buoyancy in air.
2. They are mainly classified into power
2. They are mainly classified into balloons
driven and non-power driven aircraft.
and airships.
12. Biplanes:An airplane having two wings placed one above the other is called a
biplane. It is not used now.
Monoplane:An airplane with one main supporting surface wing some times divided
into two parts by the fuselage is called a monoplane. It is the mostly used airplane.
13. Forces acting on an airplane
* Lift
* Drag
* Thrust
* Weight
Explain about the various components of airplane and their functions.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 76 – 77.
Explain about the types of flight vehicles and their classifications.
Refer “Flight without formula”, Page No. 4.
Give a brief history about the history of aircrafts.
Refer “Introduction to Flight”, Chapter 1.
1. What is Lift of wing?
The resultant aerodynamic force acting on the wing when resolved along the
direction perpendicular to free stream velocity direction is defined as lift of wing.
2. What is Drag of wing?
The resultant aerodynamic force acting on the wing when resolved along the
direction parallel to free stream velocity direction is defined as drag of wing.
3. What are the different types of drag?
The different types of drag are,
 Skin friction drag,
 Pressure drag,
 Wave drag,
 Induced drag.
4. What are the physical properties of atmosphere?
The physical properties of atmosphere are,
 Temperature,
 Pressure,
 Density.
5. Describe the Structure Of Atmosphere.
The structure of atmosphere includes,
 Troposphere,
 Tropopause,
 Stratosphere.
6. Give the Temperature- altitude relationship.
T = T1 + a (h-h1)
T – Temperature.
a – Lapse rate (dT/dh).
h – Altitude.
7. Give the pressure-altitude relationship for isothermal layer of atmosphere.
P/P1 = e –[g0/RT](h-h1)
P – Pressure.
g0 – acceleration due to gravity.
R – gas constant.
T –Temperature.
h – altitude.
8. Give the Density-altitude relationship for isothermal layer of atmosphere.
ρ/ ρ 1 = e –[g0/RT](h-h1)
ρ – Density.
g0 – acceleration due to gravity.
R – gas constant.
T –Temperature.
h – altitude.
9. Give the pressure-altitude relationship for Gradient layer of atmosphere.
P/P1 = (T/T1) – g0/aR
P – Pressure.
g0 – acceleration due to gravity.
R – gas constant.
T –Temperature.
a - Lapse rate.
10. Give the Density-altitude relationship for Gradient layer of atmosphere.
ρ/ ρ 1 = (T/T1) –{(g0 /aR)+1}
ρ – Density.
g0 – acceleration due to gravity.
R – gas constant.
T –Temperature.
a - Lapse rate.
11. Lift
Lift is the vertical motion of the aircraft against the gravity.
Drag (backward force)
It is the pressure on the aircraft caused by the blowing air, which pushes the
aircraft behind.
12. Structural members used in a wing
* Wing spar (longitudinal member)
1. Front spar 2. Rear spar.
* Ribs
13. Mach Number
It is used to find the speed of aircraft.
Mach number = (M) = (V/a) = Velocity of object/velocity of sound
14. Primary control surfaces
* Rudder
Secondary control surfaces
15. Lateral control:Lateral control is a rolling about the longitudinal axis. (Aileron)
Longitudinal Control:Longitudinal control is pitching about the lateral axis. (Elevator)
Directional Control:Control of direction by rudder.
16. Types of landing gear
 Retractable, non retractable
Bi-cycle landing gear
Tri-cycle landing gear
Tricycle tail wheel landing gear.
17. Dihedral angle:Dihedral angle is the angle made by upward bent wings.
Unheadral angle:Unheadral angle is a negative dihedral.
18. Angle of attack (α)
It is the angle between the wind direction and chord line. If the
angle of attack increases lift also increases.
19. Taper ratio
It is the ratio between chord tip and chord root.
20. Types of wing:According to the wing placement
*high wing *mid wing * low wing.
Wing plan form:*Elliptical *rectangular * Tapered and swept back
21. Trailing Vortices:The trailing is also called as tip vortices. The air flows inwards on
upper surfaces and outwards on the lower surface. This is the source of vortices. Winglets
are used to avoid the vortices.
. 1.
Explain about the structure of atmosphere.
Refer “Flight without formula”, Page No. 12 – 17.
2. Derive the Pressure, Density, Temperature altitude relationship for isothermal layer
of atmosphere.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 107 – 109.
3. Derive the Pressure, Density, Temperature altitude relationship for gradient layer of
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 109 – 111.
4. Explain about the different types of drag.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 302-306, 310-312, 315-319.
5. Explain about the evolution of Lift, Drag and Moment.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 257 – 263.
1. Define Aspect Ratio.
Aspect ratio of the wing is defined as the ratio of wing span (b) to its chord length
AR = b/c.
Also it can be expressed as
AR = b2/s
s- plan form wing area.
2. Define Wing loading.
Wing loading can be defined as the ratio of the weight of the airplane to its plan
form wing area.
Wing Loading = W/S.
W-Weight of airplane
S- plan form wing area.
3. Define Mach Number.
Mach number is defined as the ratio of the flow velocity to that of the velocity of
sound. It is denoted by M.
M =V/a.
V- Velocity Of Sound.
a-Speed of sound.
4. Define Centre Of Pressure.
Centre Of Pressure is the location where the resultant of a distributed load
effectively acts on the body. It is the point on the body about which the
aerodynamic moment is zero.
5. Define Aerodynamic Centre.
Aerodynamic Centre in a point of the aerofoil about which the moment will be
independent of the angle of attack.
6. Draw a typical lift curve for cambered aerofoil.
7. Draw the lift curve for symmetrical aerofoil.
8. Draw the drag curve for a typical aerofoil.
9. What are the aerodynamic forces acting on aircraft?
The basic aerodynamic forces acting on the aircraft are,
 Lift,
10. What are the classification of NACA aerofoil.
The classification of NACA aerofoil includes,
 Four-digit series family,
 Five-digit series family,
 6-series family.
11. Explain NACA four-digit Series.
1st digit represents Max.camber in hundredths of chord.
2nd digit represents Location Of Max.camber along chord from L.E in tenths of
Last two digits represent Max Thickness in hundredths of chord.
Ex. NACA-2412
2- Max camber at 0.02c
4- Max camber location at 0.4c from Leading edge.
12- Max thickness is 0.12c
12. Explain NACA five-digit Series.
1st digit when multiplied by 3/2 gives the design lift co-efficient in tenths.
2nd & 3rd when divided by 2 gives location of max camber along the chord from
Leading edge in
hundredths of chord.
4th & 5th digits gives max thickness in hundredth of chord.
Ex. NACA-23012
2- Design lift co-efficient is 0.3
30- Max camber location at 0.15c from Leading edge.
12- Max thickness is 0.12c
13. Airfoil
Symmetric airfoil
Cambered airfoil
14. NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NACA – National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
15. Types of engine:* Turbo jet
* Piston Engine
*Turbo prop
* Scram jet etc.
16. The airplane always takes off against the wind because it gives more lift to the
aircraft and it gives more air circulation to the engines.
It lands against the wind because it is easy to control the aircraft and this also reduces the
length of the runway.
Land vehicle
1. The airplane has more speed than land 1. The land vehicles has less speed than
2.. Airplane have all six degrees of freedom 2. and vehicles have only two degrees of
i.e. they can roll dive etc.
Cambered Airfoil
Symmetric Airfoil
1. The cambered airfoil is also called the The symmetric airfoil will be symmetric
asymmetrical airfoil and airfoil will be about the chord line.
about the chord line.
2. In symmetric airfoil the camber line and
2. In cambered airfoil the camber line and he chord line will be the same.
the chord lone will be different.
19. CL: Vs α Curve for symmetric and asymmetric airfoil.
20. Aspect ratio (AR):AR = (b2/s) = (Span)2/Area.
Influence:If the aspect ratio increases, the lift of the aircraft also increases.
21. Compressible Flow
Compressible Flow is a flow which has varying density.
22. Main types of aircraft:*Heavier than aircraft
* Lighter than aircraft
23. Stresses on an aircraft:* Tension
* Torsion
* Shear
* Bending.
24. Types of wing:* High wing
* Mid wing
* Low wing.
25. Pitch:It is the movement of the aircraft controlled by the elevator.
Roll:It is the motion of the aircraft controlled by the aileron.
Yawing:It is the movement of the aircraft controlled by the rudder.
26. An aircraft gets lift due to the pressure difference between the upper and lower parts
of the wings of the aircraft. The upper position of the wing experiences low pressure, and
lower portion of the wing experiences high pressure.
27. What are control tabs?
Servo, spring tab, balance tab, in the trailing edge of the wing is to give less force
and control the main control surface
To give more lift without operating the main control surface
To reduce the effort of the pilot.
28. List the primary components of an aircraft
1. Fuselage
2. Wing
3. Vertical and horizontal stabilizer
4. Aileron
5. Elevator
6. Rudder
7. Landing gear
8. Nacelle (which encloses the engine)
9. Engine
10. Flaps.
29. Classify airplanes
Based on wing placement or position
 Cantilever type monoplane
High wing
Mid wing
Low wing
Parasal wing
Semi cantilever wing
Based on wing plan form
 Elliptical wing
Rectangular wing
Triangular wing
Based on wing structure
Strut based
Based on thrust method
 Pusher
Based on Landing gear
 Bi-cycle
Tri-cycle nose wheel landing gear
Tri-cycle tail wheel landing gear
Based on tail arrangement
 Conventional tail
T – tail
H – tail
V – tail
Triple tail
29. Classify flows based on Mach number
When M < 1 the flow is called subsonic
When M = 1 the flow is sonic
When M > 1 the flow is supersonic
When M is 0.8 < M<1.2 the flow is transonic
When M > 5, the flow is called hypersonic flow.
30. Give the functions of flaps, winglets and stats
Flaps – It is mainly used to produce mere lift during takeoff.
Winglets – It is used to avoid tip or trailing vortices
Slats- Mainly used to increase lift.
31. List the important instruments used in an aircraft
 Air speed indicators
 Altimeters
 Magnetic direction indicators.
 Rate of turn
 Bank indicator
 Artificial horizon indicator
 Vertical speed indicator
. 1. Explain about the classification of NACA Aerofoils.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 364 – 366.
2. Explain the lift curve slope of aerofoils in detail.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 263 – 266.
3. Explain the drag curve slope of aerofoikl in detail.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 310 –312.
4. Explain about aspect ratio, wing loading, mach number.
Refer “Flight without formula” , Page No.77-80, 145-166, 229-231.
5. Explain about Centre Of Pressure and Aerodynamic centre.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 31-32, 45-46.
Refer “Fundamentals Of Aerodynamics” , Page No. 338 – 340.
1. List Some of the materials commonly used in aircraft materials.
Some of the materials used in aircraft structures are,
 Aluminium,
 Steel,
 Titanium,
 High-Temperature Nickel Alloy,
 Composites.
2. What are types of fuselage structural elements?
There are three types of fuselage structural structural elements namely,
 Keelson,
 Stringers,
 Longeron.
3. What is the aluminium alloy commonly used in aircraft structures. Give its
The aluminium alloy named Aluminium 2024 is commonly used in aircraft
structures. It is also called as duralumin. The composition of duralumin is,
Aluminium – 93.5 %
Coppper – 4.4 %
Manganese - 1.5%
Magnesium – 0.6%
4. What is the advantage of wing titanium alloy in aircraft structures?
The advantage of using titanium alloy is that it has better strength to weight ratio
than aluminium and also retains its strength at higher temperatures.
5. Where Steel is used in aircraft structures.
Steel is used in those areas which require very high strength such as wing
attachment fittings, landing gears, engine fittings and flap tracks. Stainless steel
an alloy of steel and chromium has good corrosion resistant property.
6. Explain the use of composites in aircraft structures.
Composites are quite different from metals, which consist of a reinforcing
material such as carbon fibers suspended inside the matrix binder such as epoxy
resin. For the same load, a composite structure can yield at least 25% reduction in
7. What are the types of construction in aircraft structures.
The types of aircraft structures construction are,
 Monocoque type
 Semi-monocoque type.
8. Explain about the wing structure of aircraft.
The primary wing structure is the wing box. The main element of wing box is the
wing spars which are large I-beams that run most of the span of the wing. The
spars are basically cantilever beams extending from the fuselage carry-through
9. Explain about the fuselage structure of aircraft.
The fuselage structure is characterized by the bulk heads, which form the crosssectional shape of the fuselage, and the longerons, which are heavy strips that run
the length of fuselage and are attached to the outer edge of bulk heads.
10. List the components of turbo prop engine
 Propeller
 Compressor
 Combustion chamber
 Turbine
 Nozzle
11. The titanium is suitable as airframe materials for supersonic aircraft because, during
the flight of a supersonic aircraft, very high temperature is generated and if an aluminium
alloy is used as an airframe it would melt.
12. Components in which aluminium alloy is used
 Engine covering
 Oil tank
 Fuselage
 Wing ribs.
1. Longerons and stringers are not present
in the fuselage.
1. Longerons and stringers are present in
the fuselage.
14. Composite Materials
Composite materials is made up of graphite (or) boron embedded in matrix or binding if
15. Functions of ribs and spars: The basic shape of the wing is contributed by ribs.
 Spars are the principle structural members, they carry bending loads.
16. Uses of Titanium alloy: The titanium alloy is used to withstand high temperature.
They are used to produce the airframes of supersonic aircrafts.
17. Factors influencing the selection of the structural material for an aircraft
 Strength
Corrosion resistance
Resistance to temperature, etc.
18. Composition of Aluminium 2024 alloy
The alloy group is copper.
It is the modification of original alloy 247 of aluminium alloy.
19. Role of stringers
Stringers are the span wise members on the inside surfaces of the
wing skin. They carry their own load and increase the stress that can be supported in
compression by the skin before buckling.
20. Monocoque:A stressed-skin type of construction in which the stiffness of the skin
provides a large measure of the skin provides a large measure of the strength of the
Semi-Monocoque:It is a stressed skin structure in which the skin is supported by a light
weight frame work to provide extra rigidity.
21. Bulkhead:It is a structural partition in a fuselage (or) wing. It usually divides the
fuselage (or) wing into bays.
Longerons:It is the main longitudinal strength carrying member of an aircraft fuselage
(or) engine nacelle.
22. Types of wrought (or) Aluminium alloy
Strain hardened alloys
Heat treatable alloys
23. Types of fuselage construction.
Truss type construction
Monocoque type.
Explain about the elements of Aircraft structures.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 721 – 724.
Explain about the metals that are used in aircraft structures.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 724 – 725.
Explain about the composite materials being used in aircraft structures.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” Page No. 725 – 726.
1. Explain the principle of operation of rocket.
The rocket engine is basically non air breathing type engine where the fuel and
oxidizer are sprayed into the combustion chamber where they burn, creating a
high pressure, high temperature mixture of combustion products. The exit velocity
will be considerably high therby the thrust is high.
2. Explain how jet is used in thrust production.
The jet engine takes air from atmosphere, heats it by combustion of fuel inside the
duct and blasts the hot mixture of air and combustion products out at the back end
at much higher velocity. The jet engine creates a change in momentum of gas by
taking a small mass of air and giving it a large increase in velocity.
3. Explain how propeller is used for thrust production.
The propeller blade is nothing but a series of aerofoil section. When the propeller
revolves, each of these section strikes the air at a small angle of attack causing a
lift and drag. The lift will be the force acting at right angle to the direction of the
motion thus causing the propeller to move forward.
4. What do you mean by propeller efficiency?
Propeller efficiency is defined as the ratio of power available from the propeller to
the shaft brake power.
η = Pa/P
= Ta V∞/P
Ta – thrust available.
V∞ - freestream velocity.
5. What do you mean by Advance ratio?
Advance ratio is the one that defines how much the propeller advances for each
revolution of the propeller. It is denoted by J and is given by the expression,
J = V∞/nD.
V∞ - freestream velocity.
n – no.of propeller revolutions per second.
D – Propeller diameter.
6. Explain how piston engine is working.
The engine contains a piston moving back and forth inside a cylinder, with valves
that open and close approximately to let fresh fuel air mixture in and burned
exhaust gases out. The piston is connected to shaft via a connecting rod that
converts the reciprocating motion of piston to rotational motion of the shaft.
7. What do you mean by specific impulse of rocket engine?
Specific impulse is a comparative measure of the efficiency of different rocket
engines and is defined as the thrust per unit weight flow at sea level. It is denoted
by Isp.
Isp = T/w
8. Give the thrust equation for rocket engine.
The thrust equation for rocket engine is given by the equation,
T = mVe + (Pe - P∞) Ae
m - mass flow rate
Ve –Exit velocity
Pe – Exit pressure
P∞ - freestream pressure
Ae – exit area.
9. Give the thrust equation for thrust generated by turbojet engine.
The thrust equation for thrust by turbojet engine is,
T = mVe + (Pe - P∞) Ae
m - mass flow rate
Ve –Exit velocity
V∞ - freestream velocity
Pe – Exit pressure
P∞ - freestream pressure
Ae – exit area.
10. Give the thrust equation for thrust generated by propeller engine.
The equation of thrust generated by the propeller engine is given by,
T = LcosØ -DsinØ
L – lift
D – drag
Β – pitch angle
α – angle of attack
11. Limitations of piston engine: The thrust produced by the reciprocating engine is very much less than that
compared to gas turbine engines.
It gives speed less than 500miles/hour.
12. Ramjet:A ramjet is a kind of a jet which has no moving parts like fans, propeller
etc. It has a straight through duct where air is inducted through at a velocity V∞ ,
decelerated in the diffuser and blasted off at a very high velocity Ve.
13. Advantages of rocket propulsion: Independent of atmospheric air
No limitation of altitude.
High thrust.
Disadvantages: It has to carry its own oxygen as fuel.
Cannot be used for commercial purpose.
Costlier than jet.
14. Types of rocket engines: On the basis of source of energy
Electrical rocket.
 On the basis of propellant
Solid propellant
Liquid propellant
Hybrid on the basis of no. of stages
 Based on range
Short range
Long range rockets.
15. Cryogenic propellants:Some liquid propellants have very low boiling points. The
most common cryogenic rocket propellants are, hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2).
16. Advantages of rocket engines: It does not depend on atmospheric oxygen.
 It produces more thrust.
 It is used in space applications.
 It is used to carry missiles.
17. Turbo fan engine is better than turbo jet engine because it combines both the
advantages of turbo jet and turbo fan engines.
Jet propulsion
Rocket propulsion
1. Oxygen is taken from the atmosphere.
1.They carry their own oxygen
2. Has altitude limitation.
2. Does not have altitude limitation.
19. After burner:The function of after burner is in increasing without changing the
dimensions of the compressor, turbine etc.
Turbo fan
Turbo prop
1. Small fan is installed with covered duct. 1. Unducted fan is installed and also
2. High flight speed
diameter of the propeller.
2. Relatively low flight speed.
21. Classify chemical propellants.
 Solid propellants
Liquid propellants
22. Name some liquid propellants.
 Hydrogen Peroxide
23. Name some solid propellants.
 Hetrogenous (or) Composite
 Homogeneous (or) Double based mixure.
24. ISA:The ISA is defined as International Standard Atmosphere. It can be used to decide
the performance of aircraft in air. With this model of atmosphere it is possible to find the
required physical characteristics, at any altitude.
25. Pressure altitude:The altitude at which the given pressure occurs in ISA is called
pressure altitude. The altitude that is read on an a/p’s altimeter get to 29.9 in Kg is known
as pressure altitude.
26. Temperature altitude:The altitude which corresponds to the measured temperature in
ISA is called temperature altitude.
27. Density altitude:The altitude which corresponds to the measured density in ISA is
called density altitude.
28. Properties of atmosphere:There are four layers in atmosphere they are
 Troposphere
 Stratosphere
 Mesosphere
 Ionosphere
The pressure, density and temperature decreases with increase in altitude.
29. Absolute altitude:Absolute altitude is defined as the sum of geometric altitude and
radius of the earth. It is denoted by the letter (ha). ha = hG + r
30. Angle of incidence:The angle between the longitudinal axis and the chord line is called
angle of incidence.
31. Wash in:Increase in its angle of incidence near the tip; lift increases on the side of
the airplane having wash in.
Wash out:A condition of rigging in which a wing has decrease in its angle of
incidence near the tip.
32. Stream lined body:A body which is streamlined in shape is called Stream lined body.
Here the drag is less.
Bluff body:A body which is not streamlined in shape is called bluff body. Here the
drag is more.
33. Aerodynamic center:The point within the airfoil section located at a point located at
one-fourth of the wing from the leading edge, is called aerodynamic center.
34. IAS
IAS is called as Indicated Air Speed. It is the difference between pitot pressure
and static pressure.
TAS is called as True Air Speed. It is the relative speed between aircraft and
EAS is called Equivalent Air Speed. It is the speed at which aircraft would fly at a
standard sea level to experience the same dynamic pressure.
Explain in detail about the operation of piston engine.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 650 – 656.
Explain in detail about the operation of propeller engine.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 642 – 649.
Explain in detail about the operation of jet engine.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 660 – 663.
Derive the thrust equation for jet propulsion engine.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 660 – 663.
Explain in detail about the operation of rocket engine.
Refer “Introduction to Flight” , Page No. 674 – 679.