Gwiok Kim -Vita 1 Gwiok Kim, Ph.D. University of Central Missouri Assistant Professor of Special Education (Early Childhood Special Education) Lovinger 4138 EDUCATION Ph.D. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, Special Education, 2008. Major: Early Childhood Special Education Minor: Research M.A. Biola University, La Mirada, CA, Theology, 2001 M. A. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, Special Education, 1998 Emphasis: Learning Disabilities B. A. Chonnam National University, Education major, Gwangju, South Korea, 1983 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Graduate Research assistant, March 2002- December 2006 Juniper Gardens Children’s Project, University of Kansas Maintained and updated data and video data files Responsible for data transfer Analyzed data, assisted with assessments Participated in developing a parent-child interaction assessment measure Administered PPVT, WJ-R, ECERS, ITERS, FDCRS RESEARCH SKILLS Extensive knowledge of SPSS, quantitative research methodologies ANOVA, REGRESSION, MANOVA, HLM, SINGLE SUBJECT Design Qualitative Research Method TEACHING EXPERIENCE Gwiok Kim -Vita 2 College Teaching Experiences Courses Spring 2008 at Central Missouri: EDSP 4370-1 Screening, Diagnosing, Prescribing Instruction EDSP 4370-2 Screening, Diagnosing, Prescribing Instruction EDSP 4440 Early Childhood Special Education Methods Courses Fall 2007 at Central Missouri: EDSP 4370-01 Screening, Diagnosing, Prescribing Instruction EDSP 4370-02 Screening, Diagnosing, Prescribing Instruction EDSP 4320 Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education Courses Spring 2005 at KU: SPED 860: Infant and Toddler Early Intervention Methods Assisted with developing syllabus, course sessions, and course assignments Specific topics developed independently addressed routines and socio-emotional development Scored quizzes and other assignments and projects Used Blackboard for course management including: communication, distribution of readings, handouts for class session, and several on-line sessions and discussion groups Fieldwork/Practicum Supervision, Summer 2005 Classroom observations Accompanying home visit Feedback on lesson plans, skills, reflective journals Participated in seminars and meetings Presentation on quality child care Paraprofessional, August 2001- May 2002 School: Raintree Montessori, Lawrence, KS Setting: Inclusive preschool Responsible for teaching a six-year-old child with a rare neurological disorder resulting in significant developmental delays Developed a choice-making device in partnership with the mother for use at home and school Organized activities to promote peer interaction Gwiok Kim -Vita 3 Worked closely with the parent, lead teacher, speech therapist, and occupational therapist in ensure child’s full participation and learning within the inclusive setting Junior high school teacher, March 1983- February 1993 School: Public junior high schools in South Korea Taught students without disabilities Ethics and western history Home room teacher for a student with disabilities RELATED EXPERIENCE Guest journal reviewer, Young Exceptional Children, 2004- 2006 Professional affiliations Student member, Council for Exceptional Children Student member, Division for Early Childhood AWARDS Recipient Grace M. Phinney scholarship, School of Education, University of Kansas, 2002- 2007 PRESENTATIONS Kim, G. (2008, November). Shared reading as a useful context for measuring the quality of caregiver-child interaction. Poster presented at NAEYC 2008, Annual Conference and Expo, Dallas, Texas. Kim, K., & Horn, E. (2006, October). A video self-reflection to enhance responsive communication: A single-subject study. Poster session presented at DEC 2006, the 22nd annual international conference on young children with special needs and their families, Little Rock, Arkansas. Kim, K. (2006, October). Picture book reading between parents and infants/toddlers with developmental disabilities. Poster session presented at the 44th annual conference of Kansas Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children (KCEC), Lawrence, KS. Kim, K., Kang, J., & Kim, T. (2006, June). Culturally responsive positive behavior support (PBS) in family context. Paper presented at the 2nd annual one-day conference of the Kansas Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children (KCEC), Lawrence, KS. Kim, K., & Baggett, K. (2006, April). A pilot study with early head start using indicator of Gwiok Kim -Vita 4 parent-child interaction. Poster session presented at 2006 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) convention and expo, Salt Lake City, UT. Kim, K. (2006, March). A video self-reflection to enhance responsive communication: A singlesubject study. Poster session presented at the 24th annual KDEC conference, Overland Park, KS. Kim, K., & Horn, E. (2005, October). Investigating the impact of video case based instruction on family centered practice. Poster session presented at DEC 2005, the 21st annual international conference on young children with special needs and their families, Portland, OR. Horn, E., & Kim, K. (2005, April). Investigating the influence of video case-based instruction on learning family centered practices. Poster session presented at 2005 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) convention and expo, Baltimore, MD. Kim, K. (2005, February). Family-centered behavior intervention using family routines: A literature review. Poster session presented at Midwest Symposium for Leadership in Behavior Disorder, Kansas City, KS.